README file for the AMS Author Handbook collection [2017/09/01]

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See manifest.txt for a list of all the files in the distribution.

See ams-author-handbook-doc.[tex|pdf] for user instructions.

This collection comprises a set of four manuals, or Author Handbooks,
each documenting the use of a class of publications based on one of the
AMS document classes amsart, amsbook, amsproc and one "hybrid", as well
as a guide to the generation of the four manuals from a coordinated set
of LaTeX source files.  The Handbooks comprise the user documentation
for the pertinent document classes.

As the source for the Handbooks consists of a large number of files,
and the intended output is multiple different documents, the principles
underlying this collection can be used as a model for similar projects.
The manual "Compiling the AMS Author Handbooks" provides information
about the structure of and interaction between the various components.

The first public release of this collection is dated September 2017.
It supersedes the "instr-l" manual that formerly served as the
documentation for classes generated from amsclass.dtx.
