Here's the latest Space Calendar showing events for the coming year.  If
you know of any space-related events that should be in the calendar, or see
anything that is out-of-date, then let me know and I'll make the appropriate
change.  Note that launch dates are subject to change.

     The following people made contributions to this month's calendar:

        o Steven Pietrobon - Galaxy 7, Superbird D, Galaxy 8 and AUSROC II
                             launch dates
        o Frank Knight     - ALEXIS and APEX launch dates.
        o Al DiCanzio      - Isaac Newton's birthday

                                  SPACE CALENDAR
                                  June 29, 1992

* indicates change from last month's calendar


    *?? - AUSROC II Launch
     01 - Pioneer Venus, Entry Phase Begins
    *02 - SAMPEX Scout Launch
    *06 - Galileo, Cooling Turn #6A
    *09 - Eutelsat II F-4 Ariane Launch
     10 - Giotto, Comet Grigg-Skjellerup Flyby
    *16 - STS-46, Atlantis, Tethered Satellite System (TSS)
    *16-24 - Spaceweek 1992
     20 - Galileo, Warm/Cool Turn #7
    *21 - ISTP Geotail Launch
     22 - Comet Grigg-Skjellerup Perihelion
     26 - Soyuz TM-15/Antares Launch
    *28 - ALEXIS Pegasus Launch
     30 - Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower
     31 - MSTI Scout Launch
     31 - Consort 5 Starfire Launch

    *04-7 - Galileo, Trajectory Correction Maneuver (TCM-14)
     06 - Galaxy 1R Launch
     09 - Soyuz TM-14 Return to Earth
    *10 - TOPEX/Poseidon Ariane Launch
     11-13 Perseid Meteor Shower
     20 - Hipasat 1 Ariane Launch
     20 - Optus B1 Long March Launch (China)
     20 - GE Satcom C4 Delta Launch
     20 - 15th Anniversary, Voyager 2 Launch (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)
     27 - 30th Anniversary, Mariner 2 Launch (Venus Flyby Mission)
     27-31 - SEDS International Conference, Washington D.C.
     28-05 - World Space Congress, Washington D.C.

    *?? - Galaxy 7 Ariane Launch
     05 - 15th Anniversary, Voyager 1 Launch (Jupiter & Saturn Flyby Mission)
     07 - Ulysses, 2nd Conjunction
     08 - 25th Anniversary, Surveyor 5 Launch (Moon Soft Lander)
    *11 - STS-47, Endeavour, SpaceLab Japan (SL-J)
    *14 - DFS-3/Kopernikus Delta Launch
     16 - Mars Observer Titan III Launch
    *16 - Magellan, Cycle 4 Begins
     24 - Comet 1 Conestoga Launch
     24 - SCD-1 Pegasus Launch

     ?? - 500th Anniversary of Columbus discovering America
     ?? - UFO Atlas Launch
     01 - Mars Observer, 1st Trajectory Correction Maneuver (TCM-1)
     04 - 35th Anniversary, Sputnik Launch
     05 - Progress Launch (Soviet)
     09 - Draconid Meteor Shower
     12 - SETI Scanning Begins
    *15 - STS-52, Columbia, Laser Geodynamics Satellite (LAGEOS-II)
     15 - Eutelsat II F-5 Ariane Launch
     15 - Freja Long March Launch (Sweden/China)
     20 - Orionid Meteor Shower

    *?? - Superbird D Ariane Launch
    *05 - STS-53, Discovery, Department of Defense (DOD)
     07 - 25th Anniversary, Surveyor 6 Launch (Moon Soft Lander)
     09 - Taurid Meteor Shower
     16 - Leonid Meteor Shower
     25-27 Andromedid Meteor Shower

     ?? - Pioneer Venus Burnup?
    *?? - Galaxy 8 Ariane Launch
     01 - GOES-I Atlas 1 Launch
     08 - Galileo, Earth Flyby
     08 - Asteroid 4179 Toutatis, Near Earth Flyby (.025 AU)
     10 - Lunar Eclipse
     13 - Geminid Meteor Shower
     14 - 30th Anniversary, Mariner 2 Venus Flyby (1st Flyby of Another Planet)
    *15 - STS-54, Endeavour, TDRS-F
     19 - 20 years since man has been to the Moon (Apollo 17)
     22 - Ursid Meteor Shower
    *25 - Isaac Newton's 350th birthday (or January 4)


     03 - Mars Observer, High Gain Antenna Deployment
     07 - Mars Observer, 2nd Trajectory Correction Maneuver (TCM-2)
     07 - 25th Anniversary, Surveyor 7 Launch (Moon Soft Lander)
     15 - Eutelsat II F-6 Launch
     27 - STS-55, Columbia, Spacelab Germany (SL-D2)

     ?? - Hispasat 2 Launch
     01 - 35th Anniversary, Explorer 1 Launch (1st U.S. Satellite)
     06 - Astro-D Launch (US/Japan)
     07 - Mars Observer, 3rd Trajectory Correction Maneuver (TCM-3)
    *15 - Advanced Photovoltaic Electronics Experiment (APEX) Pegasus Launch
     18 - Jules Verne's 165th Birthday
     22 - STS-51, Discovery, Advanced Communications Technology Satellite(ACTS)

     ?? - SPOT-C Launch
     ?? - Radcal Scout Launch
     03 - Ulysses, 3rd Opposition
     23 - STS-56, Endeavour, ATLAS-2

     06 - 20th Anniversary, Pioneer 11 Launch (Jupiter & Saturn Flyby Mission)
     22 - STS-57, Atlantis, European Retrievable Carrier (EURECA-1R)

     04 - Galileo Enters Asteroid Belt Again
     15 - Magellan, End of Mission?

    *?? - SWAS Launch
    *04 - Lunar Eclipse
    *14 - Sakigake, 2nd Earth Flyby (Japan)
    *22 - 15th Anniversary of Charon Discovery (Pluto's Moon) by Christy
     ___    _____     ___
    /_ /|  /____/ \  /_ /|     Ron Baalke         |
    | | | |  __ \ /| | | |     Jet Propulsion Lab |
 ___| | | | |__) |/  | | |__   M/S 525-3684 Telos | Pound for pound,
/___| | | |  ___/    | |/__ /| Pasadena, CA 91109 | grasshoppers are 3 times as
|_____|/  |_|/       |_____|/                     | nutritious as beef.