HST science update for educators


Science Editor - Ray Villard
Art Director - John Godfrey, Jr. 
Astronomy Illustrator - Dana Berry
Distribution Manager - Cheryl Gundy

The Observer is published quarterly by the  Educational  and  Public
Affairs Office of the Space Telescope Institute.  

NASA                                                            ESA

In this issue:  

  o  A new solar system
  o  Monster star
  o  Close encounters


Acknowledgements:  The editor wishes to gratefully thank,

Albert Boggess, Robert Brown,  Jeff  Hester,  F.  Duccio  Macchetto,
Georges Meylan, Francesco Paresce, Jim Pringle,  Mike  Shara,  Nolan
Walborn, Harold Weaver, James Westphal.  

The Space Telescope Science Institute is operated for  the  National
Aeronautics  and  Space   Administration   by   the   Associate   of
Universities for Research  in  Astronomy,  Inc.   The  Hubble  Space
Telescope is a project  of  international  cooperation  between  the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the European Space 

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                        A NEW SOLAR SYSTEM?  

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has taken s close-up look at what just 
might be a neighboring solar system.   The  Space  Telescope  didn't
uncover planets, but it did observe extremely  complex  and  dynamic
activity in a gas disk encircling the star Beta Pictoris, located 56 
light-years  away.   This  billion  year-old  star  might  tell   us
something about how planetary systems form. 

The search for planets beyond our solar system has  long  tantalized
astronomers.  Planets are necessary prerequisites  for  life  as  we
know it.  Planetary systems may be rare or abundant in  the  Galaxy.
Either way the implications are profound.  

At  present  we  know  of  only  one  planetary  system,  our   own.
Astronomers have long sought to understand how our solar system came 
into being.  It was once  thought  that  a  chance  close  encounter
between the Sun and a bypassing star have  birth  to  planets.   The
idea was that a long streamer of gas was pulled  from  the  Sun  and
then condensed to form planets, like a string of pearls.  

The 18th century philosopher Immanuel Kant saw the solar system as a 
normal by-product of the Sun's birth, rather than a cosmic accident. 
Kant proposed the nebular hypothesis: that the planets coalesced out 
of the same gas cloud that contracted to form our Sun. 

There is convincing evidence today that our solar system is a  relic
of a vast pancake-shaped disk of dust and gas which accompanied  the
newborn Sun.  All the  planets  move  about  the  Sun  in  the  same
direction.  Their orbits lie more or less in the same plane.   Disks
are commonly seen around newborn stars.  

Astronomers  would  like  to  understand   what   conditions   might
precipitate planet formation before an embryonic disk dissipates.  

Beta  Pictoris  first  drew  attention  of  astronomers   in   1983.
Observations with  NASA's  Infrared  Astronomical  Satellite  (IRAS)
showed an unusually large amount of infrared radiation in the star's 
vicinity.  Researchers concluded that this radiation came from  cool
dust encircling the star.  

Follow-up ground  based  images  revealed  an  intriguing  disk-like
structure which appears to be tilted almost edge-on to Earth, and is 
nearly ten times the diameter of our  own  solar  system  (which  is
loosely defined as the diameter of Pluto's orbit, about  12  billion

Detailed analysis showed that the Beta Pictoris disk is made up of a 
swarm of orbiting particles which appear to have  agglomerated  from

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much smaller interstellar grains.  Because Beta Pictoris is estimated 
to be nearly one billion years old, these dust particles should have 
already coalesced to form planet-sized bodies, according to  current
theories of planet formation.  It's also possible that, for  reasons
not understood, planets may have never formed.  However, if  planets
do exist, astronomers suspect there could be a huge "doughnut  hole"
gap in the middle of the disk where newborn planets  have  swept  up

The problem is that the glare of Beta Pictoris drowns out any images 
of that portion of the disk which is close to the tar.  By splitting 
starlight into its component colors through spectroscopy, astronomers 
have probed the inner region of the disk which is too close  to  the
star  to  be  imaged   directly.    Spectrograms   made   with   the
International Ultraviolet Explorer  (IUE)  satellite,  reveals  that
there is also a cloud of gas around the star.   This  gas  cloud  is
much smaller than the dust disk, and is approximately  the  size  of
Mars's orbit, which defines the periphery of our inner solar system.  

It's not clear where this gas comes from.  The gas may  be  produced
by slow decomposition of the solid particles in  the  disk,  it  may
have been shed by Beta Pictoris, or it may have evaporated from cool 
objects perhaps resembling comets that may have formed.  

Using the Goddard High Resolution spectrograph (GHRS) aboard  Hubble
Space Telescope,  astronomers  have  studied  the  gaseous  disk  in
unprecedented detail.  The GHRS was used to study  the  distribution
and motions of singly ionized iron atoms.  Besides  being  important
scientifically, iron is a useful  tracer  of  the  distribution  and
behavior of other less readily detected gases  swirling  about  Beta
Pictoris.  To identify changes  in  the  turbulent  gas  cloud,  HST
observations were made on two separate occasions 23 days apart.  The 
GHRS detected gas clumps passing in front of the star as evident  in
rapid changes in the ultraviolet spectrum.  This revealed  that  the
gas cloud's structure changed dramatically over the  period  between
the two observations.  

Space Telescope observations confirm earlier ground-based data  that
suggested gas clumps are falling into the star at more than  200,000
kilometers per hour.  These clumps may be  icy  comets,  which  have
formed in the disk, only to be swallowed up by their parent star.  

These complex dynamics don't offer direct evidence for the  presence
of planets.  However, if the clumps  really  are  icy  comets,  then
bodies at least the size of our Moon could be perturbing the  comets
such that they fall into the star.  

At present, astronomers are far from certain whether planets  really
exist  around  Beta  Pictoris.   Future   observations   will   seek
additional direct and indirect evidence for the presence of  planets

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in the Beta Pictoris system.   A  long-term,  systematic  survey  of
other stars with disks might eventually  offer  compelling  evidence
that planets are abundant throughout the galaxy.   Where  there  are
planets, there may be life as well.  


A ground-based telescope image of a broad  flattened  disk  of  dust
encircling the star Beta Pictoris.  The glare of the star is blocked 
out by an "occulting finger" which cut  across  the  center  of  the
image.  This also obstructs the inner ten billion kilometers of  the
disk, where planet-building  may  have  already  taken  place.   The
diameter of Neptune's  orbit  is  added  for  scale.   (Courtesy  F.
Paresce, C. Burrows, & ESO)

Though never imaged directly, presumably the dust disk extends close 
in to the star Beta Pictoris (unless planets have formed  and  swept
up material).  HST spectroscopic observations centered on  an  inner
gas disk, which is about the diameter of Mars' orbit.  The gas  disk
may be fed by dust grains which vaporize at temperatures  of  10,000
degrees Kelvin.  

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                     HOW TO BUILD A SOLAR SYSTEM

   This is the most widely accepted scenario for out solar system's 
   formation.  It's not clear, as yet, whether this process is rare 
   or common among other stars.  

1. Nearly five billion years ago a huge, amorphous cloud of cold gas 
and dust begins to contract, perhaps from a shockwave from a  nearby
supernova.  Most of the cloud collapses  under  gravity  to  form  a
rapidly spinning protostar.  

2.  Residual dust and gas form a broad, flattened disk.  Though this 
circumstellar  disk  is  supported  by  centrifugal  force,  dynamic
processes quickly change the disk.  Some of the dust  grains  spiral
into the protostar and gas is ejected along the star's spin axis  as
bipolar jets.  

3.  Planet-building begins in the denser,  cooler  portions  of  the
disk where  tiny  grains  of  dust  stick  together  through  chance
collisions.  This snowballing process continues  until  bodies  form
which are several kilometers across.  

4.  These clumps continue to grow into  protoplanets  by  collisions
with other bodies, and by gravitationally sweeping up  all  material
in their vicinity.  The larger protoplanets quickly  gain  mass  and
clear out noticeable gaps in  the  disk,  like  wide  grooves  in  a
phonograph record.  The disk  grows  clumpier  and  thinner  as  the
planets gobbled up or ejected smaller bodies through  a  "demolition

5.  A strong stellar wind from the newborn Sun sweeps out  remaining
dust and gas to leave behind a family of  surviving  bodies  --  the
nine planets.  

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HST has provided  a  detailed  view  of  a  star  on  the  brink  of
catastrophe.  This blue supergiant, called Eta Carinae, is 100 times 
more massive that our Sun, and intrinsically several  million  times

The monster star is embedded in the giant Carina Nebula, one of  the
most prominent objects in the southern  Milky  Way,  which  contains
clusters of massive hot young stars.  

Space Telescope observations reveal  complex  new  structures  in  a
dusty nebula surrounding the star, and unusual wave-like features in 
a jet of material ejected from the star.  

Few known stars are as massive  as  Eta  Carinae.   Such  supergiant
stars burn their nuclear fuel rapidly  and  are  short-lived.   They
eventually self-detonate in supernova explosions.  

Eta Carinae is  a  unique  "Rosetta  Stone"  for  understanding  the
evolution and physics of the massive  stars.   These  stars  play  a
fundamental role in  the  evolution  of  the  galaxy.   They  enrich
interstellar space with heavier elements  which  are  then  recycled
into the formation of new stars and, presumably, planets.   Most  of
the elements that we are  made  of,  including  oxygen,  carbon  and
calcium, were synthesized inside massive stars, and then blown  into

For the past century, astronomers have known that Eta Carinae is  an
extremely variable star.  During an outburst in  1843,  Eta  Carinae
reached a visual magnitude of -1, making  it  the  second  brightest
star in the night sky, behind only Sirius (it  has  since  faded  to
sixth magnitude, the limit of naked-eye  visibility).   During  that
outburst, Eta Carinae also blasted a large amount of gas into space.  

Until recently, astronomers thought the star itself had exploded  in
1843.  However, infrared light measurements taken in 1969 shown that 
Eta Carinae is the brightest infrared object in the sky behind  only
the Sun and the Moon.  This means the star is still there, but it is 
now hidden inside a dense dusty cloak that resulted  from  the  1843

This material can be seen from the ground today as  a  small  oblong
nebula which is expanding away from the  star.   This  bright  inner
nebula has been dubbed the Homunculus or "little man" because it has 
appendages that vaguely resemble a head, arms, and feet.  

The small scale clumpiness and well defined edges of the Homunculus, 
as revealed in the HST image, suggests that it is a very thin  shell
of material, more like a soap bubble rather than  a  filled  volume,

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like a baseball.  

This dusty shell could have been ejected in a single burst from  the
star.  Another possibility is that the material  was  compressed  by
fast speed material ejected from the star later in its lifetime.  In 
either  case,  the  new  image  shows  that  the  shell  has  become
fragmented and is clumpy down to the limit of HST's resolution.  

The HST image clearly shows the  small  knots  and  filaments  which
trace the locations of the shock fronts.  A well collimated  jet  of
material can be seen flowing away from Eta  Carinae.   Two  parallel
lines which mark the edges of the jet suggest that it has  a  narrow
tube-like structure.  

The new image also reveals the presence  of  a  fascinating  "ladder
like" structure associated with the jet.  The "rungs" of the  ladder
may represent some kind of wave phenomenon in the flow  of  material
away from the star.  One interpretation is that these  are  standing
waves,  much  like  sound  waves  inside  an  organ  pipe.   Another
possibility is that they are ripples in the flow of  material  along
the jet's bow shock, much like the ripples seen in a pond. 

Previous studies of the spectrum  of  the  light  emitted  from  the
Homunculus show that this gas is enriched in the elements helium and 
nitrogen which are formed in the interiors of massive stars  by  the
nuclear burning  of  hydrogen.   This  means  that  Eta  Carinae  is
ejecting processed material from deep within the  star.   A  massive
star reveals such material late in its life.  

Eta Carinae will probably explode as a  supernova  within  the  next
10,000 years or so.  In fact, since Eta Carinae is 9,000 light-years 
away, it has probably ALREADY self-detonated.  It's  likely  that  a
blast wave of radiation and neutrinos from the Eta Carinae supernova 
is heading toward us, right now.  

An even more bizarre possibility is that Eta Carinae is  so  massive
it has instead IMPLODED into a black hole, WITHOUT blasting off  its
outer layers.  

The answer to Eta Carinae's ultimate fate awaits a future generation 
of astronomers.  If we are very  lucky,  we  may  just  witness  the
supernova ourselves.  


Artist's concept of the variable blue supergiant star  Eta  Carinae,
one of the brightest and most massive stars in our  Galaxy.   During
its outburst in 1843, Eta Carinae shed a tremendous  amount  of  gas
and dust into space.  Such are, super-massive stars like Eta Carinae 
are inherently unstable and explode as supernovas after only  a  few

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million years.  (D. Berry)

Space Telescope's view of Eta Carina -- 

   A.  Clumps in the fragmented gas shell are ten times the size of
   our Solar System.  

   B.  Ejecta from the star slams into slower moving gas, creating
   a ridge of emission.  

   C.  Two lines mark the edges of a tube-like jet of material 
   flowing outward.  

   D.  This ladder-like structure may represent some kind of wave 

Computer Model -- This is one interpretation of the complex features 
seen around the star Eta Carinae.  In this model, the Homunculus  is
an egg-shaped shell around the star.  Lobes of hot  dust  (red)  lie
near the star.  A narrow  northern  jet  and  broader  southern  jet
(violet) of outflowing material escape through a hole in the top and 
bottom of the shell.  The jets collide with slower  moving  material
and create bowl-shaped shock fronts (blue).  (D. Berry)

A negative image of Eta Carinae, as photographed in  1975  with  the
four-meter telescope at Cerro Tolo  inter-American  Observatory,  in
Cerro Tolo, Chili.  Note the  double  knot  (at  the  11:00  o'clock
position).  Ejecta from the star slams into  slower  moving  gas  to
create a ridge of emission to the lower right.   Resolution  is  one
arc second in this one-minute photographic exposure (Courtesy  Nolan
R. Walborn & CTIO)

A Hubble Space Telescope observation of the star Eta Carinae in 1990 
with the Wide Field and Planetary Camera (WF/PC), reveals  far  more
detail.  When compared to the foreground, it's clear that  the  know
is moving away from the star at 2.8  million  kilometers  per  hour.
(Courtesy WF/PC Team)

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Space Telescope has uncovered stars which behave as if they've found 
the legendary fountain of youth.   Called  "blue  straggler"  stars,
they appear as if  they  had  actually  rejuvenated  themselves  and
changed from old age back to young stars.  

Like people, all stars are born, age and die.  Our Sun is a  typical
middle-aged star.  In about 5 billion years it will swell to  a  red
giant star.  The Sun will then lose much of its hydrogen  fuel  into
space, and its nuclear furnace will burn out.   The  Sun  will  then
collapse to a white dwarf -- a glowing cinder, no larger than Earth.  

In 1953, astronomer Allan Sandage found a puzzling new population of 
stars which seemed to go against these rules of  stellar  evolution.
He detected hot  young  blue  stars  in  a  globular  star  cluster.
Sandage was puzzled because globular clusters are veritable  stellar
old folks homes.  They are full of ancient red  giant  stars,  which
are as old as the universe.  

Sandage dubbed the new stars "blue stragglers" because  they  looked
like they were left behind  by  other  blue  stars  which  long  ago
evolved on to cool red giant stars.  

Astronomers have been puzzled by blue stragglers  ever  since  then.
The simplest explanation is also  the  least  likely  --  that  blue
stragglers formed much later in a  cluster's  life.   When  globular
clusters formed many billions of years ago, they  were  stripped  of
the residual dust needed for  new  star  formation.   So  all  of  a
cluster's stars should have formed at about the same time.  

Another idea is that blue stragglers are somehow far more  efficient
at mixing their internal hydrogen supply so that they can shine much 
longer than stars normally do.  

Stars are inefficient nuclear furnaces.   A  typical  star  consumes
only about 10 percent of its hydrogen fuel through  nuclear  fusion.
Stars like our Sun "puff off" much of  the  rest  of  the  remaining
hydrogen late  in  their  lives.   Blue  stragglers  would  need  to
approach an extraordinary efficiency of 100 percent  to  essentially
"stretch out" their youth, and burn brightly for billions  of  years
longer than normal.  

A star could more  efficiently  use  its  fuel  supply  if  it  were
captured by another star.  In a binary star system, the less massive 
star would siphon fresh hydrogen from its  more  massive  and  hence
faster evolving companion star.   With  the  new  fuel  supply,  the
smaller star would heat, growing bluer and hotter.  

In stellar encounters which are more nearly head-on collisions,  the

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stars might actually  merge,  mixing  their  nuclear  fuel  and  "re
stoking" the fires of nuclear fusion.  

The Hubble Space Telescope observations seem to support this idea of 
stellar  capture  and  merger.   HST's  high   resolution   and   UV
sensitivity to ultraviolet light have been utilized to uncover  many
blue stragglers concentrated  in  the  core  of  a  nearby  globular
cluster called 47 Tucanae.  HST resolves about 600 stars in the core 
where ground-based images  yield  only  a  few  dozen  stars.   When
astronomers compared HST images with  visible  light  images  of  47
Tucanae,  they  discovered  21  blue  straggler   stars   that   are
exceptionally bright in ultraviolet light.  

Though the blue stragglers represent only a  tiny  fraction  of  the
cluster's population, they could  play  an  important  role  in  the
cluster's dynamic evolution.  If blue stragglers are binaries,  they
whirl about each other, like a pair of ice  skaters.   As  they  do,
they become tremendous batteries of kinetic energy.  Other stars  in
the cluster can tap this energy and get a boost in  speed.   Just  a
few blue stragglers can stir up the motion  of  thousands  of  other
stars in the cluster, like  a  pair  of  egg  beaters.   So  besides
rejuvenating each other, blue stragglers may keep the cluster active 
and dynamic.  

Space Telescope will be used to probe  other  globular  clusters  to
look for concentrations of blue stragglers.  If they typically form, 
this may explain why the cores of globular clusters aren't even more 
densely packed with stars.  The cores may in fact collapse but  then
rebound due to the presence of blue straggler stars, like  a  rubber
ball that has been squeezed and then relaxed.  


Space Telescope's Faint Object Camera resolves at least 600 stars at 
the core of the globular cluster 47 Tucanae.  Some of the  brightest
stars in this ultraviolet picture are  blue  stragglers  which  have
congregated at the core.  The field of view is less than  one  light
year across (Courtesy F. Paresce & FOC Team)

One of the most magnificent globular clusters  in  the  heavens,  47
Tucanae contains  several  million  stars,  which  are  concentrated
together in a "beehive swarm" only a few hundred light-years across. 
One of the closest globular clusters (15,000 light years) 47 Tucanae 
is a favorite  target  for  studying  stellar  dynamics.   (Courtesy
European Southern Observatory)  

Stars are so crammed together at the core of 47  Tucanae  that  even
under the best observing  conditions,  ground-based  telescopes  can
resolve only a few dozen stars within the  same  small  region  that
Space Telescope has probed (box).  Blue straggler stars  are  hidden

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among the cluster's red giant stars in this visible  light  picture.
Image is 4 light-years across.  (Courtesy Georges Meylan &  European
Southern Observatory)

Astronomers estimate  the  age  of  a  star  cluster  by  taking  an
inventory of the stars it contains.  Stars are classified  according
to color temperature (blue stars  are  hot;  red  stars,  cool)  and
intrinsic  brightness,  or  luminosity.   This  graph,  called   the
Hertzprung-Russell diagram, is of a typical stellar population in  a
young cluster.  Most of the stars are in the stable portion of their 
lives and hence lie along a track called the Main Sequence.  

This H-R diagram shows the stellar population in  47  Tucanae.   The
arm of the main sequence containing the bright blue stars has almost 
disappeared.  These  stars  have  evolved  to  ancient  red  giants.
However, there is a small population of blue stars  that  look  like
they are trailing or left behind by other blue stars which long  ago
evolved to the red giant stage.  

The sky is ablaze with stars in this imaginary view from the surface 
of a planet located  at  the  heart  of  globular  star  cluster  47
Tucanae.  The average distance between stars here is a fraction of a 
light-year.  Many of the red giant stars appear brighter than  Venus
does from Earth.  Countless, fainter red  dwarf  stars  blanket  the
heavens.  Blue straggler stars stand out  like  sparkling  diamonds.
In the foreground, a blue straggler forms as a result  of  a  chance
close encounter between two Sun-like stars (D. Berry)

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