Many  volumes  of  research remain to be recorded and studied
  regarding adaptation of humans to  the  weightless  environment  of
  space  flight.  The  blanks,  however,  will  begin  to  be  filled
  following the broad range of experiments to  be  conducted  on  the
  Spacelab Life Sciences-1 (SLS-1).

        With  the  help of the STS-40 crew, investigators from across
  the   nation   will   conduct   tests   on   the    cardiovascular,
  cardiopulmonary,  metabolic,  musculoskeletal  and  neurovestibular

        There are 18 primary experiments  chosen  for  SLS-1.   Those
  using  human  subjects  are  managed by the Lyndon B. Johnson Space
  Center, Houston, Texas, and those using animals are managed by  the
  Ames  Research  Center,  Moffett  Field,  Calif.   Organized by the
  managing NASA center, this section of the press kit will  summarize
  the  18  experiments, identify the principal investigators and list
  flight hardware used to support the experiments.

  Johnson Space Center Spacelab Life Sciences-1 Experiments

        Activities  involved  with  the  human  experiments  on-board
  Columbia  are  managed  by  the  Lyndon  B.  Johnson  Space Center,
  Houston,  Texas.  Preflight  baseline  data  collection   will   be
  performed  primarily  at  Johnson  Space  Center with several tests
  scheduled at  the  Kennedy  Space  Center  just  prior  to  launch.
  Investigators  will  perform  post-flight  tests at the Ames-Dryden
  Flight Research Facility, Edwards, Calif.

        A broad range of instruments --  some,  unique  hardware  and
  others,  standard  equipment  -- will be used by the human subjects
  throughout the mission. Equipment  will  include  a  neck  chamber,
  cardiopulmonary  rebreathing  unit, gas analyzer mass spectrometer,
  rotating dome, inflight blood collection system,  urine  monitoring
  system,  bag-in-box  assembly, strip chart recorders, physiological
  monitoring    system,    incubators,    low-gravity     centrifuge,
  echocardiograph and venous occlusion cuff controller.

        In total, the 10 experiments will explore the capabilities of
  the  human body in space.  A brief description of these experiments

  Influence of Weightlessness  Upon  Human  Autonomic  Cardiovascular

Principal investigator:

Dwain L. Eckberg, M.D.
Medical College of Virginia
Richmond, Va.

        This    experiment   will   investigate   the   theory   that
  lightheadedness and a reduction in blood  pressures  in  astronauts
  upon  standing  after  landing  may arise because the normal reflex
  system regulating blood pressure behaves differently  after  having
  adapted to a microgravity environment.

        For  this  experiment,  some SLS-1 crewmembers will wear neck
  chambers that resemble whip-lash collars to detect  blood  pressure
  in  the  neck.  Investigators will take blood pressure measurements
  both before and after the flight for  comparison.  Astronauts  will
  take  the same measurements themselves on orbit to map changes that
  occur during spaceflight.

  Inflight Study of Cardiovascular Deconditioning

Principal investigator:

Leon E. Farhi, M.D.
State University of New York at Buffalo
Buffalo, N.Y.

        Just how rapidly astronauts become accustomed to microgravity
  and then readjust to the normal gravitational forces  on  Earth  is
  the  focus  of  this  study.  By analyzing the gas composition of a
  mixture which the STS-40 astronauts "rebreathe," investigators will
  calculate how much blood is being delivered by  the  heart  to  the
  body during space flight.

        This  experiment  uses  a non-invasive technique of prolonged
  expiration and rebreathing -- inhaling in previously exhaled  gases
  --  to  measure  the  cardiovascular  and respiratory changes.  The
  technique furnishes information on functions including  the  amount
  of  blood  pumped out of the heart, oxygen usage and carbon dioxide
  released by the body, heart contractions, blood pressure  and  lung

        Astronauts  will  perform  the  rebreathing  technique  while
  resting and while pedaling on an exercise bike to  provide  a  look
  at  the heart's ability to cope with added physical stress.  On the
  first  and  last  days  of  the  STS-40   mission,   only   resting
  measurements  will be taken.  Rest and graded exercise measurements
  are made on most other days.

  Vestibular Experiments in Spacelab

Principal investigator:

Laurence R. Young, Sc.D.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Mass.

        A joint U.S./Canadian research program has been developed  to
  perform  a  set of closely related experiments to investigate space
  motion sickness, any associated changes  in  inner  ear  vestibular
  function  during  weightlessness  and  the  impact of those changes
  postflight.  Parts of this experiment will be carried out inflight,
  other parts on the ground both pre- and post-flight.

        As part of the inflight activities, the team will  study  the
  interaction  between  conflicting  visual,  vestibular  and tactile
  information.   Investigators  expect   crew   members   to   become
  increasingly  dependent  on  visual  and  tactile  cues for spatial
  orientation.  The test calls for a crew  member  to  place  his/her
  head   in  a  rotating  dome  hemispherical  display  to  induce  a
  sensation of self-rotation in the direction opposite  to  the  dome
  rotation.   The  astronaut  will  then move a joy stick to indicate
  his/her perception of self-motion.

        Awareness of position by astronauts is important for reaching
  tasks especially  during  landing  operations.   The  objective  of
  several  tests during the flight will document the loss of sense of
  orientation and limb position in the absence  of  visual  cues  and
  will determine what mechanisms underlie the phenomenon.

        During  the  presleep  period,  crewmembers will view several
  targets placed about the interior of Spacelab.  They then  will  be
  blindfolded  and  asked  to describe the position of their limbs in
  reference to their torso and to point  to  the  targets.   In  post
  sleep,  crew  members  upon  waking  and while blindfolded perceive
  their posture, position of their limbs  and  location  of  familiar
  orbiter structures, recording the accuracy of their perceptions.

        The  next  two  parts of this experiment will be performed as
  time permits on the SLS-1 mission or continued on a later  Spacelab
  mission.   Both  experiments  have  been  previously  performed  by
  crewmembers in space.

        The next part looks at the  causes  and  treatment  of  space
  motion  sickness  (SMS)  and  evaluates  the success of Earth-based
  tests to predict SMS susceptibility.  Two crew members will wear an
  acceleration recording unit (ARU) to measure all head movement  and
  to  provide  detailed commentary regarding the time, course and and
  signs of SMS.  Subjects wearing the ARU will wear  the  collar  for
  several  hours  during  the  mission  and if desired, when symptoms
  occur.  The influence of the collar on the resulting head  movement
  pattern and SMS symptoms will be monitored.

        Another  battery of tests performed preflight will attempt to
  determine  which  test  or  combination  of  tests  could  aid   in
  predicting SMS.

  Protein Metabolism During Space Flight

Principal investigator:

T. Peter Stein, Ph.D.
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Camden, N.J.

        This  study  involves several tests looking at the mechanisms
  involved  in  protein  metabolism  including  changes  in   protein
  synthesis rates, muscle breakdown rates and use of dietary nitrogen
  in a weightless environment.

        This experiment will examine whole body protein metabolism by
  measuring  the  concentration  of  15N-glycine,  an  amino  acid in
  protein, in saliva and urine samples from crew members  and  ground
  control subjects preflight, inflight and postflight.

        Crew  members  will  collect  urine  samples  throughout  the
  flight. On the second and eighth flight days, astronauts also  will
  take  oral  doses  of  15N-glycine.  Crew  members will collect and
  freeze a urine sample 10 hours after the ingestion of  the  glycine
  for  postflight analyses.  Urinary 3-methyl histidine, a marker for
  muscle protein breakdown also will be monitored.

  Fluid-Electrolyte Regulation During Spaceflight

Principal investigator:

Carolyn Leach-Huntoon, Ph.D.
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas

        Adaptation to the weightless environment is known  to  change
  fluid,  electrolyte,  renal and circulatory processes in humans.  A
  shift of body fluids from the lower limbs to the upper body  occurs
  to all astronauts while in space.

        This  experiment  makes  detailed measurements before, during
  and after flight to determine immediate and  long-term  changes  in
  kidney  function;  changes  in  water,  salt  and  mineral balance;
  shifts in body fluids from cells and  tissues;  and  immediate  and
  long-term  changes  in  levels  of  hormones  which  affect  kidney
  function and circulation.

        Test  protocol  requires  that  crew  members  collect  urine
  samples  throughout  the flight.  Body mass is measured daily and a
  log is kept of all food, fluids and  medication  taken  in  flight.
  Fasting  blood  samples are collected from the crew members as soon
  as possible inflight and at specified intervals on selected  flight
  days thereafter.

        Tests  will  determine the amount of certain tracers that can
  be released from a given volume of blood or plasma into urine in  a
  specified amount of time, measuring the rate and loss of body water
  and  determining  changes  in blood plasma volume and extracellular
  fluid. Measurements will be made two times inflight  by  collecting
  blood  samples at timed intervals after each subject has received a
  precalculated dose  of  a  tracer,  a  chemical  which  allows  the
  compound  to  be  tracked  as it moves through the body. Total body
  water is measured during flight using water labeled  with  a  heavy
  isotope of oxygen.

        Each  subject  drinks  a  premeasured  dose of the tracer and
  subsequently collects urine samples  at  timed  intervals.   Plasma
  volume  and  extracellular  fluid volume are measured by collecting
  blood samples at timed intervals after tracer injections.  Hormonal
  changes  are  investigated  by  sensitive assays of both plasma and

                                * * *

  Pulmonary Function During Weightlessness

Principal investigator:

John B. West, M.D., Ph.D.
University of California
San Diego, Calif.

        This experiment provides an  opportunity  for  study  of  the
  properties  of the human lung without the influence of gravity.  In
  the microgravity  Spacelab,  a  model  of  lung  function  will  be
  developed  to  serve  as  a basis for comparison for the normal and
  diseased lung.  Also, investigators will  glean  information  about
  the lung for planning longer space missions.

        There  will  be a series of eight breath tests conducted with
  measurements taken at rest and after  breathing  various  test  bag
  mixtures.   The  test  assembly  allows  the subject to switch from
  breathing  cabin  air  to  inhaling  premixed  gases  in   separate
  breathing  bags.   Breathing  exercises  involve  the inhalation of
  specially prepared gas mixtures.

        The tests  are  designed  to  examine  the  distribution  and
  movement of blood and gas within the pulmonary system and how these
  measurements  compare  to  normal  respiration.   By  measuring gas
  concentrations, the flow of gas through the lungs  into  the  blood
  stream and rate of blood flow into the lungs, investigators hope to
  better  understand  the  human pulmonary function here on Earth and
  learn how gravity plays a part in influencing lung function.

  Lymphocyte Proliferation in Weightlessness

Principal investigator:

Augusto Cogoli, Ph.D.
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Zurich, Switzerland

        Following investigations carried out during  Spacelab  1  and
  the  German  D-1 shuttle missions, this experiment will investigate
  the effect  of  weightlessness  on  the  activation  of  lymphocyte
  reproduction.  The study also will test whether there is a possible
  alteration  of the cells responsible for part of the immune defense
  system during space flight.

        STS-40  will  repeat   the   basic   Spacelab-1   experiment.
  Lymphocytes  will  be  purified from human blood collected 12 hours
  before launch.  The cells will be resuspended in a culture  medium,
  sealed   in  culture  blocks  and  stowed  on  Columbia's  middeck.
  Inflight, the samples will be exposed to  a  mitogen  (a  substance
  that  promotes cell division) and allowed to grow in the weightless
  environment. Some of the samples also will be  exposed  to  varying
  gravity  levels  on the low-gravity centrifuge.  These samples will
  serve  as  a  control  group  as  they  will  experience  the  same
  environmental conditions with the exception of micro-gravity.

        The   stimulation   of   the   lymphocytes  to  reproduce  is
  determined by monitoring the incorporation of  a  chemical  isotope
  tracer  into  the  cells'  DNA.   Investigators will gather further
  information on lymphocytes from blood samples taken from  the  crew

  Influence of Space Flight on Erythrokinetics in Man

Principal investigator:

Clarence Alfrey, M.D.
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas

        The   most  consistent  finding  from  space  flight  is  the
  decrease  in  circulating  red  blood  cells  or  erythrocytes  and
  subsequent  reduction in the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.
  This experiment studies the mechanisms which may be responsible for
  this decrease, including the effect of space flight  on  red  blood
  cell  production  rate  and  the role of changes in body weight and
  plasma volume on red blood cell production.

        Blood samples taken pre-, post- and inflight will  trace  the
  life  of  astronauts'  red blood cells.  By measuring the volume of
  red blood cells and plasma, researchers  will  check  the  rate  of
  production and destruction of blood in both normal and microgravity

        On  flight day two, crew members will receive an injection of
  a tracer that will measure the  amount  of  new  red  blood  cells.
  Tracers  (chemicals  that  will  attach  to  the  red blood cell to
  allowing them to be tracked) injected before  launch  will  measure
  the  destruction  rate  of red blood cells.  Crew members will draw
  blood samples on the second, third, fourth, eighth and  ninth  days
  of flight.

  Cardiovascular Adaptation to Microgravity

Principal investigator:

C. Gunnar Blomqvist, M.D.
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, Texas

        This   experiment   will   focus  on  the  acute  changes  in
  cardiovascular function, heart dimensions  and  function  at  rest,
  response to maximal exercise and control mechanisms.

        The   experiment  seeks  to  increase  the  understanding  of
  microgravity-induced changes in the  cardiovascular  structure  and
  function  responsible  for a common problem during return to normal
  gravity of orthostatic hypotension or  the  inability  to  maintain
  normal blood pressure and flow while in an upright position.

        Central  venous  pressure  --  measurements of changes in the
  blood pressure in the  great  veins  near  the  heart  --  will  be
  observed  in  one  crew  member.   A  cardiologist  will  insert  a
  catheter into a vein in the arm and  position  it  near  the  heart
  prior  to  flight.  Measurements then will be recorded for 24 hours
  beginning prior to launch and extending for at least 4  hours  into
  space  flight, at which time the catheter is removed.  The catheter
  data will indicate the degree of body fluid redistribution and  the
  speed at which the redistribution occurs.

        Echocardiograph   measurements,  a  method  of  sending  high
  frequency sound into the body to provide a view of the heart,  will
  be performed on crew members each day.

        Leg  flow and compliance measurements will gather information
  on leg blood  flow  and  leg  vein  pressure-volume  relationships.
  During  flow  measurements,  blood  in the veins of the leg will be
  stopped for a short period of time by inflating a  cuff  above  the
  knee. Compliance measurements, the amount of blood that pools for a
  given   increased  pressure  in  the  veins  will  be  obtained  by
  inflating and  incrementally  deflating  the  cuff  over  different
  pressures  and  holding  that  pressure until the volume of the leg
  reaches an equilibrium.

  Pathophysiology of Mineral Loss During Space Flight

Principal investigator:

Claude D. Arnaud, M.D.
University of California
San Francisco, Calif.

        Changes in calcium balance during space flight is an area  of
  concern  for  researchers since the changes appear to be similar to
  those observed in humans with osteoporosis, a  condition  in  which
  bone mass decreases and the bones become porous and brittle and are
  prone  to  fracturing  or  breaking.   Because  of potential health
  problems  for  astronauts  returning  to  Earth  after  long  space
  flights,  the  mechanisms  which  cause  these changes are of great
  interest in space medicine.

        This experiment will measure the changes which  occur  during
  space   flight   in  circulating  levels  of  calcium  metabolizing
  hormones and to directly measure the uptake and release of  calcium
  in  the  body.   Investigators  believe  there  may  be significant
  changes in the amount of these hormones produced due to an increase
  in the breakdown and reassimilation of bone tissue and  that  these
  changes  begin  to occur within hours after entering the weightless

        Each crew member will be weighed daily and will keep a log of
  all food, fluids and medications ingested.   They  also  will  draw
  blood  samples  on  selected  days to determine the role of calcium
  regulating hormones on the observed changes in calcium balance. The
  experiment is repeated on selected days preflight and postflight. A
  simultaneous ground experiment is performed using  non-crew  member

                                * * *

        The  Ames  Research  Center,  Moffett  Field,  Calif., as the
  developer of nonhuman life sciences experiments, will supply  eight
  investigations   to  the  SLS-1  mission.   They  are  designed  to
  increase  our  knowledge  about  the  functioning  of  basic   life
  processes during exposure to microgravity.

        These     experiments    will    examine    three    systems:
  musculoskeletal, neurovestibular and hematopoietic.  Seven  of  the
  investigations   will   use   laboratory   rats   as  subjects.   A
  gravitational biology experiment will study  jellyfish  development
  and  behavior.   Ames  Research  Center  also has developed several
  pieces of flight hardware to support these experiments.

        The Ames  payload  consists  of  a  research  animal  holding
  facility  (RAHF),  two  animal  enclosure modules (AEMs), a general
  purpose work station and associated general purpose transfer  unit,
  a  refrigerator/incubator module, a small mass measuring instrument
  and eight animal experiments.  A brief description of each of those
  experiments follows.

  Regulation of Erythropoiesis During Space Flight

Principal Investigator:

Robert D. Lange, M.D.
University of Tennessee Medical Center
Knoxville, Tenn.

  Regulation of Blood Volume During Space Flight

Principal Investigator:

Clarence Alfrey, M.D.
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas

        This combined investigation will explore the  mechanisms  for
  changes  seen  in  red blood cell mass and blood volume in crews on
  previous  space  flights.   Several   factors   known   to   affect
  erythropoiesis  will  be  examined.  It also will determine whether
  comparable  changes  occur  in  the  rat  and  if  the  rat  is   a
  satisfactory  model  for  studying  microgravity-induced changes in
  human blood.

        Previous  space  flight  crews  have  consistently  exhibited
  decreased  red  blood  cell mass and plasma volume.  The mechanisms
  responsible for these changes are not known, although a decrease in
  red blood cell production may play a role in altered red cell mass.

        The SLS-1 hematology experiments will study two parts of  the
  blood  system:  the  liquid portion (plasma), which contains water,
  proteins, nutrients, electrolytes, hormones  and  metabolic  wastes
  and  a  cellular  portion, which contains red and white blood cells
  and platelets.

  Bone, Calcium and Space Flight

Principal Investigator:

Emily Morey-Holton, Ph.D.
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, Calif.

        Weightlessness causes a slow loss of calcium  and  phosphorus
  from  the  bones  during  and  immediately  following space flight.
  Negative calcium balance, decreased bone density and inhibition  of
  bone  formation have been reported.  Most of the loss is thought to
  occur in the leg bones and the spine,  which  are  responsible  for
  movement and erect posture.

        Previous  studies  of  rodents  exposed  to microgravity have
  shown decreased skeletal  growth  early  in  the  mission;  reduced
  concentrations   of  a  protein  secreted  by  bone-forming  cells,
  suggesting a reduction in the activity of these cells; and  reduced
  leg bone breaking strength and reduced bone mass in the spine.

        Formation  of bone probably does not cease abruptly, but more
  likely decreases gradually as the number and/or activity  of  bone-
  forming  cells  decreases.  This experiment will allow more precise
  calculation of the length of flight time required to  significantly
  inhibit bone formation in rats.

        Dr.  Morey-Holton's  experiment focuses on growth that occurs
  in a number of specific bones such as the leg, spine and jaw.   The
  study  also  will  document alterations in bone growth patterns and
  bone-breaking strength in rodents exposed to weightlessness and  it
  will  determine  whether  bone  formation  returns to normal levels
  after space flight.

  A Study of  the  Effects  of  Space  Travel  on  Mammalian  Gravity

Principal Investigator:

Muriel Ross, Ph.D.
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, Calif.

        The  neurovestibular system, which helps animals orient their
  bodies, is very sensitive to gravity.  In space, gravity no  longer
  influences  the  tiny  otolith crystals, which are small, calcified
  gravity receptors in the inner ear.  In micro-gravity,  information
  sent  to  the brain from the inner ear and other sensory organs may
  conflict with cues anticipated from  past  experiences  in  Earth's
  normal gravity field.  This conflict results in disorientation.

        Previous   flight   experience   has  shown  that  vestibular
  symptoms, including nausea, vomiting and dizziness and  instability
  when standing, occur in more than half of the astronauts during the
  first  few  days of flight, with some symptoms lasting for up to 10
  days post-flight.

        This study investigates structural  changes  that  may  occur
  within  the inner ear in response to the microgravity of space.  It
  seeks to define the effects  of  prolonged  weightlessness  on  the
  otoliths. Scientists suspect that otolith degeneration may occur as
  a  result of changes in the body's calcium levels, carbohydrate and
  protein metabolism, body fluid distribution and hormone secretions.

        The study also will examine the degree to which  any  changes
  noted  remain  static,  progress  or  recover during a 7-day period

  Effects of Microgravity-Induced Weightlessness  on  Aurelia  Ephyra
  Differentiation and Statolith Synthesis

Principal Investigator:

Dorothy B. Spangenberg, Ph.D.
Eastern Virginia Medical School
Norfolk, Va.

        Jellyfish  are  among  the  simplest  organisms  possessing a
  nervous system.  They use structures called  rhopalia  to  maintain
  their  correct orientation in water.  Rhopalia have statoliths that
  are analogous to mammalian otoliths, the gravity-sensing organs  of
  the inner ear that help mammals maintain balance.

        The  purpose  of  this investigation is to determine the role
  microgravity plays in the  development  and  function  of  gravity-
  receptor  structures of Aurelia (a type of jellyfish).  Ephyrae are
  a tiny form of the  jellyfish.   This  experiment  will  study  the
  gravity   receptors   of  ephyrae  to  determine  how  microgravity
  influences their development and function, as well as the  animals'
  swimming behavior.

  Skeletal Myosin Isoenzymes in Rats Exposed to Microgravity

Principal Investigator:

Joseph Foon Yoong Hoh, Ph.D.
University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia

        Skeletal  muscle  fibers  exist  in  two forms, classified as
  slow- twitch or fast-twitch, depending on how fast  they  contract.
  The  two  forms  develop  similar  forces when contracting but they
  contract at different speeds.  The speed of contraction is directly
  related to the amount of  the  protein  myosin  in  muscle  fibers.
  Myosin is made up of five isoenzymes, which differ in structure and
  in enzyme activity.

        In  Earth's  gravity,  a  low-firing frequency stimulates the
  slow- twitch fibers, which support a  body  against  gravity.   The
  fast-  twitch  fibers, which are related to body movement, contract
  in response to high-frequency nerve impulses.

        This study will examine how microgravity affects the speed of
  muscle contractions.  Because  stimuli  to  the  slow-twitch  anti-
  gravity  muscles  should  be  greatly  reduced in microgravity, the
  concentration of myosin isoenzymes in these fibers should be lower.
  This experiment should provide additional data to help explain  how
  microgravity  affects  the  speed  of  muscle  contractions and the
  growth and proliferation  of  slow-twitch  and  fast-twitch  muscle

  Effects  of Microgravity on Biochemical and Metabolic Properties of
  Skeletal Muscle in Rats

Principal Investigator:

Kenneth M. Baldwin, Ph.D.
University of California
Irvine, Calif.

        It has been proposed that a loss of muscle mass in astronauts
  during weightlessness produces the observed loss  of  strength  and
  endurance,   particularly   in   the   anti-gravity  muscles.   One
  explanation is that exposure to microgravity results in the removal
  of sufficient stress or tension on the muscles to maintain adequate
  levels of certain proteins and enzymes.

        These proteins and enzymes enable  cells  to  use  oxygen  to
  convert  nutrients  into  energy.   When  gravitational  stress  is
  reduced, protein activity also decreases and  muscles  become  more
  dependent  on  glycogen stored in the liver and muscles for energy.
  As the body metabolizes glycogen, muscle endurance decreases.

        Radioactive carbon compounds will be used to evaluate  energy
  metabolism  in  the  hind  leg  muscles  of  the  rats  exposed  to
  microgravity.  The concentration of the enzymes reflects  the  kind
  of  metabolic  activity  occurring  in  muscles  during  periods of
  reduced gravitational stress.  In addition, skeletal  muscle  cells
  of flight and ground-control animals will be compared to assess any
  changes in the concentration of enzymes that break down glycogen.

  The   Effects   of   Microgravity   on   the  Electron  Microscopy,
  Histochemistry and Protease Activities of Rat Hindlimb Muscles

Principal Investigator:

Danny A. Riley, Ph.D.
Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Wis.

        The anti-gravity skeletal muscles of  astronauts  exposed  to
  microgravity  for  extended  periods  exhibit progressive weakness.
  Studies of rodents flown in space for 7 days on a previous  mission
  have  shown  a  40  percent  loss  of  mass in the anti-gravity leg
  muscles. Other studies indicate the loss  of  strength  may  result
  from  simple  muscle  fiber shrinkage, death of muscle cells and/or
  degeneration of motor innervation.  In  addition,  the  biochemical
  process  that  generates  energy in muscle cells was almost totally
  absent.   The   progressive   atrophy   of   certain   muscles   in
  microgravity is the focus of this study, which compares the atrophy
  rates  of  muscles  used  primarily  to  oppose  gravity with those
  muscles used for movement.

        Investigators  will  examine  muscle  tissues  of  flight and
  ground-control rodents to look for the shrinkage or death of muscle
  cells, breakdown of muscle fibers or degeneration of motor  nerves.
  Scientists  also hope to discover the chemical basis for atrophy by
  analyzing  the  concentration  of  enzymes  that   facilitate   the
  breakdown of proteins within cells.

                               * * * * * *


        Marine  Corps  Col.  Bryan  D.  O'Connor,  44,  will serve as
  Commander of STS-40 and will be making  his  second  space  flight.
  O'Connor,  from  Twentynine  Palms,  Calif.,  was  selected  as  an
  astronaut in May 1980.

        He graduated from  Twentynine  Palms  High  School  in  1964,
  received  a bachelor of science degree in engineering from the U.S.
  Naval  Academy  in  1968  and  received  a  master  of  science  in
  aeronautical  engineering  from  the  University of West Florida in

        He was commissioned in the Marine Corps in 1968 and following
  several overseas assignments, graduated from the  Navy  Test  Pilot
  School  and  began  duty  as  a  test  pilot  at the Naval Air Test
  Center's Strike Test Directorate.  He served as project  pilot  for
  various  very short take off and landing (VSTOL) research aircraft,
  including preliminary evaluation of  the  YAV-88  advanced  Harrier

        After  selection  as  an astronaut, he served as a T-38 chase
  pilot for STS-3 and as spacecraft communicator  for  STS-5  through
  STS-9.  He then served as pilot of Atlantis on STS-61B from Nov. 26
  through  Dec.  3,  1985,  during  which  the  crew  deployed  three
  communications  satellites and conducted two Space Station assembly
  test spacewalks.  O'Connor has logged more than 165 hours in  space
  and more than 4,100 hours flying time in jet aircraft.

        Air  Force  Lt.  Col.  Sidney M. Gutierrez, 39, will serve as
  Pilot.   Selected  as  an  astronaut  in  1984,   Gutierrez,   from
  Albuquerque, N.M., will be making his first space flight.

        Gutierrez  graduated from Valley High School, Albuquerque, in
  1969, received a bachelor of science  in  aeronautical  engineering
  from the Air Force Academy in 1973 and received a master of arts in
  management from Webster College in 1977.

        He was a member of the Air Force Academy collegiate parachute
  team while in college with a master parachutist rating and over 550
  jumps.   After  graduating  from  the  Air  Force  Academy,  he was
  assigned as a T-38 instructor pilot from 1975-1977 at Laughlin  Air
  Force  Base,  Del Rio, Texas.  He attended the Air Force Test Pilot
  School in 1981 and was assigned to the F-16  Falcon  Combined  Test
  Force upon graduation, where he stayed until joining NASA.

        At  NASA,  his  duties  have  included  work  in  the Shuttle
  Avionics Integration Laboaratory and  as  the  lead  astronaut  for
  Shuttle  software development, verification and future requirements
  definition.  He has logged more than 3,000 hours flying time in  30
  different types of aircraft, sailplanes and balloons.

        James P. Bagian, M.D., 39, will serve as Mission Specialist 1
  (MS1).    Selected   as  an  astronaut  in  1980,  Bagian  is  from
  Philadelphia, Pa., and will be making his second space flight.

        Bagian graduated from Central High School,  Philadelphia,  in
  1969, received a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering from
  Drexel University in 1973 and received a doctorate of medicine from
  Thomas Jefferson University in 1977.

        Bagian  worked as a mechanical engineer at the Naval Air Test
  Center while pursuing his doctorate. Upon graduation, he  served  a
  1-year  residency  with the Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, Pa.
  Subsequently, he joined NASA  as  a  flight  surgeon,  concurrently
  completing  studies  at  the  Air  Force Flight Surgeons School and
  School of Aerospace Medicine, San Antonio, Texas.  Bagian is a  Lt.
  Col. in the Air Force Reserve.

        After  selection  as  an astronaut, Bagian worked in planning
  and providing emergency medical and rescue support  for  the  first
  six  Shuttle flights.  Bagian served as a mission specialist aboard
  Discovery on STS-29, March 13-18, 1989, on which the crew  deployed
  a tracking and data relay satellite, conducted a Space Station heat
  pipe  radiator experiment, two student experiments and a chromosome
  and plant cell division experiment.

        Tamara  E.  Jernigan,  Ph.D.,  32,  will  serve  as   Mission
  Specialist  2  (MS2). Selected as an astronaut in 1985, Jernigan is
  from Santa Fe Springs, Calif., and will be making her  first  space

        Jernigan  graduated  from  Santa  Fe  High  School  in  1977,
  received a bachelor of science in physics and a master  of  science
  in  engineering  science from Stanford University in 1981 and 1983,
  respectively, received a master of science in  astronomy  from  the
  University  of  California-Berkley in 1985 and received a doctorate
  in space physics  and  astronomy  from  Rice  University,  Houston,
  Texas,  in  1988.  After selection as an astronaut, Jernigan worked
  as a spacecraft communicator in Mission Control  for  five  Shuttle

        Margaret  Rhea  Seddon,  M.D.,  43,  will  serve  as  Mission
  Specialist 3 (MS3). Selected as an astronaut  in  1978,  Seddon  is
  from  Murfreesboro,  Tenn.,  and  will  be  making her second space

        Seddon graduated from Central High School,  Murfreesboro,  in
  1965,   received   a  bachelor  of  arts  in  physiology  from  the
  University of California-Berkley in 1970 and received  a  doctorate
  of medicine from the University of Tennessee College of Medicine in
  1973.   She  completed a surgical internship and 3 years of general
  surgery residency in Memphis following graduation.

        Seddon served as a Mission  Specialist  aboard  Discovery  on
  STS-  51D, April 12-19, 1985.  During the flight, the crew deployed
  three communications satellites and conducted the first unscheduled
  Shuttle spacewalk to correct a malfunction of one satellite. Seddon
  has logged 168 hours of space flight.

        Francis Andrew Gaffney,  M.D.,  44,  will  serve  as  Payload
  Specialist  1  (PS1). Gaffney will be making his first space flight
  and his hometown is Carlsbad, N.M.

        Gaffney  graduated  from  Carlsbad  High  School   in   1964,
  received    a   bachelor   of   arts   from   the   University   of
  California-Berkley in 1968, received a doctor  of  medicine  degree
  from the University of New Mexico in 1972 and received a fellowship
  in cardiology from the University of Texas in 1975.

        He  completed  a  3-year  medical internship and residency at
  Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, in  1975,
  and   went  on  to  receive  a  fellowship  in  cardiology  at  the
  University  of  Texas'  Southwestern  Medical  Center  in   Dallas,
  becoming a faculty associate and an assistant professor of medicine
  there  in 1979.  From 1979-1987, he served as assistant director of
  echocardiography at Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas.

        Gaffney served as a visiting senior scientist with NASA  from
  1987-1989.   He is a co-investigator on an experiment aboard STS-40
  that studies human cardiovascular adaptation to space flight.

        Millie Hughes-Fulford,  Ph.D.,  46,  will  serve  as  Payload
  Specialist 2 (PS2). Hughes-Fulford, from Mineral Wells, Texas, will
  be making her first space flight.

        Hughes-Fulford  graduated  from  Mineral Wells High School in
  1972, received a bachelor of science  in  chemistry  from  Tarleton
  State  University,  Stephenville, Texas and received a doctorate in
  chemistry from Texas Woman's University, Denton, in 1972.

        Since 1973, she has worked at the  University  of  California
  and  the  Veterans  Administration  Medical Center, doing extensive
  research  on  cholesterol  metabolism,  cell  differentation,   DNA
  synthesis  and  cell  growth.   After  assignment  by NASA, she has
  continued her research, concentrating on a study  of  cellular  and
  molecular  mechanisms  for  bone  formation  as it relates to space



Day One         Ascent
                                OMS 2 engine firing
                                Spacelab activation
                                Metabolic experiment operations
                                Echocardiograph operations

Day Two         Baroreflex tests
                                Pulmonary function tests
                                Echocardiograph activities
                                Cardiovascular operations
                                Ames Research Center operations

Day Three       Ames Research Center operations
                                Rotating dome operations
                                Echocardiograph activities

Day Four                Baroreflex/Pulmonary function tests
                                Ames Research Center operations

Day Five                Pulmonary function tests
                                Cardiovascular operations
                                Echocardiograph activities

Day Six         Rotating dome operations
                                Echocardiograph activities
                                Cardiovascular operations
                                Ames Research Center operations

Day Seven       DTOs
                                Ames Research Center operations

Day Eight       Baroreflex tests
                                Cardiovascular operations

Day Nine        Pulmonary function tests
                                Flight control systems checkout
                                Echocardiograph tests
                                Cardiovascular operations
                                Cabin stow
                                Partial Spacelab deactivation

Day Ten         Spacelab deactivation
                                Deorbit preparation
                                Deorbit burn


Launch Date: May 24, 1991

Launch Site: Kennedy Space Center, Fla., Pad 39B

Launch Window: 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.  EDT

Orbiter: Columbia (OV-102)

Orbit: 160 by 150 nautical miles, 39 degrees inclination

Landing Date/Time: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.  PDT, June 2, 1991

Primary Landing Site: Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.

Abort Landing Sites: Return to Launch Site - Kennedy Space Center, Fla.
                     Transoceanic Abort Landing - Ben Guerir, Morroco
                     Abort Once Around - White Sands Space Harbor, N. M.

Crew:               Bryan D. O'Connor, Commander;
                    Sidney M. Gutierrez, Pilot;
                    James P. Bagian, Mission Specialist 1;
                    Tamara E. Jernigan, Mission Specialist 2;
                    M. Rhea Seddon, Mission Specialist 3;
                    Francis A. (Drew) Gaffney, Payload Specialist 1;
                    Millie Hughes-Fulford, Payload Specialist 2

Cargo Bay Payloads: Spacelab Life Sciences-1 (SLS-1) Get Away Special
                    Bridge experiments

Middeck Payloads:   Physiological Monitoring System (PMS)
                    Urine Monitoring System (UMS)
                    Animal Enclosure Modules (AEM)



Orbiter (Columbia), empty and 3 SSMEs               172,482

Spacelab Life Sciences-1 Module                      21,271

GAS Bridge Assembly                                   4,885

Spacelab Support Equipment                              750

Space Acceleration Measurement System                   250

Detailed Test Objectives                                 88

Detailed Supplementary Objectives                        35

Total Vehicle at SRB Ignition                     4,519,081

Orbiter Landing Weight                              225,492


        Processing  the  orbiter  Columbia  for the STS-40 mission at
  Kennedy Space Center began Feb. 9, following  its  last  mission  -
  STS-35/Astro I.

        About  40  modifications  were made to Columbia during its 10
  and a half-week stay in the OPF.  These modifications  enhance  the
  performance  and efficiency of the orbiter's complex systems. While
  in the OPF, four modified external  tank  door  bellcrank  housings
  were installed.  Small cracks previously were found in three of the

        Space  Shuttle  main  engine locations for this flight are as
  follows: engine 2015 in the No. 1 position, engine 2022 in the  No.
  2  position  and  engine 2027 in the No. 3 position.  These engines
  were installed in March.

        The Crew Equipment Interface Test with the STS-40 flight crew
  was conducted on April  7  in  the  OPF.   This  test  provided  an
  opportunity  for the crew to become familiar with the configuration
  of the orbiter and anything that is unique to the STS-40 mission.

        Technicians installed the Spacelab module  on  March  24  and
  successfully  conducted  the  required tests.  The Spacelab tunnel,
  leading from the orbiter's airlock to  the  module,  was  installed
  April 3.

        Booster  stacking  operations  on  mobile launcher platform 3
  began March 16  with  the  left  and  right  aft  boosters.   These
  segments  later were destacked to allow a realignment of the launch
  platform holddown posts.  Restacking began on  March  23  with  the
  left  aft  booster.  Stacking of all booster segments was completed
  by April 11.  The external tank was mated to the boosters on  April
  17 and Columbia was transferred to the Vehicle Assembly Building on
  April  26  where it was mated to the external tank and solid rocket

        The STS-40 vehicle was rolled out to Launch Pad 39-B  on  May
  2.  A launch countdown dress rehearsal was scheduled for May 6-7 at
  Kennedy Space Center.

        A standard 43-hour launch countdown  is  scheduled  to  begin
  three  days  prior  to launch.  During the countdown, the orbiter's
  onboard fuel and oxidizer storage tanks  will  be  loaded  and  all
  orbiter systems will be prepared for flight.

        About 9 hours before launch, the external tank will be filled
  with  its  flight load of a half a million gallons of liquid oxygen
  and liquid hydrogen propellants.   About  two  and  one-half  hours
  before  liftoff,  the  flight crew will begin taking their assigned
  seats in the crew cabin.

        KSC's recovery teams will prepare the  orbiter  Columbia  for
  the  return trip to Florida following the end-of-mission landing at
  Edwards AFB, Calif.  Orbiter turnaround operations at Dryden Flight
  Research Facility typically take about five days.   A  2-day  ferry
  flight  is  planned because of the additional weight of the orbiter
  returning with the Spacelab.  The extra weight will require several
  refueling stops during the ferry flight.

        Following post-flight deservicing and removal of the Spacelab
  payload and major  orbiter  components  at  Kennedy  Space  Center,
  Columbia  will be readied for ferry flight to Palmdale, Calif.  The
  orbiter is scheduled to undergo extensive modifications,  including
  changes  to  accommodate  an  extended  duration  mission,  at  the
  Rockwell manufacturing plant during a 6-month  period  from  August
  1991  to January 1992.  Columbia's next scheduled flight is STS-50,
  a planned extended duration  mission  with  the  U.S.  Microgravity
  Laboratory payload targeted for launch in June 1992.