Player Instructions for Lorenai 1.0 Copyright 1997 by Jiri Klouda This is a Playtest! ------------------- Lorenai 1.0 is currently playtesting. That means that the current game is subject to bugs, delays, rules changes, and all sorts of good stuff. If you are stung by a bug, I may reward you with some tolars to make up for your losses, but I may also do nothing, at my discretion. Since you are not paying for Lorenai 1.0, and since there is no "winner" anyways, my sympathy for your problems may be limited. If you have a problem with this, there are a number of high quality commercial play by mail games that may better suit your tastes. Orders Instructions: -------------------- The game is run once per week, on Sunday nights. Orders are due at 6 PM on Sunday, Middle European Time. Make sure you always have the latest set of rules. Lorenai is still being developed, so the rules change often. You will avoid many mistakes if you always have an updated set. The address for orders and times articles is Messages sent to this address are processed automatically; the subject is ignored, it simply looks through the body of the message for #faction. Any administrative mail should be sent to, so that I can process it by hand. (Such as bug reports, requests for copies of the rules, or anything else). To submit orders, put the lines: #faction <faction number> <password> #end around the orders that you wish to submit (as the rules detail). If you a password set, you have to give your password on your #faction line. You may send in multiple sets of orders; only the last one received will be used. IMPORTANT: If you set your password, the change does not take effect until the next turn is run. So if you resubmit orders for that turn, you should use the old password. Player Rules: ------------- 1) Exploiting unreported bugs is not permitted; anyone caught doing this will may be removed from the game. However when you report a bug, you can free use it since next turn. It's my fault when it is not repaired. If you find a bug (or even just a documentation error), please let me know about it. Bug reporters may be eligible for a reward in the game; typical rewards are 100 tolars. Let me know what your faction number is when reporting a bug if you wish to receive this reward. 2) Harassing other players in not permitted; this may also result in you being removed from the game. There is sometimes a fine line between an acceptable threat within the game, and an unacceptable threatening message. Please make sure that your messages are clearly designated as Lorenai mail, and any threats are confined to game terms. Also, be aware that your standards of acceptable language may not be the same as someone else's. Example: Acceptable Email message: Subject: Atlantis- Prepare to die! Greetings to Hans Shadowspawn, Beware you scurvy dog, I will hunt you down and kill you! Signed, Lord Vox Unacceptable Email message: Subject: I'm gonna kick your *** You little *****, I'm gonna come to your house, and tear your **** off! 3) That's about it, except make sure you have fun!