Here is a list of some common mistakes that people have made in the first few turns of Lorenai. 1) The first line of your orders should be #FACTION <faction number> and not # FACTION <faction number> 2) Make sure all of your orders are given by a unit. 3) Lorenai City is very crowded; If you try to buy something, you may not get it. 4) Use CLAIM to get your unclaimed gold. 5) Make sure you specify an alias when forming a new unit. There is an extensive section on how to do this in the rules, under the FORM order. 6) Make sure that you use aliases for new units *AFTER* particular FORM order which forms it. 7) Make sure you always have the latest edition of the rules. Older copies have some confusing errors and misinformation in them. -------------- Mistakes in tactics -------------------------- 1) Don't Claim all of you tolars in the first two turns. 2) Always have enough money coming in to pay for you expenditures. 3) Do not, under normal circumstances, put two races in one unit. 4) Start slowly, do not attempt to do expand greatly while still in Lorenai City.