>>>RMPM mailing number: 1838<<< RMPM related accounts and services: - siegrist@elde.epfl.ch Main RMPM related e-mail account. Provides automatic acknowledgment, sends files, pre-analyzes moves, handles trade requests, allows you to send mail to other players - siegrist@crpp.epfl.ch private account of GM. Use it for private messages to GM or if elde-machine is down. No utilities are running on this account - cajal.uoregon.edu anonymous ftp-account with lots of game related /pub/rmpm information: latest board, business report, move requests, move templates etc. - ftp.cp.tn.tudelft.nl mirror of above account /pub/pbm/RMPM - crppmac7.epfl.ch 1420 (1420 is channel number). Telnet to this account to chat with other players, in particular the GM. Runs during Swiss office hours only (Swiss time = GMT + 1)