
Within this file are the descriptions of all business items as well as their
production information.  All other information can be gained from each
week's business report.  

June 8th, 1993
-Updated October 13, 1993
-Updated October 27, 1993
-Updated November 15, 1993
-Updated December 06, 1993
-Updated December 31, 1993

Awful Badger
-Updated April 12, 1994       Removed kiosk sale rules
                              Removed item 37 Bubble Gum Balls
                              Removed item 38 Hallucinator
                              Removed iten 48 Fabulous Item

*                                                                           *
* NOTE:  The use of any business item affecting the PN must be given before *
*        anything else in a move request.                                   *
*                                                                           *

Item 02:  Bank Shares, Small
Item 03:  Bank Shares, Big
        The management of the RMPM Central Bank is, of course, pleased to see
that more and more money is getting piled up in the bank since the start of
this game.  However, this money is withdrawn from the game and thus rather
useless.  Despite all efforts to bring it back into the game (treasure
hunts, lottos), it has not been possible to reverse this trend.

        It has thus been decided by the board of directors to offer a new
service:  Bank Shares.

There will be small shares worth 500 wcu and big shares worth 2000 wcu. Since
the bank has no office in RMPM County, these shares will be offered for sale
through branch offices situated on all business sites. For every transaction
(buying or selling), independent of the number of shares traded, the branch
office (or business owner) charges 100 wcu bank fees (going into his own
pocket). The price for the share goes to the Central Bank, of course. You can
buy on all business sites, except those you own yourself.  All trading is
done after the full board update.

For shares owned you receive 5% interest per game-week (so you can double
the money invested in shares in 20 game-weeks) whenever the money in the bank
exceeds 50000 wcu. The interest rate drops to 2% for 20000 to 50000 wcu bank
holding and no interest is paid if the bank has less than 20000 wcu. Interest
is paid out immediately after each board update.

We don't want rich players to be able to invest their money in a completely
risk-free way. Hence the following is an integral part of our offer: whenever
you encounter somebody (even if he is encounter-protected) you can buy some
or all of his shares. You pay the normal price (so your victim may loose
shares, but not money !), but there is no bank fee in this case.  This
trade has to be done during the week following the board update where you
had your encounter.

Apart from that shares can also be traded freely.

This is a new game feature (not a business and not a modification of
something existing) and hence it can be introduced without referendum.
Note:  it also allows you to invent entirely new business items which deal
in some way with these shares.  You can start to buy shares as soon as the
BCO has assigned numbers to them.  (BCO:  for the time beeing please put
them in the report under field 13-13, even so they can be bought from every
shop.  I will adjust my programs later to handle the new situation).

Item 21:  1st Move Power Pills
     Allows the first chip to move TWO spaces instead of the regular
one space.  The pill is used up once the first chip has moved the two
spaces.  Once this is done, the second chip will move according to the
number on the square that the chip finally lands on after the first
chip has completed its move.
     The pill may be used to affect only the FIRST chip, and may not be
used by the second chip.  The pill may be used in conjunction with the
diagonal move card, but it may NOT be used in conjunction with the
rabbit move card!
Production time per item: 3 Game Weeks
Item 22:  Action Pills
Based on the already approved priority pills, I would like to do a similar
with the Action Number:
Pop one in your mouth and your AN will increase by 10.  You can only pop in two
pills at a time (The excess will just be coughed back up, you will still have
Just as simple as the priority pills! :-)

Production time per item: 1 Game Week
Item 23:  Priority Pills
   Pop one (or more) in your mouth and get instant 10 point PN increase.  If
three or more are downed at once then you get a headache and PN drops to one
(which sometimes can be an advantage).
   Simple product. Simple operation.
   NOTE: Priority increases before other players turns happen.
Item 23:  Priority Pills
   Pop one (or more) in your mouth and get instant 10 point PN increase.  If
three or more are downed at once then you get a headache and PN drops to one
(which sometimes can be an advantage).
   Simple product. Simple operation.
   NOTE: Priority increases before other players turns happen.
Production time per item: 1 Game Week
Item 24:  Swords
Item 25:  Sword Charges
     The Elric (Boomer) Magick Sword brings you all the offensiveness
of the cavemans cudgel with an added bit of class. Add finesse to your
     A Magick Sword will cost you only 175 WCU. Made from the finest
Brazillian/Peruvian alloy (you guessed it - a subtle mix of Peruvians
and Brazillians :-) there is no alternative to a well made chopper.
     "Meet every new challenge with courage and a large sword"
     The sword can give its wielder +/- 10 AN in an encounter, as long
as it is charged with a sword charge.  The choices are:
     i) Not use it (no charges used)
   ii) +10 AN (1 charge)
  iii) -10 AN (1 charge)
     Hence it gives more flexibility in an encounter without giving
the wielder total power.
     No charges are provided with this sword, and without a
charge, the sword will not work.  Charges can be bought for 25 WCU/charge.
     As a manufactured item it will take 2 wks to make and cost 150 to
make (extra charges take no time but cost 15 WCU).
     Use of the sword must be declared along with the move (before the
encounter) and if no encounter occurs a charge is still used.

     Note: Only one charge can be used per encounter.
Production time per item: 2 Game Weeks

Item 26:  Priority Transfer
A player may own only ONE of this item at a time!!!
     Have you every wished you could take advantage of your high priority one
more time?  Here's a way you can.  By activating your OPT at the beginning of
your turn, the field values that normally get added to your PN will now be
transferred to your AN in addition to your MN.  Your PN stays the same!!!!
At the end of your turn, the OPT self destructs. You cannot use another OPT
before your PN has changed.
Special rule for use with an MT card:
     You may activate your OPT before or after the first move of a double move;
you should explicitly state which, otherwise it is in effect during the entire
move.  When activated at the beginning of a double move, all changes to your PN
are transferred to your AN.  When activated after the first move of a double
move, the first move proceeds as normal; only the PN and AN of the second part
of your move is affected.

Item 27:  Power Swap
     Activate this device and your AN and PN will swap values.  Note this takes
place before anyone else has moved, at the same time the Priority Pills take
effect.  You MUST use the RRR,USE command for this item to work correctly!
Production time per item: 2 Game Weeks

Item 28:  Wild Cards
     You already know about the special move cards offered by the kiosk
(SM, RM, MT, and DM).  I am offering a special card which is "wild" or
can be declared as any of those four cards.  Once you have bought one
(or more) of these cards, all you have to do is to tell Mark that you
are using a "Wild" card, then declare what card you would like the wild
card to represent (SM, RM, MT, or DM).  It's that easy!!!
  o  You decide which card you want your wild card to be at the time you
    use the card.
  o  The wild card can only represent ONE of the special move cards.
  o  Each wild card can be used only ONCE.
    number of regular kiosk cards with that wild card.
  o  A wild cards is played as if it was a regular kiosk card, and it is
    subject to the rules for that kiosk card.  (For instance, you can not
    use a wild card to do a rabbit move with your first chip in a move.)
Production time per item: 1 Game Week

Item 29:  Rectangle Card
With a Rectangle card, a new type of movement is available to you. These cards
work only if your chips are not on the same row, and not on the same column.
Suppose your chips are on positions X1-Y1 and X2-Y2. Then, when using a
rectangle card, your chips go to positions X1-Y2 and X2-Y1 (i.e. to the 'other
corners of a rectangle, formed by the initial and new positions of the chip',
hence the name of the card.) This movement comes instead of normal movement.
Example: A player has chips on 12-07 and 13-14. When using a rectangle card,
his chips go to 12-14 and 13-07.
A player with chips on e.g. 12-14 and 12-22 cannot use the card, as the chips
are on the same row. An attempt to do so, results in an illegal move.
The PN of the player is increased as usual: by the field numbers of the fields
the chips go to. The AN of the player is not changed by a move with Rectangle
The move should be stated in the normal manner, e.g.:
I use a Rectangle Card:
 RRR,USE 4818 1
 12-07 -> 12-14
 13-14 -> 13-07
It is possible to combine the card with a MT card: in that case, in one of the
two moves, the normal movement is replaced by the rectangle movement.
Fences do not affect rectangle movement.
Production time per item: 1 Game Week

Item 30:  Fence Vaulting Poles
     I propose for Field 14-11 a business that makes poles like what
pole vaulters use.  Players can use these poles to jump over fences
during a move without having to move the fence.
For example:
     Move intention:  20-10 --> 20-15  but there is a fence blocking
the way between 20-12 and 20-13.  If I designate that I want to use my
vaulting pole for this specific move, I will jump over that fence
without moving it!  (The vault can be used for any size move (from one
to six) or a diagonal move where a fence partially blocks the way.
Rabbit moves automatically jump over the fences.)
     Once you have jumped the fence (or on a diagonal move the
corner(s) of the fence(s) from the starting block to the next diagonal
block) the pole will break into several pieces, making it useless for
future attempts!  They are BIO-DEGRADABLE, so they are simply thrown
onto the playing field where they quickly decompose.
     The chip that uses a Fence Vaulting pole will CONTINUE to move to
the field that chip was originally supposed to go to!  (It will NOT
stop right after the fence, unless the move would normally have stopped
on that field)
     These vaulting poles can not be used to jump over the brick walls
on the edge of the playing field (i.e. you can never leave the 25 x 25
playing field).
     If you encounter two fences in the same move, you must use TWO
poles to jump both, since each pole lasts for only one jump over a fence!!!
     When you use a fence vaulting pole, and there is no fence,
the pole is destroyed, and your move is executed normally.
Production time per item: 1 Game Week

Item 31:  Pole Vault (STOPPING)
     Based on the idea of Fence Vaulting Poles, this portable kit allows you
to attack those players who like to hide behind fences.  It deposits you
directly on the field on the opposite side of a fence you are approaching.
     If your chip is allowed to move 13-13 -> 13-07 but is stopped by a fence
at 13-11, using an OPV will deposit your chip on the other side of the fence
landing and STOPPING at 13-10.

Production time per item: 1 Game Weeks

Item 32:  Helicopter Boosters
     For those of you who enjoy the luxuries of flight, here's a First Class
upgrade.  For each helicopter flight made (max of one booster per normal
helicopter flight) you will be able to visit an additional field owned by
the operator of the helicopter.  That's a 50% reduction in cost on multiple

When you don't use a MT card you can make a total of 2 flights (one normal
flight, one booster flight). If you use a MT card, up to 4 flights are
The flights can be before or after the standard move, or between the 2 standard
moves when using an MT card, or a combination of these possibilities.
The PN is increased by the field numbers of all landing sites.
Usage should be as follows:
RRR,USE 32  1              * using a helicopter booster      *        |
RRR,HELI 12-10 -> 17-20    * Booster. Fields belong to aa    *        |

(The field coordinates 12-10 -> 17-20 are examples only).
Apologies are requested, but these boosters may NOT be used to create an
encounter by landing on someone.
(You don't pay the 200 wcu to the field owner for a booster flight, of course).

Production time per item: 2 Game Weeks
Item 33:  "The Edge of Board" Transwarp
  From the creator of the First Move Power Pills and
the Fence Vaulting Poles, here it an item which will let you
"wrap-around" the board.
For instance, let's say that I have a chip on F03-11.  If I could move this
chip 5 squares, I could not go up, because after moving two squares,
the third step will result in the chip falling into the ocean around
the board and drowning.  (Actually, Mark will rule this move as invalid,
saving us these tragic moments!)  However, if I activate a Transwarp, once
I reach F01-11, I will be able to wrap-around to F 25-11.
This constitutes as the third square move, so I will move two more squares,
to F23-11.
Some restrictions:
1) A chip can warp only if he moves that chip in the normal way (up, down,
   left, or right).  A chip moving diagonally or making a rabbit move can
   NOT use the transwarp.
2) The transwarp can be used only for the move of the second chip
   (that moves at least two squares).  It can not be used for the move
   of the first chip, even if that chip moves more than one square.
Production time per item: 3 Game Weeks

Item 34:  Red Slippers
Are you in a tight spot, about to loose all your money, or just homesick ?
The Home Sweet Home Company has the solutions to all your problems:
   Red slippers !! (??)
When ever you feel like going home, just put on your red slippers, click your
heels together three times and say : "There's no place like home". You will
be instantly transferred to a field of your choice. (as long as you own it)
Since the Home Sweet Home Company is a non-profit organization, the
slippers may not be used for offensive actions. This means you can NOT
transfer to a field already occupied. Only on of your chips is affected;
you must specify the field this chip is on.
- Tell Mark you are using your Red Slippers.
- State how you use them by giving a 'move' preceded by the word HOME,
  eg. HOME  24-07 -> 01-11
Production time per item: 2 Game Weeks

Item 35:  Quirk
In uttmost secret, using (perhaps) high-tech tigi-chips, martian
alloys, and cold nuclear energy, the TINY-GIANT-CORPORATION has developed the
A tigi-quirk may be very suitable to those players, who carefully plan their
Activate a tigi-quirk before your move, and before possible field number
exchanges and fence movements.
After your normal move, both your chips are moved again, but now in a
special way.  This is done in the following manner: first, the 1st and 2nd
tigi-number are computed:
- The 1st tigi-number TG1 is a number from 1-25, which is determined with help
  of the Action Number of the play after his move, in the following way:
   - equal to the AN if  1 <= AN <= 25
   - AN-25           if 26 <= AN <= 50
   - AN-50           if 51 <= AN <= 75
   - AN-75           if 76 <= AN <= 100
- In the same way, the 2nd tigi-number TG2 is a number from 1-25, which is
  determined with help of the Priority Number after the move of the player:
   - equal to the PN if  1 <= AN <= 25
   - PN-25           if 26 <= AN <= 50
   - PN-50           if 51 <= AN <= 75
   - PN-75           if 76 <= AN <= 100
After the completion of the 'normal' part of the move, the first chip
of the player goes directly to the field with coordinates TG1-TG2, and
the second chip goes directly to the field with coordinates TG2-TG1.
(It is assumed that the movement is by space-warp, hence fences etc. do not
interfere with this warp movement.)
This warp movement does not affect the AN of the player, but numbers of
the two now moved to fields add to the PN.
For example, a player 'ex' with AN 23 and PN 47 activites a tigi-quirk, and
then moves in a normal way (possibly
with using cards (but see below), pills, poles, etc.). His MN is 13, and he
goes to fields 25-10 and 25-18. When there is a player 'vi' , e.g. on 25-18,
'ex' encounters this player 'vi' (just as always), and this encounter
is handeled in the normal way.
As, after this 'first move', the PN of 'ex' is 47+2+2=51, and
his AN is 23+13=36, TG1=36-25=11, and TG2=50-1=1, so the chips of player
'ex' are warped to 01-11 and 11-01. When there is a chip of
another player on one of these fields, it is encountered by 'ex', with AN 36.
Some special rules:
- A player may not use a MT card and a tigi-quirk in the same turn.
- After its use, the tigiquirk is dissolved in the air. TINY-GIANT-CORPORATION
  assures you, that there are no air pollution effects.
- The tigi-quirk only works, when both chips of the player have made a legal
  movement. When the first, normal movement of the player is not finished, due
  to an illegal chip move, illegal fence move, or illegal number exchange,
  the tigi-quirk still dissolves, but does not transport the players chips.
Production time per item: 2 Game Weeks

Item 36:  Emergency Break
Having a hard time meeting people ?  Is life passing you by, and so are all
the other players ?  Are YOU in search for a meaningful encounter ?
Have we got the deal for you !
 The Hold-That-Train Company is proud to present:
         the EMERGENCY BREAK !!!.
You can you use the Emergency Break with your second chip only.
The emergency break allows you to stop short 1 or 2 fields of your
destination. Eg., if your first chip landed on a 4, you may move your
second chip 2 or 3 fields when using the Emergency Break.
To avoid unclear situations, the Emergency Break may not be
used in combination with an RM card.
It is not possible to use 2 Emergency Breaks for the same chip.
Production time per item: 1 Game Week

Item 39:  Anti-gravity Belts

Price:  350 wcu
Cost:  200 wcu
Development:  3 weeks
Max purchased:  2
Max Ownable:  5

Tired of having to plan your moves, using up valuable move cards to get
exactly where you want to go?  If so, the StarTech Anti-gravity Belt is
for you!

Utilizing our newly developed Synchronicity Generator, the Anti-gravity
Belt allows you to drift through the air in any direction you choose.
Float over those pesky fences at will!


1)  The first chip moves normally (but see #3).

2)  The second chip moves a total number of fields equal to exactly twice the
    field number of the first chip.  Fields must be counted horizontally
    or vertically, NOT diagonally.

3)  Fences are ignored when using the AGB; both chips are floating above
    the level of the fences.  The edge of the board still inhibits moves.

4)  Since both chips are in the air, and do not land until the very end of
    the turn, they may not have encounters on the turn the AGB is used.

5)  Sadly, the compact power supplies used in the AGB are completely drained
    by this use (remove from inventory after use).

6)  Residual synchronicity charges prevent the use of the AGB with any of
    the special move cards or with a Transwarp.

7)  The MN of the first chip is calculated normally; the MN of the
    second chip is 0.  PN is updated as usual.

Item 40:  Boomers Cudgels, Large
          Boomers Cudgels, Cracked Large (Item 140)
Item 41:  Boomers Cudgels, Small
     If you are carrying a cudgel during an encounter, any money you
opponent gives up is increased.  Small cudgels add 10%, big cudgels
add 20%, 15% if cracked.  If a trade of funds is indicated, you can
keep the appropriate percentage instead.
Small cudgels break after one use, large cudgels crack after the first,
and become small after the second use.
Production time per item: 3 Game Weeks

Item 42:  Robber Masks
Too much money in the bank? Part of it should be yours. It can be yours -
with a Robber Mask.
It is simple to use a Robber Mask. Put it on your face at the start of a turn.
When you create during this turn an encounter with an action number that ends
on a 5 (i.e. AN= 05, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, or 95), you rob the bank
and receive 2000 WCU from the bank.
After the turn (whether or not you created such an encounter), the Robber
Masks cannot be used anymore; as to prevent prosecution by FBI, CIA, INTERPOL
or Scotland Yard, players will never use the same mask during more than one
turn. In game terms: the robber mask is removed from the inventory.
The 2000 WCU is given for each created encounter with WCU ending on 5, e.g.
when a player is clever enough to create two such encounters, he receives
4000 WCU from the bank.
The money is given after the normal effects of the encounter are applied, e.g.
after an encounter with AN=95 with an agressor wearing a robber mask, first
victim and agressor exchange money (see TABLE OF ACTION CODES) and then
agressor receives 2000 WCU from the bank.
In case the bank contains less than 2000 WCU, a player never receives more
money than is in the bank.
Production time per item: 2 Game Weeks

Item 43:  Bank ID Card
The makers of the robber masks come again with a criminal idea!
We have created cards, that let you pose as if you are an employee of the
bank. Suppose you have an encounter with someone who must due to that
encounter pay some money to the bank. You show him a BankIDCard, which gives
him or her the impression that you are a bank employee, so he (she) pays the
money to you, instead of to the bank.
Specify with your move which of your chips wants to use an BankIDCard.
If this chip has an encounter, then instead of what normally would happen, if
the AN is between 51 and 60 or between 71 and 80, the following effects
  AN    Action
51-60   V pays 500 WCU to A
71-80   V pays 400 WCU to A
When the chip has an encounter, the BankIDCard is used up, and discarded.
If the action number is between 01 and 50, 61 and 70 or 81 and 100, then there
is no effect, except that the BankIDCard is used up when an encounter takes
If no encounter takes place, then the card is still kept in the inventory.
Note that the victim does not notice anything: he(she) still pays the same
amount, only not to the bank.
Big advantage of these cards: fewer money will pile up in the bank.
Production time per item: 1 Game Week

Item 44:  Throwing Stones

     The latest in caveman technology, the THROWING STONE.  These stones
are the penultimate in aerodynamic technology.  We have achieved an
unequalled spin-stabilization that reduces drift, turbulence, and corriolis
effects.  This means that your throw carries farther and more accurately
than ever before possible!
     Our unique design (patent pending) provides for a smooth and
comfortable fit to the hand.  The optimum weight selected provides for the
optimum impact.  Are you a little small?  Our dealer can chip off a few extra
ounces while you wait.  Our custom process does not interfere with the
aerodynamics.  Are you BIG, our stones come in a LARGE size too!
     These stones have a range on ONE (1) square.  That is quite an
improvement over zero!  On the encounter action table, the victim realizes
1/2 of the indicated loss, you risk nothing.  Of course, since he is in the
next square, the lost money is on the ground.  This is picked up by the
next person to enter that square, most likely you since you are 1 square
away!  Once used the stones lose their aerodynamic quality.  Of course,
this means that your opponent won't use them against you!

Production time per item: 3 Game Weeks

Item 45:  Encounter Reverser's (OER's)
     Due to a recent advance in modern technology, a new and exciting product
has been created by the Chewy Systems Labs.  By reversing the dielectric
rotational energy fields of the space-time continuity vertex, the player can
now turn another players encounter to their advantage.  Imagine the surprise
when the encounter the other player set up so carefully ends up turning against
     The way it works is a follows:
     You activate your OER. This is executed before anybody moves.
Once the OER is active any chip which tries to have an encounter with you finds
that the effects of the encounter revers and it becomes the "victim".  Oh yes,
don't worry, it affects both chips.  This is due to the paranormal hypermatic
ether link that exists between all chip pairs.
Only one OER per visit.
These will cost me 100 to make and 3 weeks to produce (very high technology
takes a long to to build you know!)
Production time per item: 3 Game Weeks
Item 46:  Shield
Item 47:  Shield Charges
Lost again half your money from someone who attacked you with a sword?
Afraid of switching your ten-thousands of WCU's with those of
someone with only a few thousand WCU's?
Here is a remedy!
Buy a tigi-shield and some shield-charges. A tigi-shield is operated
electrically, and hence you need these charges to let it work.
The shield generates an magnetic field, which, according to the wish of the
operator, can be positive or negative. The field affects anyone who attacks
the owner of the shield.
When you desire to use the shield in a turn, you give the command:
Tigi-shield: add 10 to AN of my attackers
Tigi-shield: subtract 10 to AN of my attackers
As a result, each attacker in this turn has its AN affected in the way
described. For instance ng (nasty goblin) attacks fu (friendly unicorn) and has
a AN of 21 before its move, and a MN of 15.
When fu would not have used a charge of his tigi-shield, he would lose half
of its capital to ng as ng would have AN 36.
Fortunately for fu, in this example, fu had foreseen this move of ng, and has
activated his tigi-shield positively, so ng gets AN 46 instead, and hence a MT
card, and fu suffers no ill effects of the encounter.
The effect of activating the shield happens already before all players move,
hence, if a player moves before you, and you activate the tigi-shield
in the turn, this activation also effects the possible encounter this player
has with you.
Note: a tigi-shield alone is useless. You need the charges as well. Every time
that the shield is activated, one charge is spent and only one charge may be
spent per turn.
You can buy during one visit both shield and charges, or only charges, or only
a shield, although the last seems rather silly.
There can be some interesting psychology involved: suppose you know someone
with a chewy's sword is about to encounter you. Will he use his sword to
negate a possible use of your shield or not?
Production time per item: 1 Game Week

Item 49:  Lotto Credits
Explanations, rules, and regulations:
  Lottery tickets can be bought for any denomination, in increments of
50 wcu, from 50-1000.  A winning ticket pays off at 9 to 1 odds.
The owner of the business receives 1/2 of the purchase price of
the ticket for acting as agent, the other 1/2 of the money is paid
directly to the World Bank.
  The World Bank pays off all winning tickets immediatly from its resources.
  The owner will NOT be allowed to patronise his own business EVER.
What is a winning ticket:
  After each update, if any player purchased a
  Anyone who bought a ticket that week with the WINNING NUMBER, receives
9 times their purchase price from the bank.
  A player may buy as many tickets in as many denominations as she likes
while at the Lotto' Credits stand, EXCEPT:  the potential payoff may
NOT exceede 1/2 of the current balance in the World Bank.  Tickets are
only good during the week sold.  They do not show up in inventory,
and their existence is maintained only in the public records as has been
done recently with the purchase of power pills.
Format & example:
Assume that last week, some player said
  I want to buy a 200 credit Lotto ticket for #3
  and a 100 credit ticket for #1.
What would happen is:
   1) 300 credits subtracted from buyer.
   2) 20 credits subtracted from me (printing costs)
   3) 150 credits go into the World Bank
   4) 150 credits go to me
   5) The public in general notes that the player has the tickets
   6) the update occurs
   7) 7+25+34+10+8+11+10+2+1+1+1+1=111<---(total the MN's from the update)
   8) The winning number is a 1, so..
   9) Player is a winner, bank pays player 900 wcu
end example.
Additional Rule for Lottery
When there is more than 60000 WCU in the bank, players may buy tickets from
gambling shops, even when they are not on the squares of these shops.
There are the following extra rules, in addition to the rules stated by the
gambling shops:
- players may never spend more than 1000 WCU in total in a turn on these
  `mail-order' gambling tickets
- players may buy at most one ticket per type of gambling, (i.e. they could
  buy one toto ticket of 500 WCU and one lottery ticket of 500 WCU).
- an owner of a gambling shop may voluntary decide only to sell tickets to
  visiting players, and not to sell mail-order tickets. This decision must be
  stated in advance.
Production time per item: On Demand
Item 50:  Tigi-toto, Large
Item 51:  Tigi-toto, Small
Buy a toto ticket, predict the number of encounters that will take place
during the week, and win big prices:
  for a correct prediction, you win with a small ticket 500 WCU,
  and you win with a large ticket 2500 WCU.
Prices are paid after all other board updates, and are paid by the bank.
To start a toto-shop, the owner must pay 300 WCU to the bank. (This is his
financial risk - the tickets are further available on demand.)
Additional Rule for Toto shop
When there is more than 60000 WCU in the bank, players may buy tickets from
gambling shops, even when they are not on the squares of these shops.
There are the following extra rules, in addition to the rules stated by the
gambling shops:
- players may never spend more than 1000 WCU in total in a turn on these
  `mail-order' gambling tickets
- players may buy at most one ticket per type of gambling, (i.e. they could
  buy one toto ticket of 500 WCU and one lottery ticket of 500 WCU).
- an owner of a gambling shop may voluntary decide only to sell tickets to
  visiting players, and not to sell mail-order tickets. This decision must be
  stated in advance.
GM: PLEASE NOTE: All lottery and toto operations (collecting tickets,
working out who is the winner, distributing the money) must be done
by the gambling business owner. He will be given the required priorities
to distribute money from the bank. As with all business operations, the
BCO and the GM are only required to do spot checks. But dishonest players
can be denounced to the jury for cheating, of course.
Production time per item: On Demand

Item 52:  Treasure Hunt Whistle
Excitement can be yours!
This business item is designed for two reasons:
- to prevent too much money to pile up in the bank
- to add some exciting new idea to the game
I hope you like it!
When at the end of a turn there is at least 50000 WCU in the bank,
players with a treasure hunt whistle can initiate a treasure hunt.
In an `almost random way', a treasure location is determined.
The first player that moves to this field (without taxi or helicopter use)
in a subsequent turn wins 8000 (eight thousand) WCU from the bank.
More precise rules:
1. A player that owns a treasure hunt whistle can initiate a treasure hunt,
if the following conditions are met:
   - at the end of the last turn, the bank contained at least 50000 WCU. (This
     is the statement at the end of a board, send out by the GM.)
   - there is not already a treasure hunt going on. (So, at most one treasure
     hunt at a time.)
   - the player does not use an SM card. (So, everybody can indeed check that
     he has blown on the whistle.)
2. At the end of a turn, where one or more players have initiated a treasure
hunt, a treasure location is determined in the following way:
- add all AN of all players (except those that used an SM card in the turn).
  Subtract as many times 25 as needed to get a number from 1 to 25. This is
  the row of the treasure location.
- add all PN of all players (except those that used an SM card in the turn).
  Subtract as many times 25 as needed to get a number from 1 to 25. This is
  the column of the treasure location.
So, for instance, if the sum of all AN of all players is 384, and the sum of
all PN of all players is 422, then 384-375=9, and 422-400=22, so the treasure
location is 09-22.
3. The first player that moves a chip to the treasure location without using
a helicopter or taxi for that chip in the turn receives 8000 WCU from the
bank. The treasure hunt continues until a player has won the price.
4. The player who blows the whistle has the moral obligation to calculate
and publish (with //RMPM-D//) the treasure location. The GM will inform the
players that a whistle has been blown.
5. After one use, the whistle breaks and cannot be used anymore. (Cheap
plastic toys, you know...)
6. The owner of this shop is allowed to buy treasure hunt whistles
at his own shop, but must pay FIVE times the full price to the bank
if he wants to do so.
(Fair enough, isn't it?)
in board 17 there is 50.345 WCU in the bank.
in the moves for board 18, a player blows the treasure hunt whistle.
AN's and PN's of board 18 are used to calculate the treasure location.
In the moves for board 19 players may try to move to this location. If nobody
succeeds in board 19, players can try again in board 20, etc.
Some remarks:
- as the bank must contain at least 50000 WCU before a treasure hunt, and at
most one can be going on at the same time, the bank won't get broke.
- taxi's and helicopters are forbidden as this may be too easy to reach the
- I think it'll be fun.
Production time per item: 2 Game Weeks

Item 53:  Bashing Bill 'O Sale
Business owners, hear my call!  Are you tired of spending countless hours
of brainstorming up new business ideas, waiting for the 2 week vote period,
being rejected, remodifying it, finally getting it accepted, and then
being forbidden from buying your own invention?!
I say its time this stopped!  We should be able to take adavntage of our own
business ideas!  Therefore, I offer the Beebelbrox Bureaucracy Bashing Bill
o' Sale.
This little piece of paper, worked up by our legal department will allow
business owners to purchase their own commodities with the following
   1-Each BBBBs is good for one (1) visit to any business.  It must be
     handed in for the special dispensation of products, and is therefore
     removed after one use.
   2-The owner must pay THE PURCHASE PRICE (the same price everyone else
     pays) TO THE BANK, instead of himself.
   3-All rules concerning max buyable and current inventory are in force.
     If the owner wants to buy something, and there are none in her shop,
     she must order more made in the usuall fashion, and can buy one when
     they are ready just like anyone else.
Help me herald in the next generation of businesses.. the service industry.
We are the vanguard of a new era.. an era of fast, efficient, paperwork.
Lets cut through the red tape together!
p.s. In the case where a business explicitly forbids the owner from
purchasing his own stock (I believe my Lotto' Credits is the only example
of this)  The BBBBs will take precedence.  My reasoning being that the
business proviso was placed in to keep me from being able to buy tickets
"wholesale" and making a market killing.  The way the BBBBs works, business
owners will actually pay MORE for their services and items than others
will.  (They pay full price, AND what it cost to produce, and all they get
is the ability to use products they invented, which everyone else in the
game can do already!)
Production time per item: On demand
Item 54:  Shopper's Smoke-Signal Sender
Tired of running around the board, searching for a shop ?
SHOPPER's SMOKE-SIGNAL SENDERs are the answer to all your problems !
Just pop the lid of your SHOPPER's SMOKE-SIGNAL SENDER and transmit your
shopping list to the shop OF YOUR CHOICE !
The goods you require (if available) will be delivered TO YOUR DOORSTEP in
only ONE WEEK ! (ie. in time for next week's move).
Unfortunately the SHOPPER's SMOKE-SIGNAL SENDER last only one transmission
After being used it simply disappears in a puff of smoke :-).
The SHOPPER'S SMOKE-SIGNAL SENDER can NOT be used when you have encounter-
protection and also cannot be used to buy another Smoke-Signal Sender !!!
How to use:
- send the USE command for the SMOKE-SIGNAL SENDER and the usual trade
  command for the item you want to buy, together with a remark that
  you are able to buy this because of the SSS.
- your shopping list gets transmitted at your turn.
- you can only contact open shops.
- when there is no stock available, the shopowner pays you 300 WCU to
  replace your sender. No further penalty is imposed on the shopowner.
- you may not use the SHOPPER's SMOKE-SIGNAL SENDER to purchase further 
Production time per item: 1 Game Week

Item 55:  Gold Bar
Recently, a player was defeated in the game. He lost all his money in the
following way: another player spent almost all his money, then encountered
with AN between 91 and 100. The unfortunate player was left with very little
money, and was encountered again next turn - he couldn't pay the 500 WCU...
To prevent such unfortunate circumstances in the future, you now can buy
Gold Bars.  (Provided enough people vote YES for this proposal...)
At any moment you can sell your gold bar to the bank. The bank directly pays
you 1000 WCU (the raw cost of the bar) for the gold bar.
(Selling a gold bar happens before all moves of players.)
Gold bars are also great if YOU plan to encounter someone with AN between 91
and 100...
Production time per item: 1 Game Week

Item 56:  Fence Kit
Tired of all of those unwanted ones getting at you when you're not looking?
Want something to brighten up your yard and keep the neighbour's prying
eyes out?  Would you like to improve your property value by doing a little
Well, have I got the deal for you.  Patris' fence building kits.  Yes
that's right. . .  build a fence to keep your enemies away.  When you buy a
fence kit, you get the men and equipment to build a fence along one side of a
square you are occupying.  Because of the time involved in building a fence,
each of your pieces may only construct ONE per turn (for a total of two).
When giving the command for building the fence, you would have to tell Mark
between which two squares the fence was being built i.e. 15-01 & 15-02.
The fences would then be completed immediately before everyone's move.
Production time per item: 2 Game Weeks

Item 58:  Burglar Set
      Price: 300
Max Buyable: 3 
   Raw Cost: 150
 Dev Period: 1
The criminals that are selling you robber masks and the false bank id-cards
now come with a new, criminal idea.
With a burglar set you can steal all the shares that someone safely stored
away in his safe.
Use the burglar set in an encounter in which you have AN 100 and you steal
ALL shares of the victim.
The owner of the shop can buy items at this shop, but must pay TWO times the
full price directly at the bank.
(The idea of this item is to have a tool that prevents some players from
becoming totally unbeatable.)
Production time per item: 1 Game Week

Item 59:  Coupons
Item 60:  Big Coupons
Development cost: Coupons (both): 50 WCU
Development period: Coupons: 1 Week
Cost:   Coupon: 80 WCU
        Big Coupon: 125 WCU
Purchase limit: Three per week in any combination.
Ownership limit: Seven of any combination.
I offer you the ACME PRINTING CO.
We have some badly needed products to offer:
ACME Coupons:  This (forged) coupon will get you a 10% rebatebusiness

        on any purchase at any store.
ACME Big Coupon: This one offers a 20% rebate.  It isn't 
        actually more expensive to produce, we just gouge you!
You will receive your rebate immediately in hand.

Unfortunately our stone tablets are fragile and are good for one
use only.

Production time per item: 1 Game Week

Item 61:  Snatching Snake Stick

Have you decided that you've had enough of those rich powerful players
pushing you around?  Want to get even?  Do you want to be as powerful as
they are at their expence?!  Well have I got a deal for you.  All you have
to do is buy one of my nifty new Snatching Snake Sticks.  

When you activate one of these sticks before an encounter, it turns into a
long snake with two heads.  Each of these heads snatches one (1) of your
opponent's possessions, for a total of two possessions (you tell it which
two).  After the snake has grabbed the items, it will drop them at your
feet.  The snakes we use to make these "snatchers" are extreamely suicidal
and after only one encounter, will immediately slither to the edge of the
board and throw themselves into the void, thus ending their usefulness. 
Also, when you use the Snatching Snake Stick, you have to concentrate so
hard on not being bitten that you are unable to create the "usual" encounter
(as per the encounter table). If, however, the snake does not bite anything
(no encounter happened), it will revert back to it's original stick form to
be used again. 

Item 62:  Super Field Number Exchanger
With a super field number exchanger, one increases its possibilities for
changing field numbers very much.

Apply a super field number exchanger, and change two fields around one of your
chips. You may choose two of any of the nine fields, horizontally, vertically
or diagonally adjacent to your chip, or the field on which you chip is
positioned. One uses the same notation for the exchange as for a normal
field number exchange. (See rules III-05, III-08, V-01.)

Example:  Suppose my chips are on 10-20 and 14-18.
I can then use the SFNE in, amongst others, the following ways:

Ex1:  RRR,USE XX 1  (Use of Super field number exchanger, XX is item number)
Ex1:  E 9-21 <-> 10-21


Ex2:  RRR,USE XX 1 (Use of super field number exchanger)
Ex2:  E 10-20 <-> 11-20

Without a SFNE, one has two possible field number exchanges for a chip, not on
the border of the board. With an SFNE, one has 34 additional possibilities.
SFNE's are great in combination with MT or DM cards.

The owner of this shop may buy items at the shop, but must pay twice the
full price to the kiosk.

Item #63:  Rodent Radio Units

When this shop officially opens, a RSR will be created at 13-13. The shop(s)
will sell radio units to each player, which self-destruct upon use.  These
radio units are designed to transmit a move to the RSR. 

After both of a player's chips have moved, said player will transmit a
direction to the RSR via the radio unit such that it would execute a move as
a "third chip"; it will move N fields in the specified direction, where N is
the field number the first chip moved to.  The RSR, being the clever little
Rodent it is, burrows under fences and is therefore unaffected by them. 

If the transmission results in the RSR leaving the board or landing on a
field occupied by 2 players (other than 13-13, of course), the transmission
is ignored, and the radio unit still self-destructs. 

01-01 -> 01-02
05-08 -> 09-08
RSR -> [u,d,l,r] (one of these choices)

The RSR's movement will not affect the player's AN or PN. If the RSR
encounters a player, the encounter is resolved as if the transmitter of the
encounter-causing move were the attacker. The Rodent, still being
exceedingly clever, buries itself such that it cannot be encountered by
another player.  It does count, however, as occupying a player space, so, if
a player and the RSR are in a field, a second player may not land on that

The codes controlling the RSR are very simple, and so are incompatible with
rectangle moves or flights or rabbit moves, for example.  Only standard
moves are acceptable.  If an MT card is used, the transmission only works
for one of the two moves. 

The RSR may create several encounters in one turn, if more than one person
transmits a move to it.  All moves possible will be executed in order of PN. 
Therefore, for example, if 4 people transmit codes to it, the RSR may move 5
squares up for an encounter, move 4 squares right for another encounter,
ignore a transmission that would move it off the board, and then move 2
squares up for a 3rd encounter.  The RSR may not encounter novice players.

A player may even choose to be encountered by the RSR!  (Robbing the kiosk
would be a good use of this ability!) 

Item #64:  Champion Spotter

        As the name describes, this item is a small double barrel spot light
that when operated, (by throwing in the air) it will shine upon the current
champion of the week.  This light is so powerful that it will negate any and
all hidden protection that other business items and cards offer.  So if you
suspect that the champion is going to be using a secret move card, you can
use this item and it will negate that usage.  The spotter is also so strong
that it not only shows you were the champion is but it also shows EVERYONE
where the champion's chips are located.  The Champion spotter only works on
the champion and is destroyed after only one usage.  This is a powerful item
and hense, its price is high.  Only one Spotter may be owned by a player at
any given time.

Item #65:  Anti-Quirk

As the present Quirk stands, your chips always maintain a
northeast-southwest orientation after Quirking.  Those who want the NW-SE
orientation must rectangle-move the board update after the Quirk.  This is
very messy, and a shame to waste a good move on it. 

Therefore, I propose the Anti-Quirk.  Movement is *exactly* the same as a
Quirk's, except that, whereas a Quirk moves chips to TG1-TG2 and TG2-TG1
(where TG1 and TG2 are tigi-numbers), the Anti-Quirk moves chips to
Anti-Quirk sends chips to (26minusTG2)-TG1 and (26minusTG1)-TG2.

As an added bonus (for those wanting a quick getaway to the kiosk), if a
player uses a Quirk and an Anti-Quirk in the same turn, his regular move is
*ignored*, and both chips are sent to the kiosk (13-13) immediately
(following the priority rules, of course). 

Item #66: Crystal Balls

WMD Enterprises presents... the fabulous Crystal Ball!

Item: Crystal Balls
Field: 13-07
Price: 1000
Manuf. Cost: 300
Develop. period: 2 weeks
Max: 1

The crystal ball allows you to harness the powers of the spirit world for your
own gain! Simply rub the ball and peer into its murky depths and you can see
friends and enemies alike, even if they are hidden from normal view! When the
crystal ball is used, the locations of all players making a secret move that
same week are revealed to you, and *you alone*. The board update will show the
secret move as always, but the lucky owner of the crystal ball will receive an
additional message from the netherworld (or Mark) revealing the locations of
hidden chips. Unfortunately, using the ball drains the powers of the demons
involved with that ball, making the ball powerless, so that it may be used
only once. But it still makes an attractive paperweight!

You may notice the high selling price on this item. However, consider that it
is quite a bit more powerful than the Champ Spotter, which sells for 850. In
addition, my manufacturing costs are higher, since messing around with the
supernatural is dangerous stuff.

                          TROJAN HORSES
Item # 67
Price: 700 wcu
Manuf. Cost: 350 wcu
Develop. period: 3 weeks
Faithful to the tradition of Trojan horses, these are gifts to your fellow
players, shiny on the outside, but utterly rotten inside. Indeed, with a
Trojan horse you will be able to send five of your own PN points to a player
of your choice.
Why would you want to do this?
Well, you would usually only do it, of course, if the player at the receiving
end of your gift has a PN between 96 and 100! I think you see the point.
Alternatively you can also offer less disguised Trojan horses in the form of
minus five points to any player. This means your own PN goes up by 5 points,
but the PN of the lucky player who gets your TH decreases by five.
You can only use one Trojan horse per board update. No player can adjust his
own PN to zero or below zero. If he does nothing happens, except that his TH
is still consumed. The PN changes due to Trojan horses take place BEFORE the
board update. First all PN changes due to other items are executed. Then the
effect of Trojan Horses are considered. If the PN of a player receiving one
or several TH would become zero or less, then ALL TH sent to this player are

Being relatively powerful items, these horses are fairly expensive: 700 wcu
to buy one and 350 wcu paid to the bank by the shop owner for the timber.
                           4 FIELD LONG ROPE
Item # 68
Price: 200 wcu
Manuf. Cost: 100 wcu
Develop. period: 1 week
  I propose for field 01-20 a business that sells special 4 field long
ropes. These ropes can be used to encounter other players, as well as to
hinder their move. Here is how it works:
  After you finish moving your two pices, if they are in the same row or in
the same collumn and no more then 4 fields away from each other, you can
use the ROPE. One piece throws the rope to the other one, and then they
both lay it in on the ground. When another piece tries to move thorugh the
space between your pieces, the two pieces quickly pull the two sides of the
rope and make the unsuspecting enemy piece to trip and fall face down. The
effect of that is that the piece's move had stoped on this field, and it
is also encountered. The money that was lost by that player (if there was
any) stays on the ground, as with trowing stones, to be collected by the
next player at that location.
  Unfortunally, however, the rope's length makes it very weak, and so
it's fibers brake up after one use.
  The rope will affect the first player the enters that space only. The
other player will see it and so they'll avoid it. If, however, no one
passed, that that rope can be pulled back and used again later.
  Notice: If a player stops or stars in the field with the rope, he is not
affeceted. Only passing through that field counts.
  Example: After P1 finished his move, his two pieces are at 10-14, and
10-17, and he uses the rope. P2, tries to go from 12-16 to 8-16 but since
he have to pass through 10-16, he is encountered there and stops there as
if it met a fence between 10-16 and 9-16.
The manufacturing price is 100
The manufacturing period is 1 week
and the price is 200
Max per visit is 3