
                           EBONE 92


           1.1  Background
           1.2  Strategy for a Shared Infrastructure
           1.3  Acceptable Use
           1.4  The Two Step Approach

           2.1  A model for a network of networks
           2.2  The Ebone 92 Boundary
           2.3  The Ebone 92 Services
           2.4  Topology
           2.5  Ebone 92 Initial Configuration
           2.6  The Ebone 92 Organisation

           3.1  Preparation for 1993
           3.2  The Call for Tender


  1.1  Background

  One of the most urgent actions for the European Research
  Networking community is to progress the establishment of a well
  managed pan-European multi-protocol backbone service. The
  recognition of this need was expressed by the RARE CoA in its
  May 1990 meeting in Killarney and documented in the EEPG report
  tabled to the CoA in May 1991 in Blois. The EEPG report
  confirmed the urgent need for 2Mbps bandwidth and tabled two
  options for the technical preparation of the multi-protocol
  backbone itself:

         - X.25 with embedding of other layer 3 protocols;
    or   - TDM with native support of layer 3 services.

  An ad hoc task force was initiated by SURFnet to work out a plan
  of action to implement the second EEPG strategy, concentrating
  on the technical and operational aspects of the backbone. The
  start-up meeting was held in Amsterdam on 2nd September 1991.

  The task force reviewed the EEPG strategy, drew up an outline
  "acceptable use" statement, and recommended a two step approach:

        o    creation and growth during 1992 of a kernel
             backbone by combining and enhancing existing

        o    merging the resultant backbone into the RARE
             Operational Unit plans for 1993.

  1.2  Strategy for a Shared Infrastructure

  This strategy as laid out in the EEPG report treats the
  provision of networking services based on a shared
  infrastructure as the key issue and recognises that the
  underlying technology to provide the transmission facilities
  is a rapidly evolving area and must be managed as a process
  of continual change. The European telecomms regulatory
  environment may also exhibit some developments that a well
  orchestrated research community could play to its advantage.

  The approach is to evolve the currently available facilities
  into a shared and managed infrastructure for the European
  research network community. It is recognised that a range of
  carrier level protocols are in heavy use and developments in
  technology such as ATM and Frame Relay will provide
  increasingly flexible methods to manage bandwidth and share
  the expensive transmission facilities between services.

  Thus management attention can be divided between:

            o    Provision of Services      (OSI Layer 3)

            o    Bandwidth Management       (OSI Layers 1-2)

  The Ebone 92 strategy is to start the provision of parallel
  Layer 3 services on a backbone NOW in such a way that future
  technology can be "slid underneath". The benefits are
  savings in line costs through better use of high speeds
  (cheaper per bit) and better service through a redundant
  topology linking both European and USA networks.

  1.3  Acceptable Use

  The target group for Ebone 92 is all the national and
  international networks and international research
  institutions (hereafter referred to as Regionals) providing
  network services for users at higher education and research
  sites, including those involved in industrial research.

  In principal, the Ebone 92 will have no restrictions on
  traffic. It will be up to participating networks to restrict
  traffic according to their own norms.

  1.4  The Two Step Approach

  The two step approach generates two streams of activity: short
  term implementation in 1992 and a parallel tender/procurement
  process aimed at 1993.

  o  Ebone 92 - The Short Term

  This document defines and details proposals for the
  immediate establishment of a common managed interim
  pan-European Internet IP backbone based on the current ad hoc
  Internet IP backbone infrastructure(s). Recommendations also
  include the provision of pilot CLNS services in 1992. The
  exclusion of X.25 at this step is not because X.25 is
  considered less important than IP: the pan-European
  provision of X.25 is well covered already by the current
  COSINE IXI service and its planned enhancements.

  Chapter 2 details Ebone 92.

  o  1993 Multi-protocol Backbone

  An immediate action is recommended for RARE to prepare a draft
  Call for Tender document for a pan-European Multi-protocol
  Backbone Service to be in operation by the beginning of
  1993. The execution of this step is to be the responsibility
  of the Operational Unit currently under establishment.

  Chapter 3 outlines the planning for 1993.


  2.1  A model for a network of networks

  Ebone 92 is to be a multi-protocol high-bandwidth pan-European
  backbone for a network of networks. This model describes
  Ebone 92 in terms of its boundaries:

          - the functional components of the boundary;
          - the services available at the boundary;

  in terms of its topology:

          - the connectivity;
          - the redundancy;

  and presents the organisational elements:

          - the management and operational functions and
          - the funding mechanisms.

  2.2  The Ebone 92 Boundary

  The boundary of the Ebone 92 is described in terms of the
  functionality of the systems at either side and the
  specifications of their common interface.
  The defined functions are handled by the Ebone 92 Boundary
  System (EBS) and the Regional Boundary System (RBS). See
  Fig. 1.


      !    backbone traffic routing    !
      !                                !- Ebone Boundary System
      !  access to/from the backbone   !

          ========================     <- Ebone Boundary Interface

      !  access to/from the Regional   !
      !                                !
      !        access control          !- Regional Boundary System
      !                                !
      !    regional traffic routing    !


  Figure 1:  The Ebone 92 Boundary Interface and Connected Systems

  The Ebone 92 Boundary Interface is defined for Layers 1 & 2,
  for routing as appropriate for the Layer 3 services, and for
  network management procedures.

  The Interim Specifications for the Ebone 92 Interface for IP
  and CLNS working is:

  Layers 1 and 2

           - Ethernet (AUI Male Port provided by the EBS)
           - FDDI (Dual Attachment)
           - V.35 or HSSI with PPP (RFC 1171) or Frame Relay
             (CCITT I.122) encapsulation


          - IP with BGP (RFC 1163) or static routes
          - CLNS with IDRP (ISO CD 10747) or static routes


          - SNMP (RFC 1157) with MIB-II (RFC 1213)

  The Boundary between Ebone 92 and the connected Regionals can be
  conceptually viewed as in Fig. 2. The physical connection
  between the EBS and RBS can be a local link, a national wide
  area link, or an international wide area link. These last two
  could be called "tail" links.

                   .........     |       \
                  .         .    |        \    ...........
                 .          R#E /          \ E#R          .
                . Regional  B#Bo    Ebone   oB#B  Regional .
                 .          S#S \          / S#S          .
                  ..........     \        /    ..........
                                  |      /
                                   \ --/   ...........
                                    o    ..            .
                                   EBS###RBS  Regional  .
                                    |    .             .
                                     /|   .............
                                      |      "Tail" link
                                   .        .
                                  . Regional .

          Ebone      European Backbone Network
          Regional   Regional Wide Area Network
          EBS        Ebone Boundary System
          RBS        Regional Boundary System
          ###        the Ebone/Regional boundary

  Figure 2:   Ebone 92 - joining the Regional Networks

  2.3  The Ebone 92 Services

  The EBONE 92 access modes are:

          - Internet IP
          - ISO-CLNS (Pilot)

  These services can be considered as pins on a
  "multi-protocol socket".

  The interim "Ebone 92 Socket" is shown in Fig. 3.

           !                        !
           !    O             O     !
           !                        !
           ! Internet IP   ISO-CLNS !
           !                        !

  Figure 3:  The "Ebone 92 Socket"

  In general, service specifications will be those in common usage
  in the research community, e.g.:

          - Internet IP as per Internet standard for IP in RFC 791
            et seq;
          - ISO-CLNS as per the specifications used by the
            RARE/COSINE CLNS Pilot Project.

  2.4  Topology

  The Ebone 92 topology will be developed in two phases.

  The goal of Phase 1 is to establish an Ebone kernel by
  combining existing facilities at existing network sites into
  a coherent design that will exhibit the benefits of a
  backbone by providing practical connectivity and high
  availability both pan-Europe and to the USA. It is to be
  achieved with minimal upgrading of existing "available"
  lines and node equipment.

  Phase 2 grows the Ebone by incorporating other sites into
  the backbone. Each new backbone site must have at least two
  links to existing Ebone sites (EBS to EBS links) so that a
  robust mesh topology is formed. Single "tail" links can extend
  Ebone access to regions (EBS to RBS links).

  2.5  Ebone 92 Initial Configuration

  A robust Ebone 92 kernel must provide:

       -    a three node (triangle) or four node (diamond) basic
       -    two links to the USA.

  Simple symmetry denies the triangle and suggests a balanced ring
  structure to achieve a robust kernel:

                          / \
                         /   \
                        o     o
                         \   /
                          \ /

  This diamond principle could lead to the following initial
  configurations. Taking the map of the higher capacity European
  Internet IP international links and transforming this to a
  diamond could give the following initial kernel:

            USA   <-------Stockholm
                          /        .
                         /           .
                   Amsterdam     Hamburg
                         \         /
                          \       /
            USA   <--------Geneva

  Adding the regional networks and some readily achievable
  extensions could give:

            USA   <----Stockholm (NORDUnet)
                           /      .
                          /        .
                         /          .
            (IXI)--A'dam (SURFnet)   Hamburg (German nets)
                         \         /
                          \       /
                           \     /
            USA   <-----Geneva (CERN) --- (SWITCH)
                         Bologna (GARR/INFN)

            Key:  -----  existing line
                  .....  new line

  All links are targetted to be at least 512 Kbps except the IXI
  link at 64 Kbps. A new line from Stockholm to Hamburg is needed
  to complete the diamond.

  The Phase 1 configuration will be decided by the initial
  partners in the Ebone 92 Consortium. During Phase 2 in 1992, new
  partners may join at any time. Potential candidates are all
  networks providing services to researchers.

  2.6  The Ebone 92 Organisation

  An ad hoc consortium approach is proposed to carry through the
  Ebone 92 initiative. A meeting for those organisations
  interested in the formation of a consortium will be held on 26th
  September at CERN Geneva.

  The following activities will be implemented by interim groups
  drawn from the consortium of contributing organisations:

  o  Getting it going

  An Ebone Action Team (EAT) will be needed to prepare and
  implement the initial robust Ebone kernel. This group will
  consist of a "network" of today's primary junctions management

  The expansion of the infrastructure will continue to be managed
  by the EAT - which itself will grow as further Regionals
  subscribe to Ebone 92 - until handover or incorporation into the
  OPUNIT/1993 Backbone organisation.

  New Ebone access points will be registered during 1992. This
  information and traffic statistics will be made available to
  the OPUNIT for planning transition to contracted services.

  o  Operating the backbone

  An Ebone Operations Team (EOT) will be needed to provide day to
  day operation of the backbone services and to provide a central
  point for incident handling. Initially one support person or
  Full Time Equivalent (FTE) is needed for this function, to be
  supplied by consortium members. Each attached Regional will be
  required to nominate a contact person to liaise with the EOT.

  o  Clearing house

  An Ebone Administration Unit (EAU) will be needed to balance out
  the costs and contributions. SURFnet BV has offered to
  contribute such facilities for the 1992 interim period.

  The initial consortium members need to agree on the division of
  costs for the 1992 situation.


  3.1  Preparation for 1993

  A full multi-protocol service is required to be up and running
  at the beginning of 1993 provided by a contracted service via a
  Call for Tender procedure. The rational behind this step is that
  the scope of the backbone service together with good procurement
  practices necessitate a proper tender process. There is an
  urgent need for a group to start work on this activity. It is
  recommended that a RARE Task Force be charged with preparation
  of the Call for Tender and evaluation criteria for the 1993

  3.2  The Call for Tender

  The Call for Tender document will specify requested services in
  terms of technical and functional specifications of the services
  to be supported (notably X.25, Internet IP and CLNS), the
  required Quality of Service parameters and the location and
  capacity of the access points.

  The design and implementation details of the backbone service
  will be at the discretion of the Tenderers. The depth and
  breadth of contracting out services is to be discussed during
  the tender process.
