
              EBONE Line and Site Installation Specification

                            EBONE Action Team
                            Bernhard Stockman
                            February 24, 1992

        This paper gives a recommendation of the initial physical
        EBONE installation.  Lines and sites are defined.  Necessary
        upgrades and router installations are specified.  Finally
        the required funding to make this possible is mapped to
        confirmed EBONE contributions. The paper does not cover
        necessary router configurations and mangement of the EBONE.


            1.        EBONE Line Specification.
            1.1       Topology.
            1.2       Basic Line Layout.

            2.        Detailed Line Descriptions. 
            2.1       CERN - AMSTERDAM
            2.2       AMSTERDAM - STOCKHOLM
            2.3       STOCKHOLM - LONDON
            2.4       LONDON - MONTPELLIER
            2.5       MONTPELLIER - CERN
            2.6       CERN - CORNELL
            2.7       LONDON - WASHINGTON
            2.8       STOCKHOLM - CORNELL

            3.        Detailed Site Description.
            3.1       LONDON
            3.2       AMSTERDAM   
            3.3       STOCKHOLM   
            3.4       MONTPELLIER        
            3.5.      CERN

            4.        Actions Needed for Lines and Sites
            4.1       EBONE Lines.
            4.2       EBONE Sites.

            5.        Mapping of financial requirements
            5.1       General EBONE financial contributions.
            5.2       Usage of Router Contributions.
            5.3       Usage of EBONE financial contributions.
            5.4       Base for financial calculations.

1.  EBONE Line Specification.

1.1 Topology.

                                       /-- Datanet
                                      /--- TIPnet
                                     /---- SWIPnet
           512 Kbps                 /----- NORDUnet
    USA <-------------- Stockholm  E
                                  / \
                                 /   \
                                /     \
                      256 Kbps /       \ 512 Kbps
                              /         \
                             /           \
                            /             \
          512 Kbps         /               \
    USA <--------- London E                 E Amsterdam
                         /|                 |\
            JANET ----- / |                 | \------- SURFnet
            ICRF ------/  |                 |  \------ Belgium EARN, 
                          |        512 Kbps |   \      EASInet and EUnet.
                          |                 |    \---- RedIRIS, RCCN
                          |                 |     \--- UCD (via IXI)
                          | 256 Kbps        |      \-- ULB (via IXI)
                          |                 |       \- YUNAC (via IXI)
                          |                 |        \ EUnet
              Montpellier E-----------------E CERN
                         /     256 Kbps    / \
               FORTH ---/                 /   \----- SWITCH
                                         /     \---- EARN
                                        /       \--- ACOnet 
                                       /         \-- ARIADNEt 
            1544 Kbps                 /           \- ILAN
    USA <----------------------------/            

    NOTE: XLINK to EBONE connectivity is not yet defined.

1.2 Basic Line Layout.

    Line                      Bandwidth

    CERN - Amsterdam          512 Kbps
    Amsterdam - Stockholm     512 Kbps
    Stockholm - London        256 Kbps
    London - Montpellier      256 Kbps
    Montpellier - CERN        256 Kbps
    London - Washington       512 Kbps
    Stockholm - Cornell       512 Kbps
    CERN - Cornell           1544 Kbps

2.  Detailed Line Descriptions.


    This line is shared among SURFnet, EASInet, HEPnet and EUnet and the
    current bandwidth is 256 Kbps.  As this line currently have a high
    utilization and to conform to the EBONE, an upgrade to 512 is

    Cost estimations (based on Eurodata Handbook, October 1990).  Local
    loops and installation costs not included.

    Bandwidth 256 Kbps
    Amsterdam HC                   90 KECU/a
    CERN HC                        70 KECU/a
    Total:                        160 KECU/a

    Bandwidth 512 Kbps
    Amsterdam HC                  150 KECU/a
    CERN HC                       120 KECU/a
    Total:                        270 KECU/a

    Of the SURFnet contribution of 300 KECU, around 100 KECU is already
    locked in the SURFnet share of the current 256 Kbps installation.
    It is recommended that additional 110 KECU is reserved from general
    EBONE financial contributions to make the proposed upgrade possible.


    This line is shared among NORDUnet, EASInet and EUnet.  The
    bandwidth is currently 256 Kbps. Nordic Carriers have made a
    contribution of 512 Kbps HC between Stockholm and Amsterdam.  By
    adding the today used money from NORDUnet on the other half-channel
    it will be possible to upgrade this line to 512 Kbps.

    Cost estimation (based on information from STI, December 1991).
    Local loops and installation costs not included.

    Bandwidth 256 Kbps
    Amsterdam HC                   90 KECU/a
    Stockholm HC                   81 KECU/a
    Total:                        171 KECU/a

    Bandwidth 512 Kbps
    Amsterdam HC                  155 KECU/a
    Stockholm HC                  119 KECU/a
    Total:                        274 KECU/a

    It is recommended that NORDUnet together with Nordic Carriers make
    the necessary arrangements for an upgrade to 512 Kbps.


    This line does currently not exist.  Contributions has been made
    from Tele2/SWIPnet on 256 Kbps half-channel.  By using the current
    NORDUnet funds of 33 KECU for the Stockholm - London line, NORDUnet
    - Europe connectivity will be improved as was conditionally stated
    in the NORDUnet contribution.

    Cost estimation (based on information from STI, December 1991).
    Local loops and installation costs not included.

    Bandwidth 256 Kbps    
    London HC                      97 KECU/a
    Stockholm HC                   81 KECU/a
    Total:                        178 KECU/a

    Bandwidth 512 Kbps
    London HC                     165 KECU/a
    Stockholm HC                  119 KECU/a
    Total:                        284 KECU/a

    It is recommended that this line is implemented with a bandwidth of
    256 Kbps. If not possible to find additional financial support for
    the London half-channel, 97 KECU must be reserved from general EBONE
    financial contributions (including the NORDUnet 33 KECU mentioned
    above).  If further additional resources is made available it is
    recommended that this line is upgrade to 512 Kbps to conform to the
    nominal EBONE bandwidth.


    This line does currently not exist. If implemented it will give
    improved connectivity for the France national and international
    connections as well as regional networks connected to the EBONE via
    the Montpellier EBONE Boundary System.  The line will also increase
    the robustness and resilience of the EBONE core as such.

    Cost estimations (based on information from BTI, January 1992).
    Local loops and installation costs not included.

    Bandwidth 128 Kbps    
    London HC                      39 KECU/a
    Montpellier HC                 40 KECU/a
    Total:                         79 KECU/a

    Bandwidth 256 Kbps
    London HC                      77 KECU/a
    Montpellier HC                 70 KECU/a
    Total:                        147 KECU/a

    Bandwidth 512 Kbps
    London HC                     133 KECU/a
    Montpellier HC                124 KECU/a
    Total:                        257 KECU/a

    It is recommended that 147 KECU is reserved from general EBONE
    financial contributions to implement this line at 256 Kbps.


    This line is currently owned by EARN France with a bandwidth of 128
    Kbps. An upgrade to at least 256 Kbps will be needed.  By using the
    current EARN funds for the current 56 Kbps Montpellier - US line,
    EARN to US connectivity will by this be improved as was
    conditionally stated in the EARN contribution. 

    Cost estimation (based on information from CERN, January 1992).
    Local loops and installations costs not included.

    Bandwidth 128 Kbps.
    Montpellier HC		   40 KECU/a
    CERN HC                        45 KECU/a
    Total:                         85 KECU/a     

    Bandwidth 256 Kbps.
    Montpellier HC		   70 KECU/a
    CERN HC                        71 KECU/a
    Total:                        141 KECU/a

    Bandwidth 512 Kbps
    Montpellier HC		  124 KECU/a
    CERN HC                       123 KECU/a
    Total:                        247 KECU/a

    It is recommended that, assuming that current financing of the 128
    Kbps bandwidth remain as is, the additional 56 KECU is reserved from
    general EBONE financial contributions to upgrade to 256 Kbps.  It is
    also recommended that the Montpellier - CERN line is installed using
    a pure cisco to cisco solution. If additional funding is made
    available it is recommended that the line is upgraded to 512 Kbps to
    conform to the EBONE nominal bandwidth.


    This line has T1 or 1544 Kbps bandwidth.  It is fully owned by
    IBM/EASInet.  The line interconnects the NSS10 in Cornell Ithaca and
    NSS10 at CERN.  The bandwidth is sufficient so no upgrade is needed.


    This line currently has 512 Kbps bandwidth.  The line is multiplexed
    with 128 Kbps for NASA, RAL and Oxford (DECNET) and 384 Kbps for
    NSF, DARPA, JNT, RAL and Oxford.  On the 384 part also BBN butterfly
    gateways are used for support of the ST protocol (video-conferencing).

    It is recommended that the possibilities of an upgrade to T1/E1
    capacity for the EBONE connectivity is investigated.


    This line is fully owned by NORDUnet on the European side and by
    NSF on the US side.  512 Kbps is available for the EBONE. The line
    connects KTH to Cornell.

    It is recommended that the possibilities of an upgrade to T1/E1
    capacity for the EBONE connectivity is investigated.

3.  Detailed Site Installation Description.


3.1.1 EBONE Connectivity.

    The London EBONE Boundary System will connect Stockholm, Montpellier
    and Washington.

3.1.2 Regional Connectivity.

    The London EBONE Boundary System will connect JANET and ICRF.  It is
    recommended that UCD is connected directly to the London EBONE
    Boundary System using a 64 Kbps leased line.

3.1.3 Housing.

    The London EBONE Boundary System will be placed at the ULCC.

3.1.4 Site Installation Overview.

                         !         !---------- JANET
         Washington -----!  CISCO  !---------- ICRF
                         !  AGS+   !---------- UKnet
                         !         !

3.1.5 Hardware Configuration.

    Chassis    : CISCO AGS+ 
    Processor  : CSC3 processor
    Memory     : 4 Mbyte RAM
    Interfaces : 2 4T cards, 1 2E2T card

3.1.6 Need for EBONE CISCO Contribution.

    It is recommended that one of the contributed CISCO's is used to
    implement the London EBONE Boundary System.


3.2.1 EBONE Connectivity.

    The Amsterdam EBONE Boundary System will connect Stockholm and CERN.

3.2.2 Regional Connectivity.

    The Amsterdam EBONE Boundary System will connect SURFnet, Belgium
    (EARN, EASInet and EUnet) and RedIRIS via leased lines.  UCD, ULB
    and YUNAC via IXI.  IXI will be connected via the a Dutch
    PTT who manages the IXI switch in Amsterdam. RCCN will be connected
    to Madrid via IXI.

3.2.3 Housing.

    The Amsterdam EBONE Boundary System will be placed at WCW.

3.2.4 Site Installation Overview.

                   Stockholm                 !     RedIRIS, RCCN
                       !                     !      !
                 !-----!------!           !--!------!--!
                 !  scan-gw   !           ! ibr-router !---- CERN
                 !-----!------!           !------------!
                       !                    !
                 ===!==!============!=======!=======!=== IBR-LAN
                    !               !               !
             !------!------!  !-----!------!  !-----!------!
             ! snet-router !  ! hef-router !  ! nl.eu.net  !
             !------!------!  !-----!------!  !-----!------!
                    !               !               !
                 SURFnet          (IXI)            EUnet

3.2.5 Hardware Specification.

    Current router installation is judged sufficient.  In the (near?)
    future sara1-router.sara.nl, currently connected to the IBR-LAN,
    will be removed.  In this view scan-gw and ibr-router may form the
    EBONE Boundary System and the other three are regional connections.
    As scan-gw is not an CISCO AGS+ it could be beneficial to move the
    NORDUnet connection to the ibr-router.

3.2.6 Need for EBONE CISCO Contributions.

    As already installed equipment will be used in implementing the
    Amsterdam EBONE Boundary System there will be no need for EBONE
    contributed CISCO's.


3.3.1 EBONE Connectivity.

    The Stockholm EBONE Boundary System will connect Amsterdam, Cornell
    and London.

3.3.2 Regional Connectivity.

    The Stockholm EBONE Boundary System will connect NORDUnet,
    Tele2/SWIPnet and Nordic Carriers.

3.3.3 Housing.

    The Stockholm EBONE Boundary System will be placed at KTH.

3.3.4 Site Installation Overview.

                               DENET                 !--- Danish PTT
                               !  FUNET              !--- Finnish PTT
             London            !  !  SUNET           !--- Norwegian PTT
                !              !  !  !  SURIS        !--- Swedish PTT
          USA   !  SWIPnet     !  !  !  !  UNINETT   !    
           !    !    !         !  !  !  !  !         !    !-- TIPnet
           !    !    !         !  !  !  !  !         !    !
        !--!----!----!--!    !-!--!--!--!--!-!    !--!----!-------!
        !     EBS-I     !    !    EBS-II     !    !    EBS-III    !
        !   Nordunet    !    !   DECNET-IV   !    !  Frame Relay  !
        !    access     !    !     CLNS      !    !               !
        !   control     !    ! LLC2 Bridging !    !               !
        !-------!-------!    !-------!-------!    !-------!-------!
                !                    !                    !
                     ! EBS-IV  !

    To be able to have access control on the NORDUnet traffic being
    forwarded to the USA and also to have possibility to gather
    statistics on that traffic, such control is implemented in EBS-I.
    This EBS will be provided by SWIPnet.

    NORDUnet connected networks will connect not only via the EBONE
    officially accepted production traffic protocol, TCPIP, but also via
    DECNET-IV, CLNS and LLC2 bridging. This functionality is provided in
    EBS-II. This EBS will be provided by NORDUnet.

    Frame Relay is the requested interface protocol to be used in
    connecting the Nordic Carriers to the Nordic EBS. To be allow for an
    unrestricted amount of Frame Relay PVC's without risking an overload
    of the Nordic EBS, this functionality is implemented in EBS-III.

    This EBS does not have any extra functionality besides what has been
    stated in the EBONE EBS technical specification and could hence be
    regarded as "the" EBS in the Nordic EBS configuration. This EBS is
    needed to give stable EBS - EBONE access independent of the other
    Nordic EBS's having different kinds of other functionalities which
    should not have possibility of impacting the EBONE functionality.

3.3.5 Hardware Configuration.

    Chassis:   : CISCO AGS+ chassis
    Processor  : CSC3 processor
    Memory     : 4 Mbyte RAM
    Interfaces : 4 4T cards, 1 2E2T card

3.3.6 Need for EBONE CISCO Contributions.

    One CISCO in the above installation is currently missing.


3.4.1 EBONE Connectivity.

    The Montpellier EBONE Boundary System will connect CERN and London.

3.4.2 Regional Connectivity.

    The Montpellier EBONE Boundary System will connect EARN France and 

3.4.3 Housing.

    The Montpellier EBONE Boundary System will be placed at CNUSC.

3.4.4 Site Installation Overview.

                          London   CERN
                                !   !
                                !   !
                             !  CISCO  !-----FORTH
                             !  AGS+   !
                              EARN France

3.4.5 Hardware Configuration.

    Chassis    : CISCO AGS+
    Processor  : CSC3 processor
    Memory     : 4 Mbyte RAM
    Interfaces : 2 4T cards, 1 2E2T card.

3.4.6 Need for EBONE CISCO Contributions.

    It is recommended that one of the contributed CISCO's is used to
    implement the Montpellier EBONE Boundary System.
3.5. CERN

    CERN will initially connect as a separate management system not
    being part of the EBONE management domain. CERN will according to
    their position statement see to that networks connecting to CERN
    also will have possibility to connect to the EBONE.  For these
    reasons, the CERN router(s) involved in the connection to EBONE,
    cannot yet be labeled EBONE Boundary System(s) and are rather referred
    to as "virtual EBONE Boundary System"

3.5.1 EBONE Connectivity.

    The CERN virtual EBONE Boundary System will connect Amsterdam,
    Montpellier and Cornell.

3.5.2 Regional Connectivity.

    The CERN virtual EBONE Boundary System will connect SWITCH, ACOnet,
    GMD/Bonn, ARIADNEt and ILAN.

3.5.3 Housing.

    The CERN virtual EBONE Boundary System will be placed at CERN.

3.5.4 Site Installation Overview.

               Amsterdam ------!  CERN   ! ------  ACOnet 
                               ! Virtual ! ------  SWITCH
                 Cornell ------!   EBS   ! ------  ARIADNEt
                                  !   !
                                  !   !
                        Montpellier   ILAN

3.5.5 Hardware Configuration.

    Will be owned and managed by CERN

3.5.6 Need for EBONE CISCO Contributions.

    No need as CERN will implement the required connectivity.

4. Actions needed for Lines and Sites to Implement the EBONE.

    Each entry below has the form:

        Line/Site : Involved line or site.
        Organ.    : Affected organizations.
        Action    : Needed actions.
        Contr.    : Needed contributions.

4.1 EBONE Lines.

    Line   : Amsterdam - CERN.
    Organ. : SURFnet, SARA and CERN.
    Action : Order upgrade of Amsterdam - CERN to 512 Kbps.
    Contr. : SURFnet, EUnet.  110 KECU additional funding needed.
    Line   : Stockholm - Amsterdam.
    Organ. : NORDUnet, Nordic Carriers, CWI, SARA and KTH.
    Action : Order upgrade of Amsterdam - Stockholm to 512 Kbps.
    Contr. : NORDUnet, Nordic Carriers.  No additional funding needed.

    Line   : Montpellier - CERN.
    Organ. : EARN France, CNUSC, CERN.
    Action : Order upgrade of Montpellier - CERN to 256 Kbps.
    Contr. : CNUSC, EARN France.  56 KECU additional funding needed.

    Line   : Stockholm - London    
    Organ. : Tele2/SWIPnet, KTH, ULCC.
    Action : Order and install 256 Kbps line.
    Contr. : Tele2/SWIPnet.  97 KECU additional funding needed.

    Line   : Montpellier - London
    Organ. : EARN/France, ULCC
    Action : Order and install 256 Kbps line.
    Contr. : 147 KECU additional funding needed.

4.2 EBONE Sites.

    Site   : Stockholm.
    Organ. : NORDUnet, Tele2/SWIPnet, Nordic Carriers, KTH.
    Action : Restructuring of EBONE connections.
           : Ordering and installation of regional connections.
           : An CISCO has to be found.
    Contr. : NORDUnet, Tele2/SWIPnet, Nordic Carriers, KTH.
           : No additional funding needed.

    Site   : London.
    Organ. : ULCC, JANET, ICRF.
    Action : Ordering and installation of CISCO AGS+.
           : Restructuring of EBONE connections as needed.
           : Ordering and installation of regional connections as needed.
    Contr. : JANET.  Additional CISCO AGS+ needed.

    Site   : Amsterdam.
    Organ. : SURFnet, SARA, CWI, NIKHEF, Dutch PTT.
    Action : Restructuring of EBONE connections as needed.
           : Ordering and installations of regional connections as needed.
           : Implement IXI connectivity to the EBONE Boundary System.
    Contr. : SURFnet, SARA, CWI, NIKHEF, Dutch PTT. 
             No additional funding needed.
    Site   : Montpellier.
    Organ. : EARN France.
    Action : Ordering and installation of CISCO AGS+
           : Restructuring of EBONE connections as needed.
           : Ordering and installations of regional connections as needed.
    Contr. : EARN France.  Additional CISCO AGS+ needed.

4.3 Time schedule

                        Current  Transition steps       Ready    Rout & Addr
    ------------------- -------- ---------------------- -------- -----------
    Stockholm EBS                                       Ready
    Sthlm-Lndn line         0    installation 256       wk 17
    London EBS                   C. ordered             wk 19    wk 19
    Lndn-Mop line           0    installation 256       ?????
    Montpellier EBS              C. ordered, inst spare wk 19    wk 19
    Mop-CERN line         256    move to C.-C.          wk 19
    CERN vEBS                    reconfig               wk 20    wk 19 discuss
    CERN-Asd line         256    inst 512 and IDNX      wk 20
    Amsterdam EBS                may things             wk 18    wk 18
    Asd-Sthlm line        256    inst 512               wk 16

5.  Mapping of financial requirements to confirmed contributions.

5.1 Confirmed general EBONE financial contributions.

    This lists the currently known contributions that can be used to
    satisfy requirements for additional funding as listed above.

        ACOnet   10 KECU
    	SURFnet 300 KECU
        EARN     85 KECU (conditionally for EARN-US connectivity over EBONE)
        NORDUnet 33 KECU (conditionally for NORDUnet - Europe connectivity).
        XLINK    10 KECU
        UCD       8 KECU

        SURFnet  4 CISCO AGS+ 

    Total of confirmed contributions: 446 KECU + 4 CISCO AGS+

5.2 Recommended Usage of Confirmed Router Contributions.

    Of the 4 contributed CISCO's from SURFnet, one CISCO is already in
    use on the SARA - CERN line. Remains three CISCO's for use in the

    Recommended usage:

    London EBONE Boundary System        1 CISCO AGS+
    Montpellier EBONE Boundary System   1 CISCO AGS+

    Total need:                         2 CISCO AGS+

    This will be fully covered with SURFnet contribution of remaining
    three CISCO AGS+. The additonal CISCO not recommended for 
    installation now should be kept for future needs.

5.3 Recommended Usage of confirmed general EBONE financial contributions.

    Of the contributed 300 KECU from SURFnet, around 100 KECU is already
    allocated in the current SARA - CERN 256 Kbps line. Of the total
    EBONE financial contributions remains 346 KECU for use in the EBONE.

    Amsterdam - CERN upgrade to 512 Kbps	           110 KECU    
    Stockholm - London installation at 256 Kbps		    97 KECU
    Montpellier - CERN upgrade to 256 Kbps                  56 KECU
    Montpellier - London installation at 256 Kbps          147 KECU

    Total general EBONE financial contributions needed:    410 KECU

    There is hence a need to secure at least 64 KECU additional fundings
    (assuming no additional costs for local loops and installations has
    to be covered with the contributed money) to fulfill this plan.

    If further additional funds are made available above recommendations
    may have to be reconsidered.

5.4 Base for financial calculations.

    The below table where used in all above calculations. All costs in KECU.

      !       128 Kbps        !       256 Kbps        !        512 Kbps       !
! a-b ! HC(a) ! HC(b) !  Tot  ! HC(a) ! HC(b) !  Tot  ! HC(a) ! HC(b) !  Tot  !
! A-C ! ----  ! ----  ! ----  !   90  !   70  !   160 !  150  !  120  !  270  !
! S-L ! ----  ! ----  ! ----  !   81  !   97  !   178 !  119  !  165  !  284  !
! C-M !   45  !   40  !   85  !   71  !   70  !   141 !  123  !  124  !  247  !
! M-L !   40  !   39  !   79  !   70  !   77  !   147 !  124  !  133  !  257  !
! A-M !   47  !   40  !   87  !   83  !   70  !   153 !  130  !  124  !  254  !

      HC = Half-Channel
      A  = Amsterdam
      C  = CERN
      L  = London
      M  = Montpellier
      S  = Stockholm