Ebone 92     Lists of Supporting and Interested Organisations
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version 20.03.92

Several  organisations have indicated their support and/or cooperation  for
the Ebone 92 initiative. Although they are not signatories to the MoU, they
have   expressed  their  intent  to  work  with  the  other   participating
organisations  in various ways.  The Ebone 92 Supporting Organisations  are
listed  below along with some  extracts from the letters and messages  that
express  their form of support  and cooperation and that give any  relevant
conditions  and  constraints that  may apply. This cooperation  within  the
academic  and  research  networking  community  is vital  for  the  ongoing
development   of   networking   services  in  Europe  and   for   effective
collaboration with our partners in the US.

Supporting Organisations

Cable & Wireless
PTT Telecom *
Sprint International

* Statement follows


Supporting Organisation : CERN

Comms Capacity :
           EBS :
           RBS  : Connect CERN and provide support for connected CERN users
                 including connections between CERN users
         Other : Access to International Legal Advice

Brian Carpenter             brian@priam.cern.ch
Francois Fluckiger          fluckiger@vxcern.cern.ch

Date:     5th December 1991

=------------------------Letter from J. Thresher---------------------=

As you  know  CERN is very  keen to see research  networking in Europe
improved as quickly  as possible. In this connection  we have examined
the EBONE  92 initiative and discussed  it both internally and  with a
number of representatives of the users in our Member States. It is our
understanding that users  in several of our Member States  may, in the
future, wish  to make their connections  to CERN via links  which will
involve the scheme planned for EBONE 92.

The initiative for  making such  connections must come  from the users
themselves since it is they and not CERN who pay the line charges. For
our part we  see no difficulty in agreeing to  make the connections as
long as the basic condition, that is  to the net benefit of our users,
is met.

Although we shall not ourselves be signing  the EBONE 92 Memorandum of
Understanding,  we  shall nevertheless  ensure  that  the services  we
provide for the users  who wish to take advantage of  EBONE 92 will be
maintained   and  improved.   The  detailed   arrangements,  including
operational aspects, for  making connections to CERN  should be worked
out  with F.  Fluckiger  and O.H.  Martin.  In due  course  it may  be
appropriate  to  formalize these  arrangements  between  the EBONE  92
consortium  and CERN,  clearly with  the full  agreement of  the users

I hope  this provides a  reasonable  basis on  which to proceed  and I
look  forward to  fruitful  cooperation in  the  interest of  improved
network services.

With kind regards.

                                              Yours sincerely,
                                              J.J. Thresher
                                              Director of Research
                                              5th December 1991

=------------------Message from F. Fluckiger and O. Martin----------------=

1.   J.J. Thresher, CERN Director of  Research in charge of  computing  and
networking,   has   now  communicated   the  official  position   of   CERN
regarding   the  Ebone  1992  initiative   on December  5,  1991,  to   the
Interim Ebone 92 Management Committee in a letter to K. Neggers.

While   CERN   welcomes  Ebone  1992,   in particular,  as  well   as   any
initiative  aiming  at improving  the  networking situation in  Europe,  in
general,  CERN will not sign the Ebone 1992 Memorandum of Understanding  at
this   stage. However,  CERN will make  sure that  connectivity with Ebone
92  participants  is  maintained  or  improved  by  immediately starting an
active collaboration with the relevant Ebone committees.

2.   The  detailed arrangements and   the precise operational form of  this
collaboration are still to be finalized.

3.   CERN  proposes to connect to  Ebone 92  as a Regional Boundary  System
(RBS),  to  the  nearest EBS, that  is Amsterdam, rather  than to  host  an
Ebone  Boundary   System (EBS),   given its  present operational   and  use

4.   The  other  lines established   with  CERN are  subject  to   specific
service   agreements   which  define   the   purpose  of  the   line,   the
acceptable  use  conditions, the services  to  be provided as well  as  the
operational aspects.

4.1   When  covered by  the existing agreement, connectivity between  other
leased   lines  connected  to CERN   and Ebone  92 will   be  automatically

4.2   When  not covered, it will  be to the connected party to request  the
appropriate amendment to their service agreement with CERN.

5.   In  practice,  the  approach outlined above  will immediately  provide
full IP connectivity for academic and research users connected through CERN
and  similar   users  connected  through Ebone  92, whilst  respecting  the
general use conditions and policies of our organization.

          Olivier H. Martin & F. Fluckiger

Supporting Organisation : IBM Europe

Comms Capacity : Supply IP capacity (within multi-protocol EASInet)
         Other : EMC and EAT (coopted members)

Harry Clasper

IBM Rome:    (39) 6 5473 5319
Switchboard: (39) 6 54731
via fax (39) 6 5473 5376
Viale Oceano Pacifico 171/173, Rome

Peter Streibelt

IBM Heidelberg: (49) 622 1404225

Letter from IBM Rome, 17th December 1991

As you know IBM is very keen to promote further improvement in Academic and
Research  networking in Europe.  I believe our support for  EARN and,  more
recently,  EASInet clearly demonstrates this.  We  welcome, therefore,  the
EBONE proposal which you have initiated   and we are prepared to contribute
to this initiative in the following way:

1.   We  offer  the  us  of  the EASInet infrastructure      including  the
     present  T1 link to the  USA without     charge.  You will  appreciate
     that,  on  many  of  the  links in  EASInet, there are  joint  funding
     agreements  between IBM and other parties.  Obviously the agreement of
     the   other  parties  will  be  required  where  relevant.   Also  the
     individual  agreement  of  our  EASI partners will be  required  where

2.   We also offer the co-operation of the EASInet Network Operations Group
     in G.M.D. in order to achieve a close working   relationship with your
     proposed EBONE operations function.

In  return  we  expect to  be  closely involved in the work  of  the  EBONE
technical groups together with our G.M.D. partners.

We  will not be a signatory to the MOU for reasons I have already explained
to  you. I would like to repeat  my offer to contribute to the work of  the
EBONE management organisation in whatever capacity is appropriate.

Harry Clasper

Higher Education Manager

Cc:    Herbert Budd
       Peter Streibelt

Supporting Organisation : NSF

Comms Capacity : Portions of US - NORDUnet and UK Fat Pipes,
                 French Connection

Date:     Wed, 08 Jan 92 15:19:23 EST
>From:     Steve Goldstein
Ph 202-357-9717 <sgoldste@cise.cise.nsf.gov>

This  message  re-affirms e-mail exchanges  we have had on the  subject  of
NSF's commitment to the Ebone92 initiative.  NSF will commit/permit the use
(of  the portions which it funds) of the links with NORDUnet and with INRIA
for  the  purpose of exchanging  Ebone traffic with the U.S.,  subject,  of
course, to the Acceptable Use policies of the individual networks reached.
NSF  likewise  will permit use of  its  share of the U.K - U.S.  Fat  Pipe,
should that be used in the Ebone configuration.  Similarly, this commitment
extends  to any successor use that  might be made of the NSF-INRIA link  in
respect  of the French national network, RENATER.  Although we cannot  make
any  such  commitment  beyond  our  current  budget  year  (which  ends  30
september, 1992), we would expect to continue the commitment, contingent on
budget,  for the remainder of the Ebone92 initiative.  In the above regard,
you  may classify NSF as either a "Supporting" or "Contributing" member  of
the Ebone Consortium, as your interpretation best fits.  In either case, we
would  be in good company.  Best  wishes for success in the New  Year,Steve

Program Director, Interagency & International Networking Coordination
Div. of Networking and Communications Research & Infrastructure
National Science Foundation

Supporting Organization : PTT Telecom

date:    21 January 1992
from:    Rob Kippers, director IT/IBR
tel:     +31 70 3433977

The contribution of PTT Telecom can be worded as follows:
Subject to specification and agreement between PTT Telecom and the
Commission of the European Communities as contractor for the current
Pilot IXI Service, PTT Telecom contributes with the establishment,
housing and operation of an IXI-EBONE Gateway.

I hope that the EBONE 92 participants will consider this contribution
of PTT Telecom as a good basis for further fruitfull cooperation.
