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The purpose of these reports is to communicate to the Internet Research
Group the accomplishments, milestones reached, or problems discovered by
the task forces and contractors in the Internet Research Program.
     This report is for research use only, and is not for public
Each task force and contractor is expected to submit a 1/2 page report
on the first business day of the month describing the previous month's
activities.  These reports should be submitted via Internet mail to
Reports are requested from BBN, ISI, LL, MIT-LCS, NTA, SRI, UCL, and
Other groups are invited to report newsworthy events or issues.
     BSAT software Release 2.2 was distributed to the Wideband Network
     sites this month.  The new BSAT software runs under Chrysalis
     operating system Release 2.3.1, and is built using a new C compiler
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
     which generates more efficient code than the previously used
     compiler.  The release also includes some minor operational
     The Ft. Monmouth Wideband site were brought back up on the channel.
     The BSAT and Butterfly Gateway are now up and running.
     The initial implementation of the BSAT's stream scheduling
     synchronization software has been completed and debugged in a test
     network environment.  Release of this software will occur early
     next month after final testing and integration is performed.
     In the month of February, implementation into 4.3bsd Unix of the
     Inter-Agent protocol for passing group membership information
     between Multicast Agents was completed.  Debugging and testing of
     the implementation are taking place on systems at BBN and at
     Stanford University.
     Multicast Agents are currently running on one machine at each of
     BBN and Stanford University. Non-Agent 4.3bsd multicast kernels are
     currently running on several Stanford systems, and on one BBN
     system.  The wider and more diverse use of the 4.3bsd multicast
     implementation allows for testing and exercising of the more
     complex parts of the system.
     A second release of the 4.3bsd multicast implementation was made
     available to Eric Cooper at Carnegie-Mellon University.  This
     release includes the inter-agent protocol and numerous bug fixes to
     the release of 18 December 1986.
     The SATNET has been very stable all month.  There were no SIMP
     software crashes and no new SIMP hardware problems.  Two sites,
     Tanum and Fucino, are still not using channel 1, but the
     adjustments made to channel 0 in January have kept the network
     healthy.  We are awaiting the successful testing of the Linkabit
     modems to repair channel 1.
     We have switched our monitoring system over to a new C70 (HNOC).
     The SIMPs now report to two hosts.  The ability to switch between
     the two hosts should give us more reliability as far as monitoring
     and control of the network.
     Periodically we have seen the links between the SIMPs and Gateways
     flapping.  We are trying to isolate the problem.
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
     The ARPANET experienced another period of extreme congestion
     beginning in late January and lasting roughly through mid-February.
     During this period service across gateways was particularly bad.
     Over the past six months, transmission capacity in the ARPANET has
     been critical, especially on the network's cross-country paths.
     The congestion experienced in January and February was due
     primarily to a modest increase in traffic that pushed the ARPANET
     "over the edge".
     Two significant short-term steps were taken to alleviate the
     congestion.  First, parameters in the network's packet-switching
     nodes were adjusted to increase the stability of routing along the
     network's cross-country paths.  Second, the software of core
     gateways running EGP was modified to reduce the rate at which
     gateways transmit messages such as Hello/IHeardYou, Network
     Reachability messages, traps, etc.  The combined effect of these
     actions has been to reduce the mean round trip delay seen in the
     ARPANET by nearly half (620 ms on 23 February vs. 1170 ms on 5
     February), and to increase the overall throughput of the network by
     about 25%.  Interestingly, the average message size in the ARPANET
     has increased; this may be the result of the network "opening"
     itself more to multipacket messages.  The number of 5-packet
     messages has doubled, and the number of 8-packet messages has
     increased by a factor of 2.3.
     While these improvements are real, it should be noted that the
     fixes made were "band-aid" fixes -- and the box of band-aids is
     very nearly empty!  The long-term solution to ARPANET traffic
     problems is, of course, additional bandwidth.  DCA has initiated
     actions to procure needed trunking capacity.  In addition, several
     ARPANET nodes will soon be upgraded from C/30E's to C/300s,
     increasing switching capacity at several locations where that has
     also been a problem.  These actions, together with the network
     expansion that will soon be taking place, should result, in the
     long term, in improved ARPANET performance.  In the short term,
     however, we may continue to see congestion, especially if traffic
     continues to increase before additional trunking capacity is
     The Butterfly Gateways continue to be stable.  The Wideband
     Butterfly Gateway at Ft. Monmouth was reinstalled.  Except for when
     a squirrel got into one of the bases substation and vaporized
     itself which took down the power, the site has been stable.  There
     are now 21 Butterfly Gateways installed.
     We are seeing some problems with the Ethernet interfaces on a few
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
     of the Wideband gateways which cause the interface to freeze.  This
     is being investigated.
     We made several changes to the core LSI-11 gateways which run EGP
     to reduce the rate which they exchange updown and reachability
     messages and made them try harder to keep their EGP connections up.
     This has reduced traffic (which helps the ARPANET) and has make the
     overall system more stable.
     Bob Hinden
     Internet Concepts Project
     Visitors to ISI were Col. Alex Lancaster (USMC) to discuss ISI
     operations, and Mary Stahl and Sue Romano from the NIC to discuss
     RFC formats and  the change over of network number assignments to
     the NIC as of 1-Mar-87.  Jon Postel attended the IAB Meeting at
     SRI, 3-4 Feb 87, and the Congressional FCCSET meeting in San Diego
     Feb 18.  Paul Mockapetris attended the Internet Engineering Task
     Force meeting in San Jose, CA, Feb 4-6, and the DSAB Naming Task
     Force meeting at SRI Feb 26.
     Two RFCs were published:
         RFC 989:  John Linn, IAB Privacy Task Force "Privacy Enhancement
                   for Internet Electronic Mail:  Part I: Message Encipherment
                   and Authentication Procedures".
         RFC 996:  D.L. Mills, "Statistics Server".
     Multimedia Conferencing Project
     We are investigating the possibility of adapting a commercial video
     codec for use on the Wideband Net to expand the number of packet
     video sites.  Since the commercial codecs are not very tolerant of
     lost packets, we need to understand the packet loss rate and
     distribution for video traffic on the Wideband Net.  We have
     augmented the Packet Video Protocol implementation to allow the
     detection of missing packets (our experimental packet video system
     doesn't care about missing packets), so we can now run video for an
     extended period of time to collect loss information.
     Brian Hung has integrated the document scanning and multimedia
     software into one program.  Brian is looking at ways of improving
     the program such as reducing the time it takes to reduce the
     scanned image and display it on the screen.  Brian will also start
     working on adding the text capability to the existing program so
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
     that a message can include both bitmap and text media.
     Steve Casner and Brian Hung
     NSFNET Project
     February must have been National Meeting Month.  Bob Braden
     attended the following meetings: the IAB at SRI; one day of the
     INENG Task Force at NASA Ames; the NSFNET Federation Assembly in
     San Diego; and the Computer Network Study Workshop of FCCSET, also
     in San Diego.  Finally, Bob presented a discussion of the Internet
     architectural model and its corruptions at a one-day SURANET
     technical meeting at the University of Delaware.
     Annette DeSchon continued work on a background file transfer
     server.  This server will allow a user to submit a request for a
     reliable file transfer to take place in the future.  A message
     reporting the results will be returned to a specified mailbox when
     the transfer has been completed.  In addition, she began collecting
     information on the current topology of the NSFNET.  This
     information will be used to generate maps and host tables in
     cooperation with the NNSC.
     Work continued on updating the gateway specification RFC985.
     Opinions were gathered from the Internet technical community on
     several controversial points in the specifications.  For example, a
     straw-man proposal that gateways not implement ICMP Source Quench
     led to a significant discussion, to which many contributed.  The
     concensus was that Source Quench, for all its known deficiencies,
     is better than nothing.  Another hotly debated topic concerned Host
     Redirects vs.  Net Redirects.  Finally, there was a concensus
     AGAINST adopting RFC975 (Autonomous Confederations); this leaves us
     with a great quandry about what the vendors should do about EGP.
     Supercomputer and Workstation Communication Project
     We have achieved a data rate of 1 Mb/s of user-host-generated
     datagram traffic across the Wideband Net.  This was done with ICMP
     echo pings as part of a series of tests to better understand and
     isolate the various factors that might affect NETBLT protocol
     operation over the Wideband Net.  The 1 Mb/s rate is close to the
     calculated total bandwidth currently available on the channel.  The
     traffic was bidirectional:  500 Kb/s (packets of 1400 data bytes
     every 22ms) going from ISI to the BBN BSAT Echo Host and back to
     ISI.  Two Suns were used, each generating half the traffic, to
     avoid packet loss in reception of the returned packets.
     Continued a survey of NSF supercomputer sites, focusing on San
     Diego's CTSS Cray and Pittsburgh's COS Cray systems.  Since
     Pittsburgh's system is batch oriented (with a VAX VMS front end),
     and is one of the few sites with Internet FTP working (although its
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
     just a user FTP, no server), we should be able to do some
     interesting experiments, where all workstation/ supercomputer
     communication is via file transfer.  Also, Pittsburgh's front end
     VAX appears to be on the same local network as a Wideband gateway,
     so we should be able to FTP via satellite.
     Continued experimentation with X-Windows.  Alan Katz is setting up
     a standard window environment that will come up when you log in
     (sort of like suntools), but that can be run from any X-Windows
     client.  Experimented with the various window managers.
     Alan Katz received a PhD in Physics from UCLA.
     Steve Casner and Alan Katz
     No report received.
     No report received.
     Tactical Internet Multicast Protocols
     As reported in December's Internet Monthly, David Young has been
     designing extensions to the multicast protocols presented in RFCs
     966 and 988.  His goal has been to increase the protocols'
     efficiency in limited-bandwidth, multi-hop networks and to support
     host management of multicast groups and their rapid
     forming/disbanding - functions envisioned as being required for
     tactical scenarios.  During the past two months, David designed the
     detailed changes to the IP service interfaces and the corresponding
     changes to the procedures by which multicast groups are formed.  He
     documented these changes in a draft RFC and submitted it to the
     End-to-End Services Task Force for review prior to official
     release.  The key points are summarized as follows:
     1)   Add a group membership parameter to the IP service interface
          function calls.  This allows a managing process to specify the
          members of the group as it is created and maintained.
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
     2)   Expand the IP to subnetwork service interface to encompass the
          same functionality as the user to IP service interface.  This
          reflects the parallel operations performed in the internet and
          the subnetworks during the formation of a multicast group.
     3)   Enhance the gateway multicast function to make it recognize
          the group membership list parameter of the IGMP Create Group
          Request.  This implies also that, upon receipt of an IGMP
          create group request with a non-empty membership parameter, it
          would send unsolicited IGMP Create Group Replies to one group
          member in every subnetwork outside of the managing host's
     4)   Upon creation of a host group in the subnetwork, send an ICMP
          message via IP multicast to inform the IP modules of each host
          group member of their membership in the group.  A
          corresponding multicast would occur at the transport layer to
          activate the process group.
     5)   Allow captive multicast addresses to be used for multicasting
          in a subnetwork when a multicast agent is not available to
          assign a host group address.  A preferable alternative would
          be the following proposal.
     6)   Take the host group address assignment function out of the
          gateway and put it in the host.  A host creating a host group
          can derive the group address from the socket address of the
          originating process.  This can then be adapted to the IP
          header by using the options field to hold the upper part of
          the address that will not fit in the 32 bit destination
     John Jubin
     No report received.
     UCL have now put up Diamond Release 3.0 succesfully, and have been
     exchanging mail (including photos) locally and with the US (BBN and
     UMich). To do this also required the UCL Domain Nameserver to be
     mildly overhauled. TTL fields are still giving some trouble.
     The UCL Sequential Exchange Protocol has been ported to the MIT
     PC/IP environment and is undergoing preliminary tests.
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
     The ISODE/Pepy to build automatic presentation level code
     generators is nearly complete. This will eventually be part of the
     ISODE kit.
     Work has started on instrumenting and rate controlling the BSD TCP
     code so it can be used as a standard measurement tool.
     John Crowcroft
     1.   Development continues on the Dissimilar Gateway Protocol
          (DGP). The data-base design and transmission model are almost
          complete. The structure of the routing algorithm is taking
          shape, as well as the rules for data exchange between systems.
          A document describing this work has been distributed for
          preliminary review and will be distributed to the task forces
          shortly. Meanwhile, development continues on features to
          support DGP in the fuzzball and Unix 4.3bsd systems. A
          distributed-simulation package from Columbia is being
          evaluated as well.
     2.   Mike Minnich continues gearing up for a heavyweight assault on
          protocol design and performance issues, in particular TCP
          retransmission and gateway queueing strategies. Mike is
          familiar with the work of Van Jacobson, Lixia Zhang and John
          Nagle and has collected an awsome stash of statistics and
          simulation packages, as well as my own trove of Internet
     3.   The fuzzball software configurations at Linkabit, Ford and U
          Delaware have finally stabilized, as well as the USECOM Patch
          Barracks (Stuttgart) MILNET outpost. A new gateway DCN-GW
          connects the old DCNET swamp and serves as backup for the
          primary UDel gateway. Just for fun the UDel fuzzballs are
          multi-homed with DCNET and ARPANET (port expander) addresses
          to keep the routing algorithm warm. Transferring update files
          to Patch turned out to be astonishingly hard, due to poor
          network performance in general and also because of PSN
          interface bugs (also observed elsewhere).
     4.   The addition of Patch to the Network Time Protocol (NTP) peer
          group now extends the span of synchronized clocks to Europe.
          However, preliminary performance evaluation indicates the
          phase jitter on the European MILNET segment often exceeds the
          capability of the synchronizing algorithm to deliver
          continuous time, so that frequent clock resets occur. The
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
          algorithm is being studied with the intent of providing
          adaptive parameters responsive to observed path
     Dave Mills
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
     The NSFnet is an internet originally designed to provide access to
     NSF-funded supercomputers. Prospective supercomputer sites
     initially proposed their own consortium networks. These access
     networks were later augmented by a nationwide backbone which
     interconnects the supercomputer sites. Additional proposals were
     received and funded by the NSF to enrich the NSFnet infrastructure
     by building new regional networks and attaching them to the
     backbone, and by helping existing networks to attach.
     The NSFnet backbone sites are located at Cornell University, the
     University of Illinois (Urbana Campus), the John von Neumann Center
     in Princeton, the  National Center for Atmospheric Research, the
     Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center and the San Diego Supercomputing
     Regional/consortium networks currently existing or being
     implemented are the Bay Area Regional Research network (BARRnet),
     the consortium networks of the John von Neumann Center and the San
     Diego Supercomputer Center and the network of the Pittsburgh
     Supercomputer Academic Affiliates (PSCAAnet), WESTnet,
     NORTHWESTnet, NYSERnet in New York State, MIDnet in the Midwest,
     SESQUInet in the Houston area, SURAnet in the Southeast, and the
     University SAtellite Network pilot project (USAN).
     Pre-existing networks being connected include the Merit Computer
     Network in Michigan, CSNET, and the ARPANET - which is being
     augmented to include a number of NSF-specified sites.
     Active collaboration and coordination between DARPA and NSF is
     carried out under the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding signed
     by the Director of each agency.  The NSFnet has already a richly
     connected infrastructure, building upon and partly using DARPA-
     developed protocols and systems; DARPA's pioneering network
     research has played an important role in the implementation of the
     NSFnet, and many participants in the DARPA-funded efforts are also
     active in helping the ambitious NSFnet program to succeed.
     Today the NSFnet is tightly coupled to and reachable by the
     Internet, of which it is a major component.  The NSFnet backbone
     now contains two transcontinental links; although they currently
     run at 56 kb/s, there are plans to upgrade them to T1 by the end of
     the year.
     It is anticipated that there will be a permanent NSFnet Operations
     and Management Center later this year. Until then Ed Krol of the
     UIUC serves as the acting director of the NSFnet backbone and
     Cornell University runs the interim O&M center. BBN is running the
     NSFnet Network Service Center, which is an NSFnet equivalent to the
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
     Arpanet NIC at the SRI.  Several other people are involved in
     keeping the NSFnet running. However, the following is a first list
     of people who are responsible for parts of the overall NSFnet:
     NSFnet Backbone sites:
     Alison Brown    Cornell (607)255-8686   alison@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu
     Scott Brim      Cornell (607)255-9392   swb@devvax.tn.cornell.edu
     Ed Krol         Illinois(217)333-1637   krol@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu
     Charlie Catlett Illinois(217)333-1637   catlett@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu
     Brian Gould     JVNC    (609)520-2000   gould@jvnca.csc.org
     Sergio Heker    JVNC    (609)520-2000   heker@jvnca.csc.org
     Joe Choy        NCAR    (303)497-1222   choy@scdsw1.ucar.edu
     Don Morris      NCAR    (303)497-1282   morris@scdsw1.ucar.edu
     Mike Levine     PSC     (412)268-4960   levine@cpwpsca.bitnet
     Jim Ellis       PSC     (412)268-6362   ellis@morgul.psc.edu
     Fred McClain    SDSC    (619)534-5045   mcclain@sdsc-sds.arpa
     Paul Love       SDSC    (619)534-5043   loveep@sdsc-sds.arpa
     NSFnet backbone support:
     Scott Brim      Cornell (607)255-9362   swb@devvax.tn.cornell.edu
     Craig Callinan  Cornell (607)255-5060   craig@devvax.tn.cornell.edu
     Dave Mills        UDEL  (302)451-8247   mills@udel.edu
     Mike Petry        UMD   (301)454-2946   petry@trantor.umd.edu
     Hans-Werner Braun UMich (313)763-4897   hwb@mcr.umich.edu
     NSF supported networks:
     Bill Yundt      BARRnet (415)723-3909   gd.why@forsythe.stanford.edu
     Tom Ferrin      BARRnet                 tcf@cgl.ucsf.edu
     Dick Edmiston   CSNET   (617)497-2777   edmiston@sh.cs.net
     Dennis Perry    DARPA   (202)694-4002   perry@vax.darpa.mil
     Ed Krol         Illinois(217)333-1637   krol@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu
     Charlie Catlett Illinois(217)333-1637   catlett@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu
     Brian Gould     JVNC    (609)520-2000   gould@jvnca.csc.org
     Sergio Heker    JVNC    (609)520-2000   heker@jvnca.csc.org
     Eric Aupperle     MERIT (313)764-9423   eric_aupperle@um.cc.umich.edu
     Hans-Werner Braun MERIT (313)763-4897   hwb@mcr.umich.edu
     Hellmut Golde NORTHWESTnet(206)543-0070 golde@cs.washington.edu
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
     John Sobolewski NORTHWESTnet (206)543-5970 83486@UWACDC.BITNET
     Richard Mandelbaum NYSERnet (716)275-2916 rma@rochester.arpa
     Bill Schrader      NYSERnet (607)255-8686 cu2@cornellc.bitnet
     Marty Schoffstall  NYSERnet (518)271-2654 schoff@nic.nyser.net
     Mark Meyer      MIDnet  (402)472-5108   mark@unlcdc3.bitnet
     Doug Gale       MIDnet  (402)472-5108   doug@unlcdc3.bitnet
     Mike Levine     PSCnet  (412)268-4960   levine@cpwpsca.bitnet
     Jim Ellis       PSCnet  (412)268-6362   ellis@morgul.psc.edu
     Fred McClain    SDSCnet (619)534-5045   mcclain@sdsc-sds.arpa
     Paul Love       SDSCnet (619)534-5043   loveep@sdsc-sds.arpa
     Guy Almes       SESQUInet(713)527-4834  almes@rice.edu
     Farrell Gerbode SESQUInet               farrell@rice.edu
     Jack Hahn       SURAnet (301)454-6030   @umd2.umd.edu:hahn@umdc.umd.edu
     Glenn Ricart    SURAnet (301)454-4323   glenn@umd5.umd.edu
     Joe Choy        USAN    (303)497-1222   choy@scdsw1.ucar.edu
     Don Morris      USAN    (303)497-1282   morris@scdsw1.ucar.edu
     Pat Burns       WESTnet (303)491-7709   pburns@csugreen.bitnet
     Dick Jonsen     WICHE   (303)497-0200
     General NSFnet responsibilities:
     Bob Braden        ISI   (213)822-1511   braden@isi.edu
     Jon Postel        ISI   (213)822-1511   postel@isi.edu
     Bernie O'Lear     NCAR  (303)497-1205   olear@scdsw1.ucar.edu
     Steve Wolff       NSF   (202)357-9717   steve@note.nsf.gov
     Dan VanBelleghem  NSF   (202)357-9717   dvanbell@note.nsf.gov
     Stan Ruttenberg   UCAR  (303)497-8998   stan@sh.cs.net
     Dave Farber       UDEL  (302)451-1163   farber@udel.edu
     Dave Mills        UDEL  (302)451-8247   mills@udel.edu
     Ed Krol         Illinois(217)333-1637   krol@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu
     Hans-Werner Braun UMich (313)763-4897   hwb@mcr.umich.edu
     The NSFnet community intends to provide status reports to keep the
     community informed about ongoing progress and projects that are
     being worked on. This is the first version of these reports. This
     being the first one resulted in some differences in the scope of
     the individual reports. It turned out that one of the reports, the
     JVNCnet report, included much more information than the other ones.
     This was leading us to the idea of featuring a particular network
     more extensively in upcoming monthly reports. For next month Paul
     Love of the San Diego Supercomputing Center has offered to feature
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
     The following are the individual reports from individual sites.
     NNSC (NSFnet Network Services Center)
     The NSF Network Service Center (NNSC)  provides general information
     regarding the current state of NSFNET, including the NSF-supported
     component networks and supercomputer centers.  The NNSC, located at
     BBN Laboratories Inc., is an NSF-sponsored project of the
     University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.
     The NNSC has information and documents available on-line and in
     printed form.  It will distribute current news through network
     mailing lists, bulletins, newsletters, and on-line reports.  It
     maintains a database of contact points and sources of additional
     information about the NSFNET component networks and supercomputer
     As a central information service, the NNSC is available as an
     initial contact point for questions about using NSFNET when
     prospective users do not know whom to call.  The NNSC will answer
     general questions.  For detailed information relating to specific
     components of NSFNET, the NNSC will help users find the appropriate
     source for further assistance.
     The NNSC will encourage development and identification of local
     campus network technical support to better serve NSFNET users in
     the future.  In addition, the NNSC will help prospective remote
     users of the NSF Supercomputer Centers use NSFNET to access those
     Users may reach the NNSC by calling the hotline at 617-497-3400 or
     by electronic mail at nnsc@nnsc.nsf.net.
     Karen Roubicek, NNSC User Liaison, roubicek@SH.CS.NET
     NSFnet backbone sites
     The interim NSFnet backbone consists of seven links, tying together
     six IP gateways. These gateways are all LSI 11/73 systems running
     Fuzzball software. These Fuzzball gateways will be phased out when
     the more permanent NSFnet T1 backbone is installed and declared to
     work reliably. The Fuzzball systems were originally chosen as they
     were readily available dedicated IP switches supporting a routing
     protocol which can handle complicated topologies.
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
     Cornell University, Theory Center
     Besides running a national supercomputer center, the Cornell Theory
     Center is responsible for network operations for NSFNet and for
     backup operations for NYSERNet (the New York State regional
     network). Current activities: Software is in place so that
     personnel are notified whenever an NSFNet link fails.  We currently
     report on all and error conditions traffic through the fuzzballs
     (reports are available by anonymous FTP to tcgould.tn.cornell.edu,
     in directory "nsfnet_traffic").  Starting in the beginning of March
     statistics will be available for the SURANet gateway.  We have also
     begun software to analyze output from the gatedaemon, to look for
     excessive route flapping, patterns in round-trip delay variations,
     and so forth.  Reports on NYSERNet are not yet available. See the
     appendix for a report on "gated".
     Scott Brim, swb@devvax.tn.cornell.edu
     University of Illinois, Urbana Campus
        (NCSA, National Center for Supercomputer Applications)
     Charlie Catlett wrote and is still willing to distribute NETSPY to
     fuzzball sites to allow them to query the fuzzballs without a
     telnet session startup.  He is also working on enhancing the
     MIT/CMU PCIP based pinger (MONITOR) to act more rationally on large
     nets, have a better operator interface, and send alarms on
     performance as well as reachability  criterion.  Documentation is
     available in FTP anonymous/cd NSF/readme from uiucuxc.cso.uiuc.edu.
     The TCP/IP project for Cray CTSS is nearing completion.  The
     Hyperchannel drivers on both ends (CTSS and BSD 4.3) are talking so
     the implementation can finally be checked for compatability with
     other Telnet/FTP/TCP/IP implementations.
     Illinois Bell has notified us in writing that they will supply us
     with 56kb digital service in mid May.  We are pressuring them to
     replace at least the CMU line with the new service in early March -
     and they are making an effort to do so!
     We have finally received our new loads for our campus network
     Proteon gateways so the conversion to our class B address should be
     coming within the next month. (We made the mistake of ordering our
     7.2 loads with the Decnet option and the delivery was delayed until
     we said "We would take it without Decnet").
     We have ordered a Vita-Link earthstation for Indiana University
     with a delivery in March.  At that time we will drop off USAN and
     turn into a hub of our own.  This was planned from the beginning of
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
     the project.
     Ed Krol, krol@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu
     John Von Neumann Supercomputing Center, Princeton
     General Description:
     JVNCnet is a high speed packet switched network that connects a
     central location, the John von Neumann Center (JVNC) at Princeton,
     NJ with a number of universities (see attached table).
     At this time all the links are up and the network is fully
     The purpose of the network is twofold.  First, to enable
     researchers at the universities to access the supercomputer at
     JVNC.  Second, to be part of a larger national network, the NSFnet,
     which is formed by other Supercomputer centers sponsored by the
     National Science Fundation.
     The JVNCnet network uses a "star" topology, i.e., all of the
     communications circuits converge at a single point, JVNC.  Two
     campuses, Harvard and Brown, get access to JVNC through MIT; and
     Stevens and UMDNJ get access through NJIT.
     The network's special features are:
             - access to the JVNC supercomputer.
             - very high bandwidth mostly T1 (1.544 Mbps), and in a
               few cases 56kbps.  Two satellite links, (see table).
             - access to large computer networks on the different
               campuses, plus the NSFnet, and the ARPANET.
     The LAN is formed by two ethernet cables connecting all our packet
     switching machines, our front ends, terminal servers, and graphic
     workstations.  The Front-end systems are connected to the
     supercomputer via a 50Mbps "loosely coupled network".
     The two ethernet cables as well as all the of point to point links
     are subnets of the JVNC "class B" number (JVNC-NET, 128.121).  The
     "communication" ethernet is "jvnc-ether" (also 128.121.50.* , where
     "*" means any number).  The other ethernet, "jvnc-admin" is mostly
     used by terminal servers and two of the front ends, (network number
     is 128.121.51).
     The LAN has on line a few SUN workstations for use by high
     resolution graphics.  The APPLETALK network, and the PC-NET network
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
     are also integrated into the JVNCnet network to provide computer
     access for the JVNC managers and staff.
     The links between JVNC and the remote campuses are point to point
     links.  The interface on the VAX's is the DMR11.  The T1 lines, use
     high speed AVANTI multiplexers with CSU/DSU's to interface to the
     DDS high speed link.  AT&T is the major carrier, for both the T1
     lines and 56k lines.
     The packet switching is performed by VAX750's and VAX8600's running
     ULTRIX.  And ip routers on alpha test.
     At JVNC one VAX8600 ("JVNCA") handles the load of 5 high speed T1
     circuits, and two ethernets.  One VAX750 ("JVNCB") is connected to
     1 high speed T1 circuit two 56kbps circuits and one ethernet. One
     VAX750 ("JVNCE") connected to 1 high speed T1 circuit and one
     The satellite service connects JVNC with the University of Arizona,
     and the University of Colorado.  This is accomplished by using
     VITALINK Bridges which "extend" the ethernet all the way to these
     remote locations.
     At MIT's gateway to JVNC ("COVENTRY"),  the machine handles 3 T1
     circuits, one to JVNC, one to HARVARD, and one to BROWN,  and also
     the access to their campus via the ethernet.
     An ip router connects a 56kbps line from NJIT to our subnet 50.
     Similar routers at NJIT connect to Stevens Tech and UMDNJ.  All the
     lines are 56kbps for these three New Jersey institutions.
     JVNC has also a MICRO-PDP-11 ("FUZZBALL") running specialized
     software that serves as the packet switched node to the NSFnet.
     Like the ARPANET and NSFnet, JVNCnet also uses TCP/IP protocols.
     They are widely used by the Universities, and they are supported by
     the ULTRIX, and BSD operating systems, as well as on other OS's by
     many vendors.  Other services include TELNET (virtual terminal
     connection), FTP (File Transfer Protocol) , SMTP (Simple Mail
     Transfer Protocol), FINGER, WHOIS, etc...
          - SMTP  (ARPA mail)
          One of the machines, "jvnca" is our major mailer for "ARPA"
          mail.  And it serves all the other UNIX based machines on our
          network.  It also serves as the mail "distributor" at JVNC,
          for mail that is not delivered directly to the front ends.
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          Our arpa mail address is "username@jvnc.csc.org".
          - BITNET
          One of the front ends, JVNCC has a direct access to BITNET.
          We get our BITNET access thru Princeton.  In order to do that
          we use 9600 bps  extra bandwidth out of our T1 line to
          Princeton, and we feed that directly into JVNCC.  Our BITNET
          address is "username@jvnc".  Currently the bitnet node is
          "jvncc" so the address at this point is "username@jvncc".
     Access to Other Networks:
          The JVNC is one of the six backbone components of the NSFnet.
          Thus our access to the NSFnet is a direct one, since the
          "fuzzball", is on our major "communications" ethernet.  We
          have a 56kbps line to the Cornell Fuzzball and another 56kbps
          line to the CMU Fuzzball.
          At the present time JVNC is contributing to the NSFnet traffic
          with approximately 20 different networks being advertized to
          the NSFnet backbone from JVNC.
          We will be able to reach ARPANET via 11 out of the 13 member
          of the JVNC consortium.  At this point we are being announced
          to the ARPANET core machines by three IMP's, one at the CMU
          Center, one at the University of Pennsylvania, and one at
          Columbia University.  The last two are members of the JVNC
          Consortium (the line to U. of Pen is a T1 line and the line to
          Columbia is a 56kbps line).  We are also expecting our own IMP
          to be in placed at the end of March.
     Routing at JVNC is performed by the GATED routing program developed
     at Cornell University.
     The routes at the main gateways of JVNC, JVNCA, JVNCB and JVNCE is
     performed by the use of GATED.  This program uses RIP to exchange
     routing information between the JVNC hosts and gateways, as well as
     with the "remote gateways", the program is also capable of exchange
     EGP reachability information and it talks and listen to HELLO
     packets (the NSFnet routing protocol).
     Most of the "remote gateways" of the Consortium are already running
     "gated" and their access to JVNC, JVNCnet and the rest of the
     NSFnet is integrated with their campus networks.  A few of them are
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
     in the process of integrating their campus networks. We are
     providing all the support that they need so they can have a smoth
     path to full access to the national networks.
     Due to this kind of routing mechanism, part of the ARPANET traffic
     that is currently going from some of our consortium members to
     other consortium members traverse JVNCnet lines instead of taking
     the ARPANET route. At the same time there are multiple ways to
     access JVNC via ARPANET, as well as the NSFnet.  This provides a
     backup service for our "star" configured architecture, allowing
     maximum reachability from the Consortium sites to JVNC.
     Dial-In Access:
     JVNC offers dial-in access via 32 300/1200/2400 MNP error
     correcting modems.  The modems are hard-wired to a terminal server
     that is connected to subnet 50 (jvnc-ether).  From this terminal
     server, the users can access any of our front ends (JVNCC, JVNCD,
     and JVNCF).
     Also we provide access to/from the TYMNET network, for some users
     that cannot reach JVNC otherwise.
     Network Monitoring:
     Network monitoring is performed from JVNCA automatically by sending
     "echo packets" addressed to the different gateways and hosts of the
     JVNCnet network.  This information is used to compute statistics
     based on the percentage of returned packets as well as the round-
     trip delay.
     The program performs the following functions:
     (1) collects the statistics of the network,
     (2) sets an alarm to the operator and to the com person
         when one of the gateways/hosts/super computer doesn't
     (3) creates a daily, weekly, monthly report of the status
         of the network, including information of:
             a.- the number of times every node goes down,
             b.- the mean time to recover,
             c.- the mean time between failures,
             d.- the maximum time to recover,
             e.- the percentage of utilization ( or
                 access ) to every gateway, hosts and to the
     (4) records when a point to point link is not performing
         at its optimum level.
     (5) graphics color display of the network status in our
         main area at the JVNC.
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     The scheduling of maintanence for the gateways and hosts that make
     the JVNCnet network, is done with the help of a database like
     program that the operators run.  This information can be accessed
     by anyone that can get to the JVNCnet network, by using "finger"
     (the command is: finger schedule@jvnca.csc.org).
     The network monitoring and scheduling is done 24hs a day seven days
     a week.  The computer operators are trained to attend the network.
     There are communication people on call 24hs a day seven days a week
     to maintain the system available.
     Special efforts are being underway to improve our monitoring
     system, based on the past experience and the inmediate needs.
     Special procedures have been written for the Operators so they can
     monitor the JVNCnet and the NSFnet, and also to initiate
     troubleshooting, and determination of the problems.
     Name Servers:
     JVNC provides the means to resolve the JVNC hosts names for the
     domain "CSC.ORG", for the entire internet community that utilizes
     "name servers" (NS).  At the same time, JVNC has sponsored the few
     Consortium members that were not running NS's, to start doing so.
     At this time, with the exception of one campus, ALL the Consortium
     members are running NS's.  Some of these campuses NS's are backups
     for other campuses NS's belonging to our Consortium.
     Due to our natural communication means, the JVNC provides the ideal
     path for that backup servers to update their data over the JVNCnet
     Currently, the JVNCnet network with its domain "CSC.ORG", is being
     served by a name server running on JVNCA.CSC.ORG, (also known as
     JVNCA).  This is our primary name server and the authority for the
     domain CSC.ORG.  The network also has backups, or secondary NS's,
     one in MIT, (BITSY.MIT.EDU), and the other in Penn State (PSUGATE).
     JVNCA is a backup for Princeton's University domain
     "PRINCETON.EDU".  The Princeton domain is served by a primary name
     server running at PUSUPER, and with JVNCA as its backup.
     Note that PSUGATE, as well as PUSUPER are both vax750's that are 1
     hop away from JVNC, and form part of the JVNCnet network.  The
     links between them and JVNC is provided by high speed T1 lines
     Reachability is provided to BITSY.MIT.EDU via JVNCnet, NSFnet and
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     NSFnet Support:
     As an interested member of the NSFnet we are providing NSFnet
     external operations as a backup for Cornell and also after hours.
     This kind of support is part of the cooperation that exist between
     the NSFnet sites and it is the only way to keep the network
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
                     THE JVNCnet NETWORK
     128.121.51      128.121.50
     ethernet        ethernet
     ||              ||                T1
     ||              ||              |--- RUTGERS
     ||              ||              | T1
     ||              ||              |--- U.OF.PEN
     ||              ||              | T1       T1
     ||              ||------ JVNCA------ MIT ------- HARVARD
     ||------------------------|     | T1
     ||              ||*             |--- IAS
     ||              ||              | T1
     ||              ||              |--- PRINCETON
     ||              ||
     ||              ||                56k
     ||              ||              |--- U.OF.ROCHESTER
     ||              ||              | 56k
     ||              ||------ JVNCB------ COLUMBIA
     ||              ||              | T1
     ||              ||              |--- NYU
     ||              ||
     ||              ||                T1
     ||              ||------ JVNCE------ PENN.STATE
     ||              ||
     ||              ||                               56k
     ||              ||------ BRIDGE----- SATELLITE------- U.OF.ARIZONA
     ||              ||                              | 56k
     ||              ||                              |---- U.OF.COLORADO
     ||              ||
     ||              ||                 56k     56k
     ||              ||------ UB-ROUTER---- NJIT----- STEVENS INSTITUTE
     ||              ||                      |  56k
     ||              ||                      |------- UMDNJ
     ||              ||
     ||              ||                  56k
     ||              ||------ FUZZBALL------- CORNELL
     ||              ||      (NSFnet)  | 56k
     ||              ||                |----- CMU
     ||              ||
     ||              ||------ dial-in terminal servers ( and TYMNET access )
     ||              ||
     ||              ||------ JVNCC-----------
     ||              ||        |             |==== CYBER205.1
     ||                        |CI-bus       |
     ||                        |             |loosely_coupled_network
     ||---------------------- JVNCD-----------
     ||                                      |
     ||                                      |==== CYBER205.2
     ||                                      |
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     ||---------------------- JVNCF-----------
     ||---------------------- graphics machines
     ||---------------------- staff terminal servers
             (*) JVNCA is connected to both ethernets, and 5 T1 lines
             JVNCA:  vax8600 running ULTRIX1.2
             JVNCB:  vax750 running ULTRIX1.2
             JVNCE:  vax750 running ULTRIX1.2
             JVNCC:  vax8600 running VMS
             JVNCD:  vax8600 running VMS
             JVNCF:  vax8600 running ULTRIX1.2
                             JVNC Consortium
     node                    access to Arpanet       Type of line
     ----                    -----------------       ------------
     U. of Pennsylvania      yes                     T1
     MIT                     yes                     T1
     Harvard  U.             yes                     T1
     Brown U.                no                      T1      *
     IAS                     no                      T1
     Princeton U.            no                      T1      *
     Rutgers U.              yes                     T1
     Penn State              no                      T1      *
     NYU                     yes                     T1
     NJIT                    no                      56kbps  *
     Stevens                 no                      56kbps  *
     UMDNJ                   no                      56kbps  *
     Columbia U.             yes                     56kbps
     U. of Rochester         yes                     56kbps
     U. of Arizona           no                      56kpbs satellite
     U. of Colorado          no                      56kbps satellite
             where  T1:      1.544 Mbps
                     *:      they get access via JVNC
     Sergio Heker, heker@jvnca.csc.org
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
     National Center for Atmospheric Research
        (and University SAtellite Network project)
     All USAN sites except Woods Hole are up and running. The cutover
     from 128.117 to 128.116 for the USAN sites is scheduled for the
     week of March 9, which means either Mon or Fri of that week because
     of the USAN meeting.
     The Proteon p4200 gateway between 128.116 and 117 is up and has
     been tested. There is also a CISCO gateway to the Univ. of
     Colorado.  The essential configuration will be as shown:
                                Satellite to JVNC
       fuzzball    USAN sites   CISCO to U Colo    TRANSLAN to 30th st
          |           |             |                    |
        ----------------------------------------------------------- 128.116
       ------------------------------------------------------------ 128.117
                Various NCAR divisions connected by Bridges
     Severe snowstorm eve. of 18 Feb and morning 19 Feb in Boulder
     affected USAN performance, causing periods of total outage.
     Don Morris, morris@scdsw1.ucar.edu
     Pittburgh Supercomputer Consortium
     Despite line problems, the PSC Fuzzball has been running well.  The
     machine will be rebooted with the latest version of software on
     February 20.
     We are scheduling retermination of the NSFnet leased lines to our
     local offices where we will have quicker and easier access to both
     the Fuzzball and PSC-Gateway.  We are trying to schedule this for
     early March.  Shortly after this we will transfer the PSC machines
     from the CMU network (128.2) to our own net (128.182).
     We have been testing Proteon P4200 Gateways with 56Kbps and T1
     interfaces for use with our PSCnet.  We hope to order the lines for
     PSCnet shortly.
     The psc-gw seems to be much better shape in recent weeks.  BBN has
     adjusted the flow control parameters on our PSN and if they
     continue to work well here, then Darpa will request that this fix
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
     be applied at other X.25 sites.  It appears that the design of the
     5250 causes its performance to degrade faster than the 1822
     interfaces in the face of heavy load at the PSN.  ACC plans to have
     new ROMs to address this problem by early April.
     Jim Ellis, ellis@morgul.psc.edu
     San Diego Supercomputing Center
     The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) is one of five such
     centers initiated by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in 1985.
     The primary research tool at the center is a CRAY X-MP/48
     supercomputer.  An SCS-40 minisupercomputer has just come online
     for research use; both run the interactive Cray Time Sharing System
     (CTSS) operating system developed at the Lawrence Livermore
     National Laboratory.  In addition to these two systems, DEC and IBM
     equipment play a major role for communications and file systems.
     Researchers from more than 100 institutions scattered from Maryland
     to Hawaii are currently allocated time on one or more of the
     systems.  The San Diego Center has attempted to provide as many
     types of communication links as its researchers find most suitable.
     To that end, it has joined several existing networks.  A brief
     summary is set out below.  A much more detailed picture will be in
     next month's report.
     SDSC is a backbone node of NSFnet.  The center has NSFnet direct
     links to the supercomputer center at the University of Illinois and
     NSF's National Center for Atmospheric Research at Boulder; both at
     56 kbits/s. A line will soon be in place to NASA's center at AMES
     providing a link between NSFnet and the NASA Science Internet.
     Connection via telnet to the SDSC Cray has been available for the
     past several months; FTP service will be inaugurated in late March
     1987.  During 1987, SDSC plans to extend IP services out from the
     center to the members of its consortium.
     Members of the SDSC consortium and some industrial users belong to
     SDSCnet, a network modeled on supercomputer network of the National
     Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center (MFEnet).  SDSCnet nodes
     (VAX/VMS systems) access the supercomputers primarily via 56 kbit/s
     terrestrial or satellite links. The nodes themselves are often on
     university LANs and/or regional nets, with the usual benefits such
     provide.  As SDSCnet and MFEnet are connected, SDSCnet users can
     access MFEnet sites, including the supercomputers at Livermore and
     at Florida State University.  Conversely, MFEnet users can access
     the SDSC systems.
     Since several sites with allocations of time at SDSC use DECnet as
     their primary network, SDSC has implemented software to support
     their access to the center's systems.  Additionally, the center has
     joined NASA's SPAN to enlarge the number of users with a connection
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     to the center and to provide researchers at the center with access
     to SPAN's resources.  Due to the interconnections of SPAN and DOE's
     HEP, users of that network can also connect to SDSC.
     Finally, SDSC is connected to BITnet and TYMnet.  Dial-in telephone
     lines are also available.
     Paul Love, loveep@sdsc.arpa
     NSFnet regional, affiliated or consortia networks
     Bay Area Regional Research network (BARRNET)
     Two of five T-1 links for BARRNET backbone installed by telco
     (PacBell), third nearing completion, line four will be on UC owned
     microwave microwave from UCSF to UC Berkeley, which is available
     now.  Fifth link will be third party supplied microwave from UC
     Berkeley to UC Davis, installation scheduled for March.
     Lawrence Livermore Labs and Stanford Linear Accelerator center have
     expressed interest in links into BARRNET.  Univ of Nevada at Reno
     also expressed interest earlier.
     Proteon routers with Ethernet and full T-1 interfaces (SBE boards)
     have been bench tested at Stanford with Avanti Accupak 1.5 data
     formatters (DSX-1 interface w/o CSUs).  Appears that with the CSU
     (Avanti's internal "ISU") the effective thruput will be limited to
     1.344Mb/s by the Avanti because it uses straight bit-stuffing to
     meet the telco connect requirements.  As a result, we have started
     testing Verilink units which use an algorithm for maintaining the
     telco T-1 bit density requirements that appears to avoid the loss
     of the 192kbps.  Will also test Phoenix microsystems units which
     purport the same in their reformatter/CSUs and have a better
     physical configuration (8 packs, formatter or CSU to a 19" rack)
     and a built-in BERT in CSU.
     Have not attempted any thruput testing yet.
     First link to be activated will be NASA Ames to Stanford, second
     planned to be UCB to UCSF and UCB to Stanford.  First one should be
     on air next week, second and third by first week of March.
     Bill Yundt, gd.why@forsythe.stanford.edu
     Illinois network
             (refer to the UIUC backbone report)
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
     John von Neumann Supercomputing Center network (JVNCNET)
             (refer to the JVNC backbone report)
     Merit Computer Network
     The Merit Computer Network began in the early seventies as an
     interuniversity network for the state of Michigan. Merit received
     NSF funding for its initial implementation, but is now funded by
     the affiliated Universities. However, Merit recently received some
     NSF funding to implement the TCP/IP protocol suite so that the
     Merit Universities can access the NSFnet.
     At the time of this writing Merit has 189 dedicated packet
     switching nodes, of which 26 are Primary Communications Processors
     (PCP) and the other 163 are Secondary Communications Processors
     (SCP) . Twentysix X.25 links are attached to the network, as well
     as 6168 asynchronous ports. Merit also connects to several
     mainframes via channel interfaces. One of Merit's SCPs is in
     Washington DC, connected via a dedicated link, and another as an
     experimental node at NCAR, connected via the USAN satellite
     network.  Merit is connected via two links to the Telenet public
     data network and via a single link to ADP Autonet.
     As part of the NSF funded IP development effort Merit packet
     switching nodes, which are running a locally written data
     communications operating system, are now able to switch IP
     datagrams throughout the network. We anticipate this to work in
     conjunction with channel attached mainframes soon.  At this point
     of time we can attached Ethernets to the Merit nodes as well as
     asynchronously attached PCs (running, e.g., the asynchronous
     version of the MIT PC/IP code). We anticipate a SLIP implementation
     for the asynchronous lines to be working soon.
     A detailed description of the Merit Computer Network can be
     obtained by sending a message to
     Merit_Computer_Network@UM.CC.UMICH.EDU which includes a USMail
     address. This electronic mail address can also be used to reach
     user consultants in case of any questions. An alternative way to
     contact the Merit Computer Network is by calling (313) 764-9423.
     Hans-Werner Braun, hwb@mcr.umich.edu
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     NorthWestNet is not active yet; negotiations with NSF are still in
     Hellmut Golde, golde@cs.washington.edu
     As of 20 Feb 1987, NYSERNet has the following topology with 56kbit
     links.  T1's are also in place for the topology of below but have
     not been cutover to the switching gear.
                        |              |
                        |              |
                        |              |
                     Columbia        NYU
     Internal routing is via RIP, the switching gear is Proteon4200's.
     NSFNet+Regional routing goes through Cornell's Fuzzball.
     Generalized INTERNET routing is site specific.
     Then NYSERNet Network Information Center opened on the 6th of
     February information can be obtained throught nic@nic.nyser.net or
     Marty Schoffstall, schoff@nic.nyser.net
     Gateway-routers have been selected and ordered (Proteon).  Our
     biggest problem has been getting 56 kbs telephone lines into all
     locations.  After innumerable meetings with telephone companies we
     are nearing resolution on that issue.  In November MIDnet held its
     second regional meeting in Kansas City.  In addition to business
     items there were several presentations and tutorials.  A one day
     visit to NCSA by MIDnet users and user services staff is scheduled
     for March 30 and a third regional meeting for sometime in April.
     We hope to have some line segments operational in late April and
     the whole network up during the summer.
     Doug Gale, doug@unlcdc3.bitnet
             (refer to SDSC backbone report)
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     We are currently funded by NSF and are shopping for phone lines and
     for gateways.  In the gateway market, we are considering Proteon
     and Cisco.  Initial sites will include:
             Baylor College of Medicine (Texas Medical Center, Houston)
             Houston Area Research Center (north of Houston)
             Rice University (Houston)
             Texas A&M University (College Station)
             Texas Southern University (Houston)
             University of Houston (Houston)
     Future growth will include the University of Texas, Baylor
     University, the NASA Johnson Spacecraft Center, and other campuses
     of the Texas Medical Center."
     Guy Almes, almes@rice.edu
     SURAnet Phase I is composed of 15 institutions in 12 states and the
     District of Columbia.
     Geographically, SURAnet ranges from Delaware, in the North, to
     Florida,in the South, and goes as far West as Louisiana.
     Topologically, SURAnet is composed of a major loop plus a number of
     The nodes in the loop are the University of Maryland, George
     Washington University (in the District of Columbia), Virginia Tech,
     the Triangle Universities (in North Carolina), Clemson University
     (in South Carolina), Georgia Tech, the University of Alabama at
     Birmingham, the University of Tennessee, and the University of
     The stubs are the University of Delaware,the National Science
     Foundation (in the District of Columbia), Florida State University,
     Louisiana State University, the University of West Virginia and the
     University of Georgia.
     LSU, FSU, the University of West Virginia, and the University of
     Georgia are the four sites which remain to be connected to the
     All Suranet sites reachable by AT&T 56 kb lines were interconnected
     last Fall.
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     Proteon routers for these sites were configured and tested at the
     University of Maryland. They were shipped to the  sites by late
     They were talking to each other,for the most part, by the middle of
     The reliability of version 7.1 of the Proteon software was very
     We decided that we had to move to version 7.2 with all possible
     Prior to moving to 7.2 it was decided to hold a meeting of SURAnet
     site technical representatives, invited experts and guests. This
     was held at the University of Maryland on Feb. 13 and 14 and had
     over 70 participants.
     Version 7.2 is presently being installed. We anticipate that 7.2
     will be more robust than 7.1. We will be in a position to report on
     this shortly.
     As I tried to convey above, all connected sites have been
     operational briefly,  perhaps not all at the same time, under
     version 7.1 of the Proteon software. However, 7.1 had very poor
     reliability. We decided to move to 7.2. At this instant in time
     only Maryland and George Washington are running 7.2. It appears to
     be much more robust. We are trying to move to 7.2 at all connected
     sites very quickly. Ask me again next week. I am optimistic!
     Jack Hahn, hahn@umdc.bitnet
     (no report received as no email address was available at the time
     of contacting individual sites for this month's report)
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Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
     Note on Task Force Mailing Lists
          For each Task Force there are two lists:
                  taskforcename-TF@ISI.EDU          is the task force itself, and
                  taskforcename-INTEREST@ISI.EDU    is other interested people.
          Anything that goes to the -INTEREST list is copied
          automatically to the -TF list (the -TF is a subset of the
          The -TF list could be use to discuss TF business (meetings,
          minutes, schedules, plans, details).  The -INTEREST list could
          be for free discussion of concepts and technical issues where
          you want ideas from anybody interested.
          Any additions or deletions to either list will be handled by
          Ann Westine (Westine@ISI.EDU).
          The task force is still in the midst of reorganization.
          Current members include Steve Casner (ISI), Terry Crowley
          (BBN), Jose Garcia Luna Aceves (SRI), Sunil Sarin (CCA), and
          Joseph Sventek (ANSA Project).  Prospective members should
          contact me via e-mail (lantz@score.stanford.edu) as soon as
          possible; a meeting is being planned for early spring.
          Keith Lantz
          A meeting is planned for 20-21 March in Palo Alto, California,
          and the task force mailing list is now in operation
          Deborah Estrin
Westine                                                        [Page 30]
Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
          No progress to report this month.
          Bob Braden
          INARC related issues were discussed on several lists,
          including those related to the proposed Dissimilar Gateway
          Protocol (ineng-tf and nsfnet-routing) and host/gateway
          monitoring (gwmon).
          Dave Mills
          No report received.
          Following circulation of a final internal draft to the task
          force membership and processing of resulting comments, the
          Privacy Task Force RFC, "Privacy Enhancement for Internet
          Electronic Mail: Part I: Message Encipherment and
          Authentication Procedures", was submitted for distribution to
          the Internet community.  It is now available from SRI-NIC as
          The next task force meeting was scheduled for 31 March-1 April
          at RIACS.
          John Linn
          No report received.
          No report received.
Westine                                                        [Page 31]
Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
          No report received.
          No report received.
          No report received.
Westine                                                        [Page 32]
Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
          Network Routing Deamon for 4.3bsd (and like) Systems
          Gated is a routing daemon that handles multiple routing
          protocols and is meant as a replacement for the Unix routed
          and egpup deamons, as well as any routing daemon that speaks
          the HELLO routing protocol.  Gated currently handles the RIP,
          EGP, and HELLO routing protocols.  The gated process can be
          configured to perform all 3 routing protocols or any
          combination of the three.  The configuration for gated is by
          default stored in the file "/etc/gated.conf", but can be
          changed at compile time.
          Gated can be invoked with a number of debug flags and/or a log
          file.  When debug flags are used, the process does not fork
          and detach itself from the controlling terminal.  If there is
          no log file specified, all debug output is sent to the
          controlling terminal; otherwise, the debugging output is sent
          to the log file specified.
          The interaction of the three routing protocols are as follows:
          - Any route learned via an interior routing protocol
            (HELLO/RIP) takes precedence over the externally (EGP)
            learned route.  More specifically, if a route is learned
            of via RIP and there is already an external route
            learned of via EGP, the EGP route is deleted and the RIP
            route is installed in its place.  In effect, the exterior
            (EGP) route is used as a backup route should the interior
            (RIP/HELLO) route become unavailable.
          - Routing information learned via an interior routing protocol
            can be selectively passed on to the exterior routing protocol.
            Specifically, RIP and HELLO information can be passed on to
            EGP for further propagation.
          - Routing information learned from an exterior routing protocol
            is not passed on to the interior routing protocol.  Specifically
            information learned via EGP is not passed on to RIP or HELLO
            for further progagation.
          With the emergence of the NSFnet and many regional networks
          like NYSERnet and SURAnet, the paths to different sites are
          not exclusively over the ARPAnet any more.  There are many
          back doors and redundancies in the Internet.  The gated
          process allows a site to take full advantage of the redundancy
Westine                                                        [Page 33]
Internet Monthly Report                                    February 1987
          of the Internet dynamically.  It allows sites to use a faster
          regional network link and still be able to rely on a slower
          ARPAnet link as a backup.
          Gated currently runs under 4.3BSD UNIX, DEC Ultrix V1.2, GOULD
          UTX/32 V1.2, V2.0.  The code was and is still being developed
          at Cornell University and the University of Maryland.
          For more information on the protocol specifics, consult the
          following RFC's:
                  RFC827    - EGP formal specifications.
                  RFC891    - HELLO formal specifications.
                  RFC911    - EGP under UNIX 4.2BSD
                  routed(8) - BSD UNIX manual page describing the RIP process.
          For more information on gated contact:
                          Mark Fedor
                          Cornell Theory Center
                          265 Olin Hall, Cornell U.
                          Ithaca, NY 14850
          Mark Fedor, fedor@devvax.tn.cornell.edu
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