June 1990
 The purpose of these reports is to communicate to the Internet Research
 Group the accomplishments, milestones reached, or problems discovered by
 the participating organizations.
      This report is for research use only, and is not for public
 Each organization is expected to submit a 1/2 page report on the first
 business day of the month describing the previous month's activities.
 These reports should be submitted via network mail to Ann Westine
 (Westine@ISI.EDU) or Karen Roubicek (Roubicek@NNSC.NSF.NET).
      IAB MESSAGE  . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  3
      INTERNET RESEARCH REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  3
         AUTONOMOUS NETWORKS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  3
         END-TO-END SERVICES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  3
         PRIVACY AND SECURITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  3
         COLLABORATION TECHNOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  4
      INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  4
 Westine                                                         [Page 1]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
   Internet Projects
      BARRNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12
      BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN, INC.,  . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12
      CERFNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12
      CICNET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 13
      CORNELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 14
      ISI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 14
      LOS NETTOS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 16
      MERIT/UMNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 16
      MIDNET  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17
      MIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17
      MITRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17
      MRNET. . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 18
      NCAR/USAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 18
      NNSC, UCAR/BOLT BERANEK and NEWMAN, INC., . . . . . . . . page 19
      NORTHWESTNET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20
      NSFNET BACKBONE, MERIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20
      NTA-RE/NDRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22
      NYSERNET  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22
      OARNET  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22
      Pennsylvania Research and Economic Partnership Network  . page 22
      PITTSBURGH SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22
      RIPE (Reseaux IP Europeans) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22
      SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER  . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22
      SESQUINET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22
      SRI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 23
      SURANET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 23
      TEXAS HIGHER EDUCATION NETWORK  . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 23
      UCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 23
      UDEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 24
      WESTNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 24
 Westine                                                         [Page 2]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
      No report this month.
      Bob Braden (Braden@ISI.EDU)
         Discussion continues on the subject of resource usage feedback
         in internets. D. Estrin and L. Zhang are drafting a related
         position paper/RFC. In collaboration with S. Shenker (Xerox PARC
         and E2E Rsch Group)  we are planning some related simulation
         work as well.
         Deborah Estrin (Estrin@USC.EDU)
         No progress to report this month.
         Bob Braden (Braden@ISI.EDU)
         Matt Bishop of Dartmouth College distributed a draft security
         analysis of Network Time Protocol to the PSRG for review.  This
         report is the result of work initiated during joint sessions
         between the PSRG and the End-to-End Research Group at the Xerox
         PSRG meetings in January of this year, and of subsequent
         consultation over the past months between Matt and NTP founding
         father Dave Mills.
         Russ Housley of Xerox presented his work to date on a security
         labelling framework RFC at a workshop on Security Labels for
         Open Systems held at NIST at the end of May.  A current version
         of the draft RFC was recently distributed to the PSRG for
         review.  In conjunction with this work, Russ has been invited to
         speak on a security labelling panel at the 13th National
         Computer Security Conference in Washington this October.
 Westine                                                         [Page 3]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
         TIS has begun distributing its Privacy-Enhanced Mail software
         for beta test.  It is currently in use at TIS offices in
         Maryland and California, and a phased distribution to other PSRG
         and IAB member sites (NIST, BBN, NRI) is planned for this month.
         In the meantime, BBN continues development on hardware and
         software in support of the P-E Mail registration process, and
         has been continuing to meet with developers at TIS to exchange
         and review documentation pertaining to integration issues.
         The PSRG will meet in Vancouver July 31-August 3 in conjunction
         with the upcoming IETF meeting, and some joint meetings with
         IETF WGs are anticipated.  An agenda for this meeting will
         appear in the next PSRG monthly.
         Ken Rossen  (kenr@BBN.COM)
         No report received.
      1. CNRI is developing a database facility for tracking all online
      IETF information.  When completed, we will be able to provide the
      capability to query for general information on IETF (including
      logistics information for upcoming meetings), and for specific
      information about working groups (including working group
      objectives, projected dates for accomplishing objectives, meeting
      minutes, and Internet-Drafts).  Not only will this provide a very
      useful way for interested parties to obtain information about IETF,
      but it will also serve as a way to track the activities and
      progress of the numerous working groups.  As an example, I will
      give some information below about IETF activities using tools and
      data from the database.
      Thanks go to Greg Vaudreuil (CNRI) for developing the database
      tools.  It is our goal that most of the information now available
      in the quarterly IETF Proceedings will eventually be available
      through the database tools and reports.
      2. The following information about IETF attendance and growth is
      from the database.
 Westine                                                         [Page 4]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
      Attendance for the last six IETF meetings:
              - 12th IETF, Jan 1989, University of Texas      121
              - 13th IETF, Apr 1989, Kennedy Space Center     112
              - 14th IETF, Jul 1989, Stanford University      215
              - 15th IETF, Oct 1989, University of Hawaii     138
              - 16th IETF, Feb 1990, Florida State Univ.      191
              - 17th IETF, May 1990, PSC/SEI/CMU              243
      With the exception of the Stanford meeting (which may have been
      overly large because of proximity to computer industry), this
      appears to represent a steady growth from the around 100 to over
      200 in the last year.  Total attendance at these six meetings
      represents attendance by 500 different persons from 166 different
      3. Repeat attendance by individuals is high enough to show a
      dedicated core of key IETF contributors.  There are 23 persons who
      have attended all of the last 6 meetings, 28 who have attended 5
      meetings, and 46 who have attended at least 4 of the last 6 IETF
      meetings.  That is almost 100 folks who have attended at least 2/3
      of the recent meetings.  This is impressive when you realize that
      attendance was only just over 100 for 3 of the those meetings.
      When the attendees are grouped by categories, we found that about
      1/3 were from vendors, about 1/3 from goverment (DoD and civilian
      agencies), and over 1/4 from universities and regional network
      4. Perhaps a more important measure of IETF activity is the number
      of active working groups and the number of RFCs produced over the
      same period.  The following list shows the total number of working
      groups and the number which actually met at each meeting:
        Date      Location                    Total WGs       # met
      - Jan 1989, University of Texas            12           12
      - Apr 1989, Kennedy Space Center           19           17
      - Jul 1989, Stanford University            20           18
      - Oct 1989, University of Hawaii           19           18
 Westine                                                         [Page 5]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
      - Feb 1990, Florida State Univ.            38           32
      - May 1990, PSC/SEI/CMU                    40           33
      - current (for UBC)                       ~50
      Notice that the number of working groups has shown a sharp increase
      since the creation of the IESG last fall.  The IESG first met at
      the University of Hawaii.  After that meeting, the number of WGs
      5. During this approximate period, there were over 80 RFCs
      published relating to Internet technical activities.  Of those
      RFCs, around 30 pertained to Internet standards.  The IETF
      accounted for almost 30% of the total RFCs published and for ~55%
      of all RFCs pertaining to standards. The IAB itself, together with
      the IRTF, accounted for almost another 30%, meaning that the IAB as
      an organization (ie, including IETF and IRTF) accounted for almost
      60% of all RFCs published in this period.
      6. The current list of IETF working groups by IESG area is given in
      Attachment 1.  The standard WG abbreviation is also noted.  We use
      the standard WG abbreviation when naming the online files and
      7. A history of WG meetings and attendance is given in Attachment
      8. A version of this information will be presented and discussed at
      the UBC IETF meeting.
      Phill Gross
      IETF Chair
      Attachment 1 -- Current list of IETF Working Groups
                              (including WG standard abbreviations)
                Domain Name System                          dns
                Network Database                            netdata
                Network Printing Protocol                   npp
                TELNET                                      telnet
 Westine                                                         [Page 6]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
           Host and User Services
                Distributed File Systems                    dfs
                Dynamic Host Configuration                  dhc
                Internet User Population                    iup
                Network Information Services Infrastructure nisi
                Special Host Requirements                   shr
                TCP Large Windows                           tcplw
                User Connectivity                           ucp
                User Documents                              userdoc
                User Services                               uswg
           Internet Services
                Connection IP                               cip
                IP MTU Discovery                            mtudisc
                IP over Appletalk                           appleip
                IP over FDDI                                fddi
                IP over Switched Megabit Data Service       smds
                Point-to-Point Protocol Extentions          pppext
                Router Discovery                            rdisc
                Router Requirements                         rreq
           Network Management
                Alert Management                            alertman
                Bridge MIB                                  bridge
                DECnet Phase IV MIB                         decnetiv
                FDDI MIB                                    fddimib
                Internet Accounting                         acct
                Management Services Interface               msi
                OSI Internet Management                     oim
                Simple Network Management Protocol          snmp
                Transmission Mib                            transmib
           OSI Integration
                Assignment of OSI NSAP Addresses            osinsap
                OSI General                                 osigen
                OSI-X.400                                   osix400
                Benchmarking Methodology                    bmwg
                Network Joint Management                    njm
                Topology Engineering                        tewg
 Westine                                                         [Page 7]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
                ISIS for IP Internets                       isis
                Interconnectivity                           iwg
                Multicast Extentions to OSPF                mospf
                Open Systems Routing                        orwg
                Private Data Network Routing                pdnrout
                IP Authentication                           ipauth
                Internet Security Policy                    spwg
                SNMP Authentication                         snmpauth
                Site Security Policy Handbook               ssphwg
      Attachment 2 -- Attendance at WGs for last 6 IETF meetings
              <Blank>  WG concluded or not yet formed
              ??       Attendee list not available
              0        Continuing WG with no meeting
              xx       Attendees for that WG at that IETF meeting
              meeting    UT   CB   SU   UH   FSU  PSC
                        1/89 4/89 7/89 10/89 2/90 5/90 Now
              Total WGs| 12 | 19 | 19 | 20 | 38 | 40 |~50 |
              WGs Met  | 12 | 17 | 18 | 18 | 32 | 33 |  0 |
              meeting    UT   CB   SU   UH   FSU  PSC
                       1/89 4/89 7/89 10/89 2/90 5/90
              dns      | 19 | 22 | 13 | 16 |  0 | 19 |
              npp      |    |    |    |    |  7 | 18 |
              telnet   |    |    | 18 | 12 |  7 | 17 |
              telnetlm |  4 |    |    |    |    |    |
 Westine                                                         [Page 8]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
              meeting    UT   CB   SU   UH   FSU  PSC
                       1/89 4/89 7/89 10/89 2/90 5/90
              dfs      |    |    |    |    | 17 | 25 |
              dhc      |    | 22 | 30 | 22 | 20 | 21 |
              hostreq  | 27 |  0 | 29 |    |    |    |
              iup      |    |    |    |  8 |  0 |  0 |
              nisi     |    | 10 | 12 |    |    | 15 |
              tcplw    |    |    |    | 13 | 18 |  0 |
              ucp      |    |    |    |    | 32 | 28 |
              userdoc  |    |  8 | 26 | 16 | 14 | 14 |
              uswg     | 19 | 15 | 39 | 24 | 31 | 24 |
              meeting    UT   CB   SU   UH   FSU  PSC
                        1/89 4/89 7/89 10/89 2/90 5/90
              cip      | ?? |  8 | 13 | 13 | 19 | 13 |
              mtudisc  |    |    |    |    | 27 | 28 |
              appleip  |    |    |    |    |    | 24 |
              fddi     |    |    |    |    | 16 |  0 |
              smds     |    |    |    |    | 50 | 51 |
              pcc      | 28 | 12 | 21 |    |    |    |
              ppp      | 13 |  0 | 29 | 18 |    |    |
              pppext   |    |    |    |    | 17 | 18 |
              rdisc    |    |    |    |    | 28 | 32 |
              rreq     |    |    |    |    | 44 | 67 |
 Westine                                                         [Page 9]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
              meeting    UT   CB   SU   UH   FSU  PSC
                        1/89 4/89 7/89 10/89 2/90 5/90
              alertman |    | 23 | 19 | 17 | 12 | 33 |
              decnetiv |    |    |    |    |    |  6 |
              fddimib  |    |    |    |    |    | 22 |
              acct     |    |    |    |    | 15 | 11 |
              mib      | ?? |    |    |    |    |    |
              lanman   |    | 13 |  0 |  0 |  0 |    |
              msi      |    | 23 |    |    | 16 | 19 |
              noctools |    | 23 | 35 |  7 | 27 |    |
              cmot     | 22 |    |    |    |    |    |
              oim      |    |    |    | 10 | 26 | 26 |
              transmib |    |    |    |    |    | 22 |
              meeting    UT   CB   SU   UH   FSU  PSC
                        1/89 4/89 7/89 10/89 2/90 5/90
              osinsap  |    |    |    |    | 19 | 19 |
              osigen   | 31 | 24 | 93 | 32 | 34 |  0 |
              osix400  |    |    |    | 25 | 15 | 15 |
              meeting    UT   CB   SU   UH   FSU  PSC
                        1/89 4/89 7/89 10/89 2/90 5/90
              bmwg     |    |    |    |    | 14 |  0 |
              jomann   | 18 | 20 | 25 |    |    |    |
              njm      |    |    |    |    | 39 | 27 |
              tewg     |    |    |    |    | 30 | 39 |
 Westine                                                        [Page 10]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
              meeting    UT   CB   SU   UH   FSU  PSC
                        1/89 4/89 7/89 10/89 2/90 5/90
              isis     |    |    |    |    | 44 |  0 |
              iwg      | 22 | 31 | 44 | 30 | 26 | 18 |
              mospf    |    |    |    |    | 22 | 20 |
              odv      |    |    |    | 43 |  0 |    |
              ospf     |    | 14 | 26 |    |    |    |
              orwg     |    |    | 16 |  5 | 12 |  9 |
              pdnrout  |    | 11 |  0 |  8 |  0 |  0 |
              meeting    UT   CB   SU   UH   FSU  PSC
                        1/89 4/89 7/89 10/89 2/90 5/90
              ipauth   |    | 17 | 19 |  0 |  0 |  0 |
              spwg     |    |    |    |    | 35 | 48 |
              snmpauth |    |    |    |    | 27 | 32 |
              ssphwg   |    |    |    |    |    | 31 |
 Westine                                                        [Page 11]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
      No report received.
      No report received.
      Testing on a link to the Federal University de Rio de Janeiro began
      in June.  The university will be connected to CERFnet in the near
      future. The university has a 4.8 kbps connection via New York to
      UCLA. Eventually, they will be connected to the San Diego
      Supercomputer Center directly.
      The Federal University de Rio de Janeiro needs access to the
      Internet to communicate with researchers at the Latin American
      Center at UCLA and to access online library and database catalogs
      such ORION, also at UCLA.
      The university currently has BITNET access but would like to
      install a direct link to the Internet. Eventually, the university
      will serve as a hub for a collection of Brazilian universities that
      require access to the Internet.  Also in June, CERFnet started to
      advertise routes via IGRP to ESNet.  ESNet is connected to CERFnet
      at the UCLA and Caltech backbone nodes.
      A new industrial member will be brought online in July. Emulex
      Corporation, located in Irvine, will have a 56 kbps link to the
      University of California, Irvine. Emulex builds TCP/IP terminal
      servers, among other things.
      Several new sites will begin using DIAL n' CERF in July. Among them
      are Stardent Computer, Duke Childrens Clinic, and Baker and
 Westine                                                        [Page 12]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
      Quarterly Seminar
      CERFnet hosted a seminar on June 5, "The Future of Computing: Fact
      and Fantasy" at the University of California, San Diego. This one
      day seminar was led by Dr.Stephen Lundstrom.  The seminar outlined
      some of the important trends in technology, the direction
      technological advances need to take, and what capabilities these
      new advances will provide.
      New Service
      CERFnet announced a new product, CERF 9.6, in June.  CERF 9.6 is a
      subscription service at 9.6 kilobits-per-second (kbps), and
      provides an economical alternative for sites with lower startup
      needs. This new service eliminates the cost of the gateway box
      which reduces the initial startup costs.
      A typical CERF 9.6 member will have only one mainframe computer or
      similar such as a VAX or MicroVAX. Because there is only one such
      computer, a gateway to route traffic is not needed.
      Also, CERF 9.6 lets organizations upgrade to CERF 56 (56 kbps) and
      CERF 1544 (T1) easily.
      CERFnet provided Internet connectivity to the USENIX conference in
      by Karen Armstrong <armstrongk@sds.sdsc.edu>
      Four major activities have been at the forefront for CICNet during
      June: the completion of our FY 1991 Business Plan, the issuance of
      our Request for Proposals for Network Management and Operations
      Support Services, the directions issued from our Technical Board,
      and the announcement by the NSF of a third NSS access point on the
      CICNet backbone.
      The Business Plan, which is expected to become effective in July,
      continues to emphasize the development of end-user applications
      rather than simply the deployment of technology. The Plan also
      addresses the relationships between CICNet as the regional network
      organization and the state or subregional networks functioning
      within the CICNet states. We believe that our approach will work
      well in this potentially difficult area.  Copies of the Business
      Plan will be available from CICNet upon approval.
 Westine                                                        [Page 13]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
      On June 14, the Bidder's Conference for our NOC services
      procurement was held in Ann Arbor. Seven organizations were
      represented, with an additional three organization not in
      attendance indicating an intention to submit a bid. The closing
      date for submissions was extended to July 6. A team of four
      evaluators will analyze the proposals and make recommendations to
      CICNet. An announcement of award is expected in September.
      The CICNet Technical Board has created two new task forces: one to
      guide CICNet's OSI Technology Integration, and the other to plan
      for an experimental DS-3 network within the CICNet region.  Linda
      Winkler, Argonne National Laboratories, is chairing the OSI task
      force. No chair for the DS-3 group has yet been appointed.
      Lastly, the NSF has announced that a new NSFNet node is to be
      located at Argonne National Laboratories in the Chicago area, and
      will provide service to and from CICNet. Efforts have already begun
      in the CICNet Network Planning and Design Subcommittee to
      accomodate the expansion.
      by Joel Maloff <Joel_Maloff@um.cc.umich.edu>
      No report received.
      Bob Braden chaired a meeting of the End-to-End Research Group at
      CMU in Pittsburgh, and attended an IAB meeting at BBN in Boston.
      He also organized and chaired a meeting on the research program on
      DARTNET.  Work was begun on an RFC, with Van Jacobson and Lixia
      Zhang, concerning TCP extensions for high-speed paths.
      Greg Finn tested the IP/SQ algorithm using random drop against TCP
      for equivalently long file transfers.  Interference effects between
      IP/SQ and TCP appear small.  A first draft paper that describes
      IP/SQ performance in the test network setting has been completed.
      Paul Mockapetris atended the IAB meeting in Boston, Mass, 28 and 29
      June.  Joyce Reynolds hosted an IETF meeting at ISI, June 12.  Jon
      Postel attended the DEC, ANSI and IAB Meetings, in Boston, MA.,
      25-29 June.
 Westine                                                        [Page 14]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
      Six RFCs were published this month.
         RFC 1159:  Nelson, R., "Message Send Protocol", Clarkson University,
                    June 1990.
         RFC 1161:  Rose, M., "SNMP over OSI", Performance Systems
                    International, Inc., June 1990.
         RFC 1162:  Satz, G., "Connectionless Network Protocol (ISO 8473)
                    and End System to Intermediate System (ISO 9542)
                    Management Information Base", Cisco Systems, Inc.,
                    June 1990.
         RFC 1163:  Lougheed, K., (CISCO), Y. Rekhter (IBM), "A Border
                    Gateway Protocol (BGP)", June 1990.
         RFC 1164:  Honig, J., (CORNELL), D. Katz (MERIT)/NSFNET),
                    M, Mathis (PITT/SUP) Y. Rekhter, (T.J. WATSON),
                    J. Yu, (MERIT/NSFNET), "Application of the Border
                    Gateway Protocol in the Internet", June 1990.
         RFC 1165:  Crowcroft, J., UCL, J. Onions, Nottingham University,
                    "Network Time Protocol (NTP) Over the OSI Remote
                    Operations Service", June 1990.
      Ann Westine (Westine@ISI.EDU)
      Work continues on porting the Voice Terminal (VT) program to run on
      a Sun Sparcstation and on upgrading the Multimedia Conferencing
      Control program (MMCC) to handle multiple codecs and a variety of
      site configurations.
      Tim Shepard from MIT LCS visited ISI to learn about the hardware
      and software we use for packet video.  Tim will use the same video
      codec we do, the Concept Image30, to implement packet video on a
      386 PC-AT hardware base.  We plan to work together so our
      implementations can interoperate.
      Steve Casner, Annette DeSchon, Dave Walden, Eve Schooler
      (casner@ISI.EDU, deschon@ISI.EDU, djwalden@ISI.EDU,
 Westine                                                        [Page 15]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
      No relevant Internet news from FAST to report this month.
      Anna-Lena (Alneches@ISI.EDU)
      No report received.
      Walt Prue attended the Cisco User Symposium in Redwood City, June
      13th and 14th.  It gave the attendees a chance to tell cisco what
      new products and enhancements we wanted to see from cisco. Cisco
      did appear to be taking note of all comments.
      Walt Prue attended the Calinet meeting in Oakland June 21st.  It
      appears that Los Nettos and CERFnet will be able to get backup
      routing of our routes through BARRNET to the NSFNET.  The DWR T1
      line appears to be close to being brought up and will provide a
      path to BARRNET.  BARRNET has installed OSPF within their network.
      This will allow them to install the appropriate routing controls to
      make this alternate path safe from long term routing loops.
      Los Nettos and CERFnet are still getting only a handful of routes
      from the ESnet connection at Caltech and none through UCLA's
      connection.  We therefore don't use ESnet for any significant load.
      Walt Prue (Prue@ISI.EDU)
      Continuing with our plans to upgrade the statewide network
      backbone, Merit staff met with representatives of several vendors
      who answered our RFI for backbone router equipment. A
      recommendation for router technology will be made shortly.
      In the meantime, and in preparation for a faster backbone and
      better connectivity for our members, Merit is assisting many of our
      campuses in applying for their own network numbers. This process is
      proceeding well, and we expect several of our campuses to convert
      to the new numbers before the beginning of the fall 90 academic
      term.  Several workshops and planning sessions have been held with
      staff and administrative personnel from member institutions to help
 Westine                                                        [Page 16]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
      with planning for changeover of campus network numbers.
      Expansion of access for educational institutions and research
      facilities was part of the Merit Board's mandate after their
      special meeting this winter. To meet these new goals, we have hired
      new staff members whose main goals are marketing Merit and its
      services across the state of Michigan.
      Merit central staff are assisting member staffs with user education
      issues as well as technical issues, including presentations,
      planning for documentation changes, and newsletter articles.
      Pat McGregor (patmcg@merit.edu)
      No report received.
      MIT hosted a two-day meeting to discuss inter-domain routing
      Work also began on development of a version of the video
      packetizing code to run on a 80386 platform.
      Chuck Davin (jrd@PITT.LCS.MIT.EDU)
 MITRE Corporation
      This is a report on the past six months and some of the current
      activities in Internet Engineering research at MITRE.
      We have produced a prototype implementation of X Windows in OSI.
      This prototype implements an Association Control Service Element
      (ACSE)-based strategy for mapping X to OSI.  It was presented at
      the ANSI X3H3.6 meeting in Durham, North Carolina, April 9-10, and
      the National MAP/TOP User's Group Meeting in Washington, D.C., May
      2-3.  With the assistance of Bellcore, the performance results were
      also put before the European Joint Network Team.
      For our participation in the University of Wisconsin X.400 pilot
      project, we have installed the software on a Sun workstation on the
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
      Internet Testbed.  In order for the pilot to be Internet-wide, the
      participation is with X.400 over TCP using RFC 1006.  MITRE will
      additionally measure the performance of the X.400 over the
      Wisconsin TP4-CLNP in the Internet Testbed.
      We are now testing a TP4 module we have written for the MIT Network
      Simulator.  This has congestion avoidance algorithms and mixed DoD
      and OSI traffic cases among its option settings.
      We have completed a report analyzing performance data collected on
      the Integrated Tactical Demonstration Network demonstration.  With
      traffgen, toptrace, and Slow-start TCP modified to enforce a chosen
      sending TCP maximum segment size, experiments were carried out on
      the TCP performance available from paths traversing VSAT, TACSAT,
      Line of Sight radio, and DAMA links.  A paper on the results is to
      be presented at the SHAPE Technical Centre Military OSI Symposium
      June 7.
      The East Coast Federal Internet Exchange, or FEBA-East, is going to
      change configurations and the Ethernet connecting the MILNET
      Mailbridge and NSS 9 will no longer be located at MITRE.  The
      Defense Communications Agency Internet Testbed has had to find a
      new way to reach NSFNET.  As of early June, testbed connectivity
      will be through a fractional T-1 link with Alternet.
      We are using the testbed now to do multiple topology testing of the
      DEC-bit implementation for BSD TP4-CLNF.  University of Maryland
      testing of the UNIX OSPF implementation is continuing.
      Allison Mankin  (mankin@gateway.mitre.org)
      No report received.
      No report received.
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
      NSF announced in early June that NEARnet has been awarded an NSS,
      which will be connected to the NSFnet at T3 rates.  Details of the
      installation are not yet final but it is anticipated that the
      connection will be established during the fall of this year.
      NEARnet is actively investigating the use of dark fiber in its
      metro Boston hub, to run at FDDI speeds.  This change could be
      accomplished in the same time frame as the installation of the NSS.
      Shiva Corporation, Banyan Systems, Atmospheric and Environmental
      Research Corporation and the Massachusetts Regents Computer Network
      were connected to the network during June.  NEARnet has experienced
      significant problems with the current connections to the NSFnet
      through the JvNCnet.  The JVNCnet operator is aware of the problems
      and is in the process of upgrading its equipment to resolve them.
      NEARnet has completed its start-up phase.  It reached financial
      self-sufficiency at the end of June, demonstrating that high
      quality network services can be provided at a cost which is
      attractive to members.  It will continue to maintain a high
      standard of service and to add new services, particularly in the
      applications area, that can be of benefit to its members.
      Laura Breeden (breeden@SH.CS.NET)
      Karen Roubicek attended the FARNET Meeting at NRI in Reston, VA.
      The NNSC distributed several copies of the Internet Resource Guide,
      NSF Network Newsletter, and NSFNET posters at the Special Libraries
      Association meeting in Pittsburgh, PA.
      The Interim NSFNET Acceptable Use Policy and the NSFNET Expansion
      Announcement have been added to the list of online documents on the
      NSFNET portion of the Info-Server.  To retrieve either of these
      documents send a message to: info-server@nnsc.nsf.net.  In the body
      of the message type: request:  nsfnet, topic:nsfnet-acceptable-use,
      topic: nsfnet-expansion.jun.90.
      by Corinne Carroll (ccarroll@nnsc.nsf.net)
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
      Ron Johnson, Co-principal Investigator for NorthWestNet; Eric Hood,
      Chairman of the Technical Committee; and Dick Markwood, Project
      Director visited NSF on June 21 to report on NorthWestNet to the
      NSF Networking Staff.  The presentation focused attention on large
      distances that NorthWestNet traverses to serve its constituents and
      on the related costs of circuits.  The public telecommunications
      infrastructure is largely underdeveloped or non-existent in large
      areas of the six member states.  For example 56 kbps circuits have
      not been available in North Dakota and Montana until within the
      last month.  The presentation also highlighted features of the
      NorthWestNet Strategic Plan expected to be completed in July.
      The link between Seattle WA and Fargo ND was upgraded from 19.2
      Kbps to 56 Kbps on the 28th.
      by Dan Jordt <danj@cac.washington.edu>
      The NSFNET Backbone inbound packet count for June, 1990, totalled
      3,272,564,511 packets.  This is an increase of 3.78% over the May
      total of 3,153,325,456 inbound packets.  The number of networks
      announced on the NSFNET backbone increased to 1639 at the end of
      The National Science Foundation announced a $7.9 million expansion
      of the NSFNET.  In addition to adding three new nodes to the
      backbone, data transmission speed on several key links of the
      existing network will be increased to 45 million bits of
      information per second.  The sites that will be linked by the new
      higher speed connections are Cambridge, MA, Ithaca, NY, Pittsburgh,
      PA, Ann Arbor, MI, Urbana-Champaign, IL, Argonne, IL, San Diego,
      CA, and Palo Alto, CA.  The new nodes on the NSFNET backbone
      network will be located in Cambridge, MA, Argonne, IL, and Atlanta,
      GA.  The Cambridge node will be at the Massachusetts Institute of
      Technology and will connect the New England Academic and Research
      Network (NEARnet) to the NSFNET.  Argonne National Laboratory,
      located near Chicago, will provide connections to ANL and
      additional connections to CICnet, which serves institutions in the
      upper Midwest.  The Atlanta node will be at Georgia Institute of
      Technology and will provide additional connections to the
      Southeastern University Research Association Network, SURAnet.
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
      The NSS relocation at Ithaca (NSS 10) was rescheduled for the week
      of July 1.  College Park (NSS 9) is scheduled to be relocated the
      week of July 9 and Princeton (NSS 8) the week of July 16.  It is
      planned that none of the sites will be completely isolated for
      extended periods of time as the changes take place.  Any questions
      may be directed to the regional network or nsfnet-info@merit.edu.
      An NSFNET Technical Seminar was held in Ann Arbor, MI on June 21
      and 22.  Members of the Merit/NSFNET partnership addressed topics
      of network analysis and latencies, OSI in the NSFNET, and T3
      technology and plans for the NSFNET backbone.  Guest speakers were
      Van Jacobson, of LBL, on network performance considerations,
      Darleen Fisher, of NSF, on gigabit testbeds, Joel Replogle, of
      NCSA, on advanced graphics applications, and Dory Leifer, of U of
      M, on internetworking with ISDN.  A technical meeting for EASInet
      was also hosted on June 22.
      The process by which international networks register for an IP
      address and network status is now facilitated by addressing
      requests to IP-register@merit.edu.  Foreign nets requesting network
      status as a member of CA*Net, JANET, IRIS, Inria, EUnet, EASInet,
      DFN or Nordunet are encouraged to use this procedure.
      The replacement of IDNX equipment with Cylink ACSUs was completed
      and work continues on an OSI implementation.  The SRI-NIC and
      NSFNET staff have been working to better rationalize the manner in
      which Milnet hosts are announced on the backbone.  The Border
      Gateway Protocol (BGP) has been implemented between CA*Net and
      NSFNET, on the link from Toronto to Ithaca.  BGP is documented in
      RFCs 1163 and 1164.
      Glee Cady, manager of Merit/NSFNET Information Services, spoke
      about the current state of the NSFNET to attendees of Networking
      '90, the Canadian Networking Conference hosted by the University of
      Victoria, British Columbia.  Eric Aupperle, President of Merit
      Computer Network, Inc., represented Merit/NSFNET at the FARNET
      meeting.  Hans-Werner Braun, principal investigator on the NSFNET
      project, and Elise Gerich, of Merit/NSFNET Internet Engineering,
      attended the FEPG meeting.  Hans-Werner also attended a meeting of
      the IAB.  Elise participates on a committee with Scott Brim, of the
      Cornell University Theory Center, and Tony Hain, of ESnet, to draft
      an architecture for the NREN.
      Jo Ann (jward@merit.edu)
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
      No report received.
      No report received.
      No report received.
      During June, Widener University and Dynamic Digital Displays joined
      PREPnet.  This brings the total membership for PREPnet to 32.
      Tom Cummings  (tc1r@andrew.cmu.edu)
      No report received.
 RIPE (Reseaux IP Europeans)
      No report received.
      No report received.
      No report received.
 Westine                                                        [Page 22]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
      DDN NIC
      In June, we assigned 158 new numbers to government-sponsored IP
      networks and 106 numbers to new independent IP networks.  The total
      number of all assigned IP numbers is now 5,001 which includes 2,872
      sponsored networks and 2,129 independent networks.  The total
      number of assigned Autonomous System numbers (ASNs) is now 690.
      There are currently a total of 1,741 registered domains which
      includes 49 at the top level, 1,644 at the second level, and 48
      third-level MIL domains.
      Douglas MacGowan (MACGOWAN@NIC.DDN.MIL)
      No report received.
      No report received.
      Jon Crowcroft attended the End2End meeting at CMU.
      Protocol Migration:
      Work continues on NTP and ROS. A paper was presented at Networks 90
      on an implementation of a mapping of X Windows communication onto OSI.
      Work on hybrid Analog/Digital conferencing included integrating a laser
      video disk system for quality image storage and retrieval into our model
      conferencing system.
      We are trying to model the policies for the agencies involved in the
      UK-US "Fat Pipe" upgrade so that we can simplify the enforcement (of
      access as well as share policies) without impacting on cost benefits of
      sharing. Its difficult!
      John Crowcroft (j.crowcroft@CS.UCL.AC.UK)
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
 I am proud to say our efforts on behalf of the Internet community have
 been faithfully reported each and every month since the inception of the
 Internet Monthly Report many years ago. However, our efforts are
 primarily to support research and only secondarily to support
 infrastructure. The nature of other contributions to this report, as
 well as the perceived needs of the readership, have led us to alter the
 nature of our own contributions. In future only activities important to
 the conduct of collaborative experiments and infrastructure will be
 reported. Our research activities and results will be reported as usual
 in various technical reports, symposia and archival publications.
 No progress to report this month.
 Dave Mills (Mills@UDEL.EDU)
      No report received.
      1.   Two new sites were added to Westnet: George Washington High
           School in Denver, CO and Unisys in Salt Lake City, UT.
      2.   The circuit between Colorado State University and the
           University of Colorado at Boulder (UCB) has been upgraded to
           T-1.  The circuits between the University of Colorado at
           Colorado Springs and the University of Colorado at Denver
           (UCD), and UCD and UCD are in the process of being upgraded to
      3.   Utah has formed a state network UNet.  It has the initial
           mandate to provide interconnectivity for all university
           libraries within the state,
      4.   Westnet has entered into a software maintenance agreement with
           cisco.  We are in the process of collecting serial numbers for
           gateways and terminal servers within the region.
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        June 1990
      5.   There will be a Westnet Steering Committee meeting July 20,
           1990 at the University of Denver beginning at 10:00 AM.
           Interested parties are invited to attend.
           by Pat Burns, pburns@csupwb.colostate.edu,
              Carol Ward, cward@naiad.colorado.edu
      Articles of Association, policies for acceptable use, and
      membership policies were drafted.  The Articles of Association were
      approved at a June 26th meeting of the board of directors at
      Carroll College in Waukesha.
      A second draft on the Site Planning Guide was developed and
      distributed at the June 26th meeting.
      Orders for a 56k DDS line, DSUs, and routers to support the test
      connection between UW-Madison and UW-Platteville were issued in
      early June.  We expect to begin installation in late July.
      Evaluation of communication services bid responses were completed
      and tentative winning vendors were selected.  Actual awards and
      orders for communication services are delayed pending discussions
      with the Wisconsin Department of Administration concerning possible
      use of their T1 network.
      Bids for TCP/IP hardware and software for IBM mainframe and mid-
      size hosts were received and analyzed.  A new award was made to
      Intel and old contracts with IBM and Interlink (formerly ACC
      products) were updated.
      Michael Dorl (dorl@macc.wisc.edu)
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