August 1990
 The purpose of these reports is to communicate to the Internet Research
 Group the accomplishments, milestones reached, or problems discovered by
 the participating organizations.
      This report is for research use only, and is not for public
 Each organization is expected to submit a 1/2 page report on the first
 business day of the month describing the previous month's activities.
 These reports should be submitted via network mail to Ann Westine
 (Westine@ISI.EDU) or Karen Roubicek (Roubicek@NNSC.NSF.NET).
      IAB MESSAGE  . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  3
      INTERNET RESEARCH REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  4
         AUTONOMOUS NETWORKS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  4
         END-TO-END SERVICES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  4
         PRIVACY AND SECURITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  4
         COLLABORATION TECHNOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  5
      INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  5
 Westine                                                         [Page 1]
 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
   Internet Projects
      BARRNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  7
      BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN, INC.,  . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  7
      CERFNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  8
      CICNET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  9
      CORNELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  9
      FARNET  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  9
      ISI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 10
      LOS NETTOS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12
      MERIT/UMNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12
      MIDNET  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12
      MIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12
      MITRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12
      MRNET. . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 13
      NCAR/USAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 13
      NNSC, UCAR/BOLT BERANEK and NEWMAN, INC., . . . . . . . . page 13
      NORTHWESTNET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 13
      NSFNET BACKBONE, MERIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 14
      NDRE and NTA-RD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 16
      NYSERNET  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17
      OARNET  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17
      PITTSBURGH SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17
      SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER  . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17
      SESQUINET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17
      SRI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 18
      SURANET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 19
      TEXAS HIGHER EDUCATION NETWORK  . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 19
      UCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 19
      UDEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 19
      WESTNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20
      WISCNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20
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 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
      Vint Cerf represented the IAB at the State Department on August 13
      and August 27, as part of an ad hoc committee to consider ways to
      satisfy the US requirement for registration of object
      names/identifiers necessary for the operation of OSI-based systems.
      The outcome of this committee's deliberation will be presented to
      CCITT Study Group D, which is the U.S. State Department body used
      to coordinate official U.S. positions at the CCITT on OSI-based
      The primary motivation for this committee is the registration of
      names which will ultimately be used as electronic mail Private or
      Administrative Management Domains in the X.400 Mail Handling
      System, but it may also consider how to meet the need for OSI NSAP
      registration.  Since the Internet needs NSAP registration, the work
      of this committee is vitally important.  It is even possible that
      the Internet community, with its widespread NIC and Domain Name
      facilities could provide special assistance in the registration of
      NSAP (Network Service Access Point) addresses.
      Barry Leiner, as international representative of the IAB, attended
      a meeting of the North American Coordinating Committee for
      International Research Networks (NACCIRN).  This meeting had a dual
      purpose: 1) prepare for the upcoming CCIRN meeting in October, and
      2) continuing coordination of North American networking.
      The meeting began with status reports from Canada and United
      States.  Canada reported the continuing development of Canadian
      research networking, including CA*net, CDN*net, and DRInet
      (Canadian Defense research network, not to be confused with DARPA's
      DRI).  They have formed the Canadian Coordinating Committee for
      Research Networks (CCCRN) which is effective in coordinating such
      networks and developing representation to the NACCIRN and CCIRN.
      Some interesting developments were reported re: mail bridging in
      the CDN*net, establishing bridges between Envoy and X.400.  Also,
      they reported an X.400 connection to a university in China (PRC).
      A briefing was given on CA*net.
      The US reported on continuing progress re: the HPCCI (High
      Performance Computing and Communication Initiative).  Two senate
      authorization bills continue their way through the process. The
      White House has recommended to OSTP full funding of the HPCC in
 Westine                                                         [Page 3]
 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
      FY92.  An updated program plan for NREN is intended to be released
      December 1990. It was noted that the NREN is broader than just the
      federally funded networks.  Some detailed items were reported re:
      NSFnet. A briefing was given on the Hepnet/SPAN Decnet Coordinating
      A CCIRN-initiated workshop on connection/connectionless approaches
      was held at NRI in July.  A brief report was given on the results
      of that workshop.
      An Intercontinental Engineering Planning Group (IEPG) has been
      formed and will be meeting October 21-22 1990 in conjunction with
      the upcoming CCCIRN meeting.  The IEPG is intended to have a
      comparable function to the Federal Engineering Planning Group
      (FEPG) set up by the US Federal Networking Council (FNC).
      Bob Braden (Braden@ISI.EDU)
         Deborah Estrin and Lixia Zhang of the ANRG have completed a
         paper entitled, "Design Considerations for Usage Accounting and
         Feedback in Internetworks." Please send mail to estrin@usc.edu
         if you are interested in reading it. We are submitting it to the
         next issue of ACM CCR.
         Deborah Estrin (Estrin@USC.EDU)
         No progress to report this month.
         Bob Braden (Braden@ISI.EDU)
         No internet-related progress to report this month.
         Ken Rossen  (kenr@bbn.com)
 Westine                                                         [Page 4]
 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
         No report received.
      IETF Report for August 1990
      1)  Congratulations are in order for the User-Doc WG of the Host
      and User Services Area.  The Used-Doc Bibliography has been
      published, thanks to the hard work and leadership of co-chairs
      Karen Roubicek (BBN) and Tracy LaQuey (ISI).  The User-Doc WG will
      now retire back to the main User Service WG, chaired by Joyce
      Reynolds (ISI).  Again, thanks for job well done.
      2)  The following represent the Internet-Drafts posted in August
      document       Use of OSI IS-IS for Routing in TCP/IP and Dual
      work_group     isis
      revision       01
      document       Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail:
                     Part IV  --- Certifying Authority and Organizational
                     Notary Services
      research-group prsg
      revision       01
      document       OSI Internet Management:  Management Information Base
      work_group     oim
      revision       02
      document       Asynchronous Discovery of an Effective Maximum
                     Transmission Unit for IP Datagram Delivery
                     [MTU Discovery]
      work_group     none
      revision       00
      document       Telnet Linemode Option
      work_group     telnet
      revision       02
 Westine                                                         [Page 5]
 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
      document       Telnet Environment Option
      work_group     telnet
      revision       01
      document       Telnet Authentication Option
      work_group     telnet
      revision       01
      document       The Finger User Information Protocol
      work_group     none
      revision       03
      document       SNMP Over IPX
      work_group     snmp
      revision       00
      3) In August, there were 2 standards related activities.  The IESG
      recommended that the latest version of CMOT by published as an RFc,
      and designated as a Proposed Standard.  The LPR document was
      published as an Experimental protocol.  After some activity with
      this designation, we will re-open the question of moving LPR
      forward as an Internet standard.
      4) Let me remind everyone that the next IETf meeting will be hosted
      by the University of Colorado, Westnet, and NCAR in Boulder Colorado
      on December 4-7, 1990.
      Indications are that we can look forward to a meeting with
      excellent Internet connectivity.  Plans are in progress for a 56Kb
      line to the hotel with router, terminal server, and terminals in a
      separate hotel room.  Four organizations are donating equipment and
      or services for this meeting.
      As an experiment at this IETF, all plenary and WG meetings are
      planned to be in the hotel.
      More details will be provided as the date gets closer.
      Phill Gross (CNRI), IETF/IESG Chair (pgross@NRI.RESTON.VA.US) Greg
      Vaudreuil (CNRI), IESG Secretary (gvaudre@NRI.RESTON.VA.US)
 Westine                                                         [Page 6]
 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
      No report received.
      Direct EGP route exchange between the DARPA Internet and the NSFNet
      at FIX-East (SURANet/UMd), and between the DARPA Internet and both
      the NSFNet and MILNET at FIX-West (NASA Ames Research Center), was
      established this month.  Recently-installed Terrestrial Wideband
      Network gateways are providing the connection between the DARPA
      networks and the two FIXes.  The provision of global Internet
      connectivity for TWBNet/ICBNet users via direct connections to the
      FIXes replaces the use of a temporary path that had been set up for
      these users through NEARnet and JvNCnet.
      Routing was initiated between users of the NSFNet in the US and the
      Joint Academic Network (JANET) in the UK via the 384 Kbps channel
      of the new US/UK "fat pipe".  This facility will replace NSFNet-
      JANET routing via the JvNC-UK line, which is scheduled for
      termination at the beginning of September.
      A new ICBNet gateway was installed at the Warrior Preparation
      Centre (WPC) in West Germany in July.  The installation of this
      gateway had been awaiting the completion of the 64 Kbps circuit
      linking it to the SHAPE Technical Centre in The Hague, Netherlands.
      The ICBNet gateway at the Italian National Research Council (CNUCE)
      was upgraded in July to a configuration incorporating additional
      processing capability.
      BBN along with SHAPE Technical Centre have completed writing a
      Protocol Conversion between TCP and ISO TP4.  We are testing with a
      common application protocol that can be run both over TCP and TP4.
      The implementation will establish connections and transfer data in
      both directions, but is being debugged so that a complete session
      can be demonstrated.
 Westine                                                         [Page 7]
 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
      We completed live network interfaces for both TP4 over X.25 and TCP
      over IP.  The TCP needs to bypass the TCP normally used by the
      operating system, because the protocol translation program expects
      to see or send each datagram including the information in the TCP
      As an example application, we ran the FTAM in ISODE over both TCP
      and X.25.  This could not be used for testing a TP4-TCP
      translation, because the ISODE would use the TP both over X.25 and
      over TCP, and in addition, the ISODE was using TP0 over TCP and
      over X.25, so that it wouldn't provide TP4 traffic.
      We then chose for an example application a version of user telnet
      which was altered to use SUN's sunlink osi TP4 over X.25 which also
      uses CLNP.  This has been used to open a connection from a sunlink
      osi host over an x.25 (single wire) net to a host running the
      protocol converter, and then connecting through to an Internet host
      telnet server, which displayed the login prompt, and echoed typed
      The joint USC/SAIC/BBN implementation of the IDPR protocols is
      proceeding relatively smoothly.  We are testing functions
      individually in our own labs, and we are coordinating our designs
      to make sure that all of the modules will fit together properly.
      Protocol implementation distributed over thousands of miles is a
      little bit scary.  We are still on schedule for the proposed
      DARTNET testing in October.
      During August, the ST Gateway and Terrestrial Wideband projects
      supported six video conferences and one SIMNET exercise.  One of
      the video conferences involved three sites and five involved two
      sites.  The SIMNET exercise involved three sites.  Conferences were
      held by IETF working groups and DARPA sponsored groups.
      Conferences participants included Mark Pullen (DARPA), Danny Cohen
      (ISI), and many others.
      Bob Hinden (Hinden@BBN.COM)
      No report received.
 Westine                                                         [Page 8]
 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
      Three major activities have been at the forefront for CICNet during
      August: the issuance of our FY 1991 Business Plan, the awarding of
      our Request for Proposals for Network Management and Operations
      Support Services, and the planning to accommodate the new CICNet
      NSFNet NSS to be located at Argonne National Laboratories near
      The Business Plan is now available upon request. In addition, a
      separate Schedule of Rates has been created, reflecting a reduction
      in new member fees, revised categories of membership, and an
      expanded list of member options.
      Negotiations are underway to finalize the award of our Network
      Operations and Support Services procurement. An announcement of the
      award is expected shortly.
      The CICNet Technical Board and Board of Directors have endorsed a
      proposal to reconfigure the CICNet network backbone, incorporating
      Argonne National Laboratories, and thus providing better
      connectivity to and from the node.  Issues of primary and secondary
      hop count, current traffic flow patterns, and cost were considered.
      Additionally, during August, CICNet Executive Director Joel Maloff
      addressed a CERFnet Plenary Meeting at CalTech on the topic of
      CICNet's Affinity Groups Programs. These programs, emphasizing user
      and technical participation in the exploration of possible specific
      networking applications, has been quite successful thus far and is
      expanding at a rapid rate.
      by Joel Maloff <maloff@@merit.edu>
      No report received.
      Planning for the September 24 and 25 meeting ensued.  The meeting
      will be held in Boulder, Colorado and hosted by Colorado Supernet.
      The agenda and local arrangement information will be posted to the
      FYI@farnet.org mailing list by early September.
 Westine                                                         [Page 9]
 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
      FARNET has an anonymous FTP directory available at farnet.org where
      userid = anonymous and password = yourname.  Listings include FPPs
      and a CCIRN May 90 Report and Views.
      Proceedings of the June 18 and 19 FARNET meeting are available in
      hardcopy form by contacting Carlos Robles at roblesc@farnet.org or
      619-534-5063.  Member networks will receive a limited number of
      proceedings at no cost.  The non-members' cost is $25 per copy
      which includes shipping.  The proceedings include minutes of the
      meeting, a list of attendees, and slides from presentations given
      at the meeting.  June's meeting included presentations on the
      Federal Networking Council, Gigabit Networks, Knowbots, and
      IAB/IETF as well as slides from the RARE and CCIRN meetings.
      An easy method of contacting FARNET member networks was set up this
      month.  If you'd like to send electronic mail to the network, type
      netname@farnet.org.  The two FARNET member representatives of that
      network will receive the mail.  For example, if you typed
      cicnet@farnet.org, mail is sent to the CICNet Executive Director
      and Assistant Director.  Current members of FARNET which can be
      reached by netname@farnet.org are:
      BARRNET                 CICNet          CERFnet
      CREN                    Colorado-Supernet
      JVNCnet                 LosNettos       Merit
      MIDnet                  MRNET           NCAR
      NEARnet                 NETILLINOIS     NevadaNet
      NorthWestNet            NYSERnet        OARnet
      Onet                    PREPnet         PSCnet
      SDSCnet                 Sesquinet       SURAnet
      THEnet                  VERnet          Westnet
      by Susan Estrada <estradas@luac.sdsc.edu>
      Greg Finn is finishing a paper that discusses the behavior of the
      IP/SQ algorithm in a small network test setting.  Joyce Reynolds
      visited the DDN NIC 29-Aug.
      Eight RFCs were published this month.
         RFC 1169:  Cerf, V., (IAB), Mills, K., (NIST), "Explaining
                    The Role of GOSIP", August 1990.
 Westine                                                        [Page 10]
 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
         RFC 1173:  Bokkelen, J. Van, "Responsibilities of Host and
                    Network Managers A Summary of the `Oral Tradition'
                    of the Internet", FTP Software, Inc., August 1990.
         RFC 1174:  Cerf, V., "IAB Recommended Policy on Distributing
                    Internet Identifier Assignment and IAB Recommended
                    Policy Change to Internet `Connected' Status",
                    CNRI, August 1990.
         RFC 1175:  Bowers, K., (CNRI), T. LaQuey (UTEXAS), J. Reynolds
                    (ISI), K. Roubicek (BBNST), M. Stahl (SRI),
                    A. Yuan (MITRE), "FYI on Where to Start - A
                    Bibliography of Internetworking Information",
                    August 1990.
         RFC 1176:  Crispin, M., "Interactive Mail Access Protocol -
                    Version 2", University of Washington,  August, 1990.
         RFC 1177:  Malkin, G., (FTP Software, Inc.,) A. Marine (SRI)
                    J. Reynolds (ISI) "FYI on Questions and Answers -
                    Answers to Commonly Asked `New Internet User'
                    Questions", August 1990.
         RFC 1178:  Libes, D., "Choosing a Name for Your Computer"
                    Integrated Systems Group/NIST, August 1990.
         RFC 1179:  L. McLaughlin III, Editor, The Wollongong Group,
                    "Line Printer Daemon Protocol", August 1990.
      Ann Westine (Westine@ISI.EDU)
      The Voice Terminal (VT) and Packet Video Host (PVP) programs have
      been ported to the Sun SPARCstation platform.  With this software
      and the built-in /dev/audio device on the SPARCstation, we are able
      to hold real-time audio conversations over ISI's local Ethernet.
      The programs form Stream Protocol (ST) Point-to-Point and Multi-
      Point connections using raw IP sockets to encapsulate ST packets in
      IP.  For test purposes, PVP is also using the /dev/audio device as
      its source of real-time data.  Once the High Speed Interface board
      and device driver are available, we will be able to connect video
      codecs to the SPARCstation so that PVP can send video data as
      Following the IETF meeting at the beginning of the month, work on
      the ST-II protocol specification continued in teleconferences and
      e-mail between ISI and BBN.  The draft has just been released to
 Westine                                                        [Page 11]
 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
      the IETF Internet-Drafts directory.
      Dave Walden, Eve Schooler, Steve Casner, Annette Deschon
      (djwalden@ISI.EDU, schooler@ISI.EDU, casner@ISI.EDU,
      No report received.
      No report received.
      A remote console access kit was installed at Caltech and Unisys
      Camarillo. We experienced an MCI board failure at Caltech.  The
      outage lasted about three hours but full service was restored by
      reconfiguration in 1/2 hour.
      Walt Prue (Prue@ISI.EDU)
      No report received.
      No report received.
      No report received.
 MITRE Corporation
      No report received.
 Westine                                                        [Page 12]
 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
      No report received.
      No report received.
      No report received.
      Karen Roubicek spoke at the NSFNET Orientation and Training
      Workshop presented at the MCNC Center for Communications CONCERT
      Network and Laura Breeden gave a presentation at the NSFNET
      sponsored Deans of Minority Institutions Workshop in New Orleans.
      Craig Partridge attended the IETF in Vancouver, British Columbia.
      The original electronic distribution list for additions to the
      Internet Resource Guide has been split into two parts -- one list
      for those who want to receive text files, and one for those who
      want to receive PostScript files.  To request a change in update
      format, recipients should send a message to <resource-guide-
      request@nnsc.nsf.net> indicating which version they prefer.
      by Corinne Carroll <ccarroll@nnsc.nsf.net>
      The Technical Committee met early in the month.  Agenda items
      included election of officers, reports from the Strategic Planning
      process and the NSF site visit, and the agreement to move toward a
      homogeneous CSU/DSU pool for the 56kb connections.  Codex was
      chosen based upon the ability to do remote management via derived
      secondary channel, their offer to retrofit existing equipment, and
      an agreeable pricing structure and maintenance policy.
      Implementation of this equipment will be dependent upon the
      successful deployment of the equipment for the University of
      Washington's own circuits later this fall.
 Westine                                                        [Page 13]
 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
      The NSS14 was moved from it's old location at 3737 Brooklyn NE in
      Seattle to 4545 15th Ave in Seattle.  The move was required as the
      old location was destined to become classroom space, and the 24-
      hour UW operations center was moving to the 4545 15th Ave location.
      Two new networks were added to NWNet this month:
      Oregon Health Sciences University, based out of Portland, Oregon
      connected at 56kbps to the Oregon Graduate Institute.
      Analytical Methods Inc., a software firm in Seattle, Washington
      connected to the University of Washington at 56kbps.
      by Dan Jordt <danj@cac.washington.edu>
      August 1990 saw an increase of 8.85% over July in packets coming
      into the NSFNET backbone, for a total inbound packet count of
      3,729,357,107.  As of August 31, 1990, 1894 networks are configured
      for announcement on the NSFNET backbone.
      On August 27, the ability to transmit ISO CLNP packets between Ann
      Arbor, Michigan and Bonn, West Germany was demonstrated via the
      NSFNET backbone infrastructure and the EASInet (European Academic
      Supercomputer Initiative) backbone.  This demonstration is the
      first step towards offering OSI services on the NSFNET backbone,
      and occurs at the time the U.S. Government's Open Systems
      Interconnection Profile (GOSIP) takes effect.
      The current NSFNET prototype OSI implementation is intended to
      provide wide area connectivity between OSI networks, including
      networks utilizing the DECnet Phase V protocols.  As NSFNET today
      is primarily a TCP/IP network, the OSI implementation is designed
      to coexist with the operational IP NSFNET.  Both DoD and ISO CLNP
      packets are forwarded together through the same packet switches and
      links.  CLNP packets are transmitted "native" on the links; they
      are not encapsulated within DoD IP.  Dynamic routing is supported
      for both protocols, providing automatic rerouting in case of an
      The implementation of CLNP and ES-IS was originally developed as
      part of the ARGO project at the University of Wisconsin, Madison,
      with the support of the IBM Corporation.  This software was
      integrated into the packet switching nodes by David Katz and Susan
      Hares of the Merit Computer Network with support from IBM's NSFNET
      software development departments in Milford, CT and Yorktown
 Westine                                                        [Page 14]
 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
      Heights, NY.  Critical to the international demonstration was the
      support from Willi Porten of GMD/EASINET in West Germany as well as
      Peter Streibelt of IBM Europe in Heidelberg, West Germany.
      Interconnection between MILNET and NSFNET was re-established at
      FIX-E.  Jessica Yu of the Merit/NSFNET Internet Engineering staff,
      in cooperation with individuals from BBN and DCA, re-engineered the
      FIX-E interconnection as an EGP peer to the NSFNET backbone.
      Activities also included the successful testing of T-3 between Ann
      Arbor, MI and White Plains, NY.  The last of the scheduled NSS
      relocations, NSS 14 at Seattle, was completed August 16.  Merit has
      received a three year grant from the National Science Foundation
      for the support of three circuits interconnecting NSFNET and the
      Canadian CA*net.
      International guests included Olivier Martin from CERN and Ruediger
      Volk from the University of Dortmund.  The Merit/NSFNET Network
      Operations Center hosted representatives of Western Ontario
      University and Argonne National Laboratory with particular interest
      in establishing a NOC.  A group of academics visiting the
      University of Michigan's Computer Aided Engineering Network (CAEN)
      and an ongoing program of minority science majors were also guests
      at the NOC.
      Hans-Werner Braun, Principal Investigator for the NSFNET Backbone
      Project, gave a presentation on the NSFNET at the University of
      Bielefeld, West Germany.  Braun also participated in the
      demonstration of CLNP as well as discussions of other performance
      issues regarding NSFNET's international connections with GMD and
      EASINET in Bonn.  Elise Gerich, of the Merit/NSFNET Internet
      Engineering group, met with Scott Brim in a mini-FEPG meeting which
      is working to draft an architecture for the NREN.  The IETF
      meeting, July 31 - August 3, was attended by Susan Hares, Dale
      Johnson, Dana Sitzler, Chris Weider and Jessica Yu.  Glee Cady,
      manager of Merit/NSFNET Information Services, spoke at a meeting of
      CERFNET in Pasadena, CA, August 21.  Ken Latta, of the Merit/NSFNET
      Information Services Mainframe Systems group, attended Bit Tech
      held August 11 as well as the SHARE meeting held in New Orleans,
      August 12 - 17.
      Jo Ann Ward (jward@merit.edu)
 Westine                                                        [Page 15]
 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
      1.   Army Material Command Norway has now signed a contract
           for development and production of the new multi role
           radio system briefly described in IMR of August 1989. The
           contract was awarded to the Norwegian based company
           NFT-Ericsson Communications ANS.
      2.   Studies and testbed activities on distributed databases
           have lead to a collaboration and joint development of a
           distributed database system for application in military
           command and control systems, emphasing on the avail-
           ability of the database in environments of unstable
           communications conditions. This collaboration is
           conducted between NDRE, NTA-RD, NODECA and ELAB-RUNIT
           in Norway, with interest from STC in The Hague, NL.
           Anton B. Leere (leere%dione.ndre.uninett@nac.no)
      1.   Automated Network Management System, ANM, is currently
           under installation, and will be in operation shortly. The
           version of ANM being installed does not contain proxy
           agent for SNMP. This would have been very helpful in our
           situation with a variety of gateways to maintain.
      2.   Two timeservers (Fuzzball) has been installed. They are
           controlled by cesium clocks. One is used as time server
           for the Norwegian community, the other one for network
           time experiments. They both maintain absolute time to
           within a few millisec.
      3.   A network management project is well under way as a
           collaboration between NTA-RD, UNIK and the University of
           Oslo. The CMIS/CMIP has been implemented under UNIX and
           is currently in the debugging testing phase. When our
           local tests are completed, we intend to perform some
           conformance testing with UCL using some simple service
           user and agent processes.
 Westine                                                        [Page 16]
 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
      4.   The official name of NTA-RE has been changed to:
           Norwegian Telecommunications Administration
           Research Department (NTA-RD).
           Please use this name in the future.
           Paal Spilling (paal@tor.nta.no)
      No report received.
      No report received.
      No report received.
      No report received.
      No report received.
      No report received.
 Westine                                                        [Page 17]
 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
      DDN NIC
      Sue Kirkpatrick and Mary Stahl hosted a visit by Joyce Reynolds of
      USC ISI.  We discussed the potential impact of RFC 1174 on the
      Internet in general and NIC operations in particular.  There are
      a number of procedural changes that need to be initiated prior
      to a full implementation of the recommendations made in the RFC.
      These changes will include database, program, and information server
      modifications.  NIC staff are actively planning the efforts needed
      to move forward on this recommendation.
      Other NIC visitors included Ruediger Volk from the University of
      Dortmund in Germany who discussed Internet number assignments and
      setting up a European NIC with Mary Stahl, Sue Kirkpatrick, and April
      Marine; and Sheri Repucci from MERIT to discuss Internet number
      assignments with Linda Medina.
      The INTEREST-GROUPS files, that are sometimes referred to as the
      "lists of lists", was temporarily taken offline from the DDN NIC host.
      By popular demand, these files are now made available via anonymous
      FTP from "ftp.nisc.sri.com" under filename "netinfo/interst/groups.txt".
      April Marine coauthored recently issued RFC 1177 (FYI 4), "FYI on
      Questions and Answers: Answers to commonly asked "new internet user"
      questions", while Mary Stahl coauthored RFC 1175 (FYI 3), FYI on
      where to start:  A bibliography of internetworking information."
      We presented statistics on internet numbers assigned by the NIC
      at the IETF in Vancouver.
      In August, we assigned 27 numbers to new government-sponsored IP
      networks and 98 numbers to new independent IP networks.  The total
      number of all assigned IP numbers is now 5,434 which includes 3,108
      sponsored networks and 2,326 independent networks.  The total number
      of assigned Autonomous System numbers (ASNs) is now 1019.
      There are currently a total of 1,923 registered domains which includes
      49 at the top level, 1,824 at the second level, and 50 third-level MIL
      Mary Stahl (Stahl@nisc.sri.com) and Sue Kirkpatrick (sue@nisc.sri.com)
 Westine                                                        [Page 18]
 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
      No report received.
      No report received.
      Steve Kille attended the CO-CL meeting in Washington to discuss what
      might be termed the ultimate impasse.
      Steve Wilbur attended the Privacy/Security Rsearch Group meeting and
      IETF in Vancouver.
      The UCL ST/IP butterfly gateway has been successfully set into loopaback
      and video/audio sent from our conferencing room through it and back to
      a monitor. All the kit is now in place to reach the US, and all the
      separate components function.
      John Crowcroft (j.crowcroft@CS.UCL.AC.UK)
      1.   Intermittent SURA outages continue, but at diminished
           frequency relative to last month. The packet loss rate on
           connections transiting the SURA switchyard at College Park has
           risen to almost two percent. We are exploring alternative
           connectivity options.
      2.   A donated SPARC station router has arrived, but without a T2
           interface, so we are not yet able to participate in DARTNET
      3.   Precision timekeeping on SPARC platforms has turned out to be
           a problem. While fuzzball platforms can keep time to the
           millisecond, SPARC platforms are much worse than that. It is
           not yet clear what the problem is.
           Dave Mills (Mills@UDEL.EDU)
 Westine                                                        [Page 19]
 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
      No report received.
      1.  The following circuits have all been upgraded to T1 service
          through joint efforts with Colorado SUperNet:
              CU-Boulder / CSU
              CU-Boulder / CU-Denver
              CU-Denver  / CU-ColoSpgs
       2.  Colorado SuperNet has added connections to:
              George Washington High School in Denver,
              General Government Computing Center in Lakewood,
              Mesa State College in Grand Junction,
              Ft. Lewis College in Durango,
              Rocky Mountain High School in Ft. Collins, and
              Solbourne Computer in Longmont.
      by Pat Burns (pburns@csupwb.colostate.edu)
         David C. M. Wood (dcmwood@spot.colorado.edu)
      The communication bandwidth vendor for WiscNet will be the
      Wisconsin Department of Administration CDN (Consolidated Data
      Network).  Negotiations between CDN and WiscNet are underway to
      establish a letter of understanding.  Orders for communication
      services, multiplexors, DSUs, and routers are expected to be issued
      in September.  Initial operation is now expected in December.
      The test installation between UW-Madison and UW-Platteville was
      installed 28 August 1990.  The installation went smoothly and
      Platteville is now using this link for Internet access and DECNet
      phase IV communications with Madison.  Work next month includes a
      Platteville name server, use of TCP/IP for email delivery to
      Platteville, conversion of the Platteville - Madison BITNet link
      from a analog synchronous line to a DECNet session, and addition of
      this link to the Madsion NOC.
 Westine                                                        [Page 20]
 Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1990
      A series of four small meetings is scheduled next month around the
      state with site technical staff to review site preparations,
      discuss campus LAN issues, and campus network integration.
      Michael Dorl  (dorl@MACC.WISC.EDU)
 Westine                                                        [Page 21]