JUNE 1991
 The purpose of these reports is to communicate to the Internet Research
 Group the accomplishments, milestones reached, or problems discovered by
 the participating organizations.
      This report is for Internet information purposes only, and is not
      to be quoted in other publications without permission from the
 Each organization is expected to submit a 1/2 page report on the first
 business day of the month describing the previous month's activities.
 These reports should be submitted via network mail to Ann Westine
 (Westine@ISI.EDU) or Karen Roubicek (Roubicek@NNSC.NSF.NET).
      IAB MESSAGE  . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  4
      INTERNET RESEARCH REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  5
         AUTONOMOUS NETWORKS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  5
         END-TO-END SERVICES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  5
      INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  6
 Westine                                                         [Page 1]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
   Internet Projects
      BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN, INC.,  . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 21
      CERFNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 21
      CICNET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 21
      CORNELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22
      ISI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 23
      LOS NETTOS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 26
      MITRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 27
      NNSC, UCAR/BOLT BERANEK and NEWMAN, INC., . . . . . . . . page 28
      NSFNET BACKBONE, MERIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 28
      NDRE and NTA-RD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 30
      PITTSBURGH SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 30
      PREPnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 31
      SAIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 32
      SRI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 32
      TEXAS HIGHER EDUCATION NETWORK  . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 33
      UCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 34
      UDEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 34
      WISCNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 35
      DIRECTORY SERVICES MESSAGE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 36
      IETF OSIDS & DISI WORKING GROUPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . page 36
      FOX - FIELD OPERATIONAL X.500 PROJECT . . . . . . . . . . page 37
         ISI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 37
         MERIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 37
         PSI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 38
         SRI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 38
      OSI IMPLEMENTOR'S WORKSHOP (OIW). . . . . . . . . . . . . page 39
      PARADISE PROJECT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 40
      PSI DARPA/NNT X.500 Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 40
      PSI WHITE PAGES PILOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 41
   CALENDER OF EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 42
 Westine                                                         [Page 2]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      The Internet Activities Board is pleased to announce that Lyman
      Chapin has agreed to serve as its chairman beginning July 1, 1992.
      During the period July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992, he will serve as
      chairman-elect and work with Vint Cerf, who will continue as
      Chapin is employed at Bolt Beranek and Newman as its chief network
      architect.  In addition to his duties on the IAB, he is also
      chairman of ANSI X3S3.3, and has just been elected chairman of ACM
      SIGCOMM for 1991-1993.
      The phenomenal growth of the Internet, and particularly the
      increasing vendor and commercial involvement, have presented new
      challenges for the IAB and its task forces.  The IAB continues to
      explore policies and procedures to manage the Internet and its
      evolution during this explosive growth, while maintaining as much
      as possible of the traditions which have led to that success:
      openness and cooperation within the Internet community.
      The incorporation of the Internet Society as a non-profit
      professional society will provide a legal framework for the IAB.
      The fact that the IAB has no official standing has been both a
      strength and a weakness for the Internet endeavor.  The desire to
      address the weakness without losing the strength is one motivation
      for the creation of the Internet Society.
      The IAB actively encouraged the formation of the Internet Society,
      and hopes that the Internet community will give the society its
      full support.  Indeed, as soon as signup became possible, all IAB
      members paid their dues and became Internet Society members!  We
      anticipate that the IAB will become an integral part of the
      Internet Society, although the means by which this will be effected
      are still under study.
      Like the IETF, the Internet Society is designed to be primarily a
      grass-roots organization, as free as possible from domination by
      any single organization or subset of the Internet community.  Thus,
      votes will be given to members, not to organizations.  Your
      participation will make it a success.
 Westine                                                         [Page 3]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      Periodically, someone asks "what are these protocols called?" The
      IAB recommends that the term "TCP/IP Protocol Suite" be used for
      the set of protocols built on top of IP.  "The Internet" is the
      international, interconnected set of datagram networks that once
      supported only the TCP/IP suite, but is beginning to support the
      OSI suite as well.
      "I can't define it, but I know it when I see it".
      On June 11-13, 1991, the IAB, IESG, and IRSG held a meeting at the
      San Diego Supercomputer Center, devoted to mapping plans for the
      future of the Internet architecture.  The meeting divided into five
      groups, on: Routing and Addressing, Multi-Protocol Internet,
      Security, Traffic Control and State, and Advanced Applications.
      We think that substantial progress was made, and the results will
      be summarized at the coming IETF meeting in Atlanta.
      Bob Braden (Braden@ISI.EDU)
         ANTF held a half-day video conference on June 20th to discuss
         simulation of very large scale networks.  No formal minutes...or
         agenda for that matter.
         Deborah Estrin (Estrin@USC.EDU)
         No progress to report this month.
         Bob Braden (Braden@ISI.EDU)
 Westine                                                         [Page 4]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
              IETF PROGRESS REPORT (May 01, 1991 to May 31, 1991)
                      Compiled by Phill Gross (IETF Chair)
      1) 6 Internet Draft Actions between May 01, 1991 and May 31, 1991
       (Revised draft (o), New Draft (+) )
         WG            I-D Title  <Filename>
       ------  ------ ----------------------------------------------------
       (null)   o An Approach to CO/CL Interworking--Part I: Introduction
       (dhc)    + Clarifications and Extensions for the Bootstrap Protocol
       (bgp)    + BGP Protocol Analysis
       (bgp)    + Experience with the BGP Protocol
       (acct)   + Internet Accounting:  Background
       (bridge) o Definitions of Managed Objects for Bridges
      2)  6 RFC's Produced between May 01, 1991 and May 31, 1991
          (Standard (S), Proposed Standard (PS), Draft Standard (DS),
           Experimental (E), Informational (I) )
        RFC  Status WG        Title
      ------- -- --------     ----------------------------------------
      RFC1224 E (alertman)    Techniques for Managing Asynchronously
                              Generated Alerts
      RFC1229 E (snmp)        Extensions to the Generic-Interface MIB
      RFC1230 PS (snmp)       IEEE 802.4 Token Bus MIB
      RFC1231 PS (snmp)       IEEE 802.5 Token Ring MIB
      RFC1232 PS (snmp)       Definitions of Managed Objects for the
                              DS1 Interface Type
      RFC1233 PS (snmp)       Definitions of Managed Objects for the
                              DS3 Interface Type
      Standards( 4),  Experimental( 2), Informational(  )
      3) Security Area Report (Steve Crocker, TIS)
      The security area within the IETF is responsible for development of
      security oriented protocols, security review of RFCs, development
 Westine                                                         [Page 5]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      of candidate policies, and review of operational security on the
      Much of the work of the security area is performed in coordination
      with working groups in other areas. The Security Area Advisory
      Group (SAAG) is a group of security experts which provides both
      consulting help to other areas and direct management of working
      groups within the security area.
      The main bulk of work for the SAAG consists of a set of formal work
      items.  These work items correspond to three types of activities.
      o  Working groups within the IETF Security area.  These are marked
         as "Security."
      o  Working groups in allied organizations that function as part of
         the IETF Security area.  These are marked either "PSRG" for the
         Privacy and Security Research Group, or "TSIG" for working
         groups within the Trusted Systems Interoperability Group.
      o  Security relevant developments within working groups in areas
         other than security.  These are marked according to the relevant
         area, viz., Applications, Internet Services, Management, OSI,
         Operations, Routing, Standards, or User Services.
      o  Internal SAAG work items.  These are topics which do not merit
         the creation of a formal working group but which do need some
         level of attention.  These are assigned to a SAAG member and
         followed for one or more SAAG meetings.  These are marked as
      The following is the status of each of the currently open work
      wi001: (Security) SNMP Security -- Keith McCloghrie and James M.
         Develop an enhancement to SNMP to support 3 security services:
         data origin authentication, data integrity and data
         The Administrative Model document is being coordinated with the
         Network Management Area.  Three documents --- the Administrative
         Model, the Security Protocols, and the MIB --- are available as
         internet drafts.  Revised documents should be published in July,
         prior to the next IETF, in preparation for submission to the
         IESG for consideration as Proposed Standards.
 Westine                                                         [Page 6]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      wi002: (Routing) Router Requirements -- Phil Almquist
         To identify and resolve security issues as needed by the working
         Mike St. Johns has completed a second security review of the
         draft.  He will be meeting with Phil Almquist during the week of
         June 3 to finalize the security considerations section.
      wi003: (Security) Site Security Policy Handbook -- P. Holbrook and
      J. Reynolds
         Create a handbook that will help sites develop their own site-
         specific policies and procedures to deal with computer security
         problems and their prevention.
         The comment period closed May 15th.  We are in final revision
         status right now, and we still expect to have this available as
         an internet draft by 6/1.
      wi004: (Security) Security Policy -- Richard Pethia
         Create a document that can guide the creation of security
         policies for Internet sites.
         The "Guidelines for the Secure Operation of the Internet" is
         available as an internet draft.  It has been forwarded to the
         IAB for publication as an informational RFC.
      wi005: (SAAG) Export of Security Related Implementations -- Vint
         Prepare an informational document that summarizes the export
         control issues.  Appropriate points of contact within the
         various government agencies will also be included.  The document
         will focus on US policy, mentioning others where information is
         readily available.
         Vint Cerf has begun writing a document.  It is on hold pending
         changes to export rules to East Europe.
      wi006: (Security) Common Authentication Technology -- John Linn
         Provide security services to a range of IETF protocol callers in
         a manner which insulates those callers from the specifics of
         underlying cryptographic security mechanisms, enabling modular
         separation between protocol and security implementation
 Westine                                                         [Page 7]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
         The working group and its charter will be announced on the IETF
         list by June 15.
      wi007: (SAAG) Password Management -- Jeff Schiller
         BOF at St. Louis IETF.
         No progress to report.
      wi008: (Applications) Telnet Security Services -- Dave Borman
         To enhance the TELNET protocol to include security services.
         A specification for authentication within TELNET exists.  It has
         not been discussed within the last month.
      wi009: (SAAG) IAB Crypto Committee -- Steve Kent and Steve Crocker
         Create a committee to review crypto related algorithm choices in
         the Internet; hash algorithms are the first priority.
         A number of cryptographers have been contacted.  Steve Kent and
         Steve Crocker will contact additional people.
      wi010: (SAAG) IP Security Option -- Steve Kent
         Create an IP security option.
         An internet draft was made available.  Comments have been
         received and Steve Kent is revising the draft.
      wi011: (TSIG) Commercial IP Security Option -- Ron Sharp
         Define an IP security option that can be used to pass security
         information within and between security domains of the
         commercial, U.S.  civilian and non-U.S. communities.
         A charter has been coordinated and filed.  It is waiting for
         approval.  The CIPSO WG is working on a draft specification that
         is being reviewed by Mike St. Johns.
      wi012: (PSRG) Privacy Enhanced Mail -- Steve Kent
         To specify the inclusion of security services in Internet text-
         based mail messages.
         The successors to RFC 1113, 1115, and the "FORMS" document (not
         previously published as an RFC) are available as internet
 Westine                                                         [Page 8]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
         drafts.  The successor to RFC 1114, the key management
         infrastructure, should be available as an internet draft in
         July, prior to the next IETF meeting.  It is being delayed in
         order to accommodate a large number of comments, include the
         addition of an appendix which specifies the requirements RSADSI
         will impose on certification authorities under its jurisdiction.
      wi013: (Applications) Network Printing Protocol -- Glenn Trewitt
         To support the working group in selecting and integrating
         security services.
         Following the March IETF meeting, Glenn Trewitt (Network
         Printing WG chair) drafted a memo entitled "Adding Security
         Mechanisms to PAP", reflecting CAT integration plans.  John Linn
         reviewed this memo, and it was subsequently distributed to the
         NPP WG list.  No further actions are currently planned in
         advance of the July IETF meeting.
      wi014: (TSIG) Trusted Network File System -- Glover
         No progress reported.
      wi015: (OSI) Directory Services -- Steve Kille
         Include the use of strong authentication in the pilot project.
         No progress to report.
      wi016: (SAAG) Network Database Privacy -- Joyce Reynolds and Steve
         Steve Crocker and Joyce Reynolds are drafting a proposed
      wi017: (SAAG) CHRONOS -- ??
         The SAAG will request a presentation from the working group at
         the next IETF as to the scope of their work in preparation for
         identifying security issues.
      wi018: (Routing) Router Discovery -- Steve Deering
         The internet draft document has been reviewed.  Although no
         security services are included in this specification of the
         protocol, the Security Considerations section accurately
         describes the security issues.  Provision has been included for
         later inclusion of security services in the protocol.
 Westine                                                         [Page 9]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
              IETF PROGRESS REPORT (Jun 01, 1991 to Jul 01, 1991)
                      Compiled by Phill Gross (IETF Chair)
      1) Let me remind everyone that the next IETF meeting will take
      place in Atlanta on July 29 - May 1 1991.  Complete registration
      and logistics information has already been mailed to the IETF
      mailing list.  A preliminary schedule for working groups meetings
      have also been mailed to the IETF list.  For copies of this
      information (or for any other question about the upcoming meeting),
      please mail to ietf-rsvp@nri.reston.va.us.  For general information
      about the IETF, you can send questions to mdavies@nri.reston.va.us.
      There will be some very important activities at the Atlanta
      meeting.  We will have report from the IAB on their workshop
      conducted last month to look at future directions for the Internet
      protocols.  We will also discuss an IESG planning activity for
      future IETF directions.  I have asked each IETF Area Director to
      develop an "Area Plan" to chart activities in their areas.  These
      plans are now being compiled into an "IETF Planning Document",
      which will be issued as an Internet-Draft for wide comment.  It is
      this document we will be discussing in conjunction with the IAB
      workshop report.  It should be an important session.  This is an
      open technical discussion, and we invite all interested persons to
      join us in Atlanta.
      2) I am pleased to report that we have several new people
      participating on the IESG.  Dave Borman (Cray) has joined the IESG
      and is forming a new IETF area called Transport Services.  This
      will essentially be a reincarnation of Craig Partidge's previous
      area, which the exception that we will continue to have User
      Services as a separate area.  Some WGs from both the Applications
      and Internet Areas.  Dave will have more to report on this at the
      Atlanta meeting.  I am also pleased to welcome Philip Almquist
      aboard as a Co-Area Director of the Internet Area.  Noel Chiappa is
      the current Internet Area Director.  THe Internet Area is one of
      the largest in the IETF, and the addition of Philip will provide
      some much needed additional support.  Finally, I am *very* pleased
      to welcome Bernhard Stockman of Nordunet and Susan Estrada
      (CERFnet) as Co-Area Directors of the Operational Requirements
      Area.   I have acted as interim AD for some time now, and I am glad
      we will finally see this important area get the full-time attention
      it deserves.
 Westine                                                        [Page 10]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      We will discussions of how the these areas will be organized and
      managed during the open IESG session in Atlanta.
      3) 15 Internet Draft Actions between Jun 01, 1991 and Jul 01, 1991
      Posted Revised   WG          I-D Title  <Filename>
      ------ ------- ------- ----------------------------------------------
      Nov 90 Jun 91 (no wg)   FTP-FTAM Gateway Specification
      Jun 91 New    (pppext)  Point-to-Point Protocol Extensions for
                              DECnet Phase IV
      Jun 91 New    (decnetiv)DECnet Phase IV MIB Extensions
      Jun 91 New    (cat)     Generic Security Service Application
                              Program Interface
                              <draft-ietf-cat-genericsec-00.txt, .ps>
      Jun 91 New    (osids)   Schema for Information Resource Description
                              in X.500
      Jun 91 New    (disi)    Interim Schema for Network Infrastructure
                              Information in X.500
      Jun 91 New    (osids)   Schema for NIC Profile Information in X.500
      Jun 91 New    (osids)   Interim Directory Tree Structure for Network
                              Infrastructure Information
      Jun 91 Jun 91 (iplpdn)  Discovery and Routing over the SMDS Service
      Jun 91 New    (iplpdn)  Management Information Base for Frame Relay
      Jun 91 Jun 91 (iplpdn)  Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay
      Jun 91 New    (iplpdn)  Inverse Address Resolution Protocol
      Jun 91 New    (822ext)  Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the
                              Format of Internet Message Bodies
                              <draft-ietf-822ext-messagebodies-00.txt, .ps>
      Jun 91 New    (none)    A User Agent Configuration Mechanism
                              <draft-ietf-borenstein-configmech-00.txt, .ps>
      Jun 91 New    (netdata) Network Database
                              <draft-ietf-netdata-netdata-00.txt, .ps>
 Westine                                                        [Page 11]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      4)  2 RFC's Produced between Jun 01, 1991 and Jul 01, 1991
          (Standard (S), Proposed Standard (PS), Draft Standard (DS),
           Experimental (E), Informational (I) )
        RFC  Stat  WG       Published    Title
      ------- -- --------   ---------- -------------------------------------
      RFC1238 E  (snmp)     Jun 91  CLNS MIB - for use with Connectionless
                                    Network protocol (ISO 8473) and End
                                    System to Intermediate System (ISO 9542)
      RFC1239    (snmp)     Jun 91  Reassignment of Experimental MIBs to
                                    Standard MIBs
      Standards(  ),  Experimental( 1), Informational( 1)
      5) Active Working Groups  between Jun 01, 1991 and Jul 01, 1991
      o Applications
       Abrev   Formation   Working Group Name
      --------  -------  -----------------------------------
      (822ext)   Apr 91  Internet Message Extentions
      (chronos)  Jan 91  Distributed Scheduling Protocol
      (netdata)  Mar 91  Network Database
      (netfax)   Aug 90  Network Fax
      (npp)      Feb 90  Network Printing Protocol
      (smtpext)  Dec 90  Internet Mail Extensions
      (telnet)   Jun 89  TELNET
      o Internet Services
       Abrev   Formation   Working Group Name
      --------  -------  -----------------------------------
      (appleip)  Feb 90  IP over Appletalk
      (cip)      Oct 88  Connection IP
      (fddi)     Oct 89  IP over FDDI
      (mmb)      Oct 90  Multi-Media Bridging
      (pppext)   Oct 89  Point-to-Point Protocol Extentions
      (rdisc)    Oct 88  Router Discovery
      (rreq)     Oct 89  Router Requirements
      (shr)      Aug 90  Special Host Requirements
 Westine                                                        [Page 12]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      o Network Management
       Abrev   Formation   Working Group Name
      --------  -------  -----------------------------------
      (acct)     Feb 90  Internet Accounting
      (bridge)   Aug 90  Bridge MIB
      (charmib)  Aug 90  Character MIB
      (decnetiv) May 90  DECnet Phase IV MIB
      (fddimib)  May 89  FDDI MIB
      (msi)      Oct 89  Management Services Interface
      (oim)      Oct 89  OSI Internet Management
      (rlanmib)  Aug 90  Remote LAN Monitoring
      (snmp)     Feb 87  Simple Network Management Protocol
      (x25mib)   Mar 91  X.25 Management Information Base
      o OSI Integration
       Abrev   Formation   Working Group Name
      --------  -------  -----------------------------------
      (noop)     Mar 91  Network OSI Operations
      (oda)      Mar 91  Office Document Architecture
      (osids)    Oct 90  OSI Directory Services
      (osigen)   Jan 89  OSI General
      (osinsap)  Feb 90  Assignment of OSI NSAP Addresses
      (osix400)  Feb 90  OSI X.400
      (x400ops)  Feb 91  X.400 Operations
      o Operational Requirements
       Abrev   Formation   Working Group Name
      --------  -------  -----------------------------------
      (bmwg)     Oct 89  Benchmarking Methodology
      (ddniwg)   Aug 90  DDN Interconnectivity
      (njm)      Feb 90  Network Joint Management
      (opstat)   Dec 90  Operational Statistics
      (tewg)     Feb 90  Topology Engineering
      (ucp)      Feb 90  User Connectivity
      o Routing
       Abrev   Formation   Working Group Name
      --------  -------  -----------------------------------
      (bgp)      Jan 89  Border Gateway Protocol
      (idpr)     Oct 88  Inter-Domain Policy Routing
      (iplpdn)   Dec 90  IP over Large Public Data Networks
      (isis)     Oct 89  ISIS for IP Internets
      (mospf)    Oct 90  Multicast Extentions to OSPF
      (ospf)     Mar 88  Open Shortest Path First IGP
 Westine                                                        [Page 13]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      o Security
       Abrev   Formation   Working Group Name
      --------  -------  -----------------------------------
      (cat)      Mar 91  Common Authentication Technology
      (cipso)    Mar 91  Commercial Internet Protocol Security Option
      (snmpsec)  Mar 91  SNMP Security
      (spwg)     Feb 90  Internet Security Policy
      (ssphwg)   Mar 90  Site Security Policy Handbook
      o Transport and Services
       Abrev   Formation   Working Group Name
      --------  -------  -----------------------------------
      (dfs)      Feb 90  Distributed File Systems
      (dhc)      Jul 89  Dynamic Host Configuration
      (nntp)     Apr 91  Network News Transport Protocol
      (svrloc)   Dec 90  Service Location Protocol
      o User Services
       Abrev   Formation   Working Group Name
      --------  -------  -----------------------------------
      (disi)     Feb 91  Directory Information Services Infrastructure
      (nisi)     Feb 90  Network Information Services Infrastructure
      (noctool2) Mar 91  NOC-Tool Catalogue Revisions
      (userglos) Dec 90  Internet User Glossary
      (uswg)     Jan 89  User Services
      6) Security Area Monthly Report - Steve Crocker (crocker@tis.com)
                                        and Jim Galvin (galvin@tis.com)
      The security area within the IETF is responsible for development of
      security oriented protocols, security review of RFCs, development
      of candidate policies, and review of operational security on the
      Much of the work of the security area is performed in coordination
      with working groups in other areas. The Security Area Advisory
      Group (SAAG) is a group of security experts which provides both
      consulting help to other areas and direct management of working
      groups within the security area.
      The main bulk of work for the SAAG consists of a set of formal work
      items.  These work items correspond to four types of activities.
 Westine                                                        [Page 14]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      o Working groups within the IETF Security area.  These are
        marked as "Security."
      o Working groups in allied organizations that function as part
        of the IETF Security area.  These are marked either "PSRG" for
        the Privacy and Security Research Group, or "TSIG" for working
        groups within the Trusted Systems Interoperability Group.
      o Security relevant developments within working groups in areas
        other than security.  These are marked according to the relevant
        area, viz., Applications, Internet Services, Management, OSI,
        Operations, Routing, Standards, or User Services.
      o Internal SAAG work items.  These are topics which do not merit
        the creation of a formal working group but which do need some
        level of attention.  These are assigned to a SAAG member and
        followed for one or more SAAG meetings.  These are marked as
      The following is the status of each of the currently open work
      wi001: (Security) SNMP Security -- Keith McCloghrie and James M.
         Develop an enhancement to SNMP to support 3 security services: data
         origin authentication, data integrity and data confidentiality.
         The following internet drafts are available:
           The Administrative Model
           The Security Protocols
           The MIB
           Revised documents will published in July, prior to the next
           IETF, in preparation for submission to the IESG for
           consideration as Proposed Standards.
      wi002: (Routing) Router Requirements -- Phil Almquist
         To identify and resolve security issues as needed by the working
 Westine                                                        [Page 15]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
         Mike St. Johns has completed a second security review of the
         draft.  He met with Phil on the 5th of June to finalize the
         security considerations section.  Phil asked for some revisions
         which are currently underway.
      wi003: (Security) Site Security Policy Handbook -- P. Holbrook and
      J. Reynolds
         Create a handbook that will help sites develop their own site-
         specific policies and procedures to deal with computer security
         problems and their prevention.
         The Site Security Policy Handbook was submitted as an Internet
         Draft on June 3. The document was title "Security Policy
         Handbook".  There some discussion of the name of the handbook;
         the title will probably be changed slightly to something like
         "Site Security Handbook" before the document is released as an
         We still have a request in for a plenary slot at the Atlanta
         IETF.  Paul Holbrook has requested a spot early in the week.  It
         is not clear at this point if the plenary slot will talk about
         the SPWG work as or just the SSPHWG.
      wi004: (Security) Security Policy -- Richard Pethia
         Create a document that can guide the creation of security
         policies for Internet sites.
         The "Guidelines for the Secure Operation of the Internet" is
         available as an internet draft.  A number of good comments have
         been received.  A revised document will be prepared for the
         Atlanta IETF.
      wi005: (SAAG) Export of Security Related Implementations -- Vint
         Prepare an informational document that summarizes the export
         control issues.  Appropriate points of contact within the
         various government agencies will also be included.  The document
         will focus on US policy, mentioning others where information is
         readily available.
         Vint Cerf has begun writing a document.  It is on hold pending
         changes to export rules to Eastern Europe.
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      wi006: (Security) Common Authentication Technology -- John Linn
         Provide security services to a range of IETF protocol callers in
         a manner which insulates those callers from the specifics of
         underlying cryptographic security mechanisms, enabling modular
         separation between protocol and security implementation
         The charter has been approved and a working group will be
         meeting at Atlanta IETF.  The GSS-API base specification and the
         Kerberos mechanism documentation have been submitted to
      wi007: (SAAG) Password Management -- Jeff Schiller
         BOF at St. Louis IETF.
         The exploration of one-time password mechanisms and their
         possible use in Internet protocols is a SAAG work item.
      wi008: (Applications) Telnet Security Services -- Dave Borman
         To enhance the TELNET protocol to include security services.
         Revised drafts of the authentication and encryption options have
         been distributed to the mailing list for comment.
      wi009: (SAAG) IAB Crypto Committee -- Steve Kent and Steve Crocker
         Create a committee to review crypto related algorithm choices in
         the Internet; hash algorithms are the first priority.
         A number of cryptographers have been contacted.  Steve Kent and
         Steve Crocker will contact additional people.
      wi010: (SAAG) IP Security Option -- Steve Kent
         Create an IP security option.
         An internet draft was made available.  Comments have been
         received and Steve Kent is revising the draft.
      wi011: (TSIG) Commercial IP Security Option -- Ron Sharp
         Define an IP security option that can be used to pass security
         information within and between security domains of the
         commercial, U.S.  civilian and non-U.S. communities.
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         The charter has been approved.  The CIPSO WG is working on a
         draft specification that is being reviewed by Mike St. Johns.
      wi012: (PSRG) Privacy Enhanced Mail -- Steve Kent
         To specify the inclusion of security services in Internet text-
         based mail messages.
         The successor to RFC 1113 is available as an internet draft:
         The successors to RFC 1114 and RFC 1115 will be available as an
         internet draft in early July, prior to the Atlanta IETF meeting.
         The "FORMS" document (not previously published as an RFC) is
         available as an internet draft: draft-rsadsi-pemforms-01.txt
         Steve Kent will chair the PEM WG, which will have its initial
         meeting in Atlanta.
      wi013: (Applications) Network Printing Protocol -- Glenn Trewitt
         To support the working group in selecting and integrating
         security services.
         Following the March IETF meeting, Glenn Trewitt (Network
         Printing WG chair) drafted a memo entitled "Adding Security
         Mechanisms to PAP", reflecting CAT integration plans.  John Linn
         reviewed this memo, and it was subsequently distributed to the
         NPP WG list.  No further actions are currently planned in
         advance of the July IETF meeting.
      wi014: (TSIG) Trusted Network File System -- Glover
         Add security to the NFS protocol.
         A charter has been written and is being coordinated.  A draft
         specification will be circulated in July and discussed at the
         TSIG/IETF meeting in Atlanta.
      wi015: (OSI) Directory Services -- Steve Kille
         Include the use of strong authentication in the pilot project.
         A meeting will be held at Atlanta to plan how to progress this
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      wi016: (SAAG) Network Database Privacy -- Joyce Reynolds and Steve
         Steve Crocker and Joyce Reynolds are drafting a proposed
      wi017: (SAAG) CHRONOS -- Paul Lindner
         The Chair will not be attending the Atlanta IETF, so a
         presentation to the SAAG will not be scheduled.
      wi018: (Routing) Router Discovery -- Steve Deering
         The internet draft document has been reviewed.  Although no
         security services are included in this specification of the
         protocol, the Security Considerations section accurately
         describes the security issues.  Provision has been made for
         later inclusion of security services in the protocol.
      wi019: (Internet Services) Point-to-Point Protocol Authentication
      -- S. Knowles
         To assist the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Extensions Working
         Group in the enhancement of PPP to include an authentication
         This is a new work item.  The latest draft of the protocol has
         been forwarded to the SAAG for review.  Dave Balenson will be
         providing comments to the working group prior to the Atlanta
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      Inter-Domain Policy Routing
      During the month of June 1991, we spent the majority of the time
      putting together the necessary documents for submitting IDPR as
      Proposed Standard within the IETF.  These documents include an
      architecture description, a protocol specification, a set of
      configuration guidelines, and an SNMP MIB.  BBN is preparing the
      first three documents and SAIC is preparing the MIB.
      Jil Westcott (Westcott@bbn.com)
      CERFnet introduced a new dialup service called DIAL n' CERF Plus.
      This service will provide customers with a Telebit Netblazer at
      their site for dialup to the Internet. This will simplify their
      dialup process and make it easy for multiple users to access the
      network with minimal training.
      Three new dedicated sites will be installed in July. General
      Dynamics (San Diego), Data products (Woodland Hills), and South
      Coast-Air Quality Management District (El Monte).  Each will have a
      56 kbps link to CERFnet.
      The May-June issue of CERFnet News was released.  Copies may be
      retrieved via anonymous ftp to nic.cerf.net in the subdirectory
      by Karen McKelvey <karen@cerf.net>
      The CICNet Board of Directors met in Chicago on June 3.  The
      primary topic of discussion was the FY 91-92 Business Plan.  The
      following new officers were elected: Peter Roll (Northwestern
      University) - Chair; Arthur Lindeman (IndianaUniversity) Vice
      Chair; Lee Shope (University of Iowa) - Secretary.  On June 6-7 the
      CICNet Technical Board met at Indiana University Bloomington
      campus. The meeting was attended by the technical support staff
      from the CICNet member institutions and was highlighted by a
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      presentation on SMDS given by Ameritech.
      CICNet President Michael Staman gave a presentation on using
      Toolbook as an authoring tool at the annual IBM ACIS conference in
      Dallas.  Mike also attended a meeting of the National Board for
      Professional Teaching Standards in St.  Louis, an organization
      dedicated to improving the quality of teaching in the K-12 sector.
      CICNet Assistant Director John Hankins gave a presentation on
      CICNet activities to a national meeting of law school computer
      support staff held at the Illinois Institute of Technology Kent
      College of Law.  John made a similar presentation to the SURF
      Foundation, an organization in the Netherlands responsible for
      information technology coordination and evaluation, during a visit
      by the SURF Foundation staff to Ann Arbor.
      by John L Hankins <hankins@cic.net>
      Gatedaemon Project
      We participated in the OSPF Interoperability tests at FTP Software
      the first week in June.  Gated interoperated successfully with
      several NBMA OSPF implementations.
      Most of the rest of the month was spent merging the changes Rob
      Coltun made to his OSPF at the Interoperability testing and
      cleaning up gated enough for an alpha OSPF release, which was made
      available on June 26th.
      An OSPF MIB query tool is being written in the ISODE SNMP modified
      gawk and tested against Proteon's OSPF MIB implementation.  It has
      only been tested as far as Proteon has implemented.
      Dennis Ferguson from the University of Toronto visited for a week
      to restructure his BGP v2/3 implementation and integrate it into
      the latest gated development sources.
      Scott Brim (swb@nr-tech.cit.cornell.edu)
      Twenty-two Stratacom IPX T-1 multiplexors were purchased and
      delivered for use at the twenty California State Universities
      across California.  These Fast-Packet(tm) MUXes are frame-relay
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      capable and interoperate with CSUnet's Cisco Systems routers using
      frame-relay.  CSUnet plans to support IP, DECnet, and AppleTalk
      using the frame-relay technology.
      On June 3, the San Diego and Fullerton campuses were installed
      along with the Los Alamitos Network Operations Center (SWRL).  The
      cisco routers at those sites have been connected to form a frame-
      relay network.CSUnet is using the IPX/16 and IPX/32 models of the
      StrataCom MUXes.  Testing has been on-going throughout the month to
      ensure interoperability between Cisco and Stratacom.
      Mike Marcinkevicz  (mike_marcinkevicz@qmbridge.calstate.edu)
      Work has begun on implementing the ATOMIC network host interface
      software within the 4.0 SUN UNIX Kernel.
      Greg Finn
      Joyce Reynolds attended the IAB/IESG/IRSG "retreat" held in San
      Diego, the week of June 10th.  Ann Westine visited NRI in Reston,
      VA, June 19-23 to install the IETF mailing list there.
      Six RFCs were published this month.
         RFC 1234:  Provan, D., "Tunneling IPX Traffic Through IP Networks"
                    Novell, Inc., June 1991.
         RFC 1235:  Ioannidis, J., and G. Maguire, Jr., "The Coherent File
                    Distribution Protocol", Columbia University, June 1991.
         RFC 1236:  Morales, L., and P. Hasse, "IP to X.121 Address Mapping
                    for DDN", USAISEC, June 1991.
         RFC 1238:  Satz, G., "CLNS MIB for use with Connectionless Network
                    Protocol (ISO 8473) and End System to Intermediate
                    System (ISO 9542)", Cisco Systems, Inc., June 1991.
         RFC 1239:  Reynolds, J., "Reassignment of Experimental MIBs to
                    Standard MIBs", ISI, June 1991.
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         RFC 1240:  Shue, C., (Open Software Foundation), W. Haggerty
                    (Wang) K. Dobbins, (Cabletron Systems, Inc.,)
                    "OSI Connectionless Transport Services on top of UDP,
                    Version: 1", June 1991.
      Ann Westine (Westine@ISI.EDU)
      This month the first real teleconference using the ST-II version of
      the Voice Terminal (VT) program, the packet audio component of our
      conferencing system, was held among five sites on DARTnet.  Also
      this month we successfully tested packet video over DARTnet between
      ISI and BBN.
      For networks with limited bandwidth, we have now implemented
      sender-selected floor control for packet video conferences.
      Normally, video streams from all participants are sent to all other
      sites.  On receipt, each individual site decides which video
      stream(s) to display.  In scenarios where n-way traffic would
      exceed bandwidth limits, only one site is selected to send video at
      a time.  A chairperson or moderator is used to decide which site
      distributes its video data and which other ones refrain from
      sending video output.
      Eve Schooler, Steve Casner (schooler@ISI.EDU, casner@ISI.EDU)
      General information is available on-line from nisc.jvnc.net.  Use
      "telnet nisc.jvnc.net", username "nicol" and no password.
      Network availability for June, 1991 is 99.71%.
      The traffic for May was 1,814,315,622 (combined in plus out)
      packets.  Four highest contributors were Rutgers University
      (13.68%), Princeton University (12.13%), UPENN (5.23%), and Yale
      Installation of the cisco CSC-3 processors for the T1 backbone
      upgrade continues. Installation of the T3 node is in progress.
      Matsushita Information Technology Laboratory (T1, Princeton,NJ),
      National University of Singapore (64kbps), and the University of
      Connecticut (56kbps, Storrs, CT) became operational in June.
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      Network Security, the second in a series of JvNCnet Symposiums,
      took place on Thursday, June 27, 1991 at Princeton University.
      Because today's economy is significantly information-driven and
      more people have integrated computing and computer networks, such
      as Internet, into their daily work, research, and scholarly
      efforts, JvNCnet decided to bring together a prominent panel to
      discuss a variety of security issues with respect to the Internet
      community.  Attention was also paid to requirements of making a
      network connection secure.  In addition, a member of JvNCnet
      described JvNCnet's security protocols.
      The following individuals, who comprised the panel, detailed these
      Stephen Crocker, TIS                Internet security
      Barbara Fraser, CERT                CERT's role in Internet security
      Ted Ts'o, MIT                       Kerberos
      William Cheswick, AT&T Bell Labs    AT&T's secure gateway
      Vikas Aggarwal, JvNCnet             JvNCnet's security approach
      JvNCnet plans to continue sponsoring symposiums that bring to the
      forefront issues, advanced technologies and applications for
      networking technologies as well as training sessions, introductory
      and advanced. It recognizes the need toprovide a diverse
      educational program for its members, users, and anyone interested
      in networking.  For further symposium information, please send
      inquiries to "nisc@jvnc.net."
      The JvNCnet Regional Meeting followed the symposium on Friday, June
      28. Sergio Heker, during his short briefing, happily announced a
      100% increase in membership since JvNCnet became part of Princeton
      University nine months ago.  He also announced the imminent release
      of the JvNCnet Network Operations CenterOn-Line (NOCOL) network
      monitoring software package to the Internet community without
      charge.  For more NOCOL details, send email to "nocol-
      Two parallel sessions, which shaped the design of the regional
      meeting, fostered and enhanced discourse among members and with
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      Five different groups concentrated on:
        *Engineering issues and network performance and characterization
        *Members' needs of "Network Information On-Line (NICOL),
            JvNCnet's menu-driven information resource and the
            TCP/Mail Chapter of the JvNCnet Member Handbook/Introduction
            Guide (user manual).
        *X.500 directory services
        *Operational troubleshooting
        *Dialin'Tiger Users' group
      Interaction supplied lively exchange and resulted in necessary
      Three members described their Internet-accessible services.  Mr.
      Todd Vander Does explained the e-MATH service developed at the
      American Mathematical Society with partial NSF funding..  Telnet
      e-math.ams.com.  Login and password are e-math.  Electronic
      inquiries: support@e-math.ams.com.  Ms. Stephanie Supplee and Mr.
      Alan Huber talked about the LEXIS/NEXIS services (legal
      database/business information) of Mead Data Central.  Mr. Anthony
      Abbott detailed the developing Meckler Corp./JvNCnet NICOL project
      for viewing and accessing all Meckler's publications.
      Dr. Leslie Michelson's Site Profile of the University of Medicine
      and Dentistry of New Jersey nicely completed the meeting.
      The next regional meeting will take place in about four months.
      by Rochelle Hammer <hammer@nisc.jvnc.net>
      JPL is our last member site to have their remote console access kit
      installed.  It provides dial access to the console of the cisco,
      the Datatel CSU/DSUs, and to power cycling the equipment.  Caltech
      and JPL were retrofitted with cisco AUX ports which are used to
      provide telnet access to the same functions when the network is not
      OSPF testing is in progress.
      Walt Prue (Prue@ISI.EDU)
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
 MITRE Corporation
      Shari Galitzer visited Merit's NOC in Ann Arbor with a group from
      Forrest Palmer and Kevin Thompson participated in the Army and Air
      Force Secure Tactical Data Network Demonstration held at Ft Gordon,
      24-28 June 1991.
      Forrest demonstrated the capabilities of a commercial SNMP network
      management package to monitor routers and host systems on LANs and
      radio communication links.  We hope to retain some functional
      capabilities for demonstrating network management in a strategic-
      tactical internetworking environment for our year-end demo.
      MITRE developed methods of collecting data at the transport layer
      in the network and analyzing it to provide integrated information
      on both the user-level performance and the undelying network
      conditions.  These methodologies and tools were successfully used
      during the Integrated Tactical Demonstration Network (ITDN) in
      September 1989 (Allison Mankin's IEEE MILCOM paper describes this
      work).  Kevin executed tests with TCP traffic over tactical links,
      yielding measures of access time, round-trip delay, throughput,
      burst power, and loss rates.  These measurements were folded back
      into the experiments planned for Forward Error Correction
      Allison has taken delivery of her Sparcstation-2's.  Her network
      performance visualization software is being moved to the Sparc and
      X, from the less portable PIXAR platform.
      Walt Lazear presented a briefing on router technology to the DCEC
      RDT&E Technology Seminar on 20 June.
      Walt also participated in testing to bring ESNET into the OSI
      routing fold.  CLNP now is routed through NSFNET, through some
      regionals (like Michnet and Alternet), and through the FIX to
      Walt Lazear (lazear@gateway.mitre.org)
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      NEARnet has grown to 80 members.
      ESNET (DECNET) is being routed over NEARnet to Brown University,
      enabling them to use one connection for both TCP/IP and DECNET
      Network operations continues to be stable.  The transition to the
      T3 network is progressing.
      by John Rugo <jrugo@bbn.com>
      Karen Roubicek participated in the Coalition for Network
      Information (CNI) Directory Working Group in Palo Alto, California,
      and attended an Open Meeting on the Interim-NREN Network
      Information Services in Washington, DC.
      The NNSC has updated the network provider referral list.  The new
      list is available through the NSFNET portion of the Info-Server.
      To receive this list send a message to: info-server@nnsc.nsf.net,
      in the body of the message type:
      Request: nsfnet
      Topic:   referral-list
      This request will automatically send you the referral-list file.
      The NNSC distributed additions to Chapters 3 of the Internet
      Resource Guide.
      Corinne Carroll <ccarroll@nnsc.nsf.net>
      Total traffic on the NSFNET T1 and T3 infrastructures measured
      7,726,207,578 inbound packets.  This figure represents all inbound
      traffic from the 16 NSFNET end nodes.
      NSFNET T1 infrastructure inbound traffic totaled 7,156,101,602
      packets during June, 1991.  This total includes packet traffic
      entering the T1 network from the T3 network.  As of June 28th, 2982
      networks are announced to the T1 NSFNET; of this total, 989 are
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      foreign nets.
      NSFNET T3 infrastructure inbound traffic totaled 1,612,595,367
      packets during June, 1991.  This total includes packet traffic
      entering the T3 network from the T1 network.  Networks announced to
      the T3 NSFNET numbered 583 nets at the end of June.
      Testing was completed for a second point of interconnection between
      the T1 and T3 infrastructures at San Diego during June.  This
      interconnect will route production traffic as of July 2. T1 and T3
      infrastructures are also interconnected at Ann Arbor.  Phase 1 of
      the T3 NSFNET deployment was accomplished on June 24th as the node
      at Argonne began accepting production traffic.  Phase 2 of the T3
      expansion includes the addition of core nodes and DS3s to support
      the planned E-NSSs at the remaining T1 nodes.  Core nodes have been
      added at Hartford, New York and Greensboro on the east coast; core
      nodes in St. Louis, Denver and Seattle will be added in mid-July.
      The installation of T3 nodes at the remaining T1 nodes is
      tentavitely planned for mid-July through mid-August.
      Guests at the Merit/NSFNET Network Operations Center included the
      Netherlands Scientific Technical Board:  W.J. Keller, director of
      the Netherlands Bureau of Statistics; W. Loeve, director of the
      informatics division of the National Aerospace Laboratory; C.C.M.
      Hendriks, director of informatics of the Rotterdam Polytechnic
      School; J.C.M. Pietersen, project manager of the SURF Foundation;
      and A.D. van Ingen Schenau, secretary of the Scientific Technical
      Board.  Their agenda included an overview of the NSFNET Project, a
      demonstration of the University of Michigan Institutional File
      System, a tour of the language multimedia lab Project Flame, and
      the Harlan Hatcher Library.  Manuel Ludevid, Executive Director of
      the International Social Science Council Human Dimensions of Global
      Environmental Change Programme, Barcelona, Spain, was a visitor to
      the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research.  An
      overview and discussion of the NSFNET project was part of his tour
      of the University.
      Jessica Yu and Elise Gerich of the Merit Internet Engineering group
      were its representatives at the June meeting of the FEPG at Moffett
      Field.  Gerich also participated in the IAB retreat held in San
      Diego, CA.  Sue Hares of Merit Internet Engineering attended the
      InterOp '91 OSI Demonstration planning meeting.  NSFNET is
      encouraging regional and national networks currently passing CLNP
      traffic across the NSFNET infrastructures to join in an OSI
      demonstration for InterOp '91.  Further information is available
      from Hares (skh@merit.edu).  Hares also participated in the Boston
      ANSI X3 S3.3 committee meeting, continuing work on IDRP and the
      implementation of OSI in NSFNET.
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      iNET '91, the international networking conference, was held in
      Copenhagen, Denmark, June 18-20.  The NSFNET project was
      represented by both Eric Aupperle, President, Merit Network, Inc.,
      and Susan Calcari, Merit/NSFNET Information Services.  Aupperle
      spoke on the "NSFNET - Current Performance and Short-term
      Directions," while Calcari gave a presentation on "Education over
      the International Internet."  Aupperle subsequently traveled to the
      Technical University of Berlin (Germany), where he addressed an
      audience on "Merit's Networking Experiences--Global, Statewide and
      on Campus."
      Participating on the Social Sciences panel, Calcari gave an NSFNET
      update at the IBM Academic Computing Conference (ACIS) in Dallas,
      TX.  Glee Harrah Cady, Manager of Merit/NSFNET Information
      Services, and Laura Kelleher, Merit/NSFNET Information Services,
      were its representatives at "Developing a Framework for Network
      Directories and Related Services," the Coalition for Networked
      Information (CNI) meeting at Stanford University.  Cady facilitated
      a discussion of users as resources and Kelleher gave a presentation
      on the MichNet approach to collecting network information, which
      focuses on the user not the resource.  Cady also gave an NSFNET
      overview and update at the Research Libraries Group (RLG) offices.
      Kelleher represented Merit/NSFNET at Networking '91, the
      CA*net/Netnorth/CDNnet Annual Conference, in Kingston, Ontario, and
      presented an NSFNET update.
      Jo Ann Ward (jward@merit.edu)
      NDRE and NTA-RD have nothing to report this month.
      Anton B. Leere <leere@ndre.no>
      Stephen Cunningham has taken over the position of Network
      Coordinator and will be the first line of contact for network
      related matters involving the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center.
      This position was previously held by Gregory Dobrich who has moved
      on to work with SURAnet.
      We have completed testing of our new T3 ENSS and moved it into
      production use.  The final network design consists of a two tiered
      network hierarchy, consisting of a primary production path and a
      secondary backup network path.  The primary path, the new high
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      speed network, contains the T3 (45 Mbps) connection to the NSFnet,
      an internal FDDI (100 Mpbs) network between the Mellon Institute
      and the Westinghouse Machine room and finally, a Low Speed Channel
      (100 Mbps) to the Cray. The secondary path, PSC's previous
      production path, consists of the T1 (1.5 Mbps) to the NSFnet, two
      internal T1 (1.5 Mbps) connections between the Mellon Institute and
      the WEC Machine room and an ethernet (10 Mbps) connection to the
      PSC's new network should benefit all PSC Users.  First, the two
      tier hierarchy provides PSC with a very robust network with no
      single point of failure. Second, users will see a significant drop
      in delay when traversing the T3 instead of the T1 backbone. For
      example, the average delay across the T3 between PSC and MERIT is
      19 msec, while across the T1 it is 60 msec. Users whose sites do
      not yet have access to the T3 backbone will also see a drop in
      delay due to improved internal connectivity.  For example, the
      average delay over the old production network was 20 msec while it
      is just 4 msec over the new high speed network.
      Stephen Cunningham (CUNNINGHAM@B.PSC.EDU)
      During June, two new hubs became operational.  We installed
      cisco-based hubs in Harrisburg and in State College.
      We also had four organizations join PREPnet.  Muhlenberg College
      will be connected to the Allentown hub at 56Kbps, Lebanon Valley
      College will be connected to the Harrisburg hub at 9.6Kbps, ICDD
      (International Centre for Defraction Data) will be connected to the
      terminal server in Philadelphia via a 9.6Kbps leased line, and
      Juniata College will be connected to the State College hub at
      PREPnet and the PA Dept. of Education sponsored a K-12 seminar on
      June 12th.  The purpose of this seminar was to gather together
      people working on K-12 projects so they could talk with each other.
      We had thirty people attend the seminar.  The attendees were very
      enthusiastic.  We are making plans for future meetings.
      PREPnet NIC (prepnet+@andrew.cmu.edu)
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      Recent Activities:
      The first step in the gated port has been completed.  The IDPR
      prototype now runs as a single process.  The first cut at making
      IDPR a gated task is underway.
      During the past month, Ken Carlberg from SAIC and Mark Sleeper from
      Sparta prepared a draft MIB for policy terms for IDPR.  They have
      done some testing of this MIB using the University of Wisc. CMOT
      code.  An initial version of the full IDPR MIB which includes the
      policy term MIB as an appendix has been completed and made
      available to the IDPR WG in preparation for the July IETF meeting.
      Planned activies:
      Completion of initial gated integration is our highest priority.
      Additional code cleaning and optimization will take some time
      because of the inefficiencies introduced by the old multi-process
      implementation.  A design of a new common database for all IDPR
      modules will be essential as the current implementation has a lot
      of per-module redundancy.
      We are investigating the possibility of an IDPR demo at the
      upcoming IETF.
      Woody Woodburn (woody@sparta.com)
      Because the supply of Class B numbers is dwindling due to the
      growing number of requests for these numbers, the NIC Internet
      registry has imposed more stringent requirements for obtaining
      these numbers.  Organizations that want to obtain large groups of
      Class B numbers (five or more) will be required to furnish the
      registry with a detailed rationale for their requests, and in some
      cases will be asked to accept alternative allocations of Class C
      The cumulative total of all IP numbers now assigned is 30,146.  See
      the table below for a breakdown by month.  There are now a total of
      1,290 Autonomous System numbers (ASNs) assigned.  There are
      currently a total of 2,298 domains registered.  This includes the
      root domain, 63 top-level domains, 2,172 second-level domains, and
      62 third-level MIL subdomains.
 Westine                                                        [Page 31]
 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
                              Cumulative IP Network Statistics
      Month/Year                       Class
                              A       B       C           Total
      Jun. 1991               43      5,654   24,449      30,146
      May. 1991               43      5,026   24,797      29,866
      Apr. 1991               43      4,977   25,897      30,917
      Mar. 1991               41      4,520   24,572      29,133
      Feb. 1991               39      4,347   22,552      26,938
      Jan. 1991               39      4,246   21,731      26,016
      Dec. 1990               36      4,305   21,811      26,152
      Nov. 1990               35      4,198   21,149      25,382
      Mary Stahl (stahl@nisc.sri.com)
      The University of Texas System Office of Telecommunication Services
      is hosting a one day conference, on August 20, 1991 at the Balcones
      Research Center in Austin, Texas.  Speakers from the Computer
      Emergency Response Team (CERT), the Coalition for Networked
      Information (CNI), the National Agricultural Library, The Texas
      Education Agency, Advanced Network & Services, Inc. (ANS), Texas
      A&M University, VideoTelecom Corp., EDS, Thinking Machines
      Corporation, and The State of Texas House of Representatives will
      make presentations about telecommunication and networking issues in
      higher education.
      Registration, agenda and travel information is available via
      anonymous ftp to host ftp.utexas.edu, directory "pub/conference",
      file "information.full".
      Tracy LaQuey Parker <T.LaQuey@utexas.edu>
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      Jon Crowcroft and Steve Wilbur attended the INET'91 Conference in
      Copenhagen, and gave papers on the UK-US Traffic Patterns
      (available for anonymous ftp from docs/inet.ps on cs.ucl.ac.uk) and
      workstation videoconferencing.
      There was a video conference between London University Librarians
      and MIT librarians (our first international "naive" users).
      The T20 Gateway replacement for the ULCC butterfly and a video
      conference to discuss progress on UK-US Interconnection are
      happening as I write.
      A meeting of the "Shoestring" group was held at UCL to discuss
      progress on the IP pilot in the UK. Backbone routers (ciscos) are
      delivered and now Phase II (introduction of more sites) is
      starting.  The routing architecture is being hammered out.
      Sites/Campus nets are starting to appear properly in the DNS (e.g.
      Cambridge University).  Discussions are underway for 34Mbps leased
      lines for at least around London very soon.
      John Crowcroft (j.crowcroft@CS.UCL.AC.UK)
      1.   Packet-loss rates from campus to the College Park NSFnet NSS
           have reached the six-percent level. We are working with SURA
           people to resolve this problem.
      2.   Work continues on constructing SBus interfaces for
           SPARCstations and high-speed crossbar switches for our
           Highball project. Work also continues on algorithm simulation
           and system robustness.  Partly due to recent events, we have
           become keenly interested in system fault-tolerant principles.
      3.   A substantial redesign is in progress on network
           synchronization for DARTnet. We hope to improve reliable
           timekeeping accuracy to the submillisecond regime.
      4.   We have obtained audio, video and interface gear to support
           real-time conferencing. We plan to use this for DARTnet
           experiments and general teleconferencing.
           Dave Mills (Mills@UDEL.EDU)
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      A WiscNet descriptive flyer and membership memo of understanding
      were finalized and distributed to prospective new members.
      Michael Dorl (dorl@macc.wisc.edu)
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
 This section of the Internet Monthly is devoted to efforts working to
 develop directory services that are for, or effect, the Internet.  We
 would like to encourage any organization with news about directory
 service activities to use this forum for publishing brief monthly news
 items.  The current reporters list includes:
         o IETF OSIDS Working Group
         o IETF DISI Working Group [X]
         o Field Operational X.500 Project
            - ISI
            - Merit
            - PSI
            - SRI
         o National Institute of Standards and Technology [X]
         o North American Directory Forum [X]
         o OSI Implementor's Workshop
         o PARADISE Project
         o PSI DARPA/NNT X.500 Project
         o Registration Authority Committee (ANSI USA RAC) [X]
         o U.S. Department of State, Study Group D,
             MHS Management Domain subcommittee (SG-D MHS-MD) [X]
                 [X] indicates no report this month
 Steve Hotz (hotz@isi.edu)
 DS Report Coordinator
      The OSI-DS documents are now numbered as a document series.
      Two documents were released:
      OSI-DS 16:
        "Schema for NIC Profile information in X.500"
         Chris Weider & Mark Knopper
         June 1991
         Abstract:  The authors wish to put put up a readily accessible,
         distributed Directory of Network Information Centers, or NICs.
         This paper discusses the schema used to hold the NIC Profiles,
         as well as the DIT structure necessary for this information.
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      OSI-DS 17:
        "Schema for Information Resource Description in X.500"
         Chris Weider
         May 1991
         Abstract:  The authors are interested in allowing distributed
         access and updating for Information Resource Description
         information to users of the Internet.  This paper discusses the
         schema used to hold the Information Resource Description
         information.  The new attributes are taken from the US-MARC
         fields, and subfields, with the mapping described in the text.
      Preparation is underway for the next WG meeting at the IETF in
      Steve Hardcastle-Kille (s.kille@cs.ucl.ac.uk)
      The FOX project is a DARPA and NSF funded effort to provide a basis
      for operational X.500 deployment in the NREN/Internet.  This work
      is being carried out at Merit, NSYERNet/PSI, SRI and ISI.  ISI is
      the main contractor and responsible for project oversight.
         ISI organized the July 9 FOX phone conference, which included
         participants from all of the FOX contractors.  FOX participants
         will meet sometime during the Atlanta IETF.
         Steve Hotz (hotz@ISI.EDU)
         Some of the Merit activities related to X.500 and Directories
         which took place during June:
          o Work on schema definitions for NIC Profiles and Internet
            Online Resources, including internet drafts outlining
            that work.
          o Met with John Clement of Educom about directory of K-12
            people and resources.  Started schema definitions for
            those as well.
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
          o Began work to implement e-mail based query and updating
            system for K-12 for Educom.  This will be a prototype for
            a later production system.
          o Received new workstation to use as DSA for FOX project
         Mark Knopper (mak@merit.edu)
         A new X.500-based application, "x5ftp", was released for alpha
         testing by FOX project partners.  "x5ftp" is an X.500-based
         application that allows one to search a portion of the Directory
         for references to documents.  The application then allows the
         selective retrieval of documents by anonymous ftp.
         "X5ftp" provides a command-shell interface to a complete X.500
         DUA that is specially tailored for document retrieval.
         A paper which discusses the role of X.500 in information
         retrieval was written.  This paper, published by PSI as
         Technical Report 91-06-25, is available for anonymous ftp from
         uu.psi.com [] in wp/nir.ms (nroff/troff version, ms
         macros) wp/ps/nir.ps (Postscript version) and wp/nir.txt (text
         Wengyik Yeong (yeongw@psi.com)
         We observed that the Northern Swift Fox DSA was core dumping
         given an inconsistent collection of circumstances.  The problems
         were traced to a lack of swap space on the DSA's host.  The
         system was reconfigured to increase swap space by approximately
         25%.  No similar problems have been observed.
         SRI began an investigation of options for providing a user
         interface to support access to the WHOIS information now stored
         in X.500.  The decision as to a course of action is forthcoming
         in a subsequent report.
         A low-level investigation of problems with NIST's Custos 0.1.1
         continued.  Although original suspicions centered around ISODE
         version incompatibilities (Custos 0.1.1 was developed with ISODE
         6.0 while SRI is running version 6.8), restoring ISODE 6.0 at
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
         SRI and subsequent recompilation of Custos 0.1.1 yielded no
         progress.  NIST and SRI will continue their investigation,
         focusing on possible configuration differences.
         Work on the DISI X.500 implementation catalog continued.  Ruth
         Lang and Russ Wright (LBL) have written a majority of the
         supporting sections that will accompany the implementation
         descriptions.  A draft list of cross-reference keywords has been
         selected and applied to the descriptions.  A formatted version
         of the document (Internet-Draft) will be made available before
         the July IETF meeting.
         Ruth Lang (rlang@nisc.sri.com)
      The OSI Implementor's Workshop (OIW) Directory Service SIG met
      during June 10-13, 1991.  There were about 20 attendees
      representing 15 vendors and users.  It was a very productive
      meeting and the SIG generated the following outputs:
          o Access Control and Replication:
            The SIG generated draft working agreements on Access Control
            and Replication based on PDAMs and CD.  For Access Control,
            the SIG created a table for error situations and error
            actions.  For Replication, the SIG generated the DSA
            Replication Conformance and Recommended Practice sections.
            These agreements are expected to be stable by the end of
            1991 when the standards reach DAM and DIS at the end of
            October, 1991.
          o Distributed Operations:
            The SIG generated draft working agreements on Distributed
            Operations based on the EWOS profile.  These agreements do
            not include any extension work being developed in the
            standard body.
          o APDU size limit:
            The SIG agreed to change Result APDU size limit from 32K to
            256K in order to align with the EWOS profile.  This limit
            will only affect DSAs involved in distributed operations.
            This modification is expected to affect the Stable Agreements.
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
          o Pragmatic Constraints:
            The SIG agreed to change ub-postal-string for the
            Postal Address attribute syntax from 30 to 60 characters in
            order to accommodate many existing postal addresses.  This
            change is expected to be made against the Stable Agreements
            at the next meeting.  The SIG sent liaison letters to inform
            this change and to investigate if this change causes any
            problems to current Directory user groups.
          o Guideline on AE Title Use:
            Informative text was generated in order to guide applications
            making use of the AE Title field to access application Entity
            Objects in the Directory.
      Youbong Weon-Yoon (youbong@arch2.att.com)
      The public access "simple-to-use" PARADISE DUA is available for
      sampling on one of the project machines; use "telnet"
      and enter "dua" at the login prompt.  Comments welcomed to the list
      Paradise INTerfaceS <pints@cs.ucl.ac.uk>.
      The PARADISE packaged DSA and DUA should be available later this
      month and will be based on ISODE 7.0 which is due for release in
      Interoperability tests are proceeding with the French pilot; the
      presentation level difficulty has been resolved and the twelve
      French organizations represented below c=FR are now visible.  The
      QUIPU/PIZARRO discussion has some months to run yet.  Inquiries
      about PIZARRO may be directed to: Paul-Andre Pays
      <pays@fr.emse.mars>.  Specific questions concerning the
      interoperability testing may be directed to: Paradise
      inteROPERability <proper@paradise.ulcc.ac.uk>.
      David Goodman (d.goodman@cs.ucl.ac.uk)
      PARADISE Project Manager
 PSI DARPA/NNT X.500 Project
      Beta testing was performed on ISODE beta-release 6.9.  Experimental
      versions of existing DSA and DUA software were tested.  Testing was
      also performed to ensure that version 6.9 is backwards-compatible
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      with version 6.8.
      Effort was expended in the past month to increase the reliability
      of operational X.500 service.  To this end:
        o Watchdog scripts that ensure that processes related to the
          provision of X.500 service continue to run were written and
          installed.  These scripts will be further enhanced in the
          future to detect more error conditions that cause denial
          of service.
       o Some shuffling of DSA functionality among machines was
         performed to better distribute the demands placed on various
         machines by the X.500 service.
       o An enhanced version of the ISODE software was installed on
         all machines to fix version skew problems and further enhance
       o A systematic schedule of monitoring the reliability of all
         machines that contribute to X.500 service was begun.
      Testing was performed, using some of the data in the "o=Performance
      Systems International" subtree, in preparation for alignment with
      the COSINE/Internet Naming Architecture.
      Final testing of a beta version of a White Pages front-end for
      PC/MSDOS that is layered over FTP Inc.'s PC/TCP kernel is almost
      completed.  Anonymous FTP release of the binary is slated for the
      1st week of July.
      Wengyik Yeong (yeongw@psi.com)
      As of June 26, 1991, there are 76 organizations participating in
      the White Pages in the United States of America.
      New organizations added this past month are:
              Cornell University
      The practice of pruning non-responsive DSAs from the c=US arc has
      been temporarily suspended due to a change in people supporting the
      White Pages Manager function.  Pruning will begin again next month.
      Wengyik Yeong (yeongw@psi.com)
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      Readers are requested to send in dates of events that are
      appropriate for this calendar section.
      1991 CALENDAR
      Jul 8-12        IEEE802 Plenary, Hawaii
      Jul 15-17       Gigabit Conference, Washington,D.C.
                      Al Vezza, (AV@lcs.mit.edu)
      Jul 28-Aug 2    IETF, Atlanta, GA
                      Megan Davies (mdavies@nri.reston.va.us)
      Sep 3-6         SIGCOMM91, Zurich, Switzerland
                      Bernhard Plattner
      Sep 9-13        OIW, Location unknown
      Sep 17-19       ANSI X3S3.3, Boulder, CO
      Sep 25-27       RIPE, Location Unknown
      Oct 7-11        INTEROP91, San Jose, CA
                      Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com)
      Oct 21-23       NORDUNET '91, Bergen, Norway
      Nov 11-12       RARE WG1, Brussels, Belgium
      Nov 11-16       IEEE802 Plenary, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
      Nov 18-22       IETF, Santa Fe, NM
                      Megan Davies (mdavies@nri.reston.va.us)
      Dec 2-5         GLOBECOM'91, Phoenix, AA
      Dec 3-5         ANSI X3S3.3, San Jose, CA
      Dec 9-13        OIW, Location Unknown
      1992 CALENDAR
      Jan 13-21       ANSI X3T5
      Jan 20-22       RIPE, Amsterdam
      Jan 28-30       ANSI X3S3.3, Tucson, AZ
      Feb 19-20       RARE WG1, Location unknown
      Feb 20-21       RARE Manager Mtg, Location unknown
      Mar 2-6         ANSI X3T5
      Mar 3-5         ACM CSC, Kansas City, MO
      Mar 9-13        IEEE802 Plenary, Irvine, CA
      Mar 9-13        OIW
      Mar 16-19       Info Netwrk&DataComm, Espoo, FI
      Mar 18-20       Computers, Freedom & Privacy II,
                      Grand Hyatt Hotel, Washington, DC
      Mar 25-27       National Net 92, Washington DC
                      Mike Roberts (roberts@educom.edu)
      Apr 6-16        CCITT SG VII    Geneva, Switzerland
      Apr 21-23       ANSI X3S3.3, Mountaon View, Ca.
      <Spring>        IETF, San Diego, CA
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
                      Megan Davies (mdavies@nri.reston.va.us)
      May 4-6         ANSI X3T5
      May 4-8         DECUS '92, Atlanta, GA
      May 12-14       Joint Network Conference 3, Innsbruck, Austria
                      (this is the RARE Networkshop - renamed)
      May 18-25       INTEROP92, Washington, D.C.
                      Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com)
      May 20-22       IFIP Int'l Conference, Vancouver, Canada
      May 19-29       ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 21, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
      Jun 8-12        OIW
      Jun 10-11       RARE WG1, tentative-Location unknown
      Jun 11-12       RARE COSINE MHS MGR, tentative-Location unknown
      Jun 14-17       ICC-SUPERCOMM'92, Chicago, IL
      Jun 15-19       INET92, Kobe, Japan
                      Jun Murai (jun@wide.ad.jp), KEIO University
      Jun 16-18       ANSI X3S3.3, Minneapolos, MN
      Jul 6-10        IEEE802 Plenary, Bloomington, MN
      Jul 13-17       ANSI X3T5
      Jul 13-24       ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6, San Diego, CA
      Aug 17-20       SIGCOMM, Baltimore, MD
                      Deepinder Sidhu, UMBC
      Sep 14-18       ANSI X3T5
      Sep 21-25       OIW
      Sep 22-24       ANSI X3S3.3, Boston, MA
      Oct 26-30       INTEROP92, San Francisco
                      Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com)
      Nov 9-13        ANSI X3T5
      Dec             ANSI X3S3.3, Boulder, CO
      Dec 7-11        DECUS '92, Las Vegas, NV
      Dec 14-18       OIW
      1993 CALENDAR
      Mar 8-12        INTEROP93, Wasington, D.C.
                      Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com)
      May 23-26       ICC'92, Geneva, Switzerland
      Jun 7-11        OIW
      Aug             INET93,  San Francisco Bay Area
      Aug             SIGCOMM, San Francisco
      Sep 13-17       OIW
      Sep 20-31       ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6, Seoul, Korea.
      Oct 25-29       INTEROP93, San Francisco
                      Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com)
      Nov 9-13        IEEE802 Plenary, LaJolla, CA
      Dec 6-10        OIW
      1994 CALENDAR
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 Internet Monthly Report                                        JUNE 1991
      Apr 18-22       INTEROP94, Washington, D.C.
                      Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com)
      Sep 12-16       INTEROP94, San Francisco
                      Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com)
      1995 EVENTS
      Sep 18-22       INTEROP95, San Francisco, CA
                      Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com)
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