August 1991 INTERNET MONTHLY REPORTS ------------------------ The purpose of these reports is to communicate to the Internet Research Group the accomplishments, milestones reached, or problems discovered by the participating organizations. This report is for Internet information purposes only, and is not to be quoted in other publications without permission from the submitter. Each organization is expected to submit a 1/2 page report on the first business day of the month describing the previous month's activities. These reports should be submitted via network mail to Ann Westine (Westine@ISI.EDU) or Karen Roubicek (Roubicek@NNSC.NSF.NET). Requests to be added or deleted from the Internet Monthly report list should be sent to "". TABLE OF CONTENTS INTERNET ACTIVITIES BOARD IAB MESSAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 INTERNET RESEARCH REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 AUTONOMOUS NETWORKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 END-TO-END SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 Westine [Page 1] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 Internet Projects BARRNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN, INC., . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 CERFNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5 CICNET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6 CIX (COMMERCIAL INTERNET EXCHANGE). . . . . . . . . . . . page 6 CREN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7 FARNET (FEDERATION OF AMERICAN RESEARCH NETWORKS) . . . . page 8 ISI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 8 JVNCNET, NORTH EAST RESEARCH REGIONAL NETWORK . . . . . . page 10 LOS NETTOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 10 NNSC, UCAR/BOLT BERANEK and NEWMAN, INC . . . . . . . . . page 11 NEARNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12 PREPnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12 PSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 13 SAIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 13 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 14 SRI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 15 UCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 16 UDEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17 DIRECTORY SERVICES ACTIVITIES DIRECTORY SERVICES MESSAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 18 FOX - FIELD OPERATIONAL X.500 PROJECT . . . . . . . . . . page 18 ISI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 18 MERIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 19 PSI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 19 SRI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 19 NORTH AMERICAN DIRECTORY FORUM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20 PARADISE PROJECT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20 PSI DARPA/NNT X.500 PROJECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 21 PSI WHITE PAGES PILOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 21 REGISTRATION AUTHORITY COMMITTEE (ANSI USA RAC) . . . . . page 22 SG-D MHS-MD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 26 ANSI ASC X3T5.4 Directory Ad Hoc Group. . . . . . . . . . page 26 CALENDAR OF EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 27 Westine [Page 2] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 IAB MESSAGE Internet Society: Preparations for the first Internet Society publications are moving ahead. A newsletter is scheduled to be released in January and the first journal issue we hope to have ready at the time of the June 15-19, 1992 INET92 meeting in Kobe, Japan. People who have either patiently waited for responses on registrations or who have asked when they will hear something should be getting membership notices (and invoices in the event they didn't send in payments with their registrations) towards the end of 1991. Vint Cerf (vcerf@NRI.RESTON.VS.US) INTERNET RESEARCH REPORTS ------------------------- AUTONOMOUS NETWORKS ------------------- No progress to report this month. Deborah Estrin (Estrin@USC.EDU) END-TO-END SERVICES ------------------- No progress to report this month. Bob Braden (Braden@ISI.EDU) INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS ---------------------------- No report received. Phill Gross (pgross@NRI.RESTON.VA.US) Westine [Page 3] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 INTERNET PROJECTS ----------------- BARRNET ------- Three new 56kbps connections were added in August and two dial-in connections, bringing the total number of connected sites to 94. One of the sites, St. Mary's College in Moraga, California, was a recipient of an NSF grant for connection that had been prepared with BARRNet staff assistance in 1990. The first BARRNet member was connected through BARRNet's new hub site at Santa Clara University. The Santa Clara hub, which was connected by T1 to Stanford University in July, is expected to substantially lower the line costs for members in the southern part of Santa Clara County, all of whom were previously connected to Stanford. With the activation of a T1 circuit between Stanford and the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, BARRNet can now provide T1 connectivity to the whole Monterey Bay region. During the week of August 26-30 BARRNet supported the OSI hot-stage demonstration for the upcoming Interop exposition. During the entire week, systems in Europe were reachable, the most active participant situated in Finland on the FUNET. Some tests were achieved by using TCP/IP/TELNET to access an Internet host, then initiating an OSI application, e.g. FTAM, back to the OSI host in the hotstage. Paul Baer <> BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN INC. ---------------------------- Terrestrial Wideband Network (TWBNet) and ST/IP Gateway During August, an on-line calendar was made available for use at WPC and LANL, allowing those sites to check conferencing schedules to avoid conflicts when they initiate their own conferences. After these sites have used the calendar successfully for several weeks, we plan to make it generally available. Because conferences usually require assistance from BBN, reservations will still be required, but the calendar should provide useful information for last-minute testing, demonstrations, and impromptu conferences. Also during August, one of the codecs was removed from the hublet machine at BBN that supports 4-site Picturtel Codec conferencing. Westine [Page 4] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 This codec was needed for DWS testing. Sites such as UCL and WPC, which use only Picturetel codecs, can no longer participate in conferences with more than two other sites. Sites such as DARPA and ISI, which use both Picturetel and Concept codecs, can still participate in four-site conferences. There were few conferences in August. Part of the reason for this was that the German fat pipe was down for two weeks during the scheduled installation of deicing equipment on the satellite ground stations. Another part of the reason was probably the large number of vacations scheduled in August. Several reservations have been received for September already. During August, the TWB supported four two-site conferences, one four-way conference and one two-site Simnet exercise. Of these conferences, one involved the conferencing suite at UCL. These conferences were in support of the following projects; OMG group of the UK FatPipe, DARTnet and discussions on the DWSnet. Inter-Domain Policy Routing During the month of August, members of IDPR development group spent most of their time working on the gated version of IDPR. SAIC is leading this effort, with BBN collaborating on the design of the software architecture. There are a lot of interesting UNIX and gated-related issues which we were able to sidestep in our original prototype implementation but which we now must deal with for a releasable version. For a detailed discussion, please refer to the idpr-wg mailing list. Jil Westcott ( CERFNET ------- In August, several sites were installed on CERFnet. These include ISIS Pharmaceuticals (San Diego, California), Dataproducts, (Woodland Hills, California) and Apple Computer (Cupertino, California). In cooperation with PSINet and Alternet, CERFnet installed the first Commercial Internet Exchange in Northern California (CIX). The CIX allows CERFnet customers to exchange commercial Internet traffic with other CIX member sites. Karen McKelvey <> Westine [Page 5] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 CICNET ------- CICNet activities for July and August On July 11, the four CICNet T-1 circuits to Argonne National Laboratory were cut over from terrestrial access to the MCI alternative access digital microwave radio. The cutover went off without a hitch and was the final step in the reconfiguration of CICNet facilities in the Chicago area to take advantage of the NSFNET node at Argonne. In July, CICNet also hosted separate meetings with Ameritech and MCI to discuss new technologies and new services. At the end of July Paul Holbrook attended the IETF meeting in Atlanta. In August, Mike Staman and John Hankins attended the FARNET meeting and NSF sponsored planning meeting in Big Sky, Montana. On August 23, CICNet staff and representatives from CICNet member sites met with staff at Ameritech to discuss use of SMDS services in the CICNet infrastructure. To support increased quality of communication between its members, CICNet installed a computer conferencing system during August. A first application of this system will be to support the NIC activities described below. On August 28, an initial meeting of the CICNet NIC Services Committee was held in Chicago. This committee includes representatives from nearly all of the CICNet member institutions and is charged with the development of high quality network information services on CICNet. A wide range of disciplines was represented at the meeting, including: library automation, user support, and technical support. At this meeting a steering committee and three task forces were appointed. The task forces are: Tools and Infrastructure; Research Activities Database Development; and Campus-Wide Information Systems. The next meeting of the committee is planned for Nov. 1, 1991 John Hankins ( COMMERCIAL INTERNET EXCHANGE (CIX) ---------------------------------- The T1 Line to CERFNet became operational linking CERFNet to the other CIX member network providers (Alternet and PSINet). Traffic statistics are being gathered via SNMP and reports are being generated. The following report outlines CIX-WEST usage for the month of August 1991. Westine [Page 6] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 CIX In Out Member Octets Packets Errors Octets Packets Errors -------- ---------------------------- --------------------------- Alternet 6405681877 23290775 2823 2436041753 18012204 0 CERFNet 185674302 1922536 453890 564414690 3092209 0 PSINet 2615511850 18930171 34 6166635910 22541248 6777 Starting: Aug 7 1991 at 09:27 Ending: Aug 31 1991 at 23:54 SNMP Polling Intervals: 2590 SNMP Polling Frequency: 15 minutes In - data entering the CIX member network Out - data exiting the CIX member network At the present time, approximately 370 networks within Alternet, CERFNet, and PSINet are using the CIX-WEST. Send mail to for information regarding the CIX. Mark Fedor ( CREN ---- The CREN Board decided in June that, because of the number and variety of alternative providers of similar services, CREN should terminate its CSNET services. Because other providers have become larger and often less expensive than similar CSNET services, CSNET has been losing participants to alternative providers and began losing money on its services last year, which was also a factor in the CREN Board's decision. Participants in CSNET services were notified in June of the forthcoming termination and that their CSNET services would continue, if desired, until September 15, 1991, in order to allow an orderly transition to alternative suppliers. CREN, through BBN, is providing assistance to participants in making this transition. By now, most participants are progressing nicely toward completion of their transition to new providers to replace their CSNET services, and many have already completed the transition to a regional network or a for-profit provider of direct or dial-up Internet access. CREN does NOT plan to terminate its BITNET services at this time. It does expect to expand into ancillary services in support of network mail, file transfer, and other activities useful for low- Westine [Page 7] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 end research and educational networking. A proposed strategic plan for CREN is available as the file CREN PLAN9106 from Jim Conklin ( FEDERATION OF AMERICAN RESEARCH NETWORKS (FARNET) ------------------------------------------------- FARNET held a two-day workshop on interregional connectivity after 1992 on August 12-13 and a one-day business meeting the following day. The participants in the workshop will continue their interaction online in September and a set of recommendations will be delivered to NSF early in October. The next FARNET meeting will be held in conjunction with the November meeting of the IETF in New Mexico and will focus on the role of the midlevel networks in defining and implementing operations standards in the Internet. FARNET committees and their chairs are: External Affairs Richard Mandelbaum, NYSERNet K-12 Jim Luckett, NYSERNet Membership Jim Williams, NevadaNet Nominating Glenn Ricart, U. of Maryland/SURAnet Program Paul Love, San Diego Supercomputer Center Technical Gene Hastings, Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center User Services Martyne Hallgren, Cornell U. Non-members are welcome to participate in committee activities. Let us know if you are interested. Laura Breeden ( ISI --- GIGABIT NETWORKING INFRASTRUCTURE Joyce Reynolds attended the Consortium for School Networking Meeting on User Interfaces in Austin, Texas, August 14th - 16th. Westine [Page 8] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 DARTNOC A "standard" DARTnet router kernel and corresponding source tree have been set up at ISI to serve as the basis for DARTnet experimenters to build their own additions and modifications to the kernel. This kernel is mostly SunOS 4.1.1 with enhancements, fixes and hsis driver supplied by Van Jacobson, plus IP multicasting supplied by Steve Deering. Steve Casner ( MULTIMEDIA CONFERENCING ISI organized a meeting this month with other researchers working on connection management architectures from Xerox PARC and Bellcore. Discussion centered around the various approaches that have been used in the past to support multimedia services across local and wide-area networks. In particular, the question was raised, "What protocols and models do we need to define in order to allow multiple implementations of teleconferencing systems to interoperate across the Internet?" We are working on a specification of a conference control protocol -- based on our existing system -- as one such protocol. Eve Schooler and Steve Casner (schooler@ISI.EDU, casner@ISI.EDU) Seven RFCs were published this month. RFC 1248: Baker, F. (ACC), R. Coltun, Computer Science Center, "OSPF Version 2 Management Information Base", July 1991. RFC 1249: Howes, T., M. Smith, B. Beecher, "Dixie Protocol Specification", University of Michigan. RFC 1250: Postel, J., Editor, "IAB Official Protocol Standards", USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1991. RFC 1251: Malkin, G., "Who's Who in the Internet Biographies of IAB, IESG and IRSG Members", FTP Software, Inc., August 1991. RFC 1252: Baker, F. (ACC), R. Coltun, Computer Science Center, "OSPF Version 2 Management Information Base", August 1991. Westine [Page 9] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 RFC 1253: Baker, F. (ACC), R. Coltun, Computer Science Center, "OSPF Version 2 Management Information Base", August 1991. RFC 1254: Mankin, A. (MITRE), K. Ramakrishnan, (DEC), "Gateway Congestion Control Survey", August 1991. Ann Westine (Westine@ISI.EDU) JVNCNET, NORTH EAST RESEARCH REGIONAL NETWORK --------------------------------------------- General information is available on-line from Use "telnet", username: nicol, no password. The next Megabytes newsletter will be distributed in October. To receive a complimentary subscription, send email to "megabytes-". The next planned JvNCnet symposium will focus on network applications. For further symposium information, please send inquiries to "" For more NOCOL information (JvNCnet Network Operations Center On- Line software package) and for acquisition of this application without charge, please send email to "" Operations Availability for July, 1991 is 99.73%. The traffic for July was 1,818,051,429 (combined incoming plus outgoing) packets. Four highest contributors were Princeton University (15.62%), Rutgers University (14.17%), UPENN (6.21%), and Yale (6.18%) Rochelle Hammer <> LOS NETTOS ---------- A long standing T1 outage between ISI and NOSC was finally resolved. PacBell installed new repeaters as part of routine maintenence and suddenly the T1 link was back in operation. It was fortunate alternate routing was available. Westine [Page 10] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 The NOSC Cisco node was retrofitted with an AUX port. OSPF testing has been temporarily defered. Walt Prue (Prue@ISI.EDU) NNSC, UCAR/BOLT BERANEK and NEWMAN, INC. ---------------------------------------- The Internet Resource Guide and the files in the Internet-drafts directory are now available via electronic mail from the NNSC Info-Server. The Info-Server is an automatic program that delivers information by electronic mail. This allows many sites without IP services access to this information in a convenient manner. For retrieval information on the resource guide directory, send a mail message to:, with the following body: Request: resource-guide Topic: resource-guide-help Request: end The guide will continue to be maintained and available through anonymous FTP at, in the directory "resource-guide." The NNSC Staff will also continue to maintain the electronic mailing lists which distribute additions and updates to the guide. For retrieval information on the Internet-drafts directory, send a mail message to:, with the following body: Request: internet-drafts Topic: help Topic: 1id-abstracts.txt Request: end The file "1id-abstracts.txt", is a summary sheet that provides a short synopsis of each Internet Draft available within the "Internet-Drafts" Directory. The NNSC Staff has distributed additions to Chapters 3 and 5 of the guide. Westine [Page 11] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 The NNSC is also participating the development of a simple screen client for the the Wide Area Information Server (WAIS) system. WAIS is a electronic information publishing system developed by Thinking Machines, Apple Computer, and Dow Jones. The new screen- based interface will allow the NNSC to provide a simple and natural query tool for its many documents. The test version of the client may be seen by telneting to "" and logging in with username "wais". Send any comments or feedback to "". Corinne Carroll <> NEARNET ------- NEARnet has grown to 95 members. The NEARnet Trouble Ticket system has been enhanced to allow sites remote access to tickets using the "finger" protocol. NEARnet has deployed OSI CLNS routing throughout its backbone so that members may partipcipate in the Interop '91 Wide Area OSI demonstration. by John Rugo <> PREPNET ------- During August, SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) joined PREPnet. SIAM will be connected to the Philadelphia hub at 56Kbps. Marsha Perrott, PREPnet NIC Manager, attended the July/August IETF meeting in Atlanta. Tom Bajzek, PREPnet Executive Director, and Gary Augustson, PREPnet Steering Committee Chairperson, attended a FARNET workshop to discuss the funding of the NSFNET backbone. PREPnet NIC ( Westine [Page 12] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 PSI ---- PSI's SNMP The PSI MIB compiler was modified to enforce ASN.1 rules more rigorously. A configuration database was implemented and tested in preparation for the implementation of the recommendations of the IETF SNMP Security Working Group. The PSI SNMP software was successfully tested for interoperability with approximately 15 other Network Management Station implementations, and approximately 20 SNMP Agent implementations. Wengyik Yeong ( SAIC ---- The initial gated implementation has undergone some testing. More experience with this version is still needed. However, the changes to gated software have been forwarded to Cornell. The design document for the gated implementation is nearing completion, although there are some unresolved issues. These include: - The specification of the common database for the different IDPR modules and how the modules will do database access. - The interaction of the gated process with an independent route synthesis process. Another critical area where discussion has begun is the implementation of the kernel software needed for IDPR encapsulation. The existing software is inadequate. The operation of IP forwarding in various flavors of 4.3BSD UNIX and the requirements specified in the Router Requirements document are being examined to see how IDPR forwarding can best be inserted. Existing SNMP facilities in gated have been found to be inadequate for experimentation with other network management software. Alternatives are being investigated. Zorica Avramovic has been preparing a seminar on IDPR to be held on September 5th at MITRE in McLean, VA. Westine [Page 13] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 Planned activies: More complex configurations need to be examined with the existing software. This is expected to be done using a 16 node testbed, using Sparta and MITRE facilities. BBN has organized a video conference for September 12th for discussion of some of the issues surrounding the gated implementation. With the design document complete, work will being on the implementation of the new configuration parser and common database facilities. Robert "Woody" Woodburn ( SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER ------------------------------ Work on the CASA gigabit project continued during August. At a recent meeting LANL expressed interest in SDSC helping to adapt their HiPPI network simulator to a wide area network, such as CASA. Hans-Werner Braun and Dan Massey of SDSC are investigating the possibility. Additionally, they're looking into adding graphic displays to the simulator. Hans-Werner Braun also attended a CASA Executive Committee meeting at LANL. During the month NSF expressed interest in including a part of Hans-Werner Braun's time in the NSF-supported NREN Engineering Group (NEG). An agreement was reached with Steve Wolff where Hans-Werner will be able to contribute to this project. SDSC's involvement in the DEC sponsored Sequoia-2000 project continues in the areas of both networking and visualization. The networking effort is currently in the areas of topology & equipment vendor identification. We are working to integrate the Macintosh shareware mailer, Eudora, into our central mail gateway which is based on SoftwareTools and MultiNet. During the coming two weeks we will be integrating a pair of NSC FDDI/T3 routers into our network. They will be used to connect SDSC with the San Diego Convention Center and provide the link for demos at the TCA & EDUCOM shows being held there. by Paul Love <> Westine [Page 14] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 SRI ---- Over 3,700 new numbers were assigned in August. The cumulative total of all IP numbers now assigned is now 34,930. See the table below for a breakdown of these assignments by class. The cumulative total of assigned Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) is 1,336. The total number of domains registered is 3,245. This number includes the root domain, 64 top-level domains, 3,113 second-level domains, and 67 third-level MIL subdomains. Cumulative IP Network Statistics Month/Year Class A B C Total Aug. 1991 45 5,908 28,977 34,930 Jul. 1991 43 5,799 25,364 31,206 Jun. 1991 43 5,654 24,449 30,146 May. 1991 43 5,026 24,797 29,866 Apr. 1991 43 4,977 25,897 30,917 Mar. 1991 41 4,520 24,572 29,133 Feb. 1991 39 4,347 22,552 26,938 Jan. 1991 39 4,246 21,731 26,016 Dec. 1990 36 4,305 21,811 26,152 Nov. 1990 35 4,198 21,149 25,382 Please note: On 26 September, the Internet registration functions (IP networks, ASNs, and domains) that have been performed by SRI will be transferred to Government Systems Inc. All registration activities will be suspended between 26 - 30 September to facilitate this transition. Please refer to DDN Management Bulletin 84 for details. Until the end of September, this bulletin is available online via FTP from host NIC.DDN.MIL host ( with pathname DDN-NEWS:DDN-MANAGEMENT-BULLETIN- 84.TXT. Mary Stahl ( SRI is now offering two new network information products. The TCP/IP CD is a CD-ROM that contains all the online RFCs and IENs, as well as archives of the namedroppers and tcp-ip mailing lists. It has a program that allows searches of these files to isolate information on particular topics of interest. Some public domain software is also included on the CD as there was enough space left over. This CD will be offered at a discount at Interop91. Westine [Page 15] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 The Internet Technology Handbook was edited by Vint Cerf. It organizes currently pertinent RFCs into ten general networking topics offered in six volumes. Each topic is introduced and explained, thus providing some background context for the RFCs. An update to the outdated Protocol Handbook, the new compendium has the same goal of gathering in hardcopy all the RFC information a novice TCP/IP network implementor would need. It takes its guidance from the IAB Official Protocol Standards RFC (1250) and includes many informational RFCs and FYIs along with those RFCs on the standards track. For more information on either of these new offerings, call 1-415- 859-NETS or send a message to April Marine ( UCL ---- We have succesfully put up ST-II (the kernel version) and made VT connection to SICS. Ian Wakeman got the connection through (to Steve Pink & Craig Partridge) and heard laughter in return - Ian says: "I feel just like Alexander Graham Bell..." We also finally properly installed our video CODEC on our analog video switch and also installed the serial line side connection (selectable between this and the butterfly/T20) to an HSI card on a sparc with Van Jacobsons driver. We have also run VT experiments (but not video) to Lancaster, and plans are afoot to connect to the University of Ulster. We await someone in Cambridge (Cambridgeshire). We are running the London FIX measurements that were reported at INET again as there are now about 10 major campus sites in the UK providing "real" IP traffic sources of some complexity. The current stats (at a quiet time of year) still show average around 50% line utilization in daytime. There was an OMG video conference - using our second video conferencing room & switching some services round the department. John Crowcroft attends the End to End research group meeting at SICS 31 Aug/1st Sep. John Crowcroft (j.crowcroft@CS.UCL.AC.UK) Westine [Page 16] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE ---------------------- 1. The IAB approved the IESG recommendation that NTP Version 3 be a proposed Standard. Among other places, it can be fetched from in the pub/ntp/doc directory as the compressed files, and These files are in PostScript format and are known to survive HP and Apple PostScript printers. 2. The DARTnet time-synchronization subnet involving ten routers and over 18 test hosts is still undergoing tests and measurements. A dedicated primary time server has been configured for exclusive DARTnet access. This server is synchronized via our GPS reciever, with backups our WWVB receiver, LORAN receiver and cesium clock. 3. Work continues with Delmarva Power on rehosting our fuzzball time servers to SPARCstations using the xntp NTP daemon, as well as provide support for our GPS receiver. Meanwhile, the UDel and ISI fuzzball time servers have been converted to use the new WWVB broadcast timecode format which provides the year and advance leap-second warning. 4. Dave Mills attended the DARPA ITAI meeting at Mitre Bedford, the end2end research group meeting in Stockholm, and the SIGCOM 91 Symposium in Zurich. 5. Dave Mills (Mills@UDEL.EDU) Westine [Page 17] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 DIRECTORY SERVICES ------------------ This section of the Internet Monthly is devoted to efforts working to develop directory services that are for, or effect, the Internet. We would like to encourage any organization with news about directory service activities to use this forum for publishing brief monthly news items. The current reporters list includes: o IETF OSIDS Working Group [X] o IETF DISI Working Group [X] o Field Operational X.500 Project - ISI - Merit - PSI - SRI o National Institute of Standards and Technology [X] o North American Directory Forum o OSI Implementor's Workshop [X] o PARADISE Project o PSI DARPA/NNT X.500 Project o PSI WHITE PAGES PILOT o Registration Authority Committee (ANSI USA RAC) o U.S. Department of State, Study Group D, MHS Management Domain subcommittee (SG-D MHS-MD) o ANSI ASC X3T5.4 Directory Ad Hoc Group [X] indicates no report this month Steve Hotz ( DS Report Coordinator FOX -- FIELD OPERATIONAL X.500 PROJECT -------------------------------------- The FOX project is a DARPA and NSF sponsored effort to provide a basis for operational X.500 deployment in the NREN/Internet. This work is being carried out at Merit, NSYERNet/PSI, SRI and ISI. ISI is the main contractor and responsible for project oversight. ISI --- ISI organized the August 27 FOX phone conference, which included participants from all of the FOX contractors. FOX participants are tentatively scheduled to meet at Interop '91. Steve Hotz (hotz@ISI.EDU) Westine [Page 18] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 MERIT ----- o Sue Hares chaired the Interop OSI hot staging session, which includes X.500 interoperability testing and demos. o Chris Weider is compiling a list of DUA demos that can be done at Interop. o Chris will attend the RARE WG3 meeting in Zurich at the end of September. o Demonstrated the K-12 directory system and e-mail interface. o Upgrade to isode/quipu 7.0 and new versions of DIXIE and sendmail-x.500 for All mail going through this gateway now does directory lookups. o Work on schema documents progressing. An additional document on schema for NSAP addresses is in progress. Mark Knopper ( PSI --- A script was written to automate the loading of uumap information into the DIT. PSI participated in the FOX phone conference of 8/27/91. Wengyik Yeong ( SRI ---- Based on discussion during the IETF DISI Working Group meeting in July, Russ Wright (LBL) and Ruth Lang compiled and began work on the list of required changes to the document "A Catalog of Available X.500 Implementations" (Internet-Draft document draft-ietf-disi-catalog-00.txt). We received one revised submission for WIN/DS from The Wollongong Group, Inc. We solicited descriptions for PIZARRO, ud, and AT&T implementations(s). Thus far one description has been returned for ud from the University of Michigan. We received and responded to 10 queries regarding the document's availability. Westine [Page 19] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 Interop demonstration ideas were submitted to Chris Weider of Merit who volunteered to coordinate this effort for the FOX project. @o=Internet@ou=WHOIS is populated based on dumps of the DDN-NIC WHOIS database. The transfer of responsibility for DDN-NIC services which includes the maintenance of the WHOIS database will transfer from SRI to GSI in October 1991. Because this transfer will effect SRI's ability to keep the information in @o=Internet@ou=WHOIS up to date, SRI initiated discussion with NSF and DARPA to pursue options to ensure that the X.500 information is kept up to date. Jose Garcia-Luna, Ken Harrenstien, and Ruth Lang participated in the FOX phone conference project meeting held on August 27. Ruth Lang ( NORTH AMERICAN DIRECTORY FORUM ------------------------------- A revised version of the NADF naming document (NADF-175) is being issued as RFC-1255 ("A Naming Scheme for C=US"). Comments are being solicited. PARADISE -------- Forthcoming project operational meetings will be held on 24 September (Nottingham) and 30 October (London). The next PUNTERS meeting will be held on the first day of the RARE WG3 meeting to be held in Zurich between 30 September and 2 October, which will include a day of tutorials, demonstrations and presentations with representation from MERIT et al. After discussion with the CPMU (the COSINE Project Management Unit) some changes are to be made to the COSINE DUA known as "de". It is hoped these will be implemented by 13 September and we look forward to receiving comments on the interface's feel and usability. The address again is: telnet, and type "dua" at the login. The project is committed to a second release of this software in twelve month's time. PARADISE will shortly be announcing the release of a packaged DSA and DUA based on QUIPU 7.0 and "de". The intention of this package is to be able to market a more turnkey X.500 solution particularly to organizations/pilots with little experience with OSI products. Westine [Page 20] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 The next PARADISE brochure is due to come out in November to coincide with ESPRIT Conference Week, hosted by the European Commission, which takes place in Brussels between 25-29 November. There is a limited number of the first brochure still available; when supplies run dry we will make the electronic version available in PostScript. We are planning a much greater volume for the second issue. David Goodman ( PARADISE Project Manager PSI DARPA/NNT X.500 Project --------------------------- Modifications were made to the 'pcwp' MSDOS front-end to the White Pages, and another beta version was released at the end of the month. It is available for anonymous ftp from in wp/pcwp.exe. Work is progressing on a full-screen front-end to the White Pages for MSDOS. A script was written to retrieve listings of the contents of archives available for anonymous ftp in preparation for extensions to the x5ftp retrieval application. A proposal for the organization of the US DMD was prepared, based on planning and testing (in the testbed, below) performed during the month. Testbeds were set up to perform some testing on X.500-related proposals. In the past month, testing was performed on the IETF OSIDS group's recommendations on DSA naming, and to test a proposed plan for the organization of the US DMD. Some minor testing was also performed to verify that changes made to the US public naming scheme in the last NADF meeting did not cause any problems. Wengyik Yeong ( PSI WHITE PAGES PILOT PROJECT ----------------------------- New organizations added to the pilot this past month are: The Mitre Corporation Vitalink Communications Corporation Duke University Westine [Page 21] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 Hughes Aircraft Co. Organizations deleted from the US arc in the past month are: University of Alaska at Fairbanks Wengyik Yeong ( Registration Authority Committee (ANSI USA RAC) ----------------------------------------------- REPORT on the ANSI RAC Meeting of August 6-7 in NYC. Agenda items of interest to OSI-DS and the internet community were: (1) Approval of some changes to the ANSI Procedures for Registration of Names in C=US. These are not substantive in terms of the needs of the Internet community, or of OSI-DS. They mostly deal with minor legalities for things like challenge procedures and such. Registration of c=US Organization Names is proceeding smoothly at this point, though fewer than 10 names have been registered so far. Most registrations to date have been for Numeric Identifiers. (2) Results of the joint ISO/CCITT Editing Meeting for ISO DIS 9834-1 which changes the arc which is used for the combined Alpha-numeric and Numeric identifiers which are used for the ANSI c=US registrations. It seems that CCITT realized too late that only ISO had an arc that was designated to do this. (This is very confusing. I will do my best to explain it as fast simply as possible!) All the ramifications of this change are not yet fully understood, but it is agreed that any identifiers already assigned under the original arc { iso(1) member-body(2) US(840) organization(n) } must never be invalidated or compromised in any way. Thus, all alpha names and numeric identifier values already assigned under {1 2 US(840) } must be reserved by ANSI under {joint-iso-ccitt(2) country(?) 840 }, which is the new arc that is assigned to c=US by joint-iso-ccitt and which will (most likely) be administered by ANSI, since ANSI is already in the business with acceptable operational rules. Joint-iso-ccitt authority has not yet decided what number the new arc will be assigned, so it is represented here with a (?). Perhaps the number will be assigned this month at the ISO/CCITT meeting. Westine [Page 22] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 The question of whether ANSI will have administrative authority over the new arc { 2 ? 840 } hinges on the fact that the new arc is under joint-iso-ccitt, and is assigned to the Country (c=US) and not to an ISO Member-Body (ANSI). Thus, the authority and responsibility is shared by ANSI (ISO Member-Body for the US) and the US Department of State CCITT National Committee, Study Group D (CCITT Member Body for the US). Actions are underway to resolve this in favor of ANSI assumption of { 2 ? US(840) } registration authority and responsibility. Both ANSI and Study Group D are working on it. As for the impact of this change on the use of c=US registered names in the X.500 Directory Service, it should be noted that the full numeric identifier (OID) is not used for a Distinguished Name (DN) (except possibly for the "short-form" name if it is ever approved -- but that is another story altogether). In c=US, the X.500 DN is formed with the Alpha Name value of of an ANSI Registered Organization under c=US. This means that the alpha names will all be the same in either the old or the new c=US arc, and X.500 Directory Services will be unaffected by the change. Only numeric OID values will be affected. Since the new joint-iso-ccitt arc { 2 ? 840 } will be constrained by ANSI to have the same Values (used or reserved) for any registered organization in both the { 1 2 840 } and { 2 ? 840 } arcs, and since X.500 "top" levels are always country codes (from iso 3166), nothing is changed in c=US. (3) The Proposed NADF c=US Naming scheme was presented to USA RAC for consideration of any aspects that might affect, or be affected by ANSI registration actions. ANSI USA RAC has taken the NADF proposal under study, but has not otherwise taken any action. There is concern by the NADF that ANSI should endorse the c=US scheme in order to stabilize it and assure that no actions will be taken to upset it after NADF begins to deploy systems. On behalf of the NADF, Einar Stefferud made the following proposal to the ANSI USA RAC: That the ANSI Register of Organization Names should have a related list of reserved names of organizations chartered by the US Government (e.g., Lawrence Livermore National Labs), so as to prevent attempts by private organizations to register names that are already in use by US Government chartered organizations. Westine [Page 23] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 ANSI USA RAC countered with the argument that this is only feasible if the US Government already maintains such a list (Register of US Chartered Organization Names) that ANSI can use, without having to do a research job to find these names. Einar Stefferud has taken an assignment from the USA RAC to locate the register of US Government Chartered Organizations. This task is to be accomplished by asking those organizations involved with OSI-DS to find this register, and tell us where to get copies of the list of names to use. (e.g., LLNL should tell us where it is!) Another proposal involved the observation that ANSI appears to have registered each of the state governments, using the same FIPS 5 locality codes that the NADF uses for stateOrStateEquivalent. Closer examination shows that what is really registered are stateOrProvince names, and not states-as-organizations. Indeed, there is some confusion at this point with regard to exactly what was originally intended when ANSI grafted the FIPS 5 two letter State Codes into its registry under the { 1 2 US(840) } arc. We also note that ANSI has registered a number of ANSI Standards under the same arc, with a segment of the numeric ID space reserved for standards. Thus, under the { 1 2 US(840) } arc, ANSI has registered three distinct kinds of things (stateOrProvince names, standards names, and private organization names), each with a segment of numeric values reserved for the type. Given all this, Einar Stefferud made the following proposal to the ANSI USA RAC. Remove the copy of FIPS 5 state codes in favor of pointing to the FIPS 5 registry, in order to avoid any possible confusion about who is the real naming authority for assigning names to states and state equivalents in c=US. It is obvious that c=US naming is the prerogative of the US Government, and that the US Government is not going to ask ANSI for permission to name any new states, or state-equivalents. ANSI USA RAC countered with a task assignment Stefferud to produce a complete, fleshed out proposal as a contribution to the next ANSI USA RAC meeting during the week of November 18. The proposal is due by September 30. The skeleton of this (DRAFT) proposal is as follows (your comments are welcome): Westine [Page 24] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 ANSI shall use and maintain 3 tables of names. Table 1: The names of the states and state-equivalents are found in FIPS 5. The FIPS 5 name for any state or state-equivalent (e.g., "California") is the registered name for that state or state-equivalent (e.g., "for the State of California"). Table 2: Names of standards registered by ANSI under { 1 2 US(840) } must be distinguished (different) from any state or state-equivalent names in FIPS 5, and from any names assigned to any private organization under this same arc. Table 3: Names of organizations in the { 1 2 US(840) } and the { 2 ? US(840) } registers maintained by ANSI must always be distinguished (different) from any names registered in Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3. The logic of this proposal is that any alpha or numeric name of any entity (state, standard or organization) registered in { 1 2 US(840) } or in {2 ? US(840) } must be unique without consideration of the attribute type with which it may be associated. This will assure that These three tables (plus the to-be-discovered table of US Government Chartered Organization Names) will thus serve as reserved lists against which names requested by applicants will be checked for conflicts. In the event of a conflict, the name request must be denied. This proposal has not yet been given to anyone else for review or comment. It will be further fleshed out and refined before submission as a contribution to the next ANSI USA RAC meeting. It is not part of this specific proposal that the two arcs -- { 1 2 US(840) } and { 2 ? US(840) } must be synchronized so that they are identical wherever there is any entry in one that also exists in the other. Also, all existing alpha names registered in { 1 2 US(840) } must be simply copied over to { 2 ? US(840) } and new organization names should henceforth be registered only in { 2 ? US(840) }. As noted above, this will not be detectable in the use of these alpha names in X.500 DistinguishedNames. Einar Stefferud ( Westine [Page 25] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 SG-D MHS-MD ----------- MHSMD will meet next month on Sept 17-18 at the US Dept of State, Room 1207. To arrange for your attendance if you wish to attend: Phone Gary Fereno at 202-647-2592, or FAX at 202-647-7407, or Internetmail to "Gary Fereno" <> Secutity is tight at the State Dept. You must be listed in advance to be admitted to the building, and you must have ID to show, but there are no other restrictions that I know of. If you are not a US Citizen, ask Gary if this is a problem. A report will be forthcoming after the MHSMD meeting. Einar Stefferud ( ANSI ASC X3T5.4 Directory Ad Hoc Group -------------------------------------- The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X3T5.4 met at Nashua, New Hampshire from July 22-26 1991. The major agenda item was the preparation of ballot comments on the Committee Draft (CD) for Replication and the 12 Proposed Draft Amendments (PDAMs) for extensions to the International Consultative Committee for Telegraphy and Telephony (CCITT) X.500 Recommendations/International Organization for Standardization (ISO)/International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 9594. The CD and PDAMs resulted from the international editing meeting in Phoenix in April-May. The Directory Ad Hoc Group is generally pleased with the content of the CD and PDAMs and proposed that the US vote to accept them with one exception, the abstract services PDAM, which has one service that is not compatible with the access control model. The proposed ballot comments were accepted by ANSI ASC X3T5.5 and with minor modifications by ANSI ASC X3T5. Draft International Standard (DIS) and Draft Amendment (DAM) text is expected in November 1991. Ella Gardner ( Westine [Page 26] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 CALENDAR OF EVENTS ------------------ Readers are requested to send in dates of events that are appropriate for this calendar section. 1991 CALENDAR Sep 3-6 ACM SIGCOMM91, Zurich, Switzerland Bernhard Plattner ( Sep 29-Oct 4 5TH SDL (CCITT FDT) FORUM, Rick Reed, GPT Coventry, UK Oct 7-15 6TH WORLD TELECOM'92 SYMPOSIUM, Geneva Oct 8-11 IFIP WORKSHOP ON OPEN DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING or heymer@iir-adlershof.adw.dp.dd Oct 15-17 4TH INTL. WORKSHOP ON PROTOCOL TEST SYSTEM Leidschendam, Jan Kroon ( Nov 18-22 IETF, Santa Fe, MN Megan Davies (mdavies@NRI.RESTON.VA.US Nov 19-22 FORTE'91, University of Queensland Ken Parker, Telecom Austrl ( Dec 2-5 4TH INT. WORKSHOP ON PETRI NETS AND PERFORMANCE MODELS, Melbourne, Australia Jonathan Billington, Telecom Austrl. (j.billington @ Dec 2-5 GLOBECOM'91, See IEEE Publications. Phoenic Dec 14-18 OIW, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD 1992 CALENDAR Jan 13-21 ANSI X3T5 Jan 20-22 RIPE, Amsterdam Jan 28-30 ANSI X3S3.3, Tucson, AZ Feb 19-20 RARE WG1, Location unknown Feb 20-21 RARE Manager Mtg, Location unknown Mar 2-6 ANSI X3T5 Mar 2-6 CAIA '92 8th IEEE Conference on AI Application Mar 3-5 ACM CSC, Kansas City, MO Mar 9-13 IEEE802 Plenary, Irvine, CA Mar 9-13 OIW, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD Mar 16-19 Info Netwrk&DataComm, Espoo, FI Mar 18-20 Computers, Freedom & Privacy II, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Washington, DC Mar 25-27 National Net 92, Washington DC Mike Roberts ( Apr 6-16 CCITT SG VII, Geneva, Switzerland Westine [Page 27] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 Apr 21-23 ANSI X3S3.3, Mountain View, Ca. <Spring> IETF, San Diego, CA Megan Davies ( May 4-6 ANSI X3T5 May 4-8 DECUS '92, Atlanta, GA May 4-8 IEEE INFOCOM'92, See IEEE Pub., Florence May 12-14 Joint Network Conference 3, Innsbruck, Austria (this is the RARE Networkshop - renamed) May 18-25 INTEROP92, Washington, D.C. Dan Lynch ( May 19-29 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 21, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada May 27-29 IFIP WG 6.5 Int'l Conference, Vancouver, Canada May ??-?? Third IFIP International Workshop on Protocols for High-Speed Networks, Stockholm Per Gunningberg, Bjorn Pehrson, Stephen Pink, Jun 8-12 OIW, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD Jun 10-11 RARE WG1, tentative-Location unknown Jun 11-12 RARE COSINE MHS MGR, tentative-Location unknown Jun 14-17 ICC-SUPERCOMM'92, Chicago, IL Jun 15-19 INET92, Kobe, Japan Jun Murai (, KEIO University Jun 16-18 ANSI X3S3.3, Minneapolos, MN Jun 22-25 PSTV-XII, Orlando Umit Uyar ( Jerry Linn or Holmdel, NIST linnrj@ECF.NCSL.NIST.GOV Jun 14-17 ICC-SUPERCOMM'92, Chicago, See IEEE Publ.. Jul 6-10 IEEE802 Plenary, Bloomington, MN Jul 13-17 ANSI X3T5 Jul 13-24 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6, San Diego, CA Aug 17-20 SIGCOMM, Baltimore, MD Deepinder Sidhu, UMBC Sep 14-18 ANSI X3T5 Sep 21-25 OIW, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD Sep 22-24 ANSI X3S3.3, Boston, MA Oct 5-8 FORTE'92, Lannion Roland Groz ( Michel Diaz ( Oct 26-30 INTEROP92, San Francisco Dan Lynch ( Nov 9-13 ANSI X3T5 Dec ANSI X3S3.3, Boulder, CO Dec 7-11 DECUS '92, Las Vegas, NV Dec 14-18 OIW, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD Westine [Page 28] Internet Monthly Report August 1991 1993 CALENDAR Mar 8-12 INTEROP93, Wasington, D.C. Dan Lynch ( Mar 8-12 OIW, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD May 23-26 ICC'92, Geneva, Switzerland May-Jun PSTV-XIII, University of Liege. Contact: Andre Danthine, May 23-26 ICC'93, Geneva, See IEEE Publications. Jun 7-11 OIW, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD Aug INET93, San Francisco Bay Area Aug SIGCOMM, San Francisco Sep 13-17 OIW, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD Sep 20-31 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6, Seoul, Korea. Oct 25-29 INTEROP93, San Francisco Dan Lynch ( Nov 9-13 IEEE802 Plenary, LaJolla, CA Dec 6-10 OIW, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD 1994 CALENDAR Apr 18-22 INTEROP94, Washington, D.C. Dan Lynch ( Sep 12-16 INTEROP94, San Francisco Dan Lynch ( 1995 EVENTS Sep 18-22 INTEROP95, San Francisco, CA Dan Lynch ( Westine [Page 29]