
                          R  I  P  E

                           Task Forces

   RIPE tasks are structured in two ways: time frame and task group.
   The task groups will be assigned to task forces, which are groups of
individuals having a vital interest to achieve the tasks. The task forces will
designate a coordinator whose responsibility it is to make sure progress is
made and results will be achieved within the timeframe the task force has
agreed on.
   Each task will be assigned to a number of task force members. A date
for completion and for a first report will be set and agreed by the task force
and especially by those to work on the task. Reports are used to monitor
a tasks progress and keep other RIPE members interested in it informed.
Reports can be very informal. It is important that the task gets done, not
the reports.
   Note that the name task force implies that tasks are clearly defined and
should be achievable within a set time frame.
   The time frames for RIPE tasks are:

   o short term (a few weeks to two months)

   o long term (a few months)

   o ongoing (this is something that needs to be done continuously, in this
     case the task force's task is to define a way to do the ongoing activity,
     get it started and monitor it's progress)

   The task groups are:

  1. Connectivity and Routing

  2. Network Management and Operations


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  3. Domain Name System

  4. Formal Coordination

   The outcome of a task force consists of a report with recommendations.
The recommendations will be discussed in the RIPE framework, and when
concensus has been reached will be implemented.

Task Force 1:  Connectivity and Routing

IP connectivity in Europe is not based on a strong backbone network such
as NSFnet or EARN. It is not clear whether such a backbone will be fea-
sible in the forseeable future.  This makes IP connectivity problems much
harder to solve technically, operationally and politically. This task force will
be assigned all the tasks relating to the technical and design problems of
achieving optimum connectivity.
   Quite some input should be generated to task force 2 (Network Man-
agement and Operations) so that it can plan how to master the operational
problems and can give feedback about problems that can be overcome by a
different design.
   Also input should be generated to task force 4 (Fromal Coordination)
on the necessary formal agreements for the use of infrastructures owned by
the RIPE member organisations. How to get these agreements is a task of
TF 4.

Task 1-1: Make an inventory of international IP connectivity in Europe
          and from Europe to other continents.
          Term: Dec89

Task 1-2: Make an inventory of national IP infrastructures not yet inter-
          Term: Jan90

Task 1-3: Make a plan for connectivity between IP networks of RIPE mem-
          bers and to other continents.
          Term: Mar90, first report Jan90

Task 1-4: Design a routing scheme to be used on the international infras-
          tructure coordinated by RIPE (EGP, BGP ....).
          Term: Mar90, first report Jan90

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Task 1-5: Monitor the setting up of RIPE coordinated routing and adapt
          the design if necessary.
          Term: ongoing

Task  Force  2:  Network  Management  and  Operations

European IP traffic is carried by a multitude of different infrastructures.
The resulting pan-European IP infrastructure needs to be well managed
in coordination with the managements of the underlying infrastructures.
Currently this works well enough.  With the expected growth a generally
agreed management coordination is needed.
   This task force should develop a managament framework and collect the
necessary management information.
   Coordination with all other task forces activities is needed.

Task 2-1: Create and maintain a (`whois') database about RIPE IP net-
          works and their management information.
          Term: Ongoing, reports monthly, first Dec89

Task 2-2: Create an infrastructure of operational contacts via various means
          of communication.
          Term: Jan90

Task 2-3: Create a procedure for notification of security relevant problems
          assuming that the networks itself are unusable.
          Term: Jan90

Task 2-4: Develop procedures for common network operations. These can
          be loosely agreed and need not be formally specified. Topics: Use of
          SNMP, reciprocal logins for testing purposes etc.
          Term: Mid90, first rep Jan90

Task 2-5: Gather operating statistics.  Traffic volume.  Number of networks,
          hosts. etc. These are useful for planning and external publicity.
          Term: Ongoing, first rep Jan90

Task 2-6: Set up a European NIC which makes available the results of
          tasks 2-1 to 2-5 to all interested parties.
          Term: End90, first rep Mar90

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Task 2-7: Maintenance and distribution of sets of common utilities, needed
          for the execution of the tasks 2-1 to 2-5.
          Term: ongoing.

Task 2-8: Create and maintain centers of expertise in certain areas: router
          hardware and software, NSS, IBM software, etc.
          Term: ongoing.

Task Force 3:  Domain Name System

Europe needs a set of well coordinated nameservers.  Europe also needs a
set of nameservers that is resistent to partial loss of connectivity, especially
with the US.

Task 3-1: Create a database containing namespace administration data:
          who administers top level domains and first level subdomains. This is
          for management purposes.
          Term: Jan90

Task 3-2: Coordinate backup nameservers (secondaries) within RIPE and
          within the Internet.
          Term: Jan90

Task 3-3: Design a framework of DNS backup servers within RIPE and get
          backup for root nameservice to Europe.
          Term: Mar90

Task 3-4: Maintain a list of recommended DNS software and known bugs.
          Term: ongoing, Jan90

Task 3-5: Study mailrouting and MX records.
          Term: ongoing, first report Mar90.

Task Force 4:  Formal Coordination

To make IP in Europe work we need formal agreements between the different
networks. We also need to represent the RIPE activity to the outside world.
   This should be done by a separate task force but in very close coordina-
tion with the other RIPE task forces.

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Task 4-1: Propose a template agreement on IP cooperation.
          Term: Jan90

Task 4-2: Maintain contacts with CCIRN and FRICC directly.
          Term: ongoing

Task 4-3: Start formal contacts with other organisations as necessary.
          Term: Ongoing

Task 4-4: Investigate and propose a possible legal status for RIPE.
          Term: Mar90.

29 November 1989