Activity Plan

                         R. Blokzijl

                         May 5, 1991

                        ref.: ripe-35


This document describes the activity plan for the proposed RIPE Network Co-
ordination Center (NCC). As such it must be regarded as a technical annex to
the document proposing the installation of an NCC (ripe-19).
   In the NCC proposal it is recommended to have a separate organisation that
is responsible for the execution of a certain number of tasks that are
indispensible for the proper management of IP networks on a European scale.
The nature of these tasks is such that it has proven to be extremely difficult
to execute them as a voluntary effort on an ongoing, regular basis.  Also the
efficiency of the work would be greatly improved with a centralised execution
of the tasks.
   The individual work items are described below. It should be stressed that
regular reporting (weekly, monthly and yearly) on the progress of the work is
foreseen for all work items.

1   Technical - Coordination Activities

  1. Maintain a database of European IP networks and their management in-
     The database to be maintained will contain several classes of objects.
     These objects are described in detail in ripe-13.  At the moment the
     following object classes have been defined:

     (a) Networks

     (b) Responsible persons

     (c) Domains


   (d) Routers

   (e) International lines

    (f)Name Servers

   The NCC will be responsible for the database entries; this includes

   (a) collection of database entries

   (b) checking of individual entries

   (c) checking of consistency and integrity of the database

   Weekly reports on changes in the contents of the database will be pro-
   duced, together with statistics about the number of database entries.

2. Distribution of the database.
   Secondary copies of the database can be installed at other sites upon re-
   quest. It is the responsability of the NCC to keep track of such secondaries,
   and to keep the contents consistent.
   An up to date record of secondary sites will be maintained on line.

3. Coordination of database exchange with other organisations.
   The NCC will coordinate and execute the exchange of database informa-
   tion with NCC's outside Europe. The result will be that for the end user
   of the database one uniform set of global information will be available.

4. Keep a record of existing IP connectivity in Europe, and between Europe
   and other continents.
   The record shall consist of a set of maps that catalogue the existing con-
   nectivity in Europe. These maps fall into three main categories:

   (a) International connectivity inside Europe

   (b) Connectivity between Europe and other continents

   (c) Connectivity inside European countries and or networks

   The last category depends heavily on cooperation with individual NOC's.

   The maps to be produced will be made available on line in the form of a set
   of PostScript files for remote retrieval and reproduction. Adequate tools
   for providing the maps (both hardware and software) must be available.

   The updated maps will be published on a monthly basis.

5. Keep an inventory of IP infrastructures not yet interconnected.
   This information will be kept in the same format as the maps of the
   interconnected networks. The collection and integration of the information
   depends heavily on the cooperation of individual NOC's.

   The updated maps will be published on a monthly basis.


  6. Keep a record of operational contact points.
     This will consist of a list of NOC's and responsible people that will be
     used as a reference list for the individual NOC's to be used in case of
     network related incidents, including security incidents.

     Individual NOC's will be able to subscribe to a weekly update service.

  7. Maintain a list of recommended DNS software and known bugs.
     The result will be available on a server in the form of software and
     reports of known bugs, recommendations, etc.

     A subscription service for change and update reports will be maintained.

  8. Placement of name servers and backup servers in Europe, and beyond.
     On a regular basis the interworking between the DNS name servers in
     Europe, and their connections to name servers outside Europe, must be
     checked.  Detected errors and inconsistencies must be reported to the
     responsible persons; corrective actions must be followed. The result will
     be a consistent set of name servers.

  9. Gather traffic statistics and network performance data.
     Traffic statistics will be gathered in an orderly way from a set of well
     defined routers. The result will be regular reports on traffic volumes and
     network performance.

2   Technical - Development Activities

NICs and NOCs and the NCC need special purpose software tools for their
work. While some of these tools are available commercially others will have to
either be obtained from the public domain or specially developed to suit local
needs. The NCC will collect, develop, document and test such tools in order to
make them available to the RIPE community. While some basic support will
be given the NCC will not provide full support for these tools.

  1. Database management tools.
     Tools for management of the database and their maintenance are an im-
     portant work item for the NCC. The result will be the availability of a
     consistent database.

  2. Database querying tools.
     Development and maintenance of the whois utility. The result will be a
     program, available from a file server, that permits remote interrogation of
     the database.

  3. Tools for gathering and presenting network usage statistics and perfor-
     mance data.


     Software has to be collected, developed and maintained for gathering sta-
     tistical data. The result will be a set of tools, available from a file
     server, together with documentation and recommendations for use.  This will
     enable the RIPE community to gather and present statistics in a uniform

  4. DNS quality control tools.
     Utilities for quality control of the interworking of the DNS name servers
     will be developed and maintained. The result will be a set of software and
     documentation, available from a server.

  5. Tools for drawing network diagrams.
     Network diagrams have become complicated objects nowadays, and the
     amount of work needed to draw them is no longer negligible. Some effort
     should be dedicated to study the possibility to generate them in a more
     automatic way from existing databases.  The result will be more up to
     date and more accurate network diagrams.

3   Administrative - RIPE Activity Support

The NCC will give the following support to the RIPE activities:

  1. Keeping the RIPE document store.
     The NCC will keep RIPE documents online and easily accessible to the
     RIPE community.

  2. Technical and secretarial support for studies undertaken by RIPE.
     The NCC will provide technical and clerical support for RIPE studies and
     task forces in order to enhance continuity and coordination of the work
     between RIPE meetings.

  3. Organisational support for RIPE meetings. RIPE meeting attendance is
     expected to be on the order of 40 persons in the near future. The NCC
     will provide clerical support to organise these meetings in order to keep
     them productive.

4   Administrative - Reporting

The NCC will follow the following general reporting procedures:

  1. quarterly reports an all activities will be produced for the RIPE partici-
     pating organisations and the RARE CoA.

  2. quarterly reports on outstanding problems will be produced for the RIPE
     participating organisations and the RARE CoA.


  3. the NCC reports on its ongoing work and outstanding problems also to
     each RIPE meeting.  These meetings take currently place three times a

  4. The NCC will produce annual reports. These will be available on the 31st
     of January following the year to be reported on.

5   Requirements for an NCC

The following requirements for the running of the RIPE NCC have been iden-

   o staff

       - 1.0 FTE NCC manager with proven skills in:

           *Internet network technology, applied to large scale networks

           *Management and communication

           *Working in an international environment

         The NCC manager must be willing to take the position for a period
         of at least 3 years.

       - 1.0 FTE NCC technical staff with proven skills in:

           *Internet network technology, applied to large scale networks

           *Working in an international environment

         The NCC technical officer must be willing to take the position for a
         period of at least 1 year.

       - 1.5 FTE Administrative staff, with proven skills in:

           *Administrative work

           *Using advanced computing equipment

           *Working in an international environment

         The NCC administrative officer must be willing to take the position
         for a period of at least 2 years.

   o equipment:

       - work-stations with X-windows capability for staff

       - an adequate minicomputer to support the work-stations and to house
         the data bases

       - excellent IP networking access, both European and intercontinental

       - excellent mail connectivity

       - support for OSI based services


o office space:

    - 2 offices with the normal operational overheads

    - communication costs allocation

o location:
  It is essential that the actual place where the NCC is located, is close to an
  operating NOC and other RIPE activities. This will make it possible to
  keep the number of NCC staff limited, while still providing fertile grounds
  where NCC activities will florish.

o travel budget
  it is foreseen that NCC staff will have to make at least the following travels
  on a yearly basis:

    - attend all RIPE meetings

    - attend 6 meetings in Europe

    - attend 4 meetings outside Europe
