ripe-52 RIPE Database Status Report April 24th 1992 Daniel Karrenberg RIPE NCC The database of RIPE network management information continues to grow: Nov. 1990 Jun. 1991 Jan. 1992 Apr. 1992 persons 643 1270 2728 3365 networks 670 1053 1792 2242 domains 0 845 1254 1360 Total 1313 3168 5774 6967 Database usage by NOCs and individuals is still increasing. In the period form March 25th to April 24th 1992 the RIPE NCC whois server was queried 4574 times (including 169 queries from within the NCC itself) which is one query every 10 minutes on average. This is astonishing for a not too widely publicised service. The central database is now maintained by the RIPE NCC and no longer by volunteer effort. This means that the frequency of updates and the consistency checking will be improved. A new and improved distribution of the database software is almost ready. Sites willing to -test this release are invited to contact the NCC. The EBONE action team has requested to use the RIPE database to store EBONE routing information. This will have a positive effect on the accuracy of database information because network administrators will have to register their networks in order to obtain routing via EBONE. The EAT currently evaluates whether the database extensions proposed by the RIPE routing WG are sufficient for EBONE purposes. If they are not, the EAT is to propose further extensions. Per Country Statistics ( This table only available in the PostScript version ) Database Maintenance by RIPE members As can be seen from the per country statistics above, the maintenance quality of the database still differs widely. The NCC will actively seek information in those areas where it is believed that there are many unregistered sites. However this will need the active cooperation of all RIPE members. I'd like to use this opportunity to remind you that all updates should be sent to <>. This is a new address since the NCC is now operational. Please use the current templates accessible by anonymous FTP from in directory ripe/dbase. Those who cannot use anonymous FTP can request the templates by electronic mail from <>. Pre-checked bulk updates from NOCs are preferred but information from any source will be accepted. For some reason it has become popular to include large amounts of information in the "description" attribute of various database objects. Please note that this object is meant for short descriptions. Especially since the first "description" attribute will be used in tabulations etc. Acknowledgments Again I thank all NOCs for their efforts to maintain the RIPE database as a useful tool for everyone within RIPE and elsewhere.Thanks also go to EUnet/ EurOpen who have provided the machine which has housed the database for more than two years.