Details of  Hotels in Amsterdam
			   February 1993

<> All phone numbers below require the prefix 31 20 <quoted number>.
<> All tram connections are from central station.

Low Budget Hotels (price range 80-120 Hfl)
Name			Address	                    Phone      Fax    Tram 

International Centrum	Linnaeusstraat 2            6925111             9    
Barbacan		Plantage Muidergracht 89    6236241    6272041  9  
Parklane		Plantage Parklaan 16	    6224804		9
Parkzicht		Roemer Visscherstraat 33    6180897		5
Roemer Visscher		Roemer Visscherstraat 10    6125511             5
Fita			Jan Luyckenstraat 37	    6790976		5

The hotels listed BELOW can be booked via the following organisation:

 AMS Booking Centre
 PO Box 60011
 1005 GA Amsterdam
 The Netherlands

 Tel: 6831811
 Fax: 6160320
 Telex: 14275

Name           Price    Address                     Phone      Fax    Tram	
Museum	  ***  170/244  PC Hooftstraat 2	    6621402    6733918   5
Trianon   ***  170/244  JW Brouwerstraat 3-7        6732073    6738868  16
Terdam    ***  170/244  Tesselschadestraat 23       6126876    6838313	 5
Holland   ***  170/244  PC Hooftstraat 162	    6764253    6765956   5
Beethoven **** 190/280  Beethovenstraat 43	    6644816    6621240  24
Lairesse  **** 240/280  De Lairessestraat 5-7	    6719596    6711756  16