RIPE NCC Funding

                        Rob Blokzijl
                     Daniel Karrenberg

                    Document ID: ripe-84
                     Version: May 1993

1.  Introduction

RIPE (Reseaux IP Europeens) is a collaborative  organisation
open  to  all  European  Internet  service  providers.   The
objective of RIPE is to ensure the necessary  administrative
and  technical coordination to allow the operation of a pan-
European IP network. RIPE does not operate a network of  its

The RIPE Network Coordination Centre supports all those RIPE
activities   which   cannot   be  effectively  performed  by
volunteers from the participating organisations.

The RIPE NCC started operation in the second quarter of 1992
and  currently  has  3  permanent  staff  members.  The RARE
association provides the legal and financial  framework  for
the  NCC. Funding for the first year of operation of the NCC
has been provided by EARN,  the  full  national  members  of
RARE,  Israel and EUnet.  These organisations have agreed to
guarantee funding of  NCC  operation  during  the  remaining
three  quarters  of  1993.   At  the  same  time  they  have
expressed that -while they guarantee continued  funding-  it
is  imperative  that the remaining European Internet service
providers start contributing  to  NCC  funding  as  soon  as
possible.    As  all  European  Internet  service  providers
benefit from  NCC  services,  the  costs  should  be  shared

Because of this RIPE seeks to establish  agreement  about  a
funding  model among European Internet service providers and
other organisations interested in contributing.

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2.  Scope

In this paper, an attempt is made to analyse the problem  by
categorising  the  services and user communities of the NCC,
discuss some of the possible options, and to  arrive  at  an
agreed framework for RIPE NCC funding.

Funding of local  registries  in  general  and  local  "non-
provider"  registries  in particular is outside the scope of
this paper.

Also the actual level of charges is to be agreed  separately
once  there  is  consensus  about the model outlined in this

The model has been approved by  the  15th  RIPE  meeting  in
April 1993.

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3.  Categories of NCC Services

When approaching the problem from the NCC user angle one can
identify several classes of users according to the different
services the NCC  offers.  Therefore  we  present  the  main
services  presently  provided  by the NCC first. For details
about these services, please  see  the  RIPE  NCC  Quarterly

3.1.  Information Service - RIPE Document Store

The biggest and most diverse group of NCC  users  are  those
making use of the NCC information services.  The information
services consist of various  ways  to  retrieve  information
from  what is called the "RIPE Document Store".  Despite the
name this carries not only documents but also software tools
related to network management.  The scope is wider than just
RIPE but restricted to information relevant to Internet  and
RIPE  activities.   For instance the document store contains
mirror images of the RARE, EBONE and  IETF  document  stores
including  all RFC and all Internet draft documents.  In the
Internet tradition the document store is  available  to  all
sites  on  the Internet and additionally accessible from the
public X.25 networks as well as  EuropaNet(IXI).   Users  do
not  need to register before using this information service.
Logs are kept about usage and summaries are published in the
RIPE  NCC  Quarterly  Reports.   The  user community of this
service is the whole worldwide Internet.

3.2.  RIPE Network Management Database

The RIPE network management database holds information about
European  IP  networks  (network  in the sense of IP network
numbers),  DNS  Domains,  Autonomous  Systems  and   contact
persons  for  these.  Further  it  contains  routing  policy
information. Users do not need to register  before  querying
the  RIPE database.  Logs are kept about usage and summaries
are  published  in  the  RIPE  NCC  Quarterly  Reports.  The
database  is  available  to  the  whole  worldwide  Internet
community.  The community represented in the database itself
is limited to European organisations.

3.3.  European Regional Internet Registry

The RIPE NCC functions as the European regional registry for
Internet numbers. The most important such numbers are the IP
network numbers, which constitute the IP address space.  The
NCC    provides   a   mechanism   which   enables   European
organisations to obtain the address space they  need  in  an
efficient  manner  without  the  need to refer to the global
registry in the US.  At the same time the NCC  ensures  that

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usage  of the address space is fair and address space is not

The user community for the regional  registry  functions  is
all   European  organisations  using  TCP/IP  protocols  and
desiring unique addresses.  Note that this  is  larger  than
the community connected to what we call the European part of
the Internet.

In principle the NCC achieves the above by  working  through
local  registries.  These are IP service providers assigning
address  space  to  their  customers.   Those  who  are  not
customers of an IP service provider (yet) ar served by local
"non-provider"  registries.    Looking   at   it   in   this
hierarchical  fashion  the  direct  user  community  are the
European  IP  service  providers  and   the   "non-provider"
registries  which  handle  the vast majority of the registry
actions locally without involvement of the NCC.

Wherever a local registry has not been established  the  NCC
assigns  address  space  directly.  The NCC also handles all
requests for  larger  amounts  of  address  space  directly,
especially those for class B numbers.

3.4.  RIPE Support

The RIPE NCC supports  RIPE  activities  in  general.   This
includes  providing  mailing  list  service  as well as some
secretarial service to RIPE and  the  RIPE  working  groups,
preparation  and logistics for three RIPE meetings a year in
varying locations for an increasing amount of attendees. The
last  meeting  was attended by approximately 90 people.  The
NCC also participates in global activities such as the  IETF
on behalf of RIPE.

The  direct  user  community  of  these  services  are   the
organisations  participating  in  RIPE.   The  indirect user
community are all organisations connected  to  the  European
part  of  the  Internet  because  RIPE  is  the organisation
coordinating the European Internet.

3.5.  General Coordination

The NCC also performs a  host  of  small  and/or  incidental
coordination  functions  related to the European part of the
Internet which are not easy to categorise.  This  is  normal
for  a  focal  point of distributed activities like the RIPE

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4.  Categories of RIPE NCC Users

Based on the different services offered one can  distinguish
different  categories  of  NCC  users.  We will do this in a
hierarchical fashion by defining a number of user categories
which are progressively smaller subsets of each other.

4.1.  The Internet at Large

The  most  general  category  is  users  of   the   Internet
worldwide.   The  information and database querying services
of the NCC are open to the whole global Internet  community.
Charging  for  these  services  is next to impossible in the
current Internet framework because  users  do  not  need  to
register  before  using these services.  The sheer number of
users makes traditional billing methods unworkable as  well.
Even  if  it  was  practicable to bill for these services it
would probably  be  counterproductive  because  their  usage
helps keeping the Internet coordinated and keeps quite a bit
of load off the NCC itself as well as the help desks of  the
service providers.

4.2.  European Internet Users

The next category is all organisations  connected  to  (some
parts of) the European Internet.  This obviously is a subset
of the global Internet users.  In addition to  the  services
used  by  the  previous  category these organisations depend
more on the RIPE database registration  service  because  of
the  role  the database plays in distributing routing policy

Because these organisations are connected they are also more
likely  to  benefit from the general coordination activities
of the RIPE NCC.

Charging these users could be done in form of  a  periodical
database  registration  charge.  However this could work out
counterproductive  to  the  goal  of  manageability  of  the
European Internet if organisations or service providers find
ways  of  achieving   the   desired   connectivity   without
registering.   Also  the measurement of use and the charging
model will be hard to agree. The number of entities to  bill
is still large.

An alternative that has been discussed in  the  past  is  to
charge   based   on   the   address  space  assigned  to  an
organisation.  Once could charge either  per  assignment  or
one  could  "rent  out"  address  space.   The  latter would
provide an incentive to use address  space  prudently.   The
limits   of   practicability   here   are   the   number  of
organisations,  the  legal  implications,  especially   with

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holders   of   already   assigned  address  space.   Another
prerequisite is global agreement on the charges  to  prevent
"grey  imports".  Our conclusion is that this is impractical
for the time being but could  be  valuable  in  the  future,
especially  as a tool to rationalise address space usage. It
remains  doubtful  however  whether  it  will  ever   become
practicable and economical to do.

4.3.  European Internet Service Providers

Each  organisation  in  the  previous  category  either   is
connected  through  a  service  provider or is itself such a
service provider.  The service providers make use of all NCC
services  the  previous  category  uses.  However they do so
much  more  directly  than  their  customers.   The  service
providers  interact  directly  with the NCC for the registry
function, as  members  of  RIPE  and  when  using  the  RIPE
database   for  trouble  shooting  and  routing.   For  many
interactions with the  NCC  the  service  providers  act  on
behalf of their customers.

Charging the service providers could be achieved in the same
way as above through a database registration charge and/or a
registration charge, with the same drawbacks.

An alternative charging  model  which  becomes  viable  when
charging  via  the providers is to charge a fixed annual fee
depending on the rough size of  the  provider.  This  way  a
reasonably  fair  distribution  of the costs can be achieved
without spending a lot of resources defining and  collecting
the usage data used for charging.

The big benefit of funding  via  the  service  providers  in
general is that the number of entities to bill is relatively
small and -even more importantly- there is a chance to  come
to a consensus about the charging model.  This way the wider
European user community will be  funding  the  NCC  services
from  which  they  benefit  via  the providers. So the users
having a direct benefit pay, albeit indirectly.

4.4.  Individual TCP/IP Users

A  category  outside  of  the  previous  hierarchy  are  all
organisations  using  TCP/IP in Europe who are not customers
of a service provider.  Typically  these  are  organisations
operating  local  area  networks,  but  some  are  operating
substantial  networks  inside  their   organisation.    This
community  uses  the regional Internet registry and database
registration services in order to obtain unique addresses in
case  they  want  to  connect to the Internet at large or to
other organisations later on.

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The only basis for billing which is obvious for  this  group
is the registry service.

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5.  Proposed Model for 1993/1994

Looking at the services and the user  communities  the  most
practical   general   model   is  funding  via  the  service
providers.  Looking at the problems described  above  it  is
clear  that  it  will be next to impossible to agree quickly
-if at all- on  the  metrics  for  charging.   Therefore  we
propose  to  establish  four categories of service providers
with associated charges in ECU.  The charging  levels  below
are indicative and are expected to change during the ongoing

    Category     Annual Charge (1994)   Charge Q2-4 1993

    Large               10000                 7500
    Medium               6000                 4500
    Small                3000                 2250
    Very Small           1000                 1000

The  service  providers  will   determine   their   category
themselves.   The  categories  are  geared towards providers
operating at the national or regional level.   International
service  providers  with a wider geographical scope may find
it appropriate  to  make  commitments  above  the  level  of
"Large"   and   indeed  this  has  happened  already.   Also
interested organisations who are not service providers  have
indicated  their  willingness to contribute and the level of
their contributions will be independent from the  categories
for service providers.

In order to provide guidance, all firm commitments  will  be
published  as  they  are  received.   Also  the level of all
actual contributions will be published  once  a  year.   For
additional   guidance   service  providers  are  welcome  to
contact the RIPE chair.

5.1.  Possible problems with the charging model

One  problem  is  to  convince  all  service  providers   to
contribute  to  NCC  funding.   Given  the  spirit  of  RIPE
cooperation and the obvious benefit service providers derive
from  NCC services and the relatively low charges, we expect
this to be achievable.

The only group that  would  not  be  charged  this  way  but
directly  benefiting  from  NCC  services  is the individual
TCP/IP users.  There are  two  possibilities  to  deal  with
this.  Either there is consensus among the service providers
that a large part of these are  future  customers  and  thus
"covered" or a separate charging model needs to be developed

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for registration services  for  this  group.   As  described
above  charging  for  registration  based  on  either  a per
assignment charge or "rental" address space  is  not  really
practicable   at  this  point.   Appendix  B  contains  some
material about possible models for this.

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6.  Conclusions

The European Internet service providers will  commonly  fund
the RIPE NCC according to a charging scheme based on a small
number  of  provider  categories.  Service  providers   will
determine   their   own   category  and  the  level  of  all
contributions will be published.

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Appendix A - Further Actions as of May 1993

During preliminary discussions  at  the  14th  RIPE  meeting
there  was  a  rough  consensus  on  this  model and further
discussion was agreed since some of  the  service  providers
were not present.

At the 15th RIPE meeting  it  was  agreed  that  the  scheme
outlined  in  this  paper  shall  form  the framwork for NCC
funding.   It  was  further  agreed  for  the   time   being
individual TCP/IP users will not be charged for registration

RIPE and RARE will commonly approach all  service  providers
immediately  with  this  draft proposal and ask them to make
voluntary contributions in 1993 and formal  commitments  for
funding according to this scheme in 1994.

RIPE has  formally asked  RARE  to  continue  providing  the
financial  and legal umbrella for the RIPE NCC until the end
of 1994.

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Appendix B - Some ideas about charging for registry service

The material in this appendix is intended to act as  a  base
for  discussion  in  case there is consensus that individual
organisations need to be charged for registry  service.   It
has  not previously been discussed in a wider forum and thus
cannot be more as a means to focus the discussion.

The registry services are used by  individual  organisations
as  well  as  by service providers acting on behalf of their

As described above charging based on registration actions or
rental  of address space is very difficult if not impossible
to get right.

When one looks at the resources used by registry actions  it
is  the  requests  for  large  amounts of address space from
individual organisations which take most of the time.  These
organisations  cannot  rely  on  the resources provided by a
service  provider  to  help  them  develop  an   appropriate
addressing plan and provide the necessary information to the
registry concisely.  Consequently they use the resources  of
the   registry  to  arrive  at  these  goals.   Thus  it  is
reasonable to charge for  this  resource  usage  while  well
presented requests for small amounts of address space should
probably be covered as an overhead.

Details of this would need to be discussed  and  worked  out
