The First Year of the RIPE NCC Daniel Karrenberg NCC Manager <> Document IDs: ripe-92, COA(93)56 This report summarises the first year of RIPE NCC opera- tions. Achievements The NCC started very quickly. Basic services have been available from day one owing to excellent support of the organisations who previously performed this work on a volun- tary basis. The NCC has set up the European Internet Registry which assigns Internet numbers to European organisations. This function is distributed to a number of local registries. More than 10,000 IP network numbers have been assigned dur- ing the first year. The RIPE network management database has been maintained and new functionality added. More than 500 database updates have been processed by the NCC on an average working day.The NCC also maintained general information for Internet service providers and network operators in the RIPE document store. All this information has been made available in various ways including interactive access and the most modern Internet resource discovery tools. More than 200,000 queries have been processed during the first year. The NCC has provided clerical support to RIPE working groups and organised the RIPE meetings. Two urgent technical development projects in the Internet area have been identi- fied jointly by RIPE and RARE and were started under the RARE Technical Program. The NCC provides a home for these projects which are funded separately from the NCC core activities. - 2 - All NCC activities have been described in four public Quar- terly Reports, issued immediately after each quarter, which also provide a host of statistical information about the European Internet. Please refer to these reports for a more detailed description of the NCC's work. The NCC has achieved the main goals set out in the NCC activity plan. A technical review of the first year has been initiated within RIPE and a positive report is expected soon. Following that RIPE is expected to make the necessary adjustments to the activity plan. Operations The NCC started operations at offices rented from NIKHEF in April 1992 with the NCC manager Daniel Karrenberg. He was joined in May by Anne Lord, network administrator and Marten Terpstra, network engineer. The financial and legal adminis- tration has been provided by the RARE secretariat. As can be seen from the expenditure summary below, NCC ser- vices have been provided within the total budget. RIPE NCC Expenditure April `92-March `93 Item Budget ECU Actual ECU Staff 140000 124865 Computing Equipment 45000 51396 Travel 20000 30996 Rent & Services 25000 22920 Unforeseen 5254 2278 Recruitment 8000 3699 Total 243254 235974 Summary The RIPE NCC has established itself successfully and is fully accepted by the European Internet community. Its ser- vices are recognised as being essential for the Internet. Outlook The NCC will continue its present services in the next year. Major new activities are going to be the establishment of a routing registry and the housing of technical development projects for the European Internet community one of which is - 3 - the PRIDE project (Policy-base Routing Deployment and Imple- mentation in Europe). The routing registry will enable Internet service providers to register their own routing policies and to find information about the routing policies of other operators. Together with the appropriate tools this will provide a means to achieve routing stability within the European Internet. For more information see the PRIDE pro- ject definition.