SUPPORTING NOTES

                     30 September 1993

                 Document-ID: ripe-095.txt

               Expiry Date: 30 December 1993

To whom it may concern.

Thank you for your request for an IP network number.  Please
ensure  that you read the information below carefully before
submitting your application for  an  IP  number.   The  form
appended  to  this letter will be accepted by local Internet
Registries across Europe.

The  previously  centralised  procedures  for  obtaining  IP
network  numbers  from the Global Internet Registry (now the
InterNIC and formerly known as  have
been  replaced  by a distributed system whereby applications
for IP network numbers across Europe are processed by  local
Internet Registries (local IR`s).

The Global Internet Registry  now  delegates  blocks  of  IP
network  numbers  to  the  RIPE  NCC as the registry for the
European region,  which  in  turn  delegates  blocks  of  IP
network  numbers to local IR's.  The diagram below shows the
distributed hierarchy of  Internet  Registries.   Note  that
local  IR's  are  of two types; "service provider" and "non-
service provider". An IP service provider is an organisation
that  supplies  Internet  connectivity  to it's customers or
users  (examples  are   academic   network   providers   and
commercial network providers).  "Non-service provider" local
IR's are organisations  that  are  prepared  to  handle  all
requests  from  organisations that have no connection to the
Internet at present or planned.

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                 Global IR  (InterNIC)
               Regional IR (RIPE NCC)
   |                 |             |           |
Local IR          Local IR      Local IR     Local IR
                                  /            /

If you are NOT a customer of a service  provider,  then  you
should  send  your  completed  application form to the "non-
service provider" local IR.  Currently only one of this type
of  registry  exists  per  country in Europe.  If you do not
know whether a non service-provider local IR exists for your
country  then  you  should  contact the RIPE NCC (address is
given below).  If however, you are already a customer of  an
IP  service  provider, then you should contact them for your
IP network number(s).

Regardless of whether you are applying  for  class  B  or  C
addresses  you  should  always  make your application in the
first instance to a local IR.  However,  class  B  addresses
are only assigned by a Regional Internet Registry (in Europe
this is the RIPE NCC located in the Netherlands), so if your
application  is felt justified, it will be forwarded by your
local IR for the RIPE NCC to review.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate  to  contact
the  RIPE  NCC  who will be able to advise you.  Our contact
details are given below:

RIPE NCC                        email:
Kruislaan 409                   tel: +31 20 592 5065
1098 SJ Amsterdam               fax: +31 20 592 5090
The Netherlands

Yours sincerely.

RIPE Network Coordination Centre

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Supporting Notes for the IP Request Form

Before making your request for an IP  number,  there  are  3
documents which you should receive and read:


    - this document


   - appended to this document


   - appended to this document

This document will guide you in how to complete the European
IP  number request form correctly.  This form is used by all
the Internet Registries across Europe.  The  format  of  the
form  is  designed so that it enables your application to be
processed more quickly.  That is why we ask you to carefully
read and follow the "Supporting Notes" document.

Please be careful to follow the information contained within
the  examples  below.  A completed template is also included
for reference. If you are unsure about any  of  the  fields,
please  leave them blank. Please send the completed template
to your local IR or contact the RIPE NCC if you  are  unsure
about what to do next.

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Part A - Administrative Details

The information supplied for this section together with  the
assigned  network numbers will be entered into a database of
European network numbers and their contact information which
is accessible by the whole Internet community.


netname: Please complete with an  appropriate  network  name
         for  the  network to be numbered which is short and
         meaningful.   The  `netname'  is  used  mainly  for
         administrative  purposes  like consistency checking
         of the Internet Registry.  You will most likely not
         see  this  name  appear anywhere, but on forms like
         this.   The  network  name  should  be  written  in
         capital letters eg:

                 netname: TBIT

descr:   Please complete with a  short  description  of  the
         organisation,  including  the  location.   The full
         postal address is not needed as this is required in
         the person template eg:

                 descr:   Terabit Labs Inc.
                 descr:   Network Bugs Feeding Facility
                 descr:   Northtown

country: Please give the two letter country code (ISO  3166)
         which is appropriate for the organisation.  We know
         this gives problems for networks crossing  national
         boundaries, so choose the most appropriate country,
         based on the location of the admin contact.  If you
         do  not know the appropriate code for your country,
         please complete with the full name of  the  country

                 country: NL
                 country: Republic of Northern Nowhere

admin-c: Please complete with the name or NIC handle of  the
         person  who  is  the administrative contact for the
         network.  The NIC handle (if known)  is  preferred.
         Please do not use formal titles like `Dr' or `Prof'
         or `Sir'.  Please specify as in the  example  below
         (or  with  the  NIC  handle). Do not add full stops
         between the names or initials eg:

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              admin-c: John E Doe  or
              use the NIC handle (if applicable)
              admin-c: JD58

tech-c:  Please give the name of  technical  contact  person
         (or  NIC  handle as mentioned above).  There can be
         more than one  name  specified  for  the  technical
         contact.   NOTE:  please  give  names  for both the
         administrative AND the technical contact.   If  two
         different  names are not appropriate, then the same
         name for both contacts is fine.  Example as above.

changed: Email address of the person who is  completing  the
         template,  followed by the current date.  If you do
         not have email connectivity please leave blank  and
         we  will  complete  it.  Please add the date in the
         format shown below eg:

              changed: 930225

source:  Source of the  information.   It   will  always  be
         RIPE.  This is information which is always required
         in the database, so it has been added already.


For each different person specified in the network template,
please  complete a separate person template, unless the data
about those persons is already in the RIPE database.

person: Please give the full name of the admin-c contact and
        the tech-c contact.  There must be a person template
        completed for each different  name  specified.   The
        names  must be written identically to those given in
        the "admin-c:" and "tech-c:"  attributes  (but  must
        not  be the NIC handle) or official titles like "Dr,
        Prof or Sir"  eg:

             person: John E Doe

address:Please complete with the full  postal  address,  and
        write  as  you  would for ordinary postal mail using
        one line for each part of the address as shown below

             address: Terabit Labs Inc.
             address: North Perpendicular Road 12
             address: NL-1234 Northtown
             address: The Netherlands

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phone:  Please give the work telephone number of the  person
        specified above. Please specify the telephone number
        with + <country code> <area code> <telephone number>
        Most  countries  should  drop  the leading zero when
        specifying their area code.  More than one telephone
        number  is fine. Each telephone number should be put
        on a separate line and written in order of the  most
        appropriate number for the contact person eg:

             phone: +31 20 1233 4676
             phone: +31 20 1233 4677 ext.  4711

fax-no: Please complete  with  the  telefax  number  of  the
        person  specified  above. Follow with the same rules
        as specified for telephone number above eg:

             fax-no: +31 20 12334678

e-mail: Please  supply  the  appropriate   electronic   mail
        address  for the admin-c (the administrative contact
        person)/  and  the  tech-c  (the  technical  contact
        person).   Please ensure that this is a valid domain
        address.  If you DO NOT  have  e-mail  connectivity,
        please  leave this blank as the email attribute will
        not be included in the administrative details stored
        in the database for this person, eg:


nic-hdl:This refers to  a  NIC  handle  which  is  a  unique
        identifier  assigned  and  used  by  the  US  NIC to
        unambiguously refer to Internet people.  If  you  do
        not have a NIC handle, then please leave blank eg:

             nic-hdl: JD0401

changed:Who and when this  last  changed.   Please  complete
        with  your  e-mail  address  followed by the current
        date in the format which is shown below.  If you  do
        not have e-mail connectivity, please leave blank and
        we will complete this on your behalf eg:

             changed: 930225

source: Source of the information.  This will always be RIPE
        and is a required field so it has been added

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Part B - Technical Details

Information supplied below helps us to evaluate and  process
your  request.  It  will  be  kept  IN CONFIDENCE and is for
internal use only.  It will NOT be  entered  into  the  RIPE
Network Management Database.


        Please  specify  the  quantity  and  class  of  your
        request for network numbers.

        In making the application, please be guided  by  the
        following  EXAMPLES  of number of hosts which relate
        to the quantity of network numbers requested eg:

           1 class C number     (maximum 254 hosts)
           2 class C numbers    (maximum 508 hosts)
           4 class C numbers    (maximum 1016 hosts)
           8 class C numbers    (maximum 2032 hosts)
           16 class C numbers   (maximum 4064 hosts)
           32 class C numbers   (maximum 8128 hosts)
           a single class B number
           other (please specify)

        Please  state  the  number  of  machines   in   your
        organisation  that  currently  require  a  unique IP
        address.  Do not forget to include terminal  servers
        and network numbers needed for transit networks when
        calculating this figure eg:

            machine-0: 100


        As above for machine-0 but  estimate  for  1  and  2
        years time.

subnet-0:Please state the number of subnets required for the
        current  network.   A  subnet refers to the physical
        parts of the network which need  a  unique  (sub)net
        number eg:

             subnet-0: 10


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subnet-2:As above for subnet-0 but estimate for  the  number
        of subnets in 1 and 2 years time.

        Please state whether you  plan  to  connect  to  the
        Internet  with  IP  (and not UUCP or any other store
        and forward gateway mechanism).  Please answer  with
        whichever  of  the  following  options  most closely
        describes the position of your organisation eg:

             - will never connect
             - already connected <through whom>
             - plan to connect <date> <through whom>

        If you are  "already  connected"  to  the  Internet,
        please   state   which   service  provider  you  are
        connected to.  If you answer with "plan to  connect"
        then  please make an estimation on the date that you
        hope to connect, specifying (if possible) the month,
        the year and through whom if known eg:

             inet-connect: plan to connect 930401 Net-Provider Inc

        Has your organisation already obtained an IP network
        number  or  numbers?  If so, please give the network
        number(s) and the network name  if  known.  If  not,
        then please complete with <no>.Format: complete with
        the network number only - four numbers separated  by
        dots, as shown below.  If known, please also add the
        network name entry as shown  below.   This  must  be
        specified  in  the  same  way  as  it appears in the
        database eg:

             exist-ip-NET: TBIT or
             exist-IP-net: <none>

        Please  give  the  ISO  3166  country   code   which
        describes  where  the  network  will be located.  If
        more than one country applies, then give  the  names
        of  the  countries   which  will  be  covered by the
        network. Format: complete with the  country  name(s)
        using  the ISO 3166 country code.  If you are unsure
        about the code, write the name  of  the  country  in

             net-country: NL SE  net-country: Republic of N. Nowhere

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netname: TBIT
descr:   Terabit Labs Inc.
descr:   Network Bugs Feeding Facility
descr:   Northtown
country: NL
admin-c: John E Doe
tech-c:  John E Doe
changed: 930225
source:  RIPE

person:  John E Doe
address: Terabit Labs Inc.
address: Industrial Estate North
address: North Perpendicular Road 12
address: NL-1234 Northtown
address: The Netherlands
phone:   +31 20 987 6542 ext.  4711
fax-no:  +31 20 123 3467
nic-hdl: JD0401
changed: 930225
source:  RIPE

request-type: 1 class C
machine-0:    100
machine-1:    134
machine-2:    250
subnet-0:     1
subnet-1:     1
subnet-2:     1
inet-connect: plan to connect 930401 Net-Provider Inc
exist-IP-net: TBIT
net-country: NL

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Part C - Network Details

Please complete this section on a separate page if  you  are
applying  for more than 2 Class C network numbers.  The more
numbers you are requesting, the more detailed your technical
description  will  need to be.  Furthermore, the more detail
you provide, the quicker we will be  able  to  process  your
application.  Please include an overview of the size of your
subnets, ensuring that you do not forget  transit  networks,
terminal servers etc.  when calculating your needs.

Before  you  complete  this  section  you  should  read  the
`Additional  Hints'  document  which  will guide you.  It is
particularly important to read this document, especially  if
you  are  applying  for a class B network number, if you are
requesting additional class C addresses or consider that you
might  need to in the future, as this document provides more
detail and a number of helpful hints (see page 6).

If you are applying for a Class B network number please send
your  completed  application to your local registry who will
review your case. If it is  felt  that  a  Class  B  network
number  is  justified, your application will be forwarded to
the RIPE NCC which will review your application.  Please  be
reminded  that  Class B network numbers are extremely scarce
and are rarely allocated.

Part D - Contact Details

This section should be completed *ONLY IF* you are making an
application  on  behalf  of  another  organisation.   Please
indicate by whom the application is being made and on behalf
of whom, giving all the contact details requested.

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Recommended Reading List for Address Allocation and CIDR

1. rfc1338.txt - Supernetting: an Address Assignment and
   Aggregation Strategy (V Fuller)
2. rfc1466.txt - Guidelines for Management of IP Address
   Space (E Gerich)
3. rfc1367.txt - Schedule for IP Address Space Management
   Guidelines (C Topolcic)

These documents are all available  from  the  RIPE  document
store in the rfc/ directory.  The RIPE document store can be
accessed in a number of ways:

1. on the Internet via anonymous FTP from host
2. on the Internet: telnet
3. via the Public Data Network type: pad 0204129004331
4. using the IXI network type: pad 020430459300031

Organisations without connectivity wishing to obtain  copies
of  the  "Recommended  Reading"  articles should contact the
RIPE NCC.  A postal delivery of one  or  more  documents  is

"Additional Hints" for organisations  requesting  additional
address space

When  additional  network   numbers   are   needed   by   an
organisation  the  application should include information on
the utilization of address space already held  by  the  same
organisation.   This information needs to include the number
of actually used/unused IP network numbers,  the  number  of
actually installed subnets,hosts connected to these and more
structural  information  which   may   be   appropriate   to
substantiate  the  new  request.   This  data for previously
assigned network numbers provides essential input for global
monitoring  of  utilization of IP address space and feedback
to  registry  operation.   To  summarise   the   object   of
requesting this information is to:

o ensure proper use is made of the available address space

o have single contiguous blocks of addresses assigned if
  possible (so routing information can be aggregated)

For this a good estimate of  real  network  requirements  is
needed  and  planning  not just for the immediate needs or a
specific parts of a network is encouraged.

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Additional  Hints  for  Organisations  Requesting  Class   B
Network Numbers

Please understand that the criteria for allocating  Class  B
network  addresses are extremely strict.  This is due to the
global scarcity of these network numbers.  Out of  necessity
then,  the local registry and the NCC has to closely examine
each and every  request  received  for  a  class  B  network
address.   As  a  result  the  allocation  process will take
longer.  Organisations can however speed up the  process  by
providing  as  much information as possible on their initial
request to enable a decision to be made  without  having  to
request more information.

The number of host estimates should  be  substantiated  with
other data about the network and/or organisation like number
of employees, geographical distribution, type of hosts.  The
clearer  you  can document that your estimates are carefully
derived, the easier it is for us to justify allocation of  a
class B address.

Besides a sufficient number of hosts we must determine  that
your   network  cannot  be  engineered  using  a  number  of
contiguous class C networks.  If your network consists of  a
large  number  of  physical  networks  with relatively small
numbers  of  hosts  on  each,  you  will  have  to  consider
subnetting  class C networks.  A large number of subnetworks
alone is not sufficient justification for  allocation  of  a
class  B  network  number.   We  realise  that  a  number of
engineering  decisions  can  be  based   on   administrative
convenience.   Unfortunately  the  remaining class B address
space  is  too  small  to  take  these  considerations  into
account.   The  clearer  your explanation is, as to why your
network *cannot* be engineered using  a  block  of  class  C
network  numbers,  the  easier  it  is  for  us  to  justify
allocation of a class B network address.

All the above mentioned points apply even more  strongly  to
cases  where multiple class B network numbers are requested.
Assignments of multiple class B network  numbers  will  only
occur  when  your  local  registry  and  the  RIPE  NCC  are
convinced with a detailed  justification  in  terms  of  the
criteria mentioned.

Finally, please understand that we are not  working  against
you, but with the whole Internet community to achieve a fair
distribution of the remaining address space.   If  you  have
any questions about the procedure or the information needed,
please do not hesitate to contact the your local registry or
the RIPE NCC for further guidance.

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COMPLETE FORM BELOW AND DETACH HERE - -- - - - - - - - - - -


Email is preferred if  you  have  it,  if  not  then  it  is
preferred  if  you  send in your template by fax.  This will
help us to process your request more quickly.

Once completed, please return this document to your local IR
or to the RIPE NCC if this is more appropriate or if you are
unsure (the address for the RIPE NCC is given on page 1).


This document  is  valid  until  December  30th,  1993.   An
updated document will be sent out when due.

Part A - Administrative Details

The information supplied for this section together with  the
assigned  network numbers will be entered into a database of
European network numbers and their contact information which
is accessible by the whole Internet community.


source: RIPE


source: RIPE

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source: RIPE

Please note that you will have to include a separate  person
template  for each person referenced as a contact unless the
information about the person in the RIPE database  is  still

The information given above will be entered into a  database
of  European  network  contacts  which  is accessible by the
whole Internet community.  Please  refer  to  the  RIPE  NCC
leaflet  on  the "Network Management Database"for details on
how to query the database.

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Part B - Technical Details

Information supplied below helps us to evaluate and  process
your  request.   It will be kept in strict CONFIDENCE and is
for internal use only.  It will NOT be entered into the RIPE
Network Management Database.



Part C - Network Details

If you are applying for more than 2 Class C network numbers,
then  on  this  page,  please  submit  a description of your
network plans.   Please  continue  on  a  separate  page  if

Current network layout  :

 Future network plans   : (next 2 years)

(please ensure you have read the "Additional Hints"  section
on  organisations  requesting  additional class C numbers or
class B numbers)

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Part D - Contact Details

Complete the section below  *ONLY  IF*  you  are  making  an
application on behalf of another organisation.

This application is made by:


On behalf of the following organisation:


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