Issue 8 March 1994

                   Document-ID: ripe-116

1.  Introduction

RIPE (Reseaux IP Europeens) is a collaborative  organisation
open to all European Internet service providers.  The objec-
tive of RIPE is to enable the necessary  administrative  and
technical  coordination to allow the operation of a panEuro-
pean IP network.  Much of  this  work  is  achieved  through
voluntary  effort.   RIPE  does not operate a network of its

The RIPE Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC) is  a  Euro-
pean  organisa-  tion with a charter to support RIPE.  It is
specifically focused on undertaking those  activities  which
cannot  be effectively performed by volunteers from the par-
ticipating organisations.

The work of the RIPE NCC is divided  into  two  areas:  Core
Activities and Development Projects.  The former are defined
in the RIPE NCC activity plan  (document  ripe-110.txt)  and
are  funded  by  European  Internet  Service Providers.  The
development projects are  defined  within  RIPE  and  funded
separately   by  interested  organisations.   Currently  all
development projects are run under the auspices of the  RARE
Technical Programme.

This is the eighth quarterly report produced by the RIPE NCC
and  covers the core activities during the period January to
March 1994.  Brief reports on the status of the  Joint  Pro-
jects  are  also  included  with  pointers  to  the relevant
reports.  Once again there has been a  conscious  effort  to
avoid  duplication of information by including references to
previous reports.


Due to critical staff shortages at the RIPE NCC, this  quar-
terly   report   has  been  published  significantly  behind
schedule.  Please accept  our  sincere  apologies  for  this

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2.  Management Summary

Staff Shortage

Since the start of NCC operations two years ago the size  of
the  European  Internet  has  quadrupled by number of hosts.
Other indicators for NCC workload have increased by an order
of magnitude.  At the same time staff resources for the core
services have remained essentially constant.

During the reporting period the staff shortage has  lead  to
backlogs  of registry requests, causing the typical response
time to increase beyond the one  working  day  target.   The
additional  staff  resources forseen in the 1994 budget need
to be hired quickly to relieve this situation.

It is expected that by autumn one additional technical staff
will  be needed to keep service levels where they should be.
This was not anticipated in the current 1994 budget and will
have  to  be  financed  from unbudgeted income.  This income
should be available  as  the  number  of  service  providers
increases faster than expected.

Should additional staff resources not become available,  NCC
core activities will have to be curtailed.


Despite this critical problem the NCC continues to  function
well,  with  the  most  important activities being performed
satisfactorily.   However  documentation   and   enhancement
efforts  are  currently  progressing  very slowly or in some
cases not at all.

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3.  RIPE NCC Core Services

3.1.  DNS Coordination

DNS Hostcount

The March 1994 hostcount shows a total of 655,164  hosts  in
Europe.  During  the  reporting  period  101,807 were added,
which represents an increase of 18.4%.

Nothing has changed to the hostcount procedure as previously

Hostcount History

Below is  a  table  showing  the  totals  of  the  RIPE  DNS
hostcount  from  October  1990  up till March 1994.  All DNS
output, not just the A records, are saved and are  available
in  the RIPE document store, two files for each country: the
standard output, and the error messages.  Please  check  the
README file for more details:


Hostcount History

                           Oct    26141
                           Nov    33665
                           Dec    29226
                           Jan    43799
                           Feb    44000
                           Mar    44506
                           Apr    46948
                           May    52000
                           Jun    63267
                           Jul    67000
                           Aug    73069
                           Sep    92834
                           Oct   104828
                           Nov   129652
                           Dec   133000
                           Jan   141308
                           Feb   161431
                           Mar   167931
                           Apr   170000
                           May   182528
                           Jun   196758
                           Jul   213017
                           Aug   221951
                           Sep   232522
                           Oct   254585

                        July 7, 1994
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                           Nov   271795
                           Dec   284374
                           Jan   303828
                           Feb   322902
                           Mar   355140
                           Apr   366164
                           May   385522
                           Jun   404930
                           Jul   426827
                           Aug   451116
                           Sep   469358
                           Oct   500018
                           Nov   533701
                           Dec   553357
                           Jan   587135
                           Feb   623158
                           Mar   655164

3.2.  Internet Registry

The Hostcount increase for  this  quarter  represents  18.4%
growth  of  the  European Internet.  In the two years, since
the RIPE NCC started to act as a Regional Registry, the  the
European  Internet  has quadrupled in size.  The NCC has set
up a sizeable system of local registries during this time.

Local IR's

At the end of the reporting period, there were a total of 93
delegated Local Registries.  This is an increase of 10 local
registries since the last quarterly report.  Twenty nine (24
in  the  previous quarter) are of the "Last Resort" type who
provide a registry service to organisations not  yet  served
by  a  service  provider  or  do  not wish to connect to the
Internet.   New  "Last  Resort"  registries  exist  for  the
Ukraine,  Greece,  Cyprus,  Slovenia,  and  there has been a
transfer of the DE-NIC to the University of Karlsruhe.   The
DE-NIC  is now funded by a consortium of German service pro-
viders.  Three "Provider" type registries have  been  added:
one in Belgium, one in the UK and one in Cyprus.

New List of European Local Registries

There is now an updated version  of  the  list  of  European
Local Registries.  It is also planned to keep an ftp "regis-
tries" directory  where  individual  files  for  each  local
registry will be available by ftp.

The new list contains references to "Enterprise Local Regis-
tries".   This new classification of registry is intended to
describe large  enterprises  that  wish  to  coordinate  the

                        July 7, 1994
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address  space usage of their enterprise internally.  Anyone
from within the enterprise concerned who makes  an  applica-
tion  for  address  space  should  direct the request to the
Enterprise Local Registry.  As with the handling of  all  IP
requests,  the  RIPE  NCC  will,  where appropriate, forward
applications to the relevant registry.  Any enterprise wish-
ing  to  make  such an arrangement is invited to contact the
RIPE NCC for more details.

The new list of local  registries  is  available  from  RIPE
document store via:


Once again, thanks to all those running local registries for
their time and effort.  It is greatly appreciated by all the
RIPE NCC staff.

NCC Workload and Performance

Following from the figures above, the resulting workload for
this  area  of  the  Core  Services of the RIPE NCC has been
steadily increasing since the beginning of RIPE NCC Regional
Registry operations.  While much of the work is performed by
local registries the NCC needs  to  coordinate  and  support
them.   Requests  for larger amount of address space have to
be reviewed and processed by the NCC in order to ensure fair
and consistent application of the allocation criteria.

All registry transactions are handled by a designated  staff
member called the "hostmaster".  NCC core staff perform this
duty on the basis of a bi-weekly roster.  The number of mes-
sages  received  by  the  NCC "hostmaster" role mailbox is a
good measure of the workload incurred by the registry.  Dur-
ing the reporting period we received 1342, which is an aver-
age of more than 20 per working day.  This is more than four
times the number of messages received one year ago.

Consequently internal procedures at the RIPE  NCC  for  han-
dling  the "hostmaster" role were reorganised.  Part of this
reorganisation involved prioritising the incoming mail.   As
before,  every message will be answered as quickly as possi-
ble, but requests from local  registries  are  now  answered
with  the  highest  priority.   Also  a number of additional
tools has been deployed  to  streamline  the  administrative
processes:  FAX  traffic is now fully integrated into the E-
mail system, all E-mail messages are retrieveable via  full-
text  search and a standard text tool helps answering recur-
ring queries.

Despite these measures typical response times  for  registry
transactions  have  increased beyond one working day for the
first time since the NCC started  registry  operations.   We
are building noticable backlogs during peak periods now.

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RFC on Address Allocation for Private Internets

RFC1597.txt has recently been approved.  This RFC  describes
the  use  of private address space for those parts of enter-
prise networks that do not have to communicate  outside  the
enterprise  at the network layer.  It is hoped that the pub-
lication of this RFC will encourage a wider audience to  use
private  address  space when planning their future networks.
This RFC is available from


Updated Delegated IR Leaflet

The green folder "Delegated Internet Registry" has  recently
been  significantly updated.  If you would like some copies,
please send mail to <ncc@ripe.net> stating how  many  copies
you  would like to receive.  It will shortly be available in
PostScript format in the document store.

3.3.  RIPE Network Management Database

Database updates

During the reporting period the NCC  processed  a  total  of
4838  update  transactions  with  47796 objects.  The update
procedure is running smoothly.

Database Objects Processed   Q2 1993   Q3 1993   Q4 1993   Q1 1994
TOTAL                         28110     58189     42767     47796

Database Statistics

Again the number of networks in the database  has  increased
significantly  due  to  the  large  number of newly assigned
class C network numbers.

 Month    Nets     Persons     Domains   Autonomous Systems

 Nov 90     643          670       0
 Jun 91    1270         1053     845
 Jan 92    2728         1792    1254
 Apr 92    3365         2242    1360
 Jun 92    3797         2736    1422
 Sep 92    4172         4594    1549
 Dec 92   11080         6116    1680
 Mar 93   15281         7846    1894
 Jun 93   19523         9423    2134             85
 Sep 93   24077        11267    2382            153
 Dec 93   29646        13238    2339            224

                        July 7, 1994
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 Mar 94   38220   16085 3183     315

The table above shows the number of objects in the  database
for  the  last  quarter  broken  down  by networks, persons,
domains and autonomous systems.

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3.4.  Document Store

Document Store Statistics

In total the  document  store  contains  approximately  6618
documents.  By volume, it accounts for over 258 Megabytes.

Below is a table overview of the RIPE Document Store.

             Area                Files   Kbytes

             earn                  16      1204
             ebone                 45       562
             iesg                  87      1119
             ietf                1021      8088
             internet-drafts      636     22863
             internet-society    1019     22590
             nsf                  157     18321
             rare                1275     58378
             rfc                  998     58272
             ripe                1164     59111
             tools                 30      2452
             current-ietf-docs     56      1877
             fyi                   27       121
             iab                   16       428
             pride                 26       941
             cidr                  30       964
             Total               6618    258213

A few minor adjustments were made to the ftp directories  so
that  they  are  now more streamlined.  The following direc-
tories were moved from:

o ripe/docs/ripe-docs to ripe/docs
o ripe/docs/ripe-agenda to ripe/agenda
o ripe/docs/ripe-minutes to ripe/minutes
o ripe/docs/ripe-drafts to ripe/drafts

The ripe-current directory was removed.  The file:

o ripe/docs/ripe-docs/iso3166-codes

was moved to was moved to the top level. Apologies  for  any
(temporary) inconvenience caused.

RIPE documents

The following new documents, or updates to  older  documents

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were  added  to  the  document  store  during  the reporting

o ripe-107
  European Internet Network Number Application Form (revision)

o ripe-108
  Support of Guarded fields within the RIPE Database

o ripe-109
  European Autonomous System Number Application Form &
  Supporting Notes - March 94 revision

o ripe-110
  RIPE NCC Activity Plan

o ripe-111
  List of Local Registries

FTP Usage Statistics

The most popular archive sections of the RIPE document store
are  tabulated below.  This displays the top 15 most popular
sections which were accessed using ftp.The most popular sec-
tion   is  the  RIPE  database,  with  over  9000  Megabytes

The total of 9 Gbytes of  transferred  data  from  the  RIPE
Database  section  of the document store actually represents
an average of 10 Kbits/sec continuous traffic,  24  hours  a
day,  7  days  a  week over this last quarter.  Below is the
table overview of the 15 most popular archive sections.

Much of this traffic can be explained by mirror  sites,  who
copy  this  part of the archive daily, and the RIPE database
section changes every day.

Archive Section            Files     KBytes    % of    % of
                            Sent      Sent     Files   Bytes
                                               Sent    Sent

ripe/dbase                   9814   10818759    4.13   68.95
ripe/as                    172217     786425   72.41    5.01
rfc                         11598     756514    4.88    4.82
ripe/hostcount               4486     711530    1.89    4.53
ripe/docs                    8951     438530    3.76    2.79
rare/working-groups          4215     417564    1.77    2.66
internet-drafts              4183     281569    1.76    1.79
ripe/Next-Meeting             697     270386    0.29    1.72
rare/coa                     1014     198451    0.43    1.26

                        July 7, 1994
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ripe/archives                4806     156916    2.02    1.00
ripe/maps                    1820     132803    0.77    0.85
earn                          325      90372    0.14    0.58
rare/pub                      636      62484    0.27    0.40
rare/technical-programme      907      45159    0.38    0.29
rare/rtc                      588      36923    0.25    0.24

The number of Megabytes transferred using ftp per top  level
domain is shown below:

      Domain Name   Files   Bytes        % of    % of
                    Sent    Sent         Files   Bytes
                                         Sent    Sent

      at             1088    571657604    0.46    3.64
      au              143      4060843    0.06    0.03
      be              355     30354724    0.15    0.19
      bg                1        26024    0.00    0.00
      br                9      1339578    0.00    0.01
      ca              122      6598700    0.05    0.04
      ch             2833    772318066    1.19    4.92
      cl                2       241133    0.00    0.00
      cs              760     66926304    0.32    0.43
      cy               37      1741096    0.02    0.01
      cz            27866    727947153   11.72    4.64
      de             4295    895751621    1.81    5.71
      dk             6128    218625893    2.58    1.39
      ec                1       310718    0.00    0.00
      ee                1        26632    0.00    0.00
      es             1527    240814906    0.64    1.53
      fi            26028   1122486140   10.94    7.15
      fr              898     93011634    0.38    0.59
      gr               23      4984201    0.01    0.03
      hk               47     10626350    0.02    0.07
      hr               12       217508    0.01    0.00
      hu              454     88405462    0.19    0.56
      ie              374     39794288    0.16    0.25
      il             2971    363826371    1.25    2.32
      in               14       357957    0.01    0.00
      is                8       963406    0.00    0.01
      it             2602   1095028736    1.09    6.98
      jp            10740    724459712    4.52    4.62
      kr              260      6444878    0.11    0.04
      kw                7       283446    0.00    0.00
      lu                8       312828    0.00    0.00
      lv                5       173228    0.00    0.00
      nl             1656    120747533    0.70    0.77
      no             1329     91853835    0.56    0.59
      nz                1       235942    0.00    0.00
      pl              233     17244217    0.10    0.11
      pt             2392    340214630    1.01    2.17

                        July 7, 1994
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      ro              111      3604308    0.05    0.02
      se            41436   1569300431   17.42   10.00
      sg               10       120866    0.00    0.00
      si              237     12624480    0.10    0.08
      sk               54      3085013    0.02    0.02
      su              187     16309502    0.08    0.10
      th               36      6886035    0.02    0.04
      tn                1         3370    0.00    0.00
      tr               34      1639875    0.01    0.01
      tw              159     13555029    0.07    0.09
      ua               30       583843    0.01    0.00
      uk             2193    109328092    0.92    0.70
      us                5       276734    0.00    0.00
      za               39      4242853    0.02    0.03
      com             706     41646030    0.30    0.27
      edu             595    281199897    0.25    1.79
      gov             123     12173703    0.05    0.08
      int               2      1172075    0.00    0.01
      mil             125     22666900    0.05    0.14
      net           94599   5715662969   39.78   36.43
      org              38      5003579    0.02    0.03
      UNKNOWN        1881    209993647    0.79    1.34

Again these statistics are confirmation that the RIPE  docu-
ment  store  is  a  very  focused resource being used by the
right community.

Interactive Information Server

The NCC Interactive Information Server is  still  a  popular
method  of  access  to  the RIPE document store catering for
users with  minimal  hardware  and/or  software  support  to
access  information  stored  by  the  NCC.   Full details on
access methods are given in the RIPE NCC information leaflet
"Interactive Information Server" and in the first edition of
the NCC Quarterly  Report.   A  graph  showing  the  TOP  25
accesses  can  be  found  in  Appendix  E. (not available in

General Service Usage Statistics

Statistics for the use of the various NCC  information  ser-
vices  were  collected  for  the first quarter of 1994.  The
table below shows the total number of connections  made  for
each  service  from  August 1993 (IIS, Wais, Ftp and Gopher)
contacted either directly from a user client or from the NCC
Interactive  Information Service.  The breakdown is given as
total number of connections per month:

The WHOIS statistics have been omitted from this  table  due
to  their  distorting  effect  on the whole graph.  They are
however included in the table  overleaf  which  reports  the

                        July 7, 1994
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actual figures.

A breakdown per service since the start of these services in
March 1993 is shown below in two tables:

Service   1993 Mar     Apr     May     Jun     Jul     Aug     Sep

Whois      28961     32660   35215   30721   31655   31150   45410
IIS         2040      1785    2326    2313    1978    1311    1236
Wais        4375      3764    3564    3994    4162    3996    2776
FTP         2067      1735    2038    1891    2693    2610    2521
Gopher      2394      2345    2439    2559    2563    2120    2178

Service     Oct     Nov     Dec   1994 Jan     Feb      Mar

Whois     48687   69383   59353    60765     96109   123328
IIS        2370    2475    2412     3527      4072     4108
Wais       2402    2351    1788     2134      2406     2557
FTP        3845    3578    3562     3968      4389     4871
Gopher     3522    3911    3397     4332      4877     4897

The number of connections to the various servers at the  NCC
broken  down  by  the  source of the request is shown in the
table below.

 Domain    Whois    IIS    Wais    Ftp    Total    Domain
 IIS        18730      0   3819       0    22549     IIS
 LOCAL      16801     49    155     753    17758    LOCAL
 NCC-X25        0      2      0       0        2   NCC-X25
 PSPDN          0      7      0       0        7    PSPDN
 UNKNOWN     4384    905    196     821     6306   UNKNOWN
 at          1518    136     21     253     1928     at
 au            34     14     34      77      159     au
 be           958     88     25      93     1164     be
 bg            17      0      0       1       18     bg
 br            56     11      0       9       76     br
 ca           390     84     36     102      612     ca
 ch         74585    119     12     460    75176     ch
 cl             2      1      0       3        6     cl
 com          522    217    450     678     1867     com
 cs             9     12      0       7       28     cs
 cy             0      4      0      10       14     cy
 cz          1498    182      8     263     1951     cz
 de         17379    511     61    1649    19600     de
 dk           893     52      2     211     1158     dk
 ec             1      2      0       1        4     ec
 edu        12393    540    495     768    14196     edu
 ee           164     31      1       8      204     ee
 eg            24      5      0       0       29     eg

                        July 7, 1994
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 es           478     44     10     141      673     es
 fi         25981     94    311     251    26637     fi
 fr         11099    229    471     647    12446     fr
 gov          448     39     54     123      664     gov
 gr           353     30      0      30      413     gr
 hk             5      0      2     103      110     hk
 hr             9    311      1      13      334     hr
 hu           399    114      0     101      614     hu
 ie          3050     75      3     302     3430     ie
 il            15     21      0     273      309     il
 in             0      0      0       4        4     in
 int           31      7      0       2       40     int
 is           156      6      5       7      174     is
 it          2530    214    175     445     3364     it
 jp            63     10     22     129      224     jp
 kr             0      2      0      66       68     kr
 kw             0      2      0       5        7     kw
 lu           426     29     47      23      525     lu
 lv             7      5      0       9       21     lv
 mil           48     24      8      54      134     mil
 mx             4      4      1       3       12     mx
 net        11914    207     60    1348    13529     net
 nl          5652    458     96     555     6761     nl
 no          3893     54      5     232     4184     no
 nz             8      0      0       3       11     nz
 org         1857     46     71      35     2009     org
 pl           345     69      0      61      475     pl
 pt          1203     75      8     291     1577     pt
 ro             1     23      0      49       73     ro
 se          1586     56    141     932     2715     se
 sg             7      1      0       4       12     sg
 si           529     36      0      51      616     si
 sk           203     56      0      49      308     sk
 su           359     53     30      65      507     su
 th             0      6      0      25       31     th
 tn             0      1      0       1        2     tn
 tr           220     59      0      25      304     tr
 tw            35      6      0      56       97     tw
 ua           101      8      0      21      130     ua
 uk          2750   2984    223     514     6471     uk
 us         53704      7      3       8    53722     us
 za           373      6     35       5      419     za
 Total     280200   8443   7097   13228   308968    Total

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3.5.  Staff

On January 3rd Marten Terpstra left the NCC  core  staff  to
join  Tony  Bates  on  the PRIDE project.  Physically Marten
remains at the same desk.

At the same time Geert Jan de Groot has joned the  NCC  core
staff  as a network engineer.  Geert Jan joined us from Phi-
lips Consumer Electronics division where  he  has  supported
various  development projects by providing an excellent com-
puting and communications infrastructure.

It was outlined in the previous quarterly  report  that  the
NCC  was working towards making arrangements to allow people
from local registries and the European Internet community in
general  to  work at the RIPE NCC for periods of between 3-6
months.  The object of  the  traineeship  is  to  gain  some
experience  in  the  operation of a regional registry and to
also work on a small but focused  project.   Following  this
the  NCC  is  pleased  to welcome Geza Turchanyi who will be
working at the RIPE NCC for 6 months from mid  January  1994
until  mid  July.   Anyone else who is interested in joining
the NCC on a similar basis is invited to contact Daniel Kar-
renberg <dfk@ripe.net> for an informal discussion.

3.6.  Publications

Over the reporting period the following was published:

o RFC1597.txt - Address Allocation for Private Internets
  Y. Rekhter, B.  Moskowitz, D. Karrenberg and G. de Groot.

Further details are given about this publication earlier  in
the Quarterly Report in the section on Internet Registry.


Over the reporting period the following  external  presenta-
tions were delivered by the RIPE NCC:

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o Regional Techs Meeting, San Diego, USA
  "Routing Registry" given by Daniel Karrenberg

o EARN, Paris France
  Tutorial on "RIPE and the Internet Registry System"
  given by Daniel Karrenberg

o IETF, Seattle, USA
  Various presentations including
  "Address Allocation for Private Internets"
  Marten Terpstra and Tony Bates

Again the RIPE NCC encourages organisations  who  feel  they
would benefit from a presentation by the RIPE NCC to contact

3.7.  RIPE Support Activities

RIPE Meetings

The 17th RIPE meeting was held in Amsterdam from 24  -  26th
January 1994.  Once again this was a successful meeting with
approximately 85 attendees present.  The following presenta-
tions were added to the presentations directory:

o ripe-m17-dfk-NCC-REPORT.ps.
o ripe-m17-marten-DB.ps.Z
o ripe-m17-tony-LIMERICK.ps.Z
o ripe-m17-tony-PRIDE.ps.Z
o ripe-m17-tony-RS.ps.Z
o ripe-m17-woeber-CEENET.ps.Z
o rep-ripe-17.ps.Z

The draft minutes from this, the 17th RIPE  meeting  can  be
found in the minutes directory:


The agenda from this meeting can  be  found  in  the  agenda


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4.  Joint Projects

4.1.  PRIDE

The PRIDE project now has reached  its  full  complement  of
staff  and  continued  to  work  on tools, documentation and
population of the registry.  A new tool to display all  pos-
sible  external  routing  paths  between  two  points in the
Internet has been released for a-test.  For more details see
the PRIDE progress reports:


4.2.  Routing Registry

The RIPE routing registry continues to be well populated

        Breakdown of known European AS (Total: 131)

        Not in RR but known (13.1%)
        In RR without RIPE-081 policy (12.3%)
        In RR with RIPE-081 policy (74.6%)

A liaison has been established with routing registry efforts
sponsored by the US National Science Foundation with the aim
to establish compatible registries.

                        July 7, 1994
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4.3.  Acknowledgements

The RIPE NCC wishes to thank the RARE Secretariat for  their
excellent support throughout this quarter.

We wish also to thank the local registries for their  excel-
lent  work,  especially  with regard to the allocation of IP

                        July 7, 1994
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Appendix A

Meetings Attended

The following meetings were attended  by  NCC  staff  during
this quarter.

  Date              Name & Location        Attendee(s)

  3 Mar            RTC, Amsterdam, NL   Daniel Karrenberg

  8 Mar             EARN, Paris, FR     Daniel Karrenberg

  27 Mar                  IEPG          Marten Terpstra
                      Seattle USA          Tony Bates

  28 Mar - 1 Apr          IETF          Marten Terpstra
                      Seattle, USA         Tony Bates

                        July 7, 1994
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5.  Appendix B

5.1.  Class B Network Number Allocations to Date

The table below summarises all assignments of class  B  net-
work numbers made through the RIPE NCC to date.  Eight class
B's were assigned this quarter.  The "Via" column  indicates
through which registry the NCC received the request and sol-
icited the necessary justification.

             Network Number          Via
             129.178                free
             130.193                free
             138.117                free
             155.73                 free
             141.92               RIPE NCC
             141.93               RIPE NCC
             141.94                 JANET
             141.95                 JANET
             141.96               RIPE NCC
             141.97                 JANET
             141.98                SWITCH
             145.224                JANET
             145.225               DE-NIC
             145.226              RIPE NCC
             145.227                JANET
             145.228               DE-NIC
             145.229                JANET
             145.230               DE-NIC
             145.231                INRIA
             145.232               SWITCH
             145.233                JANET
             145.234               CH-NIC
             145.235               SE-NIC
             145.236               HU-NIC
             145.237               PL-NIC
             145.238              InterNIC
             145.239                PIPEX
             145.240                ICNET
             145.241              EUnet-AT
             145.242              RIPE NCC
             145.243               DE-NIC
             145.244              RIPE NCC
             145.245              EUnet-CH
             145.246              RIPE NCC
             145.247               DATANET
             145.248              RIPE NCC
             145.249               RU-NIC
             145.250               SWITCH
             145.251               SE-NIC
             145.252               CH-NIC
             145.253-145.254       DE-NIC
              RIPE NCC

                        July 7, 1994
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             160.44-160.52         DE-NIC
             160.53                SWITCH
             160.54-160.58         DE-NIC
             160.59                SWITCH
             160.60                DE-NIC
             160.61-160.62         CH NIC
             160.63                SWITCH
             160.219              EUnet/CH
             160.220              RIPE NCC
             163.156-163.157      RIPE NCC
             163.158               CH-NIC
             163.159-163.160      RIPE NCC
             163.161               SWITCH
             163.162                GARR
             163.163-163.165      RIPE NCC
             163.166                ICNET
             163.167                JANET
             163.168-163.175      RIPE NCC
             164.1                RIPE NCC
             164.2                RIPE NCC
             164.3                EUnet/AT
             164.4                 SE-NIC
             164.5                RIPE NCC
             164.6                  PIPEX
             164.7                RIPE NCC
             164.8                  ARNES
             164.9                 SE-NIC
             164.10                SE-NIC
             164.11                 JANET
             164.12               RIPE NCC
             164.13            Telecom Finland
             164.14               RIPE NCC
             164.15               RIPE NCC
             164.16-164.34         DE-NIC
             164.35               RIPE NCC
             164.36               RIPE NCC
             164.37                SE-NIC
             164.38                 PIPEX
             164.39                  HP
             164.40               RIPE NCC
             164.61                  DE
             164.128               DATRAC
             164.129              RIPE NCC
             164.130              RIPE NCC
             164.131              RIPE NCC
             164.132                GARR
             164.133               DE-NIC
             164.134               UK-NIC
             164.135               SE-NIC
             164.136                PIPEX
             164.137                PIPEX
             164.138              RIPE NCC
             164.139              RIPE NCC
             164.140              Unisource

                        July 7, 1994
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             164.141           Telecom Finland
             164.142                IUnet
             164.143                PIPEX
             171.16                FR-NIC
             171.17                DE-NIC
             171.18                FR-NIC
             171.19                HU-NIC
             171.20               RIPE NCC
             171.21                 NLnet
             171.22-171.31          free

                        July 7, 1994
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6.  Appendix C

6.1.  Class C Block Allocations to Date

The table below summarises  the  delegation  status  of  the
class  C network number blocks allocated through the NCC and
the number of networks allo- cated from these  blocks.   The
"p/n"  column  indicates  whether  the  block in question is
delegated to the local registry of a service provider or  is
used  to allocate numbers to organisations without a service

It should be noted that blocks are reserved based  on  usage
estimates  given  by  the  local  registries for a period of
about 24 months.  Should the assignment rate differ from the
estimated  one,  reserved  blocks  can  and will be used for
other purposes if necessary.  In cases where it appears that
a  block  has  been  assigned to a registry and the registry
does not know, please contact the NCC before allocating from
these blocks.  Also in other cases of confusion, please con-
tact the RIPE NCC.

Block         P/N   Networks   Country   Registry

192.162       N         6           EU   Various assignments
192.164       P       238           AT   EUnet/AT
192.165       P       211           EU   NORDUnet
192.166       N       211           DE   DE-NIC
192.167       P       239           IT   GARR NIS
192.168       N       256           EU   RIPE NCC - RFC1597
193.0         N       153           EU   Various purposes
193.1         P       138           IE   HEAnet
193.2         P        62           SI   ARNES
193.3         P       207           DK   DK non-provider
193.4         N       129           IS   Iceland
193.5         P       233           CH   SWITCH
193.6         N       197           HU   Hungary general
193.7         N       224           DE   German Chambers of Commerce
193.8         N       150           CH   CH non-provider
193.9         N       236           EU   Pan European Organisations
193.10        P        47           SE   SUNET
193.11        P      resvd          SE   SUNET
193.12        P       188           SE   SWIPNET
193.13        P        32           SE   SWIPNET
193.14-15     P      resvd          SE   SWIPNET
193.16        N       181           DE   DE non-provider
193.17        N       146           DE   DE non-provider
193.18        N       255           DE   DE non-provider
193.19        N        31           DE   DE non-provider
193.20        N       256           DE   DE non-provider
193.21        N       256           DE   DE non-provider
193.22        N       188           DE   DE non-provider

                        July 7, 1994
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193.23        N       204           DE   DE non-provider
193.24        N       164           DE   DE non-provider
193.25        N       163           DE   DE non-provider
193.26        N       200           DE   DE non-provider
193.27        N       132           DE   DE non-provider
193.28        N       167           DE   DE non-provider
193.29        N       219           DE   DE non-provider
193.30        N       202           DE   DE non-provider
193.31        N       252           DE   DE non-provider
193.32        N       253           UK   UK non-provider
193.33        N         0           UK   UK
193.34        N        32           UK   UK
193.35        N       254           UK   UK non-provider
193.36        N       253           UK   UK non-provider
193.37        N       256           UK   UK non-provider
193.38        N       256           UK   UK non-provider
193.39        N       238           UK   UK non-provider
193.40        N        73           EE   Estonia general
193.41        N      resvd          EE   Estonia general
193.42        N       139           IT   IT non-provider
193.43        N         0           IT   IT non-provider
193.44        P        71           SE   TIPnet
193.45        P      resvd          SE   TIPnet
193.46        N       248           AT   AT non-provider
193.47        N       177           CH   CH non-provider
193.48        P       250           FR   RENATER
193.49        P       188           FR   RENATER
193.50        P       205           FR   RENATER
193.51        P       169           FR   RENATER
193.52        P       183           FR   RENATER
193.53        N       205           BE   BE non-provider
193.54        P       162           FR   RENATER
193.55        P       200           FR   RENATER
193.56        N       217           FR   FR non-provider
193.57        N       167           FR   FR non-provider
193.58        N       104           BE   BE non-provider
193.59        N       164           PL   PL general
193.60        P       210           UK   JANET
193.61        P       240           UK   JANET
193.62        P       251           UK   JANET
193.63        P       215           UK   JANET
193.64        P       132           FI   EUnet/FI
193.65        P        63           FI   EUnet/FI
193.66        P        20           FI   EUnet/FI
193.67        P        52           NL   EUnet/NL
193.68        P        28           BG   EUnet/BG
193.69        P        59           NO   EUnet/NO
193.70        P       162           IT   EUnet/IT
193.71        P       121           NO   EUnet/NO
193.72        P       131           CH   EUnet/CH
193.73        P       137           CH   EUnet/CH
193.74        P        94           BE   EUnet/BE
193.75        P      resvd          BE   EUnet/BE
193.76        P      resvd          HR   EUnet/HR

                        July 7, 1994
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193.77        P        43           SI   EUnet/SI
193.78        P       138           NL   EUnet/NL
193.79        P       114           NL   EUnet/NL
193.80        P       234           AT   EUnet/AT
193.81-83     P      resvd          AT   EUnet/AT
193.84        P       257           CS   EUnet/CS
193.85        P       191           CZ   EUnet/CZ
193.86        P      resvd               EUnet/CZ or EUnet/SK
193.87        P       138           SK   EUnet/SK and SANET
193.88        P       163           DK   EUnet/DK
193.89        P        70           DK   EUnet/DK
193.90        P         9           NO   EUnet/NO
193.91        P         1           PL   EUnet/PL
193.92        P        54           GR   EUnet/GR
193.93        P        19           LU   EUnet/LU
193.94        P         8           TN   EUnet/TN
193.95        P         3           TN   EUnet/TN
193.96        P       157           DE   EUnet/DE
193.97        P       205           DE   EUnet/DE
193.98        P       170           DE   EUnet/DE
193.99        P       121           DE   EUnet/DE
193.100       P       177           DE   EUnet/DE
193.101       P       133           DE   EUnet/DE
193.102-103   P      resvd          DE   EUnet/DE
193.104       P       136           FR   EUnet/FR
193.105       P       122           FR   EUnet/FR
193.106       P       101           FR   EUnet/FR
193.107       P       136           FR   EUnet/FR
193.108-111   P      resvd          FR   EUnet/FRq
193.112       P       171           GB   EUnet/GB
193.113       P       254           GB   EUnet/GB
193.114       P       206           GB   EUnet/GB
193.115       P       240           GB   EUnet/GB
193.116       P       188           GB   EUnet/GB
193.117       P       212           GB   EUnet/GB
193.118       P        54           GB   EUnet/GB
193.119       P      resvd          GB   EUnet/GB
193.120       P       115           IE   EUnet/IE
193.121-123   P      resvd          IE   EUnet/IE
193.124       P       240           RU   EUnet/RU+xSU
193.125       P       160           RU   EUnet/RU+xSU
193.126       P        96           PT   EUnet/PT
193.127       P        16           ES   EUnet/ES
193.128       P       228           GB   PIPEX
193.129       P       194           GB   PIPEX
193.130       P       141           GB   PIPEX
193.131-133   P      resvd          GB   PIPEX
193.134       P       191           CH   SWITCH
193.135       P      resvd          CH   SWITCH
193.136       P       145           PT   RCCN
193.137       P      resvd          PT   RCCN
193.138       N         8           SI   SI general
193.139       P       254           FR   La Francaise des Jeux
193.140       N       126           TR   TR general

                        July 7, 1994
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193.141       P       238           DE   XLINK
193.142       N       105           FI   FI non-provider
193.143       N        39           FI   FI non-provider
193.144       P       236           ES   RedIRIS
193.145       P       107           ES   RedIRIS
193.146-147   P      resvd          ES   RedIRIS
193.148       N       212           ES   ES non-provider
193.149-153   N      resvd          ES   ES non-provider
193.154       P         1           EU   GEC Marconi Group
193.155       P      resvd          EU   GEC Marconi Group
193.156       P       104           NO   UNINETT
193.157       P        87           NO   UNINETT
193.158-159   P      resvd          NO   UNINETT
193.160       N       152           NO   NO non-provider
193.161       N       145           NO   NO non-provider
193.162       N        91           DK   DK non-provider
193.163       N      resvd          DK   DK non-provider
193.164       N         3           PL   PL non-provider
193.165       N      resvd          PL   PL non-provider
193.166       P        56           FI   FUNET
193.167       P      resvd          FI   FUNET
193.168       N        52           LU   LU non-provider
193.169       P         0           GB   AT&T Istel
193.170       P       122           AT   ACOnet
193.171       P      resvd          AT   ACOnet
193.172       P       141           EU   EMPB/EuropaNET
193.173       P      resvd          EU   EMPB/EuropaNET
193.174       P       237           DE   DFN
193.175       P       113           DE   DFN
193.176       N       251           NL   NL non-provider
193.177       N       157           NL   NL non-provider
193.178       N        95           IE   IE non-provider
193.179       N      resvd          IE   IE non-provider
193.180       N       239           SE   SE non-provider
193.181       N       244           SE   SE non-provider
193.182       N       255           SE   SE non-provider
193.183       N       255           SE   SE non-provider
193.184       P       243           FI   Helsinki Telephone Company
193.185       P        42           FI   Helsinki Telephone Company
193.186       N       253           AT   AT non-provider
193.187       N       254           AT   AT non-provider
193.188       N        51                Middle East
193.189       N        64           NG   Nigeria general
193.190       P       108           BE   BELNET
193.191       P      resvd          BE   BELNET
193.192       N        11           PT   PT non-provider
193.193       N      resvd          PT   PT non-provider
193.194       N         4           MA   MA general
193.195       P       194           GB   DEMON
193.196       P       270           DE   BelWue
193.197       P         7           DE   BelWue
193.198       N        43           HR   HR non-provider
193.199       N        68           FI   National Board of Education
193.200       N         2           BG   BG non-provider

                        July 7, 1994
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193.201       N      resvd          BG   BG non-provider
193.202       N       208           EU   Pan European
193.203       N         4           YU   YU-SPL
193.204       P       227           IT   GARR
193.205       P         8           IT   GARR
193.206-207   P      resvd          IT   GARR
193.208       P       243           FI   DATANET
193.209       P       153           FI   DATANET
193.210       P       263           FI   DATANET
193.211       P      resvd          FI   DATANET
193.212       P        83           NO   TELEPOST
193.213-215   P      resvd          NO   TELEPOST
193.216       P        30           NO   DAXnet
193.217       P      resvd          NO   DAXnet
193.218       N        12           GR   GR non-provider
193.219       N        27           LT   LT non-provider
193.220       N      resvd          LT   LT non-provider
193.221       N       231           EU   Pan European
193.222       N       172           CH   CH non-provider
193.223       N       191           CH   CH non-provider
193.224       N        85           HU   HU general
193.225       N      resvd          HU   HU general
193.226       N        34           RO   RO general
193.227       N        35           EG   EG general
193.228       P         0           GB   CNS
193.229-231   P      resvd          GB   CNS
193.232       N       134           RU   RU+xSU non-provider
193.233       N        31           RU   RU+xSU non-provider
193.234       N       254           SE   SE non-provider
193.235       N       221           SE   SE non-provider
193.236       N        55           PT   PT non-provider
193.237-239   N      resvd          PT   PT non-provider
193.240       P         0           GB   RACAL
193.241       N      resvd          SE   SE Defense
193.242       N       207           EU   Pan European
193.243       P       161           GB   ENERGIS
193.244       P       256           EU   Kredietbank
193.245       P       256           EU   Kredietbank
193.246-247   P      resvd          EU   Kredietbank
193.248       P       255           FR   France Telecom Internal
193.249       P       255           FR   France Telecom Internal
193.250       P       255           FR   France Telecom Internal
193.251       P       255           FR   France Telecom Internal
193.252       P       255           FR   France Telecom Internal
193.253       P       255           FR   France Telecom Internal
193.254       N         3           AL   AL general
194.0         N      resNvCdC Private Use
194.1         N         0           LV   LV General
194.2         P        72           FR   Oleane
194.3         P      resvd          FR   Oleane
194.4         N       211           FR   FR non-provider
194.5         N      resvd          FR   FR non-provider
194.6         P      resvd          UK   Mercury Communications
194.7         P        10        INnet

                        July 7, 1994
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194.8         N         8           LV   managed by NCC temp
194.9         P         0           UK   Fastnet Communications
194.10        P        24           EU   IBM IP network
194.11        N       193           CH   CH Non-provider block
194.12        N       192           EU   Pan European
194.13        N       201           NL   NL non-provider
194.14        N       242           SE   SE non provider
194.15        N       244           DE   DE non provider
194.16        P         0           EU   UniSource Business Networks
194.17        P         0           EU   UniSource Business Networks
194.18        P         0           EU   UniSource Business Networks
194.19        P         0           EU   UniSource Business Networks
194.20        P         0           EU   UniSource Business Networks
194.21        P         0           EU   UniSource Business Networks
194.22        P         1           EU   UniSource Business Networks
194.23        P         0           EU   UniSource Business Networks
194.24-31     P      resvd          EU   UniSource Business Networks
194.32        N       241           UK   UK non-provider
194.33        N       196           UK   UK non-provider
194.34        N       256           UK   UK non-provider
194.35        N        50           UK   UK non-provider
194.36        P         7           UK   UK HEP community
194.37        N       239           AT   AT non provider
194.38        N        64           SE   SE non provider

                        July 7, 1994
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7.  Appendix D

7.1.  Note on Statistics

The arrangement of categories  including  country  codes  in
some  statistical  tables and figures have been standardised
to make the data more easily  comparable  between  different
tables and editions of these reports.  As a consequence some
categories appear with no data and/or seemingly  nonsensical

7.2.  Domain Table

The domain table ususally  found  in  Appendix  D  has  been
removed to avoid unneccessary duplication of information.  A
complete list of the ountry codes can be found in  the  ISO-
3166 list which is available as:


The other domains are explained as shown in the table below

Domain    Specifying

IXI       EuropaNet (formerly IXI)
IIS       the Interactive Information Server
LOCAL     the NCC itself using IP
NCC-X25   the NCC itself using X.25
PSPDN     the Public Data Network
UNKNOWN   no mapping between IP address and domain name could be found
com       commercial organisations (mainly in the US)
edu       educational organisations (mainly in the US)
gov       US government organisations
mil       US military organisations
net       network providers and related organisations
org       organisations (mainly in the US)

                        July 7, 1994