List of Local Internet Registries in Europe

                       Document ID: ripe-118
                        Obsoletes: ripe-111


           This document lists the local Internet Registries
      in Europe.


This is a list of European Local Internet Registries in Europe. It
is intended to clarify who should be contacted for IP network

All of the organisations listed allocate IP network numbers. The
previously centralised procedures for obtaining IP network numbers
from the Global Internet Registry (known as the InterNIC, formerly
the DDN NIC) have been replaced  by a distributed system.  Blocks of
Internet Network numbers are now delegated to the RIPE NCC, which in
turn delegates blocks of numbers to local registries (IR's).  The
local IR's in turn, make most of the IP network number assignments
in Europe.

Local IR's are of three types.  There are "Enterprise" registries
"Service Provider" registries and "Last Resort" registries.

An enterprise that wishes to coordinate address space usage inter-
nally may make arrangements with the RIPE NCC to become registered
as enterprise registry.  Anyone within the enterprise concerned
should contact the enterprise registry for Internet address space.

Those who intend not to connect to the Internet in the foreseeable
future or, at the present time, do not have an IP service provider
selected, should contact the "Registry of Last Resort" for the coun-
try concerned. If such a registry is not listed below, requests
should be directed to the RIPE NCC.

Alternatively those who have a service provider selected should con-
tact the service provider for IP numbers. The service provider is
always the preferred registry to obtain address space.

                           - 2 -

Some organisations appear twice in the list.  This is because they
act both as "Service Provider" and as "Last Resort" registries.  The
list is sorted alphabetically by country code.  The "Last Resort"
registry is listed last for each country.

This list is also quite definitely not a comprehensive list of
Internet service providers in Europe and should not be used as such.
If you are looking for Internet service and do not have sufficient
information, please contact the RIPE NCC with details of exactly
what service you require in which location(s).  The NCC will then
notify all known service providers of the service request.

This document will be updated regularly every few months and thus
may be slightly out of date.  The latest up-to-date information can
be found in the RIPE Document store under the title "registries"
which is equivalent to the URL


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the RIPE
NCC at <>, telephone +31 20 592 5065, fax +31 20 592

                           - 3 -                          ae

Registries in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (ae)

org:      UUNET Gulf
status:   Service Provider
person:   Khalid Lootah
address:  Unisun Technology
address:  PO Box 55755
address:  Dubai
country:  United Arab Emirates
phone:    +9714 662764
fax-no:   +9714 681926

There is currently no last resort registry in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES.
Please contact the NCC if you do not have another registry to turn

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                           - 4 -                          at

Registries in AUSTRIA (at)

org:       ACONET
status:    Service Provider
person:    Wilfried Woeber
address:   Computer Center - ACOnet
address:   Universitaetsstrasse 7
address:   A-1010 Vienna
country:   Austria (at)
phone:     +43 1 4065822 355
fax-no:    +43 1 4065822 170

org:       EUnet AT
status:    Service Provider
person:    Michael Haberler
address:   EUnet EDV Dienstleistungs Ges.m.b.h
address:   Schottenring 33
address:   A-1010 Wien
country:   Austria (at)
phone:     +43 1 3174969
fax-no:    +43 1 3104462

The last resort registry in AUSTRIA is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       EUnet AT
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Waltraud Noficzer
person:    Georg Chytil
address:   Schottenring 33
address:   A-1010 Wien
country:   Austria (at)
phone:     +43 1 3174969
fax-no:    +43 1 3104462

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                           - 5 -                          be

Registries in BELGIUM (be)

org:       Belnet
status:    Service Provider
person:    Stephan Biesbroeck
address:   DPWB - SPPS
address:   Wetenschapsstraat 8
address:   B-1040 Brussels
country:   Belgium (be)
phone:     +32 2 2383470
fax-no:    +32 2 2305912

org:       EUnet BE
status:    Service Provider
person:    Luc De Vos
address:   EUnet Belgium NV/SA
address:   Stapelhuisstraat 13
address:   B-3000 Leuven
country:   Belgium (be)
phone:     +32 16 236099
fax-no:    +32 16 232079

org:       INnet
status:    Service Provider
person:    Luc Dierckx
address:   Postelarenweg 2 Bus 3
address:   B-2400 Mol
country:   Belgium (be)
phone:     +32 14 319937
fax-no:    +32 14 319011

org:      Interpac Belgium
status:   Service Provider
person:   Chantal Schutz
address:  350/358 Avenue Louise Box 11
address:  B-1050 Brussels
country:  Belgium (be)
phone:    +32 2 6466000
fax:      +32 2 6403638

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                           - 6 -                          be

org:       KREDIETBANK
status:    Enterprise Registry
person:    Paul Decooman
person:    Bart Huez
address:   Systems and Methods
address:   Opzichterstraat 41
address:   B 1040 Brussels
country:   Belgium
phone:     +32 2 4227409
fax-no:    +32 2 4228534

The last resort registry in BELGIUM is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       Belnet
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Stephan Biesbroeck
address:   DPWB - SPPS
address:   Wetenschapsstraat 8
address:   B-1040 Brussels
country:   Belgium (be)
phone:     +32 2 2383470
fax-no:    +32 2 2311531

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                           - 7 -                          bg

Registries in BULGARIA (bg)

org:       EUnet BG
status:    Service Provider
address:   c/o Digital Systems
person:    Daniel Kalchev
address:   Neofit Bozveli 6
address:   Varna - 9000
country:   Bulgaria (bg)
phone:     +359 52 259135
fax-no:    +359 52 234540

The last resort registry in BULGARIA is listed below.  Please con-
tact them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       BG EUnet Daniel Kalchev
status:    Registry of Last Resort
address:   c/o Digital Systems
person:    Daniel Kalchev
address:   Neofit Bozveli 6
address:   Varna - 9000
country:   Bulgaria (bg)
phone:     +359 52 259135
fax-no:    +359 52 234540

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                           - 8 -                          ch

Registries in SWITZERLAND (ch)

org:       EUnet CH
status:    Service Provider
person:    Simon Poole
address:   Zweierstrasse
address:   CH-8004 Zuerich
country:   Switzerland (ch)
phone:     +41 1 291 45 80
fax-no:    +41 1 291 46 42

org:       SWITCH Geschaeftsstelle
status:    Service Provider
person:    Thomas Brunner
address:   Limmatquai 138
address:   CH-8001 Zurich
country:   Switzerland (ch)
phone:     +41 1 268 1530
fax-no:    +41 1 268 1568

The last resort registry in SWITZERLAND is listed below.  Please
contact them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       CHUUG-EUnet
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Simon Poole
address:   Zweierstrasse
address:   CH-8004 Zuerich
country:   Switzerland (ch)
phone:     +41 1 291 45 80
fax-no:    +41 1 291 46 42

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                           - 9 -                          cy

Registries in CYPRUS (cy)

org:       University of Cyprus
status:    Provider
person:    Andreas Kasenides
address:   75, Kallipoleos Str.
address:   Nicosia 134
country:   Cyprus (cy)
phone:     357 2 366186
fax-no:    357 2 476082

The last resort registry in CYPRUS is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       University of Cyprus
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Andreas Kasenides
address:   75, Kallipoleos Str.
address:   Nicosia 134
country:   Cyprus (cy)
phone:     357 2 366186
fax-no:    357 2 476082

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                           - 10 -                         cz

Registries in CZECH REPUBLIC (cz)

org:       EUnet Czech Republic
status:    Service Provider
person:    Jiri Orsag
address:   COnet, Ltd.
address:   Technicka 5
address:   Prague 6
address:   166 28
country:   Czech Republic (cz)
phone:     +42 2 3323242
fax-no:    +42 2 24310646

The last resort registry in CZECH REPUBLIC is listed below.  Please
contact them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       EUnet CZ
status:    Registry of last resort
person:    Jiri Orsag
address:   University of Chemical Technology
address:   Technicka 5
address:   Prague 6
address:   166 28
country:   Czech Republic (cz)
phone:     +42 2 3323242
fax-no:    +42 2 24310646

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                           - 11 -                         de

Registries in GERMANY (de)

org:       BelWue
status:    Service Provider
person:    Peter Merdian
address:   Science Network of the Federal State of Baden-Wuerttemberg
address:   Universitaet Stuttgart
address:   Rechenzentrum
address:   Allmandring 30
address:   D-70550 Stuttgart 80
country:   Germany (de)
phone:     +49 711 1319 129
fax-no:    +49 711 682357
e-mail:    merdian@RUS.Uni-Stuttgart.D400.DE

org:       DFN
status:    Service Provider
person:    Juergen Rauschenbach
address:   Pariser Strasse 44
address:   D-10707 Berlin
country:   Germany (de)
phone:     +49 30 884299 46
fax-no:    +49 30 884299 70
e-mail:    jrau@DFN.DE

org:       EUnet DE
status:    Service Provider
person:    Andreas Schachtner
address:   Emil-Figge-Str. 80
address:   D-44227 Dortmund
country:   Germany (de)
phone:     +49 231 972 00
fax-no:    +49 231 972 1111

org:      GTN mbH
status:   Service Provider
person:   Andreas Baess
address:  Fontanestr. 12
address:  D-41564 Kaarst
country:  Germany
phone:    +49 2131 605652
fax-no:   +49 2131 666754

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org:      MAZ CLS Internet Services
status:   Service Provider
person:   Wiljo Heinen
address:  Commercial Link Systems
address:  Sternstr. 2
address:  D-24116 Kiel
country:  Germany
phone:    +49 431 9790161
fax-no:   +49 431 978126

org:       XLINK
status:    Service Provider
person:    Arnold Nipper
address:   NTG Netwerk und Telematic GmbH
address:   Geschaeftsbereich XLINK
address:   Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 3
address:   D-76131 Karlsruhe
country:   Germany (de)
phone:     +49 721 9652 0
fax-no:    +49 721 9652 10

The last resort registry in GERMANY is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       DE-NIC
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Sabine Dolderer
person:    Andreas Knocke
address:   Universitaet  Karlsruhe
address:   Rechenzentrum / DE-NIC
address:   Postfach 6980
address:   D-76128 Karlsruhe
country:   Germany  (de)
phone:     +49 721 373723
fax-no:    +49 721 32550

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                           - 13 -                         dk

Registries in DENMARK (dk)

org:       DENet DK
status:    Service Provider
person:    Erik Lawaetz
person:    Steen Linden
address:   UNI-C - Danish Computing Centre for Research and Education
address:   DTH, Building 305
address:   DK-2800 Lyngby
country:   Denmark (dk)
phone:     +45 42 88 39 99 ext. 2018
phone:     +45 45 93 83 55
fax-no:    +45 45 93 02 20

org:       DKnet
status:    Service Provider
person:    Robert Martin-Legene
address:   Fruebjergvej 3
address:   DK-2100 Copenhagen O
country:   Denmark (dk)
phone:     +45 39 17 99 00
fax-no:    +45 39 17 98 97

org:       NORDUnet
status:    Service Provider
person:    Peter Villemoes
address:   c/o UNI-C
address:   Bygn. 305, DTH
address:   DK-2800 Lyngby
country:   Denmark (dk)
phone:     +45 45 938355
fax:       +45 45 930220

The last resort registry in DENMARK is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       DKnet
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Robert Martin-Legene
address:   Fruebjergvej 3
address:   DK-2100 Copenhagen O
country:   Denmark (dk)
phone:     +45 39 17 99 00
fax-no:    +45 39 17 98 97

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                           - 14 -                         ee

Registries in ESTONIA (ee)

The last resort registry in ESTONIA is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       EE-NIC
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Jaak Lippmaa
address:   Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
address:   10 Ravala Blvd.
address:   EE0001 Tallinn
country:   Estonia (ee)
phone:     +372-2-441304
fax-no:    +372-2-440640

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                           - 15 -                         es

Registries in SPAIN (es)

org:       EUnet ES/ Goya Servicios Telematicos, S.A.
status:    Service Provider
person:    Juan-Antonio Esteban (Business Manager)
person:    Inmaculada Pindado (Technical Manager)
address:   Goya Servicios Telematicos, S.A.
address:   C/ Clara del Rey 8, 1-7
address:   E-28002 Madrid
country:   Spain (es)
phone:     +34 1 413 48 56
fax-no:    +34 1 413 49 01

org:       RedIRIS-CSIC
status:    Service Provider
person:    Miguel A. Sanz
person:    Susana Gayo
address:   Serrano 142
address:   28006 Madrid
country:   Spain (es)
phone:     +34 1 5855150
fax-no:    +34 1 5855146

The last resort registry in SPAIN is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       RedIRIS-CSIC
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Miguel A. Sanz
person:    Susana Gayo
address:   Serrano 142
address:   28006 Madrid
country:   Spain (es)
phone:     +34 1 5855150
fax-no:    +34 1 5855146

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                           - 16 -                         fi

Registries in FINLAND (fi)

org:       DATANET
status:    Service Provider
person:    Seppo Noppari
address:   Telecom Finland
address:   Data Services
address:   PO BOX 228
address:   33101 TAMPERE
country:   Finland (fi)
phone:     + 358 31 243 2242
phone:     + 358 400 625 470
fax-no:    + 358 243 2211

org:      Finnish educational network (non-academic)
status:   Enterprise Registry
person:   Jarmo Miettinen
person:   Riku Kalinen
address:  Suomen Tietoverkkopalvelu Inc
address:  Toinen linja 14
address:  00530  HELSINKI
country:  Finland
phone:    +358 0 7712665
fax-no:   +358 0 7712317

org:       EUnet FI
status:    Service Provider
person:    Petri Helenius
address:   EUnet Finland OY
address:   Punavuorenkatu 1
address:   FI-00120 Helsinki
country:   Finland (fi)
phone:     +358 0 400 2060
phone:     +358 49 425 722
fax-no:    +358 0 622 2626

org:       FUNET FI
status:    Service Provider
person:    Jyrki Soini
address:   Finnish University and Research Network
address:   c/o Center for Scientific Computing
address:   P.O.Box 405
address:   FIN-02101 ESPOO
country:   Finland (fi)
phone:     +358 0 457 2704
fax:       +358 0 457 2302

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org:       The Helsinki Telephone co.
status:    Service Provider
person:    E Salopuro
address:   Helsingin Puhelinyhdistys
address:   SO A508B
address:   PL 148, 00131 Helsinki
country:   Finland (fi)
phone:     +35 8 06063160
fax-no:    +35 8 07011649
e-mail:    <none>

org:       Oulu Telephone Company
status:    Service Provider
person:    Karttunen Jari Juha
address:   P.O. Box 30
address:   SF-90101 Oulu
country:   Finland (fi)
phone:     +358 81 3134520
fax-no:    +358 81 371057

The last resort registry in FINLAND is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       EUnet FI Ltd
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Petri Helenius
address:   EUnet Finland OY
address:   Punavuorenkatu 1
address:   FI-00120 Helsinki
country:   Finland (fi)
phone:     +358 0 400 2060
phone:     +358 49 425 722
fax-no:    +358 0 622 2626

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                           - 18 -                         fr

Registries in FRANCE (fr)

org:       EUnet France
status:    Service Provider
person:    Annie Renard
address:   Centre De Rocquencourt
address:   Domaine De Voluceau, BP 105, F-78153
address:   Le Chesnay CEDEX
country:   France (fr)
phone:     +33 1 39 63 56 23
fax-no:    +33 1 39 63 55 34

org:       La Francaise des Jeux
status:    Enterprise Registry
person:    Antoine de Boutray
address:   La Francaise des Jeux
address:   77230 Moussy-le-Vieux
country:   France
phone:     +33 1 64 66 67 65
fax-no:    +33 1 64 66 66 52
e-mail:    <none>

org:       OLEANE
status:    Service Provider
person:    Jean-Michel Planche
address:   35 Boulevard de la Liberation
address:   94300 Vincennes
country:   France
phone:     +33 1 43 28 32 32
fax-no:    +33 1 43 28 46 21

org:       Renater
status:    Service Provider
person:    Annie Renard
address:   INRIA Centre De Rocquencourt
address:   Domaine De Voluceau, BP 105, F-78153
address:   Le Chesnay CEDEX
country:   France (fr)
phone:     +33 1 39 63 56 23
fax-no:    +33 1 39 63 55 34

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org:       France Telecom
status:    Enterprise Registry
person:    Robert Benchimol
address:   DSI/SSPT
address:   Direction Generale
address:   Direction de Systeme d'Information
address:   33, Avenue Du Maine
address:   75755 Paris Cedex 15
country:   France (fr)
phone:     +33 1 45 38 21 56
fax-no:    +33 1 45 38 25 88

org:       TRANSPAC France
status:    Service Provider
person:    Gilles Antoine
address:   Tour Montparnasse B13
address:   33 Avenue du Maine
address:   75755 Paris Cedex 15
country:   France
phone:     +33 1 45 38 88 67
fax-no:    +33 1 45 38 71 47

org:      France Telecom TRANSREL
status:   Service Provider
person:   Bernard Lefebvre
address:  DRN/DPS/SRE
address:  30 Boulevard de Vaugirard
address:  BP 902
address:  75519 Paris Cedex 15
country:  France
phone:    +33 1 40 51 63 98
fax-no:   +33 1 40 51 63 50

The last resort registry in FRANCE is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       INRIA FR-NIC
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Annie Renard
address:   Centre De Rocquencourt
address:   Domaine De Voluceau, BP 105, F-78153
address:   Le Chesnay CEDEX
country:   France (fr)
phone:     +33 1 39 63 56 23
fax-no:    +33 1 39 63 55 34

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                           - 20 -                         gr

Registries in GREECE (gr)

org:       EUnet GR
status:    Service Provider
person:    S. Sartzetakis
address:   Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas
address:   Computer Science Institute
address:   Daidalou 36, P.O. Box 1385,
address:   Heraklion, Crete
country:   Greece 71110 (gr)
phone:     +30 81 221171

The last resort registry in GREECE is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       FORTH
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    S. Sartzetakis
address:   Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas
address:   Computer Science Institute
address:   Daidalou 36, P.O. Box 1385,
address:   Heraklion, Crete
country:   Greece 71110 (gr)
phone:     +30 81 221171

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                           - 21 -                         hr

Registries in CROATIA (local name: Hrvatska) (hr)

The last resort registry in CROATIA (local name: Hrvatska) is listed
below.  Please contact them if you do not have another registry to
turn to.

org:       CARNet
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Ivan Maric
address:   Croatian Academic and Research Network
address:   J.Marohnica bb
address:   Zagreb
country:   Croatia
phone:     +38 41 510-033
fax-no:    +38 41 518-451

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                           - 22 -                         hu

Registries in HUNGARY (hu)

The last resort registry in HUNGARY is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       SZTAKI
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Nandor Horvath
address:   H-1132 Budapest
address:   Victor Hugo Str. 18-22
address:   Budapest
country:   Hungary (hu)
phone:     +36 1 1497986
fax-no:    +36 1 1297866

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                           - 23 -                         ie

Registries in IRELAND (ie)

org:     Internet Eireann Ltd.
status:  Service Provider
person:  Steve O'Hara-Smith
address: Gardiner House
address: Lower Gardiner Street
address: Dublin 1
country: Eire
phone:   +353 1 2781060
fax-no:  TBA
e-mail: (will be arranged for sometime in July)

org:       EUnet IE
status:    Service Provider
person:    Michael Nowlan
address:   O'Reilly Institute
address:   Trinity College
address:   Dublin 2
country:   Ireland (ie)
phone:     +353 1 671 9361
phone:     +353 1 702 1787
fax-no:    +353 1 677 2204

org:       HEAnet
status:    Service Provider
person:    Mike Norris
address:   21 Fitzwilliam Square
address:   Dublin 2
country:   Ireland (ie)
phone:     +353 1 6612748
fax:       +353 1 6610492

The last resort registry in IRELAND is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       IE EUnet
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Michael Nowlan
address:   O'Reilly Institute
address:   Trinity College
address:   Dublin 2
country:   Ireland (ie)
phone:     +353 1 671 9361
phone:     +353 1 702 1787
fax-no:    +353 1 677 2204

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Registries in ISRAEL (il)

org:       Computer Centre of Tel-Aviv University
status:    Service Provider
person:    Hank Nussbacher
address:   Tel-Aviv University
address:   Ramat-Aviv
country:   Israel (il)
phone:     +972 3 6408309
fax-no:    +972 3 6409118

The last resort registry in ISRAEL is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       Computer Centre of Tel-Aviv University
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Hank Nussbacher
address:   Tel-Aviv University
address:   Ramat-Aviv
country:   Israel (il)
phone:     +972 3 6408309
fax-no:    +972 3 6409118

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                           - 25 -                         is

Registries in ICELAND (is)

org:       SURIS-ISnet/IS EUnet
status:    Service Provider
person:    Marius Olafsson
address:   University of Iceland
address:   Taeknigardi
address:   Dunhaga 5, 107 Reykjavik
country:   Iceland (is)
phone:     +354 1 694747
fax-no:    +354 1 28801

The last resort registry in ICELAND is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       SURIS-ISnet/IS EUnet
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Marius Olafsson
address:   University of Iceland
address:   Taeknigardi
address:   Dunhaga 5, 107 Reykjavik
country:   Iceland (is)
phone:     +354 1 694747
fax-no:    +354 1 28801

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Registries in ITALY (it)

org:       EUnet Italy
status:    Service Provider
person:    Alessandro Berni
address:   Universita' di Genova
address:   DIST
address:   Via Opera Pia 11A
address:   I-16145 Genova
country:   Italy (it)
phone:     +39 10 353-2747
fax-no:    +39 10 353-2948

org:       GARR Italian Research and Academic Network
status:    Service Provider
person:    Antonio_Blasco Bonito
address:   GARR-NIS
address:   c/o CNUCE Istituto del CNR
address:   Via Santa Maria, 36
address:   I-56126 Pisa
country:   Italy (it)
phone:     +39 50 593360
fax-no:    +39 50 904052

org: NETTuno
status: Service Provider
person: Gabriele Neri
address: CINECA
address: Via Magnanelli, 6/3
address: I-40033 Casalecchio di Reno
address: Bologna
country: Italy (IT)
phone: +39 51 6599411
fax-no: +39 51 6599472

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                           - 27 -                         it

The last resort registry in ITALY is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       GARR Network Information Service
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Antonio_Blasco Bonito
address:   c/o CNUCE Istituto del CNR
address:   Via Santa Maria, 36
address:   I-56126 Pisa
country:   Italy (it)
phone:     +39 50 593360
fax-no:    +39 50 904052

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                           - 28 -                         lu

Registries in LUXEMBOURG (lu)

org:       EUnet LU
status:    Service Provider
person:    Jacques Kirsch
address:   CRP-CU
address:   162a, Avenue De La Faiencerie
country:   L- 1511 Luxemburg (lu)
phone:     +352 47 02 61
fax-no:    +352 47 02 64

org:            RESTENA
status:         Service Provider
person:         Alain Frieden
person:         Marc Stiefer
address:        6, rue Coudenhove-Kalergi
address:        L-1359 Luxembourg-Kirchberg
country:        Luxembourg (lu)
phone:          +352 424409
fax-no:         +352 424409

The last resort registry in LUXEMBOURG is listed below.  Please con-
tact them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:            RESTENA
status:         Registry of Last Resort
person:         Alain Frieden
person:         Marc Stiefer
address:        6, rue Coudenhove-Kalergi
address:        L-1359 Luxembourg-Kirchberg
country:        Luxembourg (lu)
phone:          +352 424409
fax-no:         +352 424409

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                           - 29 -                         mk


org:       MARNET SI
status:    Service Provider
person:    Oliver Popov
address:   Ministry of Science of Macedonia (MARNET Committee)
address:   Bihacka 8
address:   91000, Skopje
country:   Macedonia (mk)
phone:     +38 91 238610
fax-no:    +38 91 235573

There is currently no last resort registry in MACEDONIA, THE FORMER
YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF.  Please contact the NCC if you do not have
another registry to turn to.

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                           - 30 -                         nl

Registries in NETHERLANDS (nl)

org:       Ericsson Data Services
status:    Enterprise Registry
person:    Monica Bouchibane
address:   Ericsson Data Services Nederland
address:   P.O. Box 209, 5120 AE Rijen
address:   Netherlands
phone:     +31 1612 29473
fax-no:    +31 1612 29071

org:      IBM Information Network
status:   Service Provider
person:   Henk Hofs
address:  INSC Service Architecture
address:  Boerhaavelaan 11
address:  2713 HA  Zoetermeer
address:  The Netherlands
phone:    +31 79 223364
fax-no:   +31 79 224406

org:       NLnet
status:    Service Provider
person:    Martijn Roos Lindgreen
address:   Kruislaan 419
address:   NL-1098 SJ Amsterdam
country:   The Netherlands (nl)
phone:     +31 20 6639366
fax-no:    +31 20 6655311

org:       PHILIPS
status:    Service Provider
person:    Huub Sanders
address:   Philips Communications & Processing, MPN
address:   Building VN-515
address:   NL-5600 MD Eindhoven
country:   The Netherlands (nl)
phone:     +31 40 786000

org:       SURFnet bv
status:    Service Provider
person:    Erik Jan-Bos
address:   P.O. Box 19035
address:   NL - 3501 DA Utrecht
country:   The Netherlands (nl)
phone:     +31 30 310290
fax-no:    +31 30 340903

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                           - 31 -                         nl

org:       Unisource Business Networks (for EMPB)
status:    Service Provider
person:    Harold Rolfes
address:   PO Box 90934
address:   NL-2509 LX The Hague
country:   The Netherlands (nl)
phone:     +31 70 371 1151
fax-no:    +31 70 371 1338

The last resort registry in NETHERLANDS is listed below.  Please
contact them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       SURFnet bv
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Erik Jan-Bos
address:   P.O. Box 19035
address:   NL - 3501 DA Utrecht
country:   The Netherlands (nl)
phone:     +31 30 310290
fax-no:    +31 30 340903

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                           - 32 -                         no

Registries in NORWAY (no)

org:       DAXNET
status:    Service Provider
person:    Tore Rasmussen
person:    Sigurd Romslo
address:   Scandinavian Airlines Data
address:   Fornebuveien 40
address:   N-1330 Oslo Lufthavn
address:   Norway
phone:     +47 67 59 65 14
fax-no:    +47 67 59 77 77

org:       EUnet Norway
status:    Service Provider
person:    Arne Asplem
address:   Forskningsparken
address:   Gaustadallen 21
address:   N-0371 Oslo
country:   Norway (no)
phone:     +47 22 958327
fax-no:    +47 22 604427

org:       TelePost Communication AS
status:    Service Provider
person:    Gunn Skogseth
address:   P.O.Box 335, Skoyen
address:   N-0212 Oslo
country:   Norway (no)
phone:     +47 22 73 37 00
fax-no:    +47 22 73 37 10

org:       UNINETT
status:    Service Provider
person:    Havard Eidnes
address:   SINTEF Runit
address:   N-7034 Trondheim
country:   Norway (no)
phone:     +47 7 594468
fax-no:    +47 7 941700

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                           - 33 -                         no

The last resort registry in NORWAY is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       UNINETT
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Havard Eidnes
address:   SINTEF Runit
address:   N-7034 Trondheim
country:   Norway (no)
phone:     +47 73 59 44 68
fax-no:    +47 73 59 17 00

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                           - 34 -                         pl

Registries in POLAND (pl)

org:       EUnet PL
status:    Service Provider
person:    Michael Bielicki
address:   PL-net Ltd./EUnet Poland
address:   LIM Center
address:   Al. Jerozolimskie 65/79, room 15.04
address:   00-697 Warszawa
country:   Poland (pl)
phone:     +48 2 630 63 02
fax-no:    +48 2 630 63 05

org:       NASK  Research and Academic Networks in Poland
status:    Service Provider
person:    Ireneusz Neska
address:   Bartycka 18
address:   PL-00-927 Warsaw
country:   Poland (pl)
phone:     +48 22 268000
fax-no:    +48 22 268000

The last resort registry in POLAND is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       NASK  Research and Academic Networks in Poland
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Ireneusz Neska
address:   Bartycka 18
address:   PL-00-927 Warsaw
country:   Poland (pl)
phone:     +48 22 268000
fax-no:    +48 22 268000

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                           - 35 -                         pt

Registries in PORTUGAL (pt)

org:       EUnet PT
status:    Service Provider
person:    Jose Legatheaux Martins
address:   Portuguese Unix User's Group
address:   C/o UNINOVA - Quinta da Torre
address:   P-2825 Monte da Caparica
country:   Portugal (pt)
phone:     +351 1 294 28 44
fax-no:    +351 1 295 77 86

org:       RCCN
status:    Service Provider
person:    Graca Carvalho
address:   Fundacao Calculo Cientifico Nacional (FCCN)
address:   Rede da Comunidade Cientifica Nacional
address:   Av. do Brasil, 101
address:   P-1799 Lisboa Codex
country:   Portugal (pt)
phone:     +351 1 848 1906
fax-no:    +351 1 847 2167

The last resort registry in PORTUGAL is listed below.  Please con-
tact them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       FCCN
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Graca Carvalho
address:   Fundacao Calculo Cientifico Nacional (FCCN)
address:   Av. do Brasil, 101
address:   P-1799 Lisboa Codex
country:   Portugal (pt)
phone:     +351 1 848 1906
fax-no:    +351 1 847 2167

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                           - 36 -                         ro

Registries in ROMANIA (ro)

org:       EARN
status:    Service Provider
person:    Eugen Staicut
address:   Research Institute for Informatics
address:   Bd. Miciurin 8-10, Sector 1
address:   Bucharest 71316
country:   Romania (ro)
phone:     +40-0-652560
fax-no:    +40-0-128539

There is currently no last resort registry in ROMANIA.  Please con-
tact the NCC if you do not have another registry to turn to.

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                           - 37 -                         ru

Registries in RUSSIAN FEDERATION (ru)

org:      RADIO-MSU
status:   Service Provider
person:   Dmitry A. Avdeyev
address:  Nuclear Physics Institute
address:  Moscow State Universiry
address:  119899 Moscow
country:  Russia (ru)
phone:    +7 095 9328880
fax-no:   +7 095 9390397

org:      Russian Institute for Public Networks (RosNIIROS)
status:   Service Provider
person:   Serge V. Turchin
person:   Oleg Tabarovsky
person:   Alexei Platonov
address:  1, Kurchatov sq.
address:  123182 Moscow
country:  Russia (ru)
phone:    +7 095 1967278
fax-no:   +7 095 1964984

org:            RoSprint Company
status:         Service Provider
person:         Andrey Petukhov
person:         Alexander Birman
address:        7 Tverskaya ul., entrance 7
address:        Moscow, 103375 Russia
country:        RU
phone:          +7 201 9285
fax-no:         +7 923 2344

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                           - 38 -                         ru

The last resort registry in RUSSIAN FEDERATION is listed below.
Please contact them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       Rosniiros
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Serge V. Turchin
person:    Oleg Tabarovsky
address:   1, Kurchatov sq.
address:   123182 Moscow
country:   Russia (ru)
phone:     +7 095 1967278
fax-no:    +7 095 1964984
remarks:   serves Russia and all former SU countries except the Russian
remarks:   Federation for as long as they do not have their own local-IR

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                           - 39 -                         se

Registries in SWEDEN (se)

org:      Electrolux
status:   Enterprise Registry
person:   Michael Winberg
person:   Bernt Glans
address:  Electrolux Data AB
address:  Global Data Network for Electrolux.
address:  S-105 45 Stockholm
address:  SWEDEN
phone:    +46 8 738 60 00 ext. 7439
fax-no:   +46 8 656 41 19

org:     EUnet Sweden
status:  Service Provider
person:  Arne Asplem
address: c/o EUnet Norway
address: Gaustadallen 21
address: N-0371 Oslo
country: Norway
phone:   +47 22 95 83 27
fax-no:  +47 22 60 44 27

org:     Lund University
status:  Enterprise Registry
person:  Jens Andersson
address: Lunds Datacentral/Datakommunikation
address: Lunds Universitet
address: Box 783, S-220 07 Lund
country: Sweden
phone:   +46 46 104725
fax-no:  +46 46 138225

org:       SWIPNET AB
status:    Service Provider
person:    Olle Wallner
person:    Jorgen Eriksson
address:   Box 6048
address:   S-164 06 Kista
country:   Sweden (se)
phone:     +46 8 924040 (Jorgen Eriksson)
phone:     +46 8 934040 (Olle Wallner)

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                           - 40 -                         se

org:      TRANSPAC Scandinavia AB
status:   Service Provider
person:   Sixten Bjorklund
person:   Bjorn Sjoholm
address:  Transpac Scandinavia A
address:  S-112 89 Stockholm
country:  Sweden
phone:    +46 8 13 60 38
fax-no:   +46 8 656 73 20

org:       Unisource Business Networks
status:    Service Provider
person:    Hakan Hansson
address:   c/o Unidata IP services TIPnet NCC
address:   Kaserntorget 11, 4th fl
address:   S-40335 GOTEBORG
country:   Sweden (se)
phone:     +46 31 7708485
fax-no:    +46 31 112800

The last resort registry in SWEDEN is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       SUNET/NORDUnet
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Bjorn Eriksen
address:   Royal Institute of Technology
address:   S-100 44 Stockholm
country:   Sweden (se)
phone:     +46 8 7906513
fax-no:    +46 8 24 11 79

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                           - 41 -                         si

Registries in SLOVENIA (si)

org:       ARNES
status:    Service Provider
person:    Avgust Jauk
person:    Marko Bonac
address:   Jamova 39
address:   61 111 Ljubljana
country:   Slovenia (si)
phone:     +386 61 1259 199 ext. or 256
fax-no:    +386 61 219 385

org:      EIGER-EBONE
status:   Service Provider
person:   Darko Bulat
person    Boris Horvat
address:  ABM-BBS
address:  Veselova 19
address:  SI-61000 Ljubljana
country:  Slovenia
phone:    +386 61 219367
fax-no:   +386 61 1252107

org:      EUnet SI
status:   Service Provider
person:   Ivan Pepelnjak
person    Damjan Podbregar
address:  NIL Systems Integration and Consulting Ltd.
address:  Litijska 51
address:  61000 Ljubljana
country:  Slovenia (si)
phone:    +386 61 1405 183
fax-no:   +381 61 1405 381

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                           - 42 -                         si

The last resort registry in SLOVENIA is listed below.  Please con-
tact them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       ARNES
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Avgust Jauk
person:    Marko Bonac
address:   Jamova 39
address:   61 111 Ljubljana
country:   Slovenia (si)
phone:     +386 61 1259 199 ext. or 256
fax-no:    +386 61 219 385

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                           - 43 -                         sk

Registries in SLOVAKIA (Slovak Republic) (sk)

org:       EUnet Slovakia
status:    Service Provider
person:    Ivan Lescak
address:   c/o Comenius University Bratislava
address:   Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Computing centre
address:   Mlynska dolina
address:   Bratislava, 842 15
country:   Slovakia (sk)
phone:     +42 7 725 306
fax-no:    +42 7 728 462

The last resort registry in SLOVAKIA (Slovak Republic) is listed
below.  Please contact them if you do not have another registry to
turn to.

org:       EUnet Slovakia
status:    Registry of last resort
person:    Ivan Lescak
address:   c/o Comenius University Bratislava
address:   Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Computing centre
address:   Mlynska dolina
address:   Bratislava, 842 15
country:   Slovakia (sk)
phone:     +42 7 725 306
fax-no:    +42 7 728 462

ripe-118.txt                                              sk
                           - 44 -                         tr

Registries in TURKEY (tr)

The last resort registry in TURKEY is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       Turkey
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Attila Ozgit
address:   Middle East Technical University
address:   Computer Center
address:   Inonu Bulvari, 06531
address:   Ankara
country:   Turkiye (tr)
phone:     +90 4 210 1000 ext:2091-2092
fax-no:    +90 4 210 1120
e-mail:    ozgit@trmetu.bitnet

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                           - 45 -                         ua

Registries in UKRAINE (ua)

The last resort registry in UKRAINE is listed below.  Please contact
them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

Org:       Institute for Condensed Matter Physics
status:    Registry of last Resort
person:    Alexander Saban
address:   Institute for Condensed Matter Physics
address:   1 Svientsitskii Street, Lviv, 290011,
address:   Ukraine (ua)
phone:     +7 0322 761978
fax:       +7 0322 761978

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                           - 46 -                         uk

Registries in THE UNITED KINGDOM (uk)

org:     BT Public Internet Service
status:  Service Provider
person:  Nigel Titley
address: BT Labs
address: Martlesham Heath
address: Ipswich
address: Suffolk
address: IP5 7RE
country: uk
phone:   +44 473 646092
fax-no:  +44 473 644506

org:            British Telecom
status:         Enterprise Registry
person:         Nigel Titley
address:        BT Labs
address:        Martlesham Heath
address:        Ipswich IP5 7RE
address:        Suffolk
country:        United Kingdom
phone:          +44 473 646092
fax-no:         +44 473 637619

org:       CNS
status:    Service Provider
person:    Ian Harding
address:   Brooklands Close
address:   Sunbury-on-Thames
address:   TW16 7DX
country:   United Kingdom (uk)
phone:     +44 932 814 800
fax:       +44 932 814 808

org:       DEMON
status:    Service Provider
person:    Cliff Stanford
address:   42 Hendon Lane, Finchley,
address:   London, N3 1TT
country:   United Kingdom (uk)
phone:     +44 81 349 0063
fax-no:    +44 81 349 0309

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                           - 47 -                         uk

org:      ENERGIS
status:   Enterprise Registry
person:   Ken Punshon
address:  50 Victoria Embankment
address:  London EC4Y 0DE
country:  England
phone:    +44 71 936 5697
fax-no:   +44 71 936 5679

org:       EUnet GB (GBnet Ltd)
status:    Service Provider
person:    Roy Hills
person:    James Aldridge
person:    Peter Houlder
address:   Kent R & D Business Centre
address:   Off Giles Lane
address:   Canterbury, CT2 7PB
address:   England
country:   United Kingdom (uk)
phone:     +44 227 266466
fax-no:    +44 227 266477

org:       Genesis Project Limited
status:    Service provider
person:    Dermot J Bradley
person:    Dale M Amon
address:   International Trade Centre Belfast
address:   Interpoint
address:   20-24 York Street
address:   Belfast
address:   Northern Ireland
country:   United Kingdom (uk)
phone:     +44 232 681919
fax-no:    +44 232 681919

org:     UK HEP Community
status:  Enterprise Registry
person:  Jason Leake
address: Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
address: Chilton, Didcot
address: Oxon OX11 0QX
address: United Kingdom
phone:   +44 235 446348
fax-no:  +44 235 446733

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                           - 48 -                         uk

org:      AT&T Istel
status:   Service Provider
person:   John O'Hare
address:  AT&T Istel Limited
address:  CDC PO Box 5
address:  North Moons Moat, Redditch
address:  Worcs, B98 9HB
country:  England
phone:    +44 527 28515
fax-no:   +44 527 510298
e-mail:    <none>

org:       JANET NOSC
status     Service Provider
person:    Duncan Rogerson
person:    Kevin Hoadley
address:   20 Guilford Street
address:   London WC1N 1DZ
country:   United Kingdom (uk)
phone:     +44 71 405 8400
fax-no:    +44 71 242 1845

org:       GEC Marconi Group
status:    Enterprise Registry
person:    P Stephenson
person:    Mr C J Helks
address:   GEC Computer Services Ltd.
address:   The Hollies
address:   Newport Road
address:   Stafford ST16 IBY
country:   United Kingdom (uk)
phone:     +44 785 48131 Ex 229
phone:     +44 785 48131 Ex 297
fax:       +44 785 211148
remarks:   Registry for all GEC Marconi Companies

org:       Mercury Communications Ltd (UK)
status:    Service Provider
person:    Richard Sizeland
address:   Data Network Services
address:   1 Riverbank Way
address:   Great West Road
address:   Brentford
address:   Middlesex TW8 9RS
country:   United Kingdom (uk)
phone:     +44 81 914 6174
fax-no:    +44 81 914 6040

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                           - 49 -                         uk

org:       PIPEX
status:    Service Provider
person:    Keith Mitchell
address:   PIPEX Ltd
address:   216 Cambridge Science Park
address:   Milton Road
address:   Cambridge
address:   CB4 4WA
country:   United Kingdom (uk)
phone:     +44 223 250120
fax-no:    +44 223 250121

org:       RACAL Network Services
status:    Service Provider
person:    Steve Ridewood
address:   Oakwood
address:   Chineham Business Park
address:   Crockford Lane
address:   Basingstoke
address:   Hampshire RG24 0TT
country:   United Kingdom (uk)
phone:     +44 256 469334
fax-no:    +44 256 700110

org:      Trafalgar House Engineering
status:   Enterprise Registry
person:   Steven Thompson
person:   Emma Bartlett
address:  John Brown International Network
address:  20 Eastbourne Terrace
address:  Paddington, London W2 6LE
country:  England
phone:    +44 71 957 3084
fax-no:   +44 71 724 8067

The last resort registry in THE UNITED KINGDOM is listed below.
Please contact them if you do not have another registry to turn to.

org:       JANET NOSC
status:    Registry of Last Resort
person:    Duncan Rogerson
person:    Kevin Hoadley
address:   20 Guilford Street
address:   London WC1N 1DZ
country:   United Kingdom (uk)
phone:     +44 71 405 8400
fax-no:    +44 71 242 1845

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                           - 50 -                         uk

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