Support for Classless Internet Addresses in the
                           RIPE Database

                             Tony Bates
                         Daniel Karrenberg
                          Marten Terpstra

                       Document ID: ripe-121


           This paper describes the necessary changes  to  the
      RIPE  database  schema  and software in order to support
      classless internet addresses.

1.  Introduction

The features described in this document will be usable in  the  RIPE
database  at  a time specified in [9]. Please refer to this document
for more details.

Classless Inter-Domain Routing (also known as supernetting)  defines
a  method  of address allocation in the Internet, and a mechanism to
reduce routing table size in Internet routers.

The internet (IPv4) address is a 32-bit value split into  two  parts
called  network  part  and  host  part to provide hierarchical rout-
ing[1].  The host part of an address is used for local routing,  the
network  part  for global routing.  The boundary between the network
and host parts was originally  defined  by  run-length  encoding  in
three  classes  called  A  (8/24  bit network/host), B (16/16) and C
(24/8).  This type of internet address will herein after be referred
to as classful address.

The proliferation of local area networks made it necessary to intro-
duce  more structure into local routing.  This was achieved by "sub-
netting"[2], a technique which divides the host-part of  an  address
into  subnet  and  host  parts. This division is visible only to the
routers connected to the collection of networks  designated  by  the
network  part of the address.  These routers can use the subnet part
for local routing between subnets.  Addresses with subnets are still
classful  as  the  division  between  the network part and the local
part(s) is still determined by static run-length encoding.

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Classless addresses differ from the classful addresses in  that  the
division  between  the  network  part and the host part is no longer
determined by run-length encoding but by additional information car-
ried  in  the routing protocols. The additional information is often
represented as and referred to as the address mask.  This is  a  32-
bit  value  where  1-bits  represent the address bits in the network
part of the address.  Classless addressing allows address  space  to
be  allocated  in  almost  totally  arbitrary and thus more suitable
sized pieces.

Furthermore the division need not be  the  same  everywhere  in  the
Internet  routing  system. As one moves away from the local environ-
ment addresses can be aggregated into more global  units  forming  a
routing hierarchy:

 LAN segment < building/department < enterprise < service provider

However this can only be achieved if addresses are allocated accord-
ing to that hierarchy, contiguous and on bit boundaries.  The aggre-
gate addresses can then be perceived by routers as a single address,
and thus reduce the size of the routing tables. For details of these
see[3,4].  In CIDR terms the classless  internet  address  if  often
known as an "IP prefix":

     An IP prefix is a 32-bit value and an  indication  of  the
     leftmost  contiguous  significant bits within this address
     representing the network part.

The RIPE Database

The RIPE Database[5] stores information about  address  space  allo-
cated  by  the RIPE NCC[6] and routing policies of European Internet
service providers[7,8].  The RIPE database schema can currently only
represent  classful  addresses.   With the introduction of CIDR, the
representation of internet addresses in the RIPE database should  be
extended to deal with classless addresses. This document details the
current representation of internet addresses in the  RIPE  database,
and  proposes  extensions  in  terms of representation for classless
addressing.  This document does not deal with the  consequences  for
the  database  query  mechanisms.   It also does not deal with other
aspects of the database schema.

2.  Current Address Representation

Internet addresses are traditionally represented as "dotted  quads".
These  consist  of  four decimal numbers in the range of 0-255, each
representing 8 bits of the address starting with the  first  bit  of
the  network  part.  This  nicely fits with the 8-bit granularity of
classful addresses.

The current database deals only with classful  representation  (i.e.

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standard  Class  A,  B and C style addresses).  The addresses can be
represented in two ways: classful net and classful range.

2.1.  Classful Net

The classful net representation is a dotted quad with zeroes in  the
parts  representing  the  host  part  of the network address.  These
represent the whole address range corresponding to the  network  ad-

            representation   range of addresses covered


2.2.  Classful Range

The classful range representation is two dotted quads  separated  by
"blank  dash  blank"  ("  - "). Both dotted quads represent classful
nets, i.e. the host part of the respective net contains all  zeroes.
This  represents  the  address  range  corresponding to the networks
represented by the first and second dotted quads as well as all  ad-
dresses in the interval between them.

            representation       range of addresses covered
 - -

3.  Classless Address Representations

Unfortunately, there are a number of representations  for  classless
addresses  in  use.  While  this potentially aids the user in under-
standing classless addressing, it makes it more difficult to  use  a
single representation.  The following choices have to be made w.r.t.
the RIPE database:

  -  Which representations to accept  for  the  different  addresses
     that appear in the schema.

  -  Which representation to use when presenting the information  in
     response to a query.

We will present the common representations in  turn  followed  by  a
discussion  on  how  they are used in the RIPE DB for submission and
presentation of classless addresses.

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3.1.  Prefix Length

This representation is a dotted quad followed by a slash and the de-
cimal  length in bits of the prefix. This is used in the CIDR[4] and
BGP-4[9] documents as well as in popular router software.

            representation   range of addresses covered


If we look at these examples in terms of the mask  depicted  by  the
length we seeing the following:

                             10         20         30
                  |12345678 12345678 12345678 12345678|
             24 = |11111111 111111111 1111111 00000000|
             17 = |11111111 111111111 1000000 00000000|

     Table 1: mask length as network bits in 32 bit IP address

Table 1 shows which bits form the network part (represented by "1"s)
for the two example lengths of `network prefix' (24 and 17) given.

3.2.  Network and Mask

This representation is based on the subnet mask representation.   It
is a dotted quad representing the address followed by whitespace and
a dotted quad representing the mask covering the prefix bits.

           representation         range of addresses covered - -

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3.3.  Classless Range

This representation is a  dotted  quad  followed  by  "blank  hyphen
greater-than blank" and another dotted quad.  This representation is
specific to the RIPE database.  This represents the range defined by
the  classless  addresses represented by the first and second dotted
quad well as all addresses between  them.   The  difference  to  the
classful  range representation is that the host part of the high end
of the range is not assumed to be all ones.

It should be noted that this representation is the only  representa-
tion  in  which one can specify a range that is not necessarily bit-
aligned.  Although this should be avoided in light of CIDR, it  does
make this representation the most flexible of the three.

            representation          range of addresses covered -> - -> -

The separator between the begin address and end address has  changed
to clearly indicate the different semantics.

       representation       range of addresses covered   hosts - -       512 -> -         257

4.  New representation of IP addresses in the RIPE database

The choice of representation of IP addresses in the RIPE database is
depending  on the context. The first part concerns the object in the
database that deals with address assignment information, the inetnum
object,  the second concerns the newly proposed object that contains
routing information, the route object [8].

4.1.  Representation in the "inetnum" object

With the newly proposed route object, the inetnum object  will  only
contain  assignment  information.  Because  of  the  large number of
entries currently in the database using the classful net and  class-
ful  range  representation,  these  two  representation  will remain
valid.  New to the inetnum will be the classless  range  representa-

Representations accepted

To help registries when sending in assignment information, the  net-
work  and  mask  notation  and  the  prefix/length  notation will be

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accepted by the software in addition to  the  three  notations  men-
tioned  above,  but  they  will  be rewritten by the software to the
classless range notation. The database output will only contain  the
classful  net  and  range notation and the classless range notation.
The table below shows some rewrite examples.

           representation                 rewritten to     -> ->

Please note that non-contiguous subnet masks will not be allowed.

It should also be noted that the classless range  representation  is
the only representation that supports subnets of the existing class-
ful  style  networks.  While  these  subnets  can  be  expressed  in
prefix/length  and network and mask representation, they will always
be rewritten to a classless range.

4.2.  Representation in the "route" object

The route object will contain routing  information  for  IP  address
space. Because many vendors have implemented the prefix/length nota-
tion, the route object shall only contain this representation.

Representations accepted

All other representations, classful and classless, will be  accepted
by the database software, but will be rewritten to the prefix/length
representation if possible.

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In cases where there is no one to one mapping between the  represen-
tation  sent  in and the prefix/length representation, an error will
be generated, and the object will be  refused.  These  cases  happen
when  ranges  cannot  be  represented  by a common mask, i.e. do not
start and end on a common bit boundary.

This means that objects that would require to be split into multiple
prefix/length  representations will not be accepted. The table below
shows some rewrite examples.

                  representation           rewritten to


  -      ERROR
  ->   ERROR

Please note that also here non-contiguous subnet masks will  not  be

5.  References

[1]  J. Postel, "Internet Protocol", RFC 791, January 1981.

[2]  J. Mogul, "Internet subnets", RFC 917, January 1984.

[3]  Fuller, V., Li, T., Yu, J., Varadhan, K., "Supernetting: an Ad-
     dress Assignment and Aggregation Strategy", RFC 1519, September

[4]  Y. Rekhter, T. Li, "An Architecture for IP  Address  Allocation
     with CIDR", RFC 1518, September 1993.

[5]  R. Blokzijl, "RIPE Databases", ripe-013, August 1990.

[6]  D. Karrenberg, M. Terpstra, "IP Address Space  Assignment  Pro-
     cedures", ripe-104, December 1993.

[7]  T. Bates,  J-M.  Jouanigot,  D.  Karrenberg,  P.  Lothberg,  M.
     Terpstra,  "Representation  of  IP Routing Policies in the RIPE
     Database", ripe-081, February 1993.

[8]  T. Bates, Gerich, E., Joncheray, L., Joanigot, J-M, Karrenberg,
     D., Terpstra, M, Yu, J., "Representation of IP Routing Policies
     in the RIPE Database", ripe-181, October 1994.

[9]  T. Bates,D. Karrenberg, M. Terpstra, "RIPE Database  Transition
     Plan", ripe-123, October 1994.

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