RIPE NCC Quarterly Report Q1, 1996
                                                  Karrenberg, Orange


                                Reseaux IP Europeens
                            Network Coordination Centre

                                  Quarterly Report

                                 First Quarter 1996

                                 Daniel Karrenberg
                                    Carol Orange

                              with contributions from

                                   Naomi de Bruyn
                                     John Crain
                                  Soodabeh Eshghi
                                 Geert Jan de Groot
                                   David Kessens
                                    Hatice Kuey
                                    Mirjam Kuhne
                                    Roderik Muit
                                     Nick Reid
                                    Els Willems

                                 Document: ripe-135

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                                                  Karrenberg, Orange


    1.  Introduction

                RIPE is a collaborative organisation which consists
                of European Internet service providers. It has been
                functioning since 1989.  Today nearly 2.5 million
                computers in Europe and surrounding areas are reach-
                able via networks coordinated by RIPE.  RIPE aims to
                provide the necessary administrative and technical
                coordination to allow the operation of a seamless
                pan-European IP network.

    The RIPE NCC

                The RIPE Network Coordination Centre started opera-
                tions in April 1992.  It supports RIPE activities
                that cannot be effectively performed by volunteers
                from the participating organisations.  Key services
                performed by the RIPE NCC include:

                     o Maintenance of the RIPE Network Management
                     o Regional Internet Registry
                     o Domain name system (DNS) coordination
                     o Repository for network operations software
                     o Maintenance of the RIPE document store
                     o Interactive Information Services

                The TERENA association provides the formal framework
                for the NCC. Funding for the operation of the NCC is
                provided by the Internet service providers in Europe
                and surrounding areas.

                General information about the NCC, its funding,
                organisation and activities can be found in the fol-
                lowing documents:

                Doc ID     Title
                ripe-125   RIPE NCC Activity Plan
                ripe-133   RIPE NCC Activities & Expenditure 1996
                ripe-134   RIPE NCC Revenue & Charging 1996
                ripe-132   RIPE NCC Contributors Committee, Minutes Sept 1995

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                Further information can be obtained by sending mail
                to <> or contact us at:

                     RIPE Network Coordination Centre
                     Kruislaan 409
                     NL-1098 SJ Amsterdam
                     The Netherlands
                     Phone: +31 20 592 5065
                     Fax: +31 20 592 5090
                     E-Mail: <>

    The Q1-1996 Quarterly

                In this report, we aim to inform the RIPE community
                in general and the RIPE NCC Contributors Committee
                in particular of our activities during the first
                quarter of 1996 and our plans for the next one.

                Due to the severe resource shortage we experienced
                in the last couple of years the series of quarterly
                reports had to be interrupted for two years.  This
                report represents a new start at the series with a
                revised and improved format.  We welcome any com-
                ments and suggestions to further improve the useful-
                less of these reports.

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    2.  Management Summary

                The European Internet keeps growing.  66 new local
                Internet registries started operations during
                Q1-1996.  This is more than one per working day and
                again more than foreseen.  During Q1-1996 alone, we
                manually handled 9,173 messages and automatically
                handled 21,653 messages that were sent to the RIPE
                NCC role mailboxes.

                Registration services continued to operate normally,
                albeit with an increasing backlog due to factors
                including increased demand and some hostmaster staff
                leaving unexpectedly.  We have successfully hired
                very promising replacements for the hostmasters who
                left us.  We continued gathering hostcounts, provid-
                ing local registry courses and information services
                on the Internet.

                Significant activities during the quarter were the
                beta release of an improved RIPE database software
                package, implementation and initial deployment of
                the new request tracking system for part of the man-
                ually handled messages, continuing work on the a new
                WWW site as well as analysis and reduction of redun-
                dant routing information originated by European
                autonomous systems.  Also the long expected business
                manager has started.

                The financial situation is very healthy with 60% of
                this year's planned expenditure already received in

                During Q1-1996 we have further consolidated current
                activities.  We also consider it significant that
                after a long time we succeeded to start a new tech-
                nical activity, reacting quickly to a requirement
                from the RIPE community.  We made plans for re-
                structuring of the systems and software area within
                the NCC and obtained authorisation from TERENA to
                hire staff to strengthen this area as well as one
                additional hostmaster in registration services.

                During Q2-1996 significant activities will include
                training of new hostmaster staff, more training
                courses for local Internet registries, development
                and deployment of hierarchical authorisation for the
                RIPE database, completion of the ripe-104++ document
                on local IR policies, launching of the new WWW site
                and the (re)start of more technical activities.

                Strategically we observe that the Internet is cur-
                rently changing too quickly for stringent 12 month
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                planning cycles.  We will make efforts to adapt more
                quickly to these changes.  We expect to propose
                changes to the 1996 NCC budget during the next quar-

                Considering the rapidly changing environment it sup-
                ports and operates in, the RIPE NCC is healthy and
                functioning well.

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    3.  Core services

                In this section, we describe the activities in NCC
                core services which were carried out during Q1-1996.

    3.1.  Role Mailbox Traffic

                The NCC handles requests and queries almost exclu-
                sively by electronic mail.  A number of role mail-
                boxes are used for this purpose.  These mailboxes
                are regularly serviced by the appropriate NCC per-
                sonnel or automated procedures.  Personal mailboxes
                are rarely used for request handling.  While
                <> serves as a catch-all for all sorts
                of queries and requests, the other mailboxes are
                intended for specific types of requests:

                     handles all general queries and redirects
                     requests to other role mailboxes or specific
                     staff members as necessary.  This mailbox also
                     handles some internal procedures such as disk
                     backups and absence logging.  Consequently not
                     all messages received originate outside the

                     deals with all aspects of the formal relation-
                     ship with NCC customers, such as invoicing,
                     execution of service agreements and general
                     information for new customers.

                     deals with the allocation and assignment of IP
                     address space and other Internet numbers such
                     as autonomous system numbers.  This is the main
                     mailbox of registration services and our pri-
                     mary interface with local Internet registries.
                     Note that this is a service supporting local
                     IRs in the most complicated assignments as well
                     as providing them with allocations of address
                     space.  Simple assignments are being handled
                     autonomously by local IRs.

                     receives requests for DNS delegations in the
            domain which is used to reverse
                     map from IP addresses to domain names.  This is
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                     an automatic mailbox which analyses the
                     requests and checks whether the DNS servers to
                     which delegation is requested are set up prop-
                     erly.  Once a request passes the checks it is
                     forwarded to <>.

                     performs manual checks  on delegation requests
                     passing the automated tool and configures the
                     NCC DNS server according to the requests.  This
                     mailbox also handles unusual requests and gen-
                     eral questions about reverse delegations.

                     receives requests for updates to the RIPE net-
                     work management database.  This is an automatic
                     mailbox which analyses the requests, performs
                     authorisation checks and then does the actual
                     updates requested.

                     receives questions and requests regarding the
                     RIPE network management database which cannot
                     be handled by <>.

                In addition to those listed above we have a number
                of role mailboxes dealing with meeting and course

                In the table below you find counts of the number of
                messages being received by the various role mail-
                boxes during Q1-1996.

         |Messages received by role mailboxes in Q1-1996 |
         |ncc                                       3152 |
         |billing                                   1022 |
         |hostmaster                                2639 |
         |auto-inaddr                               1957 |
         |inaddr                                    1292 |
         |auto-dbm                                 19696 |
         |ripe-dbm                                  1068 |

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                The busiest manual mailbox is <> receiv-
                ing more than 50 messages per working day on aver-
                age.  The recently established <auto-
      > now receives more than 50% more
                messages than its manual equivalent, reducing the
                load here considerably.  The manual role mailboxes
                receive 152 messages per working day on average,
                most of which originating from NCC customers.  The
                automatic mailboxes handle another 360 messages per
                working day.

    3.2.  Registration services

                During Q1-1996, five staff members were involved in
                Registration Services, namely: John Crain, Soodabeh
                Eshghi, Mirjam Kuhne, Hatice Kuey, Nick Reid and Els

                Unfortunately, during Q1-1996, both Soodabeh Eshghi
                and Hatice Kuey left their posts at the RIPE NCC.
                However, we have been able to hire Paula Caslav and
                Lee Wilmot to replace them, both of whom we are cer-
                tain will be good additions to the registration ser-
                vices team.  They both will start in April.

                More details on the state of affairs in Registration
                Services at the end of January, 1996 can in be found


                Following the same tradition, a report on the situa-
                tion in mid-April, 1996 will be published in:


    3.2.1.  Hostcount

                One of the popular services provided by the RIPE NCC
                is the regular hostcount reports which track the
                growth of the Internet in Europe.  Here we present a
                brief summary of our recent findings.  In the fol-
                lowing graph, we demonstrate the exponential growth
                in the number of hosts connected to the Internet in
                Europe over the last five years.

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                The number of hosts connected to the Internet in
                Europe continues to grow Q1-1996, as illustrated in
                the graph below.

                Some of the anomalies in the hostcount statistics
                are caused by connectivity problems.  Others are
                caused by neglect of DNS zone maintenance.  In both
                cases, the data is usually corrected in later months
                with the growth following its general exponential

                The hostcount is based on the number of hosts
                counted in 51 DNS Top Level Domains (TLD's). In
                Q1-1996, two new TLDs were added to the set con-
                tributing to the hostcount produced by the RIPE NCC,

                     VA: Vatican City State (Holy See)
                     SM: San Marino

                The complete set of TLDs contributing to the statis-
                tics shown here are listed in Appendix A.

                Historically, the majority of the hostcount statis-
                tics have been gathered remotely by the RIPE NCC.
                Due to the network overhead, and the anomalies which
                occur due to connectivity problems, an effort is
                underway to have hostcounts performed locally and
                compile the results at the NCC.  At the end of
                Q1-1996, local counts are performed for 21 TLDs,
                four more than at the start of the quarter.  The
                RIPE NCC still performs 30 hostcounts remotely, so
                this effort will continue for the foreseeable

    3.2.2.  Number of Local IRs

                In the first quarter of 1996, there has been a sud-
                den and substantial increase in the number of new
                local IRs.  Throughout 1995, approximately 15 new
                registries started operations each month.  In Jan-
                uary 1996, the growth in the number of new reg-
                istries increased by more than 30 percent, and
                throughout Q1-1996, we have had more than 20 new
                registries each month.

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                In the table below, we show the number of registries
                of varying types and sizes for each quarter in 1995
                and for Q1-1996, along with the projected numbers
                for the remaining quarters in 1996.  Our projection
                assumes the growth rate will slow down and stabilise
                to about 18 new registries a month. If however the
                number of new registries continues to grow at the
                current rate, we will have about 550 registries at
                the close of 1996, nearly twice as many as at the
                close of 1995.

    |                        Number of Local IRs                         |
    |Type        |             OBSERVED             |     PROJECTED      |
    |            |   Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4     Q1 |   Q2     Q3     Q4 |
    |            | 1995   1995   1995   1995   1996 | 1996   1996   1996 |
    |Large       |   17     19     25     28     32 |   36     40     44 |
    |Medium      |   31     35     36     40     49 |   56     64     72 |
    |Small       |   84    119    159    196    246 |  290    337    382 |
    |Enterprise  |   15     17     15     16     19 |   21     24     26 |
    |Last Resort |   32     32     30     28     22 |   18     13      8 |
    |TOTAL       |  179    222    265    308    368 |  421    478    532 |

                As can be seen in the table, closure of the last
                resort registries is proceeding, but taking somewhat
                longer than originally expected.
                The following graph illustrates the growth in the
                total number of local Internet registries:

    3.2.3.  Registration Services Usage Statistics

    Hostmaster Workload

                To give an indication of the workload in the host-
                master arena throughout the quarter, one can view
                the following graph in which we show the number of
                incoming messages to <> per day
                during Q1-1996.

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                In the next graph we show the number of new requests
                opened per day in the hostmaster mailbox. Note that
                this is lower than the number of messages as many
                messages may be sent back and forth regarding a sin-
                gle request.

                Finally, we show the level of the hostmaster wait
                queue during Q1-1996.  This is a daily count of the
                of requests which are opened but not yet assigned to
                a specific hostmaster for processing.

                The wait queue is a good measure of the responsive-
                ness of the service.  The shortage of hostmasters in
                Q1-1996 is clearly reflected in the slow but steady
                increase in the wait queue.  This is aggravated by
                additional hostmaster resources spent on the automa-
                tion of request tracking.  It is clear that current
                staffing in Registration Services is just sufficient
                to handle the load, but insufficient to provide pre-
                dictable service in the face of unexpected shortages
                and increasing demand.

                In the course of Q2-1996, we will continue to track
                the the Registration Services workload, and start
                collecting information about the nature and fre-
                quency of different types of requests being submit-
                ted. By doing so, we hope to increasingly quantify
                how much work we perform in different areas, both in
                order to  develop a usage based charging model and
                to identify the most effective task areas for fur-
                ther automation.

    3.2.4.  Policies and Procedures Documentation

                At the end of 1995, and the start of Q1-1996, sub-
                stantial progress was made on the ripe-104++ docu-
                ment on "policies and procedures for local IRs".
                The first half of the document was approved by the
                Local IR working group at the 23rd RIPE meeting held
                in late January 1996. A draft version of the docu-
                ment is available in postscript and in ASCII:


                Due to other demands on the staff members involved
                in writing this document, progress has slowed in the
                latter half of Q1-1996. However, because of the
                heavy demands for it, we will put in substantial
                effort to finish it up in Q2-1996.

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                Simultaneously, efforts have been started to replace
                the forms (ripe-129) and procedures (ripe-128) docu-
                ments which will be obsolete when the new policies
                and procedures document is finalised. The replace-
                ments for these documents will be published together
                with the new policy document ripe-104++.

    3.2.5.  New Request Tracking System

                The first stage of the RIPE NCC Request Tracking and
                Ticketing System (RTT) was completed in Q1-1996.
                The system is used to redirect and track requests
                sent to <>, handled in the Regis-
                tration Services Department.  At the end of March
                deployment of this system in parallel with current
                procedures has begun.  Local IRs are not affected by
                the change in request tracking  system, because RTT
                is compatible with current procedures and uses the
                current ticketing methods.

                In addition to improving work-flow management, RTT
                will allow us to systematically record the activi-
                ties performed by NCC hostmasters. This information
                will be used in the development of a usage based
                charging model in the second and third quarters of

    3.2.6.  In_addr Services

                Because requests for reverse delegations are closely
                related to IP address space assignment and alloca-
                tion requests, they are now processed by the Regis-
                tration Services staff.

                This has no influence on the way requests are han-
                dled nor the procedures to follow in submitting
                them.  It is, however, a substantial addition to the
                workload in the Registration Services department,
                that is not reflected in the statistics about the
                hostmaster workload reported above.

                As always, requests for a reverse delegation should
                be submitted to <>. Questions to

    3.2.7.  195 from IANA

                During the last four years, the RIPE NCC has dis-
                tributed address space mainly from the range
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       to  Since most addresses
                in this range have now been assigned or allocated,
                IANA has now allocated additional address space to
                the RIPE NCC for distribution in its service area.
                The new address space ranges from to

                In March, we began allocating addresses from the
                195/8 address range.  Because we have had one new
                local IR starting operations per working day since
                the start of this year, and taking into account the
                rate at which existing registries request new allo-
                cations, we expect to need still more address space
                from IANA near the end of 1996.

    3.3.  Services for New Registries

                As detailed in Section 3.1.2, 60 new local IRs
                started operations during Q1-1996. To assure these
                new local IRs understand and operate according to
                the policies agreed to by the RIPE community, we
                provide them with extra support in the startup

                Our support for new registries falls into two pri-
                mary categories, namely individual help in opening
                the registry, and the local IR training courses.

    3.3.1.  Help with Local IR Startup

                The process of setting up new registries is handled
                by the RIPE NCC billing department. It involves some
                administrative steps including the signing of a for-
                mal agreement. In this phase, we try to assure each
                new registry gains access to basic information on IP
                address space allocation and assignment procedures.

                Organisations that consider becoming a local IR usu-
                ally send questions concerning the usefulness of
                setting up a registry and the consequences it has
                for them. Questions are received on the kind of ser-
                vice the RIPE NCC offers, formal agreements, IP
                address space allocation policies and Internet rout-
                ing issues.

                Whenever these organisations come to the RIPE NCC,
                the billing department tries to address their ques-
                tions and to introduce those asking to the standard
                documentation that new registries should be aware

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    3.3.2.  Local IR Training Program

                During Q1-1996, we delivered 3 Training Courses for
                Local IRs, namely:

         Q1-1996 Trainings
         February 1, 1996      Amsterdam
         February 26, 1996     Paris
         March 25, 1996        Lisbon

                We allow a maximum of 15 persons to attend each
                course, and all three of the above were filled. To
                measure the effectiveness of our training course, we
                ask all persons attending to fill in an evaluation
                form.  The results show our courses to be perceived
                well and considered useful.

                Simultaneously, it has come to our attention that
                the people attending our courses come from increas-
                ingly diverse backgrounds. Some are network experts,
                while others have very little technical background.
                It may therefore be necessary to develop two differ-
                ent courses so that each of these groups can gain
                the information they need to operate a local IR as
                easily as possible.

                Moreover, because of the rapid increase in the num-
                ber of local IRs, our courses fill up very quickly
                upon being announced.  We thus recognise the need to
                increase the frequency of these courses (see Section
                6 for planned courses).

    3.4.  The RIPE Network Management Database

                The RIPE database plays a key role in the European
                Internet. In this section we report on our recent
                progress and plans as well as on the current size of
                the database.

    3.4.1.  Recent Progress

                During Q1-1996, a beta version of the RIPE database
                was released. Beta testing has shown it to be sta-
                ble, and it will be put in production when the new
                machine for the RIPE database goes on line.

                The main features of the new version are:

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                     o nearly real-time mirroring;
                     o support for the BSD DB package;
                     o reduced memory consumption;
                     o a password controlled mechanism to overrule
                     normal security mechanisms (e.g. for adding
                     maintainers, etc.); and
                     o full support for network (non e-mail)

                Because network updates provide a powerful mechanism
                with which the majority of the RIPE database can be
                quickly modified and thus destroyed, only staff mem-
                bers of the RIPE NCC are currently permitted to per-
                form them on the master database.  Better security
                mechanisms must be implemented before they can be
                permitted for members of the community at large.

    3.4.2.  Current efforts

                As agreed to at the Database Working Group meeting
                held at the 23rd RIPE meeting (January, 1996), the
                implementation of a hierarchical authorisation
                scheme to preserve the  integrity of the RIPE
                database is currently receiving our full attention.
                The scheme is being implementing for the domain,
                inetnum, and route objects.

    3.4.3.  Usage statistics

                In the following table we show the number of entries
                for the different objects maintained in the RIPE

         RIPE Database Object             Number
         as-macro                             54
         aut-num                             716
         community                             7
         domain                            30192
         dom-prefix                            6
         inetnum                           46268
         inet-rtr                             93
         mntner                              552
         person                            63075
         route                             12669

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                During Q1-1996 the NCC whois server has received
                2,240,377 queries.  19,696 e-mail update messages
                were processed.

    3.5.  Information Services

                One of the key roles the RIPE NCC plays in the Euro-
                pean Internet is that of publishing documents and
                making information readily available.  The NCC pro-
                duces numerous documents important to Internet coor-
                dination. Moreover it makes an extensive set of
                Internet related documents available via ftp.

    3.5.1.  The RIPE ftp Site

                At our ftp site ( ), one can pick
                up the key Internet documents.  Specifically, we
                make available a total of 574 MB of useful documents
                and tools most of which fall in the in the cate-
                gories described in the following table.

    |                                                  |
    |name                    Contents                                           MB |
    |cidr                    CIDR related tools and documents                 36.4 |
    |current-ietf-docs       IETF announcements                                3.0 |
    |earn                    the EARN tool-guide and newsletter                1.1 |
    |fyi                     Internet For Your Information memos               2.2 |
    |iab                     Internet Architecture Board minutes               6.8 |
    |iesg                    IETF Steering Group minutes                      16.6 |
    |ietf                    IETF document set                               10.5  |
    |internet-drafts         Drafts submitted for RFC's                       33.9 |
    |iso3166-countrycodes    ISO 3166 country codes                            0.2 |
    |isoc                    Internet Society related information            119.0 |
    |nsf                     National Science Foundation reports              18.3 |
    |pride                   Pride project tools and documents                 2.5 |
    |rare                    The RARE document store                           5.1 |
    |rfc                     Internet Request for Comment document store      74.6 |
    |ripe                    RIPE documents, minutes, presentations, etc.    249.3 |
    |tools                   Lots of useful Internet tools                    11.3 |
    |ww-connectivity         World Wide Connectivity Maps                      4.8 |
    |Total                   The complete ftp store                          574.4 |

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                During Q1-1996 the NCC ftp server transferred
                949,700 files totaling 74,621 MBytes to 13,122 dif-
                ferent clients.  The most popular areas are the RIPE
                hostcount followed by the RIPE database files, the
                RIPE documents and the RFCs.

    3.5.2.  The RIPE WWW Site

                The NCC http server answered 81,333 queries by
                17,552 different clients during Q1-1996. The most
                popular areas are general information about RIPE and
                the NCC, forms and procedures documents followed by
                information about projects such as PRIDE.

                The NCC took a pioneering position by operating one
                of the first WWW sites. At present, however, the
                presentation has become outdated, and maintainabil-
                ity has become a problem.  In the latter half of
                1995, and in the first quarter of 1996, major effort
                has been put into the development of a new WWW site.
                Our new site is primarily being produced by external
                contractors, more specifically by a number of
                experts from the "School voor Communicatiesystemen"
                in Utrecht specialising in interactive communication
                systems.  Throughout this quarter, we have been in
                close contact with those working on the site to
                assure it will meet the needs of the European Inter-
                net providers.

                The new site (to be launched in Q2-1996) was devel-
                oped to provide a good interface to the RIPE docu-
                ment store and information resources.  As such, the
                effort has been to

                     A) provide an excellent user interface
                     B) introduce a long term and robust structure
                     on the set of documents and the links between

                While the latter will not be directly visible to
                those visiting our WWW site, it will assure that we
                are able to provide an up-to-date hyperlink inter-
                face to the current RIPE documents with a minimum of

                In the 23rd RIPE meeting in January 1996, a number
                of requests were made that new interactive services
                be made available on our WWW site. We have modified
                the structure of the new site to include these ser-
                vices. Development of the new services will receive
                our attention after the new site is launched in
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    3.6.  RIPE Meetings

                RIPE meetings are held three times a year.  Tradi-
                tionally two are held in Amsterdam and one is hosted
                by an organisation elsewhere in Europe. The meeting
                consists of working group sessions that focus on
                specific topics, and a plenary session with general
                presentations. RIPE meetings are open to everyone
                interested in them.

    3.6.1.  RIPE-23

                The 23rd RIPE meeting was held January 29th-31st
                1996 in Amsterdam. There were 120 attendees.  The
                minutes of the meeting are available from


                A number of RIPE NCC staff members made presenta-
                tions at the meeting.  The transparencies used in
                the presentations can be found in:


    3.6.2.  RIPE-24

                Preparations are underway for the 24th RIPE meeting
                to be held April 22nd-24th 1996 in Berlin. Up-to-
                date information can be found at the URL


    3.7.  Computing Systems

                In order to support the core services described
                above, a robust computing infrastructure is essen-
                tial. During 1995 and at the start of 1996, much
                effort has been put into modifying the RIPE NCC
                infrastructure.  Our primary goals in the upgrade
                process are to provide reliable network services to
                the RIPE community; to replace old equipment; and to
                expand our infrastructure to accommodate the recent
                growth in personnel.

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                The old Sun workstations are slowly being replaced
                due to aging (most date back to 1992), and new work-
                stations are being purchased to accommodate the new
                NCC staff. Moreover disk space has been expanded for
                the new staff.  The effort to phase in new equipment
                based on the BSD/OS operating system and x86 proces-
                sors was started in 1995 and continues at present.

                In the area of servers emphasis is placed on
                increased reliability and serviceability with redun-
                dancy where feasible.  To minimise the effects of
                external factors, the servers used in the new
                infrastructure are based on industrial PC chassis
                and housed in 19 inch cabinets.

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    4.  Other Activities

    4.1.  Reducing Redundant Routing Information

                During RIPE23 the NCC was asked to address the prob-
                lem of unnecessary redundant routing information
                originated by European ASes.  To this end we have
                analysed BGP routing tables of the NCC external
                router in order to find redundant
                routes.  Redundant routes are those that can either
                be aggregated with other equivalent routes or are
                covered by less specific equivalent routes.  We have
                found equivalent routes by looking separately at
                each set of routes which reach
                through a unique set of BGP paths.  We believe that
                no routing information will be lost by eliminating
                redundant routes in each set.  Note that this is
                different from considering just all routes origi-
                nated by the same AS; such routes could still be
                propagated along different paths in which case com-
                bining them would loose routing information.

                This is an extremely simple model which can easily
                be refined to find more redundancy.  Starting with a
                simple model has the benefit of expediency and
                avoids errors which may reduce the credibility of
                the whole effort.

    Initial Results

                Looking at the routing tables of the whole Internet
                we found initially that as much as 22% of the routes
                reaching us were redundant.  This was reported to
                the RIPE community and presented at an IETF BOF.  We
                then looked only at routes within 193/8 and 194/8,
                i.e. routes to address space assigned via the RIPE
                NCC. Initially we found that the level of redundancy
                was about the same as that of the Internet at large.

                We then made tools to generate warning messages to
                ASes originating redundant routes within 193/8 and
                194/8 as well as their immediate neighbor transit AS
                as seen from  The same tools
                also generate lists showing those originators and
                transit ASes. These lists were sent to the relevant
                RIPE WGs.

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    Alert the Originators

                On March 12th we sent out the first messages and
                published the first lists.  As you can see on the
                graph below this resulted almost immediately in a
                sharp decrease of redundant routing information.  We
                must conclude that there are ISPs willing to act on
                these warnings.  Because full automation of the pro-
                cess is still in progress the tools were run at
                irregular intervals.

                On a number of  occasions analysis of the informa-
                tion produced by the tools revealed significant
                increases in the number of redundant routes for par-
                ticular ASes which turned out to be caused by con-
                figuration errors.  These were fixed quickly after
                the ASes in question had been notified by the NCC.

                The information generated by the tools is available
                at  Note that
                currently the tools are run irregularly and the out-
                put is still being refined.

    Positive Effects

                It appears that small ASes are more responsive than
                big ones and that some major sources of redundant
                information have not yet been eliminated.  Nonethe-
                less the percentage of redundant information has
                decreased from 22% initially to 14% at the end of
                the quarter.
                When looking at the total number of routes to 193/8
                and 194/8 we can see that reducing redundant routes
                has a definite effect.

                More importantly the total number of routes
                announced has shown a definite structural decrease
                while the number of hosts addressable by all routes
                is still structurally increasing as usual.

                The effort has definitely been useful so far and
                will be continued.

    Further Plans

                Analysis of the information will be further auto-
                mated and scheduled regularly.  The dissemination of
                warning messages and 'hit-lists' will also be auto-
                mated as much as possible.  Data will be analysed to
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                detect excursions caused by configuration errors to
                provide near-real-time warnings to the AS contacts
                concerned.  The model will be refined to find more

                The analysis should be based on more comprehensive
                data.  There are two ways to achieve this.  Data
                sets could be imported from other well connected
                routers, merged and then analysed.  The tools could
                be moved from to another machine
                dedicated for the purpose.  ISPs could then peer
                with this machine to provide their routing views.
                The latter approach appears more practicable and
                will be pursued.

                It is also possible to apply the tools to routing
                information for address space assigned via other
                regional registries.  This is currently not planned
                due to resource shortages.

    4.2.  Back Burner

                Due to the growing workload in the core services
                area, little progress has been made on some of our
                technical projects during Q1-1996.

    4.2.1.  IPv6 Tracking

                The work to be performed by the RIPE NCC in tracking
                the IPv6 development efforts has been postponed.
                This is because of the extensive work involved in
                the deployment of a new computing infrastructure and
                a shortage of technical personnel.

                Unfortunately, we do not foresee any improvement in
                this situation during Q2-1996, but do hope we can
                restart these efforts in the latter half of 1996.

    4.2.2.  Restart Routing Registry project

                No progress has been made in the RR project during
                Q1-1996. However some of the changes in the organi-
                sation are being made with the intention of making
                it possible to restart activities in this area.  We
                expect to do so in the latter half of 1996.

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    5.  RIPE NCC Staffing

                Q1-1996 was a dynamic quarter for the NCC staff. Two
                people started, two left, two were hired, and plans
                were made to hire three more.  In this section, we
                briefly discuss these changes and how they effect
                operations at the RIPE NCC.

    5.1.  Staffing - End Q1-1996

                At the end of Q1-1996, there were 12 positions (11.6
                FTE) at the RIPE NCC, with the staff members per-
                forming a variety of tasks.  The core activities
                performed by NCC staff are registration and informa-
                tion services. Some staff members perform adminis-
                trative and technical duties to support the core
                activities. The organisational structure of the RIPE
                NCC is depicted in the figure below.

                     Figure not available in ASCII.

                Due to a shortage of staff, there are a number of
                activities in the RIPE NCC Activity Plan that we are
                unable to perform satisfactorily at this time. Exam-
                ples include PRIDE tool and Routing Registry mainte-
                nance.  Meanwhile, we frequently receive requests
                for new services which we are unable to perform due
                to the concentrated effort on registration services.
                During the 23rd RIPE meeting, for example, many
                requests were made for new services on our WWW site.
                Finally, there are a number of single points of
                failure, that is critical activities which can cur-
                rently only be performed by a single staff member.
                This makes it almost impossible to guarantee some
                essential services. The most critical are related to
                system administration and network services.

    5.2.  Recent changes in Staff

                Before discussing how we will address the staff
                shortages outlined above, we will discuss the
                changes in NCC staffing which took place in the
                first quarter.

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    New Staff in Q1-1996

                In mid-January, Naomi de Bruyn joined the adminis-
                trative staff of the RIPE NCC where she performs
                secretarial services. Among other things, Naomi
                answers the phone, handles questions sent to
                <>, maintains an agenda for staff mem-
                bers, and helps with the coordination of RIPE meet-
                ings and local IR training courses.

                Carol Orange also joined the staff of the RIPE NCC
                in mid-January as "Business Manager". Because of
                ongoing commitments elsewhere, she started at the
                NCC on a part-time basis. Since March 1, 1996, she
                has been working full-time. In addition to daily
                management tasks arising at the NCC, she is involved
                in the production of the IR policy and procedure
                documents (ripe-104++, ripe-128++), financial plan-
                ning and controls, the WWW project, registration
                services software projects, administrative services,
                local IR courses, NCC staff training, and planning
                and reporting activities.

    Exiting Hostmasters

                Both Soodabeh Eshghi and Hatice Kuey resigned their
                hostmaster positions at the NCC in Q1-1996.  Unfor-
                tunately Hatice Kuey had to leave for personal rea-
                sons quite unexpectedly and suddenly at the end of
                March.  Both Soodabeh and Hatice made valuable con-
                tributions while working at the NCC and will be

                While working at the NCC, Hatice Kuey developed and
                launched the first version of the new request track-
                ing system which is now used for work-flow manage-
                ment in the Registration Services department. Due to
                the suddenness of her departure, however, the imple-
                mentation of the system had to be raised in prior-
                ity, documentation had to be completed, and the
                software had to be turned over to another staff mem-
                ber for long term maintenance and enhancement. This
                resulted in a delay for some other activities which
                were planned in that period.

    Staff Hired

                As soon as it became clear that hostmasters were
                going to leave, we started a hiring effort to find
                replacements.  This has been successful.  We found
                Paula Caslav and Lee Wilmot who will fill the
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                vacated hostmaster positions.  Paula has a back-
                ground in journalism, and Lee has a background in
                computer and cognitive sciences. Both start working
                at the NCC in April 1996, and we are certain they
                will make strong contributions to the Registration
                Services department.

    5.3.  NCC Staff Planning

                The number of local Internet Registries we support
                is growing at the rate of approximately one per day,
                and this growth is expected to continue or to
                increase for the foreseeable future.  It is essen-
                tial that in our efforts to address our staffing
                shortages, we take into account the expected growth
                in our work load.

                Many of the repetitive tasks performed by the regis-
                tration services staff have been partially or com-
                pletely automated.  There are a number of other
                tasks that can still be automated and some areas in
                which automation can be improved.  In particular,
                providing customers with tools to submit requests
                quickly will result in a substantial reduction in
                work for the registration services staff, and reduce
                the work load of our customers as well. Producing
                user friendly software tools with good documentation
                and support will, however, require a substantial
                effort. This will be necessary if we are to prevent
                our work load from growing in proportion to the
                growth of the Internet.

                By spending effort on automating these services
                rather than simply performing them, we can reduce
                the number of administrative and hostmaster staff
                that must be hired in the future. This approach is
                both cost effective and good for stability.  It also
                allows us spend more time on both technical and ser-
                vice activities that have had to be postponed in the

                Strategically, to allow for automation of our cur-
                rent and future processes, we need to improve
                staffing in the area of systems and software sup-
                port. Currently, there is a strong need for coordi-
                nation of systems maintenance and software develop-
                ment activities. We also need backup support when
                the systems administration staff is unavailable.

                It is worth noting that in the latter part of
                Q4-1995 and the start of Q1-1996, our registration
                services have been operating without a wait queue.
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                However, since two of our hostmasters left the NCC
                in Q1-1996, the wait queue is back and slowly
                increasing over time.  This confirms our estimation
                that the registration staff at the start of 1996 is
                what is currently needed to perform the hostmaster
                services within an acceptable response time.

                However, there area number of reasons to further
                increase the registration services staff immedi-
                ately. The number of requests for registration ser-
                vices is not constant, and currently one bad week
                can result in an increased wait queue over a longer
                period. We also have no buffer for illness and other
                unexpected absences with our current staff, nor have
                we time for the ongoing training the job requires.
                Since substantial on-the-job training is required
                before a new staff member can perform the hostmaster
                tasks, we need to hire new hostmasters far before
                they become essential for handling the load. Once
                the new hostmasters are fully trained, we expect to
                have sufficient capacity to cope with peaks in the
                work load, absence of staff members, and similar
                factors which effect the response time.  The host-
                masters will then also be able to structurally spend
                time on other activities which currently receive
                sporadic attention at best.

                For the reasons stated above we plan to hire the
                following additional staff as soon as possible:

                1.   Manager - Systems and Software

                     This staff member will be responsible for the
                     coordination of activities involved in NCC sys-
                     tems administration and software development,
                     and for the management of staff members respon-
                     sible for these activities. This person will
                     play a key role in the long term planning of
                     the network systems used by the NCC staff, and
                     in coordinating the execution thereof. More-
                     over, this person should identify those areas
                     in which RIPE NCC services can be automated,
                     and in cooperation with RIPE NCC senior staff
                     members, prioritise and coordinate software
                     development activities.

                2.   Network Engineer

                     This staff member will develop and document
                     tools for registration services and administra-
                     tion services as needed. Some of the tools will
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                     be for our customers, to assist them in per-
                     forming registration services. These tools will
                     reduce the workload on the hostmasters substan-
                     tially. Others will be for use by the NCC
                     staff. Moreover, in cooperation with our net-
                     work engineer, the RIPE database software may
                     be maintained and further developed by this

                3.   Junior hostmaster

                     This staff member will be responsible to per-
                     form those duties required of the registration
                     services staff. Moreover, this staff member
                     will be responsible to help with technical
                     writing, and other information services activi-
                     ties whenever possible.

                We expect that this combination of new staff members
                will allow us to meet the short term needs of our
                customers, and to prevent unnecessary growth of the
                NCC in the long term.

                With the inclusion of the new positions the organi-
                sational structure of the RIPE NCC will become:

                     Figure not available in ASCII.

                This is a logical continuation of the restructuring
                we started by organising registration services under
                one manager.  We now continue this with the staff
                working on systems and software.  Further the staff
                performing administrative services will now report
                to the business manager.

                These moves relieve the NCC manager of many recur-
                rent tasks and responsibilities for details.  As has
                been requested by both RIPE and the contributors
                committee, he will then be able to concentrate on
                planning and strategy as well as on identifying and
                leading technical activities that need attention.
                It will also allow the NCC manager to take up one
                day per week of unpaid parental leave during the
                latter part of 1996.

                This restructuring also provides for greater
                resilience of the NCC as there will be a backup
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                person for all management tasks.  Managers will also
                be actively performing some of the activities.

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    6.  Financial Summary

                Because of the absence of RIPE NCC Quarterlies in
                1995, we will open this section with a brief summary
                of the financial information for the 1995 calendar
                year. We will then summarise the state of our
                finances at the close of Q1-1996.

    6.1.  1995 Income and Expenditures

                Registries reported above, the number of local IRs
                in the service area of the RIPE NCC more than dou-
                bled.  This resulted in a healthy income, but of
                course imposed an increased workload.

                For services performed in 1995, we sent out invoices
                for a total of 986 kECU. At the end of Q1-1996, we
                had received 934 kECU for services performed in
                1995, 95% of the invoiced amount.  According to pol-
                icy the few non-paying registries are not receiving
                services from the NCC.  They will be closed after a
                sufficient warning period is exceeded.

                RIPE NCC expenditure for 1995 approved by the NCC
                contributors in September 1994 was 407kECU. In June
                1995 this was increased  to 529kECU in order to
                account for unexpected growth in demand.  At the end
                of the year total expenditure was 535 kECU, within
                2% of the budget.

                The details of how much we spent on various activi-
                ties will be published in the 1995 RIPE NCC Annual
                Report once the 1995 accounts have been closed and

                Note that our actual income for services provided in
                1995 (934 kECU) is 174% of our expenditures (535
                kECU) in the same year. This has allowed us to both
                lower our fees by about 30% and to start building
                financial reserves essential to the long term sta-
                bility of the NCC.

    6.2.  Quarter Summary:  Q1-1996

                At the start of 1996, there were a total of 308
                local Internet registries in the RIPE NCC service
                area. Now there are 368, and given that some of the
                last resort registries have closed shop during this
                time, we've had a total of 66(!) new local IRs
                starting operations during Q1-1996. This enormous
                growth in the number of registries has a large
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                impact both on our income, and on our expenditures.

                The expenditure budget for 1996 approved by the RIPE
                NCC contributors committee in September 1995 is 916
                kECU. While details about expenditure in the Q1-1996
                are not available at the time of this writing spend-
                ing is within the budget allotted.

                At the end of Q1-1996, we had commitments for 795
                kECU of revenue, which is 86% of the expenditure
                budget. We had sent invoices for 785 kECU, and
                received a total of 557 kECU at the quarter's end.
                Therefore, 60% of the currently planned expenditure
                had been received in the first quarter. The NCC has
                a very healthy cash flow.

                If the growth in the number of IRs continues at its
                present pace, our income for services performed in
                1996 will exceed 1400 kECU and thus be 50% above
                currently planned expenditure.  Of course this
                increase in demand will also require additional
                resources.  Should this trend continue in Q2-1996 we
                will compile a revised budget to cope with it.

                In general we observe that 12 month budgeting cycles
                are too long in the current rapidly changing Inter-
                net environment.

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    7.  Q2-1996

    7.1.  Efforts and Expectations

    Local IR Training

                As discussed in Section 3.2.2., the variety in
                course attendees demands that we closely evaluate
                the structure of our training course. During
                Q2-1996, we will be doing this, and sometime in the
                latter half of 1996 we will announce different
                courses for those with and without a technical back-
                ground. We believe the effectivity of the courses
                will be improved by doing so.

                Because of the high demand for local IR Trainings,
                we have scheduled three courses to be held in
                Q2-1996. These are listed in the table below.

    Q2-1996 Trainings
    May 10, 1996     Budapest
    May 20, 1996     Amsterdam
    June 7, 1996     Stockholm

                If possible, additional trainings in Q2-1996 will be

                As always, we are happy if a local IR offers to host
                a course.  However due to the high demand, we have
                decided to make an effort to hold courses frequently
                whether or not we have a host. To make it easy for
                people to attend these courses, most will be held at
                or near major airports in Europe.

                The courses for Q3-1996 will be announced to the
                local IR mailing list as usual, and in this section
                of the Q2-1996 Quarterly as above.

    RIPE Database Developments

                Upon the completion of the hierarchical authorisa-
                tion scheme, we will turn our attention to the auto-
                matic assignment of NIC handles. Minor changes to
                the syntax of the 'country' attribute will also be
                made.  We also aim to integrate the reverse delega-
                tion robot in the RIPE database software. This will
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                allow us to use the authorisation mechanisms of the
                RIPE database for reverse delegations.

    Integrity Effort for Registry Data

                In addition to the closure of last resort reg-
                istries, we will start to close registries that have
                never signed formal agreements with the RIPE NCC, as
                well as those who have long term outstanding bills.
                We will also make some modifications to our registry
                database software to prevent these entities from
                creating anomalies in our financial data.


                The successor to ripe-104, the European Internet
                Registry Policies and Procedures will be completed
                in Q2-1996. It will be sent to the Local-IR Working
                Group and to the contributors committee for review
                and approval. Together with this policy document,
                the accompanying forms and instructions will be pub-

    Staff Hiring

                During Q2-1996, we hope to hire three new staff mem-
                bers, with the following job titles:

                     o Hostmaster (to keep registration services
                     running smoothly)
                     o Network Engineer (to help in the effort to
                     automate services)
                     o Manager - Systems and Software (to lead
                     automation and systems activities)

                Especially with the last two, we hope to gear up our
                automation and technical service activities.

    New Activity Plan

                At the RIPE-24 meeting in Berlin, the RIPE NCC
                Activity Plan for 1997 will be discussed. After
                agreement is reached in the RIPE community on the
                desirable set of activities for the NCC, we will
                examine it, and develop an associated budget for the
                RIPE NCC Contributors Committee.

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    New Charging Model

                A significant effort on the investigation into usage
                based charging models for RIPE NCC services will be
                started in the second quarter.

    Redundant Routing Information

                Efforts to reduce redundant routes in Europe will be
                continued in Q2-1996. In particular, we aim to make
                the detection and reporting of redundant routes
                occur fully automatically at regular intervals.

    Launch new WWW Site

                Last but not least, we hope to have the new WWW site
                up and running in the latter part of Q2-1996.

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    Appendix A: Hostcount TLD's

                The set of DNS Top Level Domains contributing to the
                hostcount statisics described in Section 3.1.1 are:

                al: Albania                                       am: Armenia
                at: Austria                                       az: Azerbaijan
                be: Belgium                                       bg: Bulgaria
                by: Belarus                                       ch: Switzerlan
                cy: Cyprus                                        cz: Czech Republic
                de: Germany                                       dk: Denmark
                dz: Algeria                                       ee: Estonia
                eg: Egypt                                         es: Spain
                fi: Finland                                      fo: Faroe Islands
                fr: France                                       gb: United Kingdom
                ge: Georgia                                      gr: Greece
                hr: Kroatia                                      hu: Hungary
                ie: Ireland                                      il: Isreal
                is: Iceland                                      it: Italy
                li: Liechtenstein                                lt: Lithuania
                lu: Luxemburg                                    lv: Latvia
                ma: Morocco                                      md: Republic of Moldova
                mk: The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia    mt: Malta
                nl: The Netherlands                              no: Norway
                pl: Poland                                       pt: Portugal
                ro: Romania                                      ru: Russian Federation
                se: Sweden                                       si: Slovenia
                sk: Slovakia (Slovak Republic)                   sm: San Marino
                su: The Former Soviet Union                      tn: Tunesia
                tr: Turkey                                       ua: Ukraine
                uk: United Kingdom                               va: Holy See (Vatican City State)
                yu: Yugoslavia

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