
                                Reseaux IP Europeens
                            Network Coordination Centre

                                   Annual Report


                                    Carol Orange
                                 Document: ripe-139


                          In this report, we provide a summary
                     of our income, activities and expenditure
                     during the 1995 calendar year.

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    1.  Introduction

                The RIPE Network Coordination Centre started opera-
                tions in April 1992.  It supports RIPE activities
                that cannot be effectively performed by volunteers
                from the participating organisations.  Key services
                performed by the RIPE NCC include:

                     o Maintenance of the RIPE Network Management
                     o Regional Internet Registry
                     o Domain name system (DNS) coordination
                     o Repository for network operations software
                     o Maintenance of the RIPE document store
                     o Interactive Information Services

                At the start of 1995, just over 1 million computers
                in Europe and surrounding areas were reachable via
                networks coordinated by RIPE.  By the close of 1995,
                this figure had risen to more than 2.2 million.  As
                can be seen in Figure 1, this is a continuation of
                the exponential growth in RIPE coordinated networks
                that has taken place in the early 1990s.

              |                                                   |
              |                                              o    |
              |                                             *     |
        2e+06++                                            *      |
              |                                            *      |
              |                                           *       |
              |                                          *        |
      1.5e+06++                                         *         |
              |                                        *          |
              |                                        *          |
              |                                       *           |
              |                                     *o            |
        1e+06++                                   **              |
              |                                 **                |
              |                               **                  |
              |                            *o*                    |
       500000++                         ***                       |
              |                       **                          |
              |                 ****o*                            |
              |        ****o****                                  |
                End-90  End-91   End-92  End-93   End-94  End-95
                    Figure 1: RIPE Network Hostcount 1991-1995

                The TERENA association provides the formal framework
                for the NCC. Funding for the operation of the NCC is
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                provided by the Internet service providers in Europe
                and surrounding areas.

                General information about the NCC, its funding,
                organisation and activities can be found in the fol-
                lowing documents:

                ripe-125   RIPE NCC Activity Plan
                ripe-133   RIPE NCC Activities & Expenditure 1996
                ripe-134   RIPE NCC Revenue & Charging 1996
                ripe-132   RIPE NCC Contributors Committee, Minutes Sept 1995

                In this report, we aim to offer the RIPE community
                in general and the RIPE NCC Contributors Committee
                in particular a summary of our income, activities
                and expenditure during the 1995 calendar year.

    2.  Summary 1995

                As can be seen in Figure 2, the explosive growth in
                the number of hosts reachable via RIPE networks has
                been paralleled by an explosive growth in the number
                of local IRs in the RIPE NCC service area.

          |                                                        |
          |                                                        |
          |                                                     o  |
      300++                                                   **   |
          |                                                 **     |
          |                                                o       |
      250++                                              **        |
          |                                            **          |
          |                                           o            |
          |                                         **             |
      200++                                       **               |
          |                                      o                 |
          |                                    **                  |
      150++                                  **                    |
          |                               **o                      |
          |                          **o**                         |
          |                     **o**                              |
      100++                **o**                                   |
          |           **o**                                        |
          |      **o**                                             |

                    Figure 2: Local IRs served by the RIPE NCC

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                In Table 1 below, we see the number of Internet ser-
                vice providers operating a local Internet Registry
                increased accordingly from 141 at the start of 1995
                to 308 at the year's close.

                  |             Number of Local IRs               |
                  |            |   Q4     Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4 |
                  |Type        | 1994   1995   1995   1995   1995 |
                  |Large       |   17     17     19     25     28 |
                  |Medium      |   28     31     35     36     40 |
                  |Small       |   51     84    119    159    196 |
                  |Enterprise  |   14     15     17     15     16 |
                  |Last Resort |   31     32     32     30     28 |
                  |TOTAL       |  141    179    222    265    308 |

                     Table 1: Local IR's served by th RIPE NCC

                This growth resulted in a tremendous increase in the
                RIPE NCC workload, in particular that generated for
                registration services. The NCC hostmaster staff was
                severely understaffed for the first half of the year
                resulting in an ever increasing wait queue for IP
                related requests. After hiring and training a number
                of new hostmasters in the latter part of the year,
                the queue was reduced and finally eliminated near
                the close of the year.  At the close of 1995, there
                were six registration services staff, one of which
                worked part time.

                Due to the amount of work generated by registration
                services, there was little room for significant
                progress in technical areas. For example, it was not
                possible for the staff to perform Routing Registry
                activities nor to start up new technical activities.

                Nevertheless, progress was made in automating DNS
                reverse delegation procedures, reducing response
                times for these requests significantly.  Moreover
                maintenance and development of the RIPE database
                continued without interruption.

                Finally, the interactive information services pro-
                vided by the NCC were continued. This includes the
                maintenance of the RIPE document store. Of course,
                these documents together with the complete set of
                RFCs, the newest Internet drafts, and numerous other
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                useful documents for Internet operations were made
                readily available.

    3.  1995 Income and Expenditures

                As reported above, the number of local IRs in the
                service area of the RIPE NCC more than doubled dur-
                ing the 1995 calendar year.  The increase in activi-
                ties was accompanied by associated increases in
                income and expenditure.


                For services performed in 1995, a total of 986 kECU
                was invoiced.  Due to some extenuating circum-
                stances, 12 kECU were actually invoiced at the start
                of 1996. By the end of 1995, we had received 818
                kECU of the total invoiced for the year.

                Our total cash income in the 1995 calendar year was
                977 kECU, 159 kECU of which came from late payments
                for services performed in the 1994 calendar year.


                The budget for RIPE NCC expenditure for 1995
                approved by the NCC contributors in September 1994
                was 407kECU. This was increased in June 1995 to
                529kECU to enable the NCC to cope with the unex-
                pected growth in workload.  In Table 2, we summarise
                the expenditure in 1995 according to service cate-

                     |       1995 Budget & Expenditure         |
                     |             Activity   Budget   Expense |
                     |Registration Services |    358       326 |
                     |       Other Services |     71        94 |
                     |    Admin & Reporting |     78        78 |
                     |       New Activities |     22        37 |
                     |         TOTAL (kECU) |    529       535 |

                             Table 2: Expenditure 1995

                At the end of the year, the total expenditure was
                535 kECU, within 2% of the budget. However, one can
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                see in the table that some services required more
                resources than predicted whereas registration ser-
                vices required slightly less.

                In 1995, significant resources were spent on RIPE
                database maintenance activities. Because these
                activities fall under "other services", this
                resulted in more resources being required for that
                area than had been foreseen.  Likewise, the
                resources required for the development of automatic
                tools for reverse delegations were attributed to
                "new activities", resulting in more expenditure than
                predicted in this area.  The result was a reduction
                in the resources required for reverse delegation
                activities. This accounts for the actual expenses
                for registration services being slightly lower than
                had had been budgeted in June 1995.  Moreover, this
                effort resulted in a significant and lasting reduc-
                tion in the amount of work required to perform this
                particular registration service.

                The activities which fall into each category are
                summarised below.  There are of course sporadic
                activities which do not fall neatly into a specific
                service category. Depending on the nature of the
                activity, the associated expenditure is attributed
                to "other services" or "new activities".

                Registration Services

                The following activities are included in the Regis-
                tration Services category:
                     o IP Assignments
                     o IP Allocations
                     o RIPE Database Maintenance (information)
                     o Local IR Training Courses
                     o RIPE Database Exchange
                     o DNS Management  (reverse delegations)
                     o Routing Registry Maintenance (little or no
                     time in '95)
                     o PRIDE Tool Maintenance (little or no time in
                     o Coordination of local IR's
                     o Local IR referral services

                Other Services

                Under the heading Other Services we include activi-
                ties such as:
                     o Database Maintenance (software, technical
                     o DNS Secondary servers and Quality Control
                     o RIPE Document Store maintenance
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                     o Interactive Information Server

                Administration and Reporting

                This category includes the following activities.
                     o Customer support
                     o Billing activities
                     o Financial planning and control
                     o Quarterly and annual reports
                     o RIPE Meeting Support

                New Activities

                New activities which took place 1995 include:
                     o Development of automatic checking for reverse
                     delegation requests.
                     o Database software developments.


                Note that the income received (818 kECU) in 1995 for
                services provided in the same year is 153% of the
                expenditures (535 kECU) for that year.  This allowed
                us to build financial reserves which is essential to
                the long term stability of the NCC, and enabled us
                to reduce our fees for 1996.

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