
                      European Autonomous System Number Appli-
                          cation Form and Supporting Notes

                                P. Caslav, M. Kuehne

                               Document ID: ripe-147
                                Obsoletes: ripe-109

                            See also: ripe-140, ripe-181

    Part I: The AS Number Application Form

                This section contains the set of templates to be
                used when submitting an Autonomous System Number
                request. This form must be used by Internet Service
                Providers when submitting a request to the RIPE NCC.
                Instructions for filling out the templates are found
                in Part II.

                Internet Service Providers: Submit the form via e-
                mail to <hostmaster@ripe.net> as an ASCII text docu-
                ment.  (If the ISP is not a Local Internet Registry,
                the form should be submitted to the upstream
                provider.) The form must include the Registry's
                Identifier (X-NCC-RegID) in the e-mail header or at
                the top of the form.

                Autonomous System Administrators: Send the form your
                Internet Service Provider.

                     Warning (If submitted to the RIPE NCC):
                     Requests that are sent to the RIPE NCC which
                     lack a proper Registry Identifier (X-NCC-RegID)
                     will be returned to the sender. Further, any
                     modifications to the templates or missing tem-
                     plates may result in a delay in handling.

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    European Autonomous System Number Application Form and  Support-
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		Does the organisation requesting the AS number have 
		address space that will be originated from the new AS?
		Please list the prefixes here: 

		If the organisation does not have address space yet, 
		but has a pending request with RIPE NCC hostmasters,
		please include the ticket number of the request here: 


                source: RIPE

                #[MAINTAINER TEMPLATE]#

                source: RIPE

                #[PERSON TEMPLATE]#

                source:   RIPE

                #[TEMPLATE END]#

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    European Autonomous System Number Application Form and  Support-
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    Part II: Supporting Notes for the AS Number Application Form

                This section provides supporting notes to the
                Autonomous System Application Form. Please ensure
                that you read all the information below carefully
                before submitting your application for an AS Number.
                For more detailed explanations on routing policy
                objects please refer to "Representation of IP Rout-
                ing Policies in a Routing Registry" (ripe-181). For
                an explanation on when an AS Number is needed and
                policies and procedures to be followed when request-
                ing an AS Number please see "Guidelines for cre-
                ation, selection and registration of an Autonomous
                System" (RFC 1930), as well as section 7 of "Euro-
                pean Internet Registry Policies and Procedures"

                When sending the completed ripe-147 form to the RIPE
                NCC, all information requested in the form must be
                supplied, including the technical routing policy.
                In some cases, the RIPE NCC will request additional
                information. When sending the request, please only
                send the form, not this entire document.

    Administrative and Technical Information

                Current assignment guidelines only allow the RIPE
                NCC to assign AS Numbers to multihomed organisations
                which need to define their own routing policy. To
                evaluate the request in this regard, the enterprise
                will have to provide information on who they will be
                peering with by specifying a routing policy in the
                as-in and as-out attributes.

                The "aut-num:" attributes described below are a min-
                imal set sufficient to register most common situa-
                tions.  Please consult "Representation of IP Routing
                Policies in a Routing Registry" (RIPE-181) in the
                RIPE document store for full details on the syntax
                of these and other attributes.

                NOTE: All database objects (such as "mntner:", "as-
                macro:" or "community:" objects) referenced in the
                aut-num template should be entered into the database
                before submitting the request or included on the
                application form.

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    European  Autonomous System Number Application Form and Support-
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    Aut-num Template Fields
    aut-num:    Specifies the temporary name of the AS to
                be assigned. This name is usually needed
                for the as-out expression below. It is
                suggested to use NEW. In case multiple
                ASes are required, NEW1, NEW2, etc can be
    descr:      A short description of the Autonomous Sys-
                tem, including the location; The full
                postal address is not needed as this is
                provided in the person template (see
    as-in:      Description of accepted routing informa-
                tion between AS peers. Format: "from <aut-
                num> <cost> accept <routing policy expres-
                Explanation: <aut-num> refers to your AS
                neighbor. <cost> is a positive number used
                to express a relative cost of routes
                learned. The lower the cost the more pre-
                ferred the route. <routing policy expres-
                sion> can take the following formats: A
                list of one or more ASes, AS Macros, Com-
                munities or Route Lists, or the keyword
                "ANY". The boolean keyword operators
                "AND", "OR" or "NOT" can be used with the
                above expressions. This field is manda-
                tory, multiple lines are possible.
    as-out:     A description of generated routing infor-
                mation sent to other AS peers. Format:
                "<aut-num> announce <routing policy
                Explanation: <aut-num> refers to your AS
                neighbour. <routing policy expression> is
                explained in the "as-in:" attribute defi-
                nition above. To express the Autonomous
                System Number that one is applying for, it
                is possible to use NEW as explained above.
                This field is mandatory, multiple lines
                are possible.
    default:    Description of default routes. Format:
                "<aut-num> <cost>"
                Explanation: <aut-num> refers to your AS
                neighbour. <cost> is a positive number
                used to express a relative cost of default
                routes used. The lower the cost the more
                preferred the route. This field is

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    admin-c:    The NIC handle of the person who is the
                administrative contact for the Autonomous
                System; The administrative contact must be
                physically located at the site that will
                be using the AS Number. More than one con-
                tact can be specified by adding more
                "admin-c" fields. An explanation on how to
                obtain a NIC handle can be found in
                ripe-142.  This field is mandatory.
    tech-c:     The NIC handle of the technical contact
                person; There can be more than one name
                specified in multiple fields for this tem-
                plate. This field is mandatory.
    remarks:    Remarks or comments, to be used for clari-
                fication. This field is optional.
    mnt-by:     References a registered maintainer object,
                which specifies authorisation checks on
                changes to the "aut-num:" object in the
                database. If you want to use the AS Number
                as part of the maintainer name, just put
                "NEW" in this space and the RIPE NCC host-
                master will fill in the number. More
                information on the database maintainer
                object can be found in ripe-120. This
                field is mandatory.
    changed:    The e-mail address of the person complet-
                ing this form, followed by the date; Spec-
                ify the date in the <yymmdd> format as
                shown in the example. This field is manda-
    source:     The source of the information. This field
                will always be RIPE and should already be
                filled in. This field is mandatory.

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                #[AUT-NUM TEMPLATE]#

                aut-num: NEW
                descr: NIKHEF-H Autonomous System
                descr: Science Park Watergraafsmeer
                descr: Amsterdam
                as-in: from AS123 100 accept ANY
                as-in: from AS7432 100 accept AS7432 AND AS1000
                as-in: from AS1000 10 accept AS-EBONE
                as-in: from AS3333 100 accept {,
                as-out: to AS123 announce NEW
                as-out: to AS7432 announce NEW
                as-out: to AS1000 announce NEW
                as-out: to AS3333 announce NEW
                default: AS123 100
                admin-c: PC111-RIPE
                tech-c: EW21-RIPE
                mnt-by: NEW-MNT
                changed: hostmaster@ripe.net 960919
                source: RIPE

    Maintainer Information

                It is required for each "aut-num:" (autonomous num-
                ber) object to reference a "mntner:" (maintainer)
                object. If the maintainer information is already in
                the database, then the person handling the request
                should check to see if it is up to date. If there is
                no database entry, one should now be created by
                using the following template. Since the maintainer
                object is described in detail elsewhere ( ripe-120)
                only an example is included here.

                #[MAINTAINER TEMPLATE]#

                mntner: NEW-MNT
                descr: NIKHEF-H AS Maintainer
                tech-c: PC111-RIPE
                admin-c: EW21-RIPE
                upd-to: hostmaster@ripe.net
                auth: CRYPT-PW peEw8Gb4xBNqI
                mnt-by: NEW-MNT
                changed: hostmaster@ripe.net 960919
                source: RIPE

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    Contact Information

                Each "aut-num:" and "mntner:" object references con-
                tact persons, which also need to be entered in the
                RIPE database. If the contact information is already
                in the database, then the person handling the
                request should check to see if it is up to date. If
                there is no database entry, one should now be cre-
                ated by using the following template. Since the per-
                son object is described in detail elsewhere,
                (ripe-119 and ripe-142) only an example is given

                #[PERSON TEMPLATE]#

                person: Paula Caslav
                address: RIPE Network Coordination Centre (NCC)
                address: Kruislaan 409
                address: NL-1098 SJ Amsterdam
                address: Netherlands
                phone: +31 20 592 5065
                fax-no: +31 20 592 5090
                e-mail: paula@ripe.net
                nic-hdl: PC111-RIPE
                notify: paula@ripe.net
                changed: paula@ripe.net 960731
                source: RIPE

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