Crain, Caslav ____________________________________________________ RIPE NCC Local IR Training Policies J. Crain, P. Caslav Document: ripe-154 ABSTRACT The goal of this proposal is to build a framework for dividing the available training places between registries and for dealing with no-shows at training courses, allowing the RIPE NCC to use their resources more efficiently. This document also briefly discusses training announce- ments and the application methods avail- able. 1. Announcement of Training Sessions: The location and date of training sessions will be announced on the Local-IR mailing list as far in advance as possible. The RIPE NCC will try to make an announcement at least 6 weeks in advance of the course. All known courses where there is a possibility of a free place will also Be listed on the RIPE NCC web site ( training pages. 2. Application: Candidates should complete the form sent with the announcement or on the website. All applications should then be sent to <> . Any questions or comments about training should be sent here as well. 3. Priority of Places at Training Sessions: Due to the increase in Local Internet Registries there is a necessity for more frequent training ses- sions. To allow those most in need of training to attend, the RIPE NCC will prioritize the available places. ____________________________________________________ ripe-154.txt Page 1 Crain, Caslav ____________________________________________________ To do this, applicants will be divided into three basic categories: Category A New registries that have not yet sent two represen- tatives to training courses. A new registry, for this purpose, will be seen as a Local Internet Reg- istry who have paid the startup fees within the last twelve calendar months. Category B Other registries that have not sent two members of staff to training courses in the present calendar year. Category C All other registries. 4. How the Priority Will Work: Each training session has 15 to 17 available places. These will be allocated to registries according to three criteria. 1) Their priority category (A, B or C); The places will be made available to the highest priority applicants first. 2) The order in which the applicants applied; If there are more applicants of a particular category than available places, the places will be given on a "first come, first served" basis. 3) The location of the applicant; At the discretion of the RIPE NCC, priority may be given to applicants from the area in which the training session is being held. 5. Notification of Acceptance: Whenever possible, twenty-one days before the train- ing session, applicants will be informed if they have a place on the course and sent specific details. If twenty-one days before the training ses- sion there are still available places, they will be ____________________________________________________ ripe-154.txt Page 2 Crain, Caslav ____________________________________________________ issued on a "first come, first served" basis without regard for the priority categories. 6. No-shows: A no-show is an applicant who fails to participate in a training session for which they were regis- tered, without giving the RIPE NCC reasonable oppor- tunity to find a replacement attendee, thereby wast- ing training resources. The Reason for a No-Show Policy: Often, attendees fail to attend training sessions without sending a notification to the RIPE NCC. This wastes a valuable resource and, more importantly, prevents others from taking advantage of the train- ing sessions. Hopefully, via this method, registry personnel will be made more aware of this problem. The Procedure for No-Shows: If an applicant becomes a no-show then their reg- istry will be considered to have used the available place and this will be noted as used accordingly. This means they have one less available place in Category A or B. Due to the fact that the RIPE NCC has no control mechanisms there can be no exceptions made to this rule. However, if an applicant can not attend, it is acceptable for the registry to send a replacement attendee instead. The RIPE NCC should be informed of this change as soon as possible. ____________________________________________________ ripe-154.txt Page 3