RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 1989
                                                  Karrenberg, Ridley


                           RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 1998

                                 Daniel Karrenberg
                                    Paul Ridley

                                      RIPE NCC

                                 Document: ripe-163
                                 Updates: ripe-146

    1.  Scope

                This document defines the 1998 RIPE NCC charging
                scheme.  It is based on the same model used in 1997;
                "RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 1997" (ripe-146).  This
                model was approved at the 1996 contributors meeting
                and has met with success.

                Using the 1997 model we have developed the charging
                scheme presented in section two below.  Section
                three details further steps to implement the scheme.
                Section four provides details of the reasoning
                behind this scheme both for the record and those

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                                                  Karrenberg, Ridley


    2.  Charging Scheme

                The charges for 1998 will be fixed annual charges to
                be paid in advance and based on the size category of
                a local registry.  A minimum size category will be
                determined based on address space allocations held
                by the registry on November 1st 1997.  Registries
                can be assigned a size category higher than their
                minimum category upon request.  The categories will
                be published.  New local registries established dur-
                ing 1998 will be charged a sign-up fee and 25% of
                the yearly fee for each quarter that they are a
                local IR; their initial minimum size category will
                be SMALL. Enterprise registries are classed as small
                registries for charging purposes.  The amount of the
                charges are as follows:

                        |       Charge   1998   1997   1996 |
                        | Yearly SMALL   2450   2200   1500 |
                        |Yearly MEDIUM   3400   3000   4500 |
                        | Yearly LARGE   4500   4000   8500 |
                        |                                   |
                        |      Sign-Up   2000   1300   2000 |


                Due to inflation and increasing costs the yearly
                charges for all registry types will have to rise by
                approximately 10% in 1998. By increasing charges
                evenly in percentage terms any cross subsidies are

                The costs of the services to be provided for local
                IRs starting in 1998 is substantially higher than
                that in 1997. The reasons for this are a planned
                increase in the number of local IR courses given,
                and an increased effort on the NCCs part to improve
                the present web site documents and make new web site
                help aids. In addition it is experienced that the
                average number of questions a starting local IR asks
                ha noticeably risen over the last 12 months , which
                required more NCC resources to answer the questions.

                In light of the substantially higher costs the sign-
                up fee, from which these costs have to be covered,
                has also been correspondingly risen. The new sign-up
                fee of ECU 2000 will ensure that new registries
                cover their own costs and no subsidising of new
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                                                  Karrenberg, Ridley


                registries by old registries occurs.

                We used the 1997 charging model algorithm to deter-
                mine the minimum size category for each registry,
                based on the address space allocations the registry
                holds.  We still consider this algorithm very fair,
                because the distribution it generates clearly sug-
                gests the three size categories.  Also the total
                number of registries per category is not dramati-
                cally different from the current distribution.
                There is however a trend that registries are growing
                in size, which is a sign of healthy industry growth.
                The following table compares the distribution of
                current size categories with that of the minimum
                size category determined from allocation data on
                September 1st 1997:

                         |Category   New Minimum   Current |
                         |   Small       71%         79%   |
                         |  Medium       21%         15%   |
                         |   Large        8%          6%   |

                While the distributions themselves suggest that few
                changes are happening, the breakdown of changes
                below shows that 16.5% of all registries will have a
                minimum size category that is larger than their cur-
                rent one and 4.5 % will have the possibility to
                change to a smaller category than they have cur-
                rently chosen.

                         |      %   Current   New Minimum |
                         |   66     SMALL     SMALL       |
                         |   13     SMALL     MEDIUM      |
                         |    8     MEDIUM    MEDIUM      |
                         |    5     LARGE     LARGE       |
                         |    4     MEDIUM    SMALL       |
                         |    3     MEDIUM    LARGE       |
                         |    0.5   SMALL     LARGE       |
                         |    0.5   LARGE     MEDIUM      |

                The minimum size category for each registry, for the
                purpose of charging, will be determined based on the
                address space allocations held by that registry on
                November 1st 1997.  Up to this date the minimum size
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                                                  Karrenberg, Ridley


                category for all registries based on allocations
                received before September 1st 1997 can be found at
       and the
                allocation data this is based on together with cur-
                rent registry size can be found at
       All reg-
                istries are encouraged to check this data and report
                any inconsistencies to <>.


                We strongly believe that the charging model used in
                1997 is fair, equitable and practical. Therefore the
                1998 charging scheme follows exactly the same prin-
                ciples.  We are confident that this scheme as well
                as being fair to all contributors will provide ade-
                quate stability for the NCC, since it will generate
                sufficient revenue to cover costs and planned for

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                                                  Karrenberg, Ridley


    3.  Steps to Implementation

                8 Sep 97
                     1998 charging scheme published

                     Preliminary allocation listing per registry
                     Preliminary minimum size category listing pub-

                23 Sep 97
                     RIPE NCC Contributors meeting.

                     1998 Charging Scheme approved.

                8 Sep-31 Oct 97
                     Registries can review preliminary data and
                     request any corrections.

                     The NCC will verify allocation time lines of
                     previous years.

                1 Nov 97
                     Billing procedures (methods of payment credit
                      procedures) for 1998 published.

                     Complete allocation listing per registry pub-
                     Complete minimum size category listing pub-

                15 Nov 97
                     Deadline for registries requesting to be moved
                     to a larger category.  If no response is
                     received it will be assumed that a registry
                     wishes to be in the minimum category allocated
                     on 1 November 1997.

                25-29 Nov 97
                     Invoices and contracts for services in 1998
                     sent out.

                31 Dec 97
                     Deadline for receipt of payment of invoice for
                     1998 services.
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                                                  Karrenberg, Ridley


                1 Jan 98
                     New charging scheme in effect for new local

                All registries are kindly requested to note and
                abide by the time schedule.

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                                                  Karrenberg, Ridley


    4.  Detailed Reasoning of Charging Model

                This section aims to describe the reasoning behind
                the choice of the charging model laid down in
                section 2.  Since section 2 is intended as a stand
                alone description of the charging scheme itself some
                degree of repetition is inevitable in this section.
                It should be noted that the basis document upon
                which this reasoning is founded is ripe-143.  To
                that end this section should be read in conjunction
                with ripe-143.  The following three sub-sections
                will expound in turn on the determination of a reg-
                istry's size, the revenue required for 1998, and the
                mechanics of the charging model.

    4.1.  Determination of Minimum Registry Size

                To determine a registry's size, we have defined a
                measure N(reg) which produces a value in the range
                {0,1,2,...,100}.  N(reg) is a simplification of the
                charging measure discussed in Appendix C of
                ripe-143, and is described briefly below.

                Let k(reg,i) be the number of addresses allocated to
                the registry "reg" in year i.

                Let w(i) = i - 1992.

                Define use(reg) = sum(i in 1993 to 1997) k(reg,i) *

                Let MAX = max{use(reg)} be the maximum use measured
                for all registries.

                The normalised usage for a registry "reg" is then
                defined as:

                          N(reg) = (use(reg) * 1000) / MAX

                Based on this measure rounded to the nearest inte-
                ger, we could clearly identify three distinct groups
                of registries.  Those with:

                                  N(reg) <= 10  (SMALL)
                            11 <= N(reg) <= 100 (MEDIUM)
                             110 < N(reg)       (LARGE)

                This algorithm provides a distribution quite similar
                to the current distribution of size categories.
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                                                  Karrenberg, Ridley


    4.2.  Revenue Required for 1998

                RIPE NCC's required revenue for 1998 consists of two
                parts.  Firstly enough revenue has to be generated
                to cover the operating costs for 1998, which amount
                to kECU 3457.  Secondly surplus has to be earned in
                order to build up sufficient reserves to cover any
                RIPE NCC liabilities.  At the 1996 annual NCC con-
                tributors meeting it was agreed that the size of
                these reserves should be equal to one years salary
                costs.  The period of time over which these reserves
                should be built up has been adjusted to three years.
                This leads to a surplus of kECU 285 which needs to
                be earned in 1998.

                Therefore in total 3457 + 285 = kECU 3742 of revenue
                has to be generated.

                With the expected growth in the number of local IRs,
                as detailed in 'RIPE NCC Activity and Expenditure
                Plan 1998' (ripe-162), combined with the charges
                proposed in this document the target revenue of kECU
                3742 will be achieved.

    4.3.  Charging Scheme Mechanics

                The 1997 charging model ensured that every registry
                regardless of size pays a high enough yearly contri-
                bution to cover their own costs, and thus no cross
                subsidies occur. The stratification of size by means
                of charge that was the outcome met with approval and
                was implemented. The aim of the 1998 charging scheme
                is to again ensure that all registries cover their
                costs and that the stratification of size by charge
                stays. If as proposed all registries have their con-
                tributions raised by approximately 10 % then these
                aims will be achieved.

                This does not however generate enough revenue to
                cover any registry start-up fees or the majority of
                the reserves to be built up in 1998. Therefore the
                only variable that can be altered, if contributions
                are only to be raised by 10 %, in order to increase
                revenue is the sign-up fee. If the sign-up fee is
                raised to ECU 2000 (the pre-1997 level), sufficient
                revenue will be generated to cover all start-up
                costs and the remaining reserve build up.

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