1998 RIPE NCC Annual General Meeting


                          RIPE NCC Annual General Meeting

                                October 15th  1998.


                               Scribe: Alissar Nabali
                                 Document: ripe-171


                          Traditionally these minutes reflect
                     the detailed discussions for the benefit
                     of those unable to attend the meeting.
                     Those interested in a very short summary
                     may want to refer to the Appendix listing
                     the decisions.

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    List of Participants RIPE NCC AGM 1998

                 1 Carsten Schiefner    TCP/IP GmbH
                 2 Christian Carstensen  dev/consulting GmbH
                 3 Daniel Karrenberg  RIPE NCC
                 4 Darko Bulat  K2.net d.o.o.
                 5 Dave Morton  Cybernet AG
                 6 Denesh Bhabuta   Demon Internet Limited
                 7 Erik Lohr   IBM Global Services
                 8 Francesco Pugliese  WIND Telecomunicazioni S.p.A.
                 9 Frode Greisen   Ebone Inc.
                10 Hans Niklasson   Tele2 / SWIPnet
                11 Hans Petter Holen  SOL System AS
                12 Ingo Luetkebohle  dev/consulting GmbH
                13 Irena Bacak    K2.net d.o.o.
                14 James Aldridge  EUnet Communications ServicesBV
                15 John Crain    RIPE NCC
                16 Kees Neggers   SURFnet b.v.
                17 Kees van Draanen   RIPE NCC
                18 Keith Mitchell    LINX
                19 Krume Dolnenec Open Society Institute Macedonia
                20 Lajos Balint     HUNGARNET
                21 Luca dell'Agnello  INFN CNAF
                22 Michael Froehlich  ECRC Network Services GmbH
                23 Mike Norris     HEAnet Limited
                24 Mirjam Kuehne    RIPE NCC
                25 Ouedraogo Idrissa  ONATEL
                26 Pontus Ekman      pi.se AB
                27 Rainer Lillge   IS Internet Services GmbH & CO
                28 Rob Bron       IBM Global Services
                29 Siegfried Langenbach Computer Service Langenbach
                30 Stephen Burley    UUNET WorldCom
                31 Tom Forster    mbt Online KG
                32 Wilfried Woeber   Vienna University - ACOnet
                33 Wim Vink    RIPE NCC Board Member
                34 Winfried Motzkus   dev/consulting GmbH
                35 Yiannos Pitas   University of Cyprus

                RIPE NCC Legal Representatives:
                Joyce Westerop
                Florence Van Rossum

    Agenda AGM 1998

    1. Welcome, Preliminaries, Fixing of Agenda
    2. Operational Report by NCC Management
    3. Interim Financial Report
    4. Postponing 1999 General Meeting
    5. Activity Plan and Budget for 1999
    6. Charging Scheme
    7. Report from the Executive Board
    8. Board Elections
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    1.  Welcome, Preliminaries, Fixing of Agenda

                      Keith Mitchell, chairman of the RIPE NCC exec-
                utive Board, and as such statutory chair of the
                meeting, welcomed all attendees and introduced the
                Executive Board members.

                The Chair proposed to review the proposed agenda and
                asked participants to propose amendments or query
                agenda items.  No amendments or questions were
                raised and the agenda was fixed.

    2.  Operational Report by RIPE NCC Management

                Mirjam Kuehne, RIPE NCC Head of External Services,
                provided an overview of operations and services cov-
                ering period October 1997 through to October 1998.
                The presentation can be found at


                Discussions from the  presentation were as follows:

                Yiannos Pitas asked if there would be a Web inter-
                face for the reverse (in-addr.arpa) delegation.

                Daniel Karrenberg answered that in accordance with
                input from the RIPE local-IR  working group the
                first Web interface will be for the IP address space
                request form. The first step of this will be a form
                that helps to generate a correct request form which
                will then be sent to the NCC via e-mail in the nor-
                mal way. The form will help with syntax checking the
                input. Further steps will be to allow direct submis-
                sions of requests from web forms. This needs study
                of authorisation and authentication methods.

                Wilfried Woeber stated that the RIPE NCC is not in
                the business of directly dealing with the DNS regis-
                tration, and that the RIPE NCC is not the authority
                responsible for DNS name registration.

                Siegfried Langenbach asked about the hardware type
                used to run the current RIPE Database.

                Daniel Karrenberg replied stating that the hardware
                equipment used is a Sun Enterprise 450 multiproces-
                sor. One of the specifications of the re-implementa-
                tion of the RIPE Database is that it should be
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                threaded, the main reason being that the NCC expects
                to have a PGP key based authentication in the near
                future i.e. we have to crunch numbers which suggests
                threading and a multi-processor platform. This is
                remarkably similar to requirements for the re-imple-
                mentation of BIND.

    3.  Interim Financial Report

                As the RIPE NCC association is currently in its
                first year of operation, no formal audited financial
                report was available yet. An informal report about
                the financial status including current estimates for
                the 1998 results was presented by the Financial Con-
                troller Kees van Draanen.

                The presentation can be found at:


                Stephen Burley asked what provisions have been made
                from contributions towards the operating costs of
                the IANA in 1998.  Daniel Karrenberg stated that 40
                kECU has been allocated in the budget for 1998, how-
                ever, the funds have not been requested and thus
                have not been issued to the IANA to date.  He also
                stated that the 1999 budget as proposed contains a
                provision of 150 kECU for the RIPE NCC contribution
                towards IANA operating costs.

    4.  Postponing 1999 General Meeting

                According to article 14.2 of the statutes, a general
                meeting must be held to approve the annual report
                within the first 6 months after the conclusion of
                the financial year unless the general meeting
                extends this period.  Traditionally, the RIPE NCC
                has held meetings in the autumn to discuss the
                activity plan and budget for the following year and
                as a result agrees  on a charging scheme for that
                period. As there are no special circumstances fore-
                seen with regards to financial issues, two general
                meetings were seen as excessive. The RIPE NCC Execu-
                tive Board proposed the following resolution:

                     The general meeting decides to extend the
                     period for adoption of the annual report
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                     1998 as  mentioned in article 14.2 of the
                     statutes to 15 November 1999.  The board
                     shall send the annual report to the mem-
                     bers as soon as the books have been
                     audited and the final report of the audi-
                     tors has been received."

                The motion was passed unanimously.

    5.  Activity Plan and Budget for 1999

                The RIPE NCC Activities & Expenditure 1999 Document
                can be found on the RIPE NCC Web site at:

                Daniel Karrenberg provided a short overview of the
                RIPE NCC Activities & Expenditures 1999 document
                highlighting the changes for this year's activities,
                and the budget for 1999. The NCC expects a growth of
                33% in the number of registries for 1999. The RIPE
                NCC is planning to increase focus on reliability and
                quality.  The presentation can be found on the RIPE
                NCC Web site at


                The meeting Chair announced that the general meeting
                unanimously adopted the RIPE NCC Activity Plan and
                Budget for the 1999 operation period.

    Discussions resulting from the presentation were as follows:

                Kees Neggers asked if the revised RIPE Database will
                be year 2000 compliant?  Daniel Karrenberg answered
                that this was one of the requirements.

                Yiannos Pitas inquired whether there are added costs
                for y2000 checks in the 1999 budget?  Daniel Karren-
                berg replied no, this is part of general software
                maintenance budget line.  The software we are using
                is either developed and maintained in-house or
                bought as a commodity including maintenance and
                updates.  We use Unix as an operating system for
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                most purposes.

                Lajos Balint asked where the 33% percent growth
                originates from?  Daniel Karrenberg: It comes from
                the growth of membership,from the constant number of
                one new member registry per calendar day which we
                have observed for more than 18 months now.  We also
                expect to close a number of registries in Q4/98
                because they will have reached the final stage of
                our debt collecting procedure.  This is going to
                affect a maximum of 125 registries.

                Yiannos Pitas asked if we take address space back
                when closing?  Daniel Karrenberg answered only unas-
                signed (i.e. unused) address space, we don't want to
                hurt the end users.  The last stage is to  notify
                them, that their membership has ceased and that
                means they cannot assign address space any more. All
                unassigned address space that has been allocated by
                RIPE NCC will revert to the RIPE NCC.

                A question was raised about the relatively high
                attrition rate in the U.K: do you see the same
                effect on other countries?  Daniel Karrenberg com-
                mented that this may be attrition or may be payment
                morale. It is hard for the NCC to distinguish at
                this point.  Keith Mitchell added that NOMINET is
                also observing debtors problems.  Daniel Karrenberg
                said the question rephrased is: "Why are we confi-
                dent to get 365 new members in 1999?"  It's because
                he has been signing a contract every day for 2
                years.  He does not see this changing nor any reason
                to change our estimate to higher or lower.  We will
                be in trouble if we estimate lower, but if we esti-
                mate too high and we see that during the year its
                actually lowering, we can easily correct by slowing
                the growth of the NCC.  As long as one is growing
                then he is in a comfortable position to adjust.

                At this point the motion "The general meeting adopts
                the activity plan and budget for 1999."  was passed

    6.  Charging Scheme:

                Daniel Karrenberg presented the proposed 1999 Charg-
                ing Scheme to the participants. The charging scheme
                is available as document ripe-187.  The presentation
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                can be found on:


                Mike Norris inquired about what happens with reg-
                istries who change size category who have been vol-
                untary with the higher category last year?

                Daniel Karrenberg replied that the calculation is
                based on the minimum size category expected on
                November 1st 1998. We have not seen many upgrades
                over the last year, so I think this is a realistic
                expectation. A certain paradigm shift here in this
                sense is that the NCC is regarded more as  a service
                organization and not so much as was in the past as a
                club for which you voluntary want to give a bigger
                contribution.  We have budgeted accordingly by
                assuming that no-body upgrades.

                Question by Lajos Balint: "Were there any comments
                to the substance of the documents as published?"
                Daniel Karrenberg answered that he had received no
                substantive comments.

                Siegfried Langenbach: There were different numbers
                in the presentation: 33% growth in membership, 37%
                growth in operating expenditure, 8% growth in mem-
                bership fees.  How is this determined?

                Daniel Karrenberg: This is a multi-step process: The
                basis is an estimation of membership growth as dis-
                cussed earlier.  Then operating expenditure is
                determined by allocating resources to different
                activities based on the requirements and an estimate
                of growth in demand.  Then we devise a fee structure
                that meets the operating costs.  There are a number
                of factors influencing this: one is inflation,
                another is that in the past we had relatively more
                income from the start-up fees because we were rela-
                tively growing more.

                Question: "Is it legal for the members to pass the
                cost of RIPE NCC to their customers?"  Answer: Obvi-
                ously the RIPE NCC membership fees are a part of the
                costs for a member to do business. It is outside the
                scope of the NCC to determine how these costs are
                recovered. However it is not allowed to charge for
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                address space per se, while it is OK to charge for
                registration services. Document ripe-161 explains

                Darko Bulat stated that, some organizations sell
                address space.  Mirjam Kuehne commented that if the
                RIPE NCC hears about this it will investigate and
                take the necessary action.

                The board proposes to continue the successful charg-
                ing scheme used over the last years.

                The resolution "The general meeting decides to con-
                tinue using the current charging scheme and adopted
                the 1999 fee schedule."  was passed unanimously.

    7.  Report from the Executive Board

                Keith Mitchell reported verbally on the work of the
                board to date, and recent developments on the new
                IANA. He also stated the formal position of the RIPE
                NCC with regards to the new IANA.

                  -  The formal board composition is that Wim Vink
                     is treasurer and Wilfried Woeber the secretary.

                  -  Much of the Board's initial effort was on the
                     incorporation of RIPE NCC Association as a
                     legal entity, both in terms of setting the
                     Association and setting up the personnel fund.
                     The work was completed on schedule before the
                     31st of December 97, and the Board is grateful
                     to Paul Ridley who did much of this work and
                     has since left the NCC. The RIPE NCC now enjoys
                     status and recognition of an independent, sta-
                     ble and representative legal entity.

                  -  The bad debt situation needed and needs work,
                     and as a result of advice provided by the
                     board, additional staff dedicated to resolving
                     it have been appointed and progress made.

                  -  The Board has devoted attention to the question
                     of the relationship between RIPE NCC, CENTR and
                     RIPE. Although they work closely together they
                     are separate bodies, and there is a lot of con-
                     fusion in how they are perceived. Both are
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                     working with the Board to communicate their
                     relationship to the Internet community and to
                     the outside world.

                  -  The biggest area of Board activity has been in
                     the internet governance/administration debate
                     over the structure of the new IANA.

                One of the issues for the RIPE NCC community is that
                this debate has been mainly driven by naming inter-
                ests, particularly by generic top level domain
                stake-holders, and the private monopoly of NSI.

                NSI's contract with the US government expired a week
                ago, and much of the new IANA process has been
                driven by concerns over NSI becoming a de-facto pri-
                vate monopoly after this.

                A lot of interests and constituencies that were hav-
                ing concerns about the process, like the intellec-
                tual property lobby, internet trade Associations,
                various other bodies, have wanted to have their say,
                and we have had to deal with many new bodies in dis-

                There was RIPE and RIPE NCC representation at all
                the major meetings that were held as a result of the
                US Government White Paper, in particular the INET98
                Conference in Geneva and the European Commission's
                Panel of Participants' meeting in Brussels. We
                deliberately avoided the Washington IFWP meeting
                because we did not want to be associated with bias
                towards NSI that was perceived to be an element of
                that meeting.

                One of the main concerns that we have is the whole
                process being driven because of the naming element,
                despite IANA having existing responsibilities not
                just in terms of being root of the name space and
                the number space, but also of being source of proto-
                col identifiers and editing Internet Standards docu-

                It is very clear to us that there was a danger of
                the organizations that run the number space being
                completely crowded out and a lot of the work that we
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                had to do was to make people realize that RIPE NCC
                is here, it represents a large number of Internet
                registries, and that we are here to stay, we are not
                to be crowded out.

                As of early September, we got optimistic when ver-
                sion 3 of the IANA bylaws, which was drafted after
                all the discussions and forums, appeared to address
                our concerns.  There were then closed negotiations
                between NSI, IANA and the US government, shortly
                before the RIPE31 meeting in Edinburgh.

                At that point came version 4 of the bylaws which we
                were very concerned about. The changes from version
                3 we were most concerned about included the fact
                that the new IANA should be "blank check" bound by
                any future agreement between the USA government and

                On the basis of this and one or 2 other provisions
                that we were not happy about, we made quite strong
                statements effectively and so did RIPE and RIPE
                CENTR. Various other bodies made representations -
                the result of these are version 5 of the IANA
                bylaws. We are in general happy with these but there
                are some outstanding open issues.

                It was surprising to see the names proposed for the
                9 interim "at-large" members of the new IANA board
                as they are not on the whole well-known, only 2 are
                related to the Internet and 3 from Europe. It may be
                intentional to take people that are not involved in
                previous discussions. Version 5 of the bylaws allo-
                cates 3 seats to each Supporting Organisation out of
                a total of 19. Another area of contention is whether
                the new IANA and/or its supporting organisations
                should be required to be membership organisations
                open to anyone.

                In summary Version 5 is relatively sensible pro-
                posal, and more work is needed together with other
                RIR's to set up the Address Supporting Organization.
                We need to think about who from Europe should be on
                the ASO board.

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    8.  Board Elections

                The terms of Wim Vink and Wilfried Woeber expire on
                November 12th 1998. The general meeting may elect
                two executive board members to succeed them.  Candi-
                dates can be nominated according to article 7.2 of
                the RIPE NCC statutes.

                Frode Greisen asked formally whether article 16 of
                the statutes was applied carefully when preparing
                the voting slips, especially 16.4 and 16.5.  Keith
                Mitchell assured him that this has been applied.

                Dave Morton, Mike Norris, Wim Vink and Wilfried Woe-
                ber were nominated.  In the first seat voting (Slip
                A), Mike Norris received 19 votes , Dave Morton 7 ,
                Wim Vink 5, and Wilfried Woeber 7.

                A second vote was taken as the statutes require a
                majority of votes cast for election (Art 17.4).  In
                the second round (Slip B), Mike Norris received 26,
                Dave Morton 5, and Wilfried Woeber 7.

                Mike Norris was elected to the board.

                The remaining candidates decided to run for the sec-
                ond seat.  In the first vote ( Slip C) Dave Morton
                received 7, Wim Vink 14 and Wilfied Woeber 17.

                In the second round of voting (Slip D) Dave Morton
                received 4, Wim Vink received 21 and Wilfried Woeber
                received 13.

                Wim Vink was elected to the board.

                The meeting unanimously thanked Wilfried Woeber for
                his service on the board and expressed the hope that
                his contributions will continue as the RIPE DB WG

                Keith Mitchell thanked the members for the confi-
                dence in the EB the Executive Board for their com-
                mitment and good work.

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    9.  Closing

                With no further business to discuss, the meeting was
                formally closed.

    APPENDIX: Decisions of the Meeting

                The general meeting decides to extend the period for
                adoption of the annual report 1998 as mentioned in
                article 14.2 of the statutes to 15 November 1999.
                The board shall send the annual report to the mem-
                bers as soon as the books have been audited and the
                final report of the auditors has been received."

                The general meeting adopts the activity plan and
                budget for 1999 (ripe-186).

                The general meeting decides to continue using the
                current charging scheme and adopted the 1999
                (ripe-187) fee schedule.

                Executive Board Elections:

                Mike Norris was elected to the board.

                Wim Vink was elected to the board.

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