RIPE NCC Conflict Arbitration Procedure                    
 Daniel Karrenberg
 Version 1.1



 This procedure comes into effect when the RIPE NCC Association starts
 providing the RIPE NCC services on January 1st 1998. It has been
 approved by the executive board of the association. A consultation
 process with the membership which may result in extensions and
 ammendments is going to be started in 1998.


 This procedure is intended to resolve conflicts relating to RIPE NCC
 services in a timely and professional manner based on professional
 expertise and without involvement of the courts. As such it is part
 of the process of industry self regulation.

 Scope and Applicability

 It is also applicable to service related conflicts between
 contribtors and the RIPE NCC. This procedure is also applicable to
 conflicts between RIPE NCC contributors about issues directly related
 to RIPE NCC services particularly address space registration
 services. The contributors and the RIPE NCC agree to use this
 procedure to solve such conflicts.


 The arbitration process shall be expeditious, professional and
 impartial. Each party chooses an arbiter from a pool approved by the
 contributors. Two arbiters choose a third to form a three person
 arbitration panel.

 Arbiter Pool

 Arbiters shall be persons known and respected by the RIPE
 community. They shall have good knowledge of the Internet
 environment. The pool should reflect as broad a spectrum of
 contributors as possible. Arbiters will be named by the RIPE NCC
 Executive Committe. They will be in function immediately after the
 nomination. The arbiters have to be approved at the first GA meeting
 after their nomination. The RIPE NCC Executive shall strive to ensure
 that at any time the poool of arbiters will consist of at least 6
 persons. If there are less than 4 arbiters in the pool, parties may
 choose any individual willing to serve as an arbiter. Arbiters having
 a direct conflict of interest in a particular arbitration procedure
 will exclude themselves as early as possible in the
 procedure. Arbiters cannot be employed by or otherwise be directly
 associated whith a party to the conflict at hand. Should a conflict
 of interest become apparent at a late stage in the arbitration
 process the arbiter concerned has to immediately inform the parties
 to the conflict and the other arbiters in the panel. The panel then
 decides how the conflict has to be addressed. Contact and short
 biographical information about all arbiters shall be published by the
 RIPE NCC. The RIPE NCC shall also provide clerical support to those
 arbiters that wish to use it.

 Initiation of the Procedure

 In case of conflicts both parties should document their grievances
 and communicate them to the other party. They should then try to
 resolve the conflict between themselves. Only if such resolution has
 been tried and documented by at least one of the parties the formal
 procedure can start. The party initiating the procedure will select
 an arbiter from the pool and provide the arbiter with a written
 summary of their position in the conflict as well as documentation of
 their efforts to resolve it. The arbiter shall verify that sufficient
 attempts at direct resolution have been made. He shall then notify
 the other party that the resolution procedure has been initiated. The
 other party will then have two calendar weeks to either accept
 arbitration by this arbiter or to select one of their own from the
 pool. If they do not react within this time the first arbiter can
 decide to proceed with the single arbiter procedure or to select
 another arbiter from the pool for the other party and proceed with
 the three arbiter procedure.

 Single Arbiter Procedure

 The single arbiter procedure is executed under the responsibility of
 one arbiter. He can decide to obtain and document advice from other
 arbiters or relevant experts. Within 8 weeks from the start of the
 procedure the arbiter shall communicate his arbitration ruling to the
 parties concerned.

 Three Arbiter Procedure

 The three arbiter procedure is executed by a panel of three
 arbiters. Each side in the conflict chooses one arbiter who then
 together nominate a third. The third arbiter is responsible for the
 progress of the procedure. The basic procedure is the same as the
 single arbiter one except that the time limit for the arbitration
 ruling is 12 weeks. The panel will strive to make unanimous
 rulings. In the exceptional case of this being impossible a majority
 ruling can be made.