
                                RIPE CENTR Proposal

                                    Paul Ridley

                                 Document: ripe-177


                This document is in draft from and is open to com-


                The intended audience for this document is the the
                RIPE area National (ISO 3166) Top Level Domain
                administrators and any other interested parties.
                Comments to the author are welcome.

    1.  Introduction

                This document aims to propose goals of and a struc-
                ture for the RIPE Council of European National Top
                level domain Registries (RIPE CENTR), if such an
                organisation should be started. The reasoning behind
                starting RIPE CENTR was outlined in the tld-wg task
                force proposal (http://www.ripe.net/wg/tld/task-
                force/ripe-centr-1.1.html) and is not the subject of
                this document.

                This document will firstly explore the goals of RIPE
                CENTR and following this a proposed structure for
                the organisation will be detailed. Finally a transi-
                tion path from the present situation to the final
                organisational structure will be described. This
                transition path will describe the initial setting up
                of RIPE CENTR as a project, with the full step to a
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                seperate independant organisation taking place after
                a period of approximately eighteen months.

    2.  Goals of RIPE CENTR

                The goals of an organisation although being its
                guiding light are not fixed in stone. The future
                membership of RIPE CENTR would follow, amend or dis-
                card and initial goals set. The initial goals of the
                organisation will be taken from the discusssions of
                the tld-wg. The individual goals are listed below
                but they all fit into the general framework of act-
                ing as a link between IANA and the individual RIPE
                area n-tlds in the bottom-up structure of top level
                domain hierarchy, and improving coordination and
                cooperation between individual RIPE area n-tlds.

                The proposed goals are:

                *    Fund and be involved in IANA goverence as part
                     of the global Internet hierarchy

                *    Act as a channel for nTLD liaison with other
                     external parties

                *    Give regular reports to members of developments
                     in TLD area

                *    Carry out activities as approved by the mem-
                     bers. It is proposed that the initial activi-
                     ties are those defined by the tld-wg. These
                     activities are listed and prioritised in the
                     tld-wg Workplan
                     (http://www.ripe.net/wg/tld/workplan.html). At
                     present the workplan item with the highest pri-
                     ority is the documentation of individual nTLD
                     policies and pricing models.  Once documented
                     this data, in addition to being a useful public
                     information source, could be used to recommend
                     best practices and pricing models.

    3.  Proposed organisational structure

                Two guiding principles determine the organisational
                structure of RIPE CENTR. One principle is that the
                structure should support bottom-up governence, i.e.
                that the members are the ones who govern the organi-
                sation and determine the policies. The second prin-
                ciple is the scope of the membership. All national
                (ISO 3166) top level domain registires that fall
                within the RIPE area should be members of the RIPE
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                The principles behind RIPE CENTR and its role are
                very similar to those of the RIPE NCC, the only main
                difference being that the members of the RIPE NCC
                have a common interest in IP numbers, whereas the
                members of RIPE CENTR have a common interest in
                domain names. Since its inception in 1992 the RIPE
                NCC has evolved into a structure that successfully
                supports a bottom-up hierarchy. Thus due to the sim-
                ilarities and to avoid reinventing a well working
                wheel it would seem sensible to base the structure
                of RIPE CENTR on that of RIPE NCC. Following this
                course of action would mean that RIPE CENTR would
                have the following key organisational elements:

                *    It should be a not for profit association with
                     three organisational bodies; the general assem-
                     bly; and the executive board; and the manage-

                *    All members are in the general assembly and it
                     is this body that has the final say in all mat-

                *    The executive board is chosen by the general
                     assembly. It is responsible for day-to-day gov-
                     ernence of RIPE CENTR.

                *    The management reports directly to the execu-
                     tive board and ultimately to the general assem-
                     bly. It is responsible for all day-to-day oper-
                     ational matters.

                *    Policy of RIPE CENTR is ultimately decided by
                     the general assembly, who meet at least once a
                     year, and continuously discuss via e-mail.

                *    All funding for RIPE CENTR comes from the mem-
                     bers, and not from other external parties.

    4.  Transition path

                It is essential that the final RIPE CENTR structure
                be stable and have overwhelming consensus. This pro-
                cess will not happen overnight and many areas are
                still open. There may even be individual n-tld reg-
                istries who do not yet see then need for RIPE CENTR.
                However this does not mean that a voluntary interim
                activity cannot be set up. There are many potential
                activities of RIPE CENTR that would be better served
                if work started on them in the short term as opposed
                to waiting until full consensus and preparation work
                is completed.
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                With the above in mind, it is proposed that an
                interim RIPE CENTR project be started. This project
                could start on various identified activities. As
                well as the benefit of having these activites
                started earlier without rushing the formal set up of
                RIPE CENTR, an interim project would give more
                insight as to the needs of the future formal organi-
                sation, and may well convince the undecided people
                of the benefit gained from such an organisation.

                Various aspects of starting such a project need
                attention. The most critical aspects are detailed
                below with a proposal of how they should be tackled.

    4.1.  Contributors

                In the same way as the formal organisation, the RIPE
                CENTR project needs to be bottom-up in structure.
                Therefore it needs contributors to guide and fund
                it.  The scope of contributors for the project
                should be same as that of members for the final
                organisation, i.e. all RIPE area national (ISO 3166)
                top level domain registries.  Contribution should be
                on a voluntary basis. Contribution would involve the
                signing of a contrct with RIPE NCC for the support
                of RIPE CENTR. By signing such a contract the con-
                tributor would not become a member of RIPE NCC.

                If RIPE CENTR shoudl terminate being a RIPE NCC pro-
                ject then any remaining funds would be proportion-
                ately returned to the contributors or could be given
                to any follow-up organisation.

    4.2.  Funding

                Funding for the project will be exclusively found
                from the members. The level of funding will depend
                upon the scope of the project and the number of mem-
                bers. In general though the funding will have to
                meet two costs; the partial funding of IANA; and the
                covering of costs incurred in the execution of the
                activities defined by the members.

                A draft budget can be found at Appendix A.

    4.3.  Location

                The choosing of a location to house the RIPE CENTR
                project is not necessarily the same as the choosing
                of a location for the future RIPE CENTR organisa-
                tion. This proposal only discusses the location of
                the RIPE CENTR project.

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                It is proposed that the RIPE NCC host the RIPE CENTR
                project. The reasons for choosing the RIPE NCC as
                opposed to another location are varied, but the most
                important ones are:

                *    For this project to succeed it has to be seen
                     as totally impartial and be able to immediately
                     have credibility. By being hosted by RIPE NCC,
                     which has built up a well known and respected
                     position of impartiality within the Internet
                     governence hierarchy over the last six years,
                     and using certain RIPE NCC resources, the RIPE
                     CENTR project will immediately have a head-

                *    The RIPE NCC has also gained a lot of experi-
                     ence in the managing of a bottom-up structure
                     accross an identicel geographical area which
                     will be of benefit to the RIPE CENTR project.

                *    If hosted by the RIPE NCC initial communication
                     with IANA will be easier since communication
                     channels and contacts are already in use.

                *    The RIPE NCC administration is already handling
                     an similar membership fee budgeting and charg-
                     ing system, thus the addition of the RIPE CENTR
                     activities would not be disruptive and could be
                     easily accomodated.

                *    The RIPE NCC has experience of successfully
                     nuturing projects e.g. the PRIDE project, which
                     once mature enough become independant.

    4.4.  Staff

                It is proposed that the staffing of the RIPE CENTR
                project be kept to a minimum until the future of the
                project is guaranteed. The initial staffing would be
                one full-time RIPE NCC employee (RIPE CENTR Manager)
                for project management, liasion, and activity coor-
                dination, and various other RIPE NCC employees or
                consultants on an ad-hoc basis as their skills were

                Please note that this is the initial staffing level.
                If then workload increases or new activities are
                taken on then of course the staffing levels can,
                after approval of the project contributors and RIPE
                NCC, be raised.

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    4.5.  Operations

                The activities of RIPE CENTR will be carried out by
                the RIPE NCC, in the form of those staff members
                allocated to this project. The RIPE CENTR Manager
                will, after consultation with the project contribu-
                tors and the tld-wg, propose an activity plan to the
                contributors for their approval. Only once approved
                by the contributors and by RIPE NCC (as the legally
                responsible body) will an activity plan be executed.

                Communication between the contributors and the staff
                would take place via a RIPE NCC maintained mailing
                list (seperate from the tld-wg list). The RIPE CENTR
                project would publish all documents and project
                results on the RIPE NCC web site.

    4.6.  Time Frame

                The following time frame is proposed for the cre-
                ation of the RIPE CENTR project and the future RIPE
                CENTR organisation.

                     28 Jan 98 (RIPE 29, Amsterdam)

                *    RIPE CENTR project proposal presented to the
                     tld-wg for discussion.

                *    The Proposal is simultaneously sent to all
                     potential members.

                     Feb 98

                *    Principle consensus is reached that the project
                     will be hosted by the RIPE NCC, and the what
                     structure the project will take.

                     Mar 98

                *    Based upon consensus reached in February opera-
                     tional plans and budgets and funding require-
                     ments for the RIPE CENTR project are published.

                     Mar-Apr 98

                *    RIPE area ISO 3166 top level domain registries
                     volunteer to be contributors of the RIPE CENTR
                     project and fund the project.

                     20 May 98 (RIPE 30, Stockholm)

                *    The final structure of the RIPE CENTR project
                     is presented along with the initial list of
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                *    The initial group of contributors have the
                     first meeting to decide on activity priorities.

                     Jun 98

                *    The RIPE CENTR project becomes operational.

                     Jun 99

                *    The RIPE CENTR project is assessed by its con-
                     tributors as to whether it should continue. If
                     it is seen to be successful plans should be
                     made to create the independant RIPE CENTR


                *    The independant RIPE CENTR organisation is

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    Appendix A - Draft budget for RIPE CENTR

                This draft budget is based upon the staffing and
                activity levels as detailed in this proposal. If
                extra activities are added then this budget will
                also be subject to change. The budget is activity

                This budget is prudently forecast using the most up
                to date information available. The period budgetted
                for is June 1998 to June 1999.

                |Activity                                                        Cost (ECU) |
                |Workplan (Documentation and analysis of polices and charging)       124500 |
                |Liaison                                                              29000 |
                |IANA support                                                         81500 |
                |TOTAL                                                               235000 |

                The budget shown above will be funded solely by the
                RIPE CENTR contributors.  Within the RIPE area there
                are 100 seperate ISO 3166 top level domains, some of
                which have a lot of business and some of which do
                not yet have a registry running them. The table
                below shows the contributions that would be needed
                if various numbers of tld contributed to RIPE CENTR
                and all of them paid an equal contribution.

                |Number of contributors   Annual contribution (ECU) |
                |                   100                        2350 |
                |                    50                        4700 |
                |                    40                        5875 |
                |                    30                        7835 |
                |                    20                       11750 |
                |                    10                       23500 |

                It is not known have many nTLDs will fund RIPE CENTR
                and thus no fixed contribution rate can be set.
                Therefore it will be left up to individual nTLD reg-
                istries to determine what they wish to contribute to
                RIPE CENTR.  The only limit set is that the contri-
                bution must be at least ECU 2350. It would be appre-
                ciated if some pioneer nTLD registries volunteered
                to contribute a sizeable amount so as to ensure the
                initial stability of RIPE CENTR.

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