
                      The Standard RIPE NCC Service Agreement

                                 Document: ripe-191

                  If possible, please use the PostScript version.

                The undersigned

        |Organisation | Reseaux IP Europeens                        |
        |             | Network Coordination Centre                 |
        |             |                                             |
        |Legal Form   | Association                                 |
        |             |                                             |
        |Registered   | Singel 258                                  |
        |Office       | 1016 AB Amsterdam                           |
        |             | The Netherlands                             |
        |             |                                             |
        |Registered   | Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce               |
        |with         | #40539632                                   |

                hereinafter "RIPE NCC",  and

        |Organisation |                                             |
        |             |                                             |
        |Legal Form   |                                             |
        |             |                                             |
        |Registered   |                                             |
        |Office       |                                             |
        |             |                                             |
        |             |                                             |
        |Registered   |                                             |
        |with         |                                             |
        |Registry ID  |                                             |
        |             |                                             |
        |Billing      |                            (see secion 3.4) |
        |Category     |                (SMALL for new contributors) |

                hereinafter "Contributor".

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                                                        The Standard
                                          RIPE NCC Service Agreement



                *    RIPE NCC has, as Regional Internet Registry
                     (RIR), the authority to delegate Internet Pro-
                     tocol (IP) numbers for Europe and surrounding
                     areas and to provide related services;

                *    RIPE NCC performs its activities for the bene-
                     fit of the Contributor and other Internet Ser-
                     vice Providers (ISPs), and therefore observes
                     strict neutrality and impartiality with respect
                     to individual service providers;

                *    Contributor wishes to obtain IP numbers from
                     RIPE NCC as well as related services.

                Have agreed as follows:

    Article 1 -  Scope of the Agreement

                1.1  RIPE NCC hereby undertakes to provide the RIPE
                NCC services to Contributor as defined by the RIPE
                NCC membership in the "RIPE NCC Activities & Expen-
                diture" document.

                1.2  Contributor hereby acknowledges and accepts
                that it has obtained the right to use and the obli-
                gation to pay for the RIPE NCC services in accor-
                dance with this agreement.

                1.3  Contributor acknowledges and accepts that it
                shall automatically become a (candidate) member of
                RIPE NCC by signing this agreement, unless there are
                statutory provisions imposed upon Contributor that
                prohibits Contributor to become a (candidate) member
                of the RIPE NCC. In the latter case, Contributor
                shall notify RIPE NCC immediately when the Contribu-
                tor becomes aware of such a situation.

    Article 2 - Rights and obligations

                2.1  Contributor acknowledges applicability of and
                adheres to the "General Terms and Conditions of RIPE

                2.2  Contributor acknowledges applicability of and
                adheres to the Internet Registry Policies and Proce-
                dures as outlined in the "European Internet Registry
                Policies and Procedures" document.

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                                                        The Standard
                                          RIPE NCC Service Agreement


    Article 3 -  Finances

                3.1  RIPE NCC charges the RIPE NCC services to Con-
                tributor according to the "RIPE NCC Charging Scheme"
                document as adopted by the membership.  Contributor
                agrees to adhere to the RIPE NCC Charging Scheme.

                3.2  Contributor commits to pay the agreed tariffs,
                and adhere to the documented billing procedures, for
                the services of the RIPE NCC as specified in the
                "RIPE NCC Billing Procedure and Fee Schedule" docu-

                3.3  If RIPE NCC renders any additional services to
                Contributor, these additional services shall be
                charged separately on the basis of the then current
                tariffs of RIPE NCC.

                3.4  There are different billing categories listed
                in the "RIPE NCC Billing Procedure and Fee Schedule"
                document.  New contributors will normally be cate-
                gorised as SMALL.  Contributor may request to be
                assigned to a billing category larger than the cate-
                gory designated by the principle described in the
                "RIPE NCC Billing Procedure and Fee Schedule" docu-

                3.5  The RIPE NCC will maintain a clearing-house.
                For that purpose RIPE NCC and Contributor agree that
                RIPE NCC maintains a current account for Contribu-
                tor. The Generals Terms and Conditions outline the
                rights and obligations pursuant to the clearing-

    Article 4 - Term and termination of the agreement

                4.1  This agreement enters into force when signed by
                both parties.

                4.2  This agreement has been entered into for an
                indefinite period of time, unless terminated by
                either party with a notice period of three months.

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                                                        The Standard
                                          RIPE NCC Service Agreement


    Article 5 - General Remarks

                5.1  All the documents referred to in this service
                agreement are numbered and publically available from
                the RIPE NCC. These documents which may be revised
                and updated from time to time, form an integral part
                of and apply fully to this service agreement.  Each
                revised document will receive a new document number.
                As of January 1st 2001 the documents had the follow-
                ing reference numbers:

                ripe-173   RIPE NCC General Terms and Conditions
                ripe-185   European Internet Registry,
                           Policies and Procedures
                ripe-186   RIPE NCC Activities and Expenditures
		ripe-187   RIPE NCC Charging Scheme
                ripe-188   RIPE NCC Billing Procedure and Fee Scheme

                Thus agreed and signed in twofold by persons duly
                authorised to represent both parties:

        |        Contributor          |          RIPE NCC           |
        |Place                        | Place          Amsterdam    |
        |                             |                             |
        |Date                         | Date                        |
        |                             |                             |
        |Name(s)                      | Name                        |
        |                             |                             |
        |                             |                             |
        |                             |                             |
        |Position(s)                  | Position                    |
        |                             |                             |
        |                             |                             |
        |                             |                             |
        |Signature(s)                 | Signature                   |
        |                             |                             |
        |                             |                             |
        |                             |                             |
        |                             |                             |
        |                             |                             |
        |                             |                             |
        |                             |                             |

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