RIPE NCC Activities & Expenditure 2000
                           Crain, van Draanen, Karrenberg and Kuehne


                       RIPE NCC Activities & Expenditure 2000

                                     John Crain
                                  Kees van Draanen
                                 Daniel Karrenberg
                                   Mirjam Kuehne

                                   Version 1.0

                                      RIPE NCC

                                 Document: ripe-197
                                 See Also: ripe-198
                                 Updates: ripe-186

    1.  Scope & Process

                This document contains the planned activities for
                the RIPE NCC and the associated expenditures for the
                year 2000.  The companion document "RIPE NCC Charg-
                ing Scheme"(ripe-198) outlines how the corresponding
                revenues are to be raised.

                There are well-defined and formal stages in the cre-
                ation of these documents:

                - the RIPE NCC staff drafts them based on input from
                RIPE and the users of NCC services;
                - the executive board of the RIPE NCC proposes them
                to the RIPE NCC members, and;
                - the membership discuss them and approve the final

    1.1 Status

                The RIPE NCC management with the help of extensive
                input from staff, in particular, Paula Caslav, Joao
                Luis Silva Damas, Chris Fletcher, Paul Rendek, Henk
                Uijterwaal and Lee Wilmont, has produced this ver-
                sion of the RIPE NCC Activities and Expenditures
                2000. The Executive Board has presented it to the
                Annual General Meeting of the RIPE NCC membership 
                on 19 October 1999. The document has been adopted 
                by the general meeting. Comments from the RIPE 
                community to the authors and the board are encouraged. 
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    1.2 Changes

                This document will not be changed once the process
                described above has been completed. However, an
                operating plan must be able to be adapted to chang-
                ing circumstances. The last several years of the
                RIPE NCC operations have shown that revisions are
                sometimes needed in the course of the year and in
                the current Internet environment it is increasingly
                difficult to plan for more than 15 months ahead, as
                required by the process. Any amendments to the RIPE
                NCC Activities and Expenditures 2000 will be made
                within the formal structure of the RIPE NCC and
                therefore requires the approval of the RIPE NCC
                Executive Board.

    2.  Principles for NCC Activities

                The RIPE NCC performs activities for the benefit of
                the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in Europe and
                the surrounding area. These are primarily activities
                that the ISPs need to organise as a group even
                though they may be competing with each other in
                other areas.

                It is therefore critical that the RIPE NCC observes
                strict neutrality and impartiality with respect to
                individual members. In particular, the RIPE NCC
                refrains from activities that are clearly within the
                realm of the ISPs themselves.

                Activities are defined, performed, discussed and
                evaluated in an open manner. Results of activities,
                such as software tools, are made available to the
                public. Budgets and actual results are published.
                Individual data are kept confidential where

                While an activity may result in services being pro-
                vided to an individual ISP, the performance of this
                activity must benefit the ISPs in the RIPE NCC ser-
                vice region as a whole. Address space registration
                is an example of such an activity: the service is
                provided to individual ISPs but all ISPs benefit
                because address space is distributed according to a
                common standard and a neutral and accessible reg-
                istry is maintained. It is because of this distinc-
                tion that this document is based on activities
                rather than on services.

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    3.  Activity Areas

                All RIPE NCC activities have been grouped into four
                main categories since 1996. These were Registration
                Activities, Co-ordination Activities, Administration
                Activities and New Activities. The evolution of the
                Test-Traffic Project from New Activities to some-
                thing more concrete has meant that these categories
                have had to be reconsidered. In 2000 a new category
                called Membership Services will be introduced. This
                will regroup Registration Services and Test-Traffic
                Measurements and any other services that may be
                offered to the members in the future.

                Some of the administration category, consisting of
                the RIPE meeting and administrative support for
                RIPE, has been brought under Co-ordination Activi-
                ties. The remaining activities have been left as
                they were and can be considered to be the general
                administrative overhead. The activity plan for 1999
                has been restated based on this premise to ensure
                comparative figures.

                This section will give a general overview of the
                activity areas for 2000 whereas the budget and the
                growth plans will be discussed in Section 4.
                Detailed descriptions of all activities for 2000 can
                be found in the appendices.

    3.1 Membership Services

    3.1a Registration Activities

                Registration activities represents operations relat-
                ing to the RIPE NCC's role as a Regional Internet
                Registry (RIR) for Europe and the surrounding areas.
                It includes the handling of requests for assignment
                and allocation of IP address space and AS numbers,
                management of reverse domain name space associated
                with this address space as well as the auditing and
                quality control necessary to ensure fair and expedi-
                ent processing of requests. Also included are train-
                ing of Local Internet Registries (LIRs), production
                of documentation related to Internet registration
                and specific activities that guarantee a proper and
                appropriate start of new LIRs.

                Services provided in this area are only available to
                formally established LIRs that contribute to the
                funding of the RIPE NCC.

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    3.1b Test-Traffic Measurements

                During the last year, the Test-Traffic Project has
                evolved from a research project to a state where it
                can be offered as a regular service to all our mem-
                bers. At the moment, approximately 40 measurement
                stations (so-called "test-boxes") have been
                installed all over the RIPE NCC service area. Ser-
                vices based on the Test-Traffic data are either in
                place or being developed. Moreover, the results from
                the RIPE NCC Test-Traffic project have been compared
                against results from the Surveyor project from
                Advanced Networks and Services (USA). The results
                proved to be comparable, suggesting that both the
                RIPE NCC Test-Traffic project and the Surveyor pro-
                ject correctly measure delays and losses on the

                To date, test-boxes have been offered free of charge
                to sites interested in hosting a machine and oper-
                ated on a "best effort" basis with no guarantees
                about up-time or availability of results. Also, the
                number of test-boxes was limited to 1 per member,
                even though larger ISPs expressed interest in host-
                ing more test-boxes.

                The Test-Traffic project is now more mature and it
                has been shown that Test-Traffic measurements can be
                done on a regular basis and provide useful informa-
                tion to the sites hosting them. It is time to turn
                the project from a research topic into a regular
                service that can be offered to the entire RIPE NCC

    3.2 Co-ordination Activities

                Although these activities are quite diverse their
                common purpose is to support the coherent operation
                of the Internet in Europe and the surrounding areas.
                The primary activity is the provision of access to
                the RIPE database, providing information about
                address space and routing policies together with the
                appropriate contact points. Development and publica-
                tion of RIPE database software, provision of infor-
                mation services for ISPs and the general public via
                the Internet and administrative and technical sup-
                port provided for the RIPE meetings all fall under
                co-ordination activities.

                Operational co-ordination also comes under this cat-
                egory as does the production and publication of
                software tools for such efforts. Maintenance of the
                root name server that the RIPE NCC operates is also
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                included in co-ordination activities. The organising
                of the RIPE meeting is very much a co-ordination

                The services performed in this area must be accessi-
                ble to the general Internet public in order to be
                effective. When special support is needed RIPE NCC
                members will receive priority over other users.

    3.3 Administration Activities

                This area covers all general administrative over-
                heads that cannot be clearly attributed to a spe-
                cific activity in one of the other areas. It covers
                all activities necessary to operate an organisation,
                including building rental, office supplies, etc.

    3.4 New Activities

                New activities are either entirely unforeseen or
                have started recently and cannot be fully specified
                as a regular activity at the time that this document
                was written. Two such projects are described in more
                detail in Appendix N.

                The existence of these activities gives the RIPE NCC
                the flexibility to react quickly to the rapid
                changes in today's Internet. The appropriate RIPE
                working groups often suggest activities in this

                If the activities turn out to need long term support
                they may become a regular RIPE NCC activity subse-
                quently funded by all members. If the activities are
                short term but substantial or continued support by
                all members is not appropriate, they may be contin-
                ued as special projects for which funding is sought
                separately among interested parties.

                These activities are executed under the guidance of
                the various RIPE working groups with active partici-
                pation of the RIPE NCC membership.

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    4.  Growth Plan and Budget

                The increase of the number of new Local Internet
                Registries was estimated at approximately one per
                calendar day for the 1999 budget. For the first half
                of 1999 the actual increase has been closer to 2 new
                LIRs per calendar day. No explanation as to why the
                number of LIRs is increasing at this rate is avail-
                able but anecdotal evidence from others working in
                the Internet field suggests that the same rate of
                growth is being found elsewhere in the RIPE NCC ser-
                vice region. Generally, the increase in new reg-
                istries drops during the summer months, picks up
                slightly in the period September to November and
                virtually stops in December. Experience also shows
                that an attrition rate of 10% can be expected. For
                these reasons it is expected that the number of new
                LIRs will average 1.25 per day for 1999 and that the
                actual increase of active LIRs for 1999 will be
                closer to 450 new registries.

                The projections for 2000 are as follows:

        |           |  Observed   |               Projected                 |
        |Registries |   Q1     Q2 |   Q3     Q4     Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4 |
        |           | 1999   1999 | 1999   1999   2000   2000   2000   2000 |
        |     Large |   75     75 |   75     75     85     85     85     85 |
        |    Medium |  253    253 |  253    253    285    285    285    285 |
        |     Small | 1114   1258 | 1342   1392   1475   1600   1700   1800 |
        |Total      | 1442   1586 | 1670   1720   1845   1970   2070   2170 |

                Growth is expected to continue at the same rate of
                1.25 Local Internet Registries per calendar day for
                2000. As is usual in rapid growth industries, the
                rate of attrition for start-ups is high and it is
                also expected that this will continue to be true in
                the RIPE NCC service region as well. However, the
                wave of mergers and consolidations among ISPs that
                has been seen in the United States does not seem to
                have reached the RIPE NCC service region yet. Spe-
                cial attention is being paid to see if this phe-
                nomenon is spreading to the RIPE NCC service region
                as it may have important consequences for the rev-
                enue base.

                The number of active Local Internet Registries in
                the RIPE NCC service region is anticipated to be
                just over 1,700 by the end of 1999 and approximately
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                2,170 by the end of 2000, after accounting for
                expected attrition. The use of the term 'active'
                should be noted. An increasing number of Local
                Internet Registries are completing the registration
                process but have no address allocation. Although the
                number is not significant at this time it is being
                carefully monitored.

                Local Internet Registry growth, in percentage terms,
                is therefore expected to be just over 25%. This is
                the lowest (in relative terms) in RIPE NCC history
                but at 450 new Local Internet Registries is the
                largest to date in absolute terms. Experience has
                shown that additional dramatic increases in improved
                efficiency, particularly in registration services,
                are unlikely. The RIPE NCC has essentially a "third
                line" support function and must provide proper
                training to the LIRs that typically provide a "sec-
                ond line" support function. This has direct implica-
                tions for growth of the RIPE NCC in all areas.
                Training and support is also important to ensure the
                fair distribution of address space (from LIRs to
                their customers).

    4.1 Professionalism & Legitimacy

                The RIPE NCC has continued to provide its services
                in a reliable and professional manner during this
                period of sustained, rapid growth. The Internet has
                continued to make inroads into ever increasing areas
                of the economies and the lives of the people in the
                RIPE NCC service region. New energy has been put
                into efforts at organising the Internet and the
                administration of the Internet has become the sub-
                ject of considerable public debate. The RIPE NCC has
                been playing an active role in these efforts and has
                stood up well to public scrutiny and, with the vig-
                orous participation of the RIPE community, will put
                more intensity in this area in 2000.

                It has become more and more clear that the RIPE NCC
                will have to defend its legitimacy and its pro-
                cesses, not only to its members, but to the commu-
                nity at large as well, including governments, insti-
                tutions, industry and end-users. Greater effort will
                need to be put into professionalism and quality and
                this will need to be projected actively to the pub-
                lic at large. Communications and quality management
                will receive increased attention.

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    4.2 Growth & Stability

                The stability of the RIPE NCC is of tremendous
                importance to the community in general and the mem-
                bership in particular. Reliable registration and co-
                ordination services are essential to the functioning
                of the Internet, as is readiness to meet new chal-
                lenges. At the beginning of the year 2000 the formal
                administrative structure necessary to meet these
                challenges, as they exist today, will be in place.
                They will continue to be developed so that the sta-
                bility of the RIPE NCC is safeguarded.

    4.3 New and Improved Services

                Special emphasis has been placed on the New Projects
                area and additional staff has been hired. Ideas from
                membership as to new services and special projects
                will be actively solicited and developments in the
                Internet will be closely followed as to their perti-
                nence to members. New training courses will be
                offered for LIR operations and in the routing reg-
                istry area.

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    4.4 Budget

                The budgeted costs for the various activities for
                2000 are shown below. Definitions for the activity
                areas can be found in the previous section. Notes on
                the individual areas follow:

       |Activity Area             | 1999      % | 2000      % | delta      % |
       |Membership Services       |             |             |              |
       |Registration Activities   | 2011   42.5 | 2646   42.6 |   635   31.6 |
       |Test-Traffic Measurements |             |  299    4.8 |   299        |
       |Co-ordination             | 1441   30.4 | 1786   28.8 |   345   24.0 |
       |Administration            |  964   20.4 |  990   15.9 |    26    2.7 |
       |New Activities            |  321    6.8 |  489    7.9 |   168   52.3 |
       |Total (kEUR)              | 4737        | 6210        |  1473   31.1 |

                The increase in the budget for 2000 is just over
                31%.  This includes a special reserve of 500,000 EUR
                for various contingencies, including, costs specifi-
                cally related to the formalisation of IANA/ICANN
                agreements, setting up of the Address Supporting
                Organisation and the Address Council, etc.  Because
                this reserve touches on several of the activity
                areas it has been distributed among them based on
                the Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) required by each

                Due to the great number of uncertainties facing the
                RIPE NCC in 2000 and their importance to the contin-
                ued existence of the activities of the RIPE NCC it
                would be imprudent not to set aside this amount so
                that action can be taken immediately when needed.

    4.5 Membership Services

    4.5a Registration Activities

                Growth in Registration Activities continues to keep
                pace with the growth of the number of new LIRs (if
                the reserve is excluded) and the budget for this
                activity remains the highest of all areas.

                Unrealised economies of scale in the Registration
                Services are minimal. Hostmasters deal primarily
                with the most difficult cases or help relatively
                inexperienced LIR staff through the initial learning
                curve. As the number of new LIRs increases this
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                workload increases proportionally.

                Training courses are also provided for LIRs.
                Although these are primarily to new LIRs, existing
                LIRs may also send staff. New "advanced" courses
                will further increase the number of course partici-
                pants. Training facilities will be diversified and
                improved, existing course material will be reviewed
                and new courses will be developed. Continued atten-
                tion will be paid to developments in the area of
                registration services.

                Increased interest in IPv6 is expected and IPv6
                address space registration will become more impor-
                tant. The RIPE NCC will require resources to gain
                experience with IPv6 requests and to produce soft-
                ware tools for handling them. Liaison activities
                with other Regional Internet Registries will be
                intensified and greater efforts will be made towards
                co-ordination of policies and procedures. Close con-
                tact with the membership and the community at large
                is required in order to learn from experiences and
                to further improve procedures and service levels.

    4.5b7 Test-Traffic Measurements

                This area represents approximately 10% of the total
                Membership Services budget and, as described in the
                previous section, has evolved from a research pro-
                ject to a point where it can be further developed
                and offered as a regular service to all interested
                RIPE NCC members.

                At the moment, approximately 40 measurement stations
                (so called "test-boxes") have been installed all
                over the RIPE NCC service area and are being used to
                measure delays and losses in the Internet. Services
                based on the Test-Traffic data, such as daily plots
                showing the results of measurements, alarms based on
                unusual network performance and analysis of network
                performance over time, are either being offered to
                the sites hosting the test-boxes or are currently
                being developed.

                The resources budgeted provide the means to continue
                to run this network during 2000, offer the services
                mentioned above to the sites already participating
                in the project and continue the development of new
                services based on the Test-Traffic data.

                The measurement network will be expanded during
                2000. However, sites joining the project will have
                to pay for the hardware of the "test-box" (at the
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                moment approximately 2500 EURO/box) and will be
                charged a service fee for the operation of the
                machine by the RIPE NCC. In order to guarantee the
                integrity of the measurements, the boxes will be
                operated as "black boxes" with no possibility for
                the host sites to log in to the box. However, the
                host sites will continue to have full access to the
                raw data taken by the box as well as any derived

                Also, while the RIPE NCC has always focused on mea-
                suring network parameters between ISP's, the mea-
                surement techniques can also be used to measure net-
                work parameters inside the network of a single ISP.
                Basic support for these kinds of private experiments
                will start to be offered. Details for these services
                will be worked out and discussed in the appropriate
                RIPE working groups in 2000.

    4.6 Co-ordination Activities

                Following a major re-implementation of the database
                in 1999, increased focus on quality and consistency
                of the data registered in the RIPE database is
                planned in 2000. Efforts will be continued in order
                to provide proper data maintenance and data manage-
                ment tools including regular updates on the status
                of the data in the database as well as general help
                with good data maintenance practices.

                Particular attention is given to the data related to
                routing information in the database. An increasing
                number of ISPs rely on the Internet Routing Registry
                (IRR) to support decisions made relating to their
                network operations. The RIPE NCC continues to pro-
                mote security mechanisms to ensure reliable and
                trustworthy data and perform reality checks on the
                data registered in the IRR.

                An important part of co-ordination activities in
                2000 is the deployment and support of RPSL. This
                includes the development of tools to interact with
                the new database software.

                The RIPE NCC continues to provide a reliable service
                and user support. In light of the new database soft-
                ware, user support may require additional attention.

                Information Services and administrative and techni-
                cal support of RIPE Meetings have been incorporated
                into co-ordination activities.

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    4.7 Administration Activities

                Administration Activities would show a decline of
                just over 7% for 2000 if the reserve were not taken
                into account.  This is due to two principal reasons:
                1) the RIPE meeting has been taken out of Adminis-
                tration Activities and added to Co-ordination Activ-
                ities; and 2) the costs in 1999 were higher than
                normal because there was major effort and expense
                put into providing the necessary administrative
                structure so that the RIPE NCC would be well pre-
                pared to handle the future.

                Administration Activities include providing and
                maintaining a "state of the art" computing infras-
                tructure, Human Resources, financial management,
                general office supplies and services such as recep-
                tion, etc. and other common administrative services
                that are difficult to attribute directly to the
                other activities.

    4.8 New Activities

                An ongoing investment will be made in New Activities
                in 2000, not only in time and energy but also in
                personnel and money. This is planned to continue
                throughout 2000. The goal is to become more pro-
                active and to attain a higher profile in the wider
                RIPE community.

                Due to its unique position, the RIPE NCC can play an
                important role in facilitating new projects and ser-
                vices for its members as well as for the RIPE commu-
                nity. Depending on the nature of the projects, the
                RIPE NCC will either utilise the expertise of its
                current staff or hire additional staff. The orienta-
                tion will be broadened to include not only the
                development of new services but also the more active
                "marketing" of them.

                Two new projects have already been started (Routing
                Information Services and Routing Registry Consis-
                tency, see Appendix N) and increased attention will
                be brought on technological development relating to
                the Internet. Participation in the Working Groups of
                organisations such as the IETF or NANOG will be

    4.9 Summary

                Excluding the reserve, the not quite 20% increase in
                the total budget is lower than the 25% growth in the
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                number of members. All activities directly pertain-
                ing to members show increases ranging from almost
                19% to just over 35% while the administrative costs
                (overhead) show a decrease of more than 11% over the
                previous year. This budget is based on an analysis
                of 1998 audited financial statements and the 1999
                second quarter results and is a reasonable and real-
                istic estimate of what the RIPE NCC needs to con-
                tinue to operate efficiently for the next year.

    5.  Challenges

                Managing the growth while remaining stable, profes-
                sional and pro-active in developing new activities
                and keeping abreast of leading edge technical devel-
                opments, continues to be one of the greatest chal-
                lenges facing the RIPE NCC. This plan ensures the
                timely and proficient delivery of essential services
                to the members and, at the same time, maintains the
                flexibility necessary to be able to react promptly
                to the continually changing environment. The success
                of this plan lies in finding and keeping the people
                who work to make it happen.

                The last twelve to eighteen months have seen finding
                personnel become the greatest challenge. The biggest
                single limit to the growth of the RIPE NCC is the
                lack of IT personnel, not just in the Netherlands
                and the European community but in the entire RIPE
                NCC service region. The RIPE NCC will have to con-
                tinue to offer salaries that are competitive, a
                working environment that stimulates and challenges
                personnel, training, personal growth and career

    6.  Appendices

                All activities described in the appendices below are
                grouped into relevant activity areas. The descrip-
                tions list related activities as well as links to
                the relevant RIPE working groups. Activities that
                commence during the year or existing activities that
                increase significantly are reported. In addition,
                special budgeting considerations are listed where

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    Appendix M - Membership Services

                Activities included in Appendix M relate directly to
                services provided to the RIPE NCC's membership. Ser-
                vices performed in this area are only accessible to
                formally established members of the RIPE NCC.

    M1 Regional Internet Registry

                In its role as a Regional Internet Registry the RIPE
                NCC provides Internet registration services for
                Europe and surrounding areas.  The overall goal of
                this activity is to provide fair, impartial and sta-
                ble distribution of Internet numbers (IPv4 and IPv6)
                in the RIPE NCC service region. The specific goals
                for the distribution of address space are uniqueness
                of addresses, conservation of the remaining IPv4
                address space, procedure and policy definition for
                IPv6 address space, aggregation of routing informa-
                tion and registration of network management informa-
                tion. To determine the resources needed, a constant
                linear growth of approximately 1.25 new LIRs per
                calendar day is assumed. This is the growth rate
                expected during 1999, and is an increase over the
                one registry per day experienced in 1997 and 1998.

                Increased automation provides a clear structure in
                communication between the NCC and the LIRs. Requests
                are automatically checked for completeness and syn-
                tactic correctness. This eliminates much of the
                purely clerical work of the RIPE NCC Hostmasters. It
                also saves time as LIR staff receive immediate feed-
                back on the most common problems.

                Experience shows that there are little economies of
                scale left in the registration services area. The
                RIPE NCC hostmasters now mostly deal with the most
                difficult cases or support relatively inexperienced
                LIR staff during their initial learning curve. They
                also provide training courses for LIRs. This is very
                much a "third line" support activity. It also
                requires a high level of scrutiny because of the
                absolute requirement for fairness and impartiality
                in registration services decisions. In 2000 both
                work flow and quality management will have to keep
                step with the expected growth and ensure that peaks
                in the load lead neither to unacceptable delays nor
                to a reduction in quality. The impartiality and neu-
                trality of the RIPE NCC has to be maintained at all
                times. No significant shifts in the resources needed
                to perform activities M1.1 - M1.5 reliably is
                assumed. The basic procedures have not changed. Com-
                mon to all of registration activities is liaison
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                with the RIPE Local IR Working Group (WG) and with
                the other Regional Internet Registries about general
                application of procedures and policies.

    M1.1 First Address Space Assignment

                     The RIPE NCC will give special attention to
                     initial address space requests from new LIRs.
                     It will assist in producing the first assign-
                     ment and allocate an aggregatable range of
                     addresses for further assignments.

                     This will help LIRs to process successfully
                     their first request and provide a better under-
                     standing of the procedures for further
                     requests. This initial support also promotes a
                     good working relationship between the RIPE NCC
                     and the LIR and ensures that the LIR is able to
                     provide the same support to their customers. In
                     addition, it enables neutral and impartial
                     treatment of all LIRs.

                Related Activities:

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE Local IR WG

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    M1.2 Assignment Approval

                     Certain IP address requests require approval
                     from the RIPE NCC, especially when they are
                     above a threshold size. The RIPE NCC will eval-
                     uate these IP address requests. LIRs also
                     request the opinion of the RIPE NCC about
                     assignments even when it is not strictly
                     required. The RIPE NCC will provide recommenda-
                     tions and guidelines for future requests.

                     This activity will ensure uniform application
                     of policies and assignment criteria by all LIRs
                     and will help make the LIR familiar with
                     request evaluation. It supports LIRs in their
                     operations and helps them process increasing
                     request sizes. It will also enable the fair
                     operations of all LIRs.

                Related Activities:
                     M1.7, M1.8

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE Local IR WG

    M1.3 PI Assignment

                     The RIPE NCC will process all requests for PI
                     (provider independent) address space submitted
                     by LIRs.

                     This activity will prevent fragmentation of the
                     LIRs allocated address space by making the PI
                     assignment from an address pool managed by the
                     RIPE NCC. This will promote aggregation of
                     routing information.

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE Local IR WG

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    M1.4 Address Allocation

                     The RIPE NCC will allocate IPv4 address space
                     to LIRs for further assignment to end-users.
                     IPv6 address space will also be allocated to
                     Top Level Aggregate Registries. These activi-
                     ties will also contain auditing of assignments
                     made from previous IPv4 and IPv6 allocations.
                     Tools to support the allocation process and to
                     ensure the best aggregation possible will be
                     enhanced. This particularly includes tools and
                     software to support the newer IPv6 activity.

                     This activity helps to ensure fair distribution
                     of IPv4 and IPv6 address space. It will also
                     support the efficient use of address space in
                     order to conserve the remaining IPv4 address
                     space and to aggregate IPv4 and IPv6 routing

                Related Activities:
                     M1.7, M1.8

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE Local IR WG

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    M1.5 AS Number Assignments

                     The RIPE NCC will assign AS numbers according
                     to global and local policies. It will register
                     these numbers and the associated routing poli-
                     cies. In 2000, this activity will require extra
                     resources as the format for specifying routing
                     policies is expected to change to that devel-
                     oped by the IETF rps working group. Documenta-
                     tion and training materials will be updated and
                     an additional training course will be devel-
                     oped. The RIPE NCC plans to produce a Web-based
                     AS number request form to reduce the Hostmaster

                     This activity ensures uniqueness of AS numbers
                     and helps in collecting data for the Routing
                     Registry. It also helps to prevent unnecessary
                     increases in the number of autonomous systems
                     that are visible in global Internet routing.

                Related Activities:

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE Local IR WG RIPE Routing WG RIPE Database

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    M1.6 Reverse DNS Delegation

                     The RIPE NCC will delegate reverse DNS zones
                     for the address ranges allocated or assigned
                     via the RIPE NCC. In order to provide this ser-
                     vice the RIPE NCC will provide a reliable sec-
                     ondary nameserver and work to avoid pollution
                     of the DNS in the zones delegated to the RIPE
                     NCC. Therefore, the RIPE NCC will check all
                     zones under its responsibility as to proper
                     set-up and functioning. Adaptation of existing
                     software for IPv6 needs is expected to consume
                     considerable amounts of resources as will
                     rewriting the existing inaddr software. More
                     proactive checking of already delegated zones
                     will be an important goal.

                     This activity ensures the proper address-to-
                     name mapping for addresses allocated to the
                     RIPE NCC.

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE Local IR WG RIPE DNS WG

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    M1.7 Consistency & Auditing

                     The RIPE NCC will actively check the quality
                     and validity of registry data. This will also
                     include the production of statistics on address
                     space usage. In order to ensure fair address
                     space distribution, the RIPE NCC will regularly
                     check that assignment guidelines are applied
                     uniformly. This activity is separated from the
                     other registration activities as it is defined
                     and executed somewhat independently from the
                     day-to-day processing of requests; consistency
                     checking and auditing are performed within
                     other activities. Observations are reported
                     back to the RIPE Local IR Working Group for
                     further investigation and improvement of the

                     This activity promotes a consistent and fair
                     application of assignment criteria relating to
                     the conservation of address space and aggrega-
                     tion of routing information. This activity
                     assists in identifying parts of the procedure
                     that causes problems.

                Related Activities:
                     All registration activities

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE Local IR WG

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    M1.8 Registration Activities Quality Management

                     Due to the size and continued growth of regis-
                     tration activities it is important to systemat-
                     ically monitor the quality of registration
                     activities. This becomes even more important as
                     the quality and fairness of industry self-regu-
                     lation activities in the Internet environment
                     come under increased scrutiny from many sec-
                     tors, including governments and consumers.

                     The RIPE NCC will continuously develop and mon-
                     itor the quality measures for registration
                     activities and give careful attention to cus-
                     tomer questions and suggestions. This will also
                     include proposals for possible automation and
                     other improvements of internal procedures. This
                     activity may eventually lead to seeking a for-
                     mal quality management certification. This par-
                     ticular activity provides quality control that
                     is performed independently and managed sepa-
                     rately from day-to-day request processing.

                     This activity helps to maintain a high quality
                     of services provided to the LIRs and increases
                     the credibility and legitimacy of the industry
                     self-regulation process.

                Related Activities:
                     All registration activities and related admin-
                     istrative support activities.

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE Local IR WG

    M2 Initial Support for new LIRs

                The initial support for newly established registries
                is provided in addition to other registration activ-
                ities. It is not initiated by a request for address
                space or AS numbers sent to the RIPE NCC but is part
                of the process to establish a new LIR. During this
                phase additional clarification and explanation is
                involved to familiarise the new LIR with all proce-
                dures necessary to operate an Internet registry.

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    M2.1 Registry Set-up

                     The RIPE NCC will provide initial support to
                     LIRs during their set-up phase. It will support
                     and provide information to potential LIRs.

                     This activity supports new LIRs during their
                     set-up phase to introduce tools, procedures and
                     guidelines. It will also give potential LIRs
                     enough information to make an informed choice
                     as to whether or not they become a LIR.

                Related Activities:

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE Local IR WG

    M2.2 Training Courses

                     The RIPE NCC will further develop and continue
                     to deliver Training Courses for LIRs. The
                     course material includes IP address assignment
                     and allocation procedures and policies, delega-
                     tion of reverse domains and usage of the RIPE
                     database. Approximately 40 courses are expected
                     to be delivered in the 2000 operating year.
                     Additional courses, such as an advanced
                     'refresher' course for experienced LIR person-
                     nel, are planned.

                     The goal of this activity is to familiarise the
                     new LIRs with procedures and policies and keep
                     established LIRs up-to-date with new guidelines
                     and developments. This will facilitate smooth
                     operations between the RIPE NCC and the LIRs.
                     With the consistent application of policies the
                     RIPE NCC can ensure fair distribution of
                     address space among the community.

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE Local IR WG

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    M3 Liaison & Co-ordination

                     In order to execute its activities the RIPE NCC
                     has to act as a liaison and co-ordinate with a
                     variety of organisations and track the activi-
                     ties of others. Examples of such organisations
                     are IANA, ICANN, IETF, RIPE, ARIN, and
                     APNIC. It is often difficult to attribute liai-
                     son and co-ordination resources to specific
                     activities and it is therefore an activity in
                     its own right.

                     To maintain the necessary relationships with
                     other organisations related to the operations
                     of the RIPE NCC.

                     Budgeting: Costs for this activity are split
                     evenly between the registration and co-ordina-
                     tion activity budget lines.

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    M4 Test Traffic Measurements

                     1. Continue to run a network of test-boxes.
                     The RIPE NCC will continue to operate a network
                     of test-boxes as well as a service where the
                     host sites can retrieve the data produced by
                     their text-box.

                The network will be expanded during 2000, as dis-
                cussed in section 4.

                The test-boxes currently measure delays between all
                possible pairs of test-boxes. As not all of these
                combinations are of interest to the sites hosting
                them solutions will have to be found to remove unin-
                teresting paths from the measurement program.

                Finally, in order to improve the quality of the data
                and to detect problems with the test-boxes, Data
                Quality Monitoring (DQM) will be done on a regular

                2. Run standard analysis.  The RIPE NCC will con-
                tinue to run analysis code on the test-traffic data
                on a daily basis and provide the sites hosting the
                test-boxes with plots showing the results of the
                measurements over the last day(s). The current ver-
                sion of the analysis code will be expanded to show
                summary numbers, trends over time and other sugges-
                tions made for expanding or improving the project.

                3. Interaction with the test-box hosts in the Test
                Traffic (TT)-WG.  It is impossible to know what the
                users want and in which direction the project should
                move without closer interaction with them. Active
                participation in the RIPE TT-WG as well as other
                working groups (for example IETF-IPPM) related to
                the Test-Traffic Project will be continued.

                4. Continue development work on the project.  Devel-
                opment work on the project will continue in several
                different areas:

                a. Develop models to parameterise the data.  A model
                will be developed to describe the data over long
                time intervals and to look for trends in the data
                over time. This can be used as a planning tool for
                ISPs.  b. Generate Network alarms.  A method to
                detect unusual network conditions and warn the net-
                work operators about these conditions was proposed
                at RIPE-33. Development work in this area will con-
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                tinue.  c. Any developments in the Internet related
                to the Test-Traffic Measurements will be energeti-
                cally followed and responded to. The same is true
                for suggestions made for expanding or improving the

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     Test-Traffic Working Group

    Appendix C - Co-ordination Activities

                The activities performed in this area must be acces-
                sible to users of the Internet and the general pub-
                lic in order to be effective. Their common purpose
                is to support the coherent operation of the Internet
                in Europe and the surrounding areas.

    C1 RIPE Database Maintenance and Development

                     The RIPE NCC will assure the reliability of the
                     RIPE database and extend its functionality as
                     needed. The quality of data will be improved,
                     both by improving consistency and providing
                     reliable security mechanisms. C1 activities
                     include the work related to the RIPE database
                     software and the quality of data registered in
                     the database.

                     The RIPE database is the core software on which
                     the Regional IP Registry and the RIPE Routing
                     Registry are based. Reliability and good func-
                     tionality of the RIPE database are essential
                     for the RIPE NCC and LIRs. This set of activi-
                     ties is designed to continue consistent support
                     and provide a reliable service both in the
                     short and long term and to continue develop-
                     ments according to the needs of the RIPE commu-

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE Database WG

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    C1.1 User Support and Software Maintenance

                     The RIPE NCC will manage a role mailbox for
                     questions and comments and address user ques-
                     tions promptly. The RIPE NCC will also perform
                     basic software maintenance activities including
                     bug fixes and minor modifications. In parallel,
                     the RIPE NCC will provide robust portable
                     releases with fixed bugs and new features. It
                     will also work on maintaining and improving
                     user documentation.

                     This activity is intended to provide a timely
                     response to user enquiries. It also helps
                     assure the smooth operation of the registry
                     system. By maintaining public releases, the
                     RIPE NCC hopes to encourage all registries to
                     make use of the software and to acquire the
                     newest improvements. This encourages data
                     exchange and co-operation among registries.

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE Database WG

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    C1.2 Consistency & Accuracy

                     The RIPE NCC will continue working to prevent
                     inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the RIPE
                     Database contents by using syntax checks, modi-
                     fying contact reference mechanisms and educat-
                     ing users.

                     The RIPE NCC will perform database clean-up
                     activities to improve the quality of data
                     already in the RIPE database. This will include
                     reporting problems to contacts where possible
                     and providing tools which enable users to clean
                     up their data. The RIPE NCC will also produce
                     regular "State of the Database Reports" in
                     order to monitor the quality of data over time.
                     In 2000, the RIPE NCC will specifically concen-
                     trate on the consistency of data in the routing

                     The value of the RIPE database for its users
                     depends on the quality of data in the database.
                     The quality of the data depends on the accuracy
                     of the data in each object as well as a consis-
                     tent reference mechanism that leads to the
                     other objects. The goal of this activity is to
                     monitor and improve the consistency and accu-
                     racy of the data maintained in the RIPE

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE Database WG

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    C1.3 Database Availability and Exchange

                     The RIPE NCC will provide access to the RIPE
                     Database via whois servers and by supporting
                     other sites in mirroring the data. For example,
                     support will be given to LIRs in setting up
                     secondary database servers. The RIPE NCC will
                     actively pursue and co-ordinate data exchange
                     both with other Regional IP Registries and
                     other Routing Registries.

                     This activity is intended to enable RIPE
                     database users to acquire the information they
                     need quickly and to help those outside the RIPE
                     region acquire information in the RIPE database
                     as easily as possible. This is essential for
                     both the IP and the Routing Registries.

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE Database WG

    C1.4 New Database Features

                     The RIPE NCC will design and implement new
                     database features as requested by the user com-
                     munity or proposed by the RIPE NCC. The RIPE
                     NCC will perform the development work based on
                     the priorities established in the appropriate
                     working groups.

                     The purpose of this activity is to provide new
                     functionality as the RIPE database user commu-
                     nity expresses the need for it.

                Related Activities:

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE Database WG

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    C1.5 Routing Registry Tool Deployment and Training

                     The RIPE NCC will continue the incorporation of
                     RPSL extensions in the RIPE Database code and
                     implement the next transition steps from
                     ripe-181 to RPSL.

                     The RIPE NCC will work to create support tools
                     such as RR tools and the RA toolset. These
                     tools will be made available to members of the
                     RIPE community. The RIPE NCC will design and
                     deploy a training course to teach the RPSL lan-
                     guage and the use of the RR tools in configur-
                     ing routers and examining policies and routing
                     in the Internet.

                     The IETF has developed a new standard language
                     for the Routing Registry: RPSL based on RIPE
                     work. RPSL will be supported as it is generally
                     more powerful than ripe-181.

                     Useful RR tools are currently being developed
                     elsewhere. In particular, the RA toolset can be
                     used to define routing registry objects and to
                     evaluate currently registered objects in the
                     process. It further allows configurations to be
                     generated from the contents of the routing reg-
                     istry. The goal of this activity is to enable
                     members of the RIPE community to exploit RPSL
                     and other new RR tools.

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE Routing WG

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    C2 Information Services

                     The RIPE NCC will provide services and techni-
                     cal infrastructure to facilitate exchange of
                     information mainly to the RIPE NCC membership,
                     the RIPE community and RIPE working groups. The
                     RIPE NCC will continue developing and improving
                     the external representation and image of the
                     organisation. This includes the management of
                     electronic mailing lists, a publicity database
                     and provision of the RIPE NCC Web and ftp
                     servers. The content of the web and ftp sites
                     will be continuously maintained, improved and

                     The RIPE NCC is known to be a neutral source of
                     authoritative information on the Internet in
                     its region of operation and beyond. This activ-
                     ity is designed to ensure that it continues to
                     be a useful resource to the ISPs and other
                     interested parties in Europe and globally.

    C2.1 Mailing List Management

                     The RIPE NCC will maintain high quality mailing
                     lists for exchanging information among the RIPE
                     NCC members, the RIPE community and interested
                     public. Effort will be spent to prevent spam
                     (unsolicited advertising) on the lists, support
                     subscribers with requests and problems and to
                     improve the quality of the address lists in
                     order to minimise bounces. Mailing list traffic
                     will be constantly monitored.

                     The mailing lists maintained by the RIPE NCC
                     have a history of constructive and concise dis-
                     cussions on issues of importance to the RIPE
                     community. Mailing list maintainers are faced
                     with challenges ranging from spam to increased
                     size and usage of lists. This activity is
                     intended to maintain the quality of the mailing
                     lists and serves to facilitate discussion and
                     consensus forming in the RIPE community.

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    C2.2 Maintenance of Information Services

                     The RIPE NCC will maintain a WWW and ftp server
                     at and
                     respectively and the accompanying <webmas-
           > role mailbox to provide help and
                     information to users. This includes the follow-
                     ing detailed activities: continuous modifica-
                     tion and re-structuring of the information on
                     the WWW server providing the best structure for
                     ease of use to visitors of the site. The RIPE
                     NCC will also monitor the content of the
                     servers to assure accuracy, consistency and a
                     user-friendly environment.

                     The purpose of this activity is to ensure that
                     the information and services on the RIPE NCC
                     servers are up-to-date and working well and
                     that responses to user needs are provided in a
                     timely manner.

                Related Activities:

                RIPE Working Group Advising:

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    C2.3 Reporting

                     The RIPE NCC will continue to report about its
                     activities to its membership, the RIPE commu-
                     nity and the general public both on the network
                     and at RIPE meetings. This will take the form
                     of constantly updated statistics published on
                     the RIPE NCC web site and regular reporting to
                     the RIPE NCC membership. The RIPE NCC will pub-
                     lish an Annual Report, including financial
                     statements, for distribution to its membership,
                     suppliers and interested members of the public.
                     The Annual Report will also serve as a general
                     Public Relations document. The RIPE NCC will
                     monitor press clippings and produce press
                     releases when necessary, regarding issues con-
                     cerning the operations of the RIPE NCC. Contin-
                     uous effort will be placed in developing the
                     Web site to provide up-to-date and informative
                     documentation essential to the RIPE NCC member-

                     This activity provides the RIPE NCC membership
                     and other interested parties with open,
                     detailed information about the ongoing RIPE NCC

                Related Activities:

    C3 DNS Co-ordination

                The RIPE NCC does not provide domain name registra-
                tion services. It does however provide DNS co-ordi-
                nation and support activities as well as registra-
                tion of reverse address mapping domain registrations
                within the and domains.

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    C3.1 European Root Name Servers

                     The RIPE NCC will support the operation of the
                     root name servers located in Europe and the
                     surrounding area. In particular it will operate
                     the server currently located at the LINX in
                     London (

                     Those few DNS name servers serving the "."
                     (root) zone are critical elements of the Inter-
                     net infrastructure that should be operated in a
                     neutral and professional way. The goal of this
                     activity is to ensure that this happens.

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE DNS WG

    C3.2 Secondary DNS Service

                     The RIPE NCC will provide secondary name ser-
                     vice and limited support to those country TLD
                     administrators wishing to use it. The RIPE NCC
                     will assist IANA in the administration of those
                     TLDs as described in RFC1591. Secondary DNS
                     service will also be provided for all in-
            zones corresponding to a /16 alloca-
                     tion to a LIR and to all zones com-
                     prising the reverse mapping for sub-TLAs it

                     Many users in Europe depend on DNS name servers
                     serving the zones of two letter ISO3166 country
                     code top level domains. Name service for these
                     zones should be reliable. New countries should
                     be supported to establish their country code
                     TLDs. Reverse zones are served in a secondary
                     capacity to assist in ensuring the reliability
                     of reverse lookups.

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE DNS WG

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    C3.3 DNS Hostcount

                     The RIPE NCC will provide various monthly
                     statistics (e.g. the number of hosts regis-
                     tered) from the DNS of the TLDs corresponding
                     to countries it serves. The statistics are
                     gathered in collaboration with numerous organi-
                     sations performing local counts per country
                     TLD. The RIPE NCC will continue its efforts to
                     increase the accuracy of the numbers by con-
                     tacting zone admins. Published statistics will
                     be expanded.

                     The goal of this activity is to collect and
                     publish uniform time series data about the
                     growth of the Internet in the region and con-
                     tinues a time series started in October 1990.
                     The information is used extensively by organi-
                     sations operating in this region and beyond.

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE DNS WG

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    C4 RIPE Meeting

                     The RIPE NCC will provide administrative and
                     technical support for the RIPE meetings. These
                     meetings take place three times a year and are
                     open to the public. Actual costs regarding
                     venue, equipment hire, etc. are partially cov-
                     ered by charging an attendance fee as well as
                     through corporate sponsorship of the meetings.
                     These meetings are organised on a not-for-
                     profit basis.

                     To provide support of an infrastructure whereby
                     the RIPE meetings can be held. Guidance and
                     advice from the RIPE Working Groups and member-
                     ship is invaluable to the RIPE NCC in support-
                     ing its effective role in further formalising
                     Internet Administration. RIPE also plays an
                     influential role in defining the annual activ-
                     ity plan and these meetings are therefore
                     essential to the stable operations of the RIPE

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    Appendix N - New Activities

                This area represents those activities that are
                either unforeseen or cannot be fully specified at
                the time of writing. By nature new activities are
                hard to specify in detail and priorities can change
                quickly. Activities may be dropped or added as nec-
                essary. The activity descriptions below are there-
                fore more of a subjective statement of direction
                rather than a fixed plan of action. In particular,
                some of the ideas below have not yet been fully dis-
                cussed in the relevant RIPE working groups.

    N1 Routing Information Services

                     This activity has been on the activity plan for
                     several years but due to time and resource con-
                     straints, very little progress was made. This
                     changed in 1999 when a Network Engineer joined
                     the New Projects group and started to work
                     full-time on this project.

                     The goal of the Routing Information Server
                     (RIS) is to collect routing information between
                     AS's at several major exchange points in near
                     real time and store that in a database. This
                     historic information will be made available to
                     ISP's in order to facilitate their operations.
                     At a later stage, the information will be com-
                     pared against the information from the Internet
                     Routing Registry (IRR).

                Work on the Routing Information Server started in
                July 1999. A project plan was presented at RIPE-33
                and it is hoped that the first version of this ser-
                vice will be presented and made available to beta-
                users early in 2000. The product will be further
                developed based on their experiences and it is also
                planned to carry out statistical analyses on the
                data are also planned to be carried out.

                Projections are to turn this activity into a regular
                service that can be used by all members by the end
                of 2000.

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE Routing WG

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    N2 Routing Registry Consistency

                     This activity seeks to improve data quality in
                     the Internet routing registry as a public
                     source of intended routing information (as
                     described by the maintainers of the data, the
                     ISPs). It also aims to improve data accessibil-
                     ity and processing capabilities to enable users
                     to extract the largest possible benefit from
                     this information source.

                     The objective of this activity is to provide a
                     public, accurate and reliable source of infor-
                     mation about public routing information in the
                     "European" Internet, comparing the intended
                     routing policies as described in the IRR to the
                     information actually exchanged by routing pro-
                     tocols. A coupling to the RIPE NCC's address
                     assignment activities is also an objective of
                     this activity.

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     RIPE Routing WG

                ripe-197.txt                                 Page 37
                              RIPE NCC Activities & Expenditure 2000
                           Crain, van Draanen, Karrenberg and Kuehne


    N3 Unforeseen Activities

                     The RIPE NCC will actively follow the develop-
                     ments in the Internet community and react to
                     any requirements for new activities from the
                     RIPE membership. The RIPE NCC has been
                     requested to start a fair number of new activi-
                     ties during the course of the year at short
                     notice. Many of them have been successful
                     because this possibility has been designed into
                     the activity plans since the RIPE NCC's incep-

                     The goal of this activity is to ensure that the
                     RIPE NCC continues to react to the developments
                     and changing needs of the Internet environment.

                RIPE Working Group Advising:
                     Depending on the activity

                ripe-197.txt                                 Page 38