RIPE NCC Billing Procedure and Fee Schedule


                     RIPE NCC Billing Procedure and Fee Sched-

                                      RIPE NCC

                1.   The 2000 fee schedule is as follows:

                Enterprise registries:         EUR 2400.- / year

                Service Provider Registries:

                Small                          EUR 2400.- / year
                Medium                         EUR 3350.- / year
                Large                          EUR 4400.- / year
                Supernational                  Multiple times large registry
                                               Please contact <>

                Start-up fee for registries
                established during 2000        EUR  2100.-

                2.   Registries established during the course of the
                     year are charged as follows:

                     |established during   charge                         |
                     |                                                    |
                     |1st quarter          start-up fee + full yearly fee |
                     |2nd quarter          start-up fee + 3/4 yearly fee  |
                     |3rd quarter          start-up fee + 1/2 yearly fee  |
                     |4th quarter          start-up fee + 1/4 yearly fee  |

                3.   The start-up fee is due with the first invoice.

                4.   Billing is in advance.

                5.   The billing period is the calendar year.

                6.   Official invoices are sent by postal mail.  A
                     copy of the invoices will also be sent by e-

                7.   Half-yearly and quarterly billing are possible
                     and an EUR 50.- service charge applies to each
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                         RIPE NCC Billing Procedure and Fee Schedule


                     invoice.  Late payment of invoices for reg-
                     istries that have chosen half-yearly or quar-
                     terly billing means an automatic reversion to
                     annual billing.

                8.   Payment is due 30 days after the date of the
                     issuing of the invoice.

                9.   Euro Transfers are the preferred method of pay-
                     ment and the fastest.  Payment by cheque delays
                     processing, particularly those issued in cur-
                     rencies other than EUR.

                10.  Payment of invoices by credit card is possible
                     only if the credit card charges are paid as

                11.  Late payments will be subject to late payment
                     charges of EUR 100.- and cause an immediate
                     termination of NCC services.  Interest accord-
                     ing to the prevailing bank rate in the Nether-
                     lands may be charged on any late payments.

                If you have any questions, please contact

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