Routing Registry Consistency Check 

 Joachim Schmitz
 AOL Inc 

 Engin Gunduz
 Shane Kerr
 Andrei Robachevsky
 Joao Luis Silva Damas


 Document ID: ripe-201
 Date: 4 December 2001 


 This document describes a project to crosscheck European Internet
 routing against data registered in the RIPE Routing Registry. This
 project was proposed as a new activity by the RIPE Routing Working
 Group. The document gives an overview of the project, discusses the
 implementation, and mentions some points that have to be addressed in
 future design documents.  This document is intended to solicit input
 from interested parties.

  Table of Contents

 1.0   Introduction
 2.0   Motivation
 3.0   Goals
 3.1   Types of Routing Data in the IRR
 3.2   Types of Routing Data on the Internet
 3.3   Comparing Registry and Internet Data
 3.3.1 Route Advertisements
 3.3.2 RPSL Policy and AS Paths
 3.3.3 Allocation Registry Checks
 4.0   Reporting and Tool Development
 4.1   General IRR Consistency Report
 4.2   Specific IRR Consistency Report
 4.3   IRR Correction Wizard
 4.4   Router Configuration Checker
 4.5   Other Tools
 5.0   Side-Note on Data Privacy
 6.0   Timeline

 1. Introduction 

 For quite some time, the RIPE Database has been part of a global
 system known as the Internet Routing Registry (IRR). It consists of a
 set of online databases that offer the possibility to store routing
 policy information that may be used in network verifications or
 configurations. Other databases in the IRR include the RADB, ARIN,
 and a growing number of databases operated by Internet Service
 Providers (ISPs).

 Practical applications of the IRR have ranged from simple
 registration of Internet resources, such as autonomous system (AS)
 numbers, to registration of routing policies, and complete routing

 However, the IRR is not generally considered to form an essential or
 even adequate tool for network operations. Sometimes, it has been
 viewed as a somewhat obscure system that was difficult to use and its
 potential benefits have not become available to a wider audience.

 Over time, the degree of usage and attention to data maintenance has
 varied among users resulting in a situation where the quality of data
 stored is mixed.

 This project aims at correcting that situation by establishing a
 stronger link between routing data as seen on the Internet and as
 stored in the RIPE Database. It is also a goal of this project to
 address the causes that led to the current unsatisfactory situation
 by providing tools and information that enhance the usefulness of the
 IRR to ISPs.

 2 Motivation 

 As previously described, the IRR stores Internet routing information
 that can be used by ISPs to configure and debug their
 connectivity. This information is stored in the RIPE Database as
 route, aut-num, inet-rtr, route-set, as-set, and other RPSL objects
 containing information such as the intended AS origin of an announced
 prefix, peering information between different ASes, etc. The quality
 of these data varies widely, while it is supposed to be a
 representation of what is actually seen in the Internet Routing

 During the initial stages of RIPE Database development, two major
 drawbacks existed. On one hand, the limitations of the RIPE-181
 representation of routing policies became obvious over time,
 resulting from growing demands and evolving routing protocols. To a
 significant extent, this has been amended by the introduction of

 On the other hand, mechanisms for data protection within the Database
 were not strong, and unauthorised (usually accidental) modifications
 of data occurred. In addition, there was no authorisation mechanism
 for registration of data in the Database and any user could
 essentially store any information in the Database (e.g. a new origin
 for a prefix already registered in another route object).

 Nowadays, the available protection mechanisms are strong and users
 can ensure that their data may only be modified by
 themselves. Regarding authorisation, the RPSL version of the RIPE
 Database (version 3.0) implements the Routing Policy System Security
 (RPSS) specification [2], which enables security mechanisms for
 object creation. Thus a major concern regarding reliability of data
 has been removed.

 As a result of the two factors described above, and due to the highly
 dynamic nature of the Internet, a significant amount of data in the
 Routing Registry is incorrect, out of date, or simply missing. With a
 sound basis in place from which to start, this situation may now be

 It is worthwhile to note that existence of incorrect data in the IRR
 does not necessarily make it unusable in its entirety. For example,
 ISPs that ask their customers to register in the IRR can still
 configure their routers from the IRR because the subset of data that
 is of interest for this purpose would be complete and accurate, even
 if other data in the IRR might not be.

 While improvements to the Database system will help prevent erroneous
 registrations in the future, there is a need to correct the
 inaccurate data currently stored in the Database. Moreover,
 development of support mechanisms is required to enable ISPs to
 maintain data and keep it up to date as the Internet evolves.

 The RIPE Routing Working Group identified these needs and requested
 that the RIPE NCC addressed them. This document describes the
 corresponding RIPE NCC project.

 3. Goals

 From the previous considerations, the main goals of the project can
 be outlined as follows:

        To track, report on, and increase the accuracy of IRR data 
        To track and report IP allocation usage in the Internet 
        To develop tools to improve user interaction with the IRR; 
	in particular, to increase ease of use of the IRR and to
        benefit from its resources 
        To disseminate tool and user information 

 The following sections discuss how to attain these goals. 

 3.1 Types of Routing Data in the IRR

 The current IRR exhibits two types of data

        IP routes
        routing policies

 These are tied to the following objects in the Database

        route objects, describing which AS originates each prefix 
        aut-num objects for routing policies 
        inet-rtr, as-set, route-set, and other RPSL objects supporting the 
	description of routing policies. 

 3.2 Types of Routing Data on the Internet

 In general, routing data on the Internet is distributed via BGP
 announcements between peering partners. A full set of Internet routes
 is available by analyzing the full set of BGP announcements. The set
 will vary depending on where in the Internet the BGP feed is

 BGP announcements contain

        the route prefix and its length;
        the AS path under which the announcement is visible and its 
	originating ASes; 
        additional BGP attributes that propagate through the routing system.

 Any of these data items are available by establishing appropriate BGP
 peerings. The main source of live routing data for this project will
 be the Routing Information Service (RIS) project [3] being carried
 out by the RIPE NCC.

 3.3 Comparing Registry and Internet Data

 The two sources of data (IRR and live Internet routing data) have
 quite different formats. Tools that can understand both sources and
 make comparisons will be developed.

 3.3.1 Route Advertisements

 A route, which is the combination of network addresses with an
 originating AS, may be:

        recorded in the RIPE Database and advertised on the Internet 
	(which is the optimum case)
        recorded in the RIPE Database but not advertised on the Internet, and
        advertised on the Internet but not recorded in the RIPE Database.

 The latter two describe mismatches that may be detected by comparing
 the data sets. These mismatches may be caused by errors in
 aggregation (e.g. recording in the Database when
 advertising, errors in origin (e.g. an advertisement
 from an old provider), simple omissions, or other reasons. Initially,
 no attempt will be made to classify errors.  They will just be

 3.3.2 RPSL Policy and AS Paths

 Routing data collected in the Routing Information System (RIS)
 includes AS path information. It can be used to verify whether the
 policies recorded in corresponding aut-num objects allow the AS path
 seen in the live routing data. This means that missing "import:" and
 "export:" attributes in the aut-num objects may be detected.

 It is not possible to detect unnecessary "import:" and "export:"
 attributes, due to the limitations of the RIS data imposed by the
 nature of BGP. Some routes will not get advertised to any of the
 route collectors, but still be used on the Internet. This may occur,
 for example, if a slow or expensive link is used for backup purposes
 that are activated only in case the regular connection
 breaks. Another example is upstream route aggregation, which removes
 longer prefixes from the routing table.

 3.3.3 Allocation Registry Checks

 By including data from the IP allocation registry, it will be
 possible to track address space usage and detect announcements of
 space that should not be advertised on the Internet. This is not
 limited to the use of private address space or AS numbers, but also
 reveals usage of unallocated AS numbers and IP addresses.

 4 Reporting and Tool Development

 Information produced by this project will be made available at the
 RIPE NCC web site and/or through e-mail subscription.  This will
 include the following:

 4.1 General IRR Consistency Report

 The report will present general statistical data regarding the size
 of the IRR, amount of inconsistencies of different types, and
 delegated address space usage.

 4.2 Specific IRR Consistency Report

 This type of report will present detailed information about IRR
 inconsistencies for specific portions of the IRR. A specific portion
 may be defined by the user based on:

        AS number or as-set, AS information: In this case, the report will 
	list deviations in AS numbers (missing or extra)
        and AS paths from registered routing policies. 

        AS number or as-set, route information: In this case, the report will 
	contain a list of inconsistent routes originated by
        the specified AS or ASes. 

        IP address space as defined by inetnum, route, or route-set objects. 
	In this case, the report will contain a list of
        inconsistent routes concerning this address space. 

        mntner object name, which is referenced by "mnt-routes:" attribute in 
	aut-num, inetnum, or route objects. In this
        case, the report will contain a list of inconsistent routes related 
	to address space or autonomous systems covered by
        this attribute. 

        mntner object name, which is referenced by "mnt-lower:" attribute in
	 as-block, aut-num, inetnum, or route objects.
        In this case, the report will contain a list of inconsistent routes 
	related to address space or autonomous systems
        covered by this attribute. 

        mntner object name, which is referenced by "mnt-by:" attribute in 
	aut-num, inetnum, or route objects. In this case,
        the report will contain a list of inconsistent routes related to 
	address space or autonomous systems specified by
        these objects. 

 Two types of the reports may be requested: periodic report and
 monitoring report sent when an inconsistency appears.

 4.3 IRR Correction Wizard

 In the event that registrations in the IRR require updating, any user
 today must set up the corresponding objects by hand, which often is
 cumbersome and subject to human error. To improve ease of use on the
 IRR, the project will introduce an IRR correction wizard. This tool
 will take the routing policy as found on the Internet and provide the
 user with a set of corresponding objects which can be applied to
 update the IRR. This includes additions and deletions. The user must
 verify correctness of the information presented, add the
 corresponding authorisation information, and forward the objects in a
 message to the Database update mechanism (<>). The
 "correction wizard" is a supplementary tool to be used along with
 reports produced in section 4.2.

 4.4 Router Configuration Checker

 It will be possible to identify some potential problems in the parts
 of a router configuration built from the IRR using tools like
 RtConfig. Normally, the automatic router configuration generators
 generate only parts of the configuration using IRRs, rather than a
 complete configuration. Similarly, this tool will check subsets of
 configurations and identify the statements that are inconsistent with
 the real state of the Internet. It can be used as router
 configuration debug help.

 4.5 Other Tools

 Tools developed in the framework of this project will not be limited
 to the ones described above. Feedback from the community may identify
 demand for other tools.

 5 Side-Note on Data Privacy

 Due to business confidentiality or other considerations, several
 service providers do not want to register their routes or policies in
 a public Routing Registry. However, it should be noted that in order
 to reach a certain IP address, routing information regarding this IP
 address must be public. If it were not public, this IP address would
 not be reachable on the Internet.

 As a matter of fact, any site that wants to be reachable on the
 Internet must have or be part of one active public route in the
 Internet routing table. If a service provider chooses to route
 certain networks only on limited parts of the Internet (if not using
 private address space anyway; also in conjunction with NAT) there is
 no immediate need to feed these data into a public Routing
 Registry. As an example, we may consider a private peering between
 two service providers where the corresponding routes are not
 propagated outside their own autonomous systems.

 It is obvious that private agreements on routes and policies do not
 need to be registered in the public IRR because they do not show up
 on the Internet.

 Consequently, private or special agreements that are a result of
 mutual consent among the parties involved do not need to show up in
 the public IRR. As soon as coordination becomes impractical due to
 mere size, or if a guaranteed authoritative reference is needed, the
 public IRR comes in.

 6 Timeline

 Work on this project started during the year 2000. Initial results of
 this project are available at  An initial
 prototype of this system was presented at the RIPE 38 Meeting

 In April 2001, the RIPE Database migrated to version 3.0, which
 supports RPSL. Having the new Database in production will enable
 faster development of this project and more convenient use for ISPs.


 [1] C. Alaettinoglu, C. Villamizar, E. Gerich, D. Kessens, D. Meyer,
 T. Bates, D. Karrenberg and M. Terpstra, "Routing Policy
 Specification Language (RPSL)", RFC 2622, June 1999.

 [2] C. Villamizar, C. Alaettinoglu, D. Meyer and S. Murphy, "Routing
 Policy System Security", RFC 2725, December 1999.

 [3] A. Antony, H. Uijterwaal. "Routing Information Service. Design
 Note", RIPE-200, October 1999.