
                       The RIPE NCC Clearing House Procedure

                                  Kees van Draanen

                               Document ID: ripe-202

                This document has been written to provide additional
                information as to the working of the clearinghouse
                system and should be read in conjunction with
                RIPE-173, General Terms and Conditions.  In case of
                dispute, the General Terms and Conditions and the
                Standard RIPE NCC Service Agreement will be authori-

                When the RIPE NCC was established as a separate
                legal entity it was agreed with the Dutch tax
                authorities that any surplus or deficit of income
                over expenses would be distributed among the mem-
                bers.  The process by which this was to be done was
                called the clearinghouse. The clearinghouse system
                started with the 1998 financial year.

                This process will be used to distribute any surplus
                of operating income over operating expenses among
                the current members.  In the case of a shortage in
                the operating income over expenses, the RIPE NCC
                will use this procedure to distribute the shortage
                among all its members.  For the purposes of this
                document these two possibilities will be referred to
                as surplus and deficit.

                A RIPE NCC member is defined as a Local Internet
                Registry (LIR) that receives services from the RIPE
                NCC and has been invoiced a service fee for the year
                at issue.

                Eligibility to participate in this clearinghouse
                procedure depends on each member's (LIR) fulfilment
                of financial obligations towards the RIPE NCC.  All
                members that have fully paid their invoices within
                the calendar year for which they were invoiced are
                eligible to participate in the clearinghouse.  For
                example: if an LIR received its invoice in June 1999
                and has completely paid its invoice before the end
                of December 1999 it will be eligible to participate.

                An exception to this principle applies to members
                who were invoiced during the month of December.
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                               The RIPE NCC Clearing House Procedure


                Those members will be eligible to participate only
                if they have paid their invoice within 30 days of
                the invoice date.  Members who quit during the year
                will not participate in that year.

                The clearinghouse procedure will take place as soon
                as possible 90 days after receipt of the audited
                financial statements.  Members will be informed of
                their share of the clearinghouse by e-mail.  Start-
                ing for the 1999 financial year, this will not be
                later than six months after the receipt of the
                audited financial statements.

                The first step of this process is to determine
                whether a member has paid their fees and then to
                calculate the member's percentage of the total fees
                paid by members during the year at issue.

                The member's share of the surplus will be equal to
                the percentage of its fee contribution to the total
                fees paid to the RIPE NCC throughout the year.  Fees
                in this case pertain only to the year in question
                and do not include any prior years' fees that may
                have been paid.

                The member's percent share in the total paid fees is
                calculated by dividing the member's fee paid by the
                total of all other members' fees paid throughout the
                same year.  For example: if member A is a small Reg-
                istry that paid a fee of 450 and the total paid fees
                of all members during the 1999 calendar is 60,000,
                then the percentage is as follows:

                      Member A percentage share  (year 1999): 450 /
                60,000 =  .75%

                This resulting percentage will then be used to cal-
                culate the member's share of the surplus. Thus if
                the total surplus is 14,000, member A used in the
                previous example will have 105 as its share of the

                      Member A share in surplus (year 1999): 14,000
                x .75% = 105

                The surplus amount of 105 will then be put in a spe-
                cial member account and will be considered as credit
                for the member in the RIPE NCC books.

                In the case of a deficit in the operating income
                over operating expenses, all members of the RIPE NCC
                who have been invoiced for that particular financial
                year must participate in the clearinghouse
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                procedure.  Each member's percentage share of the
                deficit will be equal to their percentage contribu-
                tion to the total fees.  In summary: All members
                share in a deficit and only those who have paid
                their invoices within the calendar year share in a

                The member's percentage of the deficit is calculated
                using the same formula taking into consideration the
                participation of ALL members, whether they have paid
                or not, in sharing the deficit.  The idea behind
                this is to reward those who pay on time and encour-
                age those who do not to do so.

                In the case if a surplus, only members who have paid
                will participate, thus the member's surplus share
                will be higher.  In the opposite scenario, all mem-
                bers will participate in the sharing of the deficit,
                thus the cost per member will be lower.

                An identical procedure will be used in following
                years, taking into account the addition of new mem-
                bers and the potential size changes of existing mem-
                bers.  If, for example, the RIPE NCC has a shortage
                of 8,500 in the year 2000, the amount will be
                divided among all the members in proportion to the
                member's percent share of the total fees due for
                that year.

                Assume that the RIPE NCC invoiced 78,000 in fees and
                attained a deficit of -8,500 during the year 2000.
                Member A from the previous example became a medium-
                sized member that was invoiced a service charge of
                700 during that year.  Whether or not member A has
                paid its fee, it will be liable for the following

                      Member A percentage share (year 2000): 700 /
                78,000=  .90%

                      Member A share in the deficit (year 2000):
                -8,500 x .90%  = -76.50

                The member's share in the deficit will then be
                transferred to the same member account used in the
                previous year. Member A who acquired a surplus of
                105 in the previous year, receives a deficit amount
                of -76.50 at the end of the year 2000, the total
                account balance then becomes 35.50

                      Member A account balance (year 2000):
                105.00-76.50 = 35.50

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                After completing this procedure, the member's
                account will be adjusted with the amount calculated
                as outlined above.  This amount will be registered
                in the financial books of the RIPE NCC as a claim of
                the members on the surplus of the organisation.

                If the member's account balance has exceeded three
                times the current (i.e.  most recent) service fee of
                the RIPE NCC, the member will be paid the excess
                amount.  The date of the payment will be determined
                by the Executive Board of the RIPE NCC.

                If a member quits, any positive amount in the mem-
                ber's clearinghouse account is payable when the mem-
                ber officially notifies the RIPE NCC that they are

                For example: if the account balance of member A from
                the previous example exceeded 3 x 700 = 2,100., the
                positive difference will be paid back to the member.
                This example assumes that Member A will remain a
                medium sized registry during the third year and that
                the fees do not change.

                Changes in registry size will also lead to different
                results.  If a "small" registry of 1999 became a
                "medium" registry in 2000; its share of the operat-
                ing loss is therefore greater than what it would
                have been as a "small" registry while it has only a
                share of the 1999 surplus for a "small" registry.
                This means that it will take longer for this reg-
                istry to reach the three times the current yearly
                fee.  The opposite is also true: if a registry goes
                from large or medium to medium or small.  It may be
                able to attain the three times the current yearly
                fee level earlier than other registries.

                The RIPE NCC Executive Board reserves the right to
                make changes to these procedures as necessary.  The
                examples provided in this document do not reflect
                the reality of RIPE NCC and are in no way represen-
                tative of management's thinking of future results of
                the RIPE NCC.

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