1999 RIPE NCC Annual General Meeting


                      RIPE NCC Annual General Meeting Minutes
                                   1999 (AGM'99)
                               19 October 1999-11-25


                               Scribe: Alissar Nabali
                                 Document: ripe-205


                          Traditionally these minutes reflect
                     the detailed discussions for the benefit
                     of those unable to attend the meeting.
                     Those interested in a very short summary
                     may want to refer to the Appendix listing
                     the decisions.

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    List of Participants RIPE NCC AGM 1999

                James Aldridge, EUnet Communications Services BV
                Lajos Balint, HUNGARNET
                Steve Barton, I S Products Limited
                Stephen Burley, UUNET
                Ali Badiel Drissa, ONATEL
                Tim Dimond, I S Products Limited
                Kees van Draanen, RIPE NCC
                Frode Greisen, Ebone Inc.
                Arjen Jansen, Glasshouse Business Network
                Sabine Jaume, Renter
                Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC
                Theodoros Karounos, GR-NET S.A.
                Mirjam Kuehne, RIPE NCC
                Keith Mitchell, London Internet Exchange
                Kees Neggers, SURFnet bv
                Hans Niklasson, Tele2 AB
                Mike Norris, HEAnet
                Axel Pawlik, RIPE NCC
                Carsten Schiefner, TCP/IP GmbH - Contrib.Net
                Darren Taylor, Demon Internet Limited
                Nigel Titley, Level3 Communications International
                Wilfried Woeber, Vienna Univ. Computer Center -


    1.Welcome, Preliminaries, Approval of
      AGM'98 Minutes, Agenda
    2.Operational Report by NCC Management
    3.Financial Reporting:
    a.Approval of 1998 Financial Results
    b.Interim Financial Report Q3'99
    4.Postponing 2000 Annual General Meeting
    5.Activity Plan and Expenditure for 2000 (ripe-197)
    6.Charging Scheme (ripe-198)
    7.Report from the Executive Board
    8.RIPE NCC Executive Board Elections

    1.  Welcome, Preliminaries, Approval of AGM'98 Minutes, Agenda

                Keith Mitchell, chairman of the RIPE NCC Executive
                Board, and as such statutory chair of the meeting
                welcomed all attendees and introduced Axel Pawlik,
                the new Manager Director of RIPE NCC. He also
                announced receiving an apology from Mr. Daniele
                Bovio, a candidate for the Executive Board, who
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                could not be present. The Chair proposed to review
                the proposed agenda and asked participants to sug-
                gest amendments or query agenda items. No amendments
                or questions were raised and the agenda was fixed.

    2.  Operational Report by RIPE NCC Management

                Mirjam Kuehne, RIPE NCC Head of External Services,
                provided an overview of operations and services cov-
                ering the period October 1998 through to October
                The presentation can be found at:


    3.  Financial Reporting:

    a.Approval of 1998 Financial Results

                The audited Financial Statements for 1998 have been
                approved by the RIPE NCC Executive Board and have
                been available on the RIPE NCC servers for six
                months. To date, no comments have been received. The
                general meeting approved the 1998 audited financial

    b.Interim Financial Report Q3'99

                Kees van Draanen presented the financial results up
                to the third quarter of 1999. He stated that the
                results were interim, unaudited and based on accrual
                accounting. The RIPE NCC Q3'99 financial results
                presentation can be found at:


    4.  Postponing 2000 Annual General Meeting

                Article 14.2 of the RIPE NCC Articles of Association
                states that a general meeting be held within six
                months after the financial year close to approve the
                audited financial statements, unless the period in
                question is extended by the Annual General Meeting.
                Traditionally meetings are held in autumn to review
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                the activity plan, budget and charging scheme for
                the subsequent operating year.

    The formal resolution:

                "As no special circumstances are foreseen the gen-
                eral meeting proposes to extend the period to
                approve the audited financial statements 1999 as
                stated in article 14.2 of the RIPE NCC Articles of
                Association to 31 October 2000.  The board shall
                send the audited financial statements to the members
                upon receipt of the auditors final report and
                audited financial statements." The motion was passed
                unanimously by the meeting participants.

    5.  Activity Plan and Expenditure for 2000 (ripe-197)

                The RIPE NCC Activities & Expenditure 2000 document
                can be found on the RIPE NCC Web site at:


      Mirjam Kuehne and Kees van Draanen presented the RIPE NCC
      Activity Plan and Expenditure for 2000. The presentation can
      be found on the RIPE NCC Web site at:


                Discussions resulting from the presentation were as

                Stephen Burley asked about the eventual charging
                scheme for the Test Traffic Measurement service.
                Daniel answered stating that the RIPE NCC will prob-
                ably have 2 kinds of members, the first would make
                use of Registration Services and the second would
                use Test Traffic Services or both. We need to inves-
                tigate how to make the Test Traffic Service useful
                for those who do not participate directly. Stephen
                Burley asked if the RIPE NCC had a definite date
                proposed for a payment scheme for those members who
                do not wish to make use of this service. Mirjam
                stated that the RIPE NCC will investigate the charg-
                ing scheme during the 2000 operating year in order
                to propose a charging scheme defining both services
                for 2001.  This issue will be further discussed in
                the Test Traffic Working Group and at RIPE Meetings.
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                Mike Norris asked about the level of charges
                expected for users of the Test Traffic Service in
                2001. This year's expenditure or the project is
                ECU300k and in 2001 the expenditure is expected to
                be of the same order of magnitude. Daniel stated
                that his personal goal is to reach about 100 serious
                users by 2001. So the charges would be on the order
                of ECU3000 per user per year; probably less once
                more users join.

                Hans Niklasson referred to the announcement of addi-
                tional training courses for RIPE NCC members in 2000
                and asked what the time frame would be for deliver-
                ing such courses.

                Mirjam answered that a need for additional courses
                and courses with a different focus was clearly
                stated in responses to the RIPE NCC membership ques-
                tionnaire conducted in December 1998. What exactly
                the new courses will entail will be discussed with
                the membership. We obviously need to make sure
                courses that fall into the responsibilities of the
                ISPs are not provided by the RIPE NCC. Hans Niklas-
                son also asked how the additional course would be
                financed. Kees said that the plan is to cover the
                costs with the initial sign-up fees charged to each

                Ali Badiel Drissa asked if the training course mate-
                rial could be made available electronically, as many
                LIRs find it too expensive to travel to the courses.
                Mirjam pointed out that the Training Course material
                has always been available on the RIPE NCC web
                servers under:


                New handouts and material is being developed and
                these will also be posted on the web site. The RIPE
                NCC has tried to organise meetings in African coun-
                tries but unfortunately had to cancel them for vari-
                ous reasons, also due to lack of interest. The RIPE
                NCC constantly monitors its new and present member-
                ship to plan upcoming courses.

                Lajos Balint asked what the 500 KEU reserve in the
                Budget is intended for?  Kees van Draanen stated
                that this amount is a best guess of activities that
                cover additional Co-ordination Activities including
                costs to ICANN, the set-up and operating costs of
                the ASO Address Council as well as resources to make
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                the RIPE community's policies and point of view bet-
                ter known.
                The formal resolution:

                "The general meeting adopts the activity plan and
                budget for the year 2000."

                The General Meeting unanimously adopted the RIPE NCC
                Activity Plan and Budget for the 2000 operation

    6.  Charging Scheme (ripe-198)

                Kees van Draanen presented the proposed Charging
                Scheme 2000 document to the participants. In the
                proposal presented by Kees a small registry is
                charged 2400 EUR, a medium registry 3350 EUR and a
                large registry 4,400 EUR

                The draft 'RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2000' (ripe-198)
                and fee schedule is available on the RIPE NCC Web
                site at:


                The board proposes to continue using the charging
                scheme successfully used over the last years.

                The formal resolution:

                "The general meeting resolves to continue using the
                current charging scheme and adopts the year 2000 fee

                The General Meeting decided to continue using the
                current charging scheme and unanimously adopted the
                2000 (ripe-198) fee schedule.

    7.  Report from the Executive Board

                Keith Mitchell gave a Report on the Executive Board
                activities in the period from November 1998 to Octo-
                ber 1999
                 .br The Executive Board presentation can be found

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    8.  RIPE NCC Executive Board Elections

                The term of Kees Neggers expires on 12 November
                1999. Candidates for the Executive Board can be nom-
                inated according to article 7 of the RIPE NCC Arti-
                cles of Association.

                Nominations for the RIPE NCC Executive Board
                included Nigel Titley, Kees Neggers and Daniele
                Bovio. In the first round of voting, Nigel Titley
                received 29 votes, Kees Neggers 17 and Daniele Bovio
                3. A second vote was taken to fill the remaining
                seat on the board. In the second round Kees Neggers
                received 43 votes and Daniele Bovio received 6

                Nigel Titley and Kees Neggers were elected to the
                RIPE NCC Executive Board.

                Wim Vink, on behalf of the Executive Board thanked
                Keith Mitchell for his service on the Board. Keith
                Mitchell thanked the members for their confidence in
                the Executive Board and he also thanked the Execu-
                tive Board for their commitment and good work.

    9.  Closing

                With no further business to discuss, Keith Mitchell
                formally closed the meeting.

                APPENDIX: Decisions of the Meeting

                - The general meeting decides to extend the period
                for adoption of the annual report 1999 as mentioned
                in article 14.2 of the statutes to 15 November 2000.
                The board shall send the annual report to the mem-
                bers as soon as the books have been audited and the
                final report of the auditors has been received.

                - The general meeting adopts the Activity Plan and
                Expenditure 2000 (ripe-197).

                - The general meeting decides to continue using the
                current charging
                  scheme and adopted the 2000 fee schedule
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                - Executive Board Elections: Nigel Titley was
                elected to the board.  Kees Neggers was elected to
                the board.

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