RIPE NCC Annual General Meeting
October 24, 2000

Scribe: Alissar Nabali
Document ID: ripe-216
Date: 11 December 2000 

Traditionally these minutes reflect the detailed discussions for the benefit of those unable to attend the meeting. Those interested in a summary may want to refer to the Appendix listing the decisions.

1. Welcome, Preliminaries, Agenda
2. Operational Report by RIPE NCC Management
3. Approval of 1999 Financial Results
4. Interim Financial Report Q3'00
5. Postponing 2001 Annual General Meeting
6. RIPE NCC Activities, Expenditure and Charging Scheme 2001 (ripe-213)
7. Report from the RIPE NCC Executive Board
8. RIPE NCC Executive Board Elections
1. Welcome, Preliminaries, Agenda

Kees Neggers, chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board, and as such statutory chair of the meeting, welcomed all attendees.
2. Operational Report by RIPE NCC Management

Axel Pawlik, Managing Director of the RIPE NCC, provided an overview of the operations and services covering the period October 1999 to October 2000. The presentation can be found at
Hans Niklasson asked if the RIPE NCC is making effort to retain more experienced staff as experienced LIRs would prefer to deal with more experienced hostmasters. Axel Pawlik replied that the concern is noted and that this issue was already being addressed internally.
Lajos Balint asked what would happen if the growth of the ticket waitqueue continued to increase. Axel Pawlik replied that this was closely monitored and additional hostmasters were being employed to be able to efficiently cope with peak demands.

3. Approval of 1999 Financial Results
The audited Financial Statements for 1999 have been approved by the RIPE NCC Executive Board and have been available on the RIPE NCC servers for six months. No comments have been received. The general meeting approved the 1999 audited financial results, passing the following resolution:
"The general meeting adopts the 1999 Audited Financial Report of the RIPE NCC."
The 1999 Audited Financial Report can be found at:

Lajos Balint enquired what the RIPE NCC proposes to do with the surplus, as the 1999 balance sheets shows that capital is still increasing. Axel Pawlik answered that the surplus is reserved for unforeseen events.

Kees Neggers added that the surplus money still belongs to the paying LIRs and could be returned to the LIRs via the clearing house procedure. The Executive Board however would like to keep reserves while the current level of growth continues.

4. Interim Financial Report Q3 2000
Kees Neggers presented the financial results up to the third quarter of 2000. The RIPE NCC Q3 2000 financial results presentation can be found at:

5. Postponing 2001 Annual General Meeting
The following resolution was passed:
"As no special circumstances are foreseen the general meeting proposes to extend the period to approve the audited financial statements 2000 as stated in article 14.2 of the RIPE NCC Articles of Association to 31 October 2001. The board shall send the audited financial statements to the members upon receipt of the auditors final report and audited financial statements."

Article 14.2 can be found at:

6. RIPE NCC Activities, Expenditure and Charging Scheme 2001 (ripe-213)
Axel Pawlik presented the RIPE NCC Activity Plan and Expenditure for 2001, which can be found at
The presentation can be found on the RIPE NCC Web site at:
A question was raised about why the surplus funds are not used to finance the Test Traffic project. Axel Pawlik answered that not all members choose to take part in this project, hence not all members should be required to pay for the cost.

A suggestion was made that the LIR charges be reduced even more.
Kurt Kayser asked about the Arbiter functions, with reference to the document ripe-174 and the contacts made at the RIPE 38 meeting. Axel Pawlik answered that the RIPE WG chairs have been asked to consider serving as arbiters.

A query was made about when do we expect RIS (Routing Information Service) to be available. Axel Pawlik answered that it is currently in prototype. It will be available next year as a service.
The following resolution was passed:
"The general meeting adopts the RIPE NCC Activities, Expenditure and Charging Scheme 2001."

7. Report from the RIPE NCC Executive Board

Kees Neggers gave a report on the Executive Board activities in the period from November 1999 to October 2000. Frode Greisen gave a report on the board's activities with regard to ICANN and the ASO. The Executive Board presentation can be found on:

8. RIPE NCC Executive Board Elections
Frode Greisen's term to serve on the Executive Board expired in November 2000.
Nominated to fill the vacated Executive Board seat were Frode Greisen and Richard Nuttall. In the only round of voting, Frode Greisen received 29 votes, and Richard Nuttall received 6 votes.
Frode Greisen was re-elected to the RIPE NCC Executive Board.

9. Closing
With no further business to discuss, Kees Neggers formally closed the meeting.

APPENDIX: Decisions of the Meeting
The general meeting decides to extend the period for adoption of the Financial Annual Report 2000 as mentioned in article 14.2 of the statutes to 15 November 2001. The board shall send the Financial Report for the year 2000 to the members as soon as the books have been audited and the final report of the auditors has been received.
The general meeting adopts the RIPE NCC Activities, Expenditure and Charging Scheme 2001 (ripe-213).
Frode Greisen is re-elected to the Executive Board.

List of Participants,   RIPE NCC AGM 2000

Name			Country Code 		    Affiliation
Mike Norris	 	ie				HEAnet
Kurt Kayser    		de 				noris network GmbH
Lajos Balint		hu 				HUNGARNET
Urs Waltenspuel		ch				Mount10 International AG
Carsten Schiefner	de				TCP/IP GmbH
Hani Hammouqah		jo 				Jordan Telecommunications Co.
Kees Neggers		nl				SURFnet
Paul Prakriti		uk				InterNAP Network Services
Juergen Decker 		de				OpenNet
Igor Pilipovitch	ru				Institute of Information and
							Analytical Technologies (IIAT)
Denesh Bhabuta		uk				First Mark Communications
Cristian Perissinotto	it				Netesi S.p.A
Alioune Badara Traore	ml				SOTELMA
Hans-Peter Maritschnik	at				ATnet Dr. Franz Penz
Hans Niklasson		se				Tele2 / Swipnet
Christian Pelle		uk				FirstMark
Henrik Bo Hansen	dk				Tele2 A/S	
Marko Mannik		ee				Dept. of Data Communications
Richard Nuttall		uk				Interoute
Daniel Houghton		uk				Cebernet Ltd
Tony Spencer		uk				Cerbernet Ltd
Frode Greisen		dk				Ebone
Nigel Titley		uk				Level 3 Communications