RIPE Database Reference Manual 

Joao Luis Silva Damas
Andrei Robachevsky

Document ID: ripe-223 
Date: 5 July 2001

Obsoletes: ripe-189 and  ripe-157 


This document describes the functionality of version 3.0 of the RIPE
Database that uses the Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL)
[1] to represent all database objects. It also implements the Routing
Policy System Security (RPSS) [2] to provide authorisation mechanisms
to enable a higher level of security for Internet Routing Registries
(IRR). Though this document tends to be self-contained, the reader is
encouraged to read the RPSL [1] and RPSS [2] specifications for more
detailed information, examples of usage and definitions. For a
tutorial on RPSL, the reader should read the RPSL applications
document [3]. 

Table of Contents

1.0 Database objects and attributes 
   1.1 Object representation 
   1.2 Object types 
      1.2.1     as-block
      1.2.2     as-set
      1.2.3     aut-num
      1.2.4     domain
      1.2.5     filter-set
      1.2.6     inet6num
      1.2.7     inetnum
      1.2.8     inet-rtr
      1.2.9     key-cert
      1.2.10   limerick
      1.2.11   mntner
      1.2.12   peering-set
      1.2.13   person
      1.2.14   role
      1.2.15   route
      1.2.16   route-set
      1.2.17   rtr-set
2.0  Queries in the RIPE Database
   2.1   Queries using primary and lookup keys
   2.2   IP address lookups
      2.2.1     Default lookup for IP ranges in the RIPE Database
      2.2.2     More and less specific queries
   2.3   Inverse queries
   2.4   Query support for tools
      2.4.1     RAToolset support
      2.4.2     Persistent connections and keeping state
   2.5   Getting all the members of set objects
   2.6   More/less specific lookups for and domains
   2.7   Referral mechanism for domains
   2.8   Access control for queries
   2.9   Other server features
3.0   Updates in the RIPE Database
   3.1   Format of an update message
   3.2   Creating, modifying and deleting an object
      3.2.1     Object processing
      3.2.2     Creating a new object
      3.2.3     Modifying an existing object
      3.2.4     Deleting an object
   3.3   E-mail updates
      3.3.1     MIME support
      3.3.2     PGP support
      3.3.3     Subject line processing
   3.4   Updates using networkupdate utility
   3.5   Acknowledgements and Notifications
      3.5.1     Acknowledgements
      3.5.2     Notifications
   3.6   Data protection
      3.6.1      Authorisation model
      3.6.2     Protection of individual objects
      3.6.3     Protection of aut-num object space
      3.6.4     Protection of address space
      3.6.5     Protection of route object space
      3.6.6     Protection of objects with hierarchical names 
      3.6.7     Protection of domain object space 
      3.6.8     Protecting membership of a set
4.0   Mirroring of the RIPE Database 
   A1. Object attributes
   A2.   RIPE Database response codes and messages
      A2.1     Query errors 
      A2.2     Access errors 
      A2.3     Connection errors 
      A2.4     NRTM errors 
      A2.5     Referral text 
   A3.   Copyright information 
      3.2        A3.1 RIPE Database Copyright
      3.2        A3.2 RFC Copyright Statement
      3.2        A3.3 RIPE NCC Copyright


The RIPE Network Management Database contains information about IP
address space allocations and assignments, routing policies and
reverse delegations in the RIPE region and beyond.
 It also contains
some information about forward domain names. However, the information
about domain names is there as a convenient reference only; it is not
the domain name registry that is run by the country code Top Level
Domain (ccTLD) administrators of Europe and surrounding areas. Please
see the IANA ccTLD Database for a full list of the ccTLD
 The information in the RIPE Database is available
to the public for agreed Internet operation purposes, but is under
copyright. Please see Appendix A3 "Copyright information".
phrase "RIPE Database" is often used to refer to the interface
software, rather than the information that is stored in the
database. In ambiguous situations, this reference manual will make
clear what is being discussed.
 This document describes the
functionality of version 3.0 of the RIPE Database software. This
version uses the Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL) [1], a
successor of RIPE-181 language Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.,
to represent all database objects. It also implements the Routing
Policy System Security(RPSS) [2] to provide authorisation mechanisms
to enable a higher level of security for the routing registry, which
is part of the RIPE Database.
 This document is
self-contained. However, it does not contain examples of usage and
illustrations of principles and concepts related to the RIPE Database
functionality and implementation. The "RIPE Database User's Manual"
[5] and the "RIPE Database Operations Manual" [5] will fill this gap
and provide examples and detailed information on how to interact with
the RIPE Database and how to configure and run RIPE Database server
software. The reader is also encouraged to read the RPSL [1] and RPSS
[2] specifications for more detailed information, examples of usage
and definitions. For a tutorial on RPSL, the reader should read the
RPSL applications document [3].

1.0  Database objects and attributes 

The RIPE Network Management Database (often called the "RIPE
* Database") contains records of:
 allocations and assignments of IP
* address space (the IP address registry); 
 domain names (the domain
* registry); 
 routing policy information (the routing registry); 
* contact information (details of people who are responsible for the
* operation of networks or routers, and those who are responsible for
* maintaining information in the RIPE Database). 
 Note: the
* information in the domain registry, except for domains,
* has no effect on operations; it is stored in the RIPE Database as a
* convenient reference. It should not be considered complete or
* authoritative for any purpose.

1.1  Object representation

Records in the RIPE Database are known as "objects". The syntax of the
database objects is defined by RPSL, which is described in [1]. An
object belongs to one of the object types, or classes. These two terms
are used interchangeably through the document. The following object
types are stored in the RIPE Database:

Table 1 Object types supported in the RIPE Database

Object type
(Class name)     Abbreviated name         Description
 as-block		ak	Represents delegation of a range of AS numbers				       to a given repository.
 as-set			as	Defines a set of aut-num objects.
 aut-num		an	Represents an Autonomous System (AS) in the
                                database. Is used to describe external routing
				policy of the AS.

 domain			dn      Represents forward or reverse domain 
 filter-set		fs	Defines a set of routes that are matched by 
				its filter. 
 inet6num		i6	Contains information on allocations and 
				assignments of IPv6 address space.

 inetnum		in	Contains information on allocations and 
				assignments of IPv4 address space.

 inet-rtr		ir	Represents a router in the database.

 key-cert		kc	Represents a public key certificate that is 
				stored on the server and may be used with a 
				maintainer object for authentication when 
				performing updates.

 limerick		li	Represents a humorous poem that has five lines
				and the rhyme scheme "aabba".
 mntner			mt	Specifies authentication information required 
				to authorise creation, deletion or 
				modification to the objects protected by the 
 peering-set		ps	Defines a set of peerings.
 person			pn	Contains information about technical or 
				administrative contacts.

 role			ro	Contains information about technical or 
				administrative contacts, but describes a role 
				performed by one or more human beings.
 route			rt      Represents a route advertised in the Internet.

 route-set		rs	Defines a set of routes.

 rtr-set		is	Defines a set of routers.

A database object is defined as a list of attribute-value pairs in
text.  Each attribute-value pair is written on a separate line.  The
attribute name starts at column 0, followed by the character " : " and
followed by the value of the attribute.  The attribute that has the
same name as the object's class should be specified first.  An
attribute's value can be split over multiple lines, by having a space,
a tab or a plus ('+') character as the first character of the
continuation lines.  The character "+" for line continuation allows
attribute values to contain blank lines.  More spaces may optionally
be used after the continuation character to increase readability.  The
order of attribute-value pairs is significant. An object's description
may contain comments.  A comment can be anywhere in an object's
definition, it starts at the first "#" character on a line and ends at
the first end-of-line character. A comment cannot start at column
0. White space characters can be used to improve readability. The
object's representation ends when a blank line is encountered.
Attributes can be mandatory or optional: A mandatory attribute MUST be
defined for all objects of the class; optional attributes can be
skipped.  Attributes can also be single or
multiple-valued. Multiple-valued attributes may have several
attribute-value records in an object, while a single valued attribute
may appear only once. Each object is uniquely identified by a set of
attributes, referred to as the class primary key.

The value of an attribute has a type, which defines the syntax of the
attribute value. Please refer to Appendix A1 "Object attributes" for a
detailed description of the attributes supported in the RIPE

1.2 Object types
 This section describes object types (classes)
supported in the RIPE Database along with the object templates. The
following definitions are used in the templates:


                   At least one instance of this attribute must be defined in 
		   an object of the class.

                   Attribute is optional in the objects of the class and can 
	           be omitted.
                   Attribute is automatically generated by the server. 

 [single]	   An object MUST NOT contain more than one instance of this

 [multiple]	   An object MAY contain more than one instance of this 

 [look-up key]	   Attribute is indexed.

 [inverse key]     Attribute is in the "reverse" index.

 [primary key]	   Attribute is (part of) the primary key.

 [primary/look-up key]
                   Attribute is both indexed and is (part of) the primary key. 

In an object template the first column represents an attribute, the
second and third columns specify the type of the attribute and the
fourth column tells whether the attribute is (part of) a database key
for the object.

1.2.1  as-block 

An as-block object is needed to delegate a range of AS numbers to a
given repository.  This object may be used for authorisation of the
creation of aut-num objects within the range specified by the
"as-block:" attribute. The template of as-block class is shown in
Figure 1.2.1.

as-block:      [mandatory]  [single]     [primary/look-up key]
descr:         [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
remarks:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
tech-c:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
admin-c:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
notify:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-lower:     [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-by:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
changed:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
source:        [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]

Fig. 1.2.1 as-block template

1.2.2  as-set

An as-set object defines a set of aut-num objects. The attributes of
the as-set class are shown in Figure 1.2.2.  The "as-set:" attribute
defines the name of the set. It is an RPSL name that starts with
"as-". The "members:" attribute lists the members of the set.  The
"members:" attribute is a list of AS numbers, or other as-set names.

as-set:       [mandatory]  [single]     [primary/look-up key]
descr:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
members:      [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
mbrs-by-ref:  [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
remarks:      [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
tech-c:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
admin-c:      [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
notify:       [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-by:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
changed:      [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
source:       [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]

Fig. 1.2.2  as-set template

1.2.3  aut-num

An object of the aut-num class is a database representation of an
Autonomous System (AS), which is a group of IP networks operated by
one or more network operators that has a single and clearly defined
external routing policy.</SPAN>
 Objects of this class are used to
specify routing policies. The attributes of the aut-num class are
shown in Figure 1.2.3. The value of the "aut-num:" attribute is the AS
number of the AS described by this object. The "as-name:" attribute is
a symbolic name (in RPSL name syntax) of the AS. The import, export
and default routing policies of the AS are specified using the
"import:", "export:" and "default:" attributes, respectively.

aut-num:       [mandatory]  [single]     [primary/look-up key]
as-name:       [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]
descr:         [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
member-of:     [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
import:        [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
export:        [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
default:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
remarks:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
admin-c:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
tech-c:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
cross-mnt:     [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
cross-nfy:     [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
notify:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-lower:     [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-routes:    [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-by:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
changed:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
source:        [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]

Fig. 1.2.3  aut-num template

1.2.4  domain 

The domainobject represents Top Level Domain (TLD) and other domain
registrations.  It is also used for Reverse Delegations.  The domain
name is written in fully qualified format, without a trailing " . "
. The template of this class is shown in Figure 1.2.4

domain:        [mandatory]  [single]     [primary/look-up key]
descr:         [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
admin-c:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
tech-c:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
zone-c:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
nserver:       [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
sub-dom:       [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
dom-net:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
remarks:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
notify:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-by:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-lower:     [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
refer:         [optional]   [single]     [ ]
changed:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
source:        [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]

Fig. 1.2.4 domain template

1.2.5  filter-set 

A filter-set object defines a set of routes that are matched by its
filter.  The "filter-set:" attribute defines the name of the filter.
It is an RPSL name that starts with "fltr-". The "filter:" attribute
defines the set's policy filter.  A policy filter is a logical
expression which when applied to a set of routes returns a subset of
these routes. The template of this class is shown in Figure 1.2.5.

filter-set:    [mandatory]  [single]     [primary/look-up key]
descr:         [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
filter:        [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]
remarks:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
tech-c:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
admin-c:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
notify:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-by:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
changed:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
source:        [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]

Fig. 1.2.5  filter-set template

1.2.6  inet6num

An inet6num object contains information on allocations and assignments
of IPv6 address space. The template of this class is shown in Figure

inet6num:      [mandatory]  [single]     [primary/look-up key]
netname:       [mandatory]  [single]     [lookup key]
descr:         [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
country:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
admin-c:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
tech-c:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
rev-srv:       [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
status:        [generated]  [single]     [ ]
remarks:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
notify:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-by:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-lower:     [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
changed:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
source:        [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]

Fig. 1.2.6  inet6num template

1.2.7  inetnum

An inetnum object contains information on allocations and assignments
of IPv4 address space. The template of this class is shown in Figure

inetnum:       [mandatory]  [single]     [primary/look-up key]
netname:       [mandatory]  [single]     [lookup key]
descr:         [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
country:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
admin-c:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
tech-c:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
rev-srv:       [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
status:        [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]
remarks:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
notify:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-by:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-lower:     [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-routes:    [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
changed:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
source:        [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]

Fig. 1.2.7 inetnum template

1.2.8  inet-rtr 

Routers are specified using the inet-rtr class.  The attributes of the
inet-rtr class are shown in Figure 1.2.8.  The "inet-rtr:" attribute
is a valid DNS name of the router described. Each "alias:" attribute,
if present, is a canonical DNS name for the router.  The "local-as:"
attribute specifies the AS number of the AS that owns/operates this
router. The template of this class is shown in Figure 1.2.8.

inet-rtr:      [mandatory]  [single]     [primary/look-up key]
descr:         [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
alias:         [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
local-as:      [mandatory]  [single]     [inverse key]
ifaddr:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [lookup key]
peer:          [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
member-of:     [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
remarks:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
admin-c:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
tech-c:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
notify:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-by:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
changed:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
source:        [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]

Fig. 1.2.8  inet-rtr template

1.2.9  key-cert

A key-cert object is a database public key certificate that is stored
on the server and may be used with a mntner object for authentication
when performing updates. Currently only PGP keys are supported. The
template of this class is shown in Figure 1.2.9. 

key-cert:      [mandatory]  [single]     [primary/look-up key]
method:        [generated]  [single]     [ ]
owner:         [generated]  [multiple]   [ ]
fingerpr:      [generated]  [single]     [ ]
certif:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
remarks:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
notify:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-by:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
changed:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
source:        [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]

Fig. 1.2.9    key-cert template

1.2.10  limerick 

The limerick object represents a humorous poem that has five lines and
the rhyme scheme "aabba". The template of this class is shown in
Figure 1.2.10.

limerick:      [mandatory]  [single]     [primary/look-up key]
descr:         [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
text:          [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
admin-c:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
author:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
remarks:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
notify:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-by:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
changed:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
source:        [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]

Fig. 1.2.10 limerick template

1.2.11  mntner 

Objects in the RIPE Database may be protected using mntner (pronounced
"maintainer") objects.  A mntner object specifies authentication
information required to authorise creation, deletion or modification
of the objects protected by the mntner. The template of this class is
shown in Figure 1.2.11. 

mntner:        [mandatory]  [single]     [primary/look-up key]
descr:         [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
admin-c:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
tech-c:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
upd-to:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-nfy:       [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
auth:          [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
remarks:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
notify:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-by:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
auth-override: [optional]   [single]     [ ]
referral-by:   [mandatory]  [single]     [inverse key]
changed:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
source:        [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]

Fig. 1.2.11  mntner template

1.2.12  peering-set

A peering-set object defines a set of peerings that are listed in its
"peering:" attributes.  The "peering-set:" attribute defines the name
of the set.  It is an RPSL name that starts with "prng-". The template
of this class is shown in Figure 1.2.12.

peering-set:   [mandatory]  [single]     [primary/look-up key]
descr:         [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
peering:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
remarks:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
tech-c:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
admin-c:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
notify:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-by:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
changed:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
source:        [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]

Fig. 1.2.12  peering-set template

1.2.13  person

A person object contains information about technical or administrative
contact responsible for the object where it is referenced. Once the
object is created, the value of the "person:" attribute cannot be
changed. The template of this class is shown in Figure 1.2.13.

person:        [mandatory]  [single]     [lookup key]
address:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
phone:         [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
fax-no:        [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
e-mail:        [optional]   [multiple]   [lookup key]
nic-hdl:       [mandatory]  [single]     [primary/look-up key]
remarks:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
notify:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-by:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
changed:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
source:        [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]

Fig. 1.2.13  person template

1.2.14  role

The role class is similar to the person class.  However, instead of
describing a human being, it describes a role performed by one or more
human beings.  Examples include help desks, network monitoring
centres, system administrators, etc.  A role object is particularly
useful since often a person performing a role may change; however the
role itself remains. The "nic-hdl:" attributes of the person and role
classes share the same name space. Once the object is created, the
value of the "role:" attribute cannot be changed. The template of this
class is shown in Figure 1.2.14.

role:          [mandatory]  [single]     [lookup key]
address:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
phone:         [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
fax-no:        [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
e-mail:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [lookup key]
trouble:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
admin-c:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
tech-c:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
nic-hdl:       [mandatory]  [single]     [primary/look-up key]
remarks:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
notify:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-by:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
changed:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
source:        [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]

Fig. 1.2.14  role template

1.2.15  route

Each interAS route (also referred to as an interdomain route)
originated by an AS is specified using a route object. The "route:"
attribute is the address prefix of the route and the "origin:"
attribute is the AS number of the AS that originates the route into
the interAS routing system.  The "route:" and "origin:" attribute pair
constitutes the primary key. The template of this class is shown in
Figure 1.2.15.

route:         [mandatory]  [single]     [primary/look-up key]
descr:         [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
origin:        [mandatory]  [single]     [primary/inverse key]
holes:         [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
member-of:     [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
inject:        [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
aggr-mtd:      [optional]   [single]     [ ]
aggr-bndry:    [optional]   [single]     [ ]
export-comps:  [optional]   [single]     [ ]
components:    [optional]   [single]     [ ]
remarks:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
cross-mnt:     [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
cross-nfy:     [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
notify:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-lower:     [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-routes:    [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-by:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
changed:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
source:        [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]

Fig. 1.2.15  route template

1.2.16  route-set

A route-set object defines a set of routes that can be represented by
route objects or by address prefixes. In the first case, the set is
populated by means of the "mbrs-by-ref:" attribute, in the latter, the
members of the set are explicitly listed in the "members:"
attribute. The "members:" attribute is a list of address prefixes or
other route-set names.  Note that the route-set class is a set of
route prefixes, not of database route objects. The template of this
class is shown in Figure 1.2.16. 

route-set:     [mandatory]  [single]     [primary/look-up key]
descr:         [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
members:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
mbrs-by-ref:   [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
remarks:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
tech-c:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
admin-c:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
notify:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-by:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
changed:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
source:        [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]

Fig. 1.2.16  route-set template

1.2.17  rtr-set

A rtr-set object defines a set of routers. A set may be described by
the "members:" attribute, which is a list of inet-rtr names, IPv4
addresses or other rtr-set names. A set may also be populated by means
of the "mbrs-by-ref:" attribute, in which case it is represented by
inet-rtr objects. The template of this class is shown in Figure

rtr-set:       [mandatory]  [single]     [primary/look-up key]
descr:         [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
members:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
mbrs-by-ref:   [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
remarks:       [optional]   [multiple]   [ ]
tech-c:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
admin-c:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
notify:        [optional]   [multiple]   [inverse key]
mnt-by:        [mandatory]  [multiple]   [inverse key]
changed:       [mandatory]  [multiple]   [ ]
source:        [mandatory]  [single]     [ ]

Fig. 1.2.17   rtr-set template

2.0  Queries in the RIPE Database

This section describes the functionality provided in version 3.0 of
the RIPE Database to enable users to retrieve database
objects. Querying the database is done using a client who uses the
whois protocol to query and get the responses.

The newly incorporated mechanism to enable the whois server to
automatically track query responses and limit the retrieval of contact
information from the RIPE Database is also described in this
section. The intention is to limit non-operational uses of the data
(such as advertising) while permitting the operational uses of the
database to be carried out.

There is a set of general rules about server responses: 

* Output starting with the % sign is either a server response code or
an informational message. A comment contains a white space after the
% sign, while server messages start right after the % sign. Please
see Appendix A2 "RIPE Database response codes and messages" for more

* An empty line ("\n\n") is an object delimiter. 

* Two empty lines mean the end of a server response. 

* When using the referral mechanism, the output of the referred server is passed to the client without modification. See section 2.7 "Referral mechanism for domains" for more information. 

The general format of a query is: 

[-query_flags [query argument]] <lookup-key>

2.1  Queries using primary and lookup keys

Normal queries are performed using primary and lookup keys as an
argument to a query. These queries are presented in Table 2. Please
refer to section 1.2 "Object types" for primary and lookup keys
definition for a class. 

2.2  IP address lookups 

Probably, the most important service provided by the RIPE Database is
to provide information about IP networks in the Internet. This
information is stored in the database in the form of inetnum and route
objects, among others.
 The inetnum, inet6num and route objects store
information about ranges of IP addresses.

The route objects use prefix notation to specify the range of IP
addresses that they contain information about. This type of notation
specifies ranges using two components: the prefix and its length.

For IPv4, the prefix is a 32-bit integer written in dotted quad
notation and having the value of the lowest IP address in the
range. The prefix length is an integer number in the range 0-32 (e.g. specifies the range of 1024 IPv4 addresses starting with,
and including,
 The inetnum objects represent an IPv4
address space in range notation where the range is explicitly
specified as two 32-bit integers written in dotted quad notation
separated by a dash ("-") (e.g., which specifies
the same range as above).

When dealing with IPv6 address ranges, only the standard IPv6 prefix
notation is allowed (prefix length must be in the range 0-128 and the
prefix is a 128-bit integer, written in hexadecimal groups of 2 bytes
separated by colons and with the possible use of shorthand notation
for strings of consecutive 0s).

When querying the database for information about a range of IP
addresses, the user can use as search keys the following range

* a prefix, which has the same meaning as above; 

* an explicit range, also as above; 

* a single IP number, which when used as an argument to a query is
interpreted as a range of exactly 1 address. These types of queries
are presented in Table 3. The remainder of this section describes how
a user can request different types of information to be returned,
relative to a particular range of IP addresses.
 Before going into
details, it is useful to define three concepts frequently used in this
type of queries and which are defined relative to the user-specified
(reference) range:

* A less specific range is a range that contains the whole of the reference range and is bigger (contains more IP addresses) than the reference range. 

* A more specific range is a range contained within the reference range and contains less IP addresses than the reference range. 

* An exact match refers to a range that is identical to the reference range. 

2.2.1  Default lookup for IP ranges in the RIPE Database

When no flags are specified and the query key sent to the whois server
is a range of IP addresses (either IPv4 or IPv6, expressed as a single
IP address, two IP addresses separated by a hyphen ("-") or a range of
IP addresses in prefix notation), the RIPE whois server will try to
find an exact match for that range.

If an exact match is found, it is returned. If not, a lookup for the
smallest less specific range is performed and this is returned. 

2.2.2  More and less specific queries

Sometimes the exact match is not the desired information. In that case
there is a set of flags that modify the response of the whois
This set of 4 flags ("-M", "-m", "-L" and "-l" ) provides
two generic types of queries known as more and less specific
queries.  Less specific queries

These refer to queries triggered by the use of the "-l" and "-L"
flags. These queries will return information about ranges of IP
addresses that fully contain the user-supplied range and may contain
more addresses.

The "-L" flag requests that the server return the exact match, if any,
and all the objects containing information about IP ranges that are
bigger than the user-supplied range and fully contain it.

The "-l" flag requests that the server NOT return the exact match but
only the smallest of the IP ranges that is bigger than the
user-supplied range and that fully contains it. This is usually
referred to as the one level less specific range.  More specific queries

These refer to queries triggered by the use of the "-m" and "-M"
flags.  These queries will return information about ranges of IP
addresses that are fully contained in the user-supplied range and
contain fewer addresses.

The "-M" flag requests that instead of returning the exact match, the
server should return all the sub-ranges completely contained within
the user-provided range no matter what their size is.

The "-m" is the more specific equivalent of the "-l" flag. It requests
that instead of returning the exact match, the server should return
sub-ranges that are fully contained within the user-provided range.
But instead of reporting all existing sub-ranges, it will only return
the biggest ranges contained in the user range. These are usually
called one level more specific.

2.3  Inverse queries 

Inverse queries are performed on inverse keys as defined in the RIPE
Database object templates. For a complete listing of these templates,
please refer to section 1.2 "Object types". By issuing this type of
query, the client requests all objects that reference the object with
the key specified as a query argument to be returned by the Database.

One can also request an inverse query for several attributes
(e.g. find out which objects reference a specific mntner object by
"mnt-by:", "mnt-lower:" or "mnt-routes:" attributes). In such case,
the query flag should be represented by a comma-separated list of
attributes to be searched. No white space is allowed in the list.

Please refer to Table 4 for a complete list of supported inverse

2.4  Query support for tools 

Several query types were implemented in the RIPE Database to support
various client tools. However, they can also be used by normal whois

2.4.1  RAToolset support 

The RAToolSet [6] is a suite of routing policy analysis tools created
by the Information Sciences Institute at the University of Southern
California. Some of the tools in this set access Routing Registry
servers via a specialised whois interface in order to perform their

Support for some of the queries required has not been present in the
RIPE whois server up to now. Version 3.0 of the RIPE whois server
includes support for these query types. This section describes the
additions to the RIPE whois user interface that allow it to support
the RAToolset. The required queries are:

* Return the prefixes of all route objects with a specified origin.

* Return only the primary keys of the route objects, not full objects. 

* Return the prefixes of all route objects referenced in a given route-set. 

* Return only the primary keys of the route objects, not full objects. 

* Return all the members (aut-num or as-set object) of a specified as-set. 

Return only the "members:" attributes, not the full object. 

* Optionally, include support for expansion of the previous query, if
the returned value contains references to as-sets, so that the end
result contains only a list of aut-num objects. The RIPE Database
does not support this and it is up to the client to perform the
expansion. The RAToolset currently does the expansion itself.

* Return route objects that exactly match a specified prefix. 

* Return route objects that exactly match a specified prefix (as
above), but return only the "route:" attributes.

* The new flags introduced in RIPE whois server v3.0 to support the
above-mentioned functionality are presented in Tables 3 and 5. 

2.4.2  Persistent connections and keeping state

To make more efficient use of the server for batched queries, a client
can request a persistent connection, one that will not be closed by
the server after the reply to the whois query has been sent to the
client. This avoids having to set up and tear down a new TCP
connection for every query.

The client can request this by sending the "-k" flag.
 During this
type of connection the server will keep state for some internal
variables. Currently state is only kept for the list of sources to
query. To exit a persistent connection, send the "-k" flag as the only
query argument to the server or an empty query ("\n"). 

2.5  Getting all the members of set objects 

In RPSL[3] there are two ways in which an object can be a member of a
set object.
 The first one is by listing objects in a "members:"
attribute in the set object. This is the kind of member relationship
present in "Representation of IP Routing Policies in a Routing
Registry"[4] (e.g. "as-list:" attribute in as-macro objects).

The other way of specifying a membership relation is through the use
of the "member-of:" attribute. This attribute can be used in the
route, aut-num and inet-rtr classes. The value of the "member-of:"
attribute identifies a set object that this object wants to be a
member of.

However, specifying member-of is not enough. The set object must also
have a "mbrs-by-ref:" attribute listing the maintainer of the object
wanting to be a member of the set. That is, the set owner must
validate the membership claim of an object with a "member-of:"
attribute, and it does that by matching the mnt-by line of the object
with one of the maintainers in the "mbrs-by-ref:" attribute of the set

2.6 More/less specific lookups for and domains

Version 3.0 of the RIPE Database supports the use of the "-m", "-M",
"-l" and "-L" flags for lookups on reverse delegation domains. To
enable this behaviour, use the "-d" flag in your whois query.
use of these flags is similar to that described for IP numbers except
that lookup keys have to be on 8-bit boundaries for IPv4 lookups and
4-bit boundaries for IPv6 lookups.

2.7 Referral mechanism for domains

The referral mechanism provides a way for administrators of domain
registries to instruct the whois server to reply to the user by
fetching data from the domain registry database rather than from local
data. Its implementation consists of two different parts:

1. Domain name stripping. When no matching domain object is found in
the database with the name specified in the query, the domain name is
stripped towards higher-level domains (xxx.yyy.zzz becoming yyy.zzz)
and the lookup is repeated until a domain object is found or the
search string becomes empty.

For backwards compatibility, if the domain object found by domain
stripping does not contain a "refer:" attribute, then it is considered
that no objects are found and an appropriate message is
displayed. Please see Appendix A2 "RIPE Database response codes and
messages" for more information.

2. The "refer:" attribute. The "refer:" attribute gives domain name
administrators the possibility to point the whois server to an
authoritative server for information about the domain name. This
attribute specifies the hostname, port and referral type that the
server should use to redirect the query. Please see Appendix A1
"Object attributes" for the syntax of this attribute. 
 If a query to
the whois server results in the retrieval of a local object that
contains a "refer:" attribute, the server will connect to the remote
server and issue a whois query for the requested domain name. Whatever
is returned is then sent to the user.

This mechanism is disabled by including the "-R" flag in the original

2.8  Access control for queries 

This section describes the mechanism for controlling how many database
objects a particular whois client can retrieve from the whois
server. The objective is to control and prevent abusive use of the
Database done by systematic queries for contact information
potentially used for non-agreed purposes (e.g. spam).

Therefore, the access control system is limiting only the amount of
contact information (number of person and role objects) that can be
retrieved in a certain amount of time. No limitations exist on the
number of other objects.

However, one should keep in mind that many lookups for object types,
other than person and role, also return contact information by
default. To avoid being blocked in such cases, it is advisable to use
the "-r" query flag.

Every time a person or role object is retrieved, a counter is
decreased. When it reaches zero, the query execution is aborted and
the connection is terminated, displaying an error message to the
client (see "Access errors" in Appendix A2 "RIPE Database response
codes and messages"), also a counter of exceeds (denials) is
incremented. The Database may limit the number of denials, after which
the host is permanently blocked from access to the RIPE Database. The
Database Administration may also block a client manually in case any
abusive behaviour is discovered.

The counter recovers in time. The host can resume querying contact
information after the counter has recovered so that the host gets a
non-zero limit for contacts next time. 

Accounting is based on the IP address of a client.

The RIPE Database server provides a facility for proxy clients (for
example, web servers running cgi interfaces to the RIPE Database) that
allows accounting to be based not on the IP address of the proxy, but
rather of the clients that use this proxy to query the RIPE
Database. The "-V" flag supports this feature. In such case, the
format of the query is as follows:

-V <version>,<ipv4-address>


<version> is a client tag that usually represents the version of the
proxy's client software;

<ipv4-address>  is the IPv4 address of the proxy. 

Note that the proxy's IP address should be registered in the access
control list of the RIPE Database. Please contact RIPE Database
Administration if you need this option.

2.9  Other server features 

The RIPE Database version 3.0 server supports the retrieval of certain
information about itself and the data sets served using a "-q" query

The "-q " flag takes arguments that make the server reply with
information that is not extracted from the Databases it serves but
rather about the system setup. This flag can currently take two

* version (usage: -q version). Display version information for the
server software.

* sources (usage: -q sources). List all available sources. The format
of the output is:



<source> - is the string that identifies the Database (e.g. RIPE);

<NRTM_protocol_version_#> identifies the version of the mirroring


can take one of the following values:

-- Y/N/X - can mirror/cannot mirror/obscured

<first>  is the lowest serial number available
<last>  is the most recent serial number available. 

The following semantics apply: 

Y:<first>-<last> mirroring allowed, serials from range first-last

N:<first>-<last> mirroring not allowed for administrative reasons. Ask
Database Administration for permission.

N:0-<last> mirroring physically not possible (e.g. static snapshot of
serial last).

X:<message> no mirroring allowed. An explanation is given in the

Tables 2 to 7 contain all query types supported by the RIPE Database:

Table 2 Queries using primary and lookup keys

Flag	      Lookup Key(s)	   Effect 
              <ip-lookup> (IPv4
              address prefix, 
	      range or
              single address)      Returns inetnum, route objects with exact 
				   match on the specified key. If the exact 
				   match does not exist, the objects with the 
			           smallest less specific match are
                                   returned. When a single address is 
				   specified, an inet-rtr object whose 
				   "ifaddr:" attribute matches the
                                   query argument is also returned.
              <ip-lookup> (IPv6
              address or IPv6 prefix)
                                   Returns an inet6num object with exact match
				   on a specified key. If the exact match does
				   not exist, the object with the smallest 
				   less specific match is
                                   Returns an aut-num object whose "aut-num:"
                                   attribute matches the query argument and an
                                   as-block object with the range containing 
				   the aut-num object, if it exists. 
              <as-number> -
              <as-number> (range of
              <as-number> separated
              by "-"
                                   Returns an as-block object whose primary key
                                   defines a range that matches or fully 
				   contains the range specified in the query 
                                   Returns domain and inet-rtr objects whose 
				   primary keys match the query argument. For 
				   domains, a referral query may be performed.
				   In such case the  actual query is performed
		                   by the referred server and the results are 
				   transparently passed to the client.
                                   See section 2.7 "Referral mechanism for 
				   domains" for more information.
                                   Returns all person and role objects whose 
				   "person:" or "role:" attributes contain the
				   name specified in the query argument.
                                   Returns a set whose primary key matches the
				   query argument.
                                   Returns a person or role object whose 
                                   attribute matches the query argument.
                                   Returns a mntner object whose primary key
                                   matches the query argument.

Table 3   IP address lookups

Flag	      Lookup Key(s)	   Effect 
-l		<ip-lookup>
                                   Returns first level less specific inetnum, 
				   inet6num or route objects, excluding exact 

-L		<ip-lookup>
                                   Returns all level less specific inetnum, 
				   inet6num or route objects, including exact 

-m		<ip-lookup>
                                   Returns first level more specific inetnum, 
				   inet6num or route objects, excluding exact 

-M		<ip-lookup>
                                   Returns all level more specific inetnum, 
				   inet6num or route objects, excluding exact 

-x		<ip-lookup>
                                   Requests that only an exact match on a 
				   prefix be performed. If no exact match is 
				   found, no objects are returned.

-d		<ip-lookup>
                                   Enables use of the "-m", "-M", "-l" and 
				   "-L"  flags for lookups on reverse 
				   delegation domains.

Table 4   Inverse queries

Flag		Lookup Key(s)	   Effect		

-i ac		<nic-handle> or 
(-i admin-c)	<person-name>	   Returns all objects whose "admin-c:"
			           attributes match the query argument. 

-i ah		<nic-handle> or
(-i author)	<person-name>	   Returns all limerick objects whose 
                                   attribute matches the query argument.
-i pn	        <nic-handle> or 
                <person-name>	   Returns all objects whose "admin-c:",
				   "tech-c:", "zone-c:", "author:" or 
				   "cross-nfy:" attribute matches
                                   the query argument.
-i ct 
(-I cross-mnt)  <mntner-name>
                                   Returns all route and aut-num objects whose
                                   "cross-mnt:" attributes matches the query 

-i cn		<nic-handle> or
(-i cross-nfy)	<person-name>	   Returns all route and aut-num objects whose
                                   "cross-nfy:" attribute matches the query 

-i la 
(-I local-as)	<as-number>	   Returns all inet-rtr objects whose 
				   "local-as:" attribute matches the query 
-i mr 
(-i mbrs-by-ref)<mntner-name>	   Returns all set objects (as-set, route-set 
				   and rtr-set) whose "mbrs-by-ref:" attribute
				   matches the query argument. 

-i mo 
(-i member-of)  <set-name>         Returns all objects whose "member-of:"
				   attribute matches the query argument and 
				   their membership claim is validated by the
				   "mbrs-by-ref:" attribute of the set. 
				   Absence of the "mbrs-by-ref:" attribute
                                   means that the membership is only defined 
				   by the members: attribute of the set.
 -i mb 
(-i mnt-by)
              <mntner-name>	   Returns all objects whose "mnt-by:" 
				   attribute matches the query argument.
-i ml 
(-i mnt-lower)
              <mntner-name>	   Returns all objects whose "mnt-lower:" 
				   attribute matches the query argument. 

-i mn 
(-i mnt-nfy)
              <e-mail>		   Returns all mntner objects whose "mnt-nfy:"
				   attribute matches the query argument.

-i mu 
(-i mnt-routes)
              <mntner-name>	   Returns all aut-num, inetnum and route 
				   objects whose "mnt-routes:" attribute 
				   matches the query argument.

-i ny 
(-i notify)
              <e-mail>		   Returns all objects whose "notify:"
				   attribute matches the query argument.

-i ns 
(-I nserver)
              <domain-name> or
              (IPv4/Ipv6 address)  Returns all domain objects whose 
			           "nserver:" attribute matches the query 

-i or 
(-i origin)
              <as-name>		   Returns all route objects whose "origin:"
				   attribute matches the query argument.
-i rb 
(-i referral-by)
              <mntner-name>	   Returns all mntner objects whose 
				   "referral-by:" attribute matches the query 

-i rz 
(-i rev-srv)
              <domain-name> or
	      (IPv4/IPv6 address)  Returns all inetnum and inet6num objects 
				   whose "rev-srv:" attribute matches the 
				   query argument.

-i sd 
(-i sub-dom)
              <domain-name>        Returns all domain objects whose "sub-dom:"
                                   attribute matches the query argument.
-i tc 
(-i tech-c)
              <nic-handle> or 
              <person-name>        Returns all objects whose "tech-c:"
				   attribute matches the query argument.

-i dt 
(-i upd-to)
              <e-mail>		   Returns all mntner objects whose "upd-to:"
				   attribute matches the query argument.
-i zc 
(-i zone-c)
              <nic-handle> or 
	      <person-name>	   Returns all objects whose "zone-c:"
				   attribute matches the query argument.

Table 5   Query support for tools

Flag	      Lookup Key(s)	   Effect 
-F				   Produces output using shorthand notation for
                                   attribute names. Produces slower responses. 
-K				   Requests that only the primary keys of an 
				   object be returned. The exceptions are set 
				   objects, where the "members:" attributes 
				   will also be returned. This flag does not 
				   apply to person and role objects.

-k	  (optional normal query)
                                   Requests a persistent connection. 
				   After returning the result, the connection 
				   will not be closed by the server
                                   and a client may issue multiple queries on 
				   the same connection. Note that the server 
				   implements a "stop-and-wait" protocol, 
				   where no next query can be sent before 
				   receiving a reply for the previous one.
                                   Use RIPE whois client to be able to send 
				   queries in batch mode. Except the first
			           "-k query",  "-k" without
                                   an argument closes the persistent 
-g	  (mirroring request)	   Request a NRTM stream from the server. See
                                   section 4.0 "Mirroring of the RIPE 
				   Database" for more information. 

Table 6   Miscellaneous queries>

Flag      Argument		   Effect 
-R				   Switches off use of the referral mechanism 
				   for domain lookups, so that the database 
				   returns an object in the RIPE database with
				   the exact match with the lookup argument, 
				   rather than doing a referral lookup.
-r				   Switches off recursion for contact 
				   information after retrieving the objects 
				   that match the lookup key.

-T	(comma separated list      Restricts the types of objects to lookup 
        of object types, no        in the query.
	white space is allowed)    

-a		                   Specifies that the server should perform 
				   lookups in all available sources. See also
				   "-q sources" query.
-s	 (comma separated list
          of sources, no white
          space is allowed)	   Specifies which sources and in which order 
				   are to be looked up when performing a 

Table 7   Informational queries

Flag      Argument		   Effect 

-q	  sources		   Returns the current set of sources along 
				   with the information required for 
				   mirroring. See section 2.9
                                   "Other server features" for more 

-q	  version		   Displays the current version of the server.

-t	  <object-type>		   Requests a template for the specified 
				   object type. 
-V<client-tag>			   Sends information about the client to the 

-v	  <object-type>		   Requests a verbose template for the 
				   specified object type. 

The following notations are used in this table: 

<object-type>  means full or abbreviated name of a specific class;

<client-tag> is a string without a white space that usually bears the
name of the client's software. 

Please refer to section 2.8 "Access control for queries" for more
information about using this flag for proxy clients. 

Other notations are explained in Table A1. 

3.0  Updates in the RIPE Database 

To create a new object, update an existing one, or delete an object
from the RIPE Database, an update message should be sent to the
Database for processing.
 Two types of submissions are possible: 

* Updates via e-mail which is the main public interface, and on-line; </SPAN>

* Updates via "networkupdate" interface. This method is internal, and
is only used from authorised nodes; typically, nodes belonging to the
internal office LAN of the RIPE NCC.

3.1  Format of an update message 

If sending the message via e-mail, the message may also be a MIME
encoded message. The update is normally in plain text. In the former
case, each valid MIME part is treated as a separate message. The
update message may contain more than one object. Please see section
3.3.1 "MIME support" for more information. 

In an update message an object should be textually represented as a
list of attribute-value pairs.  Each attribute-value pair is written
on a separate line.  The attribute name starts at column 0, followed
by character ":" and followed by the value of the attribute.  The
attribute, which has the same name as the object's class, should be
specified first.  An attribute's value can be split over multiple
lines, by having a space, a tab or a plus ('+') character as the first
character of the continuation lines.  The character "+" for line
continuation allows attribute values to contain blank lines.  More
spaces may optionally be used after the continuation character to
increase readability.  The order of attribute-value pairs is
significant. No empty attributes (an attribute with empty value) are
allowed, unless the type of an attribute value is <free-form>. Object
definition starts with the class attribute and ends with the first
blank line ("\n\n"). No blank lines are allowed within the object.

An object's definition may contain comments.  A comment can be
anywhere in an object's definition, it starts at the first "#"
character on a line and ends at the first end-of-line character. A
comment cannot start at column 0. White space characters can be used
to improve readability.

For more information on the format of the objects, please see section
1.0 "Database objects and attributes". 

Each part of the message that is not recognised as a database object
is ignored and the error message is issued in the acknowledgement. 

3.2  Creating, modifying and deleting an object 

To create, update or delete objects, a message containing the objects
should be prepared following object templates and sent to the database
for processing. One message may contain several objects, each of them
may require different operation: creation, modification or

3.2.1  Object processing 

As a general rule, the order of objects in the message is not
changed. The database processes objects one by one, so it is the
user's responsibility to ensure that all references can be
resolved. The only exception is related to using "AUTO" NIC handles
for automatic assignment of a value for the "nic-hdl:" attribute in
the person or role objects. In such cases, objects with "AUTO" NIC
handles are processed before any other object that can reference them
is processed.

While processing an object, the server performs the following checks:

* Verifies that the syntax of an object is correct. 

* Verifies that the object passes authorisation checks. 

* Verifies that all references can be resolved without conflicts. 

* Verifies that the operation does not compromise referential
integrity. This is performed for the deletion of an object to ensure
that it is not referenced from any other object in the RIPE Database.

* Verifies that the requested NIC handle is not in use and can be
allocated. This is performed only for the creation of person or role
objects that request a particular NIC handle.

If all checks were passed successfully, the server creates the object
in the RIPE Database. If one of these steps fails, the operation fails
for the object. This is reflected in the acknowledgement message and,
under certain conditions, in notification messages.

After the database finishes processing the whole message, an
acknowledgement message is composed and sent to the sender of the
original update as specified in the "Reply-to:" field or "From:" field
in the update message, if "Reply-to:" was not specified.

Also in some cases, notification messages are sent. Please see section
3.5.2 "Notifications" for more information.

3.2.2  Creating a new object 

If an object with the same primary keys as the object in the update
message does not exist in the database, the assumed operation is
object creation. For person and role objects creation, one can use
"AUTO NIC handles", requesting the server to automatically assign a
NIC handle. In such case, the value of the "nic-hdl:" attribute should

nic-hdl:      AUTO-1[<initials>]

If the <initials> (2 to 4 characters) are specified, then the server
will try to use them for constructing the NIC handle. If the
<initials> are omitted, the server will guess the initials from the
"person:" or "role:" attribute.

3.2.3  Modifying an existing object 

If an object with the same primary keys as the object in the update
message already exists in the database, the assumed operation is
object modification. The server compares the old and new versions of
the object and reports a no-operation error if they are
identical. When comparing the versions, white space characters are not

3.2.4  Deleting an object 

The object deletion is requested by adding a special attribute
"delete:" to the object:

delete: <comment>

The deletion is only accepted if the object in the message is exactly
the same as the one in the database about to be deleted. When
comparing the versions, white space characters are not
considered. Also, operation cannot succeed if the object is referenced
from any other objects in the Database.

3.3  E-mail updates 

A mail message containing an update should be sent to the e-mail
address of the RIPE Database robot: After
processing the message, an acknowledgement is sent back to the user,
containing information about which object updates succeeded and which
failed, along with the reason for failure. In some cases notification
messages are sent to relevant users. Please see section 3.5.2
"Notifications" for more information.

3.3.1  MIME support 

The Database software supports MIME. This feature is meant mainly to
make the cryptographic signing of the message easier when using mail
agents that place the signature in a separate MIME part, not included
in the body of the message.

It also allows the definition of scopes of authorisation within the
message (e.g. parts where different passwords apply) and nested
signing of messages which may be necessary under some conditions when
updating objects whose authorisation must be derived from more than
one party.

The following rules apply when submitting updates using MIME

A.  The software recognises the following headers and appropriate
actions are taken:

* multipart/signed 
* multipart/alternative 
* multipart/mixed 
* multipart/unknown 
* application/pgp-signature 
* text/plain 

All other content-types are treated as text/plain. 

B.  Each MIME part is treated as a separate message with the following

* Authorisation information is valid only within a single part, except
for MAIL-FROM type, which is valid across the entire message.

* AUTO NIC handle assignment is made only within a single part (see
next section 3.3.2 "PGP support"). 

3.3.2  PGP support

The Database supports PGP-signed messages. The following rules apply
when submitting updates using this authorisation scheme.

When using MIME encapsulation a PGP-signed portion of an update
message should be submitted using multipart/signed composite type. In
this case the first body part contains the update message (which may
also be a MIME encapsulated message), and the second body contains a
PGP-signature encapsulated with application/pgp-signature MIME
discrete type.

Regarding AUTO NIC handle assignment, the PGP-signed portion is
treated as a separate message. 

If one of the signatures fails in a nested signed portion, the whole
portion is rejected.

3.3.3  Subject line processing 

The three keywords valid in a subject line of an update message are
NEW, HELP and HOWTO. Use NEW keyword by itself if you want the
database to only accept new objects. HOWTO and HELP keywords can be
used to get a help text that contains information about how to query
and update the database (in this case the body of the message is
ignored). If there is more than one keyword or there is a non-keyword
in the subject line, then all the subject line is ignored.

3.4  Updates using networkupdate utility

No MIME encapsulation is possible when using networkupdate.
No PGP authentication is possible when using networkupdate.

3.5  Acknowledgements and Notifications

3.5.1  Acknowledgements 

Processing of every valid object in the submission message (that is
every object in plain text parts, supported MIME parts and/or valid
PGP signed portions) is reflected in the acknowledgement message. This
message contains information about whether the creation, modification
or deletion has been successful or not. When there is a MIME part with
an unsupported type in the incoming message, a warning will be added
to the acknowledgement, saying that that MIME part is ignored. The
acknowledgement message is sent back to the sender's e-mail address
("Reply-To:" or "From:", if the former is not specified).

The acknowledgement message starts with the header of the original
update message as a quotation followed by the results of the updates
performed for every valid object of the message.

The format of a successful operation report is:

<operation_name> OK: [ <object_type> ] <object_key> 

where <operation_name> may be New, Update, Delete, depending on the
operation performed.

<object_type>  is the class of the object that was processed.

<object_key>  is the primary key of the object.

For example:

Update OK: [person] FOO12770-RIPE 

Failed updates are reported as: 

<operation_name> FAILED: [ <object_type> ] <object_key> 

followed by the text of the object with more detailed explanation of
what caused the failure.

There are several reasons why the operation may fail for the
object. They are:

* syntax error 

The submitted object is syntactically incorrect. Please consult
Appendix A1 for the description of attributes.

* referential integrity violation

If an object references objects (by means of "admin-c:", "tech-c:",
"zone-c:", "mnt-by:", etc. attributes) that do not exist in the
database, creation or modification operations will fail. For the
deletions, it is not allowed to delete an object that is referenced
from any other object.

* authorisation failure 

When authorisation checks fail, the operation fails. Please refer to
section 3.6 "Data Protection" for more information.

3.5.2  Notifications 

There are three types of notifications: 

* normal notifications 
* forward messages 
* cross notifications.  Normal notifications 

Normal notifications are sent: 

* when an object with a "notify:" attribute is updated. The "notify:"
attribute of the old version of the object is used if the object was
already in the database, and the "notify:" attribute of the new
object is used if the object is a new one.

* when an object that is maintained (that is, it has a "mnt-by:"
attribute) is updated, and the maintainer(s) have "mnt-nfy:"
attributes. The e-mail boxes mentioned in the "mnt-nfy:" attributes
of the relevant maintainers must be used.

* when an inetnum, route or a domain object is created in a space
protected by a less specific object (by "mnt-lower:" attribute of
the object).  Forward messages 

When an update fails to pass authorisation checks, that object in the
update message is forwarded to the e-mail address specified in the
"upd-to:" attribute of the relevant maintainer(s).  Cross notifications 

Cross notifications are sent: 

* when a new or deleted route object overlaps with another route
object. A notification will be sent to the sender of the route

* when a new or deleted route object overlaps with another route
object that has a "cross-nfy:" or "cross-mnt:"
attribute. Notification must be sent to the "mnt-nfy:" attributes of
the maintainers mentioned in the "cross-mnt:" attribute and to the
"e-mail:" attributes of the person and role objects whose NIC handle
is mentioned in the "cross-nfy:" attribute of the overlapping route

* when a new or deleted route object overlaps with another route
object whose "origin" is an aut-num object that has "cross-nfy:" or
"cross-mnt:" attributes. Notification must be sent to the "mnt-nfy:"
attributes of the maintainers mentioned in the "cross-mnt:"
attribute and to the "e-mail:" attributes of the person or role
objects whose NIC handle is mentioned in the "cross-nfy:" attribute
of the aut-num object.

3.6  Data protection 

The RIPE Database provides mechanisms to control who can make changes
in the database and what changes they can make. The distinction of
"who" vs. "what" separates authentication from authorisation.

* Authentication is the means to determine who is attempting to make a

* Authorisation is the determination of whether a transaction passing
a specific authentication check is allowed to perform a given

Different portions of the database require different levels of
protection. Some applications require authentication based on strong
encryption. In other cases strong encryption may not be necessary or
may not be legally available. For this reason, multiple authentication
methods are supported by the server.

3.6.1  Authorisation model 

The mntner objects serve as a container to hold authentication
filters.  A reference to a maintainer within another object defines
authorisation to perform operations on the object or on a set of
related objects. Such reference is provided by means of the "mnt-by:",
"mnt-lower:", "mnt-routes:" and "mbrs-by-ref:" attributes.

The maintainer contains one or more "auth:" attributes.  Each "auth:"
attribute begins with a keyword identifying the authentication method
followed by the authentication information needed to enforce that

Authentication methods currently supported include the following:

Method		Description
NONE	        No authorisation checks are performed. 

MAIL-FROM	This is a very weak authentication check and is discouraged.  
		The authentication information is a regular expression over 
		ASCII characters.  The maintainer is authenticated if the 
		"From:" field in RFC 822 mail headers are matched by this 
		regular expression. Since mail header forgery is quite easy, 
		this is a very weak form of authentication.

CRYPT-PW	This is a relatively weak form of authentication.  
		The authentication information is a fixed encrypted password 
		in UNIX crypt format.  The maintainer is authenticated if the 
		transaction contains the clear text password of the 
		maintainer.  Since the password is in clear text in 
		transactions, it can be captured by snooping.  Since the 
		encrypted form of the password is exposed, it is subject to 
		password guessing attacks.

PGPKEY		Strong form of authentication. The authentication information 
		is a signature identity pointing to a public key certificate, 
		which is stored in a separate object. The maintainer is 
		authenticated if the transaction is signed by the 
		corresponding private key. The RIPE NCC does not guarantee 
		that a key belongs to any specific entity; it is not a 
		certificate authority. Anyone can supply any public keys with 
		any ownership information to the database and these keys can 
		be used to protect other objects by checking that the update 
		comes from someone who knows the corresponding secret key.

3.6.2  Protection of individual objects

Individual objects can be protected with a mntner object. The mntner
is referenced by the "mnt-by:" attribute in the object. The attribute
type is multiple, so several mntners can protect the object. 

Only those mntners referenced by the "mnt-by:" attributes are
authorised to modify or delete the object. Note that authentication
checks are OR-ed, so if at least one mntner is authenticated, the
operation is authorised. That means that object protection is as weak
as the weakest authentication method used in the mntners referenced by
the object.

When the "mnt-by:" attribute is added to an object for the first time
(as part of object creation or modification), the operation should
pass authentication checks for the mntner(s) referenced by this

3.6.3  Protection of aut-num object space 

Protection of aut-num object space is done using an as-block
class. The mntner that authorises the creation of more specific
as-block objects or aut-num objects is specified by the "mnt-lower:"
attribute of the as-block object. When no "mnt-lower:" attribute is
specified, the "mnt-by:" attribute is used. 

3.6.4  Protection of address space

Address space allocations and assignments are represented by
theinetnum and inet6num objects. The "mnt-lower:" attribute is used to
reference a mntner that authorises the creation of more specific
inetnum or inet6num objects. When no "mnt-lower:" attribute is
specified, the address space is unprotected.

3.6.5  Protection of route object space

The route object creation must satisfy several authentication
criteria. It must match the authentication specified in the aut-num
and the authentication specified in either a route object or, if no
applicable route object is found, then an inetnum. Finally the
creation must be authorised by the maintainer of the route object
itself referenced by the "mnt-by:" attribute of the object.

When checking for prefix authorisation, an exact route object prefix
match is checked for first.  If there is no exact match, then a
longest prefix match that is less specific than the prefix is searched
for.  If the route prefix search fails, then a search is performed for
an inetnum object that exactly matches the prefix or for the most
specific inetnum object that is less specific than the route object
submission. The aut-num object used for authentication checks is
referenced by the "origin:" attribute of the route object.

A route object must pass authorisation from both the referenced
aut-num object and the route or inetnum object.  Authorisation shall
be tested using the maintainer(s) referenced in the "mnt-routes:"
attribute(s) first.  If that check fails, the "mnt-lower:" attributes
are checked.  If that check fails, the "mnt-by:" attributes are used
for the authorisation check.

3.6.6  Protection of objects with hierarchical names

Many RPSL objects do not have a natural hierarchy of their own but
allow hierarchical names.  Some examples are the object types as-set
and route-set.  An as-set may have a name corresponding to no naming
hierarchy such as "AS-Foo" or it may have a hierarchical name of the
form "AS1:AS-BAR".

When a hierarchical name is not used, authorisation for objects such
as as-set and route-set correspond to the rules for individual objects
described in section 3.6.2 "Protection of individual objects".

If hierarchical names are used, then the addition of an object must be
authorised by the aut-num whose key is named by everything to the left
of the rightmost colon in the name of the object being added.

Authorisation is determined by first using the "mnt-lower:" maintainer
reference or, if absent, by using the "mnt-by:" reference.

3.6.7  Protection of domain object space

Protection of the domain object space is done with the "mnt-lower:"
attribute. When used in the domain object, this attribute references
the mntner that authorises the creation of domain objects directly
below in the domain tree registered in the RIPE Database. For example,
a top-level domain object (ccTLD) protects the creation of the
second-level domain objects, third-level domain objects if there is no
corresponding second-level domain object, etc. Note that the top-level
domain object (ccTLD or gTLD) cannot be created in the RIPE Database
by users, only by the Database administrator.

3.6.8  Protecting membership of a set

When membership of a set is specified through the use of the
"member-of:" attribute, the server checks the validity of the
membership when creating or updating an object-member. This
"member-of:" attribute can be used in the route, aut-num and inet-rtr
classes. The value of the "member-of:" attribute identifies a set
object that this object wants to be a member of.

However, specifying "member-of:" is not enough. The set object must
also have a "mbrs-by-ref:" attribute listing the maintainer of the
object wanting to be a member of the set. That is, the set owner must
validate the membership claim of an object with a "member-of:"
attribute, and it does that by matching the mnt-by line of the object
with one of the maintainers in the "mbrs-by-ref:" attribute of the set
object. If the claim is not valid at the time when the server creates
or modifies an object-member (route, aut-num or inet-rtr), the
operation fails. If the "mbrs-by-ref:" attribute is missing, the set
is defined explicitly by the "members:" attribute.

4.0  Mirroring of the RIPE Database

Near real time mirroring (NRTM) is a mechanism that enables whois
servers, other than the primary for a given database, to have an up to
date copy of all the data in the main server by getting modifications
as they are processed by the main server.

Periodically (defined by configuration, usually around every 15
minutes) the remote server connects to the main server and requests
all the modifications that have been processed since the last
connection. When all the data is retrieved the connection is closed,
until it is time for a new connection.

In RIPE Database version 3.0, the NRTM server listens on a port that is different from the whois port (43).

The RIPE whois server generates a sequence number every time it
processes an update in the database. For the purpose of generating
this serial numbers, the server describes all modifications to the
database in terms of two atomic operations: deletion and addition.

The old (v2.x) database supported a NRTM protocol (Version 1) when a
modification of an existing object was considered to be a deletion
followed by a creation of a new object with the modified data. The two
operations for an object modification are not necessary (although
still supported) in v3.0 database as an update is considered as an
atomic operation. This behaviour is defined as Version 2 of the NRTM

When sending data to a mirror server, the main server will send one of
two strings (ADD or DELETE) followed by two newline characters and the
corresponding object (either the object as it was before deletion or
the object as it should be added or modified). If the "ADD" string is
followed by an object already existing in the database, then this
operation is considered as a modification.

Near real time mirroring is requested with the "-g" flag. The
arguments to this flag are:

-g < source> :<NRTM_Protocol_version_#>:<first>-<last> 


* <source>  is the string that identifies the Database (e.g. RIPE). 

* <NRTM_protocol_version_#> a version of the mirroring protocol that
the <source> supports (2 for RIPE).

* <first>  is the lowest serial number requested. 

* <last> is the most recent serial number requested or the keyword
LAST that tells the main server to send all updates up to the most
recent one available at the time of the query. Note that the server
will never yield the last object processed, or display that it is
available for mirroring. This is done to protect secondary servers
in case the last update causes database corruption and server crash.

A client may request a persistent connection by including the "-k"
flag with a mirroring request ("-g" query). In this case, the last
argument is ignored and the new objects are supplied by the server as
soon as they are processed. The client is responsible for closing the

The "-q sources" flag may be used with the mirror server to retrieve
information regarding available mirroring possibilities. Please see
section 2.9 "Other server features" for more details.

Note that the server never returns the latest serial when serving a
mirroring request. So, if the latest serial causes a server crash and
database corruption, it never propagates to the secondary servers. The
latest serial is not displayed with the "-q sources" query as well.

At the beginning of the data stream, the main server will send the
following string:

%START Version: NRTM_Protocol_version_# source first-last

For example:

%START Version: 2 RIPE:1539595-1539597

After the last piece of data is sent to the mirror server, the main
server will send the string:

%END source

to signal the end of transmission. 

For example:



A1.  Object attributes 

Shown below are the syntax definitions of the object attributes
supported by the RIPE Database.

The value of an attribute has a type. Some of the most commonly used
types are shown in Table A1. Others are explained in the descriptions
of the attributes.

Table A1.    Commonly used attribute types 

Type			Description

<quad>			<xdigit>.){1,4} 

<dlabel>		Domain name label as specified in RFC 1034 [7]. The 
			total length should not exceed 63 characters (octets)


<action>		Please see RFC 2622 [1]

<address-prefix>	An address prefix is represented as an IPv4 address
                        followed by the character slash "/" followed by an 
			integer in the range from 0 to 32. The following are 
			valid address prefixes:,,; and the following address prefixes are 
			invalid: 0/0, 128.9/16 since 0
                        or 128.9 are not strings containing four integers.


<address-prefix-range>	An address prefix range is an address prefix followed 
			by an optional range operator. Please see RFC-2622 [1]

<as-expression>		Please see RFC 2622 [1]

<as-number>		An "AS" string followed by an integer in the range 
			from 1 to 65534


<condition>		Please see RFC 2622 [1]

<domain-name>		Domain name as specified in RFC 1034 [7] without 
			a trailing dot ("."). The total length should not 
			exceed 255 characters (octets) 


<e-mail>		e-mail address as defined in RFC 2822 [8]

<filter>		Please see RFC 2622 [1]

<free-form>		A sequence of ASCII characters

<ipv4-address>		An IPv4 address is represented as a sequence of four
                        integers in the range from 0 to 255 separated by the
                        character dot ("."). For example, 
			represents a valid IPv4 address. 


<ipv6-address>		<quad>(:<quad>){7,7}

<mntner-name>		<object-name>

<nic-handle>		From 2 to 4 characters optionally followed by up to 5 
			digits optionally followed by a source specification. 
			Source specification starts with "-" followed by 
			source name up to 9-character length.


<object-name>		Many objects in RPSL have a name.  An <object-name> is
                        made up of letters, digits, the character underscore
			"_", and the character hyphen "-"; the first character
		        of a name must be a letter, and the last character of 
			a name must be a letter or a digit.  The following 
			words are reserved by RPSL, and they can not be used 
			as names: any as-any rs-any peeras  and or not  
                        atomic from to at action accept announce 
                        except refine  networks into inbound outbound

			Names starting with certain prefixes are reserved for 
			certain object types.  Names starting with "as-" are 
			reserved for as set names.  Names starting with "rs-" 
			are reserved for route set names.  Names starting with
			"rtrs-" are reserved for router set names. Names 
			starting with "fltr-" are reserved for filter set 
		        names. Names starting with "prng-" are reserved for 
			peering set names.

<peering>		Please see RFC 2622 [1]

<person-name>		Is a list of at least 2 words separated by white 
			space. The first and the last word cannot end with dot
			".". The following words are not allowed: "Dr", 
			"Prof", "Mv", "Ms", "Mr", no matter whether they end 
			with dot (".") or not. A word is made up of letters, 
			digits, the character underscore "_", and the
                        character hyphen "-"; the first character of a name 
			must be a letter, and the last character of a name 
			must be a letter or a digit.
<protocol>		Please see RFC 2622 [1]

<registry-name>		RIPE

<router-expression>	Please see RFC 2622 [1]

<telephone-number>	Contact telephone number. Can take one of the forms: 

                       '+' <integer-list>
                       '+' <integer-list> "("
                       <integer-list> ")" <integer-list>
                       '+' <integer-list> ext. <integer
                       '+' <integer-list> "(" integer
                       list ")" <integer-list> ext. <integer-list>

<integer>		An integer 

<alpha>			Any alphabetical character.


<alnum>			Any alphabetical or numeric character.

list of			A list of words separated by comma (","). Cannot be 
of			A list of words separated by white space. Cannot be 

<integer-list>		A list of <integer> with white space or dash ('-') as

Descriptions of the attributes are listed below in the following format:

<attribute_name>   <attribute_value(type)>

admin-c:	   <nic-handle>

References an on-site administrative contact.

address:           <free-form>
Full postal address of a contact. 

aggr-bndry:        <as-expression>

Defines a set of ASes, which form the aggregation boundary.

aggr-mtd:          inbound | outbound [<as-expression>]

Specifies how the aggregate is generated. Please see [1] for more information. 

as-name:	   <object-name>

A descriptive name associated with an AS.

as-set:            <object-name>

Defines the name of the set.

auth:              <auth-scheme> <scheme-info>

Defines an authentication scheme to be used.

<auth-scheme> and  <scheme-info> can take the following values:

<auth-scheme>	   <scheme-info>
NONE		   No authentication is required to make changes to the 
		   object protected with such authentication scheme.
MAIL-FROM	   regular expression that matches e-mail addresses
                   This authentication method checks the content of the 
		   RFC 822 "From:" header of an update request against the 
		   regular expression specified as <scheme-info>. If the
                   regular expression matches the content of the "From:"
		   header, the update request is authenticated successfully. 
		   The regular expressions supported are described in
                   POSIX 1003.2 section 2.8. As it is expected that most 
		   regular expressions will either be literals or of a form 
		   similar to .*@some.domain.or.other an extensive description
		   of the possibilities will not be given. Note that the 
		   matching is applied to the whole content of the "From:" 
		   header including comments if present. No attempt is made to
                   isolate the mailbox part.

		   This authentication scheme is very weak. Forging RFC 822 
		   headers does not take much effort or ingenuity. The reason 
		   for the scheme's existence is that it easily prevents
                   accidental updates rather than allowing them first and 
		   fixing them later when notified.
CRYPT-PW	   encrypted password, produced by UNIX crypt(3) routine 
                   This scheme is slightly stronger than the MAIL-FROM scheme.
		   It is by no means meant to keep out a determined malicious
                   attacker. The crypt function is vulnerable to exhaustive 
		   search by (lots of) fast machines and programs to do the 
		   searching are widely available. For this reason it is 
		   strongly discouraged to use encrypted passwords also used 
		   for other purposes such as UNIX login accounts in this 
		   scheme. As you are publishing the encrypted password in the
                   database, it is open to attack. The usual caveats about 
		   crypt passwords apply, so it is not very wise to use words 
		   or combinations of words found in any dictionary of any
PGPKEY-<id>	   Strong scheme of authentication. <id> is the PGP key ID to 
		   be used for authentication. This string is the same one 
		   that is used in the corresponding key-cert object's 
		   "key-cert:" attribute.

author:            <nic-handle>

References a limerick author.

aut-num:           <as-number>

The autonomous system number.

certif:            <public-key>

Contains the public key. The value of the public key should be
supplied either using multiple "certif:" attributes, or in one
"certif:" attribute. In the first case, this is easily done by
exporting the key from your local key ring in ASCII armored format and
prepending each line of the key with the string "certif:". In the
second case, line continuation should be used to represent an ASCII
armored format of the key. All the lines of the exported key must be
included; also the begin and end markers and the empty line which
separates the header from the key body.

changed:         <e-mail> [<date>]

Specifies who submitted the update, and when the object was
updated. The format of the date is YYYYMMDD; dates in the future are
not allowed. If the date is not specified, the database will put the
date when the update was actually processed.

components:   [ATOMIC] [[<filter>] [protocol <protocol> <filter> ...]]

The "components:" attribute defines what component routes are used to
form the aggregate.

<protocol> is a routing protocol name such as BGP4, OSPF or RIP and
<filter> is a policy expression.

Please refer to RFC 2622 [1] for more information.

country:          <country-code>

Identifies the country.  <country-code> must be a valid two-letter ISO
3166 country code.

cross-mnt:       list of <mntner-name>

references mntner(s) to be notified. The "cross-mnt:" attribute may be
used in:

* route object - to get a notification for any overlaps with the
prefix specified in that route object;

* aut-num object - to get a notification for overlaps with any of the
prefixes announced in route objects in which the given AS number is
specified in the "origin:" attribute.

A notification will be sent to mailbox(es) listed in cross-nfy and
mailbox(es) listed in the "mnt-nfy:" attributes of the maintainers
referenced by the cross-mnt whenever an overlapping route is added or

cross-nfy:       <nic-handle>

The cross-nfy attribute contains a NIC-handle pointing to a person or
role object, the email address of which will be used for notification
about the addition or removal of route objects, which overlap the
prefixes of the already registered route objects. The "cross-nfy:"
attributes may be used in:

* route object - to get a notification for any overlaps with the
prefix specified in that route object;

* aut-num object - to get a notification for overlaps with any of the
prefixes announced in route objects in which the given AS number is
specified in the "origin:" attribute.

See also "cross-mnt:" attribute.

default:           to <peering> [action <action>] [networks <filter>]

Specifies default routing policies. Please refer to RFC 2622 [1] for
more information.

descr:             <free-form>

A short description related to the object

domain:          <domain-name>

DNS name. <domain-name> is a fully qualified domain name without
trailing '.'.

dom-net:         ripe-list of <ipv4-address>

List of IP networks in a domain.

export:            to <peering-1> [action <action-1>]

      . . .
      to <peering-N> [action <action-N>]
      announce <filter>

Specifies an export policy expression. Please refer to RFC 2622 for
more information.

export-comps:  <filter>

Specifies an RPSL filter that matches the more specifics that need to
be exported outside the aggregation boundary. Please refer to RFC 2622
[1] for more information.

fax-no:              <telephone-number>

The fax number of a contact. 

filter:                 <filter>

Defines the set's policy filter, a logical expression which when
applied to a set of routes returns a subset of these routes. Please
refer to RFC 2622 [1] for more information.

filter-set:           <object-name>

Defines the name of the filter. Please refer to RFC 2622 [1] for more

fingerpr:            <generated>

A fingerprint of a key certificate generated by the database.

holes:                 list of <address-prefix>

Lists the component address prefixes that are not reachable through
the aggregate route (perhaps that part of the address space is
unallocated). Please refer to RFC 2622 [1] for more information.

ifaddr:                <ipv4-address> masklen <integer> [action <action>]

Specifies an interface address within an Internet router. Please refer
to RFC 2622 [1] for more information.

import:               [protocol <protocol-1>] [into <protocol-2>]
      from <peering-1> [action <action-1>]
      . . .
      from <peering-N> [action <action-N>]
      accept <filter>

Specifies import policy expression. Please refer to RFC 2622 [1] for
more information.

inetnum:            <ipv4-address> - <ipv4-address>

Specifies a range of IPv4 that inetnum object presents. The ending
address should be greater than the starting one.

inet6num:           <ipv6-address>/<prefix-length>

Specifies a range of IPv6 addresses in prefix notation. The <prefix
length> is an integer in the range from 0 to 128.

inet-rtr:               <domain-name>

Fully qualified DNS name of the inet-rtr without trailing ".".  Please
refer to RFC 2622 [1] for more information.

inject:                  [at <router-expression>]

      [action <action>]
      [upon <condition>]

Specifies which routers perform the aggregation and when they perform
it. Please refer to RFC 2622 [1] for more information.

key-cert:             PGPKEY-<id>

Defines the public key stored in the database. <id> is the PGP key ID
of the public key in 8-digit hexadecimal format without "0x" prefix.

local-as:              <as-number>

Specifies the autonomous system that operates the router. Please refer
to RFC 2622 [1] for more information.

limerick:              LIM-<string>

Specifies the title of the limerick. <string> can include alphanumeric
characters, "-" character.

method:              <generated>

Defines the type of the public key. Currently, only PGP keys are supported.

member-of:          list of <set-name>

This attribute can be used in the route, aut-num and inet-rtr
classes. The value of the "member-of:" attribute identifies a set
object that this object wants to be a member of. This claim, however,
should be acknowledged by a respective "mbrs-by-ref:" attribute in the
referenced object. Please refer to RFC 2622 [1] for more

members:             list of <as-number> or <as-set-name> 


members:             list of <address-prefix-range>or


members:             list of <inet-rtr-name> or <rtr-set-name> or
                                  <ipv4 address>

Lists the members of the set. The first form appears in the as-set
object. The syntax of <as-set-name> is the same as the syntax of
<object-name>. The second form appears in the route-set object. The
syntax of <route-set-name> is the same as the syntax of
<object-name>. The third form appears in the rtr-set object. The
syntax of <intet-rtr-name> is the same as the syntax of
<object-name>. Please refer to RFC-2622 [1] for more information.

mbrs-by-ref:         list of <mntner-name> | ANY

This attribute can be used in all "set" objects; it allows indirect
population of a set. If this attribute is used, the set also includes
objects of the corresponding type (aut-num objects for as-set, for
example) that are protected by one of these maintainers and whose
"member-of:" attributes refer to the name of the set. If the value of
a "mbrs-by-ref:" attribute is ANY, any object of the corresponding
type referring to the set is a member of the set. If the
"mbrs-by-ref:" attribute is missing, the set is defined explicitly by
the "members:" attribute.

mntner:                  <object-name>

A unique identifier of the mntner object.
mnt-by:                  list of <mntner-name>

Specifies the identifier of a registered mntner object used for
authorisation of operations performed with the object that contains
this attribute.

mnt-lower:             list of <mntner-name>

Specifies the identifier of a registered mntner object used for
hierarchical authorisation. Protects creation of objects directly (one
level) below in the hierarchy of an object type (only for inetnum,
inet6num, as-block, aut-num, route or domain objects). The
authentication method of this maintainer object will then be used upon
creation of any object directly below the object that contains the
"mnt-lower:" attribute.

mnt-nfy:                 <e-mail>

Specifies the e-mail address to be notified when an object protected
by a mntner is successfully updated.

mnt-routes:            <mnt-name> [  { list of <address-prefix-range> } | ANY ]

May appear in an aut-num, inetnum or route object. This attribute
references a maintainer object which is used in determining
authorisation for the creation of route objects. After the reference
to the maintainer, an optional list of prefix ranges inside of curly
braces or the keyword "ANY" may follow. The default, when no
additional set items are specified, is "ANY" or all more
specifics. Please refer to RFC-2622 [1] for more information.

netname:                 <netname>

Specifies the name of a range of IP address space.  The syntax of the
<netname> attribute is the same as the syntax of the <object-name>
attribute, but it does not have a restriction on RPSL reserved

nic-hdl:                    <nic-handle>

Specifies the NIC handle of a role or person object. When creating an
object, one can also specify an "AUTO" NIC handle by setting the value
of the attribute to "AUTO-1" or AUTO-1 <Initials>. In such case the
database will assign the NIC handle automatically.

notify:                    <e-mail>

Specifies the e-mail address to which notifications of changes to an
object should be sent.

nserver:                 ripe-list of (<domain-name> | <ipv4-address>)

Specifies the nameservers of the domain.

origin:                    <as-number>

Specifies the AS that originates the route. The corresponding aut-num
object should be registered in the database.

owner:                   <generated>

Specifies the owner of the public key.

peering:                 <peering>

Defines a peering that can be used for importing or exporting
routes. Please refer to RFC 2622 [1] for more information.

peering-set:           <object-name>

Specifies the name of the peering-set. Please refer to RFC 2622 [1]
for more information.

person:                  <person-name>

Specifies the full name of an administrative, technical or zone
contact person for other objects in the database.  <person name>
cannot contain titles such as "Dr.", "Prof.", "Mv.", "Ms.", "Mr.",
etc. It is composed of alphabetic characters.

phone:                   <telephone-number>
Specifies a telephone number of the contact.

refer:                     <type> <hostname> [<port>]

Specifies the referral type, hostname and port that the server should
use to redirect the query when using referral mechanism for lookups
for domain objects. Please see section 2.7 "Referral mechanism for
domains" for more information.

<type> specifies the type of referral to be used. Please see the table
below for the supported types.

<hostname>  is the DNS name or <ipv4 address> of the referred host.

<port> is an integer specifying TCP port number at which queries are
accepted by the referred host.  If <port> is omitted, the default
number of 43 is used.

Referral type	  Description

SIMPLE             Only lookup key (domain name) is passed to the referred 
                   All query flags are stripped.
INTERNIC	   Same as SIMPLE. Supported for backward compatibility. 

RIPE		   Used when the referred server understands RIPE query flags.
                   With this type of referral, all query flags specified by 
		   the client will be passed to the referred server unmodified.
CLIENTADDRESS	   Same as SIMPLE, but the server will add "-V <version>, <ipv4
                   address>" flag to the query, where <version> is the version
                   number of the server and <ipv4 address> is the IP address 
		   of the client that made this query. This referral type 
		   allows the referred host to perform accounting and 
		   implement an access control for clients using the RIPE 
		   Database server as a proxy.

referral-by:       <mntner-name>

This attribute is required in the mntnr object. It may never be
altered after the addition of the maintainer. This attribute refers to
the maintainer that created this maintainer. Currently, all mntner
objects are created manually by the Database Administration, so the
value of the "referral-by:" attribute should be "RIPE-DBM-MNT"

remarks:                <free-form>

Contains remarks.

role:                       <person-name>

Specifies the full name of a role entity, e.g. RIPE DBM.

rev-srv:                  ripe-list of <domain-name>

Specifies a DNS nameserver for a range of IP addresses represented by
the inetnum object that contains this attribute.

route:                     <address-prefix>

Specifies the prefix of the interAS route. Together with the "origin:"
attribute, constitutes a primary key of the route object.

route-set:               <object-name>

Specifies the name of the route set. It is a primary key for the
route-set object. Please refer to RFC 2622 [1] for more information.

rtr-set:                   <object-name>

Defines the name of the rtr-set. Please refer to RFC 2622 [1] for more

source:                  <registry-name>

Specifies the registry where the object is registered. Should be
"RIPE" for the RIPE Database.

status:                   <status>

Specifies the status of the address range represented by inetnum or
inet6num object.

For an inetnum object <status> can have one of these values:

Please refer to the RIPE document "European Internet Registry Policies
and Procedures" for further information.

For inet6num, <status> is automatically generated by the database
based on the range size specified by the "inet6num:" attribute.

sub-dom:               ripe-list of <domain-name>

Specifies list of sub-domains of a domain. Domain names are relative
to the domain represented by the domain object that contains this

tech-c:                   <nic-handle>

References a technical contact. 

text:                       <free-form>

Contains text of the limerick. Must be humorous, but not malicious or

trouble:                  <free-form>

Contains information on who to contact when there are problems.

upd-to:                    <e-mail>

Specifies the e-mail address to be notified when an object protected
by a mntner is unsuccessfully updated. See also section
3.5.2. "Notifications".

zone-c:                   <nic-handle>

References a zone contact.

A2.  RIPE Database response codes and messages 

If the server encounters a problem, an error message is returned as a query result. The format of an error message is as follows: 


where # is the error code and <message> is a short description of the problem, possibly followed by a more descriptive message, each line of which starts with % followed by a white space and a text.

% This is the RIPE Whois server v3.0 beta.
% This server mirrors the RIPE Database in RPSL format. 
% Rights restricted by copyright. 
% See

%ERROR:101: no entries found 
% No entries found in the selected source(s). 

A2.1  Query errors 

%ERROR:101: no entries found 

No entries were found in the selected source(s). 

%ERROR:102: unknown source 

Unknown source is requested (-s flag). Use -q sources for a list of
available sources.

%ERROR:103: unknown object type 

Unknown object type is specified in the filter expression (-T flag) 

%ERROR:104: unknown attribute 

Unknown attribute is specified in the inverse query (-i flag). See
section 2.0 "Queries in the RIPE Database" for more information. 

%ERROR:105: attribute is not searchable 

The attribute specified in the inverse query is not searchable (-i flag). See section 2.0  "Queries in the RIPE Database" for more information. 

%ERROR:106: no search key specified 
No search key has been specified in the query. 

A2.2  Access errors 

%ERROR:201: access denied 

Access from the host has been permanently denied because of excessive
querying. You need to contact Database Administration; to discuss this problem. 

%ERROR:202: access control limit reached 

Limit of returned objects has been reached. The connection is
terminated. Continued attempts to excessively query the database will
result in permanent denial of service. See section 2.8 "Access control
for queries" for more information. 

%ERROR:203: address passing not allowed 

The host is not registered as a proxy, thus it is not allowed to pass
addresses on the query line ("-V" flag). See section 2.8 "Access
control for queries" for more information. 

%ERROR:204: maximum referral lines exceeded 
 The referral query
result exceeded maximum number of lines. Only maximum lines are output
and connection is closed by the server. 

A2.3  Connection errors 

%ERROR:301: connection has been closed 

The connection is administratively closed. 

%ERROR:302: referral timeout 

The connection was closed due to referral timeout. 

%ERROR:303: no referral host 

Referral host cannot be found. 

%ERROR:304: referral host not responding 

The connection to the referral host cannot be established. 

A2.4  NRTM errors 

%ERROR:401: invalid range: Not within <first>-<last> 

This happens when the requested range or part of it is outside the
serial numbers available at the server. <first> is the lowest serial
number available.  <last> is the most recent serial number

%ERROR:402: not authorised to mirror the database 

See section 2.8 "Access control for queries" for more information. One
may use "-q sources" query to get more information about the NRTM

%ERROR:403: unknown source 

The database identified by the <source> is not served by the
server. Use "-q sources" for a list of available sources. 

A2.5  Referral text 


After this line, output of the referred host starts. 
% The object shown below is NOT in the %s database.
% It has been obtained by querying a remote server: 
% at port 43. 
% To see the object stored in the %s database
% use the -R flag in your query 



Referral trailer, which frames the output of the referred host.

A3.  Copyright information 

A3.1  RIPE Database copyright 

The information in the RIPE Database is available to the public for
agreed Internet operation purposes, but is under copyright. The
copyright statement is:
 "Except for agreed Internet operational
purposes, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without prior
permission of the RIPE NCC on behalf of the copyright holders. Any use
of this material to target advertising or similar activities is
explicitly forbidden and will be prosecuted. The RIPE NCC requests to
be notified of any such activities or suspicions thereof."

A3.2  RFC copyright statement 

A RFC document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and
distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind,
provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this
document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of developing
Internet standards in which case the procedures for copyrights defined
in the Internet Standards process must be followed, or as required to
translate it into languages other than English.

The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an

A3.3  RIPE NCC copyright 

(c) RIPE NCC 2001


The authors wish to acknowledge the effort done by the developers of the version 3.0 of the RIPE Database at the RIPE NCC: Daniele Arena, Marek Bukowy, Engin G�nd�z, Roman Karpiuk, Shane Kerr, A.M.R. Magee Chris Ottrey and Filippo Portera.


[1] C. Alaettinoglu, C. Villamizar, E. Gerich, D. Kessens, D. Meyer,
T. Bates, D. Karrenberg and M. Terpstra, "Routing Policy Specification
Language (RPSL)", RFC 2622, June 1999.

[2] C. Villamizar, C. Alaettinoglu, D. Meyer and S. Murphy, "Routing
Policy System Security", RFC 2725, December 1999.

[3] D. Meyer, J. Schmitz, C. Orange, M. Prior, and C. Alaettinoglu,
"Using RPSL in Practice", RFC 2650, August 1999.

[4] T. Bates, E. Gerich, L. Joncheray, J.M. Jouanigot, D. Karrenberg,
M. Terpstra and J. Yu, "Representation of IP Routing Policies in a
Routing Registry", ripe-181, October 1994. See

[5] The "RIPE Database User's Manual" and the "RIPE Database
Operations Manual" are scheduled to be written.

[6]  RAToolset. See 

[7] P. Mockapetris, "Domain names - Concepts and Facilities", RFC
1034, November1987.

[8]  P. Resnick, ed., "Internet Message Format", RFC 2822, April 2001.