Supporting Notes for the RIPE NCC Autonomous System Number Request

 Nurani Nimpuno
 Sabrina Waschke

 Document ID: ripe-228
 Date: 2 October 2001
 Obsoletes: ripe-147

 See also: ripe-227


 Administrative and Technical Information
 Aut-num Template Fields
 Maintainer Information
 Contact Information 


This document provides supporting notes to the Autonomous System
Number Request Form. It contains instructions on how to complete the
request form for AS Numbers, in the RIPE document: "RIPE NCC
Autonomous System Number Request Form" at:


Please read all the information below carefully before submitting your
application for an AS Number. For more detailed explanations on
routing policy objects, please refer to "Routing Policy Specification
Language (RPSL)" (RFC 2622). For an explanation on when an AS Number
is needed, please see: "Guidelines for Creation, Selection and
Registration of an Autonomous System" (RFC 1930). For Autonomous
System Number policies, please refer to the RIPE document: "European
Internet Registry Policies and Procedures" at:

When sending the completed AS Number request form to the RIPE NCC, all
information requested in the form must be supplied, including the
technical routing policy. In some cases, the RIPE NCC will request
additional information.

 Administrative and Technical Information 

Current assignment guidelines only allow the RIPE NCC to assign AS
Numbers to multihomed organisations that need to define their own
unique routing policy. To evaluate the request in this regard, the
enterprise will have to provide information on who they will be
peering with by specifying a routing policy in the "import:" and
"export:" attributes. The enterprise will also have to provide
information about which IP addresses they will be routing
(originating) with this AS.

The "aut-num:" attributes described below are a minimal set sufficient
to register most common situations. Please consult RFC 2622 for full
details on the syntax of these and other attributes.

Note: All Database objects (such as mntner, as-set or router-set
objects) referenced in the aut-num template should be entered into the
Database before submitting the request or included on the request

 Aut-num Template Fields


 aut-num:    <as number>
             Specifies  the temporary name of the AS to
             be assigned. This name is  usually  needed
             for  the "export:" expression  below. It 
             is suggested to use NEW. In case multiple 
             AS-es  are  required,  NEW1, NEW2, etc can 
             be used. This field will be replaced with 
             the AS Number that will be assigned to 
             the organisation. This field is mandatory; 
             only a single line is possible.

 as-name:    <object-name>
             The "as-name:" attribute is a descriptive 
             name (in RPSL name syntax) associated with 
             the AS. It is recommended to use an as-name 
             that relates to the organisation for which 
             the AS number is being requested. The 
             as-name should be written as a SINGLE word 
             of alphanumeric characters or a hyphen 
             ('-') or underscore ('_') ONLY. It cannot 
             start with the prefix "AS". Please refer to 
             RFC 2622 for more information.
             This field is mandatory; only a single 
             line is possible

 descr:      <free-form>
             A short description of the Autonomous 
             System, including the organisation using 
             the AS Number and its location, to provide 
             sufficient detail to distinguish your 
             organisation from others in the RIPE Database. 
             The full postal address is not needed as this 
             is provided in the person template (see below).
             This field is mandatory; multiple lines are 
 member-of:  list of <set-name>
             The value of the "member-of:" attribute 
             identifies an as-set object that this object 
             wants to be a member of. This claim, however, 
             should be acknowledged by a respective 
             "mbrs-by-ref:" attribute in the referenced 
              object. Please refer to RFC 2622 for more 
             This field is optional; multiple lines are 

 import:     [protocol <protocol-1>] [into <protocol-2>]
             Specifies import policy expression. 
             Syntax: from <peering-1> [action <action-1>]
             . . .
             from <peering-N> [action <action-N>]
             accept <filter>
             aut-num: AS1
             import: from AS2 accept { } 
             The action specification is optional.
             The semantics of an "import" attribute is as 
             follows: the set of routes that are matched by
             <filter> are imported from all the peers in 
             <peerings>; while importing routes at 
             <peering-M>, <action-M> is executed. Please 
             refer to RFC 2622 for more information.
             This field is optional; multiple lines are 

 export:     to <peering-1> [action <action-1>]
             Specifies an export policy expression. 
             export: to <peering-1> [action <action-1>]
             . . .
             to <peering-N> [action <action-N>]
             announce <filter>
             The action specification is optional. 
             The semantics of an export attribute is as 
             follows: the set of routes that are matched 
             by <filter> are exported to all the peers 
             specified in <peerings>; while exporting 
             routes at <peering-M>, <action-M> is executed.
             aut-num: AS1
             export: to AS2 announce AS4
             Please refer to RFC 2622 for more information.
             This field is optional; multiple lines are 

 default:    to <peering> [action <action>] 
             [networks <filter>]
             Description of default routes. If a peer will 
             be used as a default for this network, an 
             indication of how default routing will be done
             should be provided here. 
             default: to <peering> [action <action>] 
             [networks <filter>]
             The <action> and <filter> specifications are 
             optional. The semantics are as follows: 
             The <peering> specification indicates the AS
             (and the router if present) it is being 
             defaulted to; the <action> specification, if 
             present, indicates various attributes of 
             defaulting, for example a relative preference 
             if multiple defaults are specified; and the 
             <filter> specifications, if present, is a policy 
             filter. A router only uses the default policy 
             if it received the routes matched by <filter> 
             from this peer.
             This field is optional; multiple lines are 

 remarks:    <free-form>
             Remarks or comments, to be used for 
             clarification. This field is optional; multiple
             lines are possible.

 admin-c:    The NIC handle referenced in the person object 
             (see below), which represents the administrative 
             contact for the Autonomous System. It is
             recommended that the administrative contact is 
             physically located at the site that will be using 
             the AS Number. More than one contact can be 
             specified by adding more "admin-c:" fields. 
             This field is mandatory; multiple lines are 

 tech-c:     The NIC handle referenced in the person object 
             (see below), which represents the technical 
             contact for the Autonomous System. There can 
             be more than one name specified in multiple 
             fields for this template. 
             This field is mandatory; multiple lines are 

 cross-mnt:  list of <mntner-name>
             Contains a list of mntner(s) to be notified for 
             overlaps with any of the prefixes announced in 
             route objects in which the given AS number is
             specified in the "origin:" attribute. 
             A notification will be sent to mailbox(es) 
             listed in cross-nfy and mailbox(es) listed in 
             the "mnt-nfy:" attributes of the maintainers 
             referenced by the cross-mnt whenever an 
             overlapping route is added or removed.
             This field is optional; multiple lines are 

 cross-nfy:  <nic-handle>
             The "cross-nfy:" attribute contains a 
             NIC-handle pointing to a person or role object. 
             The email address of this person or role object 
             will be used for notification for overlaps with 
             any of the prefixes announced in route objects 
             in which the given AS number is specified in 
             the "origin:" attribute. 
             This field is optional; multiple lines are 

 notify:     <e-mail>
             Specifies the e-mail address to which 
             notifications of changes to the aut-num object 
             will be sent.
             This field is optional; multiple lines are 

 mnt-lower:  list of <mntner-name>
             Specifies the identifier of a registered mntner
             object used for hierarchical authorisation. 
             Protects creation of objects directly (one level) 
             below in the hierarchy of the aut-num object. 
             The authentication method of this maintainer 
             object will then be used upon creation of any 
             object directly below this aut-num object.
             This field is optional; multiple lines are 

 mnt-routes: <mnt-name> 
             [ { list of <address-prefix-range> } | ANY ]
             This attribute references a maintainer object 
             which is used in determining authorisation for 
             the creation of route objects. After the 
             reference to the maintainer, an optional list 
             of prefix ranges inside of curly braces or the 
             keyword "ANY" may follow. The default, when no 
             additional set items are specified, is "ANY"
             or all more specifics. Please refer to RFC 2622 
             for more information.
             This field is optional; multiple lines are 

 mnt-by:     list of <mntner-name>
             Specifies the identifier of a registered mntner
             object used for authorisation of operations 
             performed with the object that contains this
             attribute. This field is mandatory; multiple 
             lines are possible.

 changed:    <e-mail> [<date>]
             Specifies who submitted the update, and when 
             the object was updated. The format of the date 
             is YYYYMMDD; dates in the future are not 
             allowed. If the date is not specified, the 
             database will put the date when the update was 
             actually processed.
             This field is mandatory; multiple lines are 

 source:     <registry-name>
             Specifies the registry where the object is 
             registered. Should be "RIPE" for the RIPE 
             This field is mandatory; only a single line 
             is possible.


aut-num:   NEW
as-name:   XMAS-AS
descr:     Santa's Workshop Inc.
           Christmas Toys Manufacturing Facility
           Northern Nowhere
import:    from AS1234
           action pref=120;
           accept ANY
import:    from AS5678
	   action pref=100;
	   accept ANY
export:    to AS1234
	   announce NEW
export:    to AS5678
	   announce NEW
admin-c:   CREW-RIPE
tech-c:    OPS4-RIPE
source:    RIPE

 Maintainer Information 

It is required for each aut-num (autonomous number) object to
reference a mntner (maintainer) object. If the maintainer information
is already in the RIPE Database, then the person handling the request
should check to see if it is up to date. If there is no database
entry, one should now be created by using the following template. An
example is included below.


mntner:	      SANTA-SECURITY-MNT
descr:	      Santa's Workshop Inc. maintainer
admin-c:      CREW-RIPE
tech-c:	      AUTO-1
tech-c:	      OPS4-RIPE
upd-to:	      santa@xmas.nn
auth:	      CRYPT-PW peEw8Gb4xBNqI 
notify:	      jbgood@antarctic.nn
mnt-by:	      SANTA-SECURITY-MNT
referral-by:  RIPE-DBM-MNT
source:	      RIPE

 Contact Information

Each aut-num and mntner object references contact persons, which also
need to be entered in the RIPE Database. If the contact information is
already in the RIPE Database, then the person handling the request
should check to see if it is up to date. If there is no database
entry, one should now be created by using the following template. An
example is included below.


person:	   Santa A Claus
address:   Santa's Workshop Inc.
	   Jingle Bell Lane 12
	   1224CH Christmastown
	   Northern Nowhere
phone:	   +12 12 122 1122
	   +12 12 122 2211 ext. 1221
fax-no:	   +12 12 122 121
e-mail:	   santa@xmas.nn
nic-hdl:   AUTO-1
notify:	   jbgood@antarctic.nn
changed:   jbgood@antarctic.nn
source:	   RIPE

Each person or role object in the RIPE Database should contain a NIC
handle which allows unambiguous identification of the appropriate
persons as needed for Internet network administration. A RIPE NIC
handle has the form "MK16-RIPE". To obtain a NIC handle, just put

 nic-hdl: AUTO-1


 nic-hdl: AUTO-1YourInitials

in the "nic-hdl:" field of the object to be added to the database. If
"YourInitials" are specified (no less than 2, and no more than 4
letters), the database will use them in constructing a NIC
handle. Otherwise, it will determine the letters itself. In both
cases, the NIC handle is guaranteed to be unique.

You can reference these (AUTO-1 or AUTO-1YourInitials) as temporary
NIC handles in the same update message in the fields of other objects
that require a NIC handle (e.g. the inetnum object described
above). The database software will then fill in the freshly assigned
NIC handles in the objects. Note that you can also use other numbers
(example: AUTO-2) so that you can add more objects in one e-mail