RIPE NCC Annual General Meeting 2001
October 30, 2001


Scribe: Sabine Mader 
Document ID: ripe-231
Date: 22 February 2002 


Traditionally these minutes reflect the detailed discussions for the
benefit of those unable to attend the meeting. Those interested in a
summary may want to refer to the Appendix listing the decisions.


   2.Operational Report from the RIPE NCC 
   3.Approval of the Financial Report 
   4.Interim Financial report 
   5.Postponing the AGM 2002 
   7.Approval of the Arbiter List 
   8.Report from the Board 
   9.RIPE NCC Executive Elections 

1. Welcome

The Chairman Kees Neggers opened the meeting at 10:50 

He asked the attendees to introduce themselves with their
names. Afterwards the Board members introduced themselves.

He explained that the RIPE NCC works so that not all members need to
be present at the AGM but can still participate in the direction of
the RIPE NCC as the agenda and proposed resolutions were published to
the members prior to the meeting.

The Chairman asked the RIPE NCC Managing Director, Axel Pawlik, to
give the RIPE NCC update.

2. Operational Report from the RIPE NCC

Axel Pawlik presented the status report from the RIPE NCC.

For details about his presentation please see:

Questions: - Frode Greisen asked why DNSsec is not deployable at this

A: Main hindrance are complexities of distributed key management.

Lajos Balint commented about the membership of RIPE NCC with
ISOC. This was not mentioned in the presentation. He was happy that
the RIPE NCC has the platinum membership.

Wilfried Woeber asked whether all the RIRs have the same problem with
signing the ICANN contract or whether it was only a RIPE NCC problem.

A: The RIRs are together in their hesitance to sign a contract. They
all want to get it right together.

Lajos Balint asked why APNIC has such a high rate of IPv6 allocations.

A: New applications have pushed Japan to make more use of IPv6 address
space. China says that they have more people than IPv4 can accommodate
and Europe has 3G mobile services that will need IPv6 space. Hence you
see more activity than in the US.

3. Approval of the Financial Report

The Chairman reported that the Financial report was made available to
all. He commented that the RIPE NCC was in a good financial standing
and that the accounting was running very well.

He mentioned that the RIPE NCC made a large surplus last year. He does
not think that surplus is bad and mentioned that an agreement was made
with the Dutch authorities that allows to keep 3 times the annual
turnover of the RIPE NCC and not be taxed on the capital.  These
reserves belong to the members and are managed by the RIPE NCC
clearing house.

He asked if there were any questions regarding the report. No
questions were asked and he asked if the attendees could approve the

- The formal resolution: "The general meeting adopts the 2000 Audited
Financial Report of the RIPE NCC." It was unanimously accepted with no
objects and no abstentions.

4. Interim Financial report 

Kees Neggers presented the participants the current financial standing
of the RIPE NCC.  Profit and Loss statements were shown.

He confirmed that the financial administration at the RIPE NCC is in
good shape, managed appropriately and provides up-to-date figures.

In preparing the 2002 financials the management was slightly less
conservative in their budgeting, as requested by members at the
previous AGM.

There were no questions regarding the interim financial figures.

5. Postponing the AGM 2002

Approval of the financial report does not justify holding a meeting in
itself and Kees Neggers proposed to postpone the AGM 2002 meeting.

-The formal resolution: 

"As no special circumstances are foreseen the general meeting proposes
to extend the period to approve the audited financial statements 2002
as stated in article 14.2 of the RIPE NCC Articles of Association to
30 October 2002. The board shall send the audited financial statements
to the members upon receipt of the auditors final report and audited
financial statements".

All in favour , no objections. 

6. AP2002

Axel Pawlik provided a presentation to propose the AP 2002 activity
plan. He outlined the activities the RIPE NCC will continue to
undertake and the new activities planned for 2002.

The budget for the 2002 operating year was proposed to the

Axel mentioned that the budget was based on estimated 1.25 new members
per day. The charging scheme was proposed and represented a decrease
in the fees for all member categories. This represents a decrease in
the fees for the last 4 years. The sign up fee remains stable.

For details about his presentation please see:


Alain Bidron: Do we see that ENUM will become a separate activity in
the NCC budget?

A: For the current year we have a contingency for unforeseen
activities (5% of the budget). We have not seen the need to make this
a separate budget line for 2002, due to the low associated workload..

Lajos Balint: He would like to see that the presentation of the AP doc
looks at the history of a few years back for comparative purposes.

Wim Vink: Disagrees with this as we should look into the future.

Kees Neggers: Commented that to a certain degree this is done and that
the figures are shown from the previous years.  When the AP for the
upcoming year is developed only the figures of the first months are
available. All historical data is available and will be processed in
producing the budget for the following year.

Lajos Balint: Asked why the special reserve is already distributed
among the activity areas.  He thinks that if there is nothing that is
foreseen than why does this not just remain in the budget as a
separate budget line.

A: Axel Pawlik said that we cannot approach the members for more funds
and as there are unforeseen activities that may affect all activity
areas and therefore is simply distributed amongst all.

-The formal resolution:

"The general meeting adopts the RIPE NCC Activities, Expenditure and
Charging Scheme 2002" The AP2002 was unanimously accepted.

7. Approval of the Arbiter List

Comment Wim Vink: Daniele Bovio is on the list of arbiters. This
clashes with his nomination as a board member.

A: No board members are to be on the committee.  Axel Pawlik explained
that he collected volunteers early this year. Should Daniele Bovio be
elected as a board member he will be removed from the Arbiter list
automatically. Of course it is very much appreciated that more
arbiters candidates will be found.

-The formal resolution:

"The general meeting approves the list of arbiters as follows:

Daniele Bovio AOL
Carsten Schiefner Board Member DE-NIC, Primus DE
David Kessens IPv6 WG Chair, Nokia
Kurt Kayser MBone WG Chair, self employed
Keith Godber Test Traffic Chair, Energis
Wilfried Woeber Database WG Chair, Vienna University
Keith Mitchell former NCC Chair, ExchangePoint

16 accepted
2 abstentions - Wilfried Woeber & Daniele Bovio

List of Arbiters was accepted.

8. Report from the Board

Kees Neggers provided an update of the activities of the Executive


-We are continuing our efforts on working on the RIR contracts

Outlook 2001/2002
-Continuing support for ICANN
-Finalising ICANN contract
-Rob Blokzijl's term on ICANN board will expire

Rob Blokzijl is seriously considering to stand again for
re-election. The board of directors will be elected by the Address

For details about this presentation please see:

Questions: Wim Vink: stated that having the right representation on
the ICANN Board is important . He also mentioned that lobbying for
international organisation is crucial. Axel Pawlik: assured that the
RIPE NCC was active in these areas both in our region and together
with the other RIRs. He will together with Mirjam Kuehne represent the
interests of RIPE NCC to international organisations.

9. RIPE NCC Executive Elections

Kees Neggers stated that two Board members' terms expire. Wim Vink and
Mike Norris will not stand again for election.

3 nominees were presented and asked to stand and present themselves:

Alex Bligh, XO Communications
Daniele Bovio, AOL Europe
Janos Zsako, BANKNET

All three nominees presented themselves to the participants.

The voting procedure was explained and two neutral non -members were
asked to count the votes.

1st round voting

14 - Daniele Bovio
23 - Janos Zsako
9 - Alex Bligh
1 - blank vote was submitted

Janos Zsako was appointed to the Board

2nd round voting

33 - Daniele Bovio
13 - Alex Bligh
1 - blank vote was submitted

Daniele was appointed to the Board.

Terms begin on 12 November 2001

10. Closing



APPENDIX: Decisions of the Meeting

The general meeting adopts the 2000 Audited Financial Report of the

As no special circumstances are foreseen the general meeting proposes
to extend the period to approve the audited financial statements 2002
as stated in article 14.2 of the RIPE NCC Articles of Association to
30 October 2002. The board shall send the audited financial statements
to the members upon receipt of the auditors final report and audited
financial statements.

The general meeting adopts the RIPE NCC Activities, Expenditure and
Charging Scheme 2002.

List of Arbiters was accepted.

Janos Zsako was appointed to the Board

Daniele Bovio was appointed to the Board.

List of Participants,   RIPE NCC AGM 2000

Name		  Country	     CodeAffiliation
Vladimir Kerkhoff NL		     Pins Nederland  
Erich Hochstoeger AT		     Mobilkom Austria 
Arnold Nipper	  DE		     DE-CIX 
Yves Sandfort	  DE		     COMDivision 
Philip Kriener	  DE		     COMDivision 
Hidde Korenstra	  NL		     HCCNet  
Werner Brakeman	  DE		     Bertelsmann Mediasystems 
Simone Merli	  IT		     4u S.r.l. 
Lajos Balint	  HU		     HUNGARNET 
Hussam Al-Qura'an JO		     Jordan Telecommunications Group 
Daniele Bovio	  EU		     AOL Europe 
Kees Neggers	  NL		     SURFnet 
Jan Diegelmann	  DE		     n@work Internet Informationssysteme 
Mustafa Sokullu	  TR		     DATASSIST 
Mike Norris	  IE		     HEAnet 
Jan Gruntorad	  CZ		     CESNET 
Frode Greisen	  DK		     Ebone 
Alain Bidron	  FR		     France Telecom 
Janos Zsako	  HU		     BankNet 
Alex Bligh	  UK		     XcangePoint 
Antonio Esposito  IT		     PAth.Net 
Hans Petter Holen NO		     Tiscali  
Wilfried Woeber	  AT		     Vienna University ACOnet 
Wim Vink	  NL		     Via NET.WORKS 
Nigel Titley	  UK		     PacketExchange