IRT Object in the RIPE Database

Andrew Cormack 
Don Stikvoort
Wilfried Woeber
Andrei Robachevsky

Document ID: ripe-254
Date: 19 July 2002



This document describes the irt object and related functionality in the RIPE
Database. The irt object is used to provide information about a Computer
Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT). This document also describes the
creation procedure for the irt object.


Table of Contents
 1. Motivation
 2. Object template
 3. New attributes
 4. Referencing an irt object
 5. Authorisation checks
 6. Notifications
 7. New query functionality
 8. Creation procedure
 8.1 Member teams
 8.2 Independent teams
 9. Some recommendations on using irt object 
10 Usage examples
11. Future applications
12. References
13. Acknowledgement

1. Motivation

When a computer/network security incident happens, such as DOS (Denial of
Service) or spam attack, or other abuse of services, it is important to know
whom to contact. The RIPE Database provides the facility to get administrative
and technical contacts for a network where the attack came from by a simple IP
lookup. In many cases such incidents are handled by CSIRTs whose contacts are
different from those listed in "admin-c:" and "tech-c:" attributes.
Unfortunately there is no easy way to identify which CSIRT is serving any given
IP address.

Also, presenting additional information, such as public certificates of a CSIRT,
and query functionality that allows to search for the responsible team would
facilitate prompt incident handling.

2. Object template

irt:        [mandatory] [single]   [primary/lookup key]
remarks:    [optional]  [multiple] [ ]
address:    [mandatory] [multiple] [ ]
phone:      [optional]  [multiple] [ ]
fax-no:     [optional]  [multiple] [ ]
e-mail:     [mandatory] [multiple] [lookup key]
signature:  [mandatory] [multiple] [ ]
encryption: [mandatory] [multiple] [ ]
admin-c:    [mandatory] [multiple] [inverse key]
tech-c:     [mandatory] [multiple] [inverse key]
auth:       [mandatory] [multiple] [ ]
irt-nfy:    [optional]  [multiple] [inverse key]
notify:     [optional]  [multiple] [inverse key]
mnt-by:     [mandatory] [multiple] [inverse key]
changed:    [mandatory] [multiple] [ ]
source:     [mandatory] [single]   [ ]
3. New attributes

Specifies the name of the irt object. The name should start with the prefix
"IRT-", reserved for this type of object. An irt name is made up of letters,
digits, the character underscore "_", and the character hyphen "-"; it must
start with "irt-", and the last character of a name must be a letter or a digit.


References a key-cert object representing a CSIRT public key used by the team to
sign their correspondence. The value of this attribute has the format:
PGPKEY-<id>, where <id> is the PGP key ID of the public key in 8-digit
hexadecimal format without "0x" prefix.


References a key-cert object representing a CSIRT public key used to encrypt
correspondence sent to the CSIRT. The value of this attribute has the format:
PGPKEY-<id>, where <id> is the PGP key ID of the public key in 8-digit
hexadecimal format without "0x" prefix.


Specifies the e-mail address to be notified when a reference to the irt object
is added or removed. An e-mail address as defined in RFC 2822.


May appear in an inetnum or inet6num object. It points to an existing irt object
representing CSIRT that handles security incidents for the address space
specified by the inetnum or inet6num object. The value of this attribute is the
name of the irt object.
Please see section "Referencing an irt object" for details.

Please refer to the RIPE Database Reference Manual [1] for the description of
other attributes.

4. Referencing an irt object

An irt object can be referenced from an inetnum or inet6num object by using the
optional "mnt-irt:" attribute, which can appear multiple times in the object.
The value of this attribute is the name of an irt object. Please see section
"Usage Examples" for details.

5. Authorisation checks 

When modifying an irt object the update should pass authorisation checks
specified by one of the mntners listed in "mnt-by:" attributes of the irt

When adding a reference to an irt object the update of an inet[6]num should pass
the following authorisation checks:

from the irt object itself as specified in one of the "auth:" attribute 

from any of the mntner objects that protect the inet[6]num object (i.e.
referenced using "mnt-by:" attribute).

6. Notifications

Whenever a reference to an irt object is added to an inet[6]num object or
removed from it, a notification about this event is sent to e-mail address
specified in the "irt-nfy:" attribute of the referenced irt object. This
facility may be useful for tracking purposes.

All other notification rules apply too. Please see [1] for the description of
the RIPE Database Notifications.

7. New query functionality

As was already mentioned, in many cases administrative contacts for a network
may differ from a CSIRT. Also a CSIRT may be responsible for several networks
within a specific address range. For example, a large ISP may have a CSIRT that
handles incidents in all clients' networks. It is desirable to put the reference
to an irt object only from the inetnum (inet6num) encompassing the clients'

The new query functionality allows searching for an inetnum object that contains
the reference to an irt object representing CSIRT responsible for a given
address or address range. It is implemented with a new '-c' flag that modifies
the behaviour of a normal ip lookup, so that the Database will return the
smallest less specific inetnum (inet6num) object containing the reference to an
irt object.

The result of this lookup is an inet[6]num object and referenced contacts, if
name recursion is not disabled (-r flag). It does not contain the referenced irt
object, nor contact information about the team.

8. Creation procedure 

An irt object is created manually by the RIPE Database Administration.

There are two main categories of CSIRTs: 

A CSIRT that is a member of a recognised and trusted body within the CSIRT

An independent CSIRT. It may also be a CSIRT from category 1 willing to be
registered as independent. 
The creation procedure is different for these two cases. We will consider each
of them below.

It is important to stress here that existence of an irt object in the Database
does not prove authenticity and credibility of the team. A stand-alone irt
object has little meaning, the actual meaning emerges when a reference to the
object is made. The role of the above described creation process is to help
maintain a high quality of information in the database in this area. However, it
is up to a consumer to verify the team's authenticity and credibility.

8.1. Member teams

There are several consortiums that provide a framework for formation and
coordination of incidence response teams. Trusted Introducer [2] and FIRST [3]
are examples of such consortiums. It is expected that such forums maintain their
own procedures regarding CSIRTs, like authentication of teams, maintaining
contact information up to date, etc, and use the RIPE Database to publish this
information as irt objects. Therefore such forums register themselves with the
Database Administration to become a single point of contact for creation of the
irt objects in the Database. General guidelines here are (but alterations are

The consortium is responsible for correctness of the information presented in
irt object. Therefore such objects are protected by the mntner held by the
consortium. The mntner should use the strongest authorisation scheme available
in the RIPE Database. Please refer to [1] for more information.

The mntner name may be recognised by incident tracing tools and used to present
affiliation of an IRT to the consortium. Details of such functionality are
outside the scope of this document.

The creation request comes from the registered contact signed by a public PGP
key of the consortium. The Database Administration verifies the signature and
creates the object in the database.

All other irt related database transactions, such as modifying or deleting an
irt, referencing an irt from inetnum or inet6num objects do not require Database
Administration intervention. They are controlled by security features of the
database system. Please see section "Authorisation checks" above.

8.2. Independent teams

There may be cases when a CSIRT do not belong to any particular forum, or would
like to register themselves independently. In such cases the following criteria
must be satisfied:

The creation request comes from the admin-c contact of the irt object.

The request is authenticated by an existing mntner, referenced by the object.
The need to create an irt object cannot be the reason for mntner creation.

The keys referenced by the irt are in the database, the key owner shows affinity
to the irt.

The reason for creation is presented along with the timeline for deployment
(i.e. referencing the object from where and when).

9. Some recommendations on using irt object 

The keys in the "signature" attribute(s) are used to authenticate correspondence
from a CSIRT. It is recommended that the Team key comes first.

It is important to maintain the security of the irt object itself. The security
level is determined by the security level of the weakest mntner referenced by
the irt in its "mnt-by:" attributes. It is wise to ensure that the mntner(s) are
using the strongest possible authentication scheme (currently, PGPKEY). Please
refer to [1] for further information. The mntner[s] should be under trusted
control (e.g. TI) or full control of the CSIRT.

Addition of a reference to an irt object representing a CSIRT means taking
responsibility of the team over the address range specified by the inet[6]num
object. This responsibility may be taken over by an irt object referenced from a
more specific inet[6]num object.

The "irt-nfy:" attribute may be used to specify an e-mail address that will be
used for tracking additions or removals of references to the irt object.

10. Usage examples 

Consider the following irt object:

irt:        IRT-TEST
remarks:    This one should not be trusted
address:    Same address, 1234
phone:      +31 20 0000000
fax-no:     +31 20 0000001
admin-c:    DPO1-RIPE
tech-c:     DPO1-RIPE
auth:       PGPKEY-00000000
mnt-by:     TEST-MNT
changed: 20020117
source:     TEST

Now consider the following address space hierarchy registered in the RIPE
Database (only relevant fields are shown):

inetnum: -
source:  TEST
inetnum: -
mnt-irt: IRT-TEST
source:  TEST
inetnum: -
source:  TEST

The second inetnum object references the irt object (IRT-TEST). This implies
that the CSIRT team represented by that object handles security incidents
related to the address space covered by that inetnum object.

Please note that if a more specific inetnum object references another irt
object, that team takes over responsibility.

If one makes the following query:

whois -c
the following inetnum will be returned in response:

inetnum: -
mnt-irt: IRT-TEST
source:  TEST

11. Future applications 

A utility could be developed that will accept IP numbers and yield the
corresponding CSIRT as deduced from the RIPE Database CSIRT object space,
including maintainer info. The latter offers the opportunity to visualize value
added information, like e.g. the fact that CSIRT has a Trusted Introducer

12. References 
[1] RIPE Database Reference Manual
[2] Trusted Introducer.

13. Acknowledgment:

The initial version of this document was produced by Andrew Cormack
(JANET-CERT), Don Stikvoort (M&I/Stelvio b.v.), Wilfried Woeber (UniVie/ACOnet),
and Andrei Robachevsky (RIPE NCC).