RIPE NCC Hostcount in the 21st 
A New Direction for Measurements by the RIPE 
Daniel Karrenberg

Date: May 2003 
Document-ID: ripe-271
Table of Contents
1.	Introduction 
2.	Why Measurements 
3.	Strengths 
4.	Weaknesses 
5.	The Way Forward 
6.	Membership Support 
7.	Summary 


1. Introduction

The RIPE NCC has collected data and published statistics form its inception. In 
fact the hostcount has even started before the RIPE NCC began operations. 
Other measurement and data collection activities have been added later, most 
notably Test Traffic Measurements (TTM) and the Routing Information Service 

After more than 10 years it is time to re-visit this area and adjust the direction 
based on input from the RIPE community and the NCC membership. This memo 
proposes the new direction and seeks to establish consensus among the RIPE 
NCC membership. 

2. Why Measurements

Besides satisfying the curiosity of the RIPE community and fostering academic 
research there are a number of reasons for collecting and publishing 

Statistics such as address space usage and routing table growth are vital for the 
development of address space policies and RIPE operational recommendations. 
Data such as the usage history of address space and routing identifiers is used 
extensively by the NCC in daily operations, so is monitoring data on the quality of 
the DNS root service. 

The NCC also produces measurement products for use by the membership in 
both short term operations and long term planning. TTM gives test-box hosts 
both minute-to-minute information and long term trends. RIS can be used to get a 
global picture of inter-domain routing from a single source and is unique in 
providing this information not only for the present but also for user selectable 
time intervals in the past. 

Last but not least RIPE NCC statistics are also aimed at telecomms regulators 
and government bodies that look after public interest concerns in our industry. To 
them we provide a neutral and unbiased view on developments that goes a bit 
deeper than some ad-hoc measurements that are published to further specific 
agendas. This area has become increasingly important over the last few years. 

3. Strengths

The biggest strength of the RIPE NCC in the area of measurements is its proven 
neutrality and impartiality. We have developed this over the years and earned the 
trust of all players. The NCC staff doing the work have a very high degree of 
professionalism and experience in the area; this results in very high quality data 
that is used widely. We are not doing any passive measurements on production 
traffic in order to avoid privacy concerns. Because of our long history of 
measurement activities we have a number of very long time series of well defined 
measurements which can be used to analyse long-term trends. 

4. Weaknesses

The emphasis on producing high-quality well defined data has lead us to take a 
somewhat academic attitude towards measurements. Our products are very 
detailed and need considerable time to use effectively and to learn how-to use in 
the first place. We have not developed enough easy to use and immediately 
useful products for the RIPE NCC membership and the RIPE community at large. 

We have developed TTM as closed user group service. Only those who 
participate and pay have access to the data. We assumed that the user group 
would grow to a significant part of the RIPE NCC membership as the benefits 
became obvious. This has not happened for a number of reasons one of which is 
certainly that it has become very easy and cheap just to add capacity. 
Consequently TTM today serves only a very small minority of the NCC 
membership and there are continuing concerns about the service being unduly 
subsidised by the non-participating majority. 

5. The Way Forward

We will build on our strengths and continue neutral and high quality 
measurements. We will also keep to our principle of never reading production 
traffic for measurements in order to avoid any privacy concerns. 

We will respond to Internet incidents and events that generate a lot of public 
interest, such as the Sapphire worm of 25.01.03, by providing objective and 
comprehensive data for use by the membership and the general public. 
We will develop more simple and immediately useful products. The challenge is 
to develop products that are both simple and meaningful while maintaining some 
scientific defendability. One avenue we will pursue is to provide simplified 
measures for the Internet in general: for example a measure of global or regional 
routing stability across all providers; a NOC could use such a measure to 
determine quickly whether any instability is local to its responsibility or more 
widespread. Another avenue is to develop personalised views on the data such 
as the "myAS" service which provides user configurable history data and alarms 
based on the RIS measurements as well as various registration databases. 

We will discontinue the TTM closed user group and publish all our raw data as 
well as all derived products as a matter of policy. Even when performing 
measurements for a particular group and paid by this group, such as DNS (root) 
service quality, all results will be public. This addresses the cross-subsidy 
concerns as there is always a benefit for the community at large. Details of the 
transition from the present TTM business model will need to be worked out. We 
envisage that organisations hosting a test-box will continue to pay a service fee 
at a reduced level; after all there is some benefit in obtaining measurements from 
a local point. We expect to expand the number of test-boxes will increase with 
this new model. 

We have recently started to structurally monitor DNS root service quality because 
this is essential for our operation of, especially once this 
service will be using IP anycast. The quality of these measurements has 
generated significant interest from ccTLD operators. We will develop this into a 
public service and expand it to other TLDs based on funding from these TLDs. 

We will also work to improve the web presentation of our measurement results by 
using more uniform presentation formats and a better navigation structure; such 
a structure could possibly be used for all statistics produced by the RIPE NCC. 
Building on the NCC's experience with high quality training courses We will offer 
training courses on how to use our measurement products. 

6. Membership Support

Organisations gaining specific benefits from the measurements will be charged 
appropriately as outlined above. Because all data is made public and there is a 
definite benefit for the community at large we seek support from the RIPE NCC 
membership to structurally fund these measurement activities with approximately 
EUR 600k p.a. (6% of the NCC's total operating expenses in 2003) over the 
coming 4 years. This will provide a solid basis for continuing high quality 
measurements, to undertake the work outlined above and to publish all results 

We will work out a more detailed plan including details about milestones, review 
and budget after RIPE 45 based on community input. This plan will be presented 
at RIPE46 and included in the RIPE NCC Activity Plan discussed at this year's 
membership meeting. 

7. Summary

	Measurements are necessary and the RIPE NCC is the place to do them. 
	All results will be public, no more closed user groups. 
	We will introduce more simple and quick-to-use products. 
	We will improve presentation, documentation and courses. 
	We ask for support to spend approximately EUR 600k p.a.