Supporting Notes for the Initial IPv6 Allocation Request Form

Filiz Bican, 
Emma Bretherick,
Timothy McGinnis

Document ID: ripe-275
Date: 20 August 2003
Obsoletes: ripe-248

See also: ripe-274


    * Introduction
    * Supporting Notes for the Request Form Templates
    * Example
    * References


This document contains instructions for completing the "Initial IPv6
Allocation Request Form". It is a tool for gathering the information
necessary to evaluate the request and to ensure that the same
guidelines are applied to each request. When necessary, the RIPE NCC
will ask for additional information.

The "Initial IPv6 Allocation Request Form" can be found at:

Supporting Notes for the Request Form Templates

#[General Information]# 
request-type: ipv6-first-alloc 
form-version: 1.0

Please do not alter the value of the 'request-type' and 'form-version'


The Registry Identifier (RegID) must be included in every message sent
to <>. It is used to identify the Local Internet
Registry (LIR). It has the following format:

    <country code>.<organisation name>

Warning: Requests sent to the RIPE NCC that lack a proper RegID
(x-ncc-regid) will bounce back to the sender.

% Question 1: Please provide a short description of the 
% organisation requesting the IPv6 address space.

In this field you should include all relevant information about the
organisation requesting the address space. This can include the types
of services (e.g. connectivity) provided, the geographical areas
served, the types of customers served, etc.

% Question 2: Is this IPv6 request for the entire 
% organisation or will other parts of the organisation also 
% be requesting an allocation?

In this field, indicate if this is the only allocation that your
company will be requesting.

% Question 3: Will your organisation also be requesting (or 
% do you already have) an IPv6 allocation from another 
% Regional Internet Registry (RIR)? Please specify each
% allocation separately in an "other-allocation" field below.

If you do not have an allocation from another RIR and you do not
expect to request one enter "No".

If you have an allocation from another RIR, please enter the range (in
prefix notation) in this field.

% Please enter the details of the person at your LIR who is 
% submitting this request.

A nic-handle (nic-hdl) is a unique identifier for a person or a role
object. It is generated by the database when creating the object. It
has the following format: <initials>[number]-RIPE

For example:


More information can be found at:


% Prefix            When Used 
% Length       Immediate 1yr 2yr Purpose

This table represents each subnet and a description of the usage of
the requested address space. Please repeat the "subnet" field for all
subnets required for this request.

The requesting LIR must state that it plans to make 200 or more /48
assignments to End User sites within 24 months of receiving the
allocated IPv6 address space.

Showing each of the 200+ /48 assignments individually is not
required. You can group them into larger blocks as long as you state
in the "Purpose" column how many /48s will be used per block.

In the "Prefix Length" column please enter the amount your
organisation plans to use per subnet in IPv6 slash notation.

In the "Immediate" column please enter an x if you plan to use the
subnet within three months. If the subnet will not be in use please
enter a dash (-).

In the "1yr" column please enter an x if you plan to use the subnet
within one year. If the subnet will not be in use please enter a dash

In the "2yr" column please enter an x if you plan to use the subnet
within two years. If the subnet will not be in use please enter a dash

In the "Purpose" column please enter a short description of how the
IP addresses being requested will be used.

If an adequate explanation of the use of a subnet cannot be given in
the space provided please title each subnet and provide a detailed
explanation below the table.

% Please fill in the necessary details below so that the 
% Hostmaster can create an inet6num object after allocating 
% a block to you. If it is necessary to create a maintainer object 
% please include that template too.

descr:     Provider Local Registry
descr:     *specify the name of the LIR's organisation* 
country:   *specify the country code*
admin-c:   *insert nic-handle of administrative contact*
tech-c:    *insert nic-handle of technical contact*
mnt-by:    RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT 
mnt-lower: *specify mntner name here*
notify:    *specify e-mail address*
source:    RIPE

The "inet6num:" attribute (the IPv6 network range) should be left
blank. It will be chosen by the RIPE NCC from the available IPv6
address space allocated to it by the Internet Assigned Numbers
Authority (IANA).

The "netname:" attribute should be left blank. It will be chosen by

The first "descr:" attribute will always indicate that this network is
allocated to a Provider LIR. In the second "descr:" attribute enter
the registered/legal organisation name of the LIR.

The "country:" attribute describes the country or countries the
network will operate in. If the network is multi-national a "#" can be
used to allow multiple ISO country codes to be listed using a single
"country:" attribute.

For example:

    country: NL # ES IT

The "admin-c:" attribute contains the nic-hdl for the administrative
contact person at the LIR. This person should be administratively
responsible for the network. A role object nic-hdl can also be used in
this attribute.

The "tech-c:" attribute contains the nic-hdl for the technical contact
person at the LIR. This person should have technical knowledge of the
network and will preferably be working on-site. A role object nic-hdl
can also be used in this attribute.

The "status:" attribute must be ALLOCATED-BY-RIR.

The "mnt-by:" attribute must be RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT.

The "mnt-lower:" attribute provides hierarchical authentication. It is
used to authenticate the creation of more specific inet6num objects
within the allocation block. The LIR"s maintainer must be referenced

The "notify:" attribute specifies the e-mail address that will receive
notifications of any changes made to the object.

The "changed:" attribute must be

The "source:" attribute must be RIPE.

If you already have a maintainer there is no need to complete the mntner template below.

mntner:      *specify mntner name here*
descr:       *descriptive comments*
admin-c:     *insert nic-handle of administrative contact*
tech-c:      *insert nic-handle of technical contact*
upd-to:      *specify e-mail address*
mnt-nfy:     *specify e-mail address*
auth:        *specify authorisation*
mnt-by:      *specify mntner name here*
referral-by: RIPE-DBM-MNT
source:      RIPE

The "mntner:" attribute should reflect the LIR's organisation name.

The "descr:" attribute should be used to give a short description of
the object.

For example:

    " Maintainer for objects of <organisation name>"

The "upd-to:" attribute specifies the e-mail address that will be
notified of all failed attempts to modify objects protected by the

The "mnt-nfy:" attribute specifies the e-mail address that will be
notified of all successful updates to objects protected by the

The "auth:" attribute specifies the authentication scheme you have
chosen to protect your objects. The different schemes can be found at:

PGP cannot be used as authentication when creating a maintainer. If
you wish to use PGP you must choose another authentication and then
modify the object after its creation.

In the "mnt-by:" attribute you should enter the name of the maintainer
protecting this object. Usually this will be the same value as the
"mntner:" attribute, as the object will protect itself.

The "referral-by:" attribute must be RIPE-DBM-MNT.

The "changed:" attribute must be

The "source:" attribute must be RIPE.

% 1. IPv6 address space is allocated to LIRs according to 
% policies set by the RIPE community.
% It should be noted that, as stated in the IPv6 policy 
% document, IPv6 address space is not considered property. 
% IPv6 address space is licensed for use rather than owned.
% Please confirm that you have read the policy document 
% "IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy" and agree 
% to abide by it. The document can be found in the RIPE 
% Document Store at:

Please state that you have read the IPv6 policy document and agree to
follow the RIPE IPv6 policy.

% 2. Please provide a network diagram in PostScript or JPEG 
% format showing your IPv6 network. Submission instructions 
% can be found in the RIPE document "Supporting Notes for the 
% Initial IPv6 Allocation Request Form in the RIPE NCC Service 
% Region" found at:
% The diagram should indicate expected completion dates of 
% construction as well as how much IPv6 address space is 
% expected to be used in each subnet.

The diagram can be sent as a MIME attachment with your e-mail to
<>. If a network diagram (topology map) is not
included this will lead to a delay in processing your request.

% 3. If your organisation has a web site detailing your 
% planned IPv6 services, please provide the URL below:

% Please add any supplementary information that you think 
% may facilitate the evaluation of this request below.

You may use this area/space for any additional comments you feel are
important and did not fit within the previous templates.


Please insert your signature in plain text (with your full name) after
the above header. The Robot will not process any information included
here.  Example

request-type: ipv6-first-alloc
form-version: 1.0
x-ncc-regid:  nn.santa

% Question 1: Please provide a short description of the 
% organisation requesting the IPv6 address space.
org-description: Santa's Workshop Inc. is an ISP serving the
Christmastown community.  We are located in Christmastown and peer at
the XMAS-IX.  We provide GPRS, Cable, DSL, Leased Line, Co-location
and other Internet services.  We serve both business and residential

% Question 2: Is this IPv6 request for the entire 
% organisation or will other parts of the organisation also 
% be requesting an allocation?
for-whole-or-part-of-the-organisation: This request is for all of
Santa's Workshop Inc.

% Question 3: Will your organisation also be requesting (or 
% do you already have) an IPv6 allocation from another 
% Regional Internet Registry (RIR)? Please specify each 
% allocation separately in an "other-allocation" field below.
other-allocation: No

% Please note that a Local Internet Registry (LIR) can 
% request an allocation for itself only and not on behalf of 
% another organisation.

% Please enter the details of the person at your LIR who is 
% submitting this request.
name:    Santa Claus
phone:   +999 555 5555
fax-no:  +999 555 5556
e-mail:  santa.claus@nowhere.nn 
nic-hdl: HOHO15-RIPE 

%          Prefix    When Used      
%          Length    Immediate    1yr     2yr    Purpose
subnet:    /48           x         x       x     Santa's Workshop Inc. HQ
subnet:    /42           -         -       x     /48 for each elf (1)
subnet:    /38           -         x       x     Cable services (2)

% Please fill in the necessary details below so that the 
% Hostmaster can create an inet6num object after allocating 
% a block to you. If it is necessary to create a maintainer object 
% please include that template too.

descr:      Provider Local Registry
descr:      Santa's Workshop Inc. 
country:    NN # EG NL GB RU AE 
admin-c:    HOHO15-RIPE 
tech-c:     HOHO15-RIPE 
status:     ALLOCATED-BY-RIR
mnt-by:     RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT 
mnt-lower:  SANTA-MNT 
notify:     santa.claus@nowhere.nn
source:     RIPE 

% 1. IPv6 address space is allocated to LIRs according to 
% policies set by the RIPE community.
% It should be noted that, as stated in the IPv6 policy 
% document, IPv6 address space is not considered property. 
% IPv6 address space is licensed for use rather than owned.
% Please confirm that you have read the policy document 
% "IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy" and agree 
% to abide by it. The document can be found in the RIPE 
% Document Store at:
confirmation: We have read the IPv6 policy document 
and agree to follow the RIPE IPv6 policy. 
We do not consider IPv6 address space as property.

% 2. Please provide a network diagram in PostScript or JPEG 
% format showing your IPv6 network. Submission instructions 
% can be found in the RIPE document "Supporting Notes for the 
% Initial IPv6 Allocation Request Form in the RIPE NCC Service 
% Region" found at:
% The diagram should indicate expected completion dates of 
% construction as well as how much IPv6 address space is 
% expected to be used in each subnet.

% 3. If your organisation has a web site detailing your 
% planned IPv6 services, please provide the URL below:
website: http://xmas.nn/ipv6/itscoming.html

% Please add any supplementary information that you think 
% may facilitate the evaluation of this request below.

(1) A /48 will be assigned to each elf for home broadband connection.
We expect to be employing 64 elves within two years.  
(2) Each commercial cable subscriber will receive a /48.

A link to our IPv6 network diagram can be found at:


Best Regards,
Santa Claus

Network Administrator
Santa's Workshop Inc.


IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy

Registration Services IPv6 links

RIPE Database User Manual: Getting Started