IPv6 End User Site Assignment Request Form RIPE NCC Document ID: ripe-280 Date: 20 August 2003 Obsoletes: ripe-249 See also: ripe-281 ------------------------8<Cut Here>8---------------------- #[GENERAL INFORMATION]# request-type: ipv6-enduser-assignment form-version: 1.0 x-ncc-regid: #[OVERVIEW OF ORGANISATION TEMPLATE]# organisation-name: organisation-location: website-if-available: % % Question 1: Please provide a short description of the % organisation for which you are requesting the IPv6 address % space including services they provide and their function. org-description: % % Question 2: Is this IPv6 request being made for the entire % organisation or will other parts of the organisation also % be requesting an assignment (e.g. from other Local Internet % Registries (LIRs))? for-whole-or-part-of-the-organisation: #[USER TEMPLATE]# % % Please enter the details of the person at the End User's % organisation. name: phone: fax-no: e-mail: nic-hdl: #[IPv6 ASSIGNMENT USAGE PLAN]# % Prefix When Used % Length Immediate 1yr 2yr Purpose subnet: % % Which netname will be used when registering this network in % the RIPE Database? netname: #[REQUIRED INFORMATION]# % % 1. IPv6 address space is allocated to LIRs and assigned to % End Users according to policies set by the RIPE community. % % Please confirm that you and the End Users have read the % policy document "IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment % Policy" and agree to abide by it. The document can be found % in the RIPE Document Store at: % % http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/ipv6-policies.html confirmation: % % 2. Please explain why the End User site needs more than a % /48 for its network. reason: % % Please provide a network diagram in PostScript or JPEG % format showing the IPv6 network. Submission instructions % can be found in the RIPE document "Supporting Notes for the % IPv6 End User Site Assignment Request Form in the RIPE NCC % Service Region" found at: % % http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/ipv6-supp-assignment.html % % The diagram should indicate expected completion dates for % construction as well as how much IPv6 address space is % expected to be used in each subnet. #[INSERT SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS]# % % Please add any supplementary information that you think % may facilitate the evaluation of this request below. #[END of REQUEST]# ------------------------8<Cut Here>8----------------------