Supporting Notes for the Provider Aggregatable (PA) Assignment Request

Diane Ashworth, 
Filiz Bican, 
Emma Bretherick

Document ID: ripe-284
Date: 20 August 2003
Obsoletes' ripe-220

See also: ripe-283


    * Introduction
    * Supporting Notes for the Request Form Templates
    * Example
    * References


This document contains instructions for completing the 'Provider
Aggregatable (PA) Assignment Request Form'. It is a tool for gathering
the information necessary to evaluate the request and to ensure that
the same guidelines are applied to each request. Where necessary, the
RIPE NCC will ask for additional information.

The "Provider Aggregatable (PA) Assignment Request Form" can be found at:

A separate form must be completed on behalf of each customer's network
or for the infrastructure of the Local Internet Registry (LIR). Do not
include requests for more than one customer in one form.

The policies and procedures to follow in making IP address space
assignment decisions are described in "IPv4 Address Allocation and
Assignment Policies in the RIPE NCC Service Region" found at:

Supporting Notes for the Request Form Templates

request-type: pa-ipv4          
form-version: 1.0

Please do not alter the value of the 'request-type' and 'form-version'


The Registry Identifier (RegID) must be included in every message sent
to <>. It is used to identify the Local Internet
Registry (LIR). It has the following format:

<country code>.<organisation name>

Warning: Requests sent to the RIPE NCC that lack a proper RegID
(x-ncc-regid) will bounce back to the sender.

#[ ADDRESS SPACE USER ]#            
% Who will use the address space being requested?           

If you are making a request in order to make an assignment to a
customer or an End User other than the LIR, enter their details
here. If the request is for the LIR's infrastructure enter your own
details here.

In the 'organisation-name' field please enter the complete name of the
organisation that will use this assignment of PA address space.

In the 'organisation-location' field please enter the location of the
main office of the company.

In the "website-if-available" field please enter the URL of the
organisation"s website if available.

% Does the organisation already have address space that 
% can meet the needs for this request? Enter "Yes" or "No".

You should only send a request for address space that will be needed
in the foreseeable future and for which the End User does not
currently have enough space available to cover. If the organisation
requesting an assignment does currently have address space that is not
in use and could be used for this new assignment, please reply with
"Yes" and give an explanation of why more address space is needed.


In the "number-of-subnets" field please enter the total number of
subnets listed in the plan below.

Please complete the "address-space-returned" field if the user will be
returning address space to another LIR. Please enter the prefixes that
will be returned, to which LIR, and when. Include a separate field
(address-space-returned:) per prefix. Note that the expected time for
renumbering is three months. Use the following syntax for this field:

<x.x.x.x/xx> to <LIR> by <yyyymmdd>

% Size 
% in CIDR   Immediate   1yr   2yr   Purpose

This table represents each subnet and a usage description of the
requested address space. Please repeat the "subnet:" field for all
subnets requested. Only include information about public address
space. Private address space does not need to be described.

Please specify the number of IP addresses needed using the CIDR (slash)

In the "Size in CIDR" column please enter the CIDR (slash) notation
corresponding to the total number of IP addresses needed for that subnet. (Only
specify one subnet size, i.e. if the subnet needs a total of six IP addresses
indicate this as /29 NOT /30, /31.)

In the "Immediate", "1yr", and "2yr" columns please enter in CIDR
(slash) notation the number of IP addresses needed immediately and the
estimated usage for the next two years. Include interfaces used for
hosts, routers, gateways, terminal concentrators, and any other
machines requiring one or more network interfaces. (Multiple slash
notations may be used, i.e. /30, /31.)

In the "Purpose" column please enter a short description of how the
subnet being requested will be used.

In the "totals" field please enter the total for each column. The
amount in the "Size in CIDR" column total should be the total amount
of address space required for this request.

% Which netname will be used when registering this network in 
% the RIPE Database?

Enter the netname that will be used for the inetnum object in the RIPE
Database. The netname should be a concise, descriptive name for the
network and should reflect the name of the address space user. Valid
characters are letters, numbers and dash.

Note that the netname that we approve for this assignment must be the
netname that is used in the database object. If a different netname is
used the object will be classed as "invalid" to the RIPE NCC. If you
want to change the netname after approval contact
<> with the same ticket number in the subject line.

% Please describe the equipment that will be used in the 
% network. Indicate the function of the equipment and provide 
% information regarding the way it uses IP address space.

In the "equipment-name" field please enter the type of equipment
requiring public IP addresses (Router, Switch, ATM, Workstation, etc.) for this

In the "manufacturer-name" field please enter the vendor name for the
equipment listed in "equipment-name".

In the "model-number" field please enter the model number for the
equipment listed in "equipment-name".

In the "other-data" field please enter any additional information that
would clarify how this equipment or model uses IP address space. For
example, the number of cards, ports, or network interfaces that the
equipment has. If the software being used by the equipment requires
multiple IP addresses, you should also describe this here.

Repeat this template (i.e. all four fields) as many times as necessary to describe the equipment relating to the IP address space being requested in the Addressing Plan template. Please leave a blank line between each template.

% If your description does not allow the Hostmaster to 
% understand the request you may be asked additional 
% questions. Please add any additional information that you 
% think may facilitate the evaluation of this request below.

This is free-text space where you can include additional information
that you think will be helpful to the RIPE NCC and the Hostmaster
evaluating your request. If the Hostmaster requires additional
information in order to understand the request, you may be asked more
specific questions.

% Please enter "Yes" or "No" if you have attached a network 
% diagram in JPEG or PostScript format to this e-mail 
% request. 

The diagram can be sent as a MIME attachment with your e-mail to
<>. A network diagram (topology map) can be helpful
in clarifying the set up of the network and illustrating why the IP addresses
being requested are needed.


Please insert your signature in plain text (with your full name) after
the above header. The Robot will not process any information included
here.  Examples

request-type: pa-ipv4
form-version: 1.0
x-ncc-regid: nn.santa

% Who will use the address space being requested"
organisation-name: 1st National Bank
organisation-location: Polar City, Northern Nowhere
website-if-available: Not

% Does the organisation already have address space that 
% can meet the needs for this request" Enter "Yes" or "No".
space-available: No

number-of-subnets: 3
address-space-returned: None

%        Size 
%        in CIDR  Immediate  1yr         2yr       Purpose
subnet:   /24     /26,/27   /25,/27    /25,/26    Workstations & printers
subnet:   /25     /26       /25        /25        Servers, routers & switches  
subnet:   /25     /25       /25        /25        Staff dial-in access 
totals:   /23     /24,/27   /24,/25,/27   /24,/25,/26      

% Which netname will be used when registering this network in 
% the RIPE Database"
netname: NN-1st-National-Bank

% Please describe the equipment that will be used in the 
% network. Indicate the function of the equipment and provide 
% information regarding the way it uses IP address space.
equipment-name: Workstations
manufacturer-name: Dell
model-number: Optiplex GX150
other-data: 230 units

equipment-name: Printers
manufacturer-name: HP
model-number: Laserjet VII
other-data: 15 units

equipment-name: Switches
manufacturer-name: Cisco
model-number: Catalyst 5500

equipment-name: Routers
manufacturer-name: Cisco
model-number: 7300

equipment-name: Servers
manufacturer-name: Sun
model-number: Fire v1280
other-data: 20 " 25 units

% If your description does not allow the Hostmaster to 
% understand the request you may be asked additional 
% questions. Please add any additional information that you 
% think may facilitate the evaluation of this request below.

We will have 4 ISDN30 coming in to the dial-up server to serve 
approximately 100 staff members.

% Please enter "Yes" or "No" if you have attached a network 
% diagram in JPEG or PostScript format to this e-mail 
% request. 
diagram-attached: No


Best Regards,
Santa Claus

Network Administrator
Santa's Workshop Inc.

request-type: pa-ipv4
form-version: 1.0
x-ncc-regid: nn.santa

% Who will use the address space being requested?
organisation-name: Snowflake Cybercafe
organisation-location: Polarcity, Northern Nowhere
website-if-available: www.snowflake.nn

% Does the organisation already have address space that 
% can meet the needs for this request? Enter "Yes" or "No".
space-available: No

number-of-subnets: 3
address-space-returned: - to nn.teleco on 20030531

%        Size 
%        in CIDR  Immediate  1yr             2yr   Purpose 
subnet:   /24       /25      /25,/26         /24   Customer cyberstations
subnet:   /25       /26      /25             /25   Game servers  
subnet:   /25       /26,/27  /25             /25   Routers, switches, printers 
totals:   /23       /24,/27  /24,/25,/26     /23      

% Which netname will be used when registering this network in 
% the RIPE Database?

% Please describe the equipment that will be used in the 
% network. Indicate the function of the equipment and provide 
% information regarding the way it uses IP address space.
equipment-name: Router
manufacturer-name: Cisco
model-number: 6712

equipment-name: Servers
manufacturer-name: Intel
model-number: Pentium 4 Entry Level IDE Server
other-data: 50 " 60 units

equipment-name: Cyberstations / PCs
manufacturer-name: Dell
model-number: Optiplex GX150
other-data: 230 units

% If your description does not allow the Hostmaster to 
% understand the request you may be asked additional 
% questions. Please add any additional information that you 
% think may facilitate the evaluation of this request below.

This request is a one to one renumbering.

% Please enter "Yes" or "No" if you have attached a network 
% diagram in JPEG or PostScript format to this e-mail 
% request. 
diagram-attached: No


Best Regards,
Santa Claus

Network Administrator
Santa's Workshop Inc.

request-type: pa-ipv4
form-version: 1.0
x-ncc-regid: nn.santa

% Who will use the address space being requested"
organisation-name: Santa's Workshop Inc. 
organisation-location: Polar City, Northern Nowhere
website-if-available: www.santasworkshop.nn

% Does the organisation already have address space that 
% can meet the needs for this request" Enter "Yes" or "No".
space-available: No

number-of-subnets: 14
address-space-returned: No

%        Size 
%        in CIDR     Immediate       1yr               2yr    Purpose 
subnet:    /23	       /24	     /23               /23    Dynamic Dial-up Lagos
subnet:    /23	       /24	     /23               /23    Dynamic Dial-up Kiev
subnet:    /23	       /24	     /23               /23    Dynamic Dial-up Bagdad
subnet:    /23	       /24	     /23               /23    Dynamic Dial-up Bucarest
subnet:    /23	       /24	     /23               /23    Dynamic Dial-up Cairo
subnet:    /23	       /24	     /23               /23    Dynamic Dial-up Budapest
subnet:    /23	       /24	     /23               /23    Dynamic Dial-up Warsaw
subnet:    /23	       /24	     /23               /23    Dynamic Dial-up Prague
subnet:    /23	       /24	     /23               /23    Dynamic Dial-up Lisbon
subnet:    /23	       /24	     /23               /23    Dynamic Dial-up Madrid
subnet:    /22         /24	     /23,/24           /22    Dynamic Dial-up London
subnet:    /22	       /24	     /23,/24           /22    Dynamic Dial-up Berlin
subnet:    /23	       /24	     /23               /23    Dynamic Dial-up Paris
subnet:    /23	       /24	     /23               /23    Dynamic Dial-up Rome
totals:    /19         /21,/22,/23   /20,/21,/22,/23   /19

% Which netname will be used when registering this network in 
% the RIPE Database?

% Please describe the equipment that will be used in the 
% network. Indicate the function of the equipment and provide 
% information regarding the way it uses IP address space.
equipment-name: Access Server
manufacturer-name: Cisco
model-number: 5300
other-data: one for each of the local operations

% If your description does not allow the Hostmaster to 
% understand the request you may be asked additional 
% questions. Please add any additional information that you 
% think may facilitate the evaluation of this request below.

All locations will have dynamic dial-up deployed for our local 
operatives to keep in touch with central offices. 
User modem ratio = 10:1.
The access servers can provide up to 240 concurrent connections each,
they will backhaul traffic via multiple E1s to our satellite set-up.

% Please enter "Yes" or "No" if you have attached a network 
% diagram in JPEG or PostScript format to this e-mail 
% request. 
diagram-attached: Yes


Best Regards,
Santa Claus

Network Administrator
Santa's Workshop Inc


IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies in the RIPE NCC
Service Region

RIPE Database User Manual: Getting Started