Supporting Notes for the IPv6 End User Site Assignment Request Form Filiz Yilmaz Bican, Emma Bretherick, Timothy McGinnis Document ID: RIPE-309 Date: 26 April 2004 Obsoletes: ripe-250, RIPE-281 See also: ripe-308 _________________________________________________________________ Contents Introduction Supporting Notes Example References Introduction This document contains instructions for completing the 'IPv6 End User Site Assignment Request Form'. It is a tool for gathering the information necessary to evaluate the request and to ensure that the same guidelines are applied to each request. Where necessary, the RIPE NCC will ask for additional information. The 'IPv6 End User Site Assignment Request Form' can be found at: Supporting Notes for the Request Form Templates #[GENERAL INFORMATION]# request-type: ipv6-enduser-assignment form-version: 1.1 Please do not alter the value of the 'request-type' and 'form-version' fields. x-ncc-regid: The Registry Identifier (RegID) must be included in every message sent to <>. It is used to identify the Local Internet Registry (LIR). It has the following format: <country code>.<organisation name> Warning: Requests sent to the RIPE NCC that lack a proper RegID (x-ncc-regid) will bounce back to the sender. #[OVERVIEW OF ORGANISATION TEMPLATE]# organisation-name: organisation-location: website-if-available: Please give us the official name, complete address and URL (if available) of the organisation that will be using the IPv6 address space. % % Question 1: Please provide a short description of the % organisation for which you are requesting the IPv6 address % space including services they provide and their function. org-description: In this field you should include all relevant information about the organisation requesting the address space. This can include the types of services (e.g. connectivity) provided, the geographical areas served, the types of customers served, etc. % % Question 2: Is this IPv6 request being made for the entire % organisation or will other parts of the organisation also % be requesting an assignment (e.g. from other Local Internet % Registries (LIRs))? for-whole-or-part-of-the-organisation: In this field, indicate if this is the only assignment that the organisation will be requesting. #[USER TEMPLATE]# % % Please enter the details of the person at the End User's % organisation. name: phone: fax-no: e-mail: nic-hdl: A nic-handle (nic-hdl) is a unique identifier for a person or a role object. It is generated by the database when creating the object. It has the following format: <initials>[number]-RIPE For example: HOHO15-RIPE More information can be found at: #[IPv6 ASSIGNMENT USAGE PLAN]# % Prefix When Used % Length Immediate 1yr 2yr Purpose subnet: This table represents each subnet and a description of the usage of the requested address space. Please repeat the 'subnet' field for all subnets required for this request. In the 'Prefix Length' column please enter the amount your organisation plans to use per subnet in IPv6 slash notation. In the 'Immediate' column please enter an x if you plan to use the subnet within three months. If the subnet will not be in use please enter a dash (-). In the '1yr' column please enter an x if you plan to use the subnet within one year. If the subnet will not be in use please enter a dash (-). In the '2yr' column please enter an x if you plan to use the subnet within two years. If the subnet will not be in use please enter a dash (-). In the 'Purpose' column please enter a short description of how the IP addresses being requested will be used. If an adequate explanation of the use of a subnet cannot be given in the space provided please title each subnet and provide a detailed explanation below the table. % % Which netname will be used when registering this network in % the RIPE Database? netname: Enter the netname that will be used for the inet6num object in the RIPE Database. The netname should be a concise, descriptive name for the network and should reflect the name of the address space user. Valid characters are letters, numbers and dash. Note that the netname that we approve for this assignment must be the netname that is used in the database object. If a different netname is used the object will be classed as "invalid" to the RIPE NCC. If you want to change the netname after approval contact <> with the same ticket number in the subject line. #[REQUIRED INFORMATION]# % % 1. IPv6 address space is allocated to LIRs and assigned to % End Users according to policies set by the RIPE community. % % Please confirm that you and the End Users have read the % policy document "IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment % Policy" and agree to abide by it. The document can be found % in the RIPE Document Store at: % % confirmation: Please state that you have read the IPv6 policy document and agree to follow the RIPE IPv6 policy. % % 2. Please explain why the End User site needs more than a % /48 for its network. reason: Please provide justification for assigning more than the default assignment size. #[INSERT SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS]# % % Please add any supplementary information that you think % may facilitate the evaluation of this request below. You may use this area/space for any additional comments you feel are important and did not fit within the previous templates. #[END OF REQUEST]# Please insert your signature in plain text (with your full name) after the above header. The Robot will not process any information included here. Example #[GENERAL INFORMATION]# request-type: ipv6-enduser-assignment form-version: 1.1 x-ncc-regid: nn.santa #[OVERVIEW OF ORGANISATION TEMPLATE]# organisation-name: Northern Nowhere Internet organisation-location: Polar City, Northern Nowhere website-if-available: www.northernnowhere.nn % % Question 1: Please provide a short description of the % organisation for which you are requesting the IPv6 address % space including services they provide and their function. org-description: Northern Nowhere Internet is an ISP serving the Christmastown community. We are located in Christmastown and peer at the XMAS-IX. We provide GPRS, Cable, DSL, Leased Line, Co-location and other Internet services. We serve residential customers. % % Question 2: Is this IPv6 request being made for the entire % organisation or will other parts of the organisation also % be requesting an assignment (e.g. from other Local Internet % Registries (LIRs))? for-whole-or-part-of-the-organisation: This request is for all of Northern Nowhere Internet. #[USER TEMPLATE]# % % Please enter the details of the person at the End User's % organisation. name: Elvis de Elf phone: +999 555 5555 fax-no: +999 555 5556 e-mail: nic-hdl: HOHO15-RIPE #[IPv6 ASSIGNMENT USAGE PLAN]# % Prefix When Used % Length Immediate 1yr 2yr Purpose subnet: /56 x x x Financial Services Departments subnet: /56 x x x Construction Services Depts. subnet: /56 - x x Logistics Regulation subnet: /50 - - x Home Working Dial-In subnet: /50 - - x Internet Services (Lolly PoP) subnet: /50 - - x Milk PoP subnet: /48 - - x Head Office % % Which netname will be used when registering this network in % the RIPE Database? netname: NOWHERE #[REQUIRED INFORMATION]# % % 1. IPv6 address space is allocated to LIRs and assigned to % End Users according to policies set by the RIPE community. % % Please confirm that you and the End Users have read the % policy document "IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment % Policy" and agree to abide by it. The document can be found % in the RIPE Document Store at: % % confirmation: Santa's Workshop Inc. and Northern Nowhere Internet have read the IPv6 policy document and agree to follow the RIPE IPv6 policy. Neither of us considers IPv6 address space as property. % % 2. Please explain why the End User site needs more than a % /48 for its network. reason: The network will be very large due to the massive number of people employed at Northern Nowhere internet. We expect to see well over 20,000 subnets in use within the next six months. Bearing in mind the aggregation principle and plans for realistic network growth we think a /47 is a reasonable assignment. Because Northern Nowhere Internet is single-homed to Santa's Workshop Inc. their prefix will not appear in the DFZ. #[INSERT SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS]# % % Please add any supplementary information that you think % may facilitate the evaluation of this request below. #[END of REQUEST]# Best Regards, Santa Claus Network Administrator Santa's Workshop Inc. References IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy Registration Services IPv6 links RIPE Database Reference Manual RIPE NCC LIR Portal